woensdag 15 juli 2020

Grote Nederlandse wapenexport naar Egypte

In juli heeft de Nederlandse regering het parlement laten weten dat zij toestemming heeft gegeven voor het exporteren van militaire commando, controle en communicatie (C3) systemen en militaire radar naar de marine van Egypte. Waarde: € 114.038.400. Dit is een zeer grote wapendeal voor Nederland (ongeveer 10% van het laarlijks gemiddelde over de afgelopen 10 jaar). Volgens het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken wordt de apparatuur geïnstalleerd op een fregat voor patrouilletaken zoals reddingsmissies, opsporing van onderzeeërs en humanitaire operaties. 

De Nederlandse regering heeft onlangs haar beleid ten aanzien van Egypte gewijzigd, omdat Egypte volgens alle door de regering geraadpleegde bronnen niet betrokken was bij de maritieme blokkade. IMO, 's werelds autoriteit op het gebied van maritieme beveiliging, schreef in een recent rapport echter dat Egypte deelneemt aan de blokkade tegen Jemen.

Europese criteria

De Nederlandse regering heeft de verkoop beoordeeld aan de hand van de acht criteria van het gemeenschappelijk wapenbeleid van de EU. Maar vond geen reden om de apparatuur niet af te leveren: Egypte is een belangrijke schender van mensenrechten, maar fregatten worden niet gebruikt bij dit geweld; Egypte levert wapens aan Libië, maar de marine is daar niet bij betrokken; Egypte steunt de Saoedische oorlogscoalitie in Jemen, maar alleen politiek; en er bestaat geen risico dat de deal gaat worden ingezet in agressief buitenlands beleid of territoriale claims. Het is ook niet de eerste exportvergunning voor marinematerieel naar Egypte. In 2018 verkocht het Nederlandse bedrijf Thales soortgelijke apparatuur voor het door de VS geleverde fregat O.H. Perry fregat, met een waarde van bijna € 10 miljoen.


Het materieel wordt geleverd door Thales Nederland en leek (zie hieronder voor waarschijnlijker optie) bedoeld voor de laatste fregatten van de Franse Gowind 2500 El Fatah-klasse. Egypte gaf opdracht voor de Gowind-oorlogsschepen om “zijn militaire capaciteit te verbeteren tegen de toenemende dreigingen van een onstabiel Libië en ook tegen de gevechten op het noordelijke Sinaï-schiereiland”. Het laatste schip werd te water gelaten in mei 2020. De fregatten zijn bewapend met een Italiaans OTO Melara 76 mm kanon, twee Franse Nexter Narwhal 20 mm kanonnen, een verticaal lanceersysteem (VLS) voor 16 VL MBDA Mica grond-lucht raketten, acht MBDA MM40 Exocet antischip-raketwerpers en twee drievoudige torpedolanceerders, ondersteund door een SMART-S Mk 2 zoek- en volgradar van Thales Nederland.

Nederlandse wapenexportvergunningen voor Egypte (in € miljoen)
Gebaseerd op de jaarlijkse rapporten Nederlands wapenexportbeleid.
De vergunning voor de levering m.b.t. O.H. Perry klasse ontbreekt in 2018.

C3- en radarapparatuur is een essentieel onderdeel van een dergelijk schip en maakt naar schatting 20 procent van de totale kosten uit. De schepen zijn in staat ommeerdere bedreigingen tegelijkertijd vanuit de lucht, zeeoppervlakte en onderzeeboten op te sporen en aan te vallen, waardoor ze optimale prestaties leveren op alle domeinen van oorlogvoering”. Dat is meer dan genoeg om deel te nemen aan een zeeblokkade. Nu het er steeds meer op op lijkt* dat het om de uitrusting voor een Duits MEKO-fregat gaat, verandert daar weinig aan. Dit zijn grotere schepen, uitgerust met vergelijkbare wapens (hoewel nog niet in detail gepubliceerd) en geschikt voor alle taken die de Gowind-klasse kan uitvoeren.


Gowind schepen zijn Franse schepen en Thales Nederland is een dochteronderneming van de Franse militaire reus Thales. Frankrijk had een zeer actief wapenverkoopbeleid jegens de regering van Abdel Fattah el-Sisi en was in 2014 en 2018 de grootste wapenexporteur naar Egypte. Maar tijdens een bezoek aan Caïro in januari 2019 bekritiseerde de Franse president Macron Egypte vanwege de mensenrechten. De Italianen roken hun kans en boden FREMM-fregatten aan, een marineschip ontwikkeld door Frankrijk en Italië (zie vorig blog).

Tijdens het meest recente debat over het wapenexportbeleid in het Nederlandse parlement zei lid Karabulut (SP) dat ze niet begreep waarom de Nederlandse regering haar beleid ten aanzien van Egypte veranderde, “omdat ze deelnemen aan de door Saudi geleide coalitie tegen Jemen”, en die hele oorlog is een grove schending van de mensenrechten. Het wapenexportbeleid heeft echter nauw omschreven criteria en schendingen van mensenrechten zijn op zichzelf niet voldoende om een ​​deal te stoppen. Een levering moet volgens de criteria uitsluitend worden tegengehouden als dit specifieke soort wapens wordt gebruikt bij mensenrechtenschending. Volgens minister Kaag van Buitenlandse Handel is tot de beleidswijziging besloten omdat uit onderzoek werd geconcludeerd dat Egypte volgens alle geraadpleegde bronnen niet betrokken is bij de maritieme blokkade.


In 2020 oefende de Saudische en Egyptische marine samen de bevoorrading van marine-eenheden op zee, evenals de bestrijding van niet-traditionele aanvallen. Ze oefenden de aanval op een afgelegen eiland waar zwaar versterkte vijandelijke troepen het indringers of aanvallers moeilijk maken hen te bereiken. De duidelijke boodschap achter deze activiteiten was dat de twee marines klaar zijn om de Egyptische en Saoedische kusten te verdedigen en samen te opereren. Egypte versterkte ook zijn maritieme aanwezigheid in de Rode Zee en opende een marinebasis aan de kust om “veiligheidsproblemen binnen de Rode Zee aan te pakken”. De pier is groot genoeg voor vliegdekschepen, onderzeeërs en fregatten. De Arab Weekly analyseerde dat de basis “blijkbaar de belangen van Egypte in de Rode Zee moet beschermt en zich aansluit bij de door Saoedi-Arabië geleide coalitie die door Iran gesteunde Houthi-rebellen in Jemen bestrijdt.” Egypte is een aanzienlijke macht in de Rode Zee en staat militair dicht bij Riyadh.


Dat Egypte aan het begin van de oorlog in Jemen aan de blokkade heeft deelgenomen, staat buiten kijf. Sinds die tijd is de informatie diffuser. Tweede Kamerlid Sjoerdsma (D66) vertelde in juni 2018 in het parlement dat hij door VN-organisaties tijdens een bezoek van de Commissie Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkeling aan Saudi-Arabië had gehoord dat schepen van de door Saudi-Arabië geleide coalitie betrokken zijn bij het tegenhouden van humanitaire hulp. Zijn woorden werden simpelweg ontkend door minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Blok. Maar ook in 2020 waren er een aantal bronnen die melding maakten van Egyptische deelname aan de zeeblokkade, zoals het Britse Oxfam, maar ook de Duitse omroep Deutsche Welle meldde onlangs dat Egypte oorlogsschepen had gestuurd om te helpen met een door Saoedi-Arabië geleide zeeblokkade van Jemen.


Men kan een ontwikkelingsorganisatie of een omroep nog in twijfel trekken, maar ook de zeer respectabele Internationale Maritieme Organisatie (IMO) schreef in een recent rapport over de Naval Blockade in the Red Sea: “Egypte speelt een fundamentele rol in deze blokkade, niet alleen vanwege zijn kustlijnen langs de Rode Zee, maar ook omdat het al decennia een zeer nauwe relatie heeft met Jemen. Egypte heeft zijn steun aan Jemen op economisch, militair en politiek gebied zeer expliciet gemaakt” en elders in hetzelfde rapport: “Het is bekend dat Egypte in 2015 vier oorlogsschepen heeft gestuurd en is blijven deelnemen aan de blokkade.” De IMO werd opgericht in 1948 en is “de wereld autoriteit die wereldwijd verantwoordelijk is voor het opstellen van veiligheids-, beschermings- en milieurichtlijnen en verdragen die moeten worden nageleefd bij alle internationale maritieme activiteiten, vooral die met betrekking tot handel of transport.”

