zondag 28 mei 2017

Week 21 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

De winnaars van de week zijn Trump en de wapenindustrie. Nooit eerder zag ik zoveel wapenhandel nieuws als de afgelopen week (vrijwel alles over de levering aan Saoedi-Arabië). Zelf ben ik verliezer – net als miljarden anderen –, want ook mijn veiligheid is weer verminderd door leveringen aan het salafistische regime in Riyadh en aan de buurlanden van het GCC.

Uit allerlei hoeken en gaten kwamen commentaren op de leveringen. Zie hieronder voor een aantal voorbeelden. Zelfs de extremistische Breitbard plaatste de mening van Republikein Paul Rand volledig die o.a. stelt dat: “Selling military weapons to questionable allies is not in our national security interest. At some point, the United States must stop and realize that we are fueling an arms race in the Middle East.” 

(Ik heb geen link, maar In Europe, Trump continues to tout Saudi trip's success, van Karen DeYoung (May 28, 2017) geeft een gedetailleerde beschrijving van de inhoud van de deals (grotendeels al van eerder, ook Obama periode), de beren die nog op de weg liggen en de voorkeuren en antipatieën van Trump bij het kiezen van bevriende staten/staatshoofden.)

In Brussel werd de leugen weer gevierd dat de NAVO er is om 'onze' veiligheid te dienen. Misschien soms, een beetje, maar misschien ook een beetje niet als dat beter uitkomt. De afgelopen week werd duidelijk dat onze veiligheid ondergeschikt is aan: maak de wapenindustrie weer groot!

EUROPA (zie 22)

Trump op reis (zie ook 12, 16)

2 – 250517: Who thinks it is a wise thing to sell? Israel's next security concern: A Middle East arms race - Middle East - http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Avigdor-Liberman-Arms-race-in-the-Middle-East-concerning-493747

3 – 250517: All those involved know investment in arms does not bring jobs most of the time. Even companies aren't so sure. https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/05/24/trump-says-his-saudi-deal-will-create-jobs-the-companies-involved-arent-so-sure/

4 – 240517: Sen. Rand Paul plans to force vote on $110 billion #Saudi arms deal http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/23/politics/rand-paul-saudi-arms-deal/

5 – 230517: Middle East security deteriorated will have global effects. Endless war is made more endless by the leader of #NATO. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/world/just-a-show-irans-president-mocks-donald-trumps-visit-to-saudi-arabia-20170522-gwar26.html

6 – 230517: Pakistani Daily Times: #Leader of the free world couldn't give two hoots about one of the worlds' poorest countries http://dailytimes.com.pk/editorial/22-May-17/war-industry-wins

7 – 230517: "This is something that will come back to bite (...) the US, because we’re the ones providing the bombs & bullets.” http://time.com/4787797/donald-trump-yemen-saudi-arabia-arms-deal/

8 – 220517: Trump proposal to cut in Foreign Military Financing #FMS under 2018 budget request, switching some funding in loans. http://www.defensenews.com/articles/trump-budget-to-cut-foreign-military-financing-with-loan-option-looming


9 – 220517: #French legal authorities inquire into alleged #corruption tied to 2008 sale of Scorpene #submarines to #Brazil. http://www.defensenews.com/articles/french-officials-probe-bribery-allegations-in-brazil-scorpene-sale


10 – 240517: #Spain records 4 bln euros in arms sales in 2016 http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-05/24/c_136308983.htm


11 – 250517: Turkey’s varied tactics of US lobbying - http://www.yerepouni-news.com/archives/312749



Brazilië (zie 9)


13 – 250517: Why #China’s not building its next aircraft carrier just yet http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2095513/why-chinas-not-building-next-aircraft-carrier-just-yet via @SCMP_News

14 – 220517: Wonder if aircraft carrier will be so central in #China's navy. It wasn't a few yrs ago & even in US role is debated http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2094627/why-china-still-cant-beat-us-become-worlds-most

15 – 280517: #Airbus starts building first #helicopter plant in #China http://dailym.ai/2s9u8LN "It's not our policy to sell military products in China."


