dinsdag 28 november 2017

F-35 arms trade by stealth

It is expected the European Parliament will adopt a resolution on Thursday November 30, on on the situation in Yemen. A concept version states:
“[The European Parliament] strongly criticises the intensive arms trade of Member States with various countries in the region, as in the cases of the UK, Spain, France and Germany; calls for an immediate suspension of arms transfers and military support to Saudi Arabia and to its coalition partners; reiterates its call on the Council to impose an EU arms embargo against Saudi Arabia given the serious allegations of breaches of international humanitarian law by Saudi Arabia in Yemen and the fact that the continued licensing of weapon sales to Saudi Arabia would therefore be in breach of Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of 8 December 2008.” (underlining author)
But not all arms trade is easily visible. Buying large military products often includes program participation (the difference with offsets is almost non-existent). As is the case with the biggest arms project of the moment: the development, production and overhaul of the F-35 Lightning II, still better known as Joint Strike Fighter or JSF. Only for the US the project runs into US$ 400 billion acquisition costs and over US$ 1.000 billion sustainment costs. It participation policies are exceptionally clear.
Defence industries are taken on board to produce parts of the bigger system, sometimes even before a government decides on buying. Brussels has not decided yet on the acquisition of the fighter, but recently Zaventem based Asco was offered the production of small part for the wing flaps for the F-35. The Asco wing flap parts will be transported to Fokker GKN in the Netherlands for assembling. The wing flaps are then delivered to Lockheed in the United States, where they are to be fixed to F-35's for the Pentagon or for export.
Export destinations are partner countries in the Lockheed F-35 programme and a growing number of global customers. Suppliers in all nine partner countries (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, UK, US) are producing F-35 components for all aircraft, not just for their own country. F-35 parts are exported around and thus arms control issues are at stake.
The incongruences with the EU common position on arms exports is at stake because Turkey is one of those nine. Ankara is known for its regular use of fighter jets in the airspace of neighbour countriesand against Kurdish targets, both civilian and military. Recently Turkey's participation in the F-35 programme was made an issue because the country wants to buy major Russian air defence missiles. As a NATO country, it is not forbidden to Turkey to do so, but the NATO alliance considers it undesirable. Participation in the F-35 was used to pressurize Turkey back into alliance procurement discipline. Turkey responded with a threat to remove an important US NATO radar station from Turkish soil when the fighters jets will not be delivered in time. Involvement of Turkey in the F-35 program is also controversial for human rights reasons. Die Linke in Germany demanded a full stop on arms sales to Turkey, as did the Greens during the Jamaica coalition negotiations.
Besides partner countries, there also countries participating in buying the F-35 through the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme, such as Israel, South-Korea and Japan. Like Turkey, Israel is also not very restrained when it comes to using its fighters against neighbours like Syria and in 'internal' affairs such as the occasional bombardments of Gaza.
Countries not participating in the programme or in FMS can buy the fighters as normal costumers. Belgium, Finland and Germany seem to have an interest. And recently several countries participating in the Saudi-led war coalition against Yemen where mentioned as potential customers by the United States.

Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force general Stephen Wilson told Flight Global that the US is looking in the Gulf for countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to sell the F-35. “So the discussions are ongoing now with the new administration on selling F-35s to partner nations that need them and require them.”
Also Bahrain, the authoritarian peninsular connected by a dam to Saudi Arabia (KSA), is regarded as a potential client for the F-35. According to US Defense News it may be a replacement for its ageing fleet of F-5's and F-16's (although this fleet is just updated in a billion dollar deal).
Bahrain and the UAE are both taking part in the air force operations on Yemen. Bahrain even lost a fighter plane in December 2015. The Emirates recently did send out this message showing its cost and involvement in the war: “UAE Armed Forces has announced the martyrdom of two Air Force pilots. (…) They died in the line of duty while carrying out their mission in Yemen.
The disasterous impact of the Saudi air campaign for people and infrastructure in Yemen is well documented. But despite this the fighters might even be sold to Saudi Arabia. “The US would consider selling F-35s to the Saudis if the Saudis were not a threat to Israel. And an indication they are not a threat to Israel would be for Saudi Arabia and Israel to take part in the same third-party air exercises” Simon Henderson, director of the Washington Institute’s Gulf and Energy Policy Program said. On the UAE deal Israel is considered to play a similar role. Flight Global regarded that: “Israeli objections could also quash any potential sale of the F-35 to the UAE.
The European Parliament adopted already several resolutions calling on the Member States to impose an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia for its role in Yemen. The situation has not improved since. Some Member States have a restrictive policy to Riyadh. But even those may be on the brink of delivering components, because of the participating in the programme. The US will take the political criticism of its export to KSA. It does not consider this a big deal. It is already overtly and militarily involved in the Saudi war atrocities and is refuelling e.g. planes bombing Yemen.
Remarkably, it is political concerns of Jerusalem that are key in decisions to deliver to the Gulf states or not. Restricted arms export policies towards KSA of EU allies involved in the F-35 are even never referred to and these countries keep silent themselves. It seems on the F-35 there are more important issues at stake than regional security and human rights; even for capitals such as Oslo and The Hague with rather restrictive policies for arms sales to the region.
Core EU members produce for the F-35 fighters and slavishly adapt to the US vision on who to sell it to. Hopefully the upcoming resolution urging Member States to impose an arms embargo on Saudi-Arabia is not dead before tabled, but comes to live; a clear no to F-35 exports to the war-involved Gulf countries should be part of that.

The text of the final resolution is weaker as the concept of earlier in the week, but the aim for an embargo - limited however on Saudi Arabia not the whole coalition - is still on the table: 
"15. Calls on the Council to effectively promote compliance with international humanitarian law, as provided for in the relevant EU guidelines; reiterates, in particular, the need for the strict application by all EU Member States of the rules laid down in Common Position 2008/944/CFSP; recalls, in this regard, its resolution on the humanitarian situation in Yemen of 25 February 2016, which calls on the VP/HR to launch an initiative to impose an EU arms embargo against Saudi Arabia, given the serious allegations of breaches of international humanitarian law by Saudi Arabia in Yemen and the fact that the continued licensing of weapons sales to Saudi Arabia would therefore be in breach of Common Position 2008/944/CFSP." (underlining by author)
F-35 Lightning II programmes in European countries
Number of
F-35 on order
Not yet decided acquisition
Lockheed advertises the involvement of Belgium companies in the F-16 programme.

Not yet decided acquisition

Interest in F-35 mentioned in press reports: Gerhard Hegmann, 'Luftwaffe liebäugelt mit US-Kampfjet F-35', Die Welt, 14 november 2017 (www.welt.de/.../Luftwaffe-liebaeugelt-mit-US-Kampfjet-F-35.html) This was denied couple of week later (https://www.defensenews.com/air/2017/12/12/spat-over-the-f-35-bubbles-up-in-germany/)
Leonardo (several departments), Mecaer, Piaggio Aero, Elettronica Melara, Moog Casella, Galileo Avionica, Sirio Panel, Cira, Aviogei, Aero Sekur, Secondo Mona, Gemelli, Logic, MBDA Italia, S3LOG, Vitrociset, Aerea (see: F-35 LIGHTNING II Creating Jobs. Securing Italy’s Future, Feb. 2017)
F-35 Final Assembly and Checkout Facility
A number of companies, most mentioned on f35.nl and updated in annual reports to Parliament. Most prominent Aeronamic, Dutch Aero, Fokker, NLR, Thales and TNO.
Storing and delivering of all spare parts for F-35's in Europe in ware house at Woesdrecht military base.
F-135 engine overhaul.
22 funded (of 52)
Kongsberg, Nammo
An engine depot will be established in Norway
100 (planned)
Alp Aviation, Aselsan, Ayesas, Fokker Elmo, Havelsan, Kale Aerospace, MiKES, ROKETSAN, Tubitak-SAGE, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI)
F-35 aircraft sustainment and F135 engine production and sustainment.
BAE Systems, GE Aviation, Martin-Baker, SELEX, Cobham, Ultra Electronics, UTC Actuation Systems and Rolls-Royce are just a few of the more than 100 U.K.-based suppliers for the program.

