dinsdag 28 juni 2022

My tweets for June

Latest on top (updated regularly):

June 30

Celeste Wallander: US DoD fully supports #Turkey’s modernisation plans for its F-16 fleet. These plans are in the works...US supports Turkey’s modernization of its fighter fleet because that is a contribution to NATO security & therefore American security. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/06/29/on-the-record-press-call-by-nsc-coordinator-for-strategic-communications-john-kirby-and-assistant-secretary-for-defense-celeste-wallander/

The #Philippine Army has established a new battalion to operate its newly acquired Autonomous Truck Mounted howitzer System (#ATMOS) 155 mm/52 calibre self-propelled gun system, produced by Israeli firm #Elbit Systems. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1177445


1/2 Interesting article on German arms export oriented military industry, and future opportunities. With graphs.

2/2 Also this with implications for Damen, Netherlands: Two more MKS 180 frigates — F126s — are on the military’s recently compiled “wish-list”. If those contracts are not awarded to Thyssenkrupp, Burkhard said, “the signal would be not a great one”. https://www.ft.com/content/fc8012bf-f6fe-4737-935e-e59425b0ef9d

#Corruption. After the German branch of the EFA manufacturer group EADS (now Airbus Defence) had sealed the fighter deal with Austria in 2003, almost €8m flowed to the Londoners by 2009 Letterbox company City Chambers. On the basis of bogus contracts. https://www.diepresse.com/6159132/eurofighter-causa-grasser-kam-diesmal-als-zeuge

Four consortia were each given £5million by the UH MoD to develop their bids for a Fleet Solid Support vessel: Babcock and BAE Systems; Mumbai-based Larsen & Toubro; Team Resolute, led by Spanish shipbuilders Navantia; and #Damen Group. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/firm-bidding-15bn-warship-contract-27349946

DeNatris: Met de Chinezen praten? Die tijd is voorbij. Ze zijn de grootmacht aan het worden.

MB: Als de strijd om de SLOC's tussen de grootmachten in de havens beslecht zal worden - wat een snel in aanhang groeiende visie is - wat betekent dat voor het onderzeebootwapen? Uitrusten met hypersonische raketten voor offensieve operaties? Pas in 2040? Of toch praten met Beijing?

DeNatris: Zuidelijke Noordzee is te ondiep. Sealines of communication zijn wereldwijd belangrijk voor Nederland.

MB: De NL industrie trekt te grote schoenen aan; juist dat gaat geld kosten. Als, met nadruk op als, je dan perse onderzeeërs wilt kopen, laat ze dan bouwen door een werf met ervaring. Nog minder kost het als je ze bouwt voor Noordzee en Atlantische Oceaan en niet v/d hele wereld.

DeNatris: Waarom Martin? Het mooie van in NL besteden is dat Nederland innovatiever wordt en een groot gedeelte van het budget terugvloeit naar de Belastingdienst.

MB: Haast was geen goede raadgever bij de vorige aankoop van onderzeeërs. Daarna moest de hele materieelverwervingsstructuur op de schop.

Als ik lees dat de lobby voor de Nederlandse inbreng blijft geloven dat ze in Nederland kan bouwen dan vrees ik 't ergste en snap de nervositeit.

Retweet @VoorzitterCMHF: En hoe langer we wachten hoe duurder het wordt #inflatie
JuVi @SciteCito: Staatssecretaris Van der Maat ’lichtelijk nerveus’ door miljardenaanschaf onderzeeboten https://telegraaf.nl/t/267892334/

Weapons and military equipment sold to Indonesia are used to occupy and oppress in West Papua. Find out if a company near you is profiting in this new resource https://www.waronwestpapua.org/

Gezamenlijke Nederlandse lobby voor de wapenindustrie (NIDV, NMT en FME en VNO-NCW) willen een flinke hap van de wapenproductie voor de nieuwe Koude Oorlog die in Madrid is aangekondigd. Vooral op de bouw en het onderhoud van onderzeeërs zijn ze gespitst. https://maritimetechnology.nl/betrek-nederlandse-industrie-bij-aanschaf-nieuw-defensiematerieel/

Retweet @janbuelinckx: '...een nieuw tijdperk van zware spanningen en groeiende dreigingen tussen rivaliserende grootmachten, gekenmerkt door een hernieuwde wapenwedloop.' Echt niet wat de wereld nodig heeft.
Tweet @Ludodb: NAVO-top in Madrid kiest voor verdere militaristische en mondiale koers: https://vrede.be/nl/node/52254

Despite Egypt's human rights concerns, CRS report says US may look other way in exchange for procurement of American arms & cancelling of Russian deals. https://middleeasteye.net/news/russia-ukraine-congress-us-egypt-arms-deals-rights-concerns That's because we are the good side. Russia & China the wrong side. So our wrongs are right.

June 29


Retweet @_AEPF: RimPac military exercises & NATO are about war-making, rather than collectively building a sustainable peace. Join tomorrow’s webinar to discuss!

£6.3bn takeover of aeroplane giant #Meggitt heading for final approval as UK govt is ‘minded to accept’ #ParkerHannifin https://www.cityam.com/6-3bn-takeover-of-aeroplane-giant-meggitt-heading-for-final-approval-as-uk-govt-is-minded-to-accept/


Exporting danger. #Djibouti has revealed itself to be an operator of the Baykar #Bayraktar TB2, parading the Turkish-built unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV or #drones) at its independence day celebrations on June 27. https://www.dailysabah.com/business/defense/now-official-turkeys-bayraktar-tb2-spotted-in-military-parade-in-djibouti

South China Sea: #Philippines protests over #Taiwan’s live-fire drills.
Manila condemns military exercises near Taiping Island as ‘unlawful’.
Boats and aircraft urged to avoid area as Taiwanese weapons fire into air and sea.

China tells UN expansion of NATO, or a NATO-like body, into the Asia-Pacific will stir up conflict.
Beijing is concerned US is building an Asian version of NATO as Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea attend the Nato meeting for the first time.


Taming Sino-American rivalry van Feng Zhang & Richard Ned Lebow gaat over een dreigend conflict aan de andere kant van de wereld; tussen de voor Europa belangrijkste bondgenoot en de belangrijkste handelspartner.

Zie voor een bespreking: https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2022/06/tamingsino-american-rivalry-van.html

China’s debut as threat
For the first time, NATO’s long-term planning document also includes a mention of China, declaring that Beijing’s “stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values.”

President Erdo lifted his blockade on Finland & Sweden joining NATO. In Exchange for a nod by the US Congress for F-16 deliverances or even to rejoining the F-35 program? https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/biden-press-erdogan-finland-sweden-turkey-seeks-f-16s-madrid-meeting Bombings on civilians in Iraq, Syria, and even in Turkish Kurdistan itself who cares?

What is agreed between Turkey, Finland en Sweden on cooperation concerning Kurdish activities? Here a list. https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/diplomacy/turkey-got-what-it-wanted-ankara-says-on-sweden-finland-deal

Retweet @urgewald: At a time when arms companies are trying to sell themselves as "security guarantors," it comes at just the right time: after months of research, we're teaming up with @FacingFinance to publish the #ExitArms database. It reveals who supplies arms to which warring parties.

Interessant dat Marshenkulova de machocultuur als basis voor de oorlog in Oekraïne aanwijst. Hoe anders is het feminisme van de Duitse Groene minister van BuZa Annalena Baerbock. Zij laat zich er op voorstaan een feministisch buitenlands beleid te voeren.

Remember the times I read NATO Fithteen - and later Sixteen - Nations (of Mönch) during the Cold War. Since the fall of the wall NATO dubbled in membership. Peculiar. Finland and Sweden to join Nato, as Erdoğan drops veto. https://euobserver.com/nordics/155374

28 juni

Uit tweet.
Hoe krijg je als #wapenboer geld vanuit Brussel?

Retweet NIDVnews: Network day Eur Defense Fund of @RVO_Int_Ond and @NIDVnews : Explaining opportunities and stimulating matchmaking. High attendance. Also thanks to @MinisterieEZK and @Defensie @Defensie_DMO @ariejandewaard

Proposal to the Indian military industry and the semiconductor industry to step up investments in the research and development of critical semiconductor materials and products for the military domain. https://www.news18.com/news/opinion/focus-on-innovation-in-semiconductor-technology-will-boost-defence-manufacturing-5454397.html

South #Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol is expected market domestically developed weapons at #MadridNATO22.

(Although Korea doesn't belong to #NATO, it was invited along with Japan, Australia, and New Zealand as Asia-Pacific partner.) https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/06/205_331788.html

Why EU's increased militarisation should worry us all. Without long-term investment in building peace, the EU's approach to defence will only lead towards a more aggressive arms race. This exacerbates geo-political tensions. https://euobserver.com/opinion/155328

Ukraine was already an international center for arms trafficking, but after the invasion of Russia, experts sounded the alarm: thousands of tons of arms that the EU & US deliver to the Ukrainian militias & army are at risk of ending up in the wrong hands. https://www.proceso.com.mx/reportajes/2022/6/26/toneladas-de-armas-en-ucrania-mafias-terroristas-al-acecho-288436.html

Russia will provide nuclear-capable #Iskander-M missiles to #Belarus and upgrade the country’s fighter jets to allow them to carry tactical atomic weapons, President Vladimir Putin said over the weekend. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/06/27/russia-to-provide-nuclear-capable-missiles-and-fighter-jets-to-belarus/

June 27

Saudi Arabia exported weapons, weapons parts and ammunition worth €3.4 million during the month of April 2022, which is an 87.77 percent jump compared to April 2021 when the value of arms exports stood at €1.8 million. https://www.zawya.com/en/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-posts-88-increase-in-weapons-export-qabxesls

#Ukraine will get 18 patrol boats to defend its waterways and ports as US military aid, a senior defense official said Friday.

The 18 boats include 2 11mtr riverine craft, 6 12mtr maritime combat craft boats and 10 10mtr Dauntless Sea Ark patrol #boats.


