maandag 12 april 2021

Afbraak wapenexportcontrole

In hun streven naar een Europese wapenindustrie willen Duitsland en Frankrijk meer samenwerken op het gebied van wapenproductie en daarvoor bedenken ze nieuwe regels. De relatief strikte Duitse uitleg van de wapenexportrichtlijnen dreigt daarmee op een hellend vlak te komen. En in het kielzog van beide grote landen dreigt dit ook te gaan gelden voor het wapenexportbeleid van andere Europese landen.

Eind 2019 had de European Round Table, een lobbyvereniging waar ook de bazen van de grote Europese wapenindustrieën deel van uitmaken, een speciale bijeenkomst in Toulouse, Frankrijk. Ze kregen daar gezelschap van Angela Merkel en Francois Macron. Op de agenda stond “een ambitieuzer Europees industrie- en innovatiebeleid.”

Eerder in 2019 presenteerden de Duitse bondskanselier en de Franse president al het Verdrag van Aken, waarmee hun militaire samenwerking werd geformaliseerd. Er waren daarna nog wel enkele hordes te nemen. Frankrijk wilde de mogelijkheid hebben gezamenlijk geproduceerde militaire goederen naar Saoedi-Arabië te exporteren, terwijl Duitsland een wapenembargo tegen het Saoedische koninkrijk heeft. In aanwezigheid van de top van de Europese militaire industrie hebben Merkel en Macron in de verklaring van Toulouse hun meningsverschillen over wapenexportcontrole bijgelegd. Deze verklaring versoepelt de industriële samenwerking op defensiegebied tussen Frankrijk en Duitsland, met name voor het toekomstige ambitieuze luchtwapensysteem (het Future Combat Air System, FCAS of Next Generation Weapon System, NGWS) en de gevechtstank European Main Battle Tank (de European Main Battle Tank, EMBT of Main Ground Combat System, MGCS), twee van de belangrijkste Europese wapensystemen die momenteel ontwikkeld worden. Daarnaast bevat de verklaring een bijlage van twee pagina's met wapensystemen die van deze samenwerking worden uitgezonderd. Dat zijn handvuurwapens, artillerie, munitie, projectielen en luchtframes en motoren voor militaire vliegtuigen, tankkoepels en chassis.

Kern van 'Toulouse' is informatie-uitwisseling in een vroeg stadium van een project, om onenigheid in een later stadium te voorkomen. Gewoonlijk wordt wapenexport gereguleerd door het Gemeenschappelijk Standpunt van de EU ( 2008/944 / GBVB) en het VN-Wapenhandelsverdrag (ATT). De belangrijkste verandering is dat wanneer er problemen ontstaan over de interpretatie van deze wapenexportregels, er in 'Toulouse' wordt gedefinieerd dat een zogenaamde de-minimisverklaring leidend is. Dit betekent dat wanneer subsystemen en componenten minder dan 20 procent van het wapensysteem uitmaken, het land waar het systeem wordt geassembleerd de exportbeslissing kan nemen (een vergelijkbare de-minimis wordt gevolgd in geval van reparatie, opleiding en revisie). Een specifieke export kan worden stopgezet wanneer de nationale veiligheid van Frankrijk of Duitsland in het geding is.

Nederlandse pleitbezorgers van wapenhandel

Net voor de Nederlandse verkiezingen gebruikten de (inmiddels afgetreden) parlementariërs Van Helvert (CDA) en Bosman (VVD) de uitkomst van Toulouse om een bijna volledige afbraak van de Nederlandse wapenexportcontrole voor te stellen. Ze schreven een notitie over het Nederlandse wapenexportbeleid waarin ze beweerden dat exportcontrole de Nederlandse militaire industrie ondermijnt door een te strikte en grillige interpretatie van het Europese Gemeenschappelijk Standpunt betreffende wapenexport. Volgens de Nederlandse centrumrechtse parlementariërs is Nederland de padvinder onder volwassen wapenexporterende EU-landen. Ze constateren dat sommige EU-landen streng zijn bij het toepassen van wapenexportcontrole, en andere flexibel. Van Helvert en Bosman categoriseren Duitsland, Zweden en Zwitserland in één groep met Nederland als landen die een strikte uitleg volgen. Frankrijk is de grote boosdoener op het gebied van wapenexport en beperkt deze nauwelijks. Volgens de Nederlandse parlementariërs faalt het Nederlandse wapenindustriebeleid door een te strikte en grillige wapenexportcontrole die deals met conflictregio's en mensenrechtenschenders beperkt.

De toenmalige parlementariërs onderstrepen het belang van de Nederlandse militaire industrie met cijfers en analyses. De militaire industrie genereert 0,7 procent van het bbp en levert tienduizenden banen op, maar geeft ook toegang tot de technologie van wapensystemen, de potentie om samen te werken bij ontwikkeling van wapens (waardoor Nederlandse militaire eisen kunnen worden meegenomen). Een sterke Nederlandse militaire industriële basis versterkt zelfs de Europese Unie, aldus de parlementariërs. Met zoveel Europees patriottisme kan men zich afvragen waarom CDA en VVD de aankoop van bijna de gehele vloot van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht in de VS steunden. Het kopen van Apache-gevechtshelikopters, F-35-gevechtsvliegtuigen, C-130-transportvliegtuigen, Chinook-heli's) en Patriot-raketten versterkt de Amerikaanse wapenindustrie, niet een Europese defensie-industriële capaciteit. Niet alleen in de lucht, maar ook op zee heeft de VS een sterke invloed; projectielen voor Nederlandse marineschepen worden voornamelijk aan de andere kant van de Atlantische Oceaan gekocht. Steun voor Europese productie lijkt slechts als gelegenheidsargument te worden gebruikt.

Europese Unie en Verenigde Staten

Dat de VS in de notitie ontbreekt is ook opmerkelijk aangezien de VS is al decennia lang de grootste importeur van Nederlandse componenten zijn. Er zijn nauwelijks politieke problemen geweest bij die leveringen. Nederlandse politici gaan ervan uit dat bondgenoten hun eigen wapenexportcontroles uitvoeren en eindbestemmingen voor onderdelen worden daarom niet gecontroleerd voor Nederlandse export naar de VS, Duitsland en andere EU / NAVO+-landen (behalve Turkije).Het probleem ligt niet op het gebied van de export van componenten. Het probleem voor de Nederlandse militaire industrie en hun spreekbuizen in het parlement zijn grotere subsystemen die worden ingebouwd in grote wapensystemen (vooral marineschepen) die bij export aan het parlement moeten worden gemeld. Bijna nooit zijn die meldingen een reden voor discussie en controverse, wel in het geval van Saoedi-Arabië en Egypte.

Sinds de Amerikaanse verkiezingen ligt het 'zachte' Nederlandse beleid ten aanzien van wapenexport naar Saoedi-Arabië in lijn met het standpunt van de VS. Verbazingwekkend hoe snel het buitenlands beleid kan veranderen. Al in de eerste maand ging het beleid van Biden rechtstreeks in tegen het beleid van zijn voorgangers Obama en Trump, die beiden Saoedi-Arabië steunden. De VS lijken op dit moment een meer op mensenrechten gericht wapenexportbeleid toe te willen passen.

Flexibel wapenhandelsbeleid

De Nederlandse parlementariërs stellen in hun memo voor om bij Europees Defensiefonds (EDF) gefinancierde projecten een algemene vergunning te verlenen nog voordat een wapensysteem is ontwikkeld. Hiermee moet worden voorkomen dat Nederlandse bedrijven buiten de boot vallen omdat potentiële partners vrezen dat de Nederlandse overheid uiteindelijk geen exportvergunning zal verlenen. (p. 11) In door het EDF gefinancierde programma's spelen verschillende Nederlandse bedrijven zoals TNO en Damen een grote rol en er is een groeiend spectrum aan wapens die binnen het programma gesteund worden. Het voorstel opent bijvoorbeeld de deur voor ongebreidelde medewerking aan ontwikkeling, productie en export van drones – dit is namelijk een van de sleuteltechnologieën waarop de EU zich richt – als Nederlandse bedrijven meedoen in met EU-financiering door het EDF.

Andere voorstellen van de twee inmiddels afgezwaaide parlementariërs zijn:
- deelnemer worden aan de Duitse Franse verklaring van Toulouse (of als dit niet lukt het gelijkaardige bilaterale overeenkomst aangaan met een van hen of andere lidstaten van de Europese Unie en Noorwegen)
- de 20 procent 'de minimis'-regel gebruiken als standaard bij de verkoop van subsystemen en componenten voor belangrijke wapensystemen die door de EU en Noorwegen worden geproduceerd.
- ruimte creëren voor meer inbreng van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken ten opzichte van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken als het gaat om wapenexportbeslissingen.

Componenten en subsystemen

Componenten vormen het grootste deel (rond 80%) van de Nederlandse wapenexport en worden bij export naar een EU / NAVO + -land niet vaak als problematisch ervaren, ook niet als de eindbestemming van de wapensystemen in Nederland controversieel zou zijn. Ze vallen zelfs onder de Algemene en Globale exportvergunningen*. Daardoor is er voor wapenindustrieën nauwelijks een belemmering om hiermee internationaal samen te werken en onderdelen tussen bedrijven uit te wisselen.

