zondag 13 oktober 2024

My tweets (or X's) for October


Latest on top (updated regularly):


October 13

#India and #Pakistan fuel Central Asian #arms race with military sales to #Armenia, #Azerbaijan.

The influx of military hardware is shifting the military balance in the region, potentially undermining fragile peace efforts.


October 12

#US reviews a 10-year-old contract by #Brazil for 36 #Gripen fighters, #SAAB said. The new probe by federal prosecutors opens legal review of the factors that led Brazil to select the Gripen over the Dassault Rafale and the #Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

Report: #US #Spending on #Israel’s Military Operations and Related U.S. Operations in the Region, October 7, 2023 – September 30, 2024.

#Spain's PM Sanchez urges international community to #stop selling #weapons to #Israel.

Old report by Bloomberg & investigations by the US Federal Gov. revealed that the #RTX Corp. (formerly #Raytheon Tech) willfully #overcharged multiple US allies, incl. #Taiwan, on various weapon sales.

Taiwan is going for a refund: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2024/10/05/2003824824

October 11

Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region.

What about #Thales Nederland in the past few years? How many millions did it get from the #EU in Brussels?

De kosten van nieuwe #kerncentrales worden systematisch onderschat. Maar om welke bedragen gaat het dan? Welke kosten zullen er zijn als we in Nederland nieuwe kerncentrales gaan bouwen? In een nieuw rapport zet onderzoeksbureau Profundo de cijfers...

Turkey expects Germany to move forward with its long-discussed sale of 40 #Eurofighter jets, sources said Thursday.

However it is an advise to the German Ministry of FA to do a Google search first: https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=fighters+Turkey+bombardment+%22human+rights%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

#Germany is reportedly reconsidering #Turkey’s request to acquire #Eurofighter jets. The request comes amid growing tensions and shifting geopolitical alignments in the Eastern Mediterranean and broader Middle East, where Turkey plays a crucial role. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20241011-germany-reconsiders-turkiyes-request-to-purchase-eurofighter-jets/

#France's strong ties to #Israel’s military industry remain intact, suggesting that #Macron’s rhetoric does not translate into meaningful action.

EI (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/david-cronin/france-arms-israel-despite-macrons-claims) uncovered that #Thales has significant influence on the #EU’s arms policy.

#Dutch & #Belgium maritime Special forces are going to work together globally. To organise this cooperation both countries are going to set up a joint task force, the so-called Combined Special Operations Maritime Task Group (C-#SOMTG). #SOF

#Dutch state sued by Palestinian & Dutch organisations, and Jewish groups that don't support the Israeli government over failure to stop Israel's alleged violations of int law.

It is unclear how far the case will go against one of Israel's closest allies. https://www.jpost.com/international/article-824103

Alleen al speculeren over een staakt-het-vuren is slecht voor de #aandelenkoersen van #wapenfabrikanten.

Waarom zitten mensen met dergelijke belangen eigenlijk zo vaak aan tafel als het om vrede en veiligheid gaat?


Doordat steeds meer landen steeds meer wapens kopen, ontstaat een wapenwedloop. Conflicten worden niet meer opgelost met diplomatie maar met geweld en dreigen met geweld.


De #militaire sector veroorzaakt naar schatting 5,5% van de mondiale uitstoot van #broeikasgassen. Door 'n lobby v/h Pentagon vallen militaire activiteiten niet onder het Verdrag van Parijs en heeft de militaire sector geen verplichting om te verduurzamen.

#Brazil has delayed a contract with Israeli company #Elbit Systems for 36 howitzers, originally signed in April, amid deliberations by the Brazilian government over Israel’s war against Hamas. The order has only be #paused.

#Elbit Systems to build #bomb factory as Israel shifts toward self-sufficient #arms production. It wants even to produce the US Mk-84 in Israel (licensed?). Policy shift reacts to arms #embargoes and “soft embargoes” on Israel.

About 80% of Flemish military equipment exported in 2023 was destined for the industry in another European or Western country. Germany and the United States received the largest share, with licences worth 58 million euros each. #Belgium #arms_export

#Ukrainian authorities are considering lifting a ban on #arms #exports, introduced in 2022. Move is aimed at attracting additional financial resources to support domestic production, in particular drones, the Financial Times wrote.


Former defence secretary Ben Wallace takes role advising Saudi Arabia.

Ex-Tory minister hired by CTRD, which works with Saudi government, to advise on reform, governance and security.

October 9

Arms Embargo: Will #Israeli-owned companies be barred From Selling to Israel, Ided Yaron asks in Haaretz.

Overview of reactions from a number of countries (Canada, Germany, and UK) and foreign joint ventures and subsidiaries of #Elbit, #IAI and #Rafael. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2024-10-09/ty-article/.premium/arms-embargo-will-israeli-owned-foreign-companies-be-barred-from-selling-to-israel/00000192-678d-de48-a192-77ade56c0000

Ursula von der Leyen’s Troubled Tenure as German Defence Minister and Her Controversial Push for an EU Commissioner for Defence.

#Marine werkt aan kennis op een postzegel in de Maritime Maintenance Valley, Den Helder. Daar moeten marine en veel bedrijven de handen ineenslaan, kennis overdragen en de krachten bundelen.

Met korte reactie #Damen, #RHMarine, Royal #IHS en #Thales. #MIC https://magazines.defensie.nl/allehens/2024/07/05_maintenance-valley

October 8

#Azerbaijan unveils #Israeli-made SandCat armoured vehicle with Spike missiles at #ADEX2024.

Between 2015 and 2018, Azerbaijan purchased 100 SandCat APC vehicles as well as 10 additional vehicles carrying 120mm self-propelled mortars from Israel’s Plasan.

ADEX2024 itself also reports the buy in a much longer article with more connextions to the war against Armenians. https://adex.az/en/news/azerbaijan-brings-upgraded-israeli-made-plasan-sandcat-stormer-with-spike-nlos-missiles-to-adex-2024-8991 However not Israel but #Turkey is the most present exhibitor at the fair.

Uit een oproep van Oproep van de Palestijnse Algemene Federatie van Vakbonden

"We hebben veel waardering voor de rol van de havenarbeidersvakbonden in Afrika, Europa en andere havens bij het ondernemen van actie om de stroom wapens te stoppen en de financiële netwerken

te verstoren die het bombarderen van ons volk financieren. Wij vragen u om te weigeren mee te werken aan militaire zendingen naar Israël via alle militaire schepen en logistieke bedrijven, vooral Maersk en ZIM.”

Chief of #Colombian Navy said the cooperation with Dutch #Damen to build #frigate arises from the need of the Colombian Navy to renew its surface strategic capabilities & to strengthen the national naval industry through tech & knowledge transfer.

#ViktorBout Is Trying to Sell Weapons to the #Houthis, Western Officials Say.

The Russian arms dealer, who was freed in a prisoner exchange with the United States, is negotiating with the militant group in #Yemen.
#Damen delivers rocket landing platform to #BlueOrigin, Jeff Bezos’ own private space company (

October 7

"as blazing as #IronNet started, it burned out"

Founded by a former director of the #NSA & stacked with elite members of the US intelligence establishment, IronNet promised it was going to revolutionize the way governments & companies combat cyberattacks.

Als je zou schrijven: "Volgens @CMC_NATO Rob Bauer moeten we € 10 miljard tot 20 miljard extra uitgeven aan Defensie," klinkt dat minder abstract en ernstiger (BBP is in 2024 net boven de 1 biljoen.)

Het is 'n bak geld die hij er bij wil: zo'n 2,5-5% van de Rijksbegroting.

Retweet met comment:
@Buitenhoftv Voor afschrikking en verdediging is '2 procent geen bodem, maar een kelder'. Volgens @CMC_NATO Rob Bauer moeten we naar 3 à 4 procent defensiebudget. 'Het dreigingsbesef is in westelijke richting aan het opschuiven'. #buitenhof https://x.com/Buitenhoftv/status/1842879594929549437

Maar @Buitenhoftv vraag nou 'n volgende keer: Wat betekent dat in euro's? Maak vooraf alvast 'n lijstje met waarop niet bespaard hoeft te worden als je dat bedrag niet in de krijgsmacht stopt. Dan ziet de kijker dat het een enorme keus is die ten koste gaat van andere zaken.

In recent years #Germany has significantly reduced arms sales to #Turkey. However, according to Der Spiegel, the situation seems to be changing. Recently it gave the green light to the export of German #arms to Turkey for a total of more than €250m.

RTX subsidiary Pratt & Whitney has secured a not-to-exceed $1.3 billion contract to continue developing an upgrade for the F-35’s engine, the Pentagon announced Monday evening.

October 6

#Macron urges countries to ‘stop delivering #weapons’ to #Israel for war in #Gaza.

French President Emmanuel Macron’s call comes as the war in Gaza grinds on and Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah escalates farther into Lebanon.

Israel says France's call for halting sales of arms used in Gaza is a 'disgrace' https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/frances-macron-says-sales-arms-used-gaza-should-be-halted-2024-10-05/

Palestinian Foreign Ministry welcomes Macron's call for halt to arms exports to Israel. https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/149963

October 5

Jeremy #Corbyn: “Voor #kolonialisme, #imperialisme en #wapenhandel is #democratie de vijand”

From February 2023 through September 2024 four men conspired to export #firearms, including Glocks, Rugers, Sig Sauers, and Smith & Wessons, from the United States #US to #Iraq, without obtaining the required export licenses.

Franco-German military #KNDS launched its subsidiary in #Kyiv. Called KNDS #Ukraine LLC, the subsidiary will enable local firms to carry out maintenance KNDS arms delivered to Ukraine. https://www.knds.com/newsroom/press-releases/detail/ukrainian-subsidiary-of-armaments-group-knds-opened/

How is it connected to official KNDS HQs in NL? https://www.kvk.nl/bestellen/#/64277925000033117004

The European Union’s #EU funding and defence branches are moving closer together in a bid to strengthen the continent’s military-industrial complex #MIC, with an updated agreement between the European Investment Bank & #EDA being concluded on Wednesday.

F*ck off with human rights?

The chairman of the US House of Representatives FA Committee Michael McCaul urged President Biden to speed up weapons shipments to #Israel, including 2000-pound bombs that have been held up for months over human rights concerns.https://english.alarabiya.net/News/united-states/2024/10/04/us-house-committee-chairman-urges-biden-to-expedite-bomb-shipments-to-israel

Made by #Korean Ghost Robotics, the pioneering maker of gun-toting robot canines, the #AI-enhanced & rifle-equipped machine used by the #US was described by a spokesperson as one of "several" pieces of machinery to be part of its anti-#drone arsenal.

US Army testing roll out of gun-mounted robot dogs in Middle East.
The US Army is testing robot dogs mounted with AI-enabled rifles at a military facility in the Middle East amid rising tensions in the region, according to newly released images. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/us-army-testing-roll-gun-064941206.html

Deze robothond van het Amerikaanse leger schiet vaker raak dan een soldaat.

Gaat 't Europees Parlement 'n routineus voor resolutie stemmen om wapens te sturen naar Oekraïne, vraagt Global Info zich af.

Het EP stemde al voor 't leveren van meer en zwaardere wapens die ook onbeperkt mogen ingezet worden op Russisch grondgebied.


Advertised and worded like its meant to sell a new laptop or some kind of toy: #Leidos Unveils Small, Affordable Cruise Missile For #AFSOC

New small cruise missile slated for #SOCOM gunship test

Digital engineering is helping smaller companies make big leaps in missile design. https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2024/10/new-small-cruise-missile-slated-socom-gunship-test/400021/

Backgrounder explores how the situation in #Gaza has affected the #arms export policy and practice of 6 of the world’s top 10 exporters of ‘major conventional arms’ according to #SIPRI Arms Transfers Database. #Israel #US #UK #France #Germany #Italy #Spain

Or find original text by Zain Hussain (researcher in the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme) here:

Where there's a will, there's a way

US says no system in place to track delivery of spare parts for Israeli F-35s.

Arms control experts say inability to track F-35 components made in one country and sent to another problematic.

ACTIVISTS targeted an arms factory in Brighton which makes parts for fighter jets used by the Israeli military on Thursday.

The protesters sprayed the L3Harris factory with fake red blood and scrawled “L3Harris kills kids” near the entrance.

#Dutch #Damen's military help to China's best ally. #Pakistan Navy has commissioned the third Yarmook class PNS Hunain (F-273) armed offshore patrol vessel built in #Romania in a ceremony held at the Karachi Naval Dockyard in September.

Can the Air Force make its next-gen #fighter jet cheaper than the #F35? Some analysts warn it can't be done.

(The astronomous sustainment costs alone have increased between 2018-23 44% from about $1.1trillion to $1.58 trn https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-24-106703.pdf ).

#Dutch #Damen (known for its policy frustrating #woningbouw in #Amsterdam) held a ceremony at its Shipyards in #Galati, #Romania. The event marked 2 significant milestones in the construction of a Multi-Purpose Ship for the #Portuguese Navy.

October 3

The #US State Department has approved the sale of 720 #Stinger missiles to #Egypt for an estimated cost of $740m. This deal includes also spare parts, testing equipment, contractor engineering, as well as logistical and program support. #Raytheon #RTX

When you travel by 747 remember this tweet:

#Boeing won a $600m deal for Joint Direct Attack Munition and Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition testing and integration. This contract invovles sales to #Israel, Singapore, Philippines, #Indonesia & #Turkey. https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract/Article/3921460/

IMPUNITY MANUFACTURERS Review of #Italian Arms Export to #Egypt for 2023.

Report on #offshoring- that, among other things, facilitates business relations outflanking policy regulations & state licensing processes. It is a trend in France, Germany & Belgium

#War in #space:

#France has unveiled plans to take its active space defense to low Earth orbit, illustrating how Western #governments’ concern is increasing about the role spacecraft may play in future conflicts.

Mijn reacties op tweet met stemmingen motie 22054 424 (https://x.com/LinksIHNieuws/status/1841401287658643862):

Verbaast niet, wel triest. 20 Jaar geleden liep SP al voorop (Van Bommel) samen met GroenLinks (Karimi) en deed de PvdD mee (DENK bestond nog niet). GL heeft zich inmiddels losgezongen van fundamentele kritiek op militarisme en bewapening, zelfs als het om landen gaat die regels aan hun laars lappen.

Deze motie werd breder gesteund. Hij houdt in dat wapen voor wapen moet worden bewezen dat dit type wordt ingezet. De ervaring leert dat dit een hoop gesteggel betekent over wanneer ingezette en geleverde wapens overeenkomen. En 't zal achteraf gebeuren. https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/kst-22054-428.pdf

The #Saudi Ministry of Defense #MoD is in talks with #Thales Group to procure a radar system. The deal would also include a localization agreement. A note [behind paywall] provides a comprehensive overview of several aspects concerning the deal. https://www.tacticalreport.com/daily/63029

Marxist economist Michael Hudon on "Why the war in #Ukraine is meant to drag on: Strategic goals, European discontent & NATO's role. It's war. It's a bonanza 4 US arms exports. And what if #Europe is replenishing all of the arms that it's sent to Ukraine.


Push factor at the arms market:

Can #China’s military jets find favour in arms markets dominated by US, Russia? Chinese-made #warplanes offer an alternative to an increasing number of nations, as sales to #Myanmar, #Nigeria and #Iraq already show.

Bit bewildering comment comes from an established Turkish source. Ankara is itself an agressive player on the global stage. This however points to a shameful situation, although in the more recent figures France pased Russia & Germany entered top-5 (UK no. 7 behind Italy).

Retweet with comment: @trtworld: The arms exports of the US and other P5 members stand in stark contrast to their supposed contributions to humanitarian efforts. Is the UN Security Council actually competent and truly aiming to ease human suffering? https://x.com/trtworld/status/1841457673281183762

How fast do the doors revolve?

Former #UK defence secretary Sir Ben #Wallace has joined an investment firm that focuses on military technology ventures, becoming the latest Conservative ex-minister to seek a new career in the business world. https://www.ft.com/content/35658fbe-1f7f-4034-881d-b49dfe1590ed

#Russia plans to spend 30% more on the #military next year, in total €108 bn for all military #spending. That amount would account for about 40% of the total budget by Moscow. https://thedefensepost.com/2024/09/30/russia-defense-spending-hike-2025/

Far less than France & Germany combined. https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2024/6/pdf/240617-def-exp-2024-en.pdf

US Special Operations Command #SOCOM is paving the way for a new military specialty aimed at getting more tech-savvy recruits into jobs that will help commandos put emerging #technology to use on the #battlefield, Army officials said. https://www.stripes.com/branches/army/2024-10-02/special-operations-artificial-intelligence-recruiting-15379220.html

October 1

South #Korea, #France, #Italy hunt for #arms deals as Russian exports fall #Vietnam, #India diversify procurement in market reshaped by Ukraine war

Will #Israel be a major player in the #Philippines’ US$36 billion military upgrade?

While Israeli arms are attractive for their quality and affordability, a backlash – domestically, regionally, and internationally – looms


Alleged Chinese Spy Was Tracking U.S. Arms Shipments to Israel
New arrest casts light on Beijing’s interest in Western military logistics in Europe

US charges Chinese dissident with allegedly spying for Beijing https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp8nzpx45wxo

2/2 Germany Arrests Woman Accused of Sharing Arms Export Data With China The woman, who worked at an airport that is one of Europe’s largest cargo hubs, is accused of passing along “flights, freight and passengers” related to arms exports. https://nytimes.com/2024/10/01/world/europe/germany-china-arrest-spying.html

Jian G. the assistant of former AfD top candidate Maximilian Krah is said to have spied on arms deliveries for China. He apparently had an informant at Leipzig Airport. He is said to have passed on info from the EU Parliament to Chinese intell services. https://indianetworknews.com/was-this-woman-spying-for-jian-g/news

The US Air Force awarded #Lockheed Martin a $3.2bn contract for two types of missiles: AGM-158C Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles & AGM-158B Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles and will include FMSales to Japan, the #Netherlands, Finland & Poland.

The #Netherlands secured spending of about €1 billion on #Dutch companies as part of its multibillion-euro purchase of four attack #submarines from #France’s #NavalGroup, the Dutch MoD said.

#offsets https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/09/30/dutch-submarine-buy-from-france-to-spark-11-billion-in-offsets

#Russia’s #arms exports to sub-Saharan #Africa. Russia's failed invasion of Ukraine has severely damaged its reputation, leading to a drop in arms sales and causing it to lose its position as the world’s second-largest arms exporter to #France in 2023.

Reports by the Italian Institute for Int Political Studies #ISPI, titled "Importing (In)security: The Evolving Arms Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa." (https://www.ispionline.it/en/publication/importing-insecurity-the-evolving-arms-trade-in-sub-saharan-africa-184835): Russia lose ground to rising competitors such as #China and #Turkey.