16 – 250517: Leader of #NATO & free world on extra juridical killings. #Trump said to praise 'Great Job' in Philippine drug fight https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2017/05/24/us/politics/ap-us-united-states-philippines-.html


17 – 250517: On #India's 'independent' arms production. India’s Desi Bofors and other indigenous weapons https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/206096-Indias-Desi-Bofors-and-other-indigenous-weapons

Israël ( zie 2)
Iran (zie 5)
Jemen (zie 6-7)


18 – 240517: Vanguard News #Nigeria: 440 #rifles illegal shipped from #Turkey to Lagos. http://www.vanguardngr.com/2017/05/another-440-rifles-uncovered-lagos/


19 – 230517: EU wary over #Ukraine weapons in South #Sudan https://euobserver.com/beyond-brussels/137987 Ukrainian #UkrOboronProm part EU defence ind http://www.eudefenceprocurement.com/

Saoedi-Arabië (zie 1-8)


20 – 230517: US delivers six small coastal patrol boats to #Vietnam coastguard http://sc.mp/GKEXqU  via @SCMP_News http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/2095337/us-delivers-six-coastal-patrol-boats-vietnam-coastguard


Airbus (zie ook 15)

21 – 220517: #Airbus installed team of 3 experts to boost its compliance to anti-#corruption rules after UK & French inquiries. http://www.defensenews.com/articles/airbus-assembles-independent-compliance-panel-after-bribery-probe


Kleine wapens

22 – 240517: all firearms or their essential components should be marked with a clear, permanent and unique marking & registered http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32017L0853&from=EN

Corruptie (zie 9, 21)

Onderzoek en activisme:

23 – 230517: Retweet @Vredesactie Naast al het roepen om meer geld voor militairen, een frisse kijk op de zaak. / OpEd in Dutch why higher military spending doesn't bring more security. There isn't a lack of resources but of political vision, the authors. https://twitter.com/Vredesactie/status/866976844729417730

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek

zondag 21 mei 2017

Week 20 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

Wapens en oorlog. Je kan er deze week bij zijn. Trump komt naar Brussel voor een NAVO-feestje. Dat is zelfs vanuit Groningen goed te doen. Er is een demonstratie. Ga! Hou het niet bij woorden. Er is zelfs een bus georganiseerd. Geef je op. (Helaas is het mij te zwaar anders zou ik gaan.) https://www.trumpnotwelcome.be/

WapebeursIMDEX, Singapore, met Holland paviljoen.

Nederland (zie ook 14, 22, 24-25)
1 – 200517: The police department #Netherlands North battles illegal small arms #SALW [In Dutch, behind pay wall]. https://www.lc.nl/friesland/Hoe-de-politie-Noord-Nederland-strijdt-tegen-de-wapenhandel-22226567.html

2 – 180517: Dutch air force bought expensive #F35 #JSF. Complains it can deploy 4 fighters when it 'only ' got 37. Ratio: 1:9. http://nos.nl/artikel/2173663-officieren-waarschuwen-onze-luchtmacht-staat-er-slecht-voor.html

EUROPA (zie 21)

3 – 170517: Watered down resolution on #Saudi Arabia adopted by #Belgian Commission on Foreign Affairs. [in Dutch] http://sceptr.net/2017/05/kamercommissie-stemt-wapenembargo-saoedi-arabie/

Duitsland (zie ook 18)
4 – 190517: More danger under the surface in Southeast Asia. #Singapore to acquire more Type 218SG #submarines from #Germany http://www.defensenews.com/articles/singapore-to-acquire-more-type-218sg-subs-from-germany

Tsjechië (zie 23)

Turkije ( )
5 – 200517: #Turkish company #Otokar reveals 'urban operation tank' http://www.defensenews.com/articles/turkish-company-otokar-reveals-urban-operation-tank

7 – 150517: Column: US position on Turkey. Call Turkey’s bluff on arming Syrian Kurds http://thestandard.com.ph/opinion/columns/236573/call-turkey-s-bluff-on-arming-syrian-kurds.html#.WRlY2qG6yMM.twitter

VK (zie 12)

8 – 170517: Mayhem creates business. #Saab: rising tensions in #Asia may turn the region into one of its fastest growing markets http://www.financialexpress.com/industry/saab-says-rising-tensions-in-asia-may-turn-the-region-into-one-of-its-fastest-growing-markets/671359/

Midden-Oosten (zie 5-7)


