vrijdag 20 september 2024

My tweets (or X's) for September

Latest on top (updated regularly):


September 20

#Klimaatcrisis bedreigt de veiligheid van miljoenen. Intussen investeren Regeringen in 'n nieuwe wapenwedloop. Politici en generaals zetten druk op banken, pensioenfondsen en verzekeraars om ethisch beleggingsbeleid te verlaten en te investeren in #wapens. https://stopwapenhandel.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=da68ac2d1769c731dfb319be1&id=4f2f1a8b45&e=0a4f036058

"Italy urged to increase transparency and accountability for arms exports in new report," Asser Institute, September 16, 2024. https://www.asser.nl/about-the-asser-institute/news/un-human-rights-council-italy-urged-to-increase-transparency-and-accountability-for-arms-exports-in-new-report/

Ursula and Co. want to weaponise science further:

Universities and academic institutions have largely rejected a #EuropeanCommission proposal to allow #dualuse research projects in FP10, the successor programme to Horizon Europe due to start in 2028.

NYT missed the mark by publishing an uncritical essay that pushes us closer to an unchecked #AI #arms race. Instead of accelerating toward a future of #autonomous #warfare, we must prioritise global cooperation, transparency & use tech to prevent conflict. https://aoav.org.uk/2024/the-new-york-times-is-wrong-about-ai-weapons-the-grave-risks-of-autonomous-warfare/

Unfortunately, the New York Times last week published an essay by Raj M. Shah and Christopher M. Kirchoff that hypes #AI-driven systems while ignoring the #risks involved in going full-speed ahead in deploying these emerging technologies. https://inkstickmedia.com/the-nyt-op-ed-page-just-published-an-ai-weapons-infomercial/

The Canadian defence industry launched a lobbying offensive this week; seven companies are seeking military contracts as Canada faces pressure from its allies to increase spending. https://theijf.org/defence-lobbying-onslaught

September 19

Tech billionaire #ElonMusk says he'll be suing the federal aviation agency #FAA which plans to slap his space company with $633,000 in fines for not following #licensing #requirements during 2 launches. Musk calls the penalties "politically-motivated."

Who influences policy most?

BAE Systems had more meetings with UK prime ministers than ANY OTHER private company.

Report: https://caat.org.uk/publications/from-revolving-door-to-open-plan-office-the-ever-closer-union-between-the-uk-government-and-the-arms-industry/

Lithuanian commissioner hopeful Andrius Kubilius looks to raise billions - including via the controversial idea of joint borrowing for weapons. The EU's 1st defence and space commissioner is open to issuing joint bonds or using unspent money from post-pandemic funds to raise vital funds for building up the military and boosting competitiveness. He adds: "we have the theoretical possibility of common debt" to buy arms.

Alarming development for those who see other priorities than fighters, explosives and missiles. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/09/18/the-eus-new-defence-commissioner-is-open-to-eurobonds

The backbone of #India’s fighter jet fleet is the Russian-designed #Sukhoi Su-30MKI and Delhi recently ordered 240 AL-31FP #engines to keep the fleet airborne for years to come. This will be build on a #Russian license by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. #HAL.

A Ceasefire Is Not Enough in Gaza

Israel is escalating in the West Bank, against Hezbollah in Lebanon, and against Iran. The Biden administration must put maximum pressure on its ally.

by @johnfeffer


US Senator @BernieSanders said he will present a bill to the Senate to halt #arms sales to #Israel, in order to block a deal recently approved by the US worth $20 bn.

Sanders said in a statement sent to senators that he will submit the bill next week.

Artillery #shells sold by #Indian arms makers were diverted by #European customers to #Ukraine and New Delhi hasn't intervened to stop them despite protests from #Moscow, Indian & European officials stated and was shown by Reuters analysis of customs data.

Retweet @JosepBorrellF: The explosions in Lebanon seem to have been targeted, but had heavy, indiscriminate collateral damages among civilians: children were killed. The situation is extremely worrying. I can only condemn these attacks that endanger Lebanon’s security & stability. https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/lebanon-statement-high-representative-series-explosions-across-country_en

After being exposed on the internet as having supplied #weapons to #Ukraine, former Pentagon official Shanon Schmidli-Melville (
https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanon-m-1673557b/) secured a role as head of #UAE military equipment & training provider, Al Shamal Solutions Consultancy. https://www.intelligenceonline.com/international-dealmaking/2024/09/19/ex-pentagon-officer-doxxed-over-ukraine-arms-trade-returns-to-abu-dhabi,110307806-art

September 18

The US will sell heavy-duty #tank trailers valued $165m ito #Israel. The sale includes spares, repair parts etc. They aren't expected to be delivered until 2027.
https://www.dsca.mil/press-media/major-arms-sales/israel-heavy-duty-tank-trailers Earlier in 2024, the US announced a $20bn weapons deal to Israel, incl. F-15 fighter jets.

Houthi rebels claim they shot down another US MQ-9 Reaper drone

Dutch parts? https://www.ravage-webzine.nl/2018/10/31/dodelijke-reaper-drones-en-fokker/

#US sent ‘unserviceable’ and expired #military #equipment to #Taiwan in water-damaged pallets.

Such deliveries risk loss of confidence, US probe warns Pentagon, as Taipei says it is jointly addressing the issue with US authorities.


The new face of war:

Weapon for attack of persons in numbers:

Hezbollah is hit by a wave of exploding pagers (communication device) that killed at least 9 people and injured thousands.

De Israëlische krant Haaretz onthulde dit weekend dat het leger Afrikaanse asielzoekers rekruteert voor “levensbedreigende” operaties in Gaza, in ruil voor een legaal statuut dat hen in staat stelt om permanent in Israël te blijven.

International Identity Day (16/9).

Thales, known for its expensive military equipment and corruption reaffirms its dedication to support global identity initiatives & driving tech advancements that foster inclusion, security, and trust.


Reassuring ?

The Pentagon announced today it will help lead a $3 billion U.S. Commerce Department initiative designed to make sure the U.S. military has access to a reliable domestic microelectronics supply chain.

To underline the importance of #fosil fuel for the (US) military:

US navy #USN announced it awarded General Dynamics NASSCO a contract vallued $6.7bn for the construction of up to 8 John Lewis-class fleet #oilers. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/09/navy-awards-general-dynamics-nassco-contract-worth-up-to-6-7b-for-8-new-fleet-oilers/

#Pentagon #contractors lead defence against #Beijing's South America ambitions, is the heading of an intelligence online article (pay wall). That seems to mean military companies are enlarging US footprint in Latin America and used for foreign policy aims.

Titel van artikel legt de verantwoordelijkheid daar waar hij hoort, bij de Staten die toestaan dat wapenexporten plaatsvinden:

Lucratieve wapenhandel dankzij goedkeurende staten.

Verder ook lezenswaardig stuk, deze vertaling door De Wereld Morgen. https://www.dewereldmorgen.be/artikel/2024/09/17/lucratieve-wapenhandel-dankzij-goedkeurende-staten/

Dutch troops together with special operation forces test new satellite communication; the Hornet terminal and the smaller SWARM-terminal both build by UK based #Paradigm (https://www.paracomm.co.uk/).

September 16

#UAE-based #Edge Group has signed an agreement with the Brazilian Navy to develop the service’s National Surface Anti-Ship #missile by the end of 2025 togeter with #Brazil-based #Siatt. They are meant for integration on the Tamandaré class of #frigates.