Thousands of people protested in Madrid on Sunday, demanding the dissolution of the Peace and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Movements such as “Fridays for the Future” took part in the march. https://www.dubaiweek.ae/struggle-in-madrid-against-the-nato-summit/

June 26

In EU/NATO country A there is pressure to ship arms to Ukraine in EU/NATO country B there is pressure to refrain from it.
Bulgaria’s government ministers deny supplying weapons to Ukraine.

1/3 (Automatically translated from Spanish.) A large part of the left and the European greens is suffering from a sudden attack of tired eyes that prevents them from seeing what is closest to them. Great connoisseurs of the situation in both Ukraine and Russia, but unable to see h

2/3 how the European elites and US imperialism are using this war as a moment of deep-seated capitalist and imperialist reorganization in the context of a global geopolitical disorder and ecological crisis. https://www.desdeabajo.info/mundo/item/45599-la-remilitarizacion-de-europa-y-la-mirada-cansada-de-la-izquierda.html

3/3 Desde Abajo is a Colombian montly connection to Le Monde Diplomatique.

The article points to @_ENAAT:

Fanning the flames How the European Union is fuelling a new arms race (English, Español. Summaries in Français, Deutsch, Nederlands, and Italiano)

Wolfgang Ischinger warns against stricter German rules for arms exports
The government wants to limit arms exports more. The ex-head of the Munich Security Conference speaks of a mistake, because it would put Germany on the sidelines within the EU.

June 25

100 billion euros in special funds are to be invested in the armaments industry.

Where is the money going?
The main chunk is to go to the USA.

Erosion a sign of the times? At many German universities, a so-called civil clause prohibits research for military purposes. The President of the German Academy for Engineering Sciences, Professor Wörner, calls for these clauses to be reconsidered. https://www.welt.de/wissenschaft/plus239526151/Johann-Dietrich-Woerner-Deutsche-Universitaeten-sollten-Verteidigungswaffen-entwickeln-duerfen.html

Latest @_ENAAT news from the Brussels’ bubble

✔ #EDF news: main priorities
✔ ‘Defend-EU’ plan: EU funding for joint acquisitions, institutional rivalries
✔ Peace Facility News
✔In short #Ukraine #AI etc.
✔ EU Calendar: main upcoming meetings http://enaat.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ENAAT-NBB-2022-2_June2022.pdf

Outsourcing the design and manufacturing of products, components and software to foreign contractors has become a significant part of manufacturing in the US but presents export control challenges. https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/outsourcing-manufacturing-of-sensitive-2607936/

America Is the World’s Gun Store
US sales of firearms aren’t just a domestic issue.

Biden's administration has continued to export small arms, ammo etc. to the security forces of Saudi Arabia and the Philippines, where human rights are flagrantly violated. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/06/24/us-weapons-small-arms-firearms-exports-lethal-violence-military-police-gun-control/

Veterans targeted by #extremists preying on patriots. A Military Times article on recruting veterans for white supremist groups. “I’d been to combat,” Buckley says. “I knew how to shoot, move, and communicate, lead a team.” We the veterans trained them. https://www.militarytimes.com/veterans/2022/06/23/military-veterans-targeted-by-extremists-preying-on-patriots/

Military is Weaker Since Coup and Momentum is With the Armed Resistance. Interview with Ye Myo Hein who recently published a research report: “One Year On: The Momentum of Myanmar’s Armed Rebellion.” https://www.irrawaddy.com/in-person/interview/military-is-weaker-since-coup-and-momentum-is-with-the-armed-resistance.html

June 24

#Gambia has apparently become the latest customer for #Turkey's Hizir armoured personnel carrier, after ordering 20 of the type.

Turkey increased its defence exports to Africa by 700% in 2021, from $41 million to $328 million,

The European heavy launcher Ariane 5 succeeded in its 1st mission of the year, putting 2 satellites into orbit. This mission is one of the last of Ariane 5; Ariane 6 will succeed it. The launcher is used to bring civil &/or military saterlites into space. https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/en-attendant-ariane-6-le-lanceur-lourd-europeen-ariane-5-fait-le-job-922959.html

Armed Forces of the Philippines aimes at strengthening the Philippine Air Force (PAF).

Knock knock who is there? Airbus, Diehl, Korea Aerospace Industries #KAI, Saab Philippines, Lockheed, Jet Aviation Asia Pacific & Textron Aviation Defense line up. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1177365

Wow what an argumentation. Donations from Bundeswehr stocks such as the Panzerhaubitze 2000 are not arms exports : "Therefore it is not necessary to decide this in the Federal Security Council." The Ministry of Defense does that alone. https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/plus239533089/Panzer-fuer-Ukraine-Lambrechts-Maer-von-der-schnellen-Ringtausch-Hilfe.html

Explanation: "Why many African countries do not feel concerned by the fate of Ukraine." Nicolas Normand was French Ambassador to Mali from 2002-06, to Congo, Senegal & Gambia. https://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/monde/nicolas-normand-pourquoi-nombre-de-pays-africains-ne-se-sentent-pas-concernes-par-le-sort-de-l-ukraine-20220622


“Made in Spain, bombed in Yemen. Arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates” http://centredelas.org/publicacions/infografia-made-in-spain-bombardejat-al-iemen-venta-darmes-a-larabia-saudita-i-els-emirats-arabs-units/

“Wat hebben we liggen? Wat doet ons pijn? Wat kunnen we missen?” Vragen waar het Munitiebedrijf over moest nadenken toen er via de politieke lijn een verzoek binnen kwam voor de levering van munitie aan Oekraïne. Uiteindelijk werd de beslissing gemaakt. https://magazines.defensie.nl/materieelgezien/2022/05/dmo-bedrijven-in-touw-voor-oekraine

Must read: The former Labour Party leader sits down with Declassified for his most candid interview yet – on the British media, UK military and intelligence services, Israel, Keir Starmer, Julian Assange and Saudi Arabia. https://declassifieduk.org/exclusive-jeremy-corbyn-on-the-establishment-campaign-to-stop-him-becoming-pm/

Spanje heeft na overleg met Airbus Defence and Space over de aankoop van twintig nieuwe EurofighterTyphoons het contract hiervoor tijdens de ILA Berlin Show 2022 getekend.https://www.pilootenvliegtuig.nl/2022/06/23/project-halcon-spanje-wil-meer-eurofighters/

BAE Systems wins £500m jet order https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bae-systems-wins-500m-jet-order-fdhw52fbk

Order intake also claimed by #Spain. Spanish Eurofighter #EFA is assembled at the Airbus facilities in Getafe and contributes to generating 20,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs in the industry, says the company. Aircraft are also tested at this base. https://www.expansion.com/empresas/industria/2022/06/24/62b4f862468aeb55498b4587.html

"Putin's war in Ukraine, which could last for years, is in fact an absolute godsent to the most destructive forces on the planet, namely the arms industry and the fossil fuel companies." https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/06/23/war-ukraine-pushes-world-closer-edge-climate-precipice

More money to buy weaponry and fight inflation in House defense bill. https://www.defensenews.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/06/23/more-money-to-buy-weaponry-and-fight-inflation-in-house-defense-bill/

The struggle in the south of Japan continues:
#Okinawa wants US base reduced 77 years after battle’s end. Because of the US bases, Okinawa faces noise, pollution, accidents and crime related to American troops, govenor Tamaki said. https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/2022/06/23/okinawa-wants-us-base-reduced-77-years-after-battles-end/

Revolving doors:
Former top UK civil servant joins defence contractor BAE Systems Lord Mark Sedwill appointed to board as governments consider greater security spending after invasion of Ukraine. https://www.ft.com/content/e5e55900-c048-4c2d-947d-a71b015ae4f7

Sales of Spanish arms to countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE was harshly criticized in Spanish Parliament on Wednesday, where it was argued that exporting weapons to those countries “is not investing in security.”
'translated': https://plainsmenpost.com/spain-exported-almost-3300-million-euros-in-defense-material-2/

The sale of Spanish armament to Saudi Arabia has doubled in 2021 by going from €48.3 to €109.1m, 126% up, the same as to the UAE, which has gone from €27.7 to €73.7m, 164% up, although the Government has stressed that it is not aware that such material has been used in Yemen.

June 23

Lockheed Martin en Ko Colijn zijn het helemaal niet met elkaar eens. Het is een kostbaar debat. https://www.nu.nl/spanningen-oekraine/6208041/deze-lessen-trekt-defensie-expert-ko-colijn-uit-het-wapengebruik-in-oekraine.html

Retweet @SciteCito: The War in Ukraine Proves the F-35 Is the Essential Fighter - https://19fortyfive.com/2022/06/the-war-in-ukraine-proves-the-f-35-is-the-essential-fighter Replying to @SciteCito and @nifarp

From Moscow to Paris. Cyprus will be buying six H145M French light fighter helicopters to replace the 11 Mi-35 attack helicopters that are currently in service with the Cyprus Air Command. The 11 Mi-35s will be sold to Serbia, according to news reports. https://politis.com.cy/politis-news/enischyetai-i-polemiki-aeroporia-me-exi-gallika-epithetika-elikoptera-to-kostos-kai-oi-leptomereies-tis-symfonias/

The to be expected happened:
Turkish Cypriot side says Cyprus’ helicopter purchases ‘a provocation’

The planned acquisition of Israeli firm RADA Electronics Industries by Leonardo DRS is driven in part by lessons learned from the war in Ukraine, according to the CEO of the company. It is about protection of US soldiers in comming wars, he said. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2022/06/22/ukraine-lessons-helped-drive-acquisition-of-rada-leonardo-drs-chief-says/


GAO report on MISSILE DEFENSE; Better Oversight and Coordination Needed for CounterHypersonic Development, June 2022. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/22065926/better-oversight-and-coordination-needed-for-counter-hypersonic-development-june-16-2022.pdf

(Ook voor wie Herwijnen beter wil begrijpen. Kort door de bocht: ruil Aegis ashore in voor radar aldaar gepland). https://twitter.com/vrij_nederland/status/1539918691868868608)

UK Ministers Liz Truss (Foreign Minister) and Defence (Ben Wallaceare) in Turkey for defence cooperation, with their Turkish counterparts. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/nato-turkey-uk-ministers-charm-offensive

Men heeft - beetje gekscherend - becijferd dat als 't huidige tempo van prijsstijging van gevechtsvliegtuigen doorzet, de hele defensiebegroting in 2054 opgaat aan één zo'n vliegtuig. Iets om te onthouden voor MoD Kajsa Ollongren, die 6 extra F-35's koopt. https://www.nu.nl/spanningen-oekraine/6208041/deze-lessen-trekt-defensie-expert-ko-colijn-uit-het-wapengebruik-in-oekraine.html

Nederland koopt versneld zes F35 gevechtsvliegtuigen. https://fd.nl/politiek/1443564/nederland-koopt-versneld-zes-gevechtsvliegtuigen

1/2 Headline & text. There is no indication that any of Airbus' technology has ended up in the possession of the Chinese military. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-champion-airbus-has-deep-links-to-chinese-military-industrial-complex-report-says/
Investigating and ending military exports and human rights criticism is needed, but confrontational policies and fear

2/2 mongering organisation aren't. Article is based on a report by Horizon Advisory a front organisation for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. FDD was pictured hawkish & neocon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundation_for_Defense_of_Democracies The neocon agenda has done enough bad to the world the past 30 years.