9 – 180517: War without end? US to provide #Afghanistan with enormous unfit 159 Black Hawks #helicopter fleet to fight #Taliban. http://www.militarytimes.com/articles/blackhawks-airforce-afghanistan-stalemate

India (zie 10)

10 – 150517: Relations India: Palestine & Israel. Arms trade diplomacy? Abbas in India to boost ties ahead of Modi’s Israel trip http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/05/15/world/politics-diplomacy-world/abbas-india-boost-ties-ahead-modis-israel-trip/#.WSGLNmiGPyR

Jemen (zie 13)

11 – 190517: Arms scandal: #corruption in the defence procurement sector as “the new diesel for #Nigeria’s kleptocrats” http://uncova.com/arms-scandal-contractor-inflated-helicopters-price-by-20m-each

Peru (zie ook 22)

Singapore (zie 4, 24)

Saoedi-Arabië (zie ook 3)
13 – 210517: This is cynical: #Tory ministers accept 20 luxury food hampers from #Saudi Arabian regime worsening famine in #Yemen http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/tory-saudi-arabia-food-hampers-boris-johnson-liam-fox-general-election-2017-conservatives-theresa-a7745206.html

15 190517: #Saudi Arabia: “Wholly government-owned SAMI aims to become one of the world’s top 25 defense companies by 2030.” https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/gulf/2017/05/18/Saudi-launches-new-national-state-company-to-manufacture-arms.html

16 – 190517: EU source: Emirates’ militarization of Gulf of Africa risks blowback http://www.defensenews.com/articles/eu-source-emirates-militarization-of-gulf-of-africa-risks-blowback


Damen (zie ook 22, 24)
17 – 190517: Dutch naval lobby by Damen http://www.en.portnews.ru/news/239186/

Thales Nederland (zie 14, 19)

Fokker (zie 14)


F-35 (zie ook 2)
18 – 180517: Make America great again. Buy US fighters. Germany requested classified data from the US military on the #F35 jet http://www.defensenews.com/articles/germany-requests-classified-data-from-us-military-on-f-35-fighter-jet

Onderzeeboten (zie 4)

19 – 160517: Major Dutch role in missile defence. #Thales tests #SMART-L MM/N #BMD radar ahead of lead ship set delivery. http://www.janes.com/article/70400/thales-tests-smart-l-mm-n-bmd-radar-ahead-of-lead-ship-set-delivery#.WRrTb-w-i5s.twitter

20 – 160517: Japanese missile defence programs further develop with Aegis ashore. http://www.the-japan-news.com/news/article/0003696092

Kleine wapens (zie 1)

Surveillance technologie
21 – 200517: EU NGOs call for stronger rights protections for surveillance technology exports and removal of crypto from DU list http://www.liberties.eu/en/news/eu-civil-society-coalition-calls-for-stronger-eu-export-controls#disqus_thread

Corruptie (zie 11-12)

22 – 180517: One of the many arms fairs: #SITDEF 2017 in Peru. For the Netherlands Damen is present, but also Israeli embassy. http://media.wix.com/ugd/1d1c98_082150e3a889471cab299a54ec3439db.pdf

23 – 170517: Civic #Czech group: Brno should not support #arms trading #fair #IDET http://www.praguemonitor.com/2017/05/17/civic-group-brno-should-not-support-arms-trading-fair

24 – 160517: Retweeted: @JacquesWerner  Concise but impressive #holland pavillion @IMDEXAsia #navy fair, presenting @NIDVnews, @TNO_Research & niche players. And shipbuilder @damen

25 – 160517: This one written in 1999 on visit to arms fair in The Hague. Today protest in against same #ITEC in #Rotterdam. http://broekstukken.blogspot.com/1999/04/oorlog-is-geen-spelletje.html

Onderzoek en activisme (zie 23)

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek

maandag 15 mei 2017

Week 19 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

Dit keer een oproep: Met de bus mee naar Brussel!