US clears #F35 sale to #Romania, weakening EU's military industrial complex vis-a-vis Washington.

#Qatar has sold 12 #PzH2000 self-propelled guns to #Germany, which will transfer them to #Ukraine. (The howitzer is originally German, #Rheinmetall.)

According to a new report, since the start of the year, #German defensive #arms exports to #Israel have been at their lowest since 2004, and no offensive weapons exports have been approved since March.

Klaus-Peter Willsch, a member of the Bundestag's Committee on Economic Affairs and an opposition MP from the CDU told that a report on reducing licenses was incorrect.
https://israelhayom.com/2024/09/16/german-lawmaker-refutes-claims-of-deliberate-arms-export-cuts-to-israel/ (Willsch is also wrong: it wasn't reported no arms since march, but no offensive arms.)

UK Lib Dem conference backs call for immediate suspension of all arms exports to Israel
The motion backed by members also called for immediate recognition of a Palestinian



Retweet @ThierryBreton wrote letter to @vonderleyen in reaction to her request to Paris to withdraw ("for personal reasons that in no instance, you have discussed directly with me") his name as #EU Commisioner: Breton concludes that he has to stop, because of "questionable #governance".

Article just before by Straits Times: EU to name new defence tsar – but is the job a dud? "Now the defence brief is expected to be spun off to a dedicated new commissioner – with Mr Breton promoted to a more senior role overseeing industrial growth across the bloc." https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/eu-to-name-new-defence-tsar-but-is-the-job-a-dud

Nederlands: Airbus investeert in een bedrijf dat betrokken is bij mensenrechtenschendingen in het door militairen bestuurde Myanmar. Daarmee schendt het bedrijf volgens deskundigen de internationale richtlijnen omtrent mensenrechten. https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/airbus-in-myanmar

Engels: Airbus is investing in a company involved in human rights violations in military-ruled Myanmar. According to experts, the company is violating international guidelines on human rights. [in Dutch] https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/airbus-in-myanmar

September 15

The federal government has once again assured Parliament that Canada has not exported lethal military equipment to Israel, following renewed accusations linking Canadian-made arms to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

September 14

Regering kiest voor wapens.

Tja hoe duidelijk kan het zijn?!

De gewapende tak van de buitenlandse politiek krijgt er in 2022-2025 €14,8mrd bij. https://open.overheid.nl/documenten/ronl-0463bae6dd47d0837c71accce45e6e1a06882054/pdf Aan diplomatieke kant gaat er af. De bezuinigingen op ambassades e.d, bedragen 10%.


37 UK MPs demand explanation on failure to prevent #F35 fighter jet #parts reaching #Israel. They said the government's position risks 'continued UK complicity in Israel's grave violations of international law in the illegally occupied West Bank and Gaza'.


The thing about arms production is that it all rusts unproductively or goes up in smoke. Nothing of value (...) comes out of it. Contrast this to the economic benefits of building, houses, hospitals, schools or a railway or a merchant ship.
There is a sort of benefit for the people directly involved in arms production but, as well as the death and destruction, the profits arising from arms production come as a burden on everyone else and on society in general.

#Sudan’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Al-Harith Idriss reiterated Sudan’s accusations against the United Arab Emirates for #arming the RSF. “The #UAE is heavily involved with the RSF and bears significant responsibility.”

Next step in #EU policy to strengthen its independent military industry away from Uncle Sam (and its very old mad leaders)?

#US announced the sale of 32 #F35A JSFs to #Romania. (Vallued +/- $7.2 bn.)

Oh its just empty words.



Ruim 100 semiautomatische wapens in beslag genomen bij onderzoek naar wapenhandel in Brussel.

The prioritiet van het Kabinet Wilders/Schoof is duidelijk (The priority is clear):

To pay for the new equipment, defense spending will continue to rise, even as the new Dutch government looks to cut spending elsewhere in the government budget.


Ottawa-based company is key to keeping Israeli warplanes bombing Gaza.

Around the world, peace organizations are targetting ‘sole-source suppliers’ of F-35 jet parts like Canadian Gastops to stop Israel’s assault on Gaza.


Workers on strike, at #Boeing, for highter wages in the civil/military aeronautic firm is the sixth largest #military company (42% of the revenue comes from military sales, 32 billion in 2022 https://people.defensenews.com/top-100/) of the world.

#Ukrain weapons

Putin said that if the US lets Kyiv fire Western weapons deeper into #Russia, it would mean #NATO is waging war on #Russia.


But Biden don't thinks often about Putin. We'll see what form of cloud the result of this apathic policy will be.

September 13

De symbolische waarde van #wapens in tijden van (binnenlandse) #oorlog? Gelukkig is de tekst preciezer en ernstiger dan deze ankeiler.

#Rusland als #Myanmar verhandelen niet veel meer dan wapentuig, waardoor hun paringsdans voornamelijk symbolisch is.



Wat mij 't meest opviel is in dit VK bericht niet verwerkt. De wapenproducenten in Kroatië zijn mogelijk minder loyaal dan gewenst en zo komen nieuwe wapens op de markt, aldus OO illegale wapenhandel Zlatko Trokic 50:50

Uitzending https://npo.nl/start/serie/de-wapenroute/seizoen-1/wapenroute/afspelen

On September 9, 2024 a #Corruption trial started in a #Paris court #France. The allegations against everal high-ranking French military officers and senior executives of the logistics company International Chartering Systems #ICS raise questions.

Paula Riseborough says the hypocrisy of allied countries supplying weapons while calling for a ceasefire is plain as day. Michael McLoughlin says the remaining 320 UK arms licences will still result in death.

#US continues to impose sanctions on #Chinese suppliers to #Pakistan’s Ballistic Missile Program. These sanctions are being imposed because these entities & individual knowingly transferred equipment and tech controlled under #MTCR to a non-MTCR country.

China-Pakistan defence ties threatened by new US sanctions

The fresh measures by the Washington entangle Islamabad in the superpowers' tense rivalry, analysts said. Companies https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Defense/China-Pakistan-defense-ties-threatened-by-new-U.S.-sanctions

Oorlog, militarisering en de klimaatcrisis

Reserveer hier (https://stopwapenhandel.org/oorlog-militarisering-en-de-klimaatcrisis/) je plek voor dinsdag 24 september voor het programma Militarisme, imperialisme en de klimaatboomerang in Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam.

#Saudi Arabia is optimistic about gaining access to #US chipmaker #Nvidia’s high-performance chips, which would enable it to develop and operate the most advanced artificial intelligence models.

Really? #Riyadh may pass the ballotage for #AI-chips?

September 12

Takeaways from AP’s report on #Russian and #US influence in Central African Republic. The struggle for influence. #Wagner or #Bancroft Global Development as private military company #PMC for the Central African Republic #CAR.

Verschillende #Australische soldaten zijn hun militaire onderscheidingen kwijtgeraakt om #wandaden tijdens missies in #Afghanistan. "Dit zal altijd een nationale #schande blijven", oordeelt de Australische Defensieminister.

Amnesty Int reported on “large quantities” of “recently manufactured weapons & military equipment from countries such as Russia, China, #NATO member #Turkey, and ally of the West the #UAE (..) being imported (..) into #Sudan and then diverted into #Darfur.

#Lockheed will team with #Tata on the development of the C-130J Super #Hercules tactical airlifter in #India. The agreement supports New Delhi’s Medium Transport Aircraft program “while also deepening India-US strategic ties,” the US military giant said.

Dutch minister warns of ‘domino effect’ if ROK goes #nuclear to deter North #Korea.

@DefensieMin says Seoul and partners should pursue nonproliferation, but says decision on nukes is up to South Korea. #NPV https://www.nknews.org/2024/09/dutch-minister-warns-of-domino-effect-if-rok-goes-nuclear-to-deter-north-korea/

Israeli Gal Haimovich pleaded guilty in a US court for illegally shipping US aircraft parts and avionics to Russia, in violation of export controls imposed following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It includes parts that had missile tech applications.

September 12


#Protesters in Melbourne disrupt the Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition, where military business is showcasing new weaponry and technology.

How much is known about where #Australia is sending its arms, and how many arms it is importing? https://theconversation.com/what-we-know-about-australias-arms-exports-weve-analysed-the-data-238563

Naval sleepte de onderzeebootorder order van €5,6 mrd in de wacht, naar verluidt 1½ mrd minder dan de concurrerende biedingen van Damen en HDW. https://fd.nl/economie/1530314/nederlandse-defensie-industrie-krijgt-impuls-van-1-mrd-door-franse-duikbotendeal

Dat is €1,4 mrd per boot. Meer dan Ko Colijn (https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2018/07/de-onderzeeboot-en-het-kwartetten-van.html) in 2018 voorspelde (zelfs als je inflatie verrekent) voorspelde en die werd van overdrijven beticht door onze nationale opperveiligheidsdeskundige.

#Norway “decided to normalize its practice for exporting defense material and multi-purpose goods for military use to #Turkey.” This changes comes 5 years after imposing the ban because of Ankara’s military operation in northern #Syria. https://www.rudaw.net/english/world/11092024

September 11

Very slowly it seems to trickle down; Israel is doing something you can not support with arms. Canada's FA Minister Joly announced the suspension of 30 arms licenses for Israel & will block a US contract for Quebec-made ammo intended the Israeli military.


What Mélanie Joly Said And Didn’t Say About Israel Arms Exports

‘Is the government of Canada moving forward with suspending or dissolving actual permits, or is this some sort of ad hoc arrangement?’ https://www.readthemaple.com/what-melanie-joly-said-and-didnt-say-about-israel-arms-exports/

Terwijl op hoger onderwijs een miljard wordt bezuinigd en cultuur en jeugdzorg worden uitgekleed investeert het rechtse kabinet 2,4 miljard euro in de krijgsmacht. Volgens de regering “na decennia van bezuinigingen” maar dat is apert onjuist, stelt @CTWnl https://stopwapenhandel.org/geen-nieuwe-wapenwedloop/

Tariq Ali on US & UK arming Israel’s war on Gaza, Pakistan protests & macron’s embrace of the right.

With clip and transcript. https://www.democracynow.org/2024/9/10/tariq_ali

Elite policies

EU countries are buying too much of their military equipment abroad, almost 2/3 of it in the US. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/09/09/eu-buys-too-much-defense-equipment-abroad-especially-from-us-report/

The next sale of F-35s to a EU member is named in the article.

The US is painted as an example. But the US (and its States & population) have numerous budget related problems & is awash in debt (https://www.usdebtclock.org/). Still it spends more on the military as the next 9 countries combined (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_highest_military_expenditures).

However this sponsorship of the military industry is mentioned as an example to the EU members by Draghi. Higher military budgets is a major aim, while acquisitions in the US will continue. And who will pay the price? The ordinary citizens & the climate.

The #Canada Border Services Agency #CBSA has historically requested #password information from #travelers to search their #GSMs, personal #computers and #tablets, on the basis that these devices are #searchable like all other “goods” coming into Canada. https://www.taxandtradelaw.com/Tax-Trade-Blog/customs-routine-smartphone-searches-held-unconstitutional.html

September 9

True or just a bit?

How the US used arms sales to shift #Saudi behavior
Weapons exports are a fickle tool. Why did they work this time?


Saudi border guards have carried out mass killings of Ethiopian migrants at the Yemeni border in the described period.

It is reported China, Russia pitch defence hardware to MENA at the first Egypt airshow.


When looking at exhibitors however:

China (10 exh)
Russia (15 exh)
US (21 exh) (Besides Egypt itself (50 exh), the most numerous)


There is a broad trend where #US-made and #NATO-grade arms into the illegal circuits in #India. Stocks from #Afghanistan form a major part.

De Franse en Duitse politie hebben aan #Oekraïne geleverde Navo-#wapens in beslag genomen, nadat ze waren opgedoken in het #criminele circuit. De vrees bestaat dat wapens uit de oorlog binnenkort ook terecht zullen komen bij criminelen in #Nederland.

Some villains are fitted to cooperate with even when military business is the issue at stake.

Updates on the JV between #Saudi Arabian Military Industries #SAMI and #Hanwha Group to localize air defense systems in the #Kingdom.https://www.tacticalreport.com/daily/62973

#French #Rafale fighter jets deals to #Croatia and #Serbia part of an unfolding #Balkan arms race. The Rafale deals are an example of security competition in this part of south-east Europe. #Bosnia wants to become NATO member asap because of this #strife.

Sell those thugs some more weapons or better don't.

A #US woman was #shot and #killed by #Israeli #troops in the West Bank on Friday, AP was told.

Dr Ward Basalat said the 26-year-old woman was shot in the head and died after arriving at a hospital.


The leaders of the #EU have, on the face of it, delivered on a promise made following #Putin’s invasion of #Ukraine to end the #export of EU goods, machinery & parts critical to Russia’s war effort.

Yet things are not quite as straightforward as they seem. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-sneaky-way-that-russia-is-still-evading-western-sanctions/

Thousands Rally Against #Weapons #Expo in #Melbourne.. Anti-War Activists Clash with Police Amid Rising Tensions.. Arrests Made as Protests Intensify and Disrupt Major Traffic Routes


Human Rights policy?

#Egypt getting first 2 Super Hercules cargo aircraft, #Lockheed Martin says.

The new tankers are expected to replace the older fleet of 24 C-130H aircraft that Cairo operates.


State Department HR-report: https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/egypt/

#Iraq has finalized a contract for the purchase of 14 Caracal #H225M multi-role #Eurocopter/#Airbus Helicopters troop transport helicopters (
https://www.airbus.com/en/products-services/helicopters/military-helicopters/h225m). The deal includes 12 new aircraft and two pre-owned units slated for modernization.


Controle export strategische goederen gebruikt als wapen i.p.v. wapenbeheersing.

Henk Overbeek, hoogleraar aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: “(De Verenigde Staten) probeert de voortgang van de Chinese economie en Chinese bedrijven te belemmeren in de ontwikkeling van geavanceerde technologieën. De nieuwe CEO van ASML dit ook duidelijk heeft gemaakt. Hij zei dat de Amerikaanse beperkingen eerder waren ingegeven door economische overwegingen dan door nationale veiligheidsoverwegingen, en door een poging om de vooruitgang van China op het gebied van geavanceerde technologie te vertragen.”

Nederland breidt exportcontrolemaatregel uit voor geavanceerde productieapparatuur halfgeleiders

Whats worse working with Maduro or MbS?

Updates concerning the joint venture between #Saudi Arabian Military Industries #SAMI and #L3Harris, including systems eyed for development and future collaboration opportunities between the two companies. [behind paywall]

When you've a dangerous northern neighbour exporting its arms to cause death and havoc.

#Texas firearms are increasingly finding their way into the hands of #Mexican #drugcartels & organized crime syndicates, exacerbating violence & instability in #Mexico. https://www.thetechedvocate.org/texas-is-arming-mexicos-gunmen/

An overview of the JV between #Saudi military firm #SAMI & (juridically #Rotterdam based) #MBDA to produce common anti-air modular missiles. Report includes info on production plans and #endusers & talks on localizing other MBDA missiles [Behind [Paywall]

Ukraine’s #F16s doing a ‘good job,’ #Dutch Gen. #Eichelsheim said. He also pleaded for more air defence weapons (PAC missiles included) & connected missile transits to Ukraine during talks with military officials and #RTX (formerly Raytheon) in Washington.

The UK has pulled around 30 arms export licenses for #Israel that could also impact the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program in certain circumstances. Export licenses for #F35-related items going directly to Israel could be affected, the AW&ST reported.

Continuing export of F-35 combat aircraft parts to Israel ‘unjustifiable’. “These are by far the UK’s most significant arms supplies to the Israeli military,” said Sam Perlo-Freeman of #CAAT.

UK continues to provision Israel’s F-35 fighter aircraft despite finding Israel at clear risk of breaking international law. https://www.saferworld-global.org/resources/news-and-analysis/post/1046-uk-continues-to-provision-israelas-f-35-fighter-aircraft-despite-finding-israel-at-clear-risk-of-breaking-international-law-

The Ukrainian minister in charge of weapons production, Oleksandr Kamyshin, resigned on Sept 3 in and 4 other ministers stood down in a major government shake-up. The resignations leaves over a third of the Cabinet vacant after sackings earlier this year.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy appointed on Sunday former arms production minister Oleksandr Kamyshin as an external adviser for strategic issues, a decree published on the presidential website said.

Which countries have banned or restricted arms sales to Israel? And which didn't?

Supporting the ethnic cleansing industrial base: "The #Netherlands in May 2023 picked #Elbit for its PULS rocket artillery platform."

Reported earlier this week:

The #Netherlands picked #Israeli firm #Rafael to supply an upgrade for the country’s more than 200 medium-range anti-tank missile launchers that will boost combat range, for an investment of as much as €250 million.


September 2

Report by Danish Informatìon has confirmed that #Israeli F-35 fighters attacked #Gaza, 130724. The strike on the Al-Mawasi humanitarian zone, resulted in significant civilian #casualties, and caused international condemnation.

Who delivers #F35 components?

Piece on #Turkish #submarine infrastructure/building & nowhere is #Germany or #HDW mentioned.

#Erdogan like to brag and keep away from the population it is imported military technology.

But why follows #Breakingdefense this policy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_214_submarine

Serbian Arms Sales to Israel Top 23 Million Euros in 2024 by Saša Dragojlo (@RobinIzHuda) and @avischarf.

Is this what the world needs?

National Association of Defence Industries of Ukraine #NAUDI has stated that the export of arms from the excess capacity of the defence industry will bring billions of dollars to #Ukraine.

Does Ukraine need finance or #arms?


The Hunain is a Pakistani naval vessel, equipped with state-of-the-art electronic warfare, anti-ship and anti-air warfare weapons, sensors, and self-protection and terminal defense system, according to the DGPR and delivered by Damen.

September 1

A flexibility exercise to put Wagenknect on the wrong side of history, as she participated in a "peace demonstration" (quotation marks by JP Oped writer) which defended Israel, but also stated this doesn't mean support of the war by Netanyahu as if it were self-defence. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-817175

Wagenknects'party #BSW even began to demand the imposition of a German arms embargo on Israel. "The death in Gaza and Israel's attacks on its neighbors must stop."  As did do some other mentioned left parties in Europe.

To increase security or profits?

The #US officially announced the imposition of a $200m fine on the military company #Raytheon #RTX. The missile producer violated rules for arms exports and the international arms trade with #Russia, China, Iran & Lebanon. https://thetimeshub.in/the-patriot-manufacturer-was-fined-200-million-for-trips-with-laptops-to-the-russian-federation-iran-and-luban/

To increase security or profits?

More and more countries have progressively set their dmilitary industries toward exports. A number of economic, strategic, and operational factors give rise to this trend. https://muminahmedoglu.medium.com/the-strategic-shift-towards-export-focused-defense-industries-7d4c153aa304

maandag 2 september 2024

My tweets (or X's) for August

Latest on top (updated regularly):


August 31

#NATO member intervention of neigbours air space.

The Iraqi military said it downed a #Turkish #drone over the northern city of Kirkuk on Thursday as Ankara kept up its operations against #Kurdish militants inside #Iraq.

The drone was downed.


The #Damen build and delivered #warship for the China allied #Pakistani Navy, PNS Hunain, visited Oman as part of its regional maritime security patrol. During its maiden visit, the ship engaged in a naval exercise with a vessel from the Navy of #Oman.


The Defense News opinion piece of 10 Aug. by John Nagl and Daniel Rice ignores the historical experience of cluster munition use while calling on the 23 NATO states currently party to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) to withdraw and resume production of these horrific weapons.

To do so would irreparably damage the credibility of these countries, set back decades of progress towards better legal protection of civilians in armed conflict and betray the commitment to a rules-based international order which NATO countries and many others seek to defend, including in the current Russia-Ukraine conflict.


Laten we eerlijk zijn: het maken van #wapens ís nu eenmaal cru. Het zijn geen sierobjecten.

Misschien moet het allemaal eens wat minder schimmig. Maar eerlijkheid is moeilijk als je diep van binnen weet dat je in een #business werkt die naar lijken stinkt.


August 30

Is China the arsenal of the world, or Wagner? No. The #US has delivered major #arms to at least 107 countries since 2019 and accounts for 42% of global arms transfers, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

It seems that #China’s Ministry of Commerce had adjusted its #export control measures on unmanned aerial vehicles (#UAVs or #drones). New policy includes tightening some restrictions & relaxing others.

The amendments come into force on 1st September 2024.


Rabbi Avidan Freedman, living in the settlement of Efrat, rejects what he sees as Israel's sanctification of force, supports a hostage deal & sanctions against violent settlers. He is battling against the country's sale of arms to repressive regimes.

US arming of Israel, Ukraine & stockpiling large quantities of weapons for a potential war with China puts strains on US’s weapons manufacturing base, leading to policy advice that would super-size its already enormous Military Industrial Complex #MIC.

Martin bans #Israel from bidding on State defence contracts and issues support for EU sanctions.

Micheál Martin is serving as #Irish Tánaiste (vice PM), Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Minister for Defence since December 2022.

#Banana Republic scenes in Washington

Army blasts Trump trip to #Arlington #cemetery for violating decorum https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2024/08/29/army-blasts-trump-trip-to-arlington-cemetery-for-violating-decorum/

#Trump campaign denies fighting with Arlington National Cemetery staff

Threatened by Uncle Sam

#UK risks rift with US if arms sales to #Israel are stopped, Trump advisor says. #US #F35 #components


Also in the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/aug/29/special-relationship-at-risk-if-uk-bans-arms-sales-to-israel-says-trump-adviser

Volgens Bloomberg zou #Nederland akkoord zijn met beperking van de onderhoudsdiensten die #ASML in #China mag leveren.

ASML en BuZA geven echter ‘geen commentaar’.

Vaststaat dat de #VS al maanden druk uitoefenen op Nederland om de regels aan te scherpen. https://fd.nl/tech-en-innovatie/1529347/toch-beperkingen-op-onderhoudsdiensten-asml-in-china

ASML’s #China Chip Business Faces New Curbs From #Netherlands.
Huawei, SMIC rely on #ASML machines for advanced chipmaking.
China cannot replicate ASML’s advanced lithography systems yet. #US

Amnesty International yesterday called on the European Union to respect the International Court of Justice (ICJ)’s advisory opinion on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land and stop ‘business as usual’ with Israel.

#Serbia, #France ink deal for 12 #Rafale #fighters.

President Vučić of Serbia was quoted by press saying that his country will received 9 single-seat Rafales and three two-seaters, delivered by 2029, with a price tag of €2.7 billion ($2.99 billion).


Bern cozy with EU, NATO

Putin, cash and guns prompt ‘explosive’ rethink of #Swiss #neutrality.

After 500 years of non-alliance, a bombshell report recommends closer cooperation with the #EU and #NATO.

Rethinking Bangladesh’s reliance on Chinese arms. #Bangladesh is the second-largest destination for #Chinese weapons worldwide, accounting for two-thirds of Dhaka’s armaments. https://asiatimes.com/2024/08/rethinking-bangladeshs-reliance-on-chinese-arms/

August 29

Forum on the Arms Trade⬇️

Understanding Defense Offsets: Diving in on Recent Reports.
DATE: Thursday, September 5, 2024 TIME: 10:30-11:45 AM EDT LOCATION: Virtual

Blissfully Blind: https://ti-defence.org/publications/blissfully-blind-us-defence-contract-offsets-partner-countries/

Sovereign wealth funds: https://carnegieendowment.org/research/2024/06/sovereign-wealth-funds-corruption-illicit-finance-governance-risks

August 28

The #US Justice Dep. charged the #Hungarian Bence Horvath with violations of US export controls to #Russia, by -among more- conspiring with others to illegally export US-origin #radio communications tech to Russian government end users without a license.

August 27

The proliferation of cheap drones in conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East has sparked a scramble to perfect uncrewed vehicles that can plan and work together on the battlefield. However military drone swarms will raise ethical concerns in future wars.

Indian PM Modi under fire from allies and opposition to stop arms supply to Israel.

Political leaders push government to reconsider India’s arms trade with Israel, citing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. https://tribune.com.pk/story/2491506/modi-under-fire-from-allies-and-opposition-to-stop-arms-supply-to-israel

A blog I wrote in 2012 started with Hamid #Karzai, the man who led the #Afghan government at the time: "Men are fundamental and women are secondary."

Womens rights are violated severely by the #Taliban, but weren't helped neither by #NATO's man at the top. https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2012/03/vrouwenrechten-in-afghanisgtan.html

Is China the arsenal of the world, or Wagner? No. The #US has delivered major #arms to at least 107 countries since 2019 and accounts for 42% of global arms transfers, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). https://new.finalcall.com/2024/08/29/u-s-among-nations-brazenly-flouting-arms-trade-treaty-10-years-on-amnesty/

Rights groups urge EU to end cooperation with Israel as it is ‘massacring journalists’ https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240827-rights-groups-urge-eu-to-end-cooperation-with-israel-as-it-is-massacring-journalists/

Europese Journalistenfederatie: ‘Stop Europese associatieverdrag met Israël vanwege schenden van mensenrechten’


China to hold 3-day live-fire military drills near Myanmar #border.

Southern Theatre Command says troops are going to Ruili and Zhenkang in Yunnan province to ‘maintain safety and stability’.


Is Myanmar Junta Turning to Russia’s Wagner as Relations With #China Sour? While "the Chinese want to remain the sole foreign actor in #Myanmar’s civil wars"


Horrible war is also advertisement for state-of-the-art weaponry:

Like others, the UAE’s military and intelligence agencies are closely monitoring the performance of advanced weapons and warfare systems used in the Ukraine War. https://www.tacticalreport.com/daily/62949

A strange clip with a top-20 of arms exporting nations. It starts in 1960 and ends in 2024. See countries: moving over time (e.g. Israel, S. Korea), claiming the no. 1 position (USA), change name (USSR-> Russia), or even disappear from the list (India).

Opinion: #AI must be prioritised across #US military programs & platforms, or else America risks losing the AI race to #China.


Shouldn't the policy be how to rein in AI for military use, how to come to a sound & wide enough global scope #arms #control.

De dag na Sinterklaas: Lezing @Ludodb over de internationale wapenhandel in Oostende, 6 december, 14 - 16 uur. https://www.mo.be/agenda/lezing-ludo-de-brabander-over-de-internationale-wapenhandel

August 26

Want to become more popular? Stop arming ethnic cleansing!

'No regrets': Former US #official Josh Paul discusses his resignation over #arms sales to #Israel
Since his resignation, Paul says he has had a warmer reception that he expected.

Former US GOP
@RepGallagher, a power political hawk who led the House select committee on #China, has joined #Palantir Technologies as the new head of its military division, the company announced today. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/08/palantir-taps-former-gop-rep-mike-gallagher-as-new-defense-business-head/

@WilliamHartung, "The last thing we need is a @Palantir inspired foreign policy," Responsible Statecraft, August 28, 2024. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/palantir-gallagher/

August 24

Houthi weapons dealers in Yemen are openly using X and other social media to sell machine guns, pistols and grenade launchers. Since the investigation’s release, X has suspended the accounts of some of the most prominent dealers, but several remain active.

@elonmusk #braggs X has the non-reported news. Yes like where to buy your automatic riffle. Who wants to miss that.

The failure to identify the Houthi-linked #arms trade could mean Musk’s company has broken US law, reported the Jeruzalem Post. https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-816040

Recently relations between #Azerbaijan & #Turkey have been abnormal cool. To observers who have seen the close connection between both this may come as a surprise. @bahruz_samad explains why the Gaza-Israeli war plays a role aswell as the views of Erdogan.

The #US is seeking an arms #embargo on both sides of #Sudan’s conflict and is open to working with any committed party, including Russia and China, to expand humanitarian aid and stop the war, the U.S. envoy to Sudan said on Friday.

#US export restrictions were imposed over the past 2 years to curtail #Chinese access to high-end #AI #chips. However, these entities have found a loophole by using cloud services, which are not considered a violation of US regulations.

Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security #BIS is taking aggressive action to further constrain #Russia’s ability to arm its military by targeting illicit procurement networks designed to #circumvent global #export #controls.

Centraal in de #AI tech ontwikkelingen.

#Nvidia werd dinsdag het waardevolste bedrijf ter wereld, met 'n beurswaarde van $3335mrd. Een plotselinge nieuwkomer werd lijstaanvoerder waar eerder Microsoft en Apple elkaar als gebruikelijk in de top afwisselden. https://fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1520651/hoe-nvidia-het-waardevolste-bedrijf-ter-wereld-werd

Nvidia's Valuation Is Still Mostly About the Future https://www.statista.com/chart/32475/nvidia-compared-to-apple-and-microsoft/

August 23

Veiligheidsdiensten in #Suriname getraind in vernietigen van #wapens (deel “Caribbean Firearms Roadmap” programma) van de Mines Advisory Group ism Caricom Impacs en gefinancierd door de VS. Doel: voorkomen dat wapens in het criminele circuit terechtkomen.