Het roept de vraag op welke bronnen de Nederlandse regering heeft geraadpleegd alvorens haar exportbeleid ten aanzien van Egypte te wijzigen.

* Dutch site http://marineschepen.nl concludeert dat het bij de levering om systemen voor een Duits MEKO-fregat gaat.  https://marineschepen.nl/nieuws/Thales-levert-sensoren-voor-Egyptische-MEKO-fregatten-160720.html

dinsdag 14 juli 2020

Major Dutch arms export to Egypt


In July the Dutch government informed the Parliament that it gave permission to export naval command, control, communication (C3) and military radar to Egypt. Value: € 114.038.400. This is a very large arms deal for the Netherlands (approximately 10% of annual total). According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the equipment is to be installed at a naval frigate to be used for patrol tasks like search and rescue missions, detection of submarines and humanitarian operations. The Dutch government recently changed its policy on Egypt because Egypt was not involved in the maritime blockade, according to all sources consulted by the government. IMO however, the world’s authority on maritime security, wrote that Egypt continued to participate in the blockade against Yemen.

Dutch export licenses for Egypt (in € millions)
Based on Dutch annual arms export reports.
The license for the O.H. Perry is missing in 2018.

European criteria

The Dutch government evaluated the sale in respect to the eight criteria of the EU Common Policy on arms trade. But did not find a reason not deliver the equipment: Egypt is a major human rights violator, but frigates are not used in these acts of violence; Egypt transits weaponry to Libya, but the navy is not involved; Egypt is supporting the Saudi coalition fighting in Yemen, but only politically; and there is no risk the deal is part of an aggressive policy or territorial claims. It was not the first granted license for naval equipment to Egypt. In 2018 the Dutch company Thales sold similar equipment for a US delivered O.H. Perry class frigate, valued almost €10 million.


The equipment will be delivered by Thales Netherlands and seemed to be (now German MEKO-frigates seem to be more logical*) for the last of the French Gowind 2500 El Fatah class frigates. Egypt ordered the Gowind warshipsto improve its military capability in dealing with rising threats from an unstable Libya and also the militancy in its northern Sinai Peninsula.” The last one was launched in May 2020. The frigates are armed with an Italian OTO Melara 76mm main gun, two French Nexter Narwhal 20mm cannons, a vertical launch system (VLS) for 16 VL MBDA Mica surface-to-air missiles, eight MBDA MM40 Exocet anti-ship missile launchers and two triple torpedo launchers, aided by a Thales Netherlands search and tracking SMART-S Mk 2 radar.

C3 and radar equipment is an essential part of such an vessel, and is estimated to be 20 per cent of the total cost. The ships are able tosimultaneously detect, track and engage multiple airborne, surface and submarine threats, providing the best performance in all warfare domains.” It is more than enough to participate in a naval blockade. When it becomes more plausible* the equipment is for a German MEKO-frigate, there isn't much change. The ships are bigger and fitted with comparable weaponry (although not yet published in detail) and suitable for all tasks the Gowind can perform.

The Gowind ships are French and Thales Netherlands is a subsidiary of the French military giant Thales. The French had a very active arms sales policy towards the government of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and was 2014 and 2018 the largest arms exporter to Egypt. But during a visit to Cairo in January 2019 French President Macron criticised Egypt for its human rights records. The Italians were quick to step in and offered FREMM class frigates (see previous blog), a naval vessel developed by France and Italy.


In 2020 the Saudi's and Egyptian naval units exercised the supply of naval units at sea as well as in countering non-traditional attacks. They practised a raid on a remote island where enemy forces are heavily fortified to make it difficult for invaders or attackers to reach them. The clear message behind all these activities was that the two navies are ready to defend the Egyptian and Saudi coasts and operate in tandem with each other. Egypt also boosted its naval presence in the Red Sea and opened a naval base on its shores to “confront security challenges within the Red Sea”. Its pier can handle aircraft carriers, submarines, and frigates. In the Arab Weekly it was analysed the base is “apparently to protect Egypt’s interests in the Red Sea and support the Saudi-led coalition fighting Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.” Egypt is a naval power in the Red Sea and military very close to Riyadh.

Naval blockade

That Egypt took part in a blockade at the start of the Yemen war is undisputed. Since that time information is more diffuse. Member of the Dutch Parliament Sjoerdsma (D66) told in Parliament in June 2018 he was informed by UN-organisations during a visit of the Foreign Trade and Development Commission to Saudi Arabia that ships of the Saudi-led coalition are involved in stopping humanitarian aid. His words were simply denied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Blok. But also in 2020 there was a number of sources mentioning Egyptian participation in the naval blockade, like UK based Oxfam, but also German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported recently that Egypt dispatched warships to assist with a Saudi-led naval blockade of Yemen.


One could question a development organisation or a broadcaster, but also the very respectable International Maritime Organisation (IMO) wrote a recent report on the Naval Blockade in the Red Sea : “Egypt has a fundamental role in this blockade, not only because of its coastlines along the Red Sea, but also because it has had a very close relationship with Yemen for decades. Egypt has made its support to Yemen very explicit in the economic, military and political fields,” and elsewhere in the same report, “Egypt is known to have sent 4 warships in 2015 and continued to participate in the blockade.” IMO was founded in 1948 and “is the world’s authority responsible for setting safety, protection, and environmental guidelines or treatises that should be observed in all international maritime activities, especially those relating to commerce or transport.”
It makes one wonder which sources the Dutch government has consulted before changing its export policy on Egypt.

* Dutch site http://marineschepen.nl concludes Dutch € 114 million sale for Egypt is to fit German MEKO frigate for Egypt. https://marineschepen.nl/nieuws/Thales-levert-sensoren-voor-Egyptische-MEKO-fregatten-160720.html

donderdag 2 juli 2020

Tweets for July 2020

Latest on top:

July 27

The United Arab Emirates defence industrial conglomerate Edge announced that it was buying out the 40% stake in aircraft maintenance joint venture AMMROC from Lockheed Martin and Sikorsky. https://www.thenational.ae/business/uae-s-edge-to-buy-lockheed-martin-s-stake-in-military-maintenance-company-ammroc-1.1052615

Retweet @andrewfeinstein Declassified UK: Revealed: MI5 and MI6 are training senior spies from Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-07-27-revealed-mi5-and-mi6-are-training-senior-spies-from-saudi-arabia-uae-and-egypt/

 Retweet @keesamok Protests grow as British arms sales to Saudi Arabia restart https://menasolidaritynetwork.com/2020/07/26/protests-grow-as-british-arms-sales-to-saudi-arabia-restart/ via @wordpressdotcom

Retweet @keesamok Is It Time to Defund the Department of Homeland Security? https://newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/is-it-time-to-defund-the-department-of-homeland-security via @NewYorker

Are arms the answer? Thales noticed COVID has made the world an unsafer place. In almost all of the countries where it is established investments in defense remain strong. This growth is also confirmed in the French future military program legislation. https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/air-defense/thales-va-traverser-la-tempete-assure-son-pdg-1226442

 Long article [Indonesian] on Turkish-Indonesian defence cooperation: Director General at Indonesian MoD Soetrimo, said Turkey is committed to helping Indonesia develop its defense industry to be independent. The report is made because of visit of Prabowo. https://jambi.tribunnews.com/2020/07/25/militer-indonesia-akan-makin-sangar-pesawat-tanpa-awak-akan-didatangi-prabowo-dari-turki

Die Linke inquired on arms & ammo exports via the port of #Hamburg. The request specifically concerns the data for the second quarter of 2020. The Left party argues ammo & weaponry from Hamburg is delivered to ports in countries where civil war is raging. https://www.thb.info/rubriken/single-view/news/ruestungsexporte-ueber-hamburg.html

 German armaments companies; Die Linke wants to stop arms exports to the United States because of "Racist police violence." [in German]
Deutsche Rüstungsfirmen; "Rassistische Polizeigewalt" - Linke will Waffenexporte in die USA stoppen https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article212290493/Rassistische-Polizeigewalt-Linke-will-Waffenexporte-in-die-USA-stoppen.html

 The Heron TP UAV for Germany has completed its first flight in the skies of the State of Israel. The drone is a joint program led by the Directorate of Israeli MoD Defense Research and Development #DDRandD, #IAI, and #Airbus DS Airborne Solutions. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/284187

July 26

Spanish arms are all around. In the last 10 years, according to the J.M. Delàs Center, Madrid’s war industry has increased its turnover by 295%. This places the country in 7th place worldwide as an exporter of military products, with a 3.2% market share. https://global.ilmanifesto.it/even-under-socialists-spain-arms-bloody-regimes-worldwide/

July 25

Rafale Jets or EFA Typhoons – Why India Opted For Rafale Aircraft While Indonesia Is Keen For Typhoons? https://eurasiantimes.com/rafale-jets-or-eurofighter-typhoons-why-india-opted-for-rafales-while-indonesia-is-keen-for-typhoons/
Indonesian MoD Prabowo: I was always impressed by European technologies and know-how.
Paris accepted the Rafale becomes part of India’s nuclear triad.