Demonstraties bij de NAVO top in Brussel
Na jaren en jaren bouwen opent de NAVO een nieuw hoofdkantoor in Brussel. Om dat te vieren komen alle NAVO-leiders op woensdag 24 en donderdag 25 mei bijeen in Brussel. Met topstukken als Trump en Erdogan. Daar wordt onderhandeld over verhoging defensiebudgetten, de oorlog in Syrië, het geruzie met Rusland maar ook het geruzie met Turkije en Polen. De NAVO heeft een nieuw gebouw maar is ook een oud krot. Het is daarom hoog nodig dat de vredebeweging haar stem laat horen. In België hebben zich al duizenden mensen aangemeld om op woensdagmiddag 17u "mee op te stappen" tegen de bewapenings- en oorlogsplannen die er dan besproken worden. Op 25 mei is er een conferentie.
Voor meer informatie, over reis en achtergronden: http://oorlogisgeenoplossing.blogspot.nl/2017/03/vervoer-naar-navo-top-brussel.html Over de acties in Brussel http://stopnato2017.org/en/conference.


1 – 100517: NATO spends 12x what Russia does on military. EU more as 4x. Dutch armed forces want even higher budget. #formatie http://www.ad.nl/binnenland/dreiging-van-rusland-toont-noodzaak-om-in-leger-te-investeren~a0af9b53/

EUROPA (zie 4, 25)

Duitsland (zie ook 8, )
2 – 100517: #German weapons giant's #Rheinmetall plans to arm #Turkey met with protests. https://sputniknews.com/europe/201705091053437945-german-weapons-giant-protests/ via Russia's @SputnikInt

Servië (zie ook 15)
3 – 100517: #Servia stopped arms enroute to #Macedonia intended for #Albanians [in Serbian]. http://www.blic.rs/vesti/hronika/kako-je-vba-sprecila-sverc-oruzja-u-makedoniju-novi-detalji-o-zapleni-arsenala/0374z13#.WRLGyOQXyGs.twitter

Turkije (zie 2, 8, 22-23)

4 – 110517: Report #BAE AGM: "Brexit won't harm Anglo-EU defence co-operation on #drones." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/05/10/brexit-wont-harm-anglo-eu-defence-co-operation-drones-says-bae/

5 – 110517: #Saab looks toward three critical competitions (#Botswana, Bulgaria, Slovakia) for near-term #Gripen C/D sales http://www.defensenews.com/articles/saab-looks-toward-three-critical-competitions-for-near-term-gripen-c-d-sales
Midden-Oosten ()
6 – 10517: Still unclear what exactly, but US weapons will soon flow to #Kurds as they isolate ISIS fighters in Raqqa http://www.militarytimes.com/articles/ypg-us-arms
– 100517: Arms for Syrian #Kurds may include 120mm mortars, machines guns, ammunition and light armored vehicles. http://www.militarytimes.com/articles/officials-us-approves-heavier-weapons-for-syrian-kurds
110517: How solid is the US policy of arming YPG? Erdogan to visit Trump's White House mid May. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/803052/president-donald-trump-white-house-turkey-visit-recep-erdogan


China (zie 12)

7 – 130517: US Approves chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (#CBRN) equipment worth US$75 million to #India. http://www.defenseworld.net/news/19271/US_Approves_CBRN_Equipment_Sale_To_India

8 – 100517: #Indonesian Navy delegation arrives in Istanbul to study acquisition #Turkish build #German type 214 AIP #submarines http://www.janes.com/article/70186/indonesian-navy-delegation-arrives-in-istanbul-to-study-acquisition-of-aip-submarines#.WRLaDQxDkTA.twitter (Later that week LoI signed by HDW, Turkey Indonesia)
9 – 090517: US #naval 76mm cannons for #Israel, value US$ 440 million http://docs.regulations.justia.com/entries/2017-05-08/2017-09286.pdf

10 – Creativity to transfer arms to bolster allies. #Japan seeks to give patrol planes to #Malaysia- Nikkei Asian Review http://asia.nikkei.com/Politics-Economy/International-Relations/Japan-seeks-to-give-patrol-planes-to-Malaysia?n_cid=NARAN012

Jemen (zie Saoedi-Arabië en VAE)

11 – 090517:Kenya: Analysts Sceptical of Impact in Somalia of Kenya Arms Purchases https://www.africa-news.info/news/kenya/2017/05/08/kenya-analysts-sceptical-of-impact-in-somalia-of-kenya-arms-purchases/ … via @Africa-News