Source: Lockheed Martin, F-35 Lightning II, https://www.f35.com/

Geschreven voor Stop Wapenhandel

zondag 26 november 2017

Week 47 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

Dit viel mij op in een FD-artikel over het Defensiedebat in de Tweede Kamer. Kamerlid Sadet Karabulut van de SP stelde dat: "Zestien jaar zogenaamde interventies tegen het terrorisme hebben alleen maar meer terrorisme gebracht."

De opmerking (en bijval DENK) leidde tot een woedende reactie van de CDA'er Bruins Slot, in het verleden commandant van een panzerhouwitzerdetachement in Afghanistan. Hij noemde het "een belediging van militairen die veiligheid brengen".

Het is altijd moeilijk voor militairen om te beseffen dat kritiek op de politieke betekenis van een missie niet samenvalt met kritiek op de militairen zelf (dat was al zo bij de zogenaamde 'politionele acties' in Indonesië). Maar het is onmiskenbaar dat de interventies van het Westen een mobiliserende werking hebben gespeeld in de tactieken van de terreur groepen in Afghanistan, Irak en Libië. Dat ontkennen is een oplossing in de richting van meer veiligheid in de weg staan. Met name de bevolking van die landen mag zich dan verraden voelen.

Op 3 december organiseert het Amsterdams Vredesinitiatief een protest tegen de Nederlandse oorlogsmissies, wapenhandel, groeiende militaire uitgaven (geld dat beter naar onderwijs, zorg en milieu zou kunnen gaan). Het Vredesinitiatief stelt dat voor veiligheid meer diplomatie, rechtvaardige economie en een schoner milieu nodig zijn.

Er zijn al een aantal sprekers bekend: Geeske Hovingh, Wereldhuis; Roel Walraven, één van de mensen van het eerste uur van de massale acties tegen de Neutronenbom in de jaren 70/80; Wendela de Vries, een van de drijvende krachten achter Stop Wapenhandel; Rob Marijnissen, over rol vakbond bij vredesstrijd; en Abou Menehbi, migrantengemeenschap. Verder komt er nog een Syrische journalist spreken en is er 


Nederland (zie 2, 8, 13, 19-20, 23, 24, 25)

EUROPA (zie ook 14-15)

1 – 251117: EU army in the making. "EU bosses also set aside £4.9bn (€5,5bn) to fund military research and development into new hardware and the joint purchase of new equipment." #NoEUmoney4arms https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/884091/European-Union-army-military-news-EU-foreign-minister-Brussels-defence-security-video


2 – 211117: #Belgium’s #Asco produces spars in #Zaventum, #Fokker #Netherlands integrates those in flaps and ships them to #Lockheed Martin in the US and LM sells them to ... http://www.janes.com/article/75820/belgium-s-asco-awarded-f-35-contract

Frankrijk (zie 12, 21, 22)
Griekenland (zie 11)
Ierland (zie 6)


3 – 231117: #Airbus to build, SpaceX to launch #Turkey’s 2 new satellites. Gokturk-1 will be used against #PKK. https://www.defensenews.com/space/2017/11/13/airbus-to-build-spacex-to-launch-turkeys-2-new-satellites/

4 – 261117: IS battled and now: US cutting off arms supply to #Kurds fighting in #Syria http://daily.news.fabathome.org/news/us-cutting-off-arms-supply-to-kurds-fighting-in-syria #Turkey

5 – 20117: #Saudis in talks with #Turkish Aerospace Industry #TAI to buy six Anka turkish #MALE-#drones https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/2017/11/17/saudis-in-talks-with-tai-to-buy-six-anka-turkish-drones/


Armenië (zie 6)
Australië (zie 17)
Bahama's (zie 13)
Israël (zie ook 16)

6 – 201117: #Drone manufacturer Aeronautics Defence Systems Ltd contracted by the #Irish government is the subject of a criminal investigation by #Israeli police for allegedly testing a weapon on live targets in #Armenia. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/defence-force-drone-firm-used-live-target-for-tests


7 – 251117: Editorial: Trump's sales pitch for defense equipment won't convince Japanese public. Trump's marketing appears to be spurring a regional arms race.