August 22

#Qatar & #Sweden are said to airm for strengthened military ties following a series of high-level #meetings between the CoS of the Qatari Armed Forces and top Swedish #military officials. the CoS had a meeting with the CEO #Saab to discuss 'defence'.

The impact of UK sanctions on global arms companies: an analysis of sanctioned corporations.

Twee militairen trokken vorige week op een kazerne in Schaarsbergen hun privé airsoftwapen en vuurden daarmee op een burgermedewerker van Defensie. Waarom de militairen (21 & 25 jaar) dat deden, wordt op uitgezocht.

This week the US State Department gave a green light for a FMS to the #Netherlands of CH-47 and AH-64 #Helicopter Training and related equipment for an estimated cost of $305 million. #DSCA notified Congress of this possible sale this week.

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Tunisia of 65’ SAFE Archangel Boats and related elements of logistics and program support for an estimated cost of $110 million.

The Tunisian navy also received four Multi Service Offshore Patrol Vessels (MOPVs) ordered from Damen in 2016, with deliveries of the Syphax, Jugurtha, Hannon and Sophonisbe from 2018.

August 21

Westerse vrienden in Jeruzalem:

't Israëlische leger gebruikt Palestijnse gevangenen als menselijk schild in Gaza. Dat meldt de Israëlische krant Haaretz na een uitgebreid onderzoek. NGO bevestigt het onderzoek en spreekt van 'systematische praktijken'.



'Our lives are more important than their lives': Gazans not suspected of terrorism are detained and sent as human shields to search tunnels & houses before IDF soldiers enter, with the full knowledge of senior Israeli officers, sources say;


#Canada refuses to comment on US sale of Canadian-made weapons to #Israel.

Rights advocates say Canada is not being transparent and has failed to take danger of arms exports to Israel #seriously.


Defensie werkt aan "defensieve en offensieve #cybercapaciteiten op verschillende niveaus, meldde het "#HCSS al drie jaar terug.

Toch wordt in een recent artikel door #Defensie zelf alleen over aanvallen afslaan gesproken. https://magazines.defensie.nl/materieelgezien/2024/06/deze-militaire-cyber-eenheid-beschermt-tegen-digitaal-spervuur

Wow "EU deplores all loss of civilian life. It notes with utmost concern the unacceptable number of civilian casualties, especially children, as well as the catastrophic levels of hunger and imminent risk of famine caused by the insufficient entry of aid into #Gaza," but at the same time EU members continue arms exports to Jeruzalem with its ethnic cleansing policy & decades of land grab on the West-Bank. https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/un-geneva/att-csp10-eu-general-statement_en

It seems Israel as an ally is more important for Brussels than human lives are.

A report earlier this month that #Huawei is producing an #AI chip on par with #Nvidia’s H100, the most powerful graphics processing unit #GPU chip on the market, is yet another indication that US policy denying #China access to technology isn’t working.

Just one of the many articles on US chip policy backfiring (on the US industry, without stopping China) published in 2024. See e.g.: US tech export controls backfire, drive companies into ‘death spiral’.

August 20


#Myanmar is home to one of the highest concentrations of people vulnerable to the impacts of #ClimateChange, with 40% of the population residing in low-lying and coastal regions. Find out more in this SIPRI–@nupinytt fact sheet https://www.sipri.org/publications/2024/partner-publications/climate-peace-and-security-fact-sheet-myanmar-2024

Empty words

China firmly supports ATT to improve global governance of arms trade: ambassador. https://www.bastillepost.com/global/article/4090520-china-firmly-supports-att-to-improve-global-governance-of-arms-trade-ambassador

China Filling Huge Arms Order Placed by Myanmar Junta. https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/myanmar-china-watch/china-filling-huge-arms-order-placed-by-myanmar-junta.html

Regeringen negeren schaamteloos de regels van het Wapenhandelsverdrag en dat kost wereldwijd vele mensenlevens, merkt Amnesty op. https://www.amnesty-international.be/nieuws/regeringen-negeren-schaamteloos-de-regels-van-het-wapenhandelsverdrag-en-dat-kost-wereldwijd

De vraag is hoe daarop te reageren. Nog meer verdragen of nog meer politieke druk, machtsvorming, een beetje meer XR'en?

Working for #security?

Report states that on average, during the war in Afghanistan, 24% of US active duty women & 1.9% of active duty men experienced sexual assault. Also racial minorities and LGBTQ+ service members face greater risk of sexual #assault. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/08/19/military-sexual-assault-rate-higher-than-dod-estimates-report-finds/

Opinion in the Gulf News;

Words vs Action: To end armed #conflicts, restrict global #arms trade. Global South must reject injustice and resist becoming mere markets for Western arms. For the merchants of war, the collective pain and misery of whole nations is dwarfed by the lucrative deals of billions of dollars generated from weapons sales.


August 19


Philippine #ambassador to the #Netherlands B. Ledda received #DAMEN Shipyards area director for the Asia-Pacific Region R. Briene in The Hague on july 3, 2018. They discussed possibilities of shipbuilding and vessel manufacture in the #Philippines.

#Iraq has ordered an unspecified number of #H225M multi-role #helicopters from #Airbus to fill potential capability gaps caused by US troops’ pending withdrawal from the country. https://www.scramble.nl/military-news/iraq-orders-caracal-tactical-transport-helicopters

August 18

Arundhati Roy, the writer, is urging India to slam the brakes on its arms sales to Israel, warning that persisting in this bloody business will permanently tarnish India with the stain of the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

August 17


Op 7/9/4 stapte de #Indonesische activist #Munir op het vliegtuig naar #Nederland. Munir overleefde de vlucht naar #Schiphol niet. #Onderzoeken raakten kwijt en Nederland is tot nu toe als gekke Jopie aan de kant te blijven staan, schrijft Ypie Boersma. https://www.trouw.nl/opinie/opinie-laat-indonesie-niet-wegkomen-met-een-politieke-moord~b18536f8/

Approach on #AI and Autonomous weapons #AWS would, 1) prohibit certain types and uses and 2) place limits and requirements on the development and use of them. A critical task facing states is to agree on how such a two-tiered approach could be enacted. https://www.sipri.org/publications/2024/policy-reports/towards-two-tiered-approach-regulation-autonomous-weapon-systems-identifying-pathways-and-possible

A senior British #diplomat has resigned in protest over the #UK’s continued arms sales to #Israel, claiming that the government’s actions are complicit in war crimes being committed in #Gaza. https://aoav.org.uk/2024/senior-british-diplomat-mark-smith-resigns-over-uks-arms-sales-to-israel/

De bewapening en #wapenhandel met juridische middelen aan banden leggen, kan onderdeel zijn van een bredere vredesstrategie. Maar zonder politieke campagne, zonder druk van politici en maatschappelijke organisaties in de media en op straat, schieten wet... https://stopwapenhandel.org/oorlog-bestrijden-met-juridische-middelen-werkt-dat/

Ukraine is free to use Canadian-donated tanks & armoured vehicles inside Russia, the DoD said.

The statement comes as speculation grows on how long Ukraine can stay on the offensive in Russia's Kursk region — and its impacts on the running war. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/8/15/how-canadas-off-the-record-arms-exports-end-up-in-israel

Extreme form of banana republic potitics.