June 22

German Dynamit Nobel Defense (DND), a subsidiary of Israeli defense giant Rafael, presented the final design of the RGW110 HH-T (HEAT/HESH tandem) shoulder-launched weapon, at the Eurosatory 2022 exhibition in Paris. https://soldat-und-technik.de/2022/06/bewaffnung/31855/dnd-rgw110-hh-t/

The Bushmasters, designed by Thales Australia for the Australian Army in the late 1990s, proved indispensable in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are now proving their worth under heavy bombardment from Russian artillery shelling, missiles and airstrikes. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10939991/Ukrainian-soldiers-praise-life-saving-Australian-Bushmaster-vehicles.html


Clipping from page
Industry leaders are praised by the UK Defence Secretary for their vital role in helping provide arms, ammunition & logistical support to Ukraine. Present at round table SAAB, MBDA, Rheinmetall etc. Also an aggrevated overview of deliveries is provided. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/praise-for-ukraine-support-as-defence-industry-offers-more-help

Several German naval programs are now being prepared and in the pipeline: corvet (K-130), submarines (Type 212CD) and potentially frigates (F-127). TKMS wants to be the wharf building them. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/tkms-bid-german-defence-contracts-including-two-submarines-faz-2022-06-21/

The head of Turkey’s weapons-production agency said the country must be cautious about delivering more arms to Ukraine, months after Turkish-made drones played a role against the Russian invasion. Ukraine is asking itself: “Is Turkey switching sides?”

“Turkey increasingly characterizes this as a contest between the West and Russia and does not want to get caught in that,” Asli Aydintasbas of the European Council on Foreign relations said.
For its operation against Kurds in Syria Ankara needs approval from Moscow. https://www.wsj.com/articles/turkish-defense-industry-grows-cautious-over-selling-weapons-to-ukraine-11655803802

June 21

1/2 Overheid nog steeds in de maag met erfenis van Van den Nieuwenhuyzen's MD Helicopters (in 2005 verkocht). In 2001 plaatste de NL politie een order bij MD voor 8 heli's. In maart 2005 vastgesteld dat de toestellen niet geleverd konden worden. https://helispot.nl/hs/page/detail.asp?oid=e6D3C4b4

Het beginv an een serie rechtzaken. Vorige week verneitigde een rechter in Delaware een vonnis uit een eerdere rechtzaak die de Nedelrandse overheid in het gelijk stelde en aanspraak gaf op een miljoenen claim. Door rente opgelopen tot $16.1.



All German milirary deliverances (lethal and non-lethal) to Ukraine public: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/krieg-in-der-ukraine/lieferungen-ukraine-2054514

De Duitse regering heeft dinsdag een lijst openbaar gemaakt met alle wapens die tot nu toe aan het Oekraïense leger zijn geleverd. Berlijn vertelde tot nu toe alleen selectief om welke wapens het ging, maar nu is de hele lijst online te vinden. https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/839723645/live-poetin-zwaarste-nucleaire-raket-voor-einde-van-het-jaar-inzetbaar #Nederland?

A few days ago, members of a WRI affilaite in Australia blockaded a bullet factory in support of a demand from the aboriginal Yuendumu community for a ceasefire, judicial and social measures to increase the communities safety, & for the state to respect self-determination.

Retweet @warresistersint There's a short write up of the action on our website here: https://wri-irg.org/en/story/2022/australia-activists-block-bullet-manufacturer-solidarity-ceasefire-call

China Conducts mid-course ballistic-missile defence tests. Who made the use of this kind of dual-purpose exosphere kinetic-kill vehicles against ballistic-missile and satellite targets legal by ending the ABM-treaty? https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/missile-defense-weapons/china-conducts-mid-course-ballistic-missile-defense-tests

't Feit dat dual-use onderzoek en innovatie gepromoot worden [op EU & Belgisch niveau] illustreert hoe momenteel de omgang met het dilemma vooral de mogelijkheden en synergieën van zulk onderzoek benadrukt, terwijl men veel minder oog heeft voor de risico’s die ermee samenhangen.

Retweet @Peace Institute: De Vlaamse #defensie- gerelateerde sector staat op een kantelpunt.
* Lees onze doorlichting in dit nieuwe rapport:
* persbericht:
* of onderzoeker @Diederik_Cops @radio1be :

#Thales in Belfast is no stranger to controversy:
Pickets in March because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict;
Early 2000s protests because of the war in Iraq;
Now the ire of the Kremlin, in 2003 President #Putin actually visited Thales' operation in Bordeaux.

According to the Global Organised Crime Index, Ukraine is the largest illegal arms market with "few barriers" and "millions of small arms and light weapons".

Its role has only strengthened with the outbreak of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, experts warn.


#ArmesWallonnes: #FNHerstal charged for criminal action. It exported weapons to #Saudi_Arabia with dire effects on the human rights and made it participant and thus resonsible for war crimes in #Yemen. Its time to apply the Walloon weapons decree, @eliodirupo (MP of Wallonia.)

Retweet @FrancoisGraas: #ArmesWallonnes : criminal action against the #FNHerstal , which illegally exported weapons to #Saudi_Arabia , hell for human rights and responsible for war crimes in #Yemen . It is time for the Walloon weapons decree to be applied, @eliodirupo #FNHerstalAuTribunal https://www.amnesty.be/infos/actualites/article/commerce-armes-wallonnes-nouvelle-action-justice-visera-herstal

Belgian arms manufacturer to face legal action over Saudi weapons sales. https://www.brusselstimes.com/belgium/242503/fn-herstal-to-face-legal-challenge-over-saudi-weapons-sales

Satellites. Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio sign follow-on contract with Italian MOD to develop the SICRAL 3 satcom system. The Italian System for Secure Communications and Alerts supports various defense missions, both in Italy and abroad. https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/THALES-4715/news/Thales-Alenia-Space-and-Telespazio-sign-follow-on-contract-with-Italian-Ministry-of-Defense-to-devel-40768692/

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has disrupted the market for a broad range of materials essential to US munitions & other defense industry products, spurring hundreds of millions in Pentagon spending to shore up supplies, a senior defence official told. https://www.defensenews.com/congress/2022/06/20/vital-mineral-markets-not-functioning-in-wake-of-ukraine-war-says-dod-industrial-policy-chief

Israeli weapons maker shuts London HQ following sustained protest

After relentless direct action and a number of arrests, Palestine Action has made business in Britain's capital inoperable for Israel's largest weapons company, Elbit Systems.


Bit old. But relevant. Holtom, Paul. 2011 ‘The Risk of Diversion of Ukrainian Arms Exports in Sub-Saharan Africa.’ Ukrainian Arms Supplies to Sub-Saharan Africa; Section 4, pp. 8-9. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute / SIPRI. 1 February https://sipri.org/publications/2011/sipri-background-papers/ukrainian-arms-supplies-sub-saharan-africa

See also tweets of yesterday on recent published UN Security panel of experts on sanctions on Libya report. Ukraine is more than just present. https://twitter.com/martinbroek/status/1538789837246971904


June 20

No problem for UK: Turkey is open to bid on Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes if F-16s deal fails. Turkish airforce commander visited the UK last month and inspected the EFA. But planes aren't UK made only.


Neither a problem for Germany, Italy and Spain? (see image below)

Middle East accounts for 43% of US arms transfers, report finds. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20220620-middle-east-accounts-for-43-of-us-arms-transfers-report-finds/

Is that to improve security? It does not seem likely.

Is it for skimming #petrodollars (see David M. Wight's book on the topic) or to control oil, Iran, sea lines of communication?

Retweet @janbuelinckx: Boeiend artikel van @MissTieover de impact van het militaire apparaat op het klimaat. ‘De band tussen de fossiele industrie en het militaire apparaat is heel nauw. We gebruiken fossiele brandstoffen om fossiele brandstoffen te beschermen.’ https://www.mo.be/analyse/ook-het-leger-hangt-aan-de-oliekraan

Brokers report that Moscow has threatened some countries (able to export equipment inherited from the Soviet Union or made in Russia) with depriving them in the future of spare parts and services for their Russian-made systems that many of them rely on for their national defence.

Retweet with comment @ElluinA: How Russia seeks to prevent arms sales to Ukraine https://www.lopinion.fr/international/comment-la-russie-cherche-a-empecher-les-ventes-darmes-a-lukraine

De kernwapens die op Volkel geplaatst worden, hebben volgens @CTWnl een potentiële vernietigingskracht die ruim 280 keer zo groot is als de atoombom die op Hiroshima werd gegooid, schijft @MayMayMeijer in het @NederlandsDag: Teken verbod op kernwapens. https://www.nd.nl/opinie/opinie/1129793/we-dienen-geen-mogelijkheid-onbenut-te-laten-om-samen-kernwapen

You'll presume the German military industry applauds the policies of the Government.

But no. Minister of Economics Habeck wants to tighten the rules for German arms exports.

The industry association BDI warns against going it alone on a national level. https://www.braunschweiger-zeitung.de/politik/article235647291/robert-haback-ruestungsexporte-bdi-kritik.html

US spends more on arms to Ukraine than on climate change. How to keep track of where the weapons go. Ukraine "has a history of an illicit arms trade (...). And these arms were in Ukraine and have actually ended up in places all over the world." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-06-20/ukraine-weapons-biden-us-russia-abc-daily/101160650

A report submitted to the UN SC has alleged that the Turkish government is deploying Syrian fighters to Libya, replacing those whose contracts have expired, with fresh fighters and supplied arms to various factions in violation of the arms embargo. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/turkey-under-lens-for-rotating-syrian-mercenaries-in-libya/articleshow/92322960.cms

Turkey is listed among Egypt, Jordan, Russia, Sudan, Syria and UAE. Remarkably also several Ukrainian air frighters are mentioned for transports.

The very interesting report: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/334/41/pdf/N2233441.pdf

Ukraine (indirectly) violating UN arms embargo on Libya (1/:

- S-124 missiles supply from Ukraine to Turkey, and then deployed to Al Watiya.

- BRDM-2 armoured vehicle sold to UAE.

- 800,000 rounds of small arms ammunition through a Ukrainian broker (Ukrinmash) ../2

- Alpha Air LLC and FlySky Airlines LLC (FSU) (both Ukrainian) Flight operations for the direct, and indirect, supply of military equipment and other assistance to Libya. With lots of information on planes, flights, arrivals etc.

Conference on Robotics & Automous Sys, #RAS. With topics like 'drones that hunt other drones with AI.'

Head of Development & Innovation RAS-Program of Dutch Army is speaker: "2nd priority is the military development of AI for autonomous task execution.” https://www.smgconferences.com/defence/northamerica/robotics-usa

An extensive LinkedIn based investigation in Turkish military industry brain drain: 1 out of 6 (most experienced) left Turkey.

There are 600 Turkish engineers in ASML in the Netherlands alone. More than 70% of these came from military industry companies.


Berlin and Paris wanted to develop tanks and military aircraft together. The armaments projects are increasingly wobbling. Industry and politics defend their interests and this strive increasingly turns into a mud fight. https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/industrie/verteidigung-zoff-statt-zeitenwende-deutschland-und-frankreich-blockieren-sich-bei-ruestungsprojekten/28434356.html

An overview on who is delivering what for the German F-126 frigates whith emphasis on Thales Netherlands (based on a press briefing) and Romanian participation. https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-defense-25628380-romania-dezvolta-sistemul-thales-tacticos-pentru-marina-germana-fregatele-f126-mks180-germania-cel-mai-mare-contract.htm

Russia’s botched invasion of Ukraine has been a public relations disaster for the world’s second-largest exporter of weaponry. Sanctions on dual-use components won’t help.

Meanwhile the merits of equipment produced by the West have been shown. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-06-20/russia-s-exploding-tanks-create-opening-for-western-arms-diplomacy

De aanschaf van 4 #onderzeeërs door Defensie leidt tot oplopende spanningen binnen de sector. Onder de aangesloten bedrijven van de stichting #NIDV leeft ongenoegen over hoe deze brancheorganisatie daarin opereert. https://fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1442554/aanschaf-onderzeeers-leidt-tot-schisma-binnen-brancheorganisatie-voor-defensie

June 19

@WendelaVries, @CTWnl: Het is belangrijk niet alleen te duiden dat het onze oorlog is, maar ook de discussie te starten ’wat willen we hier nou eigenlijk mee vanuit Nederland?’ Willen we dat er een einde komt aan het geweld of willen we die oorlog winnen? https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/262539242/uitspraak-rutte-over-onze-oorlog-maakt-de-tongen-los

Retweet @urgewald: Wendela de Vries von @CTWnl: Wir diskutieren nicht einmal andere Optionen als Waffenlieferungen, um der Ukraine zu helfen. Und was passiert, wenn die Waffen nach dem Krieg auf den illegalen Waffenmarkt gelangen?

Nog meer De Vries over de Russische oorlog in Oekraïne:

June 18


Het patrouilleschip Zr.Ms. Groningen heeft 2 drugstransporten in het Caribisch gebied onderschept, zo’n ton aan cocaïne. https://www.defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws/2022/06/14/marine-onderschept-meer-dan-1.000-kilo-cocaine-in-caribisch-gebied

Ondanks 'de oorlog tegen drugs' blijft het aanbod groeien. Wie is er gediend met deze strijd? https://www.statista.com/chart/27631/number-of-drug-seizures-on-the-rise/

End to potential neutrality? #Ukraine has a deal in place with the EU Defence Agency #EDA that could be triggered to enable defense-cooperation projects with the bloc once the war with Russia ends, according to the agency’s chief executive, Jiří Šedivý. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/06/17/ukraine-eu-make-deal-for-defense-cooperation-projects-if-and-when-the-war-ends/

India is making overtures to Israel, the U.S. and Europe in an effort to reduce its dependence on Russian arms, as the war in Ukraine highlights the risk of relying too heavily a single partner. https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/India-bolsters-arms-ties-with-West-to-sever-Russian-dependence

To defend Western civilisation Canada has Israel 10th in a list of the top 12 non-US countries to which Canada exported military products. Saudi Arabia, which leads a coalition that has been waging a brutal war on Yemen, is listed no. 1 non-US importer. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/nora-barrows-friedman/canadas-arms-exports-israel-skyrocket

June 17


Retweet @wammezz:
More Turkish #drones strikes in Iraqi Kurdistan, this time targeting a car south of Slemani, allegedly killing Syrian Kurds. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1537707922788171777/pu/vid/480x270/bTKa8rxyVRR6JzSz.mp4


Adam Smith, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said that Turkey won’t be offered to rejoin the F-35 program when asked whether Turkey could be reinstated as a partner to stop blocking the entry of Finland and Sweden into NATO. https://www.aviacionline.com/2022/06/turkey-will-not-rejoin-the-f-35-program-house-armed-services-committee-says/

Saudis want Biden to counter Iran, forget Khashoggi in gas crisis bargain and sell arms.https://www.newsweek.com/saudis-want-biden-counter-iran-forget-khashoggi-gas-crisis-bargain-1716193

Potential bitter fallout of the Russian war & the subsequent coalition building by the West. It threatens human rights, peace & security on the Arabian peninsula.

France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK are committing €26.7 million for the Next-Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC) heli project, according to a NATO statement. Canada will likely be an observer nation. https://www.defensenews.com/global/2022/06/16/six-nato-countries-sign-agreement-to-collaborate-on-next-gen-helo/



Op het NOS 8 uur journaal hoorde ik van Wouter Zwart dat er geen activisten meer zijn tijden de Eurosatory defensiebeurs. Ook het jeugdjournaal zond een item uit over de beurs waar wapens (Van Dale: voorwerp, werktuig om iemand aan te vallen, om zich te verdedigen ) én tanks (Van dale: zwaarbepantserde en zwaarbewapende gevechtswagen op rupsbanden) worden verkocht. Uit een soort verbazing en boosheid maak ik er een serie tweets over:

Voor de Nederlanders die zich afvragen of er echt geen protest bij #Eurosatory was, zoals onze man in Parijs @WouterZwart vertelde; ze waren er wel. Protest klein als altijd, maar de Franse beweging tegen wapenexporten groeit wel. Ook, of juist, in deze tijden.

Retweet @stopfuellingwar: #Eurosatory2022 Pas de contestation sur le salon d'armement à Paris. Toute distribution de tracts, de banderoles et tout type de manifestation pacifique ont été interdites par arrêté préfectoral pendant toute la semaine aux abords d'Eurosatory.

Eigenlijk ook best ironisch van de columnist van het NOS-journaal om te zeggen dat er geen protest is als dit verboden is tot aan folderen aan toe.

In 1998 en 2000 waren de protesten groter door deelname van mensen uit België, Engeland en Nederland. (Er waren ook 2 bedrijfsspionen bij: Adrian Le Chene (zijn moeder Evelyne was de spil) (https://evel.nl/spinwatch/adrian.htm) en Zuid-Afrikaan/Brit Martin Hodgebin https://theguardian.com/world/2007/dec/04/bae.armstrade)

Misschien is een brief die er op aandringt ook andere problemen in de wereld te willen zien niet wat de journalist als activisme ziet. De schrijvers bepleiten geen wapens te leveren die mede de grootste huidige humanitaire ramp in de wereld veroorzaken, het conflict in #Jemen.

Ook best aardig hoe Otokar in beeld komt. Dat maakt militaire voertuigen voor het Turkse leger en een groeiend aantal klanten in de wereld. https://jeugdjournaal.nl/artikel/2432953-wapens-en-tanks-te-koop-op-beurs-in-parijs.html Google eens op Cizre of kijk wat Turkije in Syrië deed of Libië.

Sig Sauer prominent in beeld is 'n grote leverancier van handvuurwapens in de VS (demonstraties afgelopen weekend). https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/how-sig-sauer-became-largest-us-firearms-exporter-198670 Daar blijft het niet bij. Er zijn ook exporten. https://stopusarmstomexico.org/sig-sauer-mexico-fact-sheet De blik richt zich op Kyiv. Uitstekend. Maar niet de hele tijd.

Bijzonder dat iemand van de zgn. gouden driehoek (de samenwerking tussen Overheid, defensie-industrie en militaire onderzoeksinstellingen), Marja Eijkman - de Managing Director Defence, Safety & Security bij #TNO -, tot schijnbaar onafhankelijke wapenonderzoeker wordt benoemd.

June 16

The European Commission is looking for companies to develop new technology worth nearly €1 billion starting in 2023, with a semi-autonomous naval vessel and space-based early warning capabilities topping the list of demands. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/06/15/half-autonomous-ships-and-space-systems-top-european-defence-funds-2023-wish-list/

Russia’s war with Ukraine might be one of the first tests for the concept of Terminator-esque robots, rolling into combat like the Temerland GNOM robotic vehicles equipped with 7.62 mm machine guns go to the front lines near the city of Zaporіzhzhia. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/machine-gun-robot-ukraine-russia/

International Fighter Conference (IFC) Marriott Hotel, Berlin, Germany; 16-18 November 2022 brings together senior leaders to discuss; future programmes (NGAD, TEMPEST and FCAS); Naval Air Power and Carrier Strike;... https://www.defenceiq.com/events-internationalfighter Sponsored by #Lockheed, #Airbus, etc.

Large arms exports in March 2022:
- to Morrocco for naval vessels, €17m;
- to Taiwan €10.8m for submarines; and
- 2 exports to the UAE, € 3.6m a launch system (via France) and radar.

Transparency on arms sales/support in official reports by Dutch Government victim of the policy of secrecy in connection to Ukraine. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/exportcontrole-strategische-goederen/documenten/rapporten/2016/10/01/overzicht-uitvoer-militaire-goederen

Why is even the end user secret?

Sentence summarizes a lot: "The West is locked in a struggle against two specific autocracies. Not, as some would have it, against 'autocracy'." https://www.ft.com/content/3542e4ce-47e9-4080-8543-40b435009392

The Gülen connected Nordic Monitor reports on Turkish interventionist policy concerning Libya, Syria and other 'countries'. NM states it is part of Erdoğans presidential elections 2023 campaign to take advantage of creating a wave of neo-nationalism. https://nordicmonitor.com/2022/06/libya-troops-motion-to-grant-erdogan-unlimited-authority-to-send-troops-to-another-country/

The Air and Missile Defence Technology Conference returns to #London in November 2022. Past attendees include: #Egyptian Armed Forces, MBDA, Rafael, #Israeli Air Force, IAI, #UAE General Headquarters (GHQ), US Air Force in Europe, plus many more. https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/576913646/the-air-and-missile-defence-technology-conference-returns-to-london-in-november-2022

#UtarPradesh’s Adjunct Home Department Chief Secretary Awasthi has asked #Airbus Helicopters to submit proposals for helicopters to be used during crowd control by police (...) and for monitoring areas affected by insurgencies (naxal) in the state.

The endless quarrel between #NavalGroup & #Damen (each with its own factions in the Romanian military/political establishment behind it) to deliver #Romania 4 corvettes. President Macron's recent visit confirmed naval cooperation between the two countries. https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/air-defense/naval-group-espere-finaliser-la-vente-de-4-corvettes-a-la-roumanie-1413610

#Hamburg goes to court against a citizens initiative aiming to end the transport and handling of arms via the Port of Hamburg. It has collected 16,000 signatures. Now the court must decide whether the goals are in line with the Hamburg constitution. https://taz.de/!5858209/

"Nederland heeft er zijn eigen paviljoen: oranje gekleurd en met een foto van het koninklijk paar. Er worden producten getoond, er wordt vooral heel veel gepraat." Veel praten op wapenbeurs #Eurosatory met plaatjes erbij; het lijkt me handel, #wapenhandel. https://nos.nl/artikel/2432866-wapenbeurs-parijs-trekpleister-door-oorlog-in-oekraine

Turkish president Erdogan turns crises into opportunities—it’s his modus operandi. After the initial shock of the Russian invasion, which put Turkey in an uncomfortable position, Erdogan now seems to be enjoying the geopolitical reality. How far can he go? https://national.interest.org/feature/will-erdogan%E2%80%99s-turkey-gain-war-ukraine-202995

June 15

1/2 CRS on The Nordic Countries and U.S. Relations. It seems timely. From the intro: These refugee and migrant waves also stirred debates about identity, integration, and security (in relation to both terrorism and crime). https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/22059561/if10740.pdf

2/2 Refugees from Russia’s 2022 war in Ukraine, however, generally have been welcomed by Nordic governments and societies. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/22059561/if10740.pdf

Een collectie meningen in Vrij Nederland over pacifisme in oorlogstijd. Niet om het idee af te kammen, maar om er serieus over na te denken. https://www.vn.nl/grote-vraag-pacifisme/

After the publication, in Jeune Afrique of an investigation into the last barons of the arms sales in Africa, Ivor Ichikowitz, CEO of Paramount group, sent a reply. https://www.jeuneafrique.com/1353562/politique/vente-darmes-ivor-ichikowitz-repond-a-jeune-afrique/

However Paramount is a major partner of dictatorial Saudi Arabia. https://www.google.com/search?q=Paramount+Group+Saudi

Together with the soccer teams to #Qatar2022 a bunch of companies travels to the emirate, like French Thales which will bring real-world experience to young Qatari professionals involved in building the Qatari National Cyber Security Strategy. #HumanRights?https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252521418/Qatar-bolsters-cyber-security-in-preparation-for-World-Cup

Staff from Belfast-based company Thales UK have been hit with sanctions by Russia. https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/russia-adds-three-more-dup-mps-to-sanctions-list-41752834.html It was Thales (the French part) which found ways to circumvent the embargo on Russia after 2014 and is now hit in a tit-for-tat response by Russia. https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2022/04/killed-by-thales-military-technology-in.html

Duitsers willen 2 extra fregatten bij Damen Shipyards kopen. Om misverstanden te vorkomen. De wapens, technologie, zeg maar de grote uitgaven, komen niet van Damen. De werf = hoofdaannemer. Dat betekent niet dat ze het merendeel v/d €1mljrd p.s. opstrijkt.https://fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1442489/duitsers-willen-voor-miljarden-meer-fregatten-van-damen-shipyards

Ill. Damen has chosen Leonardo’s OTO 127/64 Vulcano gun for the German Navy’s F126 frigate programme. The contract requires Leonardo to equip its OTO Vulcano onto 4 F126 frigates. It also includes an option to provide the naval gun for two more vessels. https://www.naval-technology.com/news/leonardo-to-equip-germanys-f126-frigates-with-oto-127-64-lw-vulcano-gun/

The general contractor Damen Naval and RENK have signed a contract to supply gearboxes and innovative electric propulsion systems, initially for four new 126 Class (F126) frigates for the German Navy. https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2022/06/renk-receives-order-for-f126/

EU officials will craft ground rules for a €500m fund to promote quick purchases of military equipment. The fund may provide European countries with another source to replace equipment sent to Ukraine, as US & Israeli companies restock Europe’s arsenals. https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/eurosatory/2022/06/14/nations-huddle-to-clarify-access-rules-for-523-million-buy-european-fund/

June 14


Wapenbeurs Eurosatory goed voor het afstemmen van ... nog meer wapenproductie.

Zouden ze het ook over klanten als Saudi Arabië, Turkije, Israël, en Egypte hebben?

Retweet @NIDVnews: Our monthly director-level discussion between several National defence industry associations on current events is usually an online affair, but #Eurosatory2022 proved a great in-person opportunity! https://nidv.eu/en/news/national-defence-industry-associations-meetup-at-eurosatory/

Protest against arms fair @Eurosatory near Paris continues. Protesters said @EmmanuelMacron repeats justification that the domestic military industry gives France a strategic autonomy is used for over 50 years. During that time criminal regimes were armed and corruption thrived.

Retweet @vivelefeu: Remember that the argument that "a strong arms industry is essential for our strategic autonomy" has been used to justify for 50 years (and in particular since 2017) the sale of French arms to criminal regimes. https://twitter.com/EmmanuelMacron/status/1536398434017677312

Another perspective on arms smuggling. Myanmar junta police chief Major General Zin Min Htet met his Thai counterpart. At the top of the agenda were the illegal arms trade, smuggling, counter-terrorism and cross-border crime, said the military regime. https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/junta-seeks-thai-help-in-crackdown-on-armed-groups-operating-along-myanmar-thai-border.html

The annual security forum in Singapore shows China-US tension can be eased by talking. Positions have now been made clear. Dialogue and consultation, not sabre-rattling, are the best way to move forward. https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3181564/security-forum-shows-china-us-tension-can-be-eased-talking

Putting that nightmarish possibility aside, there's another question that comes to mind (mine, anyway): Does arming Ukraine really make Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and their cohorts "defenders of democracy"? https://www.salon.com/2022/06/13/arsenal-of-autocracy-major-weapons-makers-cash-in-worldwide--not-just-in-ukraine_partner/

Addition: Illustration from U-turn Germany.

Just don't attract attention, that has always been the law in the German armaments industry. The less the guns were talked about in public, the better.

But since the war in Ukraine tanks have a new ring to them. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/rheinmetall-panzer-ukraine-1.5602298

Hungarian Minister of Tech Palkovics applauded coopertion with #Rheinmetall on military vehicles, the opening by #Airbus of a helicopter parts plant and that gun, ammunition and land vehicle manufacturing, Hungary has also put itself on the map of aircraft manufacturing.

Autocrats among each other. #Hungary has also bought 500 vehicles from Nurol Makina, a #Turkish armoured vehicle manufacturer, he added. https://dailynewshungary.com/german-arms-and-french-helicopter-plant-to-open-soon-in-hungary/
This all to support the war between #democracy and #authoritarianism.

@JosepBorrellF on climate and war: Greater energy efficiency equals greater operational efficiency and safety. In Afghanistan and Iraq, re-supply convoys of fuel and water accounted for 40 to 50% of the casualties. https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/climate-change-and-defence-roadmap-speech-high-representativevice-president-josep-borrell-ep_en

Despite an global campaign to curtail the illicit proliferation of man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), armed groups continue to acquire and use these weapons at an alarming rate. https://smallarmssurvey.medium.com/the-illicit-possession-and-transfer-of-manpads-a-global-assessment-7e2e75ff5fe2 (research done before Feb. 22)

A voice from Cowichan Valley: "we should start by putting an end to arms exports, withdrawing from NATO —an alliance that has become little more than a tool of American hegemony— & by returning to our once honoured role as a nation of UN Peacekeepers." https://www.cowichanvalleycitizen.com/opinion/letter-canadians-should-condemn-all-wars/

Finish Left Alliance on NATO, nuclear arms, Kurds and arms trade to Turkey. https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/finland/finland-news/politics/21722-finland-s-left-alliance-ditches-negative-stance-on-nato.html

In 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied 22 export licence applications, to Andorra, Armenia, Botswana, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. https://www.regjeringen.no/en/aktuelt/exports_2021/id2917453/

Report [in Norwegian] https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/f9696f688c0444d9a0bd3e4028d46f6b/no/pdfs/stm202120220014000dddpdfs.pdf

June 13

Algerije verbreekt vriendschapsband met Spanje om Westelijke Sahara. Algerije steunt niet gespeend van eigenbelang de strijd tegen een bezetting die door de VN niet erkent wordt. EU-lidstaat Spanje kiest echter voor samenwerking met de bezetter in Rabat. https://www.mo.be/nieuws/algerije-verbreekt-vriendschapsband-met-spanje-om-westelijke-sahara

In the first ten weeks after the Russian attack, the German government approved arms exports to Ukraine worth more than €300 million. https://www.stern.de/news/bundesregierung-genehmigt-waffenexporte-an-ukraine-fuer-ueber-300-millionen-euro-31944518.html

Turkey stepped up arms sales and President Erdogan met with his counterparts in Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan. Turkmenistan is a client for Turkish arms (like the Bayraktar drones). Kyrgyzstan also bought its own in 2021 following a conflict with Tajikistan. https://www.rferl.org/a/central-asia-turkey-china-replace-russia/31894543.html

Biden didn't ban "offensive operations" in war on Yemen. Long piece in Teheran Times. https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/473550/Biden-didn-t-ban-offensive-operations-in-war-on-Yemen

Nederlandse bedrijven, organisaties en Ministerie van Defensie op wapenbeurs EuroSatory bij Parijs. Van klein tot groot. Van brievenbus tot lobby organisatie.

One of the largest arms fairs Eurosatory started today in France. Here the advertisement by the notorious FN HERSTAL (https://www.google.com/search?q=FN+Herstal+small+arms+human+rights) from Belgium on what it is showcasing. https://fnherstal.com/en/news/defnder-medium-remote-weapon-station-at-eurosatory-2022/

Often missed part of military exports:

Türksat 5B is a Turkish communications satellite of Türksat A.Ş. developed for military and commercial purposes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BCrksat_5B

It is delivered by European manufacturer Airbus Defence and Space. https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turksat-5b-satellite-to-come-online-next-week-174462

Global nuclear arsenals are expected to grow as states continue to modernize https://www.sipri.org/media/press-release/2022/global-nuclear-arsenals-are-expected-grow-states-continue-modernize-new-sipri-yearbook-out-now

See also: https://twitter.com/SIPRIorg/status/1536262763441532928

Reactie op @robdewijk: Defensie kreeg überhaupt geen aandacht. Hier niet en in andere Europese landen niet. Dat is een van de redenen waarom Poetins agressie mogelijk werd. SP en GL nemen nu weer afstand van hogere uitgaven. Lekker…

De Wijk is al jarenlang consequent in zijn pleidooi: voor miljarden erbij voor de krijgsmacht; het miskennen van de miljarden die al kwamen; en negeren dat de VS al 12x zoveel uitgeeft aan het Pentagon als Moskou aan het rammelende leger. Vecht Rusland nu tegen de NAVO? Nee toch?

Kurds in Turkey have legitimate concerns.
It's about politicians jailed.
Freedom of press violated.
It’s about weapons exports, Stoltenberg said.
Besides the last concern (to oppose the limits) he didn't. He sided with the repressive, autocrat regime. https://kashmirreader.com/2022/06/13/nato-chief-turkey-has-legitimate-concerns-over-terrorism/

Two pieces on negotians to end the war in Ukraine. Both with a wide array of voices.
* primarily focussed on the situation in Ukraine: https://www.thedailybeast.com/a-judgment-day-is-coming-for-volodymyr-zelensky
* with the focus mainly on Western efforts: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/03/politics/ukraine-100-days-western-allies-regular-meetings-potential-ceasefire/index.html

Both are far from optimistic. Thnx to @keesamok

Retweet @SIPRIorg: Active armed conflicts occurred in at least 46 states in 2021:



Asia and Oceania:




Middle East and North Africa (#MENA):


sub–Saharan Africa:


Read more about the developments in armed conflicts in 2021:

June 12

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are now in possession of the state-of-the-art #UK LMM #Martlet missile systems.

Ukrainian Air Assault Forces reported destruction of Russian drones with these weapons.


Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems buys MV Werften Wismar to build submarines. https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/mecklenburg-vorpommern/Thyssenkrupp-Marine-Systems-kauft-MV-Werften-Wismar,mvwerften538.html

Scheepsbouwer TKMS neemt failliete werf aan Oostzee over voor bouw van onderzeeboten. https://fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1441957/scheepsbouwer-tkms-neemt-failliete-werf-aan-oostzee-over-voor-bouw-van-onderzeeboten

Spain this week confirmed an explosive report that it is considering supplying the Ukrainian army with dozens of Leopard 2 main battle tanks. German lawmakers would have the final say on whether the German-built tanks ought to roll in Ukraine or not. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220610-spain-mulls-whether-to-send-high-tech-tanks-to-ukraine

June 10

The Swiss Federal Council has confirmed that Switzerland will not approve requests by German & Denmark to export war materiel to Ukraine as, under the War Materiel Act, such export is prohibited if the destination country is involved in an armed conflict. https://www.europeansanctions.com/2022/06/switzerland-will-not-export-war-materiel-to-ukraine/

Arms transfers to Ukraine raises questions. In the past, US weapons have often ended up in the hands of adversaries, been turned against civilians, or used against the US itself. How can those outcomes be avoided in Ukraine and elsewhere? https://inkstickmedia.com/to-arm-or-not-to-arm-ukrainians/

Germany, the world's fifth-largest arms exporter, plans to revise its rules on arms exports to make it easier to arm democracies like Ukraine and harder to sell weapons to autocracies, Der Spiegel reported on Friday.



Retweet @AirbusPRESS: Airbus is back at #Eurosatory from 13th to 17th June in Paris where we will showcase our leading-edge digital capabilities to multi-domain military operations. Check more here : https://airbus.com/en/newsroom/stories/2022-06-airbus-brings-leading-edge-digital-capabilities-to-multi-domain-military and make sure to follow @AirbusDefence and @AirbusHeli. #Eurosatory2022

Frustrated with the poor availability of its NH90 naval helicoptert, #Norway has decided to call it a day with the European rotorcraft. Oslo has halted operations of the platform permanently & sent #NHIndustries—a JV of Airbus, Leonardo & #Fokker—a notice.https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/norway-terminates-nh90-program-returning-rotorcraft-oem

Noorwegen stopt met Europese gevechtshelikopter NH90 en eist geld terug https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2022/06/10/noorwegen-stopt-met-gevechtsheli-a4133144

#NHIndustries and NAHEMA sign innovative NH90 support contract. The NH90 needed some good news after the storm which hit the naval helicopter. https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2022-06-nhindustries-and-nahema-sign-innovative-nh90-support-contract

In 2050 or never - next big European arms embarrassment. The dispute between Airbus and Dassault on the FCAS, Europe's most ambitious armaments project, escalates. The joint combat aircraft launched seems to go the same path as the disasterous Eurofighter.https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/plus239268571/Ruestungsprojekt-FCAS-Europas-Superkampfjet-verzoegert-sich-bis-2050.html

Retweet @marineschepen: Uitspraak Commandant der Strijdkrachten over keuze onderzeebootwerf gaf 'persoonlijke intentie' weer, dus niet de daadwerkelijke planning van Defensie. Lees meer: https://marineschepen.nl/nieuws/Verwarring-na-uitspraak-CDS-over-keuze-werf-090622.html

June 9

The US has suspended export privileges of three companies (Quicksilver Manufacturing, Rapid Cut and US Prototype) that allegedly sent blueprints for satellite, rocket, and defence prototypes to China without permission. https://www.asiafinancial.com/us-bans-exports-by-firms-that-sent-defence-tech-to-china

Angry Erdo says Turkey 'not joking' over warning to Greece to demilitarise Aegean islands.

The Turkish president urges Athens to stop 'arming islands' with non-military status in comments likely to renew tensions.


Sad story for those who want to raise military expenditures even more: Russia is as it looks like, technological backward.

Russia e.g. lacks the tech to produce sophisticated microchips. “Locally we can produce chips for travel cards — not much [else].” https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2022/06/08/russian-microchip-maker-eyes-taiwan-exit-in-response-to-sanctions/

Royals as ambassadors for the arms industry.
Sustainability, Innovation & Equal Rights unite #Sweden and The #Netherlands
HRH Crown Princess #Victoria visits UDT arms fair and the Saab Damen team for Underwater Defence Cooperation.

Koninklijk bezoek voor Damen Shipyards tijdens de wapenbeurs UDT in Rotterdam. Kroonprinses Victoria van Zweden nam een kijkje bij het schaalmodel van de onderzeeboot die het Zweedse Saab en de Gorcumse scheepsbouwer Damen samen hebben ontwikkeld. https://www.ad.nl/rivierenland/koninklijk-bezoek-voor-damen-zweedse-kroonprinses-bekijkt-ontwerp-voor-onderzeeboot~a5640e81/

Heb #vakbeurs door AD toch maar veranderd in #wapenbeurs. De aanwezige bedrijven die zo'n ¼ (alleen al Lockheed en Raytheon samen, ruim $100 miljard defensie omzet) van alle wapens in de wereld produceren is dat net iets minder neutrale woord niet ongepast.

Peettante Amalia even over; Zakelijk bezoek vanwege jubileum Zweeds-Nederlandse Kamer van Koophandel in De Telegraaf uitgebreid artikel met aandacht voor bezoek aan onderzeebootbeurs.