After violence erupted again between Armenia and Azerbaijan the last accused the former of creating bogus companies "weapons purchased ... are then sold to third parties ... There is strong evidence that these weapons fall into the hands of terrorists.” https://caspiannews.com/news-detail/armenia-accused-of-selling-arms-to-terrorists-2020-7-23-0/

Revolving doors: vice-admiral Eric Chaperon
until then head of French military mission to the EU & to NATO, appointed naval adviser to Thales/
jusqu'alors chef de la mission militaire française auprès de l'UE & de l'OTAN, nommé conseiller naval du Thales https://www.lalettrea.fr/entreprises_defense-et-aeronautique/2020/07/22/un-nouveau-conseiller-marine-chez-thales,109596242-brl

Romanian PM Orban: Negotiations can begin for signing contract with French Naval Group to build corvettes. Dutch Damen seems to struggle in vain. https://www.actmedia.eu/daily/pm-orban-negotiations-can-begin-for-signing-contract-to-build-corvettes/87736

Retweet @JMJalel_H: Pertinent article on the #Gulf’s arms industries. #Turkey today has a much more comprehensive, more autonomous arms industry than #UAE After what happened to the #Emirati mission in #Libya this year, you can be sure #UAE will try & bridge that gap ASAP http://arabcenterdc.org/policy_analyses/can-saudi-arabia-and-the-uae-develop-national-arms-industries/

British diplomatic files about Saudi Arabia and mercenaries are among over 6,000 documents recently censored from the National Archives – by an ‘independent’ oversight panel containing former spies and government officials. #FOIA https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-07-25-thousands-of-historic-british-government-files-censored-after-independent-watchdog-approves-over-99-of-secrecy-requests/

In front of the Canadian parliament in Ottawa, a protest demonstration was held against the approval of arms exports to Turkey. The Canadian Government was urged not to make itself Turkey's partner in these crimes. https://anfenglish.com/news/protest-in-ottawa-against-arms-exports-to-turkey-45470

French President Macron has called for EU sanctions to punish Turkey for 'violations' of Greek and Cypriot maritime space after the Turkish navy published an advisory on seismological activity in the potentially oil-rich area. https://www.worldecr.com/news/macron-calls-for-turkey-sanctions-as-cyprus-issue-escalates/

Trump Administration is bypassing arms control pact to sell large armed #drones. The move has been opposed internally trying to limit the proliferation of such drones, especially in countries like #Saudi Arabia and the #UAE.

US approves a FMSale to Chile of equipment and related services for F-16 Modernization for an estimated cost of $634.70m. https://dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/chile-f-16-modernization
Chile operates 44 F-16s. 10 purchased in the early 2000s and 36 bought second-hand from the Netherlands. https://www.defensenews.com/global/the-americas/2020/07/23/chile-okd-for-f-16-upgrades/

Canadian protesters held a rally n to express opposition to the federal government’s plan to spend $19 billion for 88 new fighter jets. https://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/news/peterborough-region/2020/07/24/photos-protest-held-at-peterborough-kawartha-mps-office-over-plan-to-buy-new-fighter-jets.html

July 24

A top Lockheed Martin executive sidestepped questions Wednesday on whether the aerospace firm would pay back $183 million to the government for failures in supplying spare parts for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/07/23/lockheed-balks-paying-back-183-million-botched-f-35-spare-parts-program.html

White House officials are expected to announce Friday a new interpretation of an export control agreement, which the defense industry hopes will lead to increased sales of military unmanned vehicles #drones abroad, sources tell Defense News https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2020/07/23/trump-expected-to-ease-drone-export-rules-friday/

Retweet @keesamok The Federal response to protests extends far beyond Portland - Not just thousands of personnel but also drones and dozens of other aircraft, according to a CBP (Customs and Border Protection) document obtained by The Nation @thenation https://www.thenation.com/article/society/cbp-deployment-harris/

 Retweet @keesamok Mexico transportation minister resigns in protest over militarization of ports - The president put the navy in charge of the ports to contain corruption and drugs - Rift within the administration over tasks that have been handed to the armed forces. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/mexico-minister-resigns-in-protest-over-militarization-of-ports/ar-BB176KCv?ocid=st

Northrop Grumman won a $16.3m order under the ground subsystems sustainment contract for the Minuteman III general sustainment. The LGM-30G Minuteman III is a intercontinental-range ballistic missile and sole land-based component of the US nuclear triad. https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Contracts/Contract/Article/2283344/

Europe was once stressing the power of words, diplomacy & conflict resolution. But it seems Brussels is nowadays driven by lobbyists for military industrial interests and tends to think security comes from the barrel of a gun or the algorithms of AI. https://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/article211792473/Sicherheit-Europa-muss-lernen-sich-selbst-zu-verteidigen.html

 Most headlines on the EU budget deal focus on the Covid-19 response. But the new budget will include billions for new EU defence initiatives, writes Niklas Novaky, researcher at EU security and defence policy at the Wilfried Martens Centre, Brussels. https://www.euractiv.com/section/defence-and-security/opinion/the-budget-deal-and-eu-defence-cooperation-what-are-the-implications/

Due to Damen going to court in Romania (for a lost sale of four corvettes) Romania unlikely to start acquisition of corvettes in 2020. There are still 3 legal cases involving Damen , which has formulated requests in contradiction to the Romanian MoD. https://romanialibera.ro/economie/justitie-puternica-armata-slaba-navele-de-lupta-un-vis-prea-indepartat-827759

Addition: What Romanian PM Ludovic Orban says about Damen's action on corvettes: Sounds like harassment to me. https://jurnalul.antena3.ro/stiri/observator/ce-spune-orban-despre-actiunea-damen-in-privinta-corvetelor-mi-se-pare-o-hartuire-851710.html

Addition 2: The Damen shipyard in Galaţi, controlled by the Dutch, doubled its profit in 2019, reaching 40 million lei (€ 8.28m). The turnover was 481 million (€99.52m). https://www.zf.ro/companii/santierul-naval-damen-din-galati-controlat-de-olandezi-si-a-dublat-19434691

The racist origins of US policing; demilitarization will require decolonization https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-07-16/racist-origins-us-policing And since, the policy of the current Administration turned from bad to worse.

Corporations have also continued to receive record levels of border control contracts, in particular arms companies, IT and biometric firms. They will be one of the few winners of the COVID-19 fuelled border militarisation bonanza. https://www.tni.org/en/publication/covid-19-and-border-politics

Australian government argues an audit on a $1.3bn arms purchase must be kept secret to defend Thales business. The administrative appeals tribunal said such policy has a “devastating effect” on the ability to transparently audit & publicly criticise buys. https://headtopics.com/uk/coalition-says-making-public-parts-of-1-3bn-thales-arms-deal-audit-would-penalise-weapons-company-14519899

The UK government’s announcement of the resumption of arms export licensing to Saudi Arabia and its allies may well prove to be the nail in the coffin for thousands more Yemenis, as the war in their country extends into its sixth year.https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/uk-arms-sales-whitewashing-saudi-arabia

Ottawa's acquisition of fighter jets valued $19bn is said to “contribute to the safety and security of Canadians and to meet Canada’s international obligations.” Activists say “medicine not missiles” are essential , especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://www.aldergrovestar.com/news/medicine-not-missiles-langley-protestors-call-on-federal-government-to-cancel-19b-fighter-jet-procurement/

July 23

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is expecting delivery of the first five of 36 Dassault Rafale multirole fighter aircraft before the end of July, according to a 20 July statement by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) in New Delhi. https://www.asianage.com/india/all-india/210720/iaf-to-induct-5-rafale-fighter-jets-by-july-2020.html

 Lockheed problems call for F-35 program change, GAO says and calls for reexamining the US DoD's relationship with Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor for its F-35 Lightning II fighter jet program, as it prepares to evolve. https://www.gao.gov/assets/710/708308.pdf

On paper, there are little restrictions on access to the internet in Namibia. However, there are recent moves to acquire spyware: Are Namibia intelligence agents deftly walking a fine line to acquire digital spy equipment in both China and EU. https://advox.globalvoices.org/2020/07/20/is-namibia-walking-a-fine-line-between-chinese-and-european-spy-technology/

 China-US relations drifting closer towards war?
Analysts warn there is a growing risk of an unplanned confrontation as relations unravel at unprecedented speed. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3093823/are-china-us-relations-drifting-closer-towards-war Think for a moment who will be struck hardest and who will gain by such (global) conflict/war?