#Israel’s military industry sector in uproar over a surprise appointment to the government-owned company #Rafael, entral in the country’s sprawling defense apparatus. Alon Pikarsky is #Netanyahu’s hernia surgeon. https://www.defensenews.com/global/mideast-africa/2024/08/15/netanyahus-hernia-surgeon-gets-a-seat-on-rafael-board/

August 15

#Bulgarian National Extradited for Scheme to Illegally Export US-Origin Sensitive #Microelectronics to #Russia.

An #US Army Intelligence Analyst pleads guilty to charges of 1) #conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence Information, 2) #export control violations and 3) #bribery.


In the mean time his job was to defend the US. Really?

#Saudi Arabia's #SERB and #Turkeys #Baykar drone maker are said to be in talks to forge a partnership in unmanned aerial vehicles (#UAVs, drone) technology.

#China’s influence in #Bangladesh has been particularly strong in defence cooperation (...) from 2019 to 2023 Bangladesh was the second-largest recipient of Chinese #arms exports after Pakistan with 11 per cent, according to official data.

August 14

Authoritarian and dangerous allies, are clients for #US #weaponry.


US Revives Offensive #Arms Sales To #Saudi Arabia

After years of suspension, the decision reflects new geopolitical realities amid shifting alliances concerning the Middle East conflict.

US lifts ban on sending offensive arms to Saudi Arabia https://www.democracynow.org/2024/8/12/headlines/us_lifts_ban_on_sending_offensive_arms_to_saud_arabia

Canada’s participation in the giant US arms deal makes clear that the country is failing to ensure that Canadian-made weapons are not used in suspected human rights violations abroad, as required by law. https://dnyuz.com/2024/08/15/how-canadas-off-the-record-arms-exports-end-up-in-israel/

Nigerian Minister of State for Defence, Bello Matawalle, on Augus t 13, 2024 said Defence Industry Corporation of #Nigeria #DICON can produce enough #weapons for use by the Security forces in the Country and in extension to many other #African Nations.

Weird combo of clippings

➡️Israel boosting local arms production to reduce reliance on US, @IsraelHayomHeb reports https://x.com/IsraelRadar_com/status/1823307513116106825

➡️US approves $20bn worth of arms sales to Israel


2x Bad news 4 regional peace.

2x Good news 4 arms industries.

August 13

More uniform approach to dual-use export control in the EU to be expected. New types of technologies and goods are being used in warfare causing a need for refinement to existing export control lists. In response, Western leaders call for uniformising trade controls; however, this appears to be just as tricky.

‘Developments in arms production and the effects of the war in Ukraine’—New external article in Defence and Peace Economics from SIPRI’s Lorenzo Scarazzato,
@Xiaoo_l, @NanTianSA and @dielopesilva. Read it here https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10242694.2024.2381784

A signal for the floodgates to open.

More security?

For whom?

Opinion: NATO states should abandon treaty banning the use of cluster munitions. Some members, like Lithuania, already did. https://www.militarytimes.com/opinion/2024/08/10/nato-states-should-abandon-the-treaty-banning-the-use-of-cluster-bombs/

Export richtlijnen militaire kennis?

Nederlandse commando's #KCT hebben februari-mei 2024 de #Ivoriaanse special forces les gegeven in terrorismebestrijding en kregen rondedans & liederen als waardering.


#Mensenrechten US State dep: https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/cote-divoire/

August 12

Voor het eerst werd tijdens de Spelen in Parijs het gebruik van videosurveillance met kunstmatige intelligentie gelegitimeerd. En als de sporters zijn vertrokken, blijven die videocamera’s hangen.

'De wetgeving over nieuwe wapentechnologie loopt ondertussen hopeloos achter. Als er al rechtsregels zijn, worden ze door krijgsmachten creatief omzeild.'

#Dutch #navy announced its intention to equip its new frigates with robotic ships to increase their anti-submarine warfare capabilities, without expanding the pressure on its human resources. #drones https://meta-defense.fr/en/2024/08/10/robotic-ships-asm-navy-netherlands/

See e.g. (p. 91) [in Duch] https://www.tweedekamer.nl/downloads/document?id=2023D44605

#Thales South #Africa has unveiled tech to enhance the precision of mortar systems. The company’s newly developed Mortar Fire Control System #MFCS & Automated Mortar Fire Control System #AMFCS are set to redefine the landscape of indirect fire support.

Finnish #MEP @AuraSalla criticizes government’s #Israel policy, calls for #arms embargo and sanctions. #Finland

#Damen Shipyards gaat meebouwen aan een fregat voor de #Colombiaanse marine. Het wordt 't eerste fregat dat in dat land wordt gebouwd. Damen levert de technologie en de onderdelen. Het schip wordt naar een model van Damen gebouwd en wordt 107,5 meter lang.


#COTECMAR and Damen sign contract for construction of frigate for Colombian Navy in #Colombia. https://defence-industry.eu/cotecmar-and-damen-sign-contract-for-construction-of-frigate-for-colombian-navy-in-colombia/

@Damen: https://www.damen.com/insights-center/news/cotecmar-and-damen-sign-contract-for-construction-of-frigate

Germany must reconsider its extreme support for Israeli aggression.

68% of Germans oppose military support for Israel: Survey.

Outside #Agadir, #US and #Moroccan troops are putting new electronic warfare #EW tech/tactics to the test. It’s a small but vital piece to restore and update capabilities disbanded after the Cold War.

Illegal occupation south of Agadir no problem?

AI arms race?

#AUKUS partners demonstrated ‘real-time’ #AI tests at US Army’s Project Convergence. #UK military's science arm said that "once proven," AI and autonomous capabilities provide the military operational #advantage through a quicker response. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/08/aukus-partners-demonstrated-real-time-ai-tests-at-us-armys-project-convergence/

Weapons to kill the free press.

The growing number of killings of Palestinian journalists in #Gaza has triggered a demand for a cut-off in US #arms supplies to #Israel. https://www.globalissues.org/news/2024/08/12/37420

August 9

South China Sea #SCS: #Vietnamese navy frigate visits #China amid flurry of drills in waterway

Despite Beijing and Hanoi having overlapping claims, Vietnamese ship arrives at Guangdong port ‘to improve mutual understanding and trust’ #CBM


Vergeten conflict:

Wat is er nodig voor echte #vrede in Oost-#Congo?


A. #Damen we zijn "erg trots op de opdracht voor een multi-purpose vessel (‘drone carrier’) voor de Portugese marine. Het betekent dat we op dit moment voor zes #NAVO-marines schepen aan het bouwen zijn, dan wel recent hebben opgeleverd.”

Wie betaald ze?

#Leonardo embroiled in #Indonesia #corruption scandal.

Did a middleman in Jakarta take the fall for a #bribery scandal while European executives escaped scrutiny?

By @Lorenzo_Bagnoli, @andrewfeinstein, Fabio Rapetti & Alexandra Smidman


#Elbit Systems announced on Thursday that it secured a contract worth $130 million to supply Iron Fist Active Protection Systems to #BAESystems #Hägglunds.

The APS will be installed on CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle over a 5½ year period.


August 8

#India is using #Russia as a bargaining chip in its negotiations with the #West and using the West as leverage in its dealings with Russia. By navigating between these two powers, India is enhancing its own value and advancing its regional dominance.

Local residents are angry that a military contractor in Brampton, #Ontario is seeking to ship armoured vehicles built in #Canada to #Israel despite a ban on exports of “lethal goods” to the Israeli government amid its violent occupation of #Gaza.