Korea (Noord)
12 – 110517: North #Korean missile parts fished from the Yellow Sea demonstrates the critical importance of foreign components. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/kim-jong-uns-rockets-are-getting-an-important-boost--from-china/2017/04/12/4893b0be-1a43-11e7-bcc2-7d1a0973e7b2_story.html

13 – 100517: Retweeted @FrankSlijper At least 6 US-made airplanes from UAE show up in #Libya's civil war, in defiance of UN arms embargo http://time.com/4746914/libya-civil-war-airplanes-haftar-uae/

Maleisië (zie 10, 24)

Saoedi-Arabië (zie ook 17)
14 – 140517: Call 4 equality develops over yrs into turmoil, repression, Pakistani & child killed in #Saudi #Shiite town gunfire http://mpumalanganews.co.za/afp/271959/pakistani-child-killed-in-saudi-shiite-town-gunfire (later also reported by AFP)

15 – 130517: #Serbia Defends #Saudi Arms Sales: “Exports to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are not prohibited," by int organisation http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/serbian-ministry-comments-on-birn-and-occrp-investigation-05-11-2017

Somalië (zie ook 11)
16 – 120517: Somalia's endless war & famine. Helped by more arms? President Farmajo calls 4 arms' embargo end to defeat al-Shabab http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/05/farmajo-calls-arms-embargo-defeat-al-shabab-170511134001952.html

Thailand (zie 21)

VAE (zie ook 13)
17 – 100517: Farsnews states the #UAE will leave Saudi led coalition in #Yemen & strengthens own position helped by #German arms. http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx 



18 – 140517: US global aerospace and defence (40%) exports continue to slow. https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/about-deloitte/us-ad-export-labor-study-graphics.pdf

19 – 120517: Hybrid drones or hybrid satellites? #Airbus' high-flying #Zephyrs to head to UK for testing | Jane's 360


20 – 100517: The world does need arms control in cyberspace. http://www.dw.com/en/opinion-arms-control-is-needed-in-cyberspace/a-38759959

Drones (zie 4, 19)

Onderzeeboten (zie ook 8)
21 – 100517: #Thailand to buy #Chinese #submarines http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2017-05/10/content_29285252.htm
22 – 120517: IDEF'17: Increased rivalry observed among Turkey's armored vehicle makers http://www.defensenews.com/articles/idef17-increased-rivalry-observed-among-turkeys-armored-vehicle-makers

23 – 120517: Istanbul arms fair #IDEF and the accompanying talk: Turkey’s defence industry reaches a key turning point. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/Default.aspx?PageID=238&NID=112997&NewsCatID=540

Onderzoek en activisme:
24 – 090517: For who missed it, the annual defence country expenditures figures report by NATO 2009-2016. http://www.nato.int/cps/el/natohq/news_142152.htm
25 – 080517: Report: Europese Unie wil wapenindustrie financieren [EU wants to finance arms industry] http://www.stopwapenhandel.org/sites/stopwapenhandel.org/files/Europees%20geld%20voor%20de%20wapenindustrie%20-%20opmaak.pdf

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek

maandag 8 mei 2017

Week 18 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

Europa heeft een aantal belangrijke bondgenoten in de directe nabijheid, daaronder Egypte, Turkije en Saoedi-Arabië. Met de laatste twee heeft het op dit moment een moeizame relatie.

De oorlog van de door Saoedi Arabië geleide Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) tegen de heersende macht in Jemen begint zwaar te wegen, niet in het minst vanwege de steeds benardere positie van de bevolking.

Turkije heeft eveneens zijn eigen regionale belangen. Assad is vijand van oudsher en welke politieke oplossing dan ook waarbij zijn rol niet volledig is uitgespeeld is niet in het belang van Ankara. Nog minder is het bewind van Erdogan gecharmeerd van samenwerking met Europese en VS samenwerking met Syrische Koerden tegen IS. Turkije bestrijdt Koerdische militanten dan ook in weerwil van hun bijdrage aan de strijd tegen IS.

Wapenhandel naar zowel Riyad als Ankara staat hierdoor onder druk. Egypte eveneens betrokken bij de oorlog tegen Jemen en onder het bewind van een regering die zijn machtsovername onderstreepte door massaslachtingen kan nog wel 'gewoon' op wapens rekenen.