Ook grotere subsystemen voor grote wapensystemen zijn zelden controversieel. Subsystemen kunnen gevechtsdatasystemen en vuurleidingsradar zijn. Thales levert momenteel subsystemen voor Duitse fregatten die naar Egypte worden geëxporteerd. Het is een van de grootste vergunningen die in 2020 zijn afgegeven. De schepen kosten € 5-600 miljoen, de systemen € 114 miljoen. De 20 procent de-minimisregel is misschien net genoeg om zelfs deze grote export buiten controle van het Nederlands parlement te houden.

Hoge standaard

Bij nadere beschouwing van de Duits-Franse samenwerking wordt wel duidelijk dat Bosman en Van Helvert enkele cruciale punten hebben gemist:

– de Duits-Franse band is niet zo sterk als het memorandum suggereert. In de media zijn de moeilijkheden tussen Duitsland en Frankrijk bij de ontwikkeling van het Future Air Combat System (het belangrijkste onderdeel van de militaire industriële samenwerking) breed uitgemeten. Na weken van moeizame onderhandelingen werden slechts minieme resultaten bereikt en er is nog steeds een reële dreiging van een veto over het programma. Ook de gevechtstank lijkt vast te lopen. Franse defensiedeskundigen schreven onlangs in een gezamenlijk ingezonden artikel dat Duitsland “een partner is die niets gemeen heeft met Frankrijk.”
– Bosman en Van Helvert suggereren ten onrechte dat de overeenkomst alle militaire componenten omvat. De bijlage sluit een breed scala aan wapensystemen uit, waaronder houwitsers zoals de PzH2000 (door hen juist als voorbeeld genoemd van een wapen dat baat kan hebben bij een dergelijke overeenkomst).
– De ontwikkelingen in het wapenexportbeleid van de Verenigde Staten hebben een dynamiek die richting het Nederlandse beleid gaat. In Frankrijk zelf worden de ontwikkelingen in het wapenexportbeleid ook steeds meer in twijfel getrokken, dat blijkt bijvoorbeeld uit het Franse parlementaire Maire-Tabarot rapport over wapenexportcontroles. Franse politici en ngo's maken zich steeds meer zorgen over wapenexport. Nederland wordt in dat debat naar voren gebracht als voorbeeld.

De Duitse wapenindustrie wil het lakse Franse beleid gebruiken om de Duitse strikte wapenexportcontrole te omzeilen. Er is geen enkele reden om in Nederland dit idee te omarmen. Het huidige wapenexportregime biedt meer dan voldoende ruimte voor industrieën om samen te werken. En slechts in enkele gevallen wordt een levering een halt toegeroepen. Maar dat is nou precies het doel van het wapenexportbeleid. Misschien is het waar dat als Nederlanders geen wapens levert, en andere landen wel, het resultaat nihil is. Maar als Nederland anderen gaat volgt in die laksheid, dan is het resultaat ook duidelijk: dan zal de controle op wapenexporten verzwakken of zelfs verdwijnen.
Martin Broek, april 2021

* Zie voor een recentere User Guide in het Nederlands: HANDBOEK STRATEGISCHE GOEDEREN EN DIENSTEN; Geschreven voor bedrijven en andere belangstellenden (Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, maart 2018)

Geschreven voor Stop Wapenhandel
Een Engelstalige versie hier.

vrijdag 9 april 2021

Race to the bottom on arms export control

In their aspirations towards a European arms industry, Germany and France want to cooperate more in arms production and invent new rules. As a consequence, the humanitarian position of Germany is on a slippery slope. And so are the arms export policies of other European countries.

Late 2019, the European Round Table, a lobby association that includes the leaders of large European defence industries, had a special meeting in Toulouse, France. They were joined by Angela Merkel and Francois Macron. Topic on the agenda was “a more ambitious European industrial and innovation policy.

Earlier that year the German Chancellor and the French President had presented the Treaty of Aachen, to confirm continued defence friendship although France wanted to export jointly produced military goods to Saudi Arabia while Germany has an arms embargo to the Saudi kingdom. Supported by the presence of top European military industry leaders, Merkel and Macron solved their differences in the Toulouse declaration on arms export control. This declaration smoothens defence industrial cooperation between France and Germany on the Future Air Combat System (FCAS or Next Generation Weapon System, NGWS) and the European Main Battle Tank (EMBT or Main Ground Combat System, MGCS), two of the major European weapon development programs. The declaration includes a two page long annex listing weapon systems not covered by it. Which are small arms, artillery, ammunition, projectiles and air frames and engines for military planes, tank turrets and chassis.

Key element of 'Toulouse' is information exchange in the early stages of a project, to prevent disagreement in a later stage. In general arms export is regulated by the EU Common Position (2008/944/CFSP) and the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The major change is that when problems arise about interpretation of the arms control regulations, it is defined in 'Toulouse' that a so-called de-minimis declaration is leading. Meaning that when subsystems and components making up less than 20 per cent of the weapon system the supplying countries of the subsystems follows the decisions of the country of final assemblage (a simililar de-minimis is followed in case of repair, education, and overhaul). A specific export can be stopped when the national security of France or Germany is at stake.

Dutch arms trade proponents

Just before the Dutch elections, parliamentarians Van Helvert of the Christian Democrats (CDA) and Bosman of the Liberal Party (VVD) used the outcome of the Toulouse high-level lobby event to propose a nearly full demolition of Dutch arms export control. They wrote a memorandum on Dutch arms export policy claiming that export control is undermining the Dutch military industry, due to a too strict and capricious interpretation of the European Common Position on Arms Export. According to the Dutch center right parliamentarians the Netherlands is boyscout among grownups in arms exporting EU. Some EU countries are strict when applying arms export control, others are flexible. Van Helvert and Bosman categorize Germany, Sweden and Switzerland in one group with the Netherlands as countries applying strict implementation. France is the proverbial black kettle on arms exports, hardly restricting it at all. According to the Dutch parliamentarians, a strict arms export control which limits deals with conflict regions and human rights violators is a failing arms industry policy.

According to the parliamentarians, the military industry is important for the Netherlands, contributing 0.7 per cent of GDP and tens of thousands of jobs, but also giving direct access to weapon systems, the potential to co-develop (providing possibility to include Dutch military requirements). A strong Dutch military industrial base strengthens the European Union, according to the parliamentarians. With so much patriotism one can wonder why CDA and VVD were backing the acquisition of almost all Royal Dutch Air Force assets in the US. Buying Apache attack helicopters, F-35 fighter aircraft, C-130 transport planes, Chinook heli's, and Patriot missiles is contributing to American not to European arms industrial base. Not only in the air, but also at sea the US has a strong influence; naval projectiles for Dutch naval vessels are mainly bought on the other side of the Atlantic. Support for European production seem to be used just as an occasional argument.

European Union and United States

That the US is absent in the memorandum is remarkable, because the US is the largest importer of Dutch components for decades and only seldom there have been obstacles with those deliveries. Dutch politicians assume that allies do their own arms export controls and thus final destinations for components are not controlled for Dutch exports to the US, Germany, and other EU/NATO+ countries (except Turkey). Apparently the problem is not the export of components. The problem for the military industry and their mouthpieces in parliament is bigger subsystems for major weapon systems which have to be reported to Parliament when exported. Hardly ever a case for discussion and controversy, but in the case of Saudi Arabia it is.

Since the US elections the 'soft' Dutch policy on arms export to Saudi Arabia is in line with the US position. Amazing how quickly foreign policy can change. In its first month at the center stage Biden mirrored the policy of his predecessors Obama and Trump, both supporting Saudi Arabia. Change is part of foreign policy, some parts are more stable than other parts, but change is inevitable and also arms trade policy adapts to new realities on power balances and geopolitical change. That is reason the arms export criteria are kept multi-interpretable. Now the US seems to adapt a more human rights focused arms export policy. The Dutch position is not weaker, as both argue, but stronger.

Flexible arms trade policy

The proposals of the Dutch politicians might be copied by arms trade proponents in other countries so a close look is necessary. The Dutch politicians propose in their memo that for European Defence Fund (EDF) financed projects a general license should be granted even before a weapon systems is developed. This should prevent that Dutch companies are left out because potential partners fear the Dutch government might not grant an export license in the end. (p. 11) In EDF funded programs several Dutch companies like TNO and Damen play a major role and there is a growing universe of weapons involved. The proposal opens the door for example for drones – one of the key technologies the EU focuses on to be exported freely because of EU-funding.

Other proposals by the parliamentarians are:
  • to become participant in the German French Toulouse declaration (or if this fails starting a similar bilateral agreement with one of them and other European Union Member states and Norway).
  • use the 20 per cent 'de minimis' rule as standard when selling subsystems and components for major weapon systems produced by EU and Norway.
  • Create space for more input on arms export decisions from the Ministry of Economics relative to Foreign Affairs.
Components and subsystems

Components are the main part of Dutch arms exports and not often seen as problematic when exported to a EU/NATO+ country, even when the final destination for the weapon systems would be controversial in the Netherlands itself. They even are subject to Global transfer and export licenses and General transmission licenses*. There is hardly any obstacle for arms industries to work together here and exchange components between companies.

Also larger subsystems for major weapon systems are very seldom controversial. Subsystems may be combat data systems and fire control radar. Currently Thales is delivering subsystems for German frigates build to be exported to Egypt. It is one of the largest licenses given in 2020. The ships cost € 5-600 million, the systems cost € 114 million. The 20 per cent de-minimis rule may be just enough to push even this large export out of Parliamentary control.

High standard

When looking more closely into the German French cooperation it become clear Bosman and Van Helvert missed some crucial parts of it:
  • the German-French connection is not as well established as the memorandum suggests. Recent media articles report on the difficulties between Germany and France in development of the Future Air Combat System (the most important part of military industrial cooperation), with some minor results after several weeks of arduous negotiations, but a veto on the program is still seen as a real threat. Also the common combat tank is struck in its tracks. French defence specialists recently wrote in an OpEd hat Germany is: “a partner who has nothing in common with France.”
  • Bosman and Van Helvert suggest wrongly that the agreement covers all military components. The annex excludes a wide array of weapon systems, including howitzers like the PzH2000 (mentioned by them).
  • Developments in the United States arms export policy have dynamics relating to the Dutch policy. In France itself arms export policy developments are also becoming more questioned as e.g. the French parliamentary Maire-Tabarot report on arms export controls sows. French politicians and NGO increasingly raise arms export concerns. They bring the Netherlands forward as the example to follow.

The German arms industry wants to use the lax French policies to break the German strong human rights orientation in arms export. There is no reason to embrace this idea. The present arms export regime provides more than enough mechanisms for industries to work together. And in some cases, an export is stopped. But that is exactly the aim of the policy. It might be sort of true that when the Dutch do not sell arms while others do, the result is nihil. But when the Netherlands follows others in more lax policies, there is a clear result: it becomes worse.

* See for more recent User Guide in Dutch: HANDBOEK STRATEGISCHE GOEDEREN EN DIENSTEN; Geschreven voor bedrijven en andere belangstellenden (Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken , March 2018).

Written for Stop Wapenhandel
Nederlandstalige versie hier.

dinsdag 6 april 2021

My tweets for April 2021

Latest on top (updated regularly):

April 30

Ban U.S. Weapon Sales To Human Rights Violators: Sen. Menendez

A bill would ban U.S. arms sales that inflict misery on civilians in foreign nations. It's "common-sense reform," Sen. Bob Menendez says.

South #Korea’s defense procurement agency has announced a plan to introduce locally built marine attack helicopters based on the Surion designed for amphibious assault and close-air support. #KAI developed the Surion with the help of #Airbus Helicopters.

180 organizations from 30 different countries have come together to urge governments to drastically reduce their military expenditure and make human security-oriented sectors, such as health and the environment, the priority of public policies and budgets.

April 29

Europees Netwerk tegen Wapenhandel Persbericht - Vandaag brengt 't Europees Parlement een beslissende stem uit over het Europees Defensiefonds #EDF, waarmee € 8 miljard uit de EU-begroting 2021-27 wordt toekend aan R&D van wapens en militaire technologie.

Addition: A majority in @Europarl_EN end of European Union #peace project. All changes proposed by @Left_EU & @GreensEFA to stop #EuropeanDefenceFund or at least improve transparency, parliamentary oversight, ethical control or prohibition of weapons of mass destruction were rejected.

Addition: European Parliament approved the controversial €7.9 billion European Defence Fund (EDF), clearing the way for the bloc’s first-ever dedicated programme for military research intended to bolster military cooperation between EU member states.

Hypersonic Weapons: Background and Issues

for Congress

Updated April 26, 2021

The good news: Brisbane weapon expo protest planned.

1 - The European Parliament last week tabled motions to report on EU-NATO cooperation in the context of transatlantic relations.

2 - US F-35 fighter jets delivered to Israel this week.

3 - As an example, Honeywell and GKN Aerospace’s Fokker Landing Gear business in the Netherlands have signed a license and parts supply agreement for an authorized service center for Honeywell’s wheels and brakes on the F-35 military fighter jet.

4 - Who knows how many European components and parts are assembled in those F-35's, from which countries and how this relates to the European arms export policies?

It is a secret to civil society.

No knowledge.

No questions asked.

No debate.

The reason I come across this opinion on how #Zuma is playing for time (privilege of the powerful and wealthy) in the corruption case, is that the partly French state owned military company #Thales is mentioned (nice and quiet behind its brother in crime).

The Sherpa association, which fights against economic crime, is relaunching a court case: the Rafale affair. The sale of 36 French fighter jets by Dassault Aviation to India involves alleged corruption, now widely documented by the Indian and French press.

Responding to new delays to F-35 fighter program, senior House Democrats are threatening to limit aircraft production & end the practice of adding funding for aircraft the Pentagon never requested. Laundry list of program problems includes cost overruns...

The appeals court ruling will lift restrictions on exporting specs for 3D-printed guns, but President Joe Biden announced in early April that the Justice Department would issue new rules for ghost guns within 30 days.

Hiding behind a leap forward? Brussels should look into the issue of private entrepreneurs being involved in ammo depots in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, Russian FA Minister Lavrov said, commenting on the accusations of Bulgaria against Russia.


Retweet @keesamok: European police developed a manual of crowd control techniques for the Myamar police as part of the EU support scheme Mypol - "the [Myanmar] police took the draft [manual] and added the ‘offensive’ chapters themselves"

Mypol did not provide training in progressive use of force or use of weapons to the specialist units, the EU official said. “Eventually the [Myanmar] police took the draft and added the ‘offensive’ chapters themselves,” they said.

Report by the ATT expert group convened by Saferworld on ATT Article 7(1)(b)(iii–iv) relating to terrorism and transnational organised crime (TNOC).

Also for those who think arms trade should be brought down by pressure and not demand, interesting reading.

Corruption in military business shows how they despise what they say to protect (and are paid for by all): the values, human rights and democracy, let alone the peoples. Maybe that's the biggest fraught.

Retweet @andrewfeinstein: GPT pleads guilty to corruption in yet another corrupt UK - Saudi defence contract. It is only when senior executives go to jail that corruption in the arms trade will slow down

Want to know which weapons #EU is funding? Today @ecrgroup should vote against #EuropeanDefenceFund and promote a new human- and climate-centred security paradigm. #noEUmoney4arms #MoveTheMoney #HealthcareNotWarfare #EarthCareNotWarfare #EuropeanDefence

Retweet @_ENAAT:
  Want to know which weapons #EU is funding? Today @ecrgroup should vote against #EuropeanDefenceFund and promote a new human- and climate-centred security paradigm. #noEUmoney4arms #MoveTheMoney #HealthcareNotWarfare #EarthCareNotWarfare #EuropeanDefence

Retweet @_ENAAT: Want to know which companies and countries get most subsidies with #EuropeanDefenceFund?

Today @Europarl_EN should stop it and #MoveTheMoney to human security and peaceful resolution of conflicts. #noEUmoney4arms #EuropeanDefence #EarthCareNotWarfare

April 28

Op-ed on Military Expenditures, Gender Equality & Peace. By Ms. Nakamitsu, UN HR for Disarmament Affairs & Ms. Mlambo-Ngucka, Director of UN Women. “Security” that fuels the weapons industry cannot protect us from dangers & challenges we routinely face.

Italy’s armed affairs with al-Sisi’s Egypt (in spite of Zaki and Regeni) Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo has been saying for some time: for the 2nd consecutive year, Egypt is the main buyer of weapon systems exported by Italian military production companies.

@letysedou"how, where and when should the EU act militarily". When @_ENAAT was denouncing rampant #EU militarisation since 2016 we were not taken seriously... #noEUmoney4arms #EuropeanDefence #MoveTheMoney

Original tweet Daniel Fiott: Today, we keep the dialogue on the #StrategicCompass going. This time with a special focus on the operational dimension! How, where and when should the EU act militarily? Thanks to our partners @Clingendaelorg @minbuza @Defensie Thanks to our speakers @DGEUMS @Nic_Koenig!

A Proposal for a Ban on Destructive Anti-Satellite Testing: A Role for the European Union


Retweet @gppacnea:
Civil society in #Seoul join the #GDAMS Global Day of Action on #MilitarySpending @DemilitarizeDay calling for a stop to increased defense spending for progress of the Korean Peninsula peace process, and responding to #COVID19 - see their declaration here!

Thales selected by Lockheed Martin to supply anti-submarine warfare sonar to the US, Indian, Greek & Danish navies; Lockheed & Thales have finalized negotiations to supply up to 55 ALFS anti-submarine warfare sonars to the US Navy and several other navies.


The Times Higher Education Supplement 290421 noted in its review of Genius Makers by Cade Metz: "the interest of the military in the development of autonomous weapon systems is a worry...some tech companies that formerly espoused a firm ethical stance have seen...principles slip.

Military transport helicopters is a capability that is in short supply. So the UN, through #EDA and on German recommendation, hired a civilian aviation company: the Global Helicopter Service (GHS) from Kirchanschöring in Upper Bavaria.

US military starts a policy of “multiple lines of defense” approach to countering climate risks “that can include a mix of management, temporary, structural, nature-based, and nonstructural measures.”

Included links to:

NATO officials are kicking around a new set of questions for member states on artificial intelligence in defense applications, as the alliance seeks common ground ahead of a strategy document planned for this summer.

Addition: High-level conference online conference co-hosted today by #EDA & Portuguese MOD, senior representatives from MoDs, defence research centres, industry, European institutions as well as NATO discussed impact of emerging disruptive technologies on defence

Light tanks, fighter jets and more: India 3rd largest military spender in world

In the pandemic year, the Stockholm-based SIPRI noted, US accounted for 39% of the money spent on military globally, China accounted for 13%, and India 3.7% of the global share


In the early phase of the covid crisis people hoped money would be shifted from military budgets towards expenditures on threats to safety like health, climate, poverty etc. It seems military lobbies were stronger. And they expect even more for this year. Arms don't stop covid-19

Retweet @SIPRIorg: Military spending as a share of GDP—military burden—reached a global average of 2.4% in 2020, up from 2.2% in 2019. This was the biggest year-on-year rise in the military burden since the global financial and economic crisis in 2009. Read more ->


Er woedt een gezondheidscrisis, er woedt een klimaatcrisis, er is een groeiende ongelijkheid tussen rijk en arm.... maar => Militaire uitgaven stijgen wereldwijd tot recordhoogte.

April 27

Arms exports to the UAE encourage repression and tyranny in the region

Original is half a year old, but the message is unfortunately still valid:

The US State Department on Friday approved a $1.6 billion foreign military sale of MQ-9B #drones for #Australia. It also contains a suite of sensors and weapons, predominantly manufactured by #Raytheon Technologies, #Lockheed Martin and #Leonardo.

Israel's Rafael is reportedly on the verge of acquiring Bavarian drone producer Firma EMT Ingenieurgesellschaft Dipl.-Ing. Hartmut Euer mbH, which is in the process of bankruptcy.

Swedish SAAB on its rosy future: “There is no sign of any less market activity or less demand,” he said. “On the contrary, many countries have the feeling that they need to protect societies. There is a little bit more nationalist sentiment.”

Illegal occupation backed by a strong military. "Maintaining a modern and well-supplied army has become a key aspect of Morocco's strategy for Western Sahara," wrote Economist in Intelligence Unit report of 26/04/21. Rabat+Algiers took 70% of Africa's major arms imports, 2016-20.

This citicism on arms control sounds familiar & pops up regularly in several countries. "Significant delays in reviewing applications for arms exports are hurting Canada's defence industry and could cost this country jobs, business groups and experts say." Globe & Mail 27/4/21

Addition: Here a link to the text on Canadian 'Consultants say delay in evaluation of arms exports threatens jobs'

Turkish nationalist viewpoint on Turkish-US relations. "Nothing will be the same." But although low there is no end in sight.

The Air Force of #Zimbabwe (AFZ) has taken delivery of an #Airbus H215 helicopter that is set to replace the aged Cougar helicopter currently used to fly President Emmerson Mnangagwa around the country.

Next step in #F126 frigates (formerly #MKS180). #Damen Shipyards Group and the Hamburg Ship Model Basin have concluded a contract for an extensive series of model tests for the hydrodynamic development of the F126 frigates for the German Navy.

Why Biden White House lifted arms sales freeze to #UAE #KSA. Article lists: Iran, economics, Saudi relationship (considered to adapt to criticism), keep China away. Hardly why Biden has backed off pledge to treat the Saudis as “the pariahs that they are”.

Global military expenditure hit record levels last year, with governments shelling out nearly $2 trillion (CHF1.8 trillion). #Switzerland was the 14th biggest exporter of weapons, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

#France's Naval Group is trying to get back into the Egyptian market. It offers to sell #Egypt mine countermeasures vessels via a contract which will certainly involve offsets, which are the key to success on the Egyptian military equipment market. PayWall,109660489-ge0

April 26

Honeywell and GKN Aerospace’s Fokker Landing Gear business in the Netherlands have signed a license and parts supply agreement for an authorized service center for Honeywell’s wheels and brakes on the F-35 military fighter jet.

Leonardo to acquire a 25.1% stake in HENSOLDT AG for approx. € 606 million

The super slomo of getting a trial and justice done on corruption in the military industry deserves a place in the World Guinness Book of Records. Former SA president Zuma and Thales protested the accusations many times and delayed the process.

Dutch frigate goes to Asia alongside British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elisabeth - "a floating trade center" - to protect British hard and soft power.

@BBCBreakfast: Aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth will depart for it’s first operational deployment next month. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace spoke to #BBCBreakfast alongside the warship in Portsmouth. He explained what it will be used for.

Assertive China policy made central in UK (with US and Dutch in its furrow) sales and hard diplomacy naval trip to Asia.

Die Linke stands alone with demand to ban weapon exports passing the harbour of Antwerp. Green MP Michael Gwosdz said "a strict arms control law at the federal level" is key in dealing with arms exports.

Addition: Demo in Hamburg: "Stop arms exports!" The TATORT Kurdistan campaign organized an anti-militarist demonstration. Signatures were collected for the "People's Initiative against the Transport and Transshipment of Armaments via the Hamburg Port." Url 'anfenglish' impossible to tweet.

It sounds as a 19th Century - when steel was central in military production - outburst with a pun.

STEELING OUR JOBS Industry fury as imported steel used for Britain’s new fleet of warships.


A shocking graph. 12 NATO members spent 2% or more of their GDP on their militaries, NATO’s guideline spending target, compared with 9 members in 2019. France e.g., the 8th biggest spender globally, passed the 2% threshold for the 1st time since 2009.

April 25

Dutch Government on export of naval systems to Brazil, value € 20 million.

Dutch MP @JaspervanDijkSP #SP asked a wide ranging and interesting series of questions on the deal (based mainly on English language sources with URLs).

Selling arms to the #UAE is not In US security interests. By @WilliamHartung

Realised the European Satellite Center works on all those fields?

Maritime Ops EU NAVFOR MED Atalanta (combatting countering piracy near Somalia),

EU NAVFOR Med Sophia (stopping refugees) &

Ops EU NAVFOR MED IRINI (implementing UN arms embargo to Libya).

European lobby for higher military expenditures, defence industry and military capacity expansion. European Defence Agency #EDA proposes achievable objectives for 2021 as well as options on how the agency could support the Member States in their efforts.

April 24

Yolcu, the research assistant in the Middle East Institute at Sakarya University, notes that "Western powers symbolize the first ring of arms production enjoying the innovative superiority for almost over three centuries."

More bad news for JSF customers. The cost of the F-35′s engine is set to increase by 3 percent due to Turkey’s removal from the program in 2019, the head of Pratt & Whitney’s military engines division said Thursday.

Quakers says that the EU continue to invest in carbon-intensive activities such as the arms trade. Its report entitled, Climate, Peace and Human Rights (, says that Europe’s military sectors operate under a “state of exemption.”

Nederlandse marine wil nieuwe schepen, maar: "op dit moment [is] geen enkel marineschip robuust gevuld. Ofwel, in staat om met een volledige bemanning 24/7 alle taken uit te voeren die worden opgedragen."

#US is by far the leading arms supplier to #Saudi Arabia & #UAE (respectively 61 & 56% of all weapons imported 2000-19). China did not break with both the 1% mark during that period. But this percentage is mentioned to defend Bidens potential sales to KSA.

The F-35 (the most expensive weapon system ever) debacle part 932:

The US DoD is pausing its efforts to field replacement software for the F-35′s troubled logistics system due to a lack of funding, the head of the F-35 program office said Thursday.

April 23

@nukestrat: @GAO report concludes the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter’s current sustainment costs make the aircraft unaffordable. And mission capable rates are well below requirement: In 2020, full mission capable rate was 54%, nearly 20% below 72% goal. #F35

BAE faces growing investor revolt over chief executive’s pay

Shareholder unrest increases over plans to hand extra £2m to head of UK’s largest defence contractor

High court to hear legal battle over UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Campaign Against Arms Trade claims UK-made weapons have been used in airstrikes in Yemen that breach humanitarian law.

April 22

How to produce more Dutch parts of weaponry for international Original Equipment Manufacturers? Dutch military industry lobby organisation NIDV bridges gap between OEMs and Dutch small and middle seized tech producers.

We gaan beginnen met de #InternationalMatchmakingDay2021 waarbij internationale OEM's in gesprek gaan met #MKB over #kansen.

No country has halted arms deliveries to Myanmar following a military coup in February or taken any real steps to impose an arms embargo despite relevant appeals, military government spokesman Gen. Zaw Min Tun told Russian Sputnik.

Australian Karen Organisation national president Saw Lwin Oo asked the Aussie government to impose an arms embargo on Myanmar.;db=COMMITTEES;id=committees%2Fcommjnt%2F310c8f82-55bc-4002-983e-40a8e4e29ac7%2F0002;query=Id%3A%22committees%2Fcommjnt%2F310c8f82-55bc-4002-983e-40a8e4e29ac7%2F0000%22

Opzij, opzij, opzij. Militairen hebben ongelofelijke haast. Defensie volgt de tijdlijn voor nieuwe onderzeeboten op de voet, maar bij de marine in Den Helder groeit de twijfel. ’Komen die boten nog wel?’

One East German, one Korean and three Dutch naval vessels of the Indonesian naval forces searching for lost submarine.

Greek newspaper Proto Thema says Athens could buy another six Rafale fighters from France to increase the fleet size from 18 to 24. The jets will be assigned to 332 Squadron which is now flying the Mirage 2000 at Tanagra air base.

The Advanced Electronics won a contract modification for the F-15 Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) Electronic System Test Set (ESTS). Services acquired under this effort are to provide the RSAF with an upgraded ESTS.


Q&A on Dutch sales of 1.275 Glock pistols, 9 M2.50 Browning .50 caliber machine guns en 800 Heckler & Koch MP5s to Malta. Most remarkable is:

the search for a new policy on the sale of surplus military materiel for SALW which excludes private customers except for the producers or licensed producers.

In Dutch (see answer on question 4)

opdracht gegeven om een nieuw afwegingskader op te stellen voor het afstoten van overtollig Defensiematerieel, waarin het beleid wordt aangescherpt door de verkoop van handvuurwapens aan private partijen, niet zijnde de fabrikant of een licentiehouder van de fabrikant, uit te sluiten.

Questions by Van Dame and Van Helvert (Christen Democrats, CDA).

Answer Barbara Visser outgoing Secretary of Defence.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has said that the controversial DSEI arms fair – where arms firms can pitch their weapons to governments – has ‘no place in London’ and committed to ‘explore all possible options to end it being hosted in the city.’

Elbit supplies 85 per cent of the drones used by the Israeli military. Some have been used in extrajudicial killings as well as being deployed to target and destroy Palestinian homes and suppress legitimate protests.

#Sumitomo withdraws from Japanese machine gun tender. European arms contracted ordered by the Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency #ATLA: 4 FN Minimi Mk3 weapons; 4 Heckler & Koch MG4s, with #SHI contracted to produce ... [pay wall]

It can't be said more concise:

Military expenditure foolish when social services are lacking

Selçuk Bayraktar, top executive with Turkish drone producer #Baykar & president Erdo's son in law, claims #Turkey no longer needs Canadian military #drone tech. Military experts say they're skeptical of Turkish claims related to domestic drone technology.

April 21

Turkey is one of the most important markets for the Italian military industry. Such military cooperation was not interrupted during diplomatic crises. When Foreign Minister Di Maio announced that he would block arms exports to Turkey they increased.

Dutch MoD established 'drone catalog' to be able to quickly order drones for cartography, cargo, als voor intel, observation and reconnaissance. MoD works with civil company BSS Holland B.V.

Lost in the fanfare around the Korean fighter jet was any criticism of an arms industry known for runaway budgets and arms trade contributing to destabilising regions or to states in conflict.

Swapping up bits and pieces: In utter secrecy, France and Israel are cooperating on the digital warfare of the future, despite competitive tensions on the African arms market.

April 20

Thales is one of the richest weapons corporations in the world. From their factories in Bendigo and Benalla, Thales has exported killing machinery, aka weaponised vehicles, to Indonesia's notorious Special Forces Kopassus.


Millions of bullets passing the harbour of Rotterdam in Jan-Feb 2021. Thailand and Philippines most remarkable destinations.

Dutch Dual use exports in Feb 2021: Despite the ever ongoing information security technology going to almost all countries int he world, the most remarkable in Februari a thermal imaging camera to Nigeria, valued € 28.927

Remarkable arms export licences from the Netherlands Jan-Feb 2021. Djibouti patrol vessels €25,7m Taiwan submarine parts €3.3m

How slashing oil prices by Riyadh eroded the Saudi position among Republicans. How lobbying firm Larson Shannahan Slifka #LS2 operates to regain the close relations between the US and the desert Kingdom.

Russia tries to ease arms embargo on CAR. "We've already managed to reach some targets, 14.5mm calibre weapons are now imported not by permit, but by isn't just Russia. The French are following the matter very intensely," Ilichyov said. Interfax 190421

@AirbusDefence: Airbus has signed a five-year services contract with The Egyptian Air Force, the largest #C295 fleet operator worldwide, for the performance-based support of its fleet, composed of a total of 24 aircraft. Read more in our latest press release:

Retweet with comment @AirbusDefence: Expands military use of helicopters in combat missions and thus the implications of A400M sales to countries using them for internal war.

Airbus #A400M new generation airlifter has conducted a major helicopter air-to-air refuelling certification campaign in coordination with the @DGA, completing the majority of its development and certification objectives. @AirbusHeli

NHIndustries heeft een contract getekend voor de levering van zes NH90 helikopters aan Griekenland. Hierdoor zal het aantal NH90s in Griekse dienst oplopen tot twintig. NHIndustries is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo en Fokker.

Authorities in Prague have said they believe a 2014 blast at an ammunition depot was accidental, but doubled down on previous claims that Russian special services were involved as part of a plot to destroy arms exports to Ukraine.

The Czech Republic said it had informed NATO and European Union allies that it suspected Russia of causing the 2014 blast, and European Union foreign ministers were set to discuss the matter at their meeting on Monday.

Czech-Russian dispute prompts other govts to get tough with Moscow; It's a warning not to go beyond traditional spying, influence-peddling

The warehouse which exploded belonged to a company specialising in the arms trade. At that time, the firm was stocking weapons intended for the purchase of a Bulgarian arms dealer, who was then expected to sell these to Ukraine.

Bulgarian arms dealer Gebrev first denied any connection with the explosion, but his company EMKO has now confirmed that it had ammunition in the warehouses, claiming, however, that these were not destined for Ukraine.

Russian FA Minister Lavrov said there are indications that international conventions have been violated, including the Ottawa Treaty on the prohibition of the use of mines "and the so-called arms trade treaty to which...all members of the EU are parties".

Four explosions and an assassination attempt in Bulgaria were likely perpetrated by Russia, Bulgaria has said.

2014 was also the year Bulgaria's role in the arms export for the war in Syria ( started to surface.

The bomb in arms delivery for Ukraine probably should have exploded in Bulgaria so that the Ukrainians would see that they chose an unreliable supplier. But as the blast prepared by Russian agents occurred in Czechia, violation of Czech sovereignty is at stake. CTK 190421 argues.

April 19

The sniper simulator developed by leading Turkish defense contractor Havelsan is ready for use and will first be put into service at a commando training command center in central-western Turkey’s Isparta province.

The wonderful world of fighter jet contracts. Here it is on the Rafale to India. "The Modi regime succumbed to French pressure and deleted anti-corruption clauses in the contract."

April 18

On German arms exports in 1st qrt of 2021: with €31.4m Qatar is number one among the Gulf-recipients of arms . Licenses for Saudi Arabia were vallued at €806,995 despite an arms export ban, primarily because of its participation in the Yemen war. Schwarzwälder Bote 15/4/21

The #UAE's ability to project power in the region is a product of many years of #US-UAE defense cooperation that includes U.S. arms sales and training, strategic planning, and joint exercises and operations.

Retweet @ProudSocialist: The country with the third highest military budget in the world is the United States police department.

Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) introduced the Secure F-35 Exports Act of 2021, legislation to reassert Congressional oversight over the sale of sophisticated and mission-critical American military systems.
#UAE #F35

US Deploys F-16 Fighter Jets to Saudi Arabia Despite Criticizing Saudi War on Yemen

US Resuming Arms Sales to UAE is Disastrous

U.K.’s “global force for good,” is irony at its top, when arms export licenses for Turkmenistan has spiked 15,000%
between 2016 and 2017, with 151 military arms exports licenses provided in one year.

French Ministry of Defence orders 8 H225M Caracal long-range tactical transport military helicopters at Airbus.

Saga on Romanian corvette acquisition continues. In July 2019, the French Naval Group & Romanian Constanta Shipyard won the deal (later Italian Ficantieri). 2 Years later the €1.2bn contract has not yet been signed, with appeals pending before the courts.

Uruguay received an offer to get US military equipment. The countries are negotiating the transfer of 3 Marin Protector patrol boats from the US Coast Guard to Uruguay, built by Bollinger Shipyards on the basis of Damen's Stan 2600 project.

Retweet @npanagioto (Greek Minister of Defence): "I received today at my office, at the Greek MoD @Hellenic_MOD the Ambassador of the Netherlands @StellaRonner and company who presented to me their proposal for the acquisition of new multi-role frigates for @NavyGR"

In casu the SIGMA 11515 (see also:

With video clip

April 17

"Canada’s export ban on crucial imaging technology will damage Turkey’s armed drone capability, Dr Chris Kilford, a retired Canadian Air Force officer and former defence attaché to Turkey and Azerbaijan, told Ahval on Thursday." (Source not aloud by twitter, easy to google)

#Turkey to continue push into #drone industry after Canadian ban, analysts say

To read the new issue of l'Humanité Dimanche, the main feature of which, devoted to "the arms race", includes an interview with Tony Fortin d '
@obsarm. The interview follows the report made with @RosaluxEuropa on parliamentary control of arms sales

Afghanistan war costed the US alone more than US$ 2 trillion!! 240,000 lives were lost!!

In the Dutch Defensiekrant (official MoD pub) lt. General b.d. Commanding Regional Command South 2008-09 was the man to talk the failure away.

German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said she will continue to push for armed drones in the military, after lawmakers this week insisted on keeping the Franco-German Eurodrone weaponless for now.

Addtion: Three other countries may approve this program: France, Italy and Spain, whose Parliaments could validate this program in May.


[Washington] Don’t sell arms to the Philippines

... it would end American complicity with the violence and abuses of the Duterte regime.

A duo of Democratic senators offered a bill Friday that could block the U.S. sale of F-35 fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates after the Biden administration acknowledged it is advancing the Trump-era deal.

Isn't it possible to send a letter of support by MP's and MEP's of nations (European wide) participating in the F-35 fighter program?

Rivalry between Greece & Turkey helped enrich the Western defence industries — lately Russia too. Greece has become a battleground for competing NATO allies who have rushed to sell new frigates and capitalize on the country’s massive modernization program

Two sides of gun trade. US-made guns are ripping Central America apart and driving migration north.

Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam readies HNLMS Evertsen for Voyage to Japan; nearly 40,000 kilometres together with the UK Carrier Strike Group.

French Naval Group formally delivered a 2nd Bouchard Class multimission offshore patrol vessel to the Argentine Navy. Piedrabuena (P 52) is the second of four Gowind OPVs ordered by Argentina under a $380 million contract signed with Naval Group in 2018.


Extreem right wing president, violence against indigenous people & poor in the favelas, Covid-19 disaster, replaced military top, destruction/conflict Amazon basin, Brazil.

But the Netherlands gave an export persmission of € 20 million for arms sales.

Reaction @quinsyg: Dit is het buitenland beleid van Blok en Kaag. En dat hebben ze ons vanaf de aftrap van het vorige kabinet verteld.

My reaction: Het is al decennia lang buitenlandbeleid van de Nederlandse Staat (zie illustraties). Het is verweven is de economische en bondgenootschappelijke machtspolitiek. Aan ons de taak dat te ontvlechten. Link naar Actiebrochure HSA

Canada accused by Turkey of double standard in arms ban to Turkey.

But to end this hypocrisy the sales to Riyadh must end not those to Ankara relaxed.

Lumen AI, the fourth start-up to integrate the Rennes-based Commandement de la Cyberdéfense's factory has an investor with ties to Israeli cyber sector. [Pay Wall],109656984-ar1


BAE Systems sold weaponry worth £17.6bn to Saudis during Yemen war

“We voelen ons in Nederland behoorlijk veilig. Brandhaarden lijken ver bij ons vandaan. Maar dat zijn ze niet,” zegt nieuwe CDS.

Nee maar ze klotsen tegen de duinen, verspreiden zich in parken, zijn gesloten loketten voor geestelijke (kinder) zorg etc.

April 16

The CAAT UK arms exports browser has been updated to include data up to December 2020:

New face of war: the Cloud and what it brings for warfare. NATO’s Firefly effort developed by Thales offers cloud tech to NATO.

April 15

Two Damen patrol vessels rented by Honduras for 13 years are pestered with problems. The armed forces however are stating they are in an optimal condition and reported malfunction is normal.

Military ships for sale. The struggle for the Drachme. #Greece

#NavalGroup détaille son offre à la marine grecque

Given the strong Saudi presence in both countries, the Malaysian and Indonesian governments follow Riyadhs recently as in support for the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen in 2015, its blockade of Qatar during

between 2017-2021 & the Iran nuclear deal.

While the EU still holds the opinion that enhanced surveillance on because of potential sources of economic and financial difficulties (, this doesn't witheld the Dutch military sector from market its weaponry to Athens. (Pages 8-9

The opportunities identified for the Dutch Defense sector lie within aviation (F-35 and all existing legacy systems), maritime (purchase new ships and upgrades current fleet), ground-based systems (vehicles and simulators) and ICT (cyber security).


This essay by Bill Arkin was advised to me as: a must read for everyone who wants to understand US change of warfare, the mentality & fabric of the endless war.

What should the implications be for those acting to limit arms trade and military production?


1/.. #Airbus’ HForce initiative has turned the company’s H145M twin-engine light #helicopter into a successful aerial scout that has been adopted by Serbia and Hungary and is being offered to Romania. ../2

2. Trials to launch guided missiles, such as the #Israeli Rafael Spike, from the H145M are expected to take place shortly. Leonardo is developing an armed capability for its AW149 twin-engine medium utility platform ordered by #Egypt.

Activists have returned to the UK Oldham subsidiary of Elbit Systems occupying the roof & entering the building where they covered computers with blood red paint. At the same time, the roof of the Bristol offices of Elbit was occupied by another group.

Hogere budgetten voor defensie maken de wereld niet veiliger. Steek niet meer geld in defensie en wapens, reageren Bram Grandia (@KerkenVrede), Mark Akkerman (@CTWnl ) & Jan Schaake (WG inclusieve veiligheid) op de oproep van vier militairen in Trouw.

April 14

European Defence Agency #EDA participates this week in Exercise ‘Locked Shields 2021’, the largest & most complex international live-fire cyber defence exercise organised from 13-16 April by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence #CCDCOE.

NGO's criticize Airbus for arms sales in advance of AGM.

Kritik an Airbus-Deals; Vor der Hauptversammlung des Konzerns kritisieren drei NGOs die Geschäfte der Rüstungssparte mit autokratisch regierten Staaten wie Saudi-Arabien.!5760997/

German government approved fewer arms exports in the first 3 months of 2021 than in the same period of 2020. The licenses were valued €978m (16% less than 1st quarter of 2020 with €1.163bn), according to an answer on questions of Linke MP @SevimDagdelen.

The United States as a mass-killing machine. Article not only providing strong opinion, but also a wide array of figures and facts to underline it.


US to proceed with $23bn arms sales to UAE

The sale of F-35s, drones and other advanced equipment was being reviewed.

Just retweeted this Heavily bombardment by #Saudi and #UAE warplanes.

Addition: Deliverances of components by Dutch industry for the F-35 fighter are an important part of Dutch military exports. Although the Netherlands has a sound policy on arms trade and Yemen, these sales will continue, without being seen, without being debated.

University of Twente participates in AiNed through the 'AI Hub Eastern-Netherlands' together with, Saxion and a number of companies with their feet in military or security business like Nedap, #Thales & #NXP. Soon €276 million will be available for AiNed.

NATO Relies on #Thales for a Real-Time View of the Operational Situation in Joint theaters.

Turkey accelerates space program by building new satellites.

The French aeronautics and space industries sector #Gifas has been supported by military aeronautics and space it fell only 3%, to € 16.5bn, 50/50 between exports and sales to the French army. For its part, the turnover of the space sector fell by 25%.

Peace Group is calling for the controversial Three Counties Defence and Security Expo exhibition (in July) near Worcester to be cancelled. It has launched a writing campaign to get their message across.


Retweet @jgstugent: Nu donderdag organiseren wij een zeer interessante webinar met @StefanieDeBock_(@Vredesactie). Belgische wapens duiken nog steeds op in conflictgebieden. Naast de Waalse regering, doet de Vlaamse regering ook nog steeds aan wapenhandel:

Italy & EU could focus on space-based elements of missile defense:

“Constellations of satellites will be more and more needed to detect missiles since their launch, mainly through thermal infrared sensors,” IAI paper argued.

April 13

Psst Nederlandse mijnenbestrijdingsvaartuigen krijgen - tegen meerprijs - radar die meer kan dan geëist. Met de NS50-radar kun je bij wijze van spreken vanuit Zeebrugge het luchtruim boven Zaventem in de gaten houden, maar ook dat van Heathrow en Schiphol.

It is reported #Morocco has carried out its 1st drone strike in the Western Sahara. The #Polisario Front announced that its police chief Addah al-Bendir had been killed "on the field of honor" in a Saharawi controlled part of the occupied territory.

U.S. Special Operations Command #SOCOM created a task force in the Pacific region to work with allies there to thwart China’s information operations.

Retweet with quote @tdh_de:
Kampfjets für den Jemenkrieg, Militärtransporter für die Türkei, Hubschrauber für die tödlichen Einsätze der brasilianischen Polizei und die Grenzabschottung - made by @Airbus. Heute haben wir unser Dossier mit @urgewald, @Krit_Aktionaere & @CTWnl veröffentlicht.

Fighter jets to used on Yemen, military transport planes delivered to Turkey, heli's operated with deadly force by the Brazilian police, & closing borders, all made possible by @Airbus. Today a dossier on the company was published by @tdh_de, @urgewald, @Krit_Aktionaere & @CTWnl.

German SPD, Greens, Linke and the FDP are calling for stricter regulation of the arms trade. At the center of this could be a new arms export law - with effects on the entire industry.

Question 4221: What steps has the Commission taken to stop Germany exporting arms to countries involved in armed conflicts and human rights violations?

Answer 12421: The final decision...remains with the Member States’ authorities.

The Nigerian Navy says it has acquired 172 patrol boats, four helicopters, four ships and 14 unmanned aerial vehicles, in the fight against crude oil theft and sea piracy within the country's territorial waters.

The global disadvantages for control on military technology by introducing a US control mechanism against tech transfer to China. "The value proposition of a new COCOM is nil."

The pandemic could've been a chance to reverse high military spending globally. Instead, we could be heading towards a new Cold War-style arms race.

A reversal of present trends would free resources to cope with pandemics, climate change & global poverty.

At last the Canadian government has cancelled arms export licences for Turkey’s high-tech drone systems after a review found credible evidence that Canadian technology was diverted to Azerbaijan without Ottawa’s consent and used Nagorno-Karabakh last fall.

Addition: The Canadian government is cancelling 29 permits for military exports to Turkey, saying an investigation revealed that made-in-Canada airstrike-targeting gear shipped to the Eurasian country was illegally diverted to the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Addition: Not what Turkey wanted. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu urged NATO ally Canada on Monday to review defence industry restrictions which it imposed on Ankara last year.

Addition: Final report: Review of Canadian export permits to Turkey


April 12

#Armasuisse signed early April a CHF 155m contract with Thales. It covers the acquisition of the SkyView surveillance system, part of the Swiss military modernization and also connected to the expensive purchase of (French) fighter planes.

Warmonger Grant Newsham wants to reign in Wall Street, not because of the impacts of investments on climate, social justice, peace & human rights, but to limit Chinese economic activities; combined with a proposal to strengthen US militarily in Asia.

More than a dozen rights groups (Amnesty, DAWN etc.) have urged the US administration to restrict arms sales to Bahrain and pressure the Arab monarchy to introduce reforms and address the severe deterioration of human rights there.

Retweet with quote @AirbusHeli: Check out the latest Rotor Magazine online! Learn more about the #NH90, the new Caïman Standard 2 & the plan to transform the support & services related to this. Read also the stories: Eliance & SUMMA 112 in Spain, Mercy Air in Mozambique, & much more.

A magazine on the NH90 helicopter, produced by Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo (formerly AgustaWestland) and Fokker Aerostructures (now part of GKN).

The helicopter is used (by the military) for civil tasks (ending wild fires), and for interventions, in casu Mali and Afghanistan.

No bombs, but health.

"Instead of selling weapons of war, the US should make global public health our No. 1 priority. It is by far the most effective way to enhance our national security," states Amy Goodman of @democracynow !, an TV/radio news hour.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Sunday it was "no surprise" that Moscow and Beijing were blocking efforts at the UNSC to impose an arms embargo.

What's needed to change this position?

Scottish Green's marine environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell told: "The-Tories' nuclear posturing is reckless in the extreme and Labour's ongoing support for Trident is a disgrace. The people of Scotland shouldn't have to play their dangerous game.

Independent Jewish Voices #IJV #Canada applauds New Democratic Party #NDP passing a resolution calling for an end to the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land including suspending all bilateral arms trade with Israel.

Retweet with quote: @CAATuk
Check out this new film from @thejetline about living under a F-35 fighter jet flight path - yet another way the arms trade intrudes on everyday life. Premieres on Thursday, April 15th at 7PM EST:

De F-35, the most expensive weapon ever, is notorious for its cost and failures. Jet Line will report how the fighter yet is harming lives of the people living in regions it is exercising with enormous levels of noise.

April 11

During the period 2021–2027, Norway will participate for the first time in the European Defence Fund #EDF, the EU programme for defence cooperation.

UK does not limit arms exports to Ankara, but is promoting them in a bold way. On board an aircraft carrier, UK Defence Secretary Wallace & Turkish MoD Minister Hulusi Akar took part in a roundtable with representatives from the British defence industry.

The US ambassador to the UN urged the international community to take "concrete action" against the military in Myanmar including an arms embargo & sanctions against its holding companies and those who profit from them.

How China and Russia will follow?

Another controversy regarding the Indian #Rafale fighter deal. It's claimed Indian businessman Sushen Gupta was paid € millions by Dassault. In turn, #Gupta, provided them with confidential information from the #Indian MoD about the ongoing negotiations.

The Korean fighter jet KF-21 is finished and is [partly] the first self-developed fighter. Airbus wanted to participate, but it didn't work out. Now the US is supplying important components. Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand are potential customers.

Addition: South Korea soars into elite group with K-21 fighter

President Moon hails homegrown [but with essential US components] next-gen prototype as a 'new era of independent defence'

April 10

Blog: German Companies Export Products Found in Turkish Armed Drones Used in Nagorno-Karabakh War

Question by Agnieszka Brugger Die Grünen to the German government (Member of OCCAR's board) in regard to the repeatedly identified Turkish Libya embargo violations ( is the use the Airbus A400M transport plane ever raised?


Is dat het project waarbij tussen Nijmegen en Kampen een zo groot mogelijke overstroming werd gepland? 5% van de bevolking, zo'n 200.000 mensen, en hun vee had, totaal onverwacht en op stel en sprong, moeten evacueren. Leve het militaire veiligheidsidee!

Ooit schreef ik een bespreking van een prachtig boek over deze plannen:

titel Koude Oorlog aan de IJssel; Roman in brieven

auteurs A.L. Snijders; Erik Harteveld

DARPA awards two contracts to BAE Systems for cutting-edge electronic warfare technology.

US President Joe Biden’s fiscal 2022 budget request asks for $753 billion in national security funding, an increase of 1.6 percent that includes $715 billion for the Defense Department.

Remember this piece on the US budget:

Retweet @M__Verbruggen: The Dutch counterterrorism unit NCTV: - Serious anti-muslim bias & right-wing extremism blindness - Systematic and widespread illegal data collection & monitoring of civilians - Threatening these reporters to send intelligence services after their sources.

We Canadians try to be on the right side of history – but too often we fail. We fail largely because morality and money are seldom on speaking terms. Consider our role in two immoral wars: Canada is making the same mistakes in Yemen that it did in Vietnam.

April 9

Het rapport 'Financing Border Wars: The border industry, its financiers and human rights' van Stop Wapenhandel en TNI onderzoekt de anti-migratie-industrie en de grootste investeerders in de 23 belangrijkste betrokken bedrijven uit Europa, Australië & VS.

The report 'Financing Border Wars: The border industry, its financiers and human rights' of @CTWnl and @TNInstitute investigates the anti-migration industry and it profiles 23 corporations as significant actors from Europe, Australia and the US.

These actors are: Accenture, Airbus, Booz Allen Hamilton, Classic Air Charter, Cobham, CoreCivic, Deloitte, Elbit, Eurasylum, G4S, GEO Group, IBM, IDEMIA, Leonardo, Lockheed Martin, Mitie, Palantir, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Serco, Sopra Steria, Thales, Thomson Reuters, Unisys.

Broekstukken on the attempt to pull down the Dutch arms trade control. When looking more closely it become clear the Parliamentarian responsible for a memorandum with this aim missed (willingly?) some crucial points.

Addition: MPs Van Helvert of the #CDA and Bosman of the #VVD used the outcome of the Toulouse lobby event to propose a nearly full demolition of Dutch arms export control. They wrote a memorandum on arms export policy claiming that export control is undermining the Dutch military industry.

The US has reportedly delivered three military cargoes to Ukraine in the last fortnight amid growing international demands for Russia to explain its troop build-up on the border with its neighbor.

Voor Nederlandse samenvatting zie:

Voertuigen en heli's (101st Airborne Division) aan boord van de Endurance onderweg naar Kentucky ( Nl. militairen gaven ondersteuning in het kader van Host Nation Support. De MIVD deed veiligheidsonderzoek.

 April 8

Retweet @FrankSlijper: #Nigeria's Navy's substantial number of recent acquisitions incl. ships from France, Malaysia & Netherlands (via Vietnam) + drones from China and S-Africa + Italian helos via @defenceweb_afr

Azerbaijan,Turkey to set up joint defence industry cooperation commission

Good news:

Vivienne Westwood is marking her 80th birthday with some remarks: "Don't buy a car," "Don't buy a bomb!" "Get a life!" and to follow her on Westwood highlights the Campaign Against Arms Trade, a U.K.-based organization.

The US State Department has notified #CAATSA sanctions against Turkey’s Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) and its senior leadership for Ankara’s purchase of Russian S-400 air defence systems.

UN SG Guterres called for implementation of the 2018 peace agreement in South Sudan, disarmament of former combatants and establishment of a truth and reconciliation commission as key targets in proposed benchmarks to get rid of a UN arms embargo.

Africom says at least 14 Mig-29 and Su-24 fighter jets were flown from Russia to Syria and repainted to cover the Russian markings. The aircraft were then flown into Libya, breaching the UN arms embargo.

#dpiX and #TNO signed expand collaboration in thin-film semiconductor & electronics R&D, prototyping & manufacturing.

dpiX was established with financial support of US DoD to create semiconductor display products for the military.

Romania and the corvettte deal won by French Naval Group is still part of the Bucharest political proces. The MoD gen. Ciucă seems to have humiliated his French colleague Florence Parly in a recorded telephone conversation & said he wants peace with Damen.

Panamese Ministry of public security posted a tender notice for "Purchase Genuine Spare Parts, for Preventive Maintenance of Damen interceptors 1102 (3616, 3617, 3618, 3619, 3621, 3622, 3623, 3624) ordered in 2017. Reference price: 49950.85. Link to boats.


Kommer Damen met een vermogen van € 1,8 miljard is nr.8 op de Forbes lijst van rijke aardbewoners. Niet alles is met wapenhandel verdiend, maar wel een fors deel. Het gaat de Nederlandse rijken goed en ook deze scheepsbouwer.

Also with Biden at the helm the US appears unlikely to rejoin the 34-nation Open Skies Treaty international partners were told in a memo obtained by Defense News that doing so would send the “wrong message” to Russia. A wrong of Trump not to be repaired?

Addition: CRS report: The Open Skies Treaty: Background and Issues, Updated April 7, 2021

A Maltese arms dealer has told the UN security council that he did not know his military-grade vessels were to be used by private military contractors in violation of sanctions on Libya. However Fenech’s claims lacked credibility.

Did Russians violate the Wassenaar Agreement by delivering #Iskader-M missiles to Armenia & were they used during the 2000 war against Azerbaijan? Azerbaijan said it found parts of this longer range variant. War is over, but the fallout hasn't stopped yet.