The United Kingdom keeps dozens of army operatives — “respectable mercenaries” in its own words — to help prop up the Omani dictatorship, a new report from the investigative team at Declassified U.K. has found. https://www.mintpressnews.com/respectable-mercenaries-uk-govt-loaning-troops-oman-prop-dictatorship/269639/

US and EU drift further apart: After decades of trying to break into US military aircraft market, Airbus adopts a new strategy "I’m not going to go look at competing with Boeing, Lockheed & Northrop," Airbus US CEO said. "I'm going to look at other areas." https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2020/07/15/airbus-us-pivots-business-strategy-away-from-selling-big-platforms-to-the-pentagon/

Lockheed defends its unneeded business in defence equipment to Pentagon at the cost of the Pentagon itself and even more importantly at the cost of federal budget and thus the tax payer. Lockheed Martin’s F-35 program head on Wednesday refused to com... https://www.defensenews.com/air/2020/07/22/lawmakers-put-lockheed-under-pressure-to-pay-back-pentagon-for-f-35-parts-problems/

 Indonesia is attempting to modernise its armed forces in collaboration with UAE, China, Russia and now India (+EU and US). This builds on its 2015 Defence White Paper. The defence budget for 2020 is US$ 9.26bn, of which approximately 30% for procurement. https://www.eurasiareview.com/23072020-india-indonesia-expanding-cooperation-to-include-defense-industry-analysis/

UK has approved over £200m worth of dual-use exports to Russia. https://dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-07-23-the-uk-has-approved-over-200-million-worth-of-exports-with-potential-military-use-to-russia-since-the-salisbury-poisonings/#gsc.tab=0 For the Netherlands Russia is also an important DU destination (as are China and Saudi Arabia), but not often I tweet about it, because of the nature of the exports. https://rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/exportcontrole-strategische-goederen/rapportages-dual-use-en-militaire-goederen

July 22

Retweet @thenation We can no longer afford the Military-Industrial Complex. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/house-senate-defense-spending/

Israeli arms exports contribute to cheapen the cost of maintaining the occupied territories, meanwhile it is sold as “combat tested” http://centredelas.org/actualitat/la-venta-darmament-israelita-contribueix-a-abaratir-el-cost-de-mantenir-els-territoris-ocupats-mentre-es-ven-com-a-provat-en-combat/?lang=en

The UK government has agreed to flog two £28million Wildcat choppers to the Philippines government is the latest shameful chapter in a trade that nets us £14billion a year https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/britain-selling-14m-helicopters-philippines-22376919

Study on German arms global exports. The past 30 years analysed.
Studie zum Download: Deutsche Rüstungsexporte in alle Welt? Eine Bilanz der vergangenen 30 Jahre, von Simone Wisotzki

Angela Merkel, PM of Italy Conte, and Emmanuel Macron urged foreign supporters to respect the arms embargo imposed by the UNSC. They are “ready to consider the possible use of sanctions should breaches to the embargo at sea, on land or in the air continue" https://www.europeansanctions.com/2020/07/germany-france-italy-warn-foreign-actors-of-libya-sanctions/

After a year of speculation about what would happen to Turkey’s F-35s after the country was ousted from the joint strike fighter program last year, the Defense Department gave its definitive answer Monday evening: US Air Force to buy Turkish F-35s https://www.defensenews.com/air/2020/07/20/its-official-us-air-force-to-buy-turkish-f-35s/

July 21

Congress needs a VETO, not a notification, on arms sales. Though there is no shortage of examples of President Trump’s contempt for Congress, his administration’s efforts to dismantle congressional oversight over US arms sales are especially troubling. https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2020/07/congress-needs-veto-not-notification-arms-sales/166952/

Two Dutch licences for military image intensifiers for Colombia ( both June 18, 2020): €463,142 and € 72,434. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/rapporten/2016/10/01/overzicht-dual-use-vergunningen

Huh??? Lockheed Martin Corp. is in talks with the Pentagon over whether it will reimburse the Defense Department for parts it provided for the F-35 jet that weren’t ready to install. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-20/lockheed-in-talks-to-compensate-pentagon-for-flawed-f-35-parts

The first element of a likely $7.5 billion upgrade of the British armed forces’ satellite-telecommunications capabilities has finally been signed by the Ministry of Defence and #Airbus Defence and Space. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2020/07/20/airbus-gets-630-million-deal-under-uk-militarys-skynet-6-push/

Indonesia has expressed interest in acquiring Austria’s fleet of Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets, in yet another surprise defense procurement plan from the southeast Asian country. https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2020/07/20/indonesia-says-it-wants-to-buy-austrias-entire-typhoon-fighter-fleet/

Israeli arms dealers doing business with dictatorial states has devastating consequences both internally and externally for Israel. Last week Azerbaijan used Israeli-made missiles, drones and weapons to hit military targets and civilians in Armenia. http://asbarez.com/195495/israels-supply-of-weapons-to-baku-threatens-alliance-with-armenia/

Bahama's borrowed millions & millions of dollars to buy Damen vessels with all of their electronic navigational equipment and yet somehow they get run aground. Could it be that these vessels are simply no match for their very young and inexperienced crews? http://www.tribune242.com/news/2020/jul/20/land-ahoy-oops-not-again-sir/


Among a wide range of possible reasons to end cooperation with Turkey on the production of the F-35 fighter jets, the reason is of a military strategic character. How Russian S-400 Missiles Caused Its First Casualties For US’ F-35 Jets? Lockheed is upset. https://eurasiantimes.com/how-russian-s-400-missiles-caused-its-first-casualties-for-us-stealth-f-35-jets/

July 16

Dutch site http://marineschepen.nl concludes Dutch € 114 million sale for Egypt is to fit German MEKO frigate for Egypt. https://marineschepen.nl/nieuws/Thales-levert-sensoren-voor-Egyptische-MEKO-fregatten-160720.html
***Dutch government policy on cyber surveillance technology and export control, an overview [in Dutch] . Written reaction on questions by @swsjoerdsma and @BramvanOjikGL raised June 22. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/kamerstukken/2020/07/16/kamerbrief-antwoord-op-motie-over-cybersurveillancetechnologie-en-exportcontrole/kamerbrief-inzake-antwoord-op-motie-35-207-nr-27-over-cybersurveillancetechnologie-en-exportcontrole.pdf


The Colombian Army studies the possibility to integrate the Belgian turret John Cockerill CSE 90LP on M1117 4x4 armored vehicle manufactured by the American Company Textron Marine & Land Systems, the vehicle is named Pegaso by the Colombian army. https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_july_2020_global_security_army_industry/colombian_army_studies_to_upgrade_m1117_4x4_armored_vehicles_with_belgian_john_cockerill_cse_90lp_turret.html

 Kamervragen @Sadetkarabulut: (https://www.tweedekamer.nl/downloads/document?id=5f9da407-fe58-4fc2-9e8c-4b846ca161f3&title=De%20afgifte%20van%20een%20vergunning%20voor%20export%20militair%20materieel%20naar%20Egypte.%20.docx) Kunt u aangeven op welk Egyptisch fregat de vergunde apparatuur wordt geplaatst? Is het juist te veronderstellen dat het om de Gowind gaat? Zo niet, welk fregat is het dan? Verwijzing naar @CtWnl blog: https://stopwapenhandel.org/node/2413

***@BramvanOjikGL stelt Kamervragen: Wanneer zal de levering plaatsvinden van €114 miljoen aan militair materieel aan Egypte, waarvoor u volgens uw brief van 10 juli jl. een wapenexportvergunning heeft afgegeven? https://tweedekamer.nl/downloads/document?id=3a36c9f9-e1a3-4176-a9c4-8de2e01f1ec6&title=De%20verlening%20van%20vergunningen%20voor%20wapenexport%20naar%20landen%20die%20een%20VN-wapenembargo%20schenden%20.docx

In 2019, the Finish MoD granted a total of 284 export licences for military materiel (257 in 2018). The total value of the licences was €105m, which is 40% lower than the 2018 €176m. The UAE ranked among the most important destinations. https://sldinfo.com/2020/07/finnish-defense-exports-2019/

The EU has called on Turkey “to contribute actively to a political solution in Libya and to respect the commitments it has taken in the framework of the Berlin process, including the United Nations arms embargo. https://www.europeansanctions.com/2020/07/eu-prepares-turkey-sanctions-measures/

July 15

Now, in fact, with the Ofek-16 satellite, Israel can observe the whole Middle East and other regions with great precision. https://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/44099

 «Les industriels de la défense veulent tirer profit du plan de relance pour gonfler la production»
Military spending to rescue economy. 1 € spend means 1.5 - 2 euro's for GDP the arms lobby said. But what about 1 euro in sustainable energy technology? https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2020/07/13/les-industriels-de-la-defense-veulent-tirer-profit-du-plan-de-relance-pour-gonfler-la-production_6046055_3232.html

The ultimate goal of the #RPAS drone project of #EDA and #ESA? To enable fully autonomous beyond-visual-line-of-sight drone operations equipped to carry out day or night-time detection of persons and equipment, and search and map CBRN. https://eda.europa.eu/docs/default-source/eda-magazine/edm19_web.pdf

Regular isolated incidents?
Alleged breaches of international law by Saudi forces in Yemen exceed 500
UK government figures revealed days after it justified resuming arms sales because incidents were isolated

Addition: Saudi-led coalition to investigate Yemen strike that UN official says killed seven children
Deadly airstrike comes just days after Britain lifts ban on arms sales to Riyadh despite concerns about possible war crimes against civilians. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-yemen-strike-coalition-un-children-killed-a9618941.html

US and British armies eye technology collaboration. The goal is to narrow the gap between British and American forces during joint operations, according to the announcement. https://www.defensenews.com/global/the-americas/2020/07/14/us-and-british-armies-eye-technology-collaboration/

Addition: THE UK is seeking to strengthen transatlantic ties with a new agreement aimed at boosting cooperation between the British and US armies in a clear signal of Boris Johnson's determination to prioritise the so-called special relationship after Brexit. https://usadailyexpress.com/brothers-in-arms-uk-and-us-sign-battle-winning-defence-deal-in-sign-of-post-brexit-unit/

One of the biggest delays in weapons acquisition by the South Korean military includes the planned arrival of F-35A stealth fighter jets to South Korea from the U.S.
For now, it's been delayed to the second half of the year due to the coronavirus. http://www.arirang.co.kr/News/News_View.asp?nseq=261864

Eerste Nederlande post-corona wapenbeurs en conferentie aangekondigd. "Wij zijn verheugd u mee te delen dat de #NIDV Exhibition Defence and Security op 19 november 2020 doorgaat! Na overleg met de experts, organisatie en partnerorganisaties heb ik besl..." https://www.nidvexhibition.eu/

Airstrikes in Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition killed eight children shortly before and after the UK government claimed there was ‘not a clear risk’ of British weapons being used for war crimes, Declassified has found. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-07-15-children-killed-in-yemen-by-saudi-led-airstrikes-days-before-and-after-uk-arms-sales-resume/

July 14


German: Schweiz exportiert im ersten Halbjahr Waffen für 501 Millionen Franken. https://twnews.ch/ch-news/schweiz-exportiert-im-ersten-halbjahr-waffen-fur-501-millionen-franken
'English': Swiss exports of arms flourish, with sales almost doubling in the first half. https://www.en24.news/2020/07/switzerland-the-swiss-arms-industry-is-doing-well-2.html

Strange how some bend everything in the direction of increased military production & arms acquisitions. "The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of maintaining a domestic manufacturing base and being able to speed up the acquisition process." https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/506991-the-us-cannot-compete-with-china-if-our-military-doesnt-invest-in

The military industry is not the worst hit sector. E.g. QinetiQ says order intake strong despite contract disruption related to Covid-19. QinetiQ also announced the acquisition of Manchester-based software and data analytics company Naimuri for £25mln

The US Covid-19 winners will be:

It’s the first time a defense official has put a specific price tag on DoD’s COVID relief efforts. The Pentagon needs Congress to approve “around $10 billion” to cover defense contractors’ #coronavirus-related expenses. https://www.defenseone.com/business/2020/07/we-need-10b-pay-contractors-coronavirus-expenses-pentagon-tells-congress/166852/

Addition: The largest share of the Pentagon’s billions of dollars - intended to help mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 - is going to four of the country’s five biggest defense companies: Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman and United Launch Alliance. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-14/top-defense-firms-get-biggest-share-of-accelerated-virus-funds
 English summary of @CtWnl report: European programs such as Horizon2020 provide millions to Israeli arms industry, government institutions, & highly militarized universities. Policy is that funding received by Israel should only be for civil applications. https://www.stopwapenhandel.org/sites/stopwapenhandel.org/files/Technologie%20en%20onderdrukking%20def.pdf

Retweet @SadetKarabulut Geen wapens naar het Egyptisch regime!
zware onderdrukking
dreiging interventie in Libië
betrokken bij de oorlog in Jemen. Daarom heb ik zojuist gevraagd om hierover snel te debatteren met ministers Kaag en Blok. Gaat de coaltie dat ook blokkeren?

@PAXvoorvredeOok PAX vindt een grote #wapenvergunning voor dictatuur Egypte onbegrijpelijk!

Technologie en onderdrukking, Nederland en Israël in wapenhandel en veiligheidsonderzoek https://stopwapenhandel.org/node/2414

Why is the US persisting unreasonably? Perhaps the US' real intention is not getting China in the talks — but getting the US out of them. Chinese would only participate in negotiations after the US cuts its nuclear arsenal to China's size, official said. https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1194458.shtml

Broekstukken blog: Major Dutch arms export to Egypt https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2020/07/major-dutch-arms-export-to-egypt.html

Addition: Nederlandstalig, broekstukken blog: Grote Nederlandse wapenexport naar Egypte https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2020/07/grote-nederlandse-wapenexport-naar.html

The Philippine Navy intends to arm four of the Shaldag Class patrol boats that it will be acquiring from Israel with the Rafael Spike NLOS missile that has a range of 25km. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1107323

Last of 3 on French military industry, which has an clear view while the rest of Europe sticks its head in the soil of national consolidation by domestic acquisitions. Les véritables menaces politiques qui pèsent sur l'industrie d'armement française (3/3) https://www.latribune.fr/opinions/les-veritables-menaces-qui-pesent-sur-l-industrie-d-armement-francaise-3-3-852610.html

BAE, which has a 33% share in the EFA-consortium, has been the most successful of the industrial partners in winning export sales—collaborating with the UK government to sell aircraft to Oman, Qatar & Saudi's. The UK is also leading the Finnish campaign. https://aviationweek.com/ad-week/more-pace-needed-eurofighter-enhancements

In Jan-Apr 2020 military equipment valued € 492m was exported by Germany - significantly more than in the same period last year. Answers by the Federal Government to guestions by Die Linke MP Sevim Dağdelen show.

July 13

Germany frequently stresses that it pursues a “restrictive arms export policy”. And yet some of the biggest customers are in the Middle East. The UAE was a top-10 recipient of German arms in 2017 & Turkey also regularly purchases German weapons technology. https://blog.prif.org/2020/07/13/the-libyan-civil-war-shining-a-spotlight-on-a-problematic-arms-export-policy/

Petrodollar recycling: In 2015-19 the 6 Gulf states bought 20% of arms sold globally. Saudi Arabia, UAE & Qatar ranked as 1st, 8th & 10th largest global arms importers. KSA alone purchased 25% of all US arms exports during 2015-19, up from 7.4% in 2010–14. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2020/07/gulf-states-political-economy-saudi-arabia-qatar-uae

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said nothing specific had been decided but that EU foreign ministers had discussed extending the EU’s export ban on “sensitive technology” to Hong Kong. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-hongkong-security-eu/sweden-joins-france-germany-in-weighing-measures-against-china-over-hong-kong-idUSKCN24E17P

Naval vessels of Dutch damen (built in Romania) for Pakistani navy. The second Corvette PNS TABUK is expected to join Pakistan Navy Fleet towards end of this year. https://dunyanews.tv/en/Pakistan/554138-PNS-Yarmook-induction-important-milestone-for-Pakistan-Navy-Naval-Chief

Retweet @CTWnl Worden de Egyptische Gowind fregatten met Nederlandse wapenelektronica wel of niet ingezet bij de zeeblokkade van Jemen? Nederlandse regering zegt van niet, andere bronnen zeggen van wel. Lees het op https://stopwapenhandel.org/node/2413

Is South Africa serious about tackling the scourge of corruption? A quick test of such a commitment would be immediate revocation of Rheinmetall's licences to operate in South Africa. https://www.news24.com/news24/columnists/guestcolumn/terry-crawford-browne-rheinmetalls-licences-to-operate-in-south-africa-should-be-revoked-20200713

Retweet @roelants_c: Jemen is toch al kapot. De Britse regering vindt dat ze Saoedi-Arabie best weer wapens kan leveren. Mijn column. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2020/07/13/het-kan-best-britse-wapens-leveren-aan-saoedi-arabie-a4005723

US approves Foreign Military Sale to Belgium of 29 MK 54 LWT Mod 0 torpedo's and related equipment for an estimated cost of $33.3 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of this possible sale last Thursday. https://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/belgium-mk-54-lightweight-torpedoes-lwt


UK selling spyware and wiretaps to 17 repressive regimes including Saudi Arabia and China
Exclusive: Government urged to explain £75m exports to countries rated ‘not free’ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/uk-spyware-wiretaps-saudi-arabia-china-bahrain-uae-human-rights-a9613206.html

July 12

Extinction Rebellion the arms trade is one of the largest consumers of fossil fuels globally. https://www.cambridgeindependent.co.uk/news/divest-or-we-escalate-extinction-rebellion-says-to-university-of-cambridge-9115990/

Thales sold 2 long-range (more than 450 km range) Ground Master 400 radars to Bangladesh. The contract was very recently signed. Thales has already sold several GM 400 radars to France, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Slovenia, Malaysia, Senegal and Bolivia. https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/thales-vend-des-radars-high-tech-au-bangladesh-852399.html

Addition1: Last year Bangladesh ordered the Italian Leonardo Kronos Land radar with a operating range of 250 km. https://www.leonardocompany.com/en/press-release-detail/-/detail/bangladesh-orders-leonardo-s-high-tech-air-surveillance-rad-1

Addition2: Thales is also in competition in Tunisia to replace the old fleet of defense radarsto better protect its border with Libya. The French group offers the Ground Master 200, a medium-range aerial surveillance radar. https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/thales-vend-des-radars-high-tech-au-bangladesh-852399.html

The Ariane Group, an Airbus and Safran subsidiary, will compensate for civilian losses in financial year 2020 (a drop in activity of around 20% is envisaged) by military activity. The defense branch, manufactures eg missiles for the French force de frappe. https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/air-defense/pourquoi-ariane-6-decale-son-premier-vol-au-deuxieme-semestre-2021-1223044

Canadian #CAE announced that #BAES selected its visual system for #Eurofighter Typhoon full-mission simulators for the #Qatari Air Force. BAE Systems is prime contractor responsible for providing 24 EFAs along with in-service support and training package https://www.cae.com/news-events/press-releases/bae-systems-selects-cae-medallion-mr-e-series-for-qatar-typhoon-simulators/

 #Airbus Defence and Space and the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support #BAAINBw have signed a renewed service contract agreement for Heron 1 #drones #UAS in operation in #Afghanistan and #Mali. https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2020/07/german-bundeswehr-renews-service-contracts-for-heron-1-systems-in-afghanistan-and-mali.html

Something strange happens. Society (healthcare, education) is hit by Covid-19 (especially elderly, people with a range of diseases, flex workers) with effects still not clear. But military circles paint a picture as if they're the victims needing support. https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/la-base-industrielle-et-technologique-de-defense-dans-l-oeil-du-cyclone-et-donc-en-danger-1-3-852587.html

A launch of a satellite by SpaceX of Elon Musk will be "shrouded in secrecy" at the of South Korea. There is speculation the new satellite will be used to provide communications for the South Korean military. https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/11/spacex-test-fires-falcon-9-rocket-launch-next-week-with-south-korean-military-satellite/ and https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1308341/SpaceX-news-Elon-Musk-space-latest-Cape-Canaveral-military-satellite

India and South Korea agreed to take forward the agreements in the field of defence industry and defence technology cooperation between both the countries. https://www.dailyexcelsior.com/india-south-korea-to-further-promote-defence-ties-between-armed-forces/

Russia and US jostle for arms sales to India after tensions with China over border. The US has been rapidly catching up since 2010 to rise to number two vendor to India, surpassing Israel and France. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3092710/russia-and-us-jostle-arms-sales-india-after-tensions-china

July 11

***US citizen Randy Williams was charged on 01/06/20 with violating the Arms Export Control Act. A shipment by him was seized in Dubai, UAE, 19/12/18 with multiple Glock pistols and firearms parts the intended recipient was located in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. https://kfor.com/news/local/edmond-man-pleads-guilty-to-smuggling-firearms-to-the-middle-east/

***Dutch government gives export license for radar and C3 equipment for Egyptian navy frigate. Value: € 114 million. Must be the El Fateh-class, but the Dutch government gives it different - less controversial - tasks as its weaponry suggests. #Egypt #Thales https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/kamerstukken/2020/07/10/kamerbrief-inzake-afgifte-vergunning-voor-export-militair-materieel-naar-egypte/kamerbrief-inzake-afgifte-vergunning-voor-export-militair-materieel-naar-egypte.pdf

***Even in The Times: We should stop selling arms to the Saudis. Britain’s brave new foreign policy punishes rogue states but our trade policy makes a mockery of those good intentions. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/we-should-stop-selling-arms-to-the-saudis-whnz7kxb2

***In the first six months of 2019 the German government approved $899 million of arms exports to Egypt. In the same year a intelligence employee was dismissed on suspicion of spying for Egypt, say German media, who saw the government report Thursday. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200710-german-federal-press-office-employee-charged-with-spying-for-egypt-government/

***The United States on Thursday approved a planned purchase by Japan of 105 F-35 joint strike fighters, moving the country one step closer to becoming the biggest foreign customer of the Lockheed Martin-produced jet. https://www.defensenews.com/smr/2020/07/09/us-gives-the-green-light-to-japans-massive-23b-f-35-buy/

***Link between military violence and male violence against women a classic. But not for all, it seems. Staff revolt as 'non-feminist' weapons firm boss hired to run domestic violence charity by UK domestic violence charity. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/07/11/staff-revolt-non-feminist-weapons-firm-boss-hired-run-domestic/

July 10

@Vredesactie Despite an EU arms embargo, EU-manufactured A400M military transport planes seem to be involved in arming the Libyan conflict. A consortium of Belgian arms companies is involved as well in the production of the Turkish A400M's. Time to #StopArmingTurkey

@Gerjon_ Here's #Turkey Air Force Airbus A400M reg. 17-0080 as flight 221 climbing out of #Misrata, #Libya.

ThyssenKrupp is allowed to deliver a submarine to Egypt - despite the wars in Yemen and Libya. The left demands "an immediate end to this unscrupulous export policy". https://www.tellerreport.com/business/2020-07-09-arms-export--federal-security-council-approves-submarine-delivery-to-egypt.S1QWYowVJv.html

What a disgraceful madness in London. UK government accused of phoning Saudi Arabia to apologise after imposing human rights sanctions. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/uk-saudi-arabia-human-rights-ben-wallace-yemen-war-crimes-a9611221.html

US policy shows security doesn't come first to protect. It is power at the expense of workers. Standing federal guidance on reopening agencies across US is “endangering the health and safety of federal workers,” and should be replaced, four Democrats said. https://www.federaltimes.com/management/2020/07/09/return-to-work-plans-endanger-federal-workers-senators-say/

Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken #AIV wil af van gezamenlijk wapenexportbeleid Nederland moet dus zijn exportnorm verlagen, omdat wapenproductie pas financieel aantrekkelijk wordt bij een flinke omzet, en omzetvolume moet uit export komen https://joop.bnnvara.nl/opinies/adviesraad-internationale-vraagstukken-wil-af-van-gezamenlijk-wapenexportbeleid

July 9

Retweet @FrankSlijper South Korean bid to sell Hanwha's K9 Thunder howitzers to United Arab Emirates impeded by German moratorium on arms exports to Saudi Arabia and #UAE, as they use diesel engines made by MTU Friedrichshafen. https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/uae-k9-howitzer-acquisition-frozen-under-german-arms-embargo

Canadian government entity responsible for brokering export agreements, including a $14-billion deal to sell combat vehicles to Saudi Arabia, has not paid sufficient attention to potential human-rights risks in sales contracts, a federal watchdog says. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/canada/article-canadian-crown-corporation-failed-to-give-due-attention-to-human/

 Kurdish women’s movement, Kongra Star calls for: Immediate economic sanctions to be implemented against Turkey and the cessation of all arms trade with Turkey. https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/turkish-crimes-against-women-occupied-afrin-documented

Russia has arrested a former journalist on a charge of high treason for allegedly passing military secrets to the Czech Republic in 2017 concerning the sale of Russian arms to the Middle East and Africa. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-arms-czech-republic-treason-military-secrets/30713409.html

July 8

Reply: Mensen die denken dat Nederland andere behoeften heeft dan een wapenfonds, kunnen hier tekenen: https://stopwapenhandel.org/petitieDF

(@MinBijleveld Samen met financieel directeur Ellen Bien onze mensen hartelijk bedankt voor hun inzet bij de technische ontwikkeling van het Defensiematerieelfonds. Hiermee kunnen we #defensie investeringen in materieel, IT en infrastructuur beter en duurzamer financieren.)

Democratic lawmakers demand that the US administration disclose the details of side deals connected with US arms exports to Saudi Arabia, maintaining that the so-called offsets undercut the financial benefits of weapons sales touted by the White House. https://www.islamtimes.org/en/news/873225/fp-us-lawmakers-demand-to-see-the-side-deals-in-trump-s-arms-sales-saudi-arabia

@_ENAAT"Turkey threatens, Borrell smiles" because Germany sells them submarines while Spain provides them the know-how for the construction of war aircraft? asks @SarantisMich Is this #EUdefence #strategicautonomy ? https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/opinion/the-brief-powered-by-bsef-turkey-threatens-borrell-smiles/

US State Department approved FMSale to Indonesia of 8 MV-22 Osprey aircraft and equipment for an estimated cost of $2 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today. https://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/indonesia-mv-22-block-c-osprey-aircraft

US government also approved sale to Israel of aviation fuel and other petroleum-based products for an estimated $3 billion. "The proposed sale will improve Israel’s ability to meet current and future threats in order to defend its borders,” the DSCA said. https://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/israel-jp-8-aviation-fuel-diesel-fuel-and-unleaded-gasoline-0

The Ukrainian Armed Forces troops deployed in Eastern Ukraine will be equipped with US-made Javelin ATGMs and Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 UAV. To be used for offensive operations in urban areas. https://southfront.org/ukrainian-troops-to-use-javelin-agtms-and-turkish-bayraktar-tb2-drones-in-eastern-ukraine/

London based publisher of military news IHS states: Risks to shipping and aviation near Iran expected to increase in coming two years, as arms purchases likely resume. Via Lexis Nexis

***Britain's hypocrisy in resuming arms sales to Saudi Arabia is astounding https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/uk-arms-sell-saudi-arabia-yemen-military-sales-bae-a9606696.html

Airbus paints an picture of indispesability of itself. It helps essential operations stay connected even amid COVID-19, like "helping deployed military personnel from the UK Royal Navy keep in touch with family and friends during these uncertain times." https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/stories/Airbus-helps-essential-operations-stay-connected-even-amid-COVID-19.html

 According to Amnesty a private military training camp set up in France is training Saudi soldiers on arms used in the war in Yemen. Amnesty claims the Belgian arms manufacturer, John Cockerill, running the training camp benefitted from government favours. https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20200707-saudi-soldiers-are-training-in-military-camp-in-france-says-amnesty


Members of US Congress, both Republicans and Democrats, is urging the Pentagon to more quickly stop buying F-35 fighter jet components from Turkey. https://www.defensenews.com/congress/2020/07/07/stop-buying-turkeys-f-35-parts-already-lawmakers-tell-dod/

July 7

Did the Saudi's end bombing Yemen? Did it become a peace, freedom of press and human rights respecting country? No, so why this step by the UK parliament? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/notice-to-exporters-202011-progressing-licence-applications-for-military-exports-to-saudi-arabia/notice-to-exporters-202011-progressing-licence-applications-for-military-exports-to-saudi-arabiaAddition: See also Campaign Against Arms Trade press release: CAAT condemns government decision to allow new arms sales to Saudi Arabia. CAAT considering legal steps. https://www.caat.org.uk/media/press-releases/2020-07-07

Retweet @CAATuk Declassified UK: ‘Paralysing a nation’: Evidence emerges of Royal Navy’s complicity in Saudi-led sea blockade of Yemen https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-07-07-paralysing-a-nation-evidence-emerges-of-royal-navys-complicity-in-saudi-led-sea-blockade-of-yemen/

Retweet @londoncaat UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Dominic Raab unveils UK sanctions against human rights abusers. Come back when you stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia and others. https://www.theguardian.com/law/2020/jul/06/dominic-raab-to-annouce-uk-sanctions-against-human-rights-abusers

As it is almost certain the Covid-19 outbreak will put a squeeze on Indonesia’s defence spending. The country confronts the challenge of rethinking its defence strategy priorities while also shifting its attention to non-traditional security threats. https://www.phnompenhpost.com/international/indonesia-defence-budget-covid-19-casualty

Despite a years-long judicial dispute with #Airbus, #Austria will keep using #Eurofighters (it purchased 15 EFA's in 2003) for air patrol, Defence Minister Tanner said. Austria would still use all possible judicial means to exit the EFA contract & seek compensation. dpa 6.7.20

Relations between France and Egypt are heating up thanks to Turkey. The tricolor arms manufacturers are taking advantage of this warming to resume discussions with Cairo. [French, Paywall] https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/armement-quand-la-turquie-rabiboche-la-france-et-l-egypte-851858.html

The current dispute between NATO members, France and Turkey, over their opposing views on Libya could be the beginning of the end for the alliance. If the differences escalate, will Libya be the rock upon which NATO founders? https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200706-will-libya-be-the-rock-which-destroys-nato/


 India accelerates weapons purchases in wake of border clash with China
The Indian government is prepared to purchase weapons from the U.S., Russia, Israel and its local defense industry. https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2020/07/06/india-accelerates-weapons-purchases-in-wake-of-border-clash-with-china/

July 6

Retweet @matthimon Wie sich der europäische Rüstungskonzern #Airbus die Welt wünscht. #MaritimeSecurity #EventSecurity #FortressEurope  


1/... Israel's Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries #IAI will cooperate with the UAE' Group 42 #G42 to research and develop equipment and solutions to tackle the coronavirus. .../2

2. G42 has previously been implicated in the development of ToTok, a messaging app the New York Times reported was “used by the government of the United Arab Emirates to try to track every conversation, movement, relationship, appointment, sound and image of those who install it on their phones”. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/22/us/politics/totok-app-uae.html
According to the information of the MoD of Azerbaijan, Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov, the Azerbaijani armed forces plan to acquire a large batch of Bayraktar TB2 armed drones manufactured in Turkey. [in Russian] https://armstrade.org/includes/periodics/news/2020/0626/105058472/detail.shtml

Dutch MoD will provide 'Host Nation Support' to an US #helicopter brigade to return to the US via the Port of #Rotterdam (#HNS will also provided around #Eindhoven Airport). https://www.portofrotterdam.com/en/news-and-press-releases/american-unit-with-80-helicopters-to-return-home-via-rotterdam

Addition: In La Rochelle, France, the movement is in the opposite direction. The aim is to test port infrastructures in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, etc. capable of being used during a massive projection of equipment via the Atlantic coast and the Baltic. https://www.ouest-france.fr/monde/etats-unis/l-armee-americaine-debarque-a-la-rochelle-pour-renforcer-la-defense-europeenne-6894313
UK Government just bought a minority stake in a bankrupt satellite company OneWeb for £400m. Technically OneWeb "British", but it is incorporated in the Channel Islands for tax purposes and its mini-communications satellites are manufactured in Florida. https://www.thenational.scot/news/18562786.boris-johnson-just-flushed-400m-drain-vanity-project/

Defence on the attack or in the original La Difesa va all’attacco. How European Defence Industrial Development Program helps Elettronica Group to get a stronger position in military electronics. (in Italian, paywall). https://www.milanofinanza.it/news/la-difesa-va-all-attacco-202007032154527601

 #India will purchase the Su-30 MKI aircraft from Hindustan Aeronautics #HAL at an estimated cost of $1.43bn. Procurement of the MIG 29 fighters from #Russia and the upgrade programme will cost around $990m. It will receive 6 #Rafale fighters this summer. https://www.airforce-technology.com/news/india-acquisition-fighter-jets-from-russia/

Text of report in English by Iranian conservative news agency Mehr: Despite sanctions, Iran has been able to develop advanced military equipment and is ready to offer it for purchase in the world market. https://en.mehrnews.com/news/160562/What-high-tech-military-equipment-can-Iran-offer-world

Super radar for Eurofighter; This means that the EFA can pursue 200 instead of 20 targets simultaneously. With the new electronics, Germany is at the forefront of development for the 1st time since the Second World War. Is that something to be happy about? https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/plus211062591/Super-Radar-Eurofighter-kann-kuenftig-200-Ziele-verfolgen.html

The first A330 MRTT tanker plane has been delivered to #NATO. The program was supervised by #EDA. In December 2014 it was announced that the Netherlands, Poland (resigned in 2016), and Norway began negotiation with #Airbus, on joint acquisition. https://theaviationist.com/2020/07/03/polish-resignation-from-the-mmf-multinational-mrtt-fleet-a-lost-opportunity/

UK trade union leaders called for sanctions on Israel Saturday. “Palestinian civil society demand for sanctions on Israel — at very least trade boycott of goods from illegal Israeli settlements — but more a two-way cessation of the arms trade.” https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/b/trade-unions-call-for-sanction-on-israel-as-thousands-protest-against-its-illegal-annexation-plans

July 5

US Senate Armed Services Committee’s version of the 2021 defense policy bill, lawmakers want to stop Air Force Special Operations Command from buying an aircraft that can offer airstrike backup until the Air Force’s ensures it can’t offer that capability. https://www.airforcemag.com/congress-questions-need-for-new-armed-overwatch-planes-for-socom/

Customs officers have seized a total of nearly 5,300 illicit gun part shipments in fiscal year 2020, dwarfing the 78 shipments seized in 2019 and 31 shipments in 2018, according to CBP statistics obtained by The Epoch Times. https://www.theepochtimes.com/seizure-of-10800-gun-parts-highlights-surge-in-intercepts-of-chinese-contraband-weapon-parts_3407230.html

'Uit navraag is gebleken is dat de goederen bestemd zijn voor de civiele markt.'
'Het kabinet acht een standaardcontrole op uit Tsjechië afkomstige zendingen niet wenselijk omdat het indruist tegen die grondslag van het gezamenlijke EU-wapenexportbeleid.'

Addition: Czech ammo passing the Netherlands en route to Turkey is for civilian purposes. (see earlier tweet: https://twitter.com/martinbroek/status/1269199482022957056)

Problemen bij militaire industrie door:
1 Tekorten aan componenten/materialen
2 Cashflow-problematiek
3 Wegvallen CIVIELE opdrachten/civiele markt
4 Ketenverstoring
5 SPONTANE overcapaciteit
Creatieve geesten zijn het die hogere militaire uitgaven willen. https://www.nidv.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/NIDV-Magazine-2020-2-DEFINITIEF.pdf

#SpaceNed en de #NIDV maken samenwerking officieel; een logische stap nu militaire veiligheid en #ruimtevaart steeds meer met elkaar verbonden raken. Daarvoor zetten ze een gezamenlijke werkgroep op met als thema “Ruimtevaart voor Defensie en Veiligheid”. https://www.nidv.eu/nidv-en-spacened-ondertekenen-samenwerkings-loi/

Saudi Arabia takes another step in development of domestic arms industry: building "a multi-tasking, four-wheel-drive vehicle compatible with all conditions and specifications for military use.” Where comes the technological support from? https://www.reporter.am/saudi-arabia-takes-another-step-in-development-of-domestic-arms-industry-middle-east-monitor/

Russian Sputnik: Turkey’s resale of Russian-made S-400 missile defence systems to the United States is unlikely as it may damage relations between Ankara and Moscow, experts said. https://sputniknews.com/analysis/202007041079789552-turkey-unlikely-to-resell-s-400s-to-us-as-doing-so-could-damage-relations-with-moscow/

Indian defence projects may be exempt from green nod
Projects of strategic importance currently need prior environmental and forest clearances although their details are not put in the public domain because of security concerns. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/defence-projects-may-be-exempt-from-green-nod/story-uXefbXOEP28YxNbB7LTsrO.html

How Turkey smuggles arms to Libya and Germany watches.
Wie die Türkei illegal Waffen nach Libyen schmuggelt – und Deutschland zusieht https://welt.de/politik/ausland/plus210988121/Trotz-UN-Embargo-Tuerkei-schmuggelt-Waffen-nach-Libyen.html
Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FNRsXW-0U65V-a7zYX3bh9dSLHVvK8gW/view?usp=sharing

Addition: See also: France pulls out of NATO naval mission in the Mediterranean
Paris feels it wasn’t given alliance support after clash with Turkey. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/01/france-pulls-out-of-nato-naval-mission-in-the-mediterranean-347004

July 1

Retweet @CAATuk: Since 2015, the UK has licensed over £376 million worth of arms to Israel – but the real total is likely to be much higher. UK-made arms have been used by the Israeli military before & arms sales show support for the daily abuses of the occupation. https://blog.caat.org.uk/2020/06/29/why-the-uk-must-stop-arming-israel/

BAE System is a British behemoth in the notoriously corrupt global arms trade. The UK-based company has and continues to supply arms to war-torn regions across the globe, seemingly with little regard for the lived realities of the civilians who suffer https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/other/bae-systems-profit-before-anything-else/ar-BB16aXbK

NATO has formally received the first of eight #Airbus A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport #MRTT aircraft during a ceremony at the manufacturer’s Getafe integration and conversion facility near Madrid, Spain. https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/nato-receives-first-a330-tanker-transport

The new head of the European Defence Agency, Jirí Sedivý is everywhere and he argues - not convincingly - everywhere the same: EU defence budget should keep a priority. This time in the issue of the European The Parliament Magazine (online). https://library.myebook.com/theparliament/the-parliament-magazine-issue-518-29-june-2020/2606/#page/33

 #Raytheon received a $2.3bn US Missile Defense Agency production contract for 7 AN/TPY-2 radars as part of the #THAAD system, designed to protect against incoming ballistic missile threats. The contract is part of a foreign military sale to #Saudi Arabia. https://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2020/06/26/raytheon-missiles-defense-awarded-23bn-production-contract-missile-defense-radars

Defence orders doesn't absorb the covid-19 shock for Airbus. Defense&Space weighs barely 1/5 of Airbus activity Airbus complains. Also tells something about civil production, isn't it. https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/air-defense/airbus-la-defense-et-le-spatial-ne-peuvent-plus-amortir-les-chocs-1220049 But are military orders meant to support companies like EU Airbus?

 41 new cases of COVID-19 infection have been registered at the #Damen Galaţi Shipyard, during the past seven days, Corina Tuchilă , the spokesperson of the wharf said Tuesday. https://www.gds.ro/Actualitate/2020-06-30/zeci-de-infectati-cu-covid-19-la-santierul-naval-damen-galati/


 De 3 partijen die onderzeeërs voor de marine willen bouwen, komen allen met de economische voordelen van een keuze voor hun product. € 3 á 4 miljard overheidsgeld in technologie voor duurzame energie productie of besparing is ook goed voor veiligheid ... https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/economie/bedrijven/artikel/5168306/meer-slagkracht-dat-veel-nato-partners-met-onderzeeers-van