Nederland (zie ook 4)
1 – 020517: August 2016 ¾ million pieces of #Italian small arms ammo shipped from Rotterdam to #Philippines Used fighting crime? https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/rapporten/2016/10/01/overzicht-doorvoer-militaire-goederen

2 – 010517: #Dutch arms export policy to #Turkey tightened. [in Dutch] Kritische blik op export naar Turkije https://www.trouw.nl/home/kritische-blik-op-export-naar-turkije~a3fc82b1/ via @trouw

3 – 010517: Dutch expand their helicopter air transport force. Netherlands signs for two more Chinooks | Jane's 360 http://www.janes.com/article/69986/netherlands-signs-for-two-more-chinooks

EUROPA (zie 14, 18)

4 – 030517: Belgium Minister of Foreign Affairs considers if an #Benelux viewpoint on arms trade to #Saudi's would be possible. http://www.demorgen.be/politiek/reynders-geen-federale-aanwezigheid-meer-in-handelsmissies-naar-saoedi-arabie-b479942a/2eTFjZ/

Duitsland ()
5 – 030517: Christians in Merkel’s party want to curb German gun exports http://kron4.com/ap/christians-in-merkels-party-want-to-curb-german-gun-exports/

6 – #Germany and #Saudi Arabia sign agreements on #police, #military #training

7 – 010517: Al-Tuwaijri: "wir werden der deutschen Regierung keine Probleme mehr bereiten mit immer neuen Wünschen nach Waffen" http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/angela-merkel-in-saudi-arabien-interview-mit-saudischem-vize-wirtschaftsminister-a-1145485.html

9 – 040517: #French government, bank to jointly set aside $55M to back small strategic firms http://www.defensenews.com/articles/french-government-bank-to-jointly-set-aside-55m-to-back-small-firms

Italië (zie 1)

10 – 040517: Norwegian Defence minister defends herself against: “textbook example of what should not be done.” http://www.newsinenglish.no/2017/05/03/defense-minister-defends-herself via @norwaynews

Turkije (zie ook 2, 24, )
11 – 040517: Turkey in 'final phase' of secretive Saudi export, probably on naval platforms. Where does the knowledge comes from. http://www.defensenews.com/articles/turkey-in-final-phase-of-secretive-saudi-export-deal

12 – 020517: #TAI successfully weaponized Anka MALE #drones UAV with Rocketsan MAM-L munition http://quwa.org/2017/04/30/tai-successfully-weaponizes-anka-uav-mam-l/

13 – 070517: Rolls Royce Agrees to Produce MTU Engines for Naval Vessels in India: https://sputniknews.com/asia/201705051053310091-india-rolls-royce-engines/ via Russia's @SputnikInt


14 – 010517: Robert #Fisk in Cairo, not only on Copt relations with #Sisi goverment, but also on EU and US arms trade to #Egypt. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/egypt-pope-francis-isis-coptic-christians-problems-run-deep-a7710121.html

Filippijnen (zie 1)


Israël (zie 15, 24)

Jemen (zie ook Saudi-Arabië)
16 – 020517: UK government over-reliant on #Saudi assurances about how it is using UK arms in the war in #Yemen https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/may/02/uk-warned-needs-new-middle-east-policy-not-rely-donald-trump

17 – 040517: US sale to #Kenya: 12 MD 530F #heli's incl 24 machine guns; 4032 M151 rockets; 400000 rounds .50 caliber ammunition http://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/kenya-md-530-aircraft


19 – 070517: Nigeria’s ‘Armsgate’ scandal broke in 2015. https://sites.tufts.edu/corruptarmsdeals/2017/05/05/nigerias-armsgate-scandal/

Saoedi-Arabië (zie ook 4, 6-8, 11)
20 – 070517: Boeing receives contract to upgrade Saudi Apache helicopters, recently named to may be used in shooting of refugees. http://www.upi.com/Defense-News/2017/05/05/Boeing-receives-contract-to-upgrade-Saudi-Apache-helicopters/2101493986858/

21 – 030517: Alarm grows in Washington as Saudi coalition attack on Yemen port appears imminent https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/05/02/alarm-grows-in-washington-as-saudi-coalition-attack-on-yemen-port-appears-imminent/


22 – 070517: Dual use capabilities of KETs (technologies providing the basis for innovation in e.g. nanotechnology, photonics). http://www.worldtradecontrols.com/dual-use-application-of-key-enabling-technologies