(Which makes the region more instabel and more arms are needed. What a wonderful world.) http://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20171124/p2a/00m/0na/020000c


8 – 251117: Amendment urging the Dutch government to exercise its diplomatic powers to pressure Suadi Arabia and its allies to end the blockade on Yemen. [in Dutch by parties SP and PvdD] https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/kst-34775-XVII-29.html

Kameroen (zie 9)


9 – 241117: #Nigerian Federal Government blames shipping companies, agitation in Cameroon for Illegal Arms Imports - https://www.nigeriannewspapers.today/news/fg-blames-shipping-companies-agitation-in-cameroon-for-illegal-arms-imports-2384389.aspx


10 – 251117: #Texas company #AirTronic reports selling lethal weapons to #Ukraine, included RPGs. $26.9m US sales to Ukraine in 2016 authorized $17.6m shipped. $5m+ lethal weaponry, mainly comprising firearms and ammunition. https://www.voanews.com/a/texas-company-lethal-weapons-ukraine/4135364.html

Pakistan (zie 22)
Saoedi-Arabië (zie ook 5, 22)


Airbus (zie ook 3)

12 – 211117: #Airbus is the in France to use the new anti-#corruption law "#SapinII" which allows companies to escape criminal prosecution, provided they have took preventive measures and self-reported offenses discovered internally. https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/air-defense/030891450990-corruption-airbus-va-tester-la-nouvelle-loi-francaise-2131173.php


13 – 221117: http://thebahamasweekly.com  - Royal #Bahamas Defence Force hosts 3rd #Damen Stan Patrol User Group Conference http://www.thebahamasweekly.com/publish/international/Royal_Bahamas_Defence_Force_hosts_3rd_Damen_Stan_Patrol_User_Group_Conference56288.shtml

Fokker (zie 2)
Thales (zie 19-20)


Drones (zie 5, 6)
F-35 (zie 2, 7, 23)

Observatie technologie (IT)

14 – 251117: EP Preventing authoritarian regimes from #spying on their own citizens https://www.eureporter.co/frontpage/2017/11/24/preventing-authoritarian-regimes-from-spying-on-their-own-citizens/

15 – 251117: EU lawmakers back exports control on spying technology. MEPs of the trade committee voted by 34:1 votes in favour of a planned update to export controls on “dual use” products or technologies. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-trade-torture/eu-lawmakers-back-exports-control-on-spying-technology

16 – 221117: #Israeli Defence Ministry announced reform in its defence #exports controls, clearing the path for businesses in an ever-expanding market: #cyber surveillance. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-11/21/c_136769250.htm


17 – 211117: #Australia rushed into selecting a #submarine builder? How is it organised in other countries? https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/maritime-antisub/1554-future-submarines-decision-driven-by-political-imperatives

18 – 211117: US defence budget authorizes nearly $8 billion for submarine programs ($6bn Virgina-class #SSN and $ 2bn Colombia-class #SSBN) https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2017/11/21/new-military-budget-includes-billions-for-submarine-industry/


19 – 221117: Verdediging tegen raketten lastig omdat iedereen met eigen radar- en wapensystemen werkt. Door samenwerking @Defensie, @thalesnederland en # TNO loopt NL voorop. https://time.tno.nl/nl/artikelen/een-hightech-bescherming-tegen-inkomende-raketten/

20 – 241117: Vanavond zal het NOS Journaal aandacht geven aan de samenwerking op het gebied van radar tussen Thales, TNO en de Universiteit van Delft aan bod komen. De uitzending is om 20:00 uur. Kun je niet wachten, bekijk dan het 18:00 uur journaal terug via https://nos.nl/uitzending/29275-nos-journaal.html

Satellieten (zie 3)


21 – 251117: Chinese torture instruments withdrawn from Paris arms fair after NGO protest. It escaped the notice of #Milipol's controllers. http://en.rfi.fr/france/20171124-torture-instruments-withdrawn-paris-arms-fair-after-ngo-protest via @RFI_English


22 – 211117: On the former French Minister of Defence Leotard, corruption related to arms sales Saudi Arabia (Sawari II) and Pakistan (Agosta). [in French] Karachi: Léotard à nouveau visé par une enquête pour faux témoignage https://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/politique/20171114.AFP2994/karachi-leotard-a-nouveau-vise-par-une-enquete-pour-faux-temoignage.html via @LOb


23 – 251117: Lion share of Dutch defence budget swallowed by F-35 #JSF. [in Dutch] https://fd.nl/economie-politiek/1228604/kamer-argwanend-over-besteding-extra-geld-defensie #FD

24 – 221117: Als zelfs een van de hoogste marine officieren dit (zie hieronder) zegt. Maar NRC-Handelsblad neemt liever wel de strekking van het artikel van marineschepen.nl over. Tja. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2017/11/22/met-geld-alleen-komt-defensie-er-niet-bovenop-14149523-a1582119

@AdmiraalKramer Tuurlijk kennen wij uitdagingen op het gebied van onderhoud, jaren van bezuinigingen eisen hun tol. Maar het super negatieve beeld dat hier (zie hieronder) wordt geschetst kan ik me niet in vinden. Onze schepen zijn altijd zo uitgerust dat ze adequaat en veilig hun opdracht kunnen uitvoeren!

Grote technische problemen bij de voorhoede van de Nederlandse vloot. De fregatten kunnen nauwelijks vechten en het personeel raakt gedemotiveerd.


25 – 211117: Dit vond het bankwezen ook:
Luitenant-generaal Wijnen zegt: "Regels moeten soms overboord. (...) Iedere regel die je afschaft geeft mensen meer ruimte om te handelen."
Regels zijn er vaak ook om mensen te beschermen; tegen verkeerde verf bijvoorbeeld. https://www.nidv.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/NIDV_magazine_2017-3-DEF.pdf

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek

zondag 19 november 2017

Week 46 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

“De infrastructuur in Europa, inclusief die in Nederland, is niet meer geschikt voor legers. Oude bruggen en viaducten gaan nog wel. Die komen uit een tijd dat bij elke brug die stevig genoeg was keurig een bordje stond met een een tank erop. Maar juist de nieuwe ‘kunstwerken’ – zo licht en goedkoop mogelijk uitgevoerd - zijn obstakels geworden. Na de Koude Oorlog vond niemand het nog echt nodig om alles superzwaar te bouwen,” aan het woord is de commandant der strijdkrachten (CDS) Rob Bauer. Geen beter middel om de extra miljarden aan de bevolking te slijten dan angst.

Maar de angst is van korte duur. “Dit is de stille pacifistische golf, die hebben we even aan de achterkant geregeld,” zegt een woordvoerder van Rijkswaterstaat ironisch. De volgende schriftelijke verklaring vanuit die organisatie stelt: “Onze bruggen kunnen het gewicht van een tank plus dieplader – uitgaande van rond de honderd ton – dragen. Transporten tot honderd ton vereisen geen specifieke ontheffing. (…) Het komt geregeld voor dat we transporten tot boven de tweehonderd ton toestaan. Met onze havens en goede spoor- en wegennet biedt Nederland de NAVO een unieke logistieke capaciteit om snel grote hoeveelheden militair materieel te verplaatsen.” De CDS heeft kroegemopper op moderne architectuur en afname van de dreigingsperceptie verward met degelijk onderzoek.

Niet alleen in de VS zijn alternatieve feiten blijkbaar bon ton. Onze balken en strepen doen er fijn aan mee. Het lijkt allemaal bedoeld om de happen uit de staatsruif te vergroten. Of is dit een deel van de inwerkperiode van admiraal Bauer; trial and error voor de hoogste baas van de krijgsmacht. Hij vergiste zich gewoon. Goed dat de krant navraag deed.

Bron: Zware tanks hebben sterke bruggen nodig, NRC-Handelsblad, 16 oktober 2017.

Nederland (zie ook 7, 19, 22-23)

1 – 161117: Monthly report #Dutch dual-use #DU exports. A satellite to Russia, Presumably for launch, but for whom, what kind of training? Information security software and night vision equipment. #rijksoverheidnl https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/rapporten/2016/10/01/overzicht-dual-use-vergunningen

2 – 161117: Q&A on re-export of #HSA, #Thales equipment. [in Dutch] Egypt is using Dutch naval equipment in its operations to prevent arms entering Yemen. Is the use for the naval blockade excluded? https://www.tweedekamer.nl/downloads/document?id=3df720ee-8a3f-4365-982b-8a53d5cbea91&title=Antwoord%20op%20vragen%20van%20het%20lid%20Karabulut%20over%20Nederlandse%20technologie%20in%20Zuid-Koreaanse%20fregatten%20die%20o.a.%20aan%20Egypte%20worden%20doorverkocht%20.docx

EUROPA (zie ook 15, 18-19, 28)

3 – 111117: The Military-Industrial Complex #MIC Is Fundamentally Changing the European Union #EU via @thenation #NoEUmoney4arms https://www.thenation.com/article/the-military-industrial-complex-is-fundamentally-changing-the-european-union/

4 – 141117: Europan Naval Coop progress: Italian-French frigate pitch for Canada moves forward. But who will produce main parts radar, cds etc?https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2017/11/13/naval-airbus-progress-italian-french-frigate-pitch-moves-forward-for-canada/ … (#Damen)

5 – 161117: Today on @EURACTIV: supporting the arms industry will not lead to more security but will only increase arms exports #noEUmoney4arms #EUdefence http://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/opinion/support-for-arms-industry-will-not-make-the-world-a-safer-place/

6 – 161117: Next @EP_Defence meeting 22-23 Nov: debates on EU defence research, #MiddleEast, climate change & security, EU civilian missions in Niger & Iraq. Agenda http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2f%2fEP%2f%2fTEXT%2bCOMPARL%2bSEDE-OJ-20171122-1%2b01%2bDOC%2bXML%2bV0%2f%2fEN&language=EN

7 – 161117: Dutch SP amended European Defence Policy including a Defence Fund "which can run into €40bn." https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/h-tk-20172018-18-10.html

Duitsland (zie ook 15)

8 – 141117: #German arms exports to non-EU, non-NATO countries #rise #sharply - Xinhua | http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-11/15/c_136752456.htm

Frankrijk (zie 4)

Griekenland (zie ook 16)

9 – 151117: #Greece people pay the price for economic political crisis, but arms sales continue, like this US$ 2bn+ F-16 deal. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-11-14/html/2017-24622.htm

Italië (zie 4)


10 – 141117: #Norwegian arms exports may end for #Saudi coalition fighting in #Yemen. But Norwegian industry benefits from #F35 production. The fighters are ready for export to Gulf. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2017/11/13/norwegian-arms-exports-may-end-for-saudi-coalition-fighting-in-yemen/


11 – 141117: The foreign policy of an '#NATO'-dictatorship. #Turkey taps both Russian, European air defense options. #S400 #Eurosam https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2017/11/13/turkey-taps-both-russian-european-air-defense-options/

12 – 141117: "Perhaps one day #Erdoğan will have to stand trial for arming #jihadists, which led to the killing of so many in Syria and other places." http://www.yerepouni-news.com/archives/350443

VK (zie 17)

Zweden (zie 23)


Egypte (zie ook 2)

13 – 191117: Human Rights for Sale. #Egypt to sign new #Rafale #warplanes deal with #France: La Tribune http://www.egyptindependent.com/egypt-to-sign-new-rafale-warplanes-deal-with-france-la-tribune/

Filipijnen (zie 2)
Jemen (zie 2)


14 – 191117: US News: How to raise tensions. #Trump to be presented with $47M deal to arm $Ukraine against #Russia incl. #Javelin anti-tank missiles. http://abc7ny.com/2664251/

Rusland (zie 11)

Saoedi-Arabië (zie ook 8, 10)

15 – 121117: Green MP @nouripour: "Deutschland und die EU müssen die völkerrechtswidrigen Militäraktionen Saudi-Arabiens jetzt scharf verurteilen, alle Rüstungsexporte stoppen und die strategische Partnerschaft beenden." http://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/saudi-arabien/reformer-oder-kriegstreiber-53827522.bild.html

16 – 171117: Investigation ordered into #Greek army missile and bomb sales to #Saudi Arabia. http://www.ekathimerini.com/223346/article/ekathimerini/news/investigation-ordered-into-arms-sale

Syrië (zie 12)
VAE (see 20-21, 24)


17 – 141117: UK figures to March 2016 include crowd control equipment for use by law enforcement agencies. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/eu-venezuela-sanctions-arm-exports-ban-european-union-brussels-crisis-riot-gear-a8052671.html
Niet militair landingschip van Damen aan het werk.

18 – 141117: The official text of the Venezuela embargo. 2063 and 2074

19 – 151117: Text of EU arms embargo on Venezuela bans ALL new arms exports, but enables Spain and the Netherlands to deliver naval equipment. http://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2017/11/eu-imposes-weak-arms-embargo-on.html

Zuid-Korea (zie 2)

Damen (zie 4, 19, 23)
Thales (zie 2, 4)


F-35 (zie ook 10)

20 – 121117: US government is in early stages discussing of the sale of #F35 to allies on #Arabian Peninsular. #Dutch components http://aviationweek.com/dubai-air-show-2017/top-uae-air-force-general-positions-f-35

21 – 141117: First things first. Not potential use like Yemen, but to seal F-35 deal, UAE must agree to protect sensitive information. http://aviationweek.com/defense/seal-f-35-deal-uae-must-agree-protect-sensitive-information


22 – 161117: Nuttig bezoek NIDV DUKC platform aan @thyssenkrupp Marine Systems te Kiel ihkv project vervanging Walrus onderzeeboten. @kon_marine #Defensie

23 – 161117: Is the parliament cheated with official procedures, while industry and navy are already further on the acquisition track? "Saab and Damen are in the race to provide the substitute for the Walrus class submarine." http://nlnavy.damen.com/saab-damen-together-symposium/


24 – 111117: #Dubai Airshow just gets bigger and security is only used as a buzzword to sell more. http://aviationweek.com/dubai-air-show-2017/dubai-airshow-just-gets-bigger via @aviationweek


Defensiebudget (zie 22-23)

Lobby (zie ook 22)

25 – 181117: retweet @NIDVnews - Volgende week naar Eur. parlement met collega-directeuren van def/veiligh. associaties kleinere landen over Eur. onderzoeks- en industrieprogramma van Europees Defensie Fonds. Komende jaren ook essentieel voor NIDV-achterban. Level playing field cruciaal.

Onderzoek en activisme (zie ook 19)

26 – 141117: Autonomy in weapon systems: What is it? How is it developing? Why is it relevant? Read the new @SIPRIorg report: #CCWUN https://www.sipri.org/publications/2017/other-publications/mapping-development-autonomy-weapon-systems

27 – 151117: Global aerospace and defence mergers and acquisitions (M&A): Q3 2017 https://www.pwc.com/us/en/industries/industrial-products/library/aerospace-defense-quarterly-deals-insights.html

28 – 11117: New Dutch blog on European defence industrial developments. #noEUmoney4arms http://vreedzaameu.blogspot.com/2017/11/gaat-pesco-de-europese-defensie-echt.html

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek

dinsdag 14 november 2017

EU arms embargo on Venezuela enables continued arms sales

On November 13, the European Union adopted an embargo to Venezuela on all arms and on related material that might be used for internal repression. It is meant to underline the EU policy: “The EU calls upon the government to urgently restore democratic legitimacy, including through free and fair elections, and on the opposition to continue engaging in a united manner towards a negotiated solution to the current tensions, in the interest of the country. The EU reiterates its full support to regional and international efforts to find a lasting solution to the crisis."

An old light tank was burnt and used as a barricade during a protest on Feb. 20, 2014. It is now painted with the Spanish word for 'Peace', Luis Robayo (bron)

The Maduro regime has lost its legitimacy because of its corruption, violence, arrogance and incompetence. The opposition against it runs by now from far left to extreme right. An arms embargo is a pressure mechanism targeting those in power and not the population. The EU states: “These measures were designed not to harm the Venezuelan population whose plight the EU wishes to alleviate.” It is indeed the Venezuelan population which has to solve the internal socio-political chaos, without interference.

So far the Maduro regime is using mostly batons, small arms and light armoured vehicles for its repressive actions.

Militairy equipment

In the period 2014-2015 EU countries provided licenses for imaging equipment, light weapons and artillery, substantial aircraft exports, vehicles, tanks and armour (see table below). Not all licenses led to actual exports. But these licenses show that exports which can be used in human rights violations were considered appropriate by European countries such as Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Spain and the UK. The UK Independent pointed at the export of crowd control equipment for use by law enforcement agencies in 2016.

An overview of EU military exports to Venezuela based on the SIPRI database on arms transfers shows that Spain is by far the most important source for Venezuelan weapons. Madrid sold naval vessels valued at over one billion since 2001. For the Netherlands, the number two European supplier to the Venezuelan armed forces, reported sales are on naval fire control equipment of Thales Netherlands. Officially the Netherlands stopped arms sales to the country. However export continues, because these are after sales to earlier established exports.

Export military products 2001-2015 and 2014, 2015
Total 2001-2015
Light weapons, artillery

Vehicles, tanks


Weapon firing equipment




Czech Republic


Source: Official Journal of the European Union annual reports on the European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports via http://enaat.org/eu-export-browser/licence.en.html?destination=Venezuela by European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT).

Dutch export

Recently the Netherlands exported armed patrol vessels to Venezuela. The deliverances of these Dutch ships was debated in Parliament a year ago. In this debate the Minister of Foreign Affairs explained that the Damen ships were not reported in the list of military exports, because they are civilian. But a publication of Stop Wapenhandel pointed at a naval military magazine: “In this case however, according to this month’s issue of Sea Power, the Stan Patrol 4207 ships will be equipped with one 20mm canon, two 12.7mm and two 7.62mm machine guns. The Stan Patrol 2606 craft will be equipped with three 12.7mm and three 7.62 machine guns and one automatic grenade launcher each.” As this is equipment is added after export, it gives the European exporter space to use a broad bandwidth for the definition of 'civil'. Economic benefits seems to be the dececive factor in this export. Damen and Thales are the cornerstones of the Dutch defence industrial base.

Damen Cuba

The Cuban wharf of Dutch shipbuilder Damen, Damex, sold Stan Lander roll on – roll off vessels to Venezuela in 2011. In the military press they were reported at the time as tank landing ships. Dutch goverment however told the parliament: “The ships are not military vessels in the sense of ML9 of the Common list of military goods. They are not covered by the Dutch arms export regulations.” The Netherlands had excluded new military sales to Venezuela, but by categorising these ships as none-military this sale could continue. Damen itself advertises the ships more accuratedly on its website. “The DAMEN Landing Ship range is a state-of-the-art flexible Class designed to fulfil all traditional Landing Ship mission requirements, as well as the support and secondary mission tasks required by modern naval platforms of this size” In the rhetorical language of the Bolivarian revolution they are

The Los Frailes (T-91), Los Testigos (T-92) en Los Roques (T-93) and Los Monjes (T-94) are part of the navy of Venezuela and add to the logistics, operations and armed tasks. A second order for four ships of the same class was placed in 2015 at Damen's Vietnamese based Halong Shipbuilding Company. Pictures make clear they have a military task and may also be used for internal repression e.g. by bringing armoured vehicles to the place the government needs them.

Geschreven voor Stop Wapenhandel