#Niger cut diplomatic ties with #Ukraine over remarks from officials showing Ukraine's support for groups fighting in neighbouring #Mali that killed dozens of soldiers & Russian Wagner fighters in July. The move follows Mali's decision on Sunday. #Senegal

US proposed significantly widen the scope of export control #EAR over US person activities & the shipment of otherwise uncontrolled items as military, military-support, intelligence or foreign-security end-users in/from many countries would be involved.

August 7

#Germany’s #Rheinmetall is boosting its plant-engineering business to meet growing demand for ammunition factories, with an agreement to buy a majority stake in the #SouthAfrican engineering firm #Resonant Holdings for an undisclosed price. https://www.defensenews.com/land/2024/08/05/rheinmetall-to-buy-south-african-engineering-firm-to-meet-ammo-demand/

"Pessimistic assessments of Russia’s arms industry have started to surface even within tightly controlled Russian media. Experts in Russia acknowledge difficulties with maintaining relationships with historical recipients of #Russian #weapons." #RAND

Three workers lost their lives due to a gas-related incident in the Avangard facility in the Russian Republic of Bashkortostan (north of Kazachstan), which produces components for MLRS and is sanctioned by the EU for aiding Russia’s war in Ukraine.

UK Government needs to clarify position on arms exports to Israel. Amid media reports that export licensing officials have suspended the handling of new applications for arms exports, London has repeatedly been quoted as stating there has been "no change".


Who has the biggest.

The Defense News top 100.
US (7x) and China (3x) fill the top-10. https://people.defensenews.com/top-100/

August 6


There's a clear risk that weapons and military equipment directly or indirectly exported to Israel will be used to commit serious crimes against civilians in #Gaza. Any state continuing to transfer arms risks becoming complicit in violations of international humanitarian law.

Amnesty’s latest research has confirmed that large amounts of weapons from #China, #Russia, Serbia, #Turkey, #UAE and Yemen among others have made it into the hands of #Sudanese combatants accused of serious violations including war crimes.

A UK guidance for academics in fields where there is a high risk it could be used for military purposes, explaning: - how to assess if the UK’s export controls apply - when research might be exempt - how to check if an export licence is needed.

August 4

#China’s #arms exports have significantly declined over the past decade due to issues related to poor quality, compatibility problems, and substandard operational performance underscoring a serious quality issue within China’s military-industrial complex.

August 4

Big Tech's Reliance on Conflict Minerals https://www.statista.com/chart/32755/number-of-countries-gamam-potentially-sourced-conflict-minerals-from/

August 3

After months of bad publicity and rolling disruptions the #Canadian #Scotiabank announced that it’s divested over half its stake in #Israeli arms manufacturer #Elbit Systems. This was the first change to its #holdings in more than 10 years.

Investeer in klimaatrechtvaardigheid, niet in oorlog! – 21-28/09/24 – Tijdens de mondiale actieweek voor vrede & klimaatrechtvaardigheid organiseren groepen wereldwijd allerlei activiteiten. Iedereen kan meedoen met een eigen activiteit. Bedenk ook iets!

34,327 people signed a petition launched by T. Portes, a lawmaker from the La #France Insoumise #LFI, to urge the French government to halt #arms sales to #Israel. The campaign is still active on change.org & required only 700 more signatures.

A grainy picture of an ostensibly Made in #India part of a bomb in #Gaza created a social media maelstrom last month and highlighted a growing #concern about India's arms exports exacerbating the suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

The #UK’s HMRC is investigating $Airbus for possible #export control #violations. Airbus’ recent financial report stated:

“Airbus is fully cooperating with an investigation by the ..HMRC.. into possible violations of the UK's export control rules (...)" https://globalsanctions.co.uk/2024/08/reported-uk-investigation-into-airbus-export-control-violations/

Tampa man sentenced to more than 3 years in prison for defrauding #biochemical company (#MilliporeSigma, a subsidiary Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, #Germany) and diverting products to #China using falsified export documents.

Fantastic: Demand for “green ships” drives Damen's turnover to +€ 3 bn.

But the other side of the coin = #Damen's role as major builder of war vessels. Militaries, in particuular air forces/#navies play a big rol in #CO2 emissions. https://ceobs.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/SGRCEOBS-Estimating_Global_MIlitary_GHG_Emissions_Nov22_rev.pdf

Son of former regime’s ‘Ecotourism Minister’ now supplies #arms to current #Myanmar junta.

Augustus 2

FOLLOWING the news that the UK government has delayed making a decision on arms exports to Israel, War On Want, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and Campaign Against Arms Trade released the following joint statement:

"The UK government’s delay in ma....


World Policeman sanctioned 5 persons & 7 companies in China & Iran, accusing them of aiding Tehran’s ballistic missile & drone programs. Entities in China, Hong Kong, & Iran involved in procuring tech for “subordinates” of Iran’s MoD/#MODAFL were targets.

€ 750,000,000.00 for a naval vessel.

Italy has signed a €1.5 billion contract with local defense champions Fincantieri and Leonardo for two new, upgraded FREMM frigates.


To make the world a safer place for all?

The US Air Force expects its annual foreign military sales #FMS to grow by 60% this fiscal year due largely to increases in #F35 and #F16 purchases.

Or lucrative for some?


The critisism is global...

25 prominent Indians, including former Supreme Court and high court judges, economists, activists, & poets, have written to #Indian MoD Rajnath Singh, to urge him to stop licensing #arms and ammunition exports to #Israel. https://kmsnews.org/kms/2024/08/02/prominent-indian-figures-urge-modi-govt-to-halt-arms-exports-to-israel.html

...from the largest to the smallest countries

Moviment Graffitti urged the Maltese government to forbid a #fuel tanker on its way to #Israel passage & services through #Maltese waters, as its delivery 'll contribute to further violence against #Palestinians. https://timesofmalta.com/article/graffitti-calls-government-block-military-fuel-shipment-israel.1096223

Augustus 1

The Biden administration has pledged a half-billion dollars in new military aid to the government of the #Philippines as the 3US and its allies in the Asia-Pacific continue to ratchet up tensions with #China.

#Saudi military students visited #SouthAfrican AirF College on 15074 for a benchmarking & training program. “We hope your visit at one of our best Training Units expands your knowledge and helps you further your careers in the military,” SAfr general said.

Jordan Goudreau, the former #US green beret who coordinated a failed coup attempt to oust #Venezuelan strongman Nicolas #Maduro in 2020, was arrested Tuesday in a weapons-smuggling case filed in Tampa federal court.

Also in the Military Times:

A former U.S. Green Beret who in 2020 organized a failed cross-border raid of Venezuelan army deserters to remove President Nicolás Maduro has been arrested in New York on federal arms smuggling charges.


Next step in relaxing Japanese arms export restrictions:

#Japan plans to export military equipment and technology to #Vietnam part of a program to strengthen defence capabilities of Indo-Pacific nations to counter Chinese maritime advances. (Nikei 310724). https://jp.reuters.com/article/uk-japan-vietnam-defence-idUKKBN26Z02S/

#ASML lijkt te worden vrijgesteld van strengere #VS-exportrestricties. Washington wil de export van geavanceerde chiptechnologie vanuit 't buitenland naar #China verder beperken, maar dit maal worden de belangrijkste producenten van chipapparatuur ontzien.