April 7

"Pleitbezorgers voor het enorme VS-defensiebudget beweren dat het banen oplevert. Academische studies tonen aan dat het minder efficiënt is dan overheidsinvesteringen in onderwijs, schone energie, transport en gezondheidszorg," staat in de New York Times.

Is it a game? Who is worse delivering arms to the Middle East: France or the UK?

The UK will establish a joint operating unit with Qatar for the BAE Systems Hawk advanced jet trainer (AJT) aircraft as part of a wider military co-operation agreement.

In een brief aan de nieuwe Tweede Kamer hebben maatschappelijke organisaties hun grote zorgen geuit over een voorstel dat de deur wijd open zet voor wapenexporten naar ongewenste bestemmingen.

Lees de brief

SW English blog follows.

Addition: Het engelstalige blog dat ik gisteren beloofde:

"France sold weapons to destinations which are hard to understand: to States which are recognized to be committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, and France is responsible. "

Addition: Amnesty International sends France a red card.

Amnesty International adresse un carton rouge à la France

UK's 'headlong rush into abandoning human rights' rebuked by Amnesty

Covid failings, crackdown on protest, police discrimination and resumed arms trade with Saudi Arabia all listed in annual report

Addition: UK rushing to ‘abandon human rights’, Amnesty report warns
‘We’re speeding toward cliff edge,’ says NGO director

The 8th edition of Cybertech Global, an international cyber event that until now had only been held in Tel Aviv, will take place this week in Dubai. Participating: DP World, the Israel National Cyber Directorate, FAA, EuroControl, Israel Shipyards etc.

Indonesia paid just $22 million, about 13 percent of what it is owed for the Korean fighter project. Now it wants to half its commitment. The local economy, now reeling from COVID-19 fallout, is reportedly among the reasons.

“Who should really be charged with criminal damage? The activists that spilled paint? Or the war criminals that spill blood and destroy entire communities? We look forward to seeing Elbit Systems in court and exposing the criminal damage ... committed.”

According to pictures released by the Official Website of The Presidency Republic of Ghana, the Turkish company Otokar has delivered Cobra 1 and Cobra 2 4x4 armored vehicles to Ghana armed forces.

April 6


Retweet @caricatured: Leak (Alok cartoon on India and French Rafale)

Reorganising Indonesian military industry. The General Director of PT Pindad Abraham Mose supports the plan of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) to form a Defense BUMN Holding Company.

Former chief of Chinese defence giant #Norinco being probed for #corruption Anti-corruption is often used in authoritarian states to tackle a real problem, but also to remove people not in line with the leader, here Xi.

Addition: SCMP: Yin, 65, is the latest high-level official from the defence industry to be snared by President Xi Jinping's sweeping anti-corruption campaign that has seen more than 1.3 million officials investigated since 2012.

Ten minste 6 Nederlandse universiteiten werken indirect samen met het Chinese leger door projecten met Chinese technische universiteiten. Deze wetenschappelijke samenwerking geeft China toegang tot onderzoek of dual-use tech meldde Delta, van de TU Delft.

Addition: By the way in 2020 exporteerde Nederland voor € 8,7 miljoen dual use technologie naar China en daarbij komt export ter waarde van € 168,9 miljoen naar Hong Kong. Dat blijkt uit het overzicht dual-use exporten dat de Overheid mdet enige regelmaat publiceert.

Omid Nouripour German MP for the Grünen lists a number of issues German policy lacks behind the policy of the US on arms trade relations with Saudi's, but also in regard to its assessment of the UAE's role in #Yemen.

He also mentions the coalition's naval blockade of Yemen, which has led to a shortage of almost all goods in Yemen. This operation is still denied in the Netherlands.

A former MIT research student married to the younger daughter of President Erdogan, Bayraktar has been central to Turkey’s production of armed drones. In 2020, his TB2 drones were used with devastating effect in Tripoli and Baku, both Turkish allies.

After several weeks of arduous negotiations & while deadlines are looming, the office of the French MoD, Florence Parly, confirmed to have received "an offer" by #Airbus & #Dassault for 2nd stage in the development of the future air combat system #FCAS.

French media report alleging corruption in India’s Rafale fighter deal has revived the debate on how corruption is intrinsic to the way global arms trade takes place. Transparency & making lobby legal is the method to limit the problem, the author states.

What is also called the "rat hole" by members of US Congres is advertised in a sponsored link by its producer Lockheed Martin the centerpiece of 21st century global security.

As European majors like Damen, Fincantieri and Navantia try to woo Cairo as it plans to acquire 20 patrol vessels and six corvettes, the Egyptian Navy insists on solid partnerships and the transfer of technological knowledge. [Pay Wall],109655532-ar1

An overview of European arms exports and on the other hand on countries with restrictive policies in the context of the US policy concerning Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen.

April 3

Scheepsbeheerders mogen straks aan boord van Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen onder voorwaarden gewapende particuliere beveiligers meenemen, ter bescherming tegen piraterij in de Golf van Aden.

The planned massive entry of the Israeli defense industries into the Gulf States weapons market, has been slowed down and the companies here are trying to convince the ministry of defense to change the pace.

The lucrative business of the 'noble' act of providing weapons to the military. Sky News revealed BAE Systems has increased Charles Woodburn's base salary by +£100,000 & gave him an additional 'golden handcuffs' share package worth £2m to keep him at BAES.

Myanmar-bound grenades and M16 bullets seized at delivery company, north Thailand

Asaad Al-Jaboubi left Yemen for love.

That was more than 15 years ago, not long after he’d met his soon-to-be Canadian wife.

Now he calls on Canada to stop exporting weapons to Saudi Arabia.

Long and telling story.

Addition: Although small in comparison, Dutch component for one of the Canadian exports to Saudi Arabia have never been questioned or isn't even mentioned as far as I know. In a longer piece on Rheinmetaal Nederland I made a small note on the exports.

April 2

The diplomatic language around the F-35 "rat hole". Numbers may go down, failures are not solved yet and cooperation with allies is stressed, because of the buy American policy.

Days after Khashoggi killing, British military sold crucial spare parts to Saudi air force bombing Yemen.

April 1

The Fokker saga continues. Panta Holding buys Fokker Services en Fokker Techniek from GKN. GKN keeps Fokker Aerostructures, Fokker Landing Gear and Fokker Elmo (wiring). Twee dochters overgenomen.

BAE Systems L&A (Minnesota), is awarded a $77m modification to a FMS $868m contract (N00024-20-C-5380) for MK 41 Vertical Launching System canisters & ancillary hardware for the US, South Korea, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Australia, and Turkey.

Natuurlijk zijn het vooral China, Rusland & India die wapens leveren aan #Myanmar.

Maar hoe zit dat met de Nl vliegtuigen bij de luchtmacht van Myanmar? Niets aan te doen. "Het leasen van civiele toestellen aan de luchtmacht van Myanmar valt ook bij strikte lezing echter niet onder dit wapenembargo."

Naast het Fokker vliegtuig om militaire hotemetoten rond te vliegen is er ook nog een voor militair transport. Konden we ook niets aan doen.

Hoe zit het met die Thales technologie voor de marine van Myanmar? Wapenembargo? Geen rechten meer op die technologie? Ach ouwe meuk, lang geleden geleverd aan India.

Q (Katja Keul, Bündnis90/Die Grünen) & A (Miguel Berger, FA state secretary) in Bundestag on rules enabling the export of arms in the context European Peace Facility & what role is left for the German arms export regulations (see.

Greece’s military relations with the Persian Gulf monarchies of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have grown substantively over the past year and continue to grow. But just how significant are these relations?

2 messages on Libya:

Greek PM Mitsotakis to visit Libya next week. (To limit Turkish influence.)

Iranian Press TV reports authorities in western Libya freed 120 captured fighters loyal to Haftar as part of reoncilliation process.

#Myanmar’s National Assembly who formed a committee known by its initials CRPH asked for an arms embargo. China opposed it loud and clear - with hollow words - by stating it opposes “one-sided pressure and calling for sanctions or other coercive measures."

Heckler & Koch; Illegale Waffenexporte: Was das Mexiko-Urteil des BGH für die Rüstungsbranche bedeutet

What the German Federal Court of Justice judgment on Mexico means for the arms industry

Czech president Zeman met with the Israeli state arms manufacturer Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and the Czechoslovak Group, March 31. They discussed cooperation between the Israeli firm and Czechia, including the planned purchase of an air defence system. CTK March 31, 2021.

#EDA supervised 3rd & last simulation session of #OCEAN2020 project 12 simulations centers from research centers, universities, small & industries in European countries were linked together to run specific scenarios in real time.

Defence planners at Indonesia’s Ministry of Defence have shortlisted designs of Damen, Mitsui, Fincantieri, and Babcock in a programme to procure follow-on vessels to the country’s Martadinata (SIGMA 10514)-class guided-missile frigates.

German contractors Rheinmetall, Hensoldt (there the company is again and Diehl Defence have teamed up to bid on the country’s envisioned short-range, air-defense program, the companies said Tuesday.

Retweet @FrankSlijper: Sinotruk military trucks used in #Myanmar against demonstrations; MAN has "asked the Chinese partner to provide comprehensive information on business activities in Myanmar and to place the issue on the agenda of the [...] meeting of the board of directors"