Drones (zie ook 12)
23 – 040517: #Drones market to reach $22bn by 2022, also military sector will grow for #border control, intelligence and combat. https://www.reportbuyer.com/today/drones-market-reach-22-billion-2022/

24 – 070517: #Israeli defence-industry tech in every #F35 (#JSF). Which other country has a similar tech position? #Turkey also? http://www.defensenews.com/articles/lockheed-vp-theres-a-part-of-israel-in-every-f-35

Kleine wapens (zie 15)

Corruptie (zie 18)

25 – 020517: General Dynamics border security upgrade uses sensors to observe border. #migrants http://www.c4isrnet.com/articles/border-security-upgrade-uses-sensors-to-observe-border

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek

maandag 1 mei 2017

Week 17 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

Wapenbeurzen spelen een centrale rol bij de verkoop van militaire goederen. Ze zijn er voor lucht, ruimte, land of zee, of voor een specifiek soort wapentechnologie of gericht op een land of regio. Hieronder voorbeelden van de twee laatste soorten. 

ITEC heeft een naam in Nederland. Toen een delegatie van de Haagse gemeenteraad in de jaren negentig werd rondgeleid om het onschuldige karakter van de beurs te laten zien, stond een standhouder nog in de militaire modus en liet zien hoe je het gooien van een bom op een stad kon oefenen. Sindsdien was de beurs niet meer welkom. In Rotterdam zal er weer protest zijn, zie Facebook.

IDEF'17 richt zich op de Turkse ex- en import markt. De site van de beurs stelt trots vast: IDEF’17 will give place to the participation of 61 countries which are the leading countries like USA, Germany, Russia, France, England and Italy, and export the products of defence industry sector. Turkish Defence Industry is also one of these important countries’ defence industry. Je moet er maar tussen willen staan. Ondertussen vecht Turkije immers zijn oorlog met de Koerden in Turkije, Irak en Syrië uit en is hard op weg naar een recordaantal politieke gevangen.

De Nederlandse deelname lijkt beperkt: Extron uit Amersfoort, INTERNATIONAL PRECISION PRODUCTS uit Santpoort Zuid, MICROFLOWN AVISA uit Arnhem, maar ook bijvoorbeeld de Fokker vestiging in Izmir (FOKKER ELMO HAVACILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LTD ŞTİ.) Zie voor meer: http://idef.com.tr

Nederland (zie ook 5, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 23, 25)

EUROPA (zie ook 19)
1 270417: – #EU considering handing #ships armed with machine guns to #Libyan Coast Guard accused of killing #migrants. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/refugee-crisis-migrants-libya-government-ships-coastguard-request-eu-list-mediterranean-machine-guns-a7704171.html

2 – 240417: Repeating story #F35 #JSF flies higher than 'the market'. #Boeing pulls out of unfair #Belgian fighter replacement http://www.upi.com/Defense-News/2017/04/20/Boeing-pulls-out-of-unfair-Belgian-fighter-replacement-bid/5991492713645/

Duitsland (zie 10, 22)
3 – 260417: #Rheinmetall plans to arm #Ankara with new #Turkish panzer factory: https://sputniknews.com/europe/201704251052981542-german-weapons-turkey-factory/
@SputnikInt with Die Zeit as main source

4 – 250417: #Germany to boost naval spending under $4.3 billion #warship plan. Dutch #Damen part of one of competing teams. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-25/germany-to-boost-naval-spending-under-4-3-billion-warship-plan

Oostenrijk (zie 21)

Turkije (zie ook 3, 20, 24)
5 – 260417: Crocodile tears: #Turkey is key in the #F35 acquistion. The #Netherlands has a rule on transhipment of #JSF tech http://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0038437/2016-10-01

6 – 230417: President Erdogan seems to believe he can bully Trump into abandoning his Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS. https://www.thenation.com/article/is-turkeys-war-on-syrian-kurds-becoming-a-war-on-the-united-states/

7 – 240417: Interview: Aselsan CEO Faik Eken talks #Turkey’s indigenous weapon and space programs, corporate plans http://www.defensenews.com/articles/interview-aselsan-ceo-faik-eken-talks-turkeys-indigenous-programs-corporate-plans

8 – 240417: Which countries, companies also participate in the #Turkish arms fair, #IDEF, May 9-12, 2017? 