Uit openbrief verschenen in Dagblad Stentor:

Wij roepen de Europese politiek op: keer terug van de heilloze weg van het bewapenen van Oekraïne en het verder isoleren van Rusland. Voorkom een totale, uitzichtloze oorlog in Europa voor het te laat is!

Dat een storm van kritiek zou komen was te verwachten. Afwijkende stemmen worden in tijden van oorlog doodgemept. Geluisterd wordt er niet. De vraag waar de oorlog eindigt die de brievenschrijvers stellen is echter legitiem en wenselijk. https://www.nd.nl/geloof/geloof/1128467/zelden-zoiets-doms-gelezen-veel-kritiek-op-open-brief-tegen-wap

#Turkey selects Leonardo’s AW119T to train helo pilots. TAI builds the T129 #attack helicopters under license from the Italian-British company #AgustaWestland and is also a supplier of main body parts for #Leonardo’s AW139 helicopters. https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2022/06/08/turkey-selects-leonardos-aw119t-to-train-helo-pilots/

Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and L3Harris Technologies said this week they are selected for phase one of the air-to-ground stand-in attack weapon #SIAW that the F-35 jet could use to destroy enemy air defences. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2022/06/08/us-air-force-awards-contracts-to-start-designing-f-35-weapon/

To enable initial phase in an offensive?

As a new generation of western-made arms goes to Ukraine, donors are assessing the risk of revealing sensitive tech to Russia if the equipment is captured.

This danger is e.g. connected to deliverances strengthening Ukraines coastal anti-ship ability. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/06/08/the-race-to-arm-ukraine-highlights-wests-worry-of-losing-tech-secrets

With attention focused on Russia’s war in Ukraine, our NATO ally Turkey is preparing to launch its own “special military operation” in Syria. Ankara appears to be taking advantage of the conflict in Europe to achieve strategic goals in the Middle East. https://asiatimes.com/2022/06/turkey-barters-with-us-russia-ahead-of-syria-incursion/

Van Halteren Technologies Boxtel’ is de nieuwe naam Large Projects van Bosch Rexroth, voormalig Hydraudyne, in Boxtel.

Deel van het Nederlandse marinebouw Cluster NMC en onderzeebootbouw groep DUKC.https://www.nidv.eu/en/industry-guide/bosch-rexroth-bv/

June 8

Want to find arms fairs nearby? Want to know who exhibited? All in this easy to use armsfair website. Found 3 listed in Rotterdam. One is ongoing now.

Lekker makkelijk: wapenbeurzen database.

Retweet @Omega_RF: Alternatively, users who simply wish to search or explore the insights the data provides, can do so using our interactive #armsfair website https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/da375ddd2fcc48a0b31eae58e2cf218e/page/EXPLORE/

A Saudi-led coalition has killed civilians with US weapons, but the State Department and the Pentagon have fallen short on tracking the deaths, U.S. GAO investigators stated in an public unavailable report (GAO-22-105073SU, https://www.gao.gov/reports-testimonies/restricted) . https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/07/us/politics/saudi-yemen-war-us-weapons.html

Addition: The internal report is obtained by HRW
US Government Watchdog Finds Flawed Weapons Monitoring in Yemen
Oversight Needed to Protect Yemeni Civilians, Hold Saudi Arabia and UAE Accountable

According to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Spain has not yet submitted a request for the export of German-made Leopard-2 tanks to Ukraine.

Should there still be such a request, it would be examined, Scholz said on Tuesday during his visit to Lithuania.


Recently, journalists and scholars have remarked on the double standards and racism embedded in US foreign policy. They point to the swift denunciation of Russian atrocities in Ukraine. Meanwhile, similar atrocities in the global south are often ignored. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2022/06/07/sanctions-russia-came-quickly-revealing-an-american-double-standard/

Question on exports of European arms to Russia (E-001537/2022(ASW)) by @androulakisnick (S&D). https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2022-001537_EN.html Answered by @JosepBorrellF: The exemption (...) under the arms embargo on Russia is

not valid any more since 8 April 2022. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2022-001537-ASW_EN.pdf

Poland has signed a defense contract with Ukraine worth PLN 2.7 billion (about $650 million) for the sale of Krab self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine. https://menafn.com/1104338451/Poland-Signs-650M-Defense-Contract-With-Ukraine

June 7

Laten we wapentuig slopen en recyclen en soldaten omscholen. Warmtepompen installeren, zonnepanelen aanleggen, windmolens bouwen en bomen planten; er is werk genoeg dat echt bijdraagt aan vrede, veiligheid én een beter leefklimaat, schrijft Dirk Kuiken. https://www.volkskrant.nl/columns-opinie/opinie-als-we-de-wereld-willen-redden-moeten-we-juist-wapentuig-slopen-en-soldaten-omscholen~b82d45f4

Geschat wordt dat de wereldwijde klimaatvervuiling van alle militaire activiteit groter is dan die van een land als Zweden. De verhoging v/h defensiebudget zal onherroepelijk leiden tot nog meer militaire klimaatvervuiling, schrijven @KerkenVrede @CTWnl. https://stopwapenhandel.org/app/uploads/2022/06/folder_aanvredemoetjewerken_web_organized.pdf

Military industries:
1) Russia will be the biggest loser
2) Russia’s loss is China’s gain
3) US arms makers will also be big winners
4) More countries will become arms producers.


Industrielobby wehrt sich gegen geplantes Rüstungsexportkontrollgesetz. Für den Branchenverband BDSV ist das Gesetz "überflüssig und kontraproduktiv", es führe zu "Einengung" des politischen Spielraums. Interessantes Protokoll der Anhörung jetzt online https://bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Downloads/Stellungnahmen/Stellungnahmen-REKG/dgap-zweites-virtuelles-fachgesprach.pdf

Because of the German government's new restrictive arms export policy, Saudi Arabia cannot have its Eurofighter fighter planes repaired. The federal government refuses to export important spare parts from European joint production. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/deutschland-blockiert-reparatur-saudi-arabischer-eurofighter-kampfjets-a-d6b9c972-d0a2-48a0-ae5f-6e418d75553e

During the 100 days of the war, a grassroots anti-war movement appeared in Russia. We analyzed 14,298 messages in 56 open coordinating telegram channels... We think our findings will be useful to both activists and passive supporters of the movement. https://t.me/s/nottowar

The representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, @JosepBorrellF, welcomed the renewal of the UN Security Council resolution on the arms embargo imposed by the United Nations on Libya. https://lana.gov.ly/post.php?lang=en&id=244668


Ams fair in Rotterdam: on underwater 'defence' technology. Blog for @CTWnl https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2022/06/sink-udt.html

Arms manufacturers are winning after 100 days of war in Ukraine.

US, Turkey, Nordic countries, France, even @Amsterdam is mentioned (due to the favourable tax regime in the Netherlands for internationally operating businesses like French-German Nexter). https://www.rfi.fr/en/international/20220603-arms-manufacturers-are-winning-after-100-days-of-war-in-ukraine

20 years ago the US ended unilaterally the ABM treaty; an important step in the deterroriating relations between Russia & the West (see https://twitter.com/martinbroek/status/1528661059938271232). Now the Dutch government starts to use this space to buy Missile Defence interceptors p.61. https://www.tweedekamer.nl/downloads/document?id=407f3525-bdca-4c63-b7b8-d3646dad8450&title=Sterker%20Nederland%2C%20veiliger%20Europa.%20Investeren%20in%20een%20krachtige%20NAVO%20en%20EU.%20Defensienota%202022%20.pdf


Egypt is close to finalising a $3bn deal with Italy to acquire 24 Eurofighter Typhoon #EFA combat aircraft, following three years of negotiations, according to an Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/egypt-italy-arms-deal-close-completing

Kurdish MP warns Sweden against NATO compromise with Turkey. "I have been in Sweden for 29 years, and I have never been so afraid,” MP Kakabaveh said in the interview. https://www.ft.com/content/c97ee60b-15d6-4b80-85dd-8d092573b72d


Turkey seeks to repair ties with Western procurement club. (Dutch policy is presented wrong: no embargo but sales are excluded when they may be used in Syria.) Article includes a table on Major Turkish Weapon Purchases 2012-2021 based on SIPRI database. https://defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/06/06/turkey-seeks-to-repair-ties-with-western-procurement-club/

Kyiv Post notices effexcts of sanctions: "In particular, extensive Western sanctions seem to have stopped most of Russian arms production and the Russians are fighting primarily with their volume of old Soviet artillery." https://www.kyivpost.com/article/opinion/op-ed/why-putin-is-losing-in-ukraine.html

June 5

“As global attention focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine earlier this year, the Saudi-led coalition carried out more than 150 airstrikes on civilian targets in Yemen, including homes, hospitals and communication towers”. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/saudi-war-crimes-yemen/

June 4

Clear piece on why Saudi Arabia could get arms from Switzerland, but Ukraine can’t. (Since May 1, 2022, it has been forbidden to deliver new war material to countries where Risks of human rights violations exist, including Saudi Arabia.) https://switzerland.detailzero.com/local/7875/Swiss-arms-exports-%E2%80%93-That%E2%80%99s-why-Saudi-Arabia-gets-arms-but-Ukraine-doesn%E2%80%99t.html

President Biden’s Trip to Asia

Dividing the world into rival blocs, the Cold War way.

By Michael T. Klare

military encirclement "a strategy that is bound to encounter opposition from some regional actors and could result in a major, even a nuclear, war..."


Veteranenorganisaties verdraaien de uitkomsten van het onderzoek naar extreem geweld in Indonesiëoorlog. Volgens de onderzoekers Thijs Brocades Zaalberg, Rémy Limpach en Esther Zwinkels is dat contraproductief. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2022/06/03/veteranenorganisaties-stellen-eigenbelang-boven-waarheidsvinding-a4132205

June 3

@_ENAAT “Once the guns fall silent [in #Ukraine], the illegal weapons will come. We know this from many other theatres of conflict. The criminals are even now, as we speak, focusing on them” alerts Interpol chief #StopWarInUkraine #UkraineInvasion https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/02/ukraine-weapons-end-up-criminal-hands-says-interpol-chief-jurgen-stock

Not the first warning. Dutch newspaper, mid May noted International police investigators fear arms will end up in illegal circuits like during Balkan war. Since the transparency on transits to Ukraine become less and less, and thus potential for control.


France ignores its ethical commitments for the benefit of its economic interests. It does not hesitate to supply countries like Egypt or Saudi Arabia, which have in common they violate human rights, Aymeric Elluin, jurist in international law wrote.

@ElluinASilence, on arme https://humanite.fr/monde/ventes-d-armes/silence-arme-752771

Tailhook circles don't agree: Nature of war in Asia headed for quantum leap; Aircraft carriers are starting to look obsolete considering the advances being made in defence technology in multiple domains. https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/nature-of-war-in-asia-headed-for-quantum-leap

Drones included in refit for China’s second aircraft carrier Shandong

Seven UAVs seen on the flat-top’s deck in official video as the vessel undergoes scheduled maintenance after two years of service https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3180265/drones-included-refit-chinas-second-aircraft-carrier-shandong

Now and then it is arms fair season. Seems it is now. UK's Jeremy Quin first foreign Defence Minister to speak at Canada's Defence Exhibition. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-keynote-address-to-canadian-defence-exhibition

The Future Soldier Technology USA Conference will be taking place on June 7th and 8th, 2022, in Arlington, Virginia. https://www.asdevents.com/event.asp?id=23493

Armament becomes important at International Aerospace Exhibition (#ILA) 22-26 June air show fair due to increased military spending in focus. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/ruestung-wird-wichtig-auf-der-ila-luftfahrtmesse-in-schoenefeld-durch-erhoehte-militaerausgaben-im-fokus/28397104.html

Hundreds of people have blocked access to the opening of CANSEC, North America’s largest weapons and “defense industry” convention at the EY Centre in Ottawa. https://socialistproject.ca/2022/06/hundreds-protest-na-largest-weapons-fair/

#Israeli company DSIT Solutions has unveiled its task force underwater security system KnightShield, at the #UDT2022 arms fair (https://www.udt-global.com/) in @Rotterdam, the Netherlands. https://raksha-anirveda.com/dsit-unveils-knightshield-mobile-task-force-underwater-security-system/

#UK MPs are piling pressure on the government over the secretive punishment regime for British firms that #breach weapons export #rules. One exporter was fined £2.7m, but the sum was part of a deal that allows the firm to remain in the shadows. https://www.politico.eu/article/pressure-over-secretive-uk-arms-export-fines/

Autocrat armed diplomacy.

A Turkish arms manufacturer donates a $6m armed Bayraktar TB2 drone, which Lithuania was crowdfunding for, in support of Ukraine’s war against Russia.

The donation comes day after Lithuania and #Turkey tighten military bonds. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/turkey-bayraktar-lithuania-drone-ukraine-b2092846.html

Words missing (@borzou) in Independent article: Kurds, Libya, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia (https://twitter.com/martinbroek/status/1508021369107357697) and other battle fields where the notorious not "famous" drones were used delivered by a repressive and autocrate state. https://asia.nikkei.com/Editor-s-Picks/Interview/Latvia-ready-to-defend-itself-like-never-before-deputy-PM

Analysts think Russia is hoping to overrun the Donbas before any weapons that might turn the tide arrive. It will take at least three weeks to get the precision U.S. weapons and trained troops onto the battlefield, the Pentagon said. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2022/06/02/russia-warns-west-of-weapons-repercussions-pounds-ukraine/

June 2

“When you engage a security company to do filtering on your data, you are giving that security company access to your data … employing a security company means trusting that company.” How about the Israeli company filtering for CNN and Wshington Post? https://electronicintifada.net/content/why-israeli-intelligence-linked-company-filtering-us-journalists-emails/35581

June 1st was a joyful day for the top-3 US arms producers.

The Germans said they will purchase 60 Boeing Chinook heavy-lift heli's, worth $4bn. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/06/01/boeing-wins-bid-for-germanys-multibillion-dollar-helo-program/

The Dutch government will buy extra US weapons, like F-35's and Patriot missiles. https://www.defensie.nl/binaries/defensie/documenten/beleidsnota-s/2022/06/01/defensienota-2022/Defensienota_2022.pdf

Lobby to lessen German export rules for the rest of the world continues in the interest of German-French military industrial cooperation at the cost of development & peace elswhere. Dieter Janecek, Günen, sticks to a position that arms aren't vegetables. https://app.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/verteidigung-ruestungsindustrie-sieht-habeck-plaene-als-gefahr-fuer-europaeische-zusammenarbeit/28392548.html

Finland has begun a charm offensive to win over Turkey to its Nato application, suggesting it could buy Turkish drones and loosen arms sales rules as well as insisting it was tough on terrorism. https://www.ft.com/content/cf154d42-d324-40a9-8478-9f59bee053b5

A fix creating problems elsewhere.

Finland's foreign minister expressed confidence Wednesday that his country and Türkiye would be able to reach a compromise on the Nordic nation's bid to join NATO as well as on the PKK terrorist group and arms trade. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/finnish-foreign-minister-confident-of-compromise-with-turkiye-on-nato-bid/2603577

The dangerous conflict on NATO's southeastern flank; Conflict between #Turkey and #Greece appears to be escalating. From Athens' point of view, #Germany is playing an inglorious role, by @corajamine https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/plus239103749/Tuerkei-vs-Griechenland-Der-gefaehrliche-Schwachpunkt-der-Nato-auf-dem-Mittelmeer.html

A FACTORY in #Glasgow has been forced to evacuate and halt operations due to #Palestine Action Scotland activists.

A team of six activists made their way onto the roof of the #Thales Glasgow building in Govan in the early hours of yesterday morning.


Israeli Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. is showcasing a diverse array of defense solutions and systems at the Hemus International Defense and Services Exhibition in Bulgaria from June 1-4. https://www.joint-forces.com/defence-equipment-news/54424-rafael-is-participating-in-hemus-2022-in-bulgaria

For those who think #3M is only wrong on #PFAS (eg around de #Schelde, Belgium/NL), the company is also in a juridical dispute on Combat Arms Earplugs, or #CAEv2 seen a $55 million verdict.


Sounds familiar: 3M allegedly knew. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/3m-company-agrees-pay-91-million-resolve-allegations-it-supplied-united-states-defective-dual

Deals with South Korea will help boost Polish arms industry the Polish defence minister Mariusz Błaszczak tweeted after he and his counterpart Lee Jong-sup signed an agreement. https://polskieradio24.pl/395/7785/Artykul/2970038,south-korea-will-help-boost-polish-arms-industry-defence-minister

Swiss veto Danish request to re-export Piranha 3 armoured vehicles to Ukraine on the grounds of the country’s neutrality, which prohibits it from supplying arms to conflict zones. https://defence-blog.com/swiss-veto-danish-request-to-re-export-piranha-3-armoured-vehicles-to-ukraine/

June 1


"after defending Kyiv, the time has come to go to the negotiating table. Not least because we are deeply moved by the ongoing destruction and suffering in Ukraine ... not to mention the expected millions of starvation deaths in the Global South." https://www.emma.de/artikel/ja-ich-bin-pazifistin-339529

Strong logic: countries around the Mediterranean arm themselves, so Spain has to do the same, in casu acquire submarines. Because the Germans, French, Dutch, & yes also Russians, sell major weapon systems it is inevitably Madrid follows. Inevitable? https://www.larazon.es/internacional/20220531/6i4g53o3ubfxvgk7kbeid4hjza.html

Kazakhstan buys military equipment and weapons based only on their "tactical, technical, and operational characteristics", privately-owned news website Tengrinews.kz has quoted Deputy Defence Minister Ruslan Shpekbayev as saying.

#Spanish NGOs asked the State Attorney General, Dolores Delgado, to to investigate the alleged use of Spanish arms in the Yemen conflict & the potential responsibility of Spanish authorities/companies in war crimes by the coalition led by #Saudi Arabia. https://elpais.com/espana/2022-05-31/amnistia-internacional-pide-a-la-fiscalia-que-investigue-si-se-han-usado-armas-espanolas-en-los-bombardeos-de-yemen.html

#French arms producers Thales and Dassault Aviation were sued by three human rights groups for selling weapons to #Saudi Arabian and #UAE. They claimed that they are complicit in war crimes in Yemen committed by the Saudi-led coalition. https://www.massnews.com/rights-groups-accuse-french-arms-makers-of-war-crimes-complicity-analysis/

The first tank landing ship, the NNS Kada, was just delivered when the Nigerian Navy announced that it will buy a second such vessel. Damen built the Kada at Sharjah in the UAE but it is not clear from where the second tank landing ship would be coming. https://www.defenceweb.co.za/featured/nigerian-navy-to-acquire-a-second-tank-landing-ship/

When protesters took to the streets of #Myanmar to oppose the junta that seized power in a coup last year, none of them will have thought that they might be taking up arms a few months later, or making their own weapons and putting their lives at risk. https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-resistance-groups-get-creative-to-manufacture-weapons.html

#Canadian arsenal 'for democracy' has #Saudi Arabia as top export destination arms after United States in 2021 report shows. The Middle East in general was the most important export market for Canadian arms in 2021. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-saudi-arabia-top-export-destination-for-canadian-arms-after-united/

Report: https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/controls-controles/reports-rapports/military-goods-2021-marchandises-militaries.aspx

President Biden wrote the US will continue shipping advanced weaponry to Ukraine, like Javelin AT missiles, Stinger antiaircraft missiles, powerful artillery and precision rocket systems, radars, unmanned aerial vehicles, Mi-17 helicopters and ammunition. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/31/opinion/biden-ukraine-strategy.html

A senior Biden administration official says the US will send Ukraine the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), and assures Kyiv will not use the missiles to hit targets on Russian territory. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/31/us-to-announce-new-ukraine-aid-package-before-too-long-liveblog