VK (zie ook
9 – 300417 – #Labour will immediately ban all #weapons sales to repressive countries if it wins the election. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/labour-party-british-weapons-sales-saudi-arabia-jeremy-corbyn-yemen-war-bae-systems-cluster-bombs-a7709076.html

10 – 250417: Swiss/German Danzer & Danish DLH Group bought timber from Kouwenhoven in full knowledge of his close links to Taylor. http://thenewdawnliberia.com/politics/13446-taylor-allies-join-him-in-prison

Midden-Oosten (zie ook 6)


India (zie ook 22)

11 – 290417: #Kazakh (defence) companies sold via #Dutch #auctions | IHS Jane's 360 #Kazakh (defence) companies sold via #Dutch #auctions | IHS Jane's 360 http://www.janes.com/article/69672/kazakh-government-adds-new-companies-to-privatisation-drive

12 – 250417: #Kazakhstan - human rights violating & oil rich country - orders two more #C295 #Airbus military transport #aircraft https://airbusdefenceandspace.com/newsroom/news-and-features/kazakhstan-orders-two-more-c295/

Libië (zie 1)

Saoedi-Arabië (zie 14)


Airbus (zie ook 12, 21)
14 – 250417: #Questions by Dutch MP's Leijten/Karabulut (both #SP) on #Airbus arms deliveries to #Saudi coalition & #tax rulings https://1848.nl/static/pdf/e8/f0/e8f03e803dfa22343fc0133b8e7be8b373f5015e.pdf

Damen (zie 4, 20)
Fokker (zie 16)


Apaches AH-64
15 300417 – Lockheed modernizes Apaches of UK, Egypt, India, Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Netherlands, UAE, Saudi Arabia & Poland. https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract-View/Article/1167080/

16 – 300417 [In English]: 300417: Retweet: @FrankSlijper GKN Aerospace's #Fokker in the Netherlands to produce landing gear for Predator B unmanned aircraft #drones http://upi.com/6523180t via @upi
260417: [in Dutch] Mega-#drones from the US on Dutch landing gear, #Fokker will produce landing gear for MQ-9 #Reaper [in Dutch] http://www.ed.nl/helmond/mega-drone-uit-amerika-op-helmondse-pootjes~afd99494

F-35 (zie ook 2, 5)
17 – 240417: Christal clear figure F-35 JSF program delays. http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/684207.pdf … page 5

Kleine wapens
18 – 260417: #Dutch #police confiscates 200 fire arms a week. Netherlands seems to be central in smuggling, according to magazine http://revu.nl/nieuws/smokkelaar-nederland-is-spil-in-europese-wapenhandel/

19 – 260417: EU strengthens control of the acquisition and possession of firearms http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2017/04/25-control-acquisition-possession-weapons/

Vluchtelingen (zie 1)
20 – 240417: #Refugee control by #Turkey using new #Damen vessels. https://turkishnavy.net/2017/04/16/first-damen-sar-1906-boat-is-getting-ready-for-the-service/

21 – 270417: #Austria investigates #Airbus CEO Thomas #Enders over suspected #Eurofighter #EFA fraud. http://ca.reuters.com/article/news/idCAKBN17S1MO-OCABS … via @Reuters #Corruption

22 – 250417: India #bribery case hearing - Judgment Week for #German #Rheinmetall, Agent #Abhishek http://epaperbeta.timesofindia.com/Article.aspx?eid=31818&articlexml=BRIBERY-CASE-HEARING-Judgment-Week-for-Rheinmetall-Agent-25042017004016 … #corruption

Wapenbeurzen (zie ook 8)
23 – 280417: Backgrounder [in Dutch] on #ITEC Arms Fair 16-18 May in #Rotterdam, Netherlands. http://www.stopwapenhandel.org/node/2052

24 – 250417: Which 43 #German, 30 #French, 15 #Italian, 8 UK, 5 #Dutch, 3 Belgium companies participate in the #Turkish arms fair, #IDEF, May 9-12, 2017?

25 – 240417: ITEC years ago asked to leave by The Hague city council. Now back in the Netherlands. Rotterdam city council what to do?

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek