dinsdag 20 september 2022

Moesson en Nederlandse wapens naar Zuid Azië

Is een marineschip een wapensysteem? Of hangt dat af van de mogelijkheden? Kan de Gemeenschappelijke Lijst van Militairen van de Europese Unie een antwoord geven op deze vraag?

De vragen komen voort uit twee recente militaire exportvergunningen. In september 2022 heeft de Nederlandse overheid een exportvergunning afgegeven voor drie onderwaterdrones naar India. In dezelfde maand rapporteerde Damen Shipyards over de capaciteiten van twee oppervlakteschepen die het aan Pakistan had verkocht.

Om de export van wapens te controleren is militaire technologie gedefinieerd binnen de Europese Unie. In de Gemeenschappelijke Militaire Lijst geeft Categorie ML9 (versie aangenomen op 17 februari 2020) een definitie voor marineschepen: ‘Oorlogsschepen (zowel oppervlakteschepen als onderzeeboten), speciale scheepsuitrusting, toebehoren, onderdelen en andere oppervlakteschepen.’ Beide bovengenoemde verkopen vallen in deze categorie.

De gemeenschappelijke lijst biedt twee pagina’s met details om oorlogsschepen te definiëren. Maar alleen al de eerste clausule is voldoende om de hierboven gestelde vragen te beantwoorden: “vaartuigen (zowel oppervlaktevaartuigen als onderzeevaartuigen) speciaal ontworpen of aangepast voor militair gebruik en ongeacht de staat van onderhoud of de gebruiksconditie, en al dan niet voorzien van systemen voor het lanceren van wapens of voorzien van bepantsering, alsmede rompen of delen van rompen voor deze vaartuigen, en onderdelen daarvoor speciaal ontworpen of aangepast voor militair gebruik.” Alle andere regels zijn bedoeld om de categorie uit te breiden. Er is geen twijfel: beide zijn oorlogsschepen, in beide gevallen betreft het militaire export.

De oppervlakteschepen van Damen voor Pakistan zijn uitgerust voor elektronische oorlogsvoering, operaties tegen schepen, hebben wapens en sensoren voor luchtdoelen en beschikken over zelfbeschermingssystemen. De schepen zijn volgens de Roemeense pers (in Nederland is er tot nu toe geen aandacht voor deze grote wapendeal) ook uitgerust voor een boordhelikopter en drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAV). Op basis van eerdere leveringen aan Pakistan van iets kleinere schepen van dezelfde klasse, zal de waarde zo’n € 80 miljoen bedragen (zie vergunning NL0074CDIU0127901 van 27 december 2019). Dat is in een klap een kleine tien procent van de jaarlijkse waarde van de Nederlandse wapenexport. We weten van deze huidige export dankzij een artikel over de schepen en hun capaciteiten door Jane’s (een grote uitgeverij over militaire zaken). De schepen zijn tot nu toe niet in een openbaar Nederlands rapport opgedoken (laatst beschikbare informatie is van mei 2022).

De onderwaterdrones worden of zijn uitgevoerd door een Nederlands bedrijf, zo staat in een brief van de Nederlandse minister van Buitenlandse Handel. De schepen zijn voor anti-onderzeebootoperaties (ASW) en hebben een waarde van € 7.784.565.

Hoewel de verkoop van de onderwaterdrones officieel aan het parlement is gemeld, blijft veel vaag. Het is niet bekend of de drones zullen worden uitgerust met aanvalswapens of dat ze voor verkennings-, en observatietaken zijn om vijandelijke onderzeeërs te vinden en die informatie te delen met schepen die ze op de korrel kunnen nemen en vernietigen. We weten niet eens welk bedrijf de drones levert (zie kader). Het is eigenaardig dat de onderzeeërs waarop de drones zich richten hoogstwaarschijnlijk de Chinese of Pakistaanse marine zullen zijn, waarbij Pakistan de belangrijkste regionale bondgenoot van China is. We leverden het land tegelijkertijd twee oorlogsschepen. Nederlanders hebben een eeuwenlange traditie van verkopen aan beide partijen in een conflict.

Pakistan is niet alleen bondgenoot van China, het is ook het land dat sinds de deling van 1947 in conflict is met India. De Nederlandse regering neemt het gemakkelijke standpunt in dat een militaire escalatie tussen beide landen niet waarschijnlijk is. Ja inderdaad, er zijn gesprekken om geschillen op te lossen. Maar al tientallen jaren worden dit soort gesprekken afgewisseld met gewelddadige uitbarstingen. Als een muntje op zijn kant ligt, kan hij naar beide kanten vallen. bij voorkeur richting vrede, de Global Conflict Tracker schat het gevaar van conflicten echter in als aanzienlijk. Kranten uit de regio zijn ook niet optimistisch. Het is een politieke keuze om niet te willen zien dat een al bijna 75 jaar bestaand conflict niet wordt opgelost met een volgende gesprek en detail-overeenkomst tussen beide partijen.

De optimistische Nederlandse regering voegt daaraan toe: “Gelet op de afwezigheid van de Indiase marine binnen bovengenoemde conflicten [langs de grens en vanwege Kasjmir] en het beoogde eindgebruik bestaat er geen duidelijk risico dat de transactie bijdraagt aan agressie of het met kracht bijzetten van territoriale aanspraken.” Het is alsof er een garantie is voor conflicten in Kasjmir of de grens tussen India en Pakistan (de Line of Control, ook wel Line of Conflict genoemd) dat het beperkt zal blijven tot deze plekken. De zee maakt niettemin toch echt deel uit van de militaire krachtsverhoudingen, zoals Sawney en Wahab uitleggen in hun uitgebreide boek over de Indiase militaire uitdagingen Dragon on your doorstep (pp. 275-77).

Als je een conflict ontkent en mogelijke betrokkenheid van het maritieme deel van de krijgsmacht uitsluit, kun je net doen alsof je vasthoudt aan een strak wapenexportbeleid, maar dat is dan een praatje voor de vaak. De positie van de Nederlandse overheid en de marktkansen van de maritieme en exportgerichte Nederlandse militaire industrie vallen samen als een gesmeerde rits.

De bevolking van Pakistan heeft grotere problemen dan wapens en conflicten en ziet zijn veiligheid bedreigd door extreme moessons, waarbij twee derde van het land onder water is gelopen en levens en bezittingen verwoest worden. De verkoop van twee marineschepen ter waarde van ongeveer € 80 miljoen om de ‘veiligheid’ voor deze mensen te verbeteren is cynisch en moeilijk te accepteren.

Kader: Nederlandse onderwaterdrones

Op zoek naar Nederlandse onderwaterdrones (ROV, UUV, AUV) kwamen enkele Nederlandse onbemande onderwaterschepen boven (goedkope versies variërend van € 800 tot € 60.000 voor duikers, vissen, constructie etc. niet inbegrepen). De eerste is een product van Marin, ontwikkeld in samenwerking met overheid, onderzoeksinstituten TNO, NLR, nationaal & internationaal maritiem bedrijfsleven. Een drone bruikbaar voor onderwaterpatrouilles is het zogenaamde modulaire Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (mAUV) voor zowel militaire als civiele operaties.” Het lijkt te veel in de ontwikkelingsfase voor export. De Light Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (LAUV) is al in 2017 getest door de Nederlandse marine voor ASW-taken, maar is van Portugese oorsprong maar uitgerust met Nederlandse technologie. De exportvergunning voor India is niet het eerste onderwatervoertuig dat door Nederland wordt geëxporteerd.

De meeste gingen naar Rusland, één naar Taiwan, allen voor zeebodemonderzoek en ze werden gecategoriseerd voor tweeërlei gebruik. Hier is sprake van een militaire toepassing.

woensdag 14 september 2022

Monsoon and Dutch military sales to South Asia

Is a naval vessel a weapon system? Or does that depend on its capabilities? Can the Common Military List of the European Union provide an answer to this question?

Two recent military export permits induce these questions. In September 2022 the Dutch government provided
an export license for three underwater drones to India. In the same month Damen Shipyards reported the qualities of two naval surface vessels it sold to Pakistan.

The definition of military technology for export control purposes is well organised in the EU. In the Common Military List Category
ML9 of the of the European Union (version adopted 17 February 2020) naval vessels are defined as: 'Vessels of war (surface or underwater), special naval equipment, accessories, components and other surface vessels.' Both above mentioned sales fall into this category.

The Common List provides two pages of details to define vessels of war. But the first part is enough to answer the questions, raised above:
Vessels (surface or underwater) specially designed or modified for military use, regardless of current state of repair or operating condition, and whether or not they contain weapon delivery systems or armour, and hulls or parts of hulls for such vessels, and components therefor specially designed for military use.” All other lines are to expand the category. There is not doubt: both are vessels of war, both are military sales.

The Damen surface vessels for Pakistan
are equipped with electronic warfare, anti-ship, anti-air weapons/sensors and self-protection systems. The ships also have facilities for an onboard helicopter and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV, or drone) according to the Romanian press (in the Netherlands there is no attention for this major weapon deal, so far). Based on earlier deliverances to Pakistan of somewhat smaller ships of the same class, the value will be close to € 80 million (see license NL0074CDIU0127901 of December 27, 2019). We know about the sales thanks to a article on the ships and their capabilities by Jane's (a major publishing house on military matters). The ships did not turn up in any public Dutch report so far (last available information is on May 2022).

The underwater drones are exported by a Dutch company, according to a letter by the Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade. The vessels are for anti-submarine operations (ASW) and valued at € 7.784.565.

While the sale of the underwater drones is officially reported to the Parliament much information remains vague. It is not unknown if the drones will be armed with lethal weapon systems or if they are for reconnaissance, surveillance and observation tasks to find enemy submarines and share that information to other vessels which will do the actual firing. We do not even know which company is delivering the drones (see box). It is peculiar that the target submarines most likely will be Chinese or Pakistan navy, Pakistan being China's most important regional ally. The Dutch have a centuries long history of selling both sides of a conflict.

Pakistan is not only ally of China, it is also the country which is in conflict with India since the 1947 separation. The Dutch government takes the convenient position that a military escalation between both countries is not likely. Yes there are talks to settle disputes. But there have been talks alternated by violent eruptions for decades. When the coin is on its side it can flip to both sides, preferably towards peace or but also to violent conflict. The
Global Conflict Tracker estimates the danger of conflict as significant. Papers from the region are not optimistic either. It is a choice to ignore the realistic view that a conflict existing for almost 75 year is not solved with the next agreement.

The optimist Dutch government adds
the Indian navy is not a party in the forementioned [along the border and because of Kashmir] conflicts.” It is as if for conflict in Kashmir or the India-Pak border (the Line of Control, dubbed Line of Conflict) there is a guarantee the conflict will be limited to these spots. The sea is part of the military stalemate as Sawney and Wahab explain in their elaborate book on the Indian military challenges Dragon on your doorstep (pp. 275-77).

When you deny a conflict and – in case there is one – the involvement of the maritime part of the armed forces you can just pretend to stick to a tight arms export policy. The Dutch government position and the market opportunities of a maritime and export oriented military industry connect like waxed zipper.

The population of Pakistan has bigger problems than weapons and conflict and see their security damaged by extreme monsoon, flooding two thirds of the country and wreck their lives and belongings. Selling two naval vessels valued approximately € 80 million to improve 'security' for this population is cynical and hard to swallow.


In a search for Dutch underwater drones (ROV, UUV, AUV) some Dutch unmanned underwater vessels surfaced (all the cheap versions ranging from € 800 to € 60.000 for divers, fishing, construction etc. not included). The first is a product by
Marin, developed in collaboration with other parties (government, research institutes TNO, NLR, the national & international maritime business community) useful for underwater patrols, the so-called modular Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (mAUV) for both military and civilian operations. It seems to be to much in the development phase for export. The Light Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (LAUV) was tested by the Dutch navy already back in 2017 for ASW-tasks, but is of Portugese origin strengthened with Dutch technology.

The export license for India is not the first underwater vehicle exported by the Netherlands. Most went to
Russia, one export to Taiwan for seabed research and were categorised dual-use.

Written for Stop Wapenhandel

donderdag 1 september 2022

My tweets for August 2022

 Latest on top (updated regularly):

August 31

A short analysis by @_ENAATand Stop Wapenhandel on the establishment of an EU 'Ad hoc Working Party on defence industry' for @StatewatchEU

An 'Ad hoc Working Party on defence industry' will advise the EU Foreign Affairs Council on draft legislative acts & legal acts on relevant issues for the European defence industrial & technological base (EDTIB) – that is, the military industry at large. https://statewatch.org/news/2022/august/eu-council-establishes-new-working-party-on-defence-industry-as-part-of-military-push/

South Korean race to the top of international arms traders list.
Korea eyes $3.8 billion in Redback armored vehicle export to Australia
Korea also expects to be named the preferred negotiator for the export of K2 Black Panther tanks to Norway in October.

Poland has finalized the purchase of main battle tanks and howitzers from South Korea to bolster its defenses amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Polish government signed the $5.76 bn contract, one of Poland’s largest defense orders in recent years. https://www.gov.pl/web/national-defence/real-strengthening-of-the-polish-deterrence-and-defence-potential

Careful please.

As Taiwan unveiled a proposed 2023 defence budget of $13.72bn, a 12.9% year-on-year increase, the US could sell the island the worth $1.1bn worth of weapons. What exacerbate the already extremely strong tensions between the US and China. https://www.latribune.fr/economie/international/les-etats-unis-veulent-vendre-des-armes-a-taiwan-nouvelles-tensions-en-vue-entre-pekin-et-washington-928798.html

Did Turkey breach its own maritime convention? Ukraine MoFA expressed its "concern" regarding the "transportation of S-300 missile systems from Syria to Russia via the Bosphorous Strait" by the Sparta II, which was chartered by the Russian MoD. https://www.naval-technology.com/analysis/did-turkiye-breach-its-own-maritime-convention/

Two separate audits into the purchase of 6 Littoral Combat Ships #LCS for the #Malaysian navy revealed that there may have been an agreement between its prime contractor and the controversial shipbuilder #DCNS before the government issued the contract. https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/633935

The Sentinel-class cutter #USCG Oliver Henry was denied a port of call in the #Solomon Islands, where China is expanding its influence. The Sentinel design based on the company's #Damen Stan 4708 patrol vessel. https://news.usni.org/2022/08/30/solomon-islands-blocks-all-naval-port-visits-after-u-s-coast-guard-cutter-denied-entry

Europeans mull new training mission for Ukrainian army

“A training mission outside of Ukraine is not a signal of warfighting,” Austrian Army Gen. Robert Brieger, the current chairman of the European Union Military Committee, told reporters.


Turkey, Finland and Sweden have signed a memorandum that addresses Turkey's concerns, including around arms exports, and the fight against terrorism," Stoltenberg said Tuesday after crunch talks in Madrid. https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/diplomacy/turkey-sweden-finland-sign-memorandum-on-nordic-countries-nato-bids

August 30

Publicly available documents expose what Israel Aerospace Industries #IAI sought to hide: Italy has purchased two more early warning, intel gathering planes and services for $550 million. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2022-08-28/ty-article/.highlight/secret-nato-client-of-israeli-spy-planes-revealed/00000182-ce84-dfe2-aba3-efeee72f0000

Not the first time the Military Spectator addresses hypersonic weapons. One attack is noted during the Russian war in Ukraine, probably more testing than operational 'useful'. Article concludes with desired new weapon restriction regimes and CBMs https://www.militairespectator.nl/thema/operaties/artikel/chinese-fobs-operation-and-intricacies-hypersonics

Sources onboard UK aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales have told the UK Defence Journal that the damaged aircraft carrier will likely head to a drydock in #Amsterdam for repairs. https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/british-carrier-likely-to-head-to-amsterdam-for-repairs/

Illegal sale of FN #Herstal and and #AK47 used to ambush #Papuan people by Indonesian military.

Chronology of 4 People mutilated in #Timika, 6 #TNI personnel Involved, pretending to sell firearms for Rp 250 Million (€17,000).


More tension needed? Biden administration plans to ask the US Congress to approve an estimated $1.1 bn arms sale to Taiwan, including 60 anti-ship missiles and 100 air-to-air missiles, Politico reported. https://www.news18.com/news/world/joe-biden-to-urge-congress-to-approve-1-1-billion-in-arms-sales-to-taiwan-5849515.html

Head of Russia’s weapons export branch said arms export revenue total in 2022 is likely to total about $10.8 bn, which would be roughly 26% lower than reported for 2021. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/08/29/russia-forecasts-drop-in-arms-export-revenue/

So Russia may loose its 2nd position it had for decades to a major European country?

Ukraine war increases urgency for India to diversify arms purchases. But the war has thrown up yet another unwelcome pairing - the growing convergence between Russia and China that is expected to increase as both face increasing Western hostility. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/south-asia/ukraine-war-increases-urgency-for-india-to-diversify-arms-purchases-analysts

Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica say the illegal flow of arms greatest threat to national security. https://www.caribbeannationalweekly.com/news/caribbean-news/trinidad-and-tobago-and-jamaica-say-the-illegal-flow-of-arms-greatest-threat-to-national-security/

So why do I always read the Dutch navy stationed in the Dutch antilles intercepted X kg of cocaine and never an X no. of SALW.

Thales NL annual report 2021: Since the Russian invasion in Ukraine "the Thales Group’s share price has been on the rise. This increase is driven by the perspective of higher defence budgets and deliveries of new-generation defence systems in Europe ..."


Quick interactive look at #SIPRI's arms export and import TIV values on map of the world. https://www.themandarin.com.au/198433-interactive-who-supplies-and-receives-arms/

August 29

The influx of high-powered #rifles and firearms #smuggled through T&T's porous borders from the #US have caused alarm among law enforcement officials and citizens alike, with the US-made AR-15 semi-automatic rifle increasingly favoured by gang members. https://www.guardian.co.tt/news/killers-with-highpowered-guns-leave-a-trail-of-destruction-in-tt-6.2.1538242.e0d9ad9a0e

The sales of the Servian factory Zastava Oruzje from #Kragujevac did grow despite the difficulties caused by the coronavirus. Kragujevac exports thousands to the US like the civilian version of the military sniper rifle M-93 “Crna Strela.” #SALW https://www.ekapija.com/en/news/3395968/zastava-oruzje-records-large-growth-of-exports-to-usa-export-of-18000

Indian Supreme Court on Monday declined to entertain a PIL seeking an independent probe into the #Rafale fighter jet deal in view of a #French media report, claiming #Dassault Aviation #paid one million Euros to a #middleman for executing the deal. https://menafn.com/1104772842/No-Case-Is-Made-Out-SC-On-PIL-Seeking-Independent-Probe-In-Rafale-Deal

Danger of forest fires: Will the Bundeswehr's A400M soon become a fire-fighting aircraft? https://www.haz.de/der-norden/gefahr-vor-waldbraenden-a400m-der-bundeswehr-bald-als-loeschflugzeug-UONL643PSARRDZP6HZ7RK6YJ3M.html

Why isn't Europe investing in equiped civil disaster fighting brigades - to provide eg security in case of fires - not nearly as much it spends on military forces?

Following the recent visit of #US Major General Todd Wasmund to #Morocco, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency has reported on a possible new arms sale to Rabat. https://www.dsca.mil/press-media/major-arms-sales/morocco-ground-command-and-control The illegal occuptation of Western #Sahara seems not te be a barrier for such sales.

August 28

Turkey will decide when to launch operation [military invasion, MB] in northern Syria: Communications chief.

No step Ankara will take is subject to anyone's permission or consent, says country's communications director.


According to African security expert, Adib Saani, the international community must impose an arms embargo that will prevent the movement of weapons to warring parties in Tigray as he feared the absence of that would mean continued fighting. https://www.dw.com/en/ethiopia-fighting-flares-in-tigray-after-five-month-lull/a-62907411

Tunisian navy's OPV - Damen built TNS Jugurtha - conducts joint exercise with Greek Navy. https://www.navyrecognition.com/index.php/naval-news/naval-news-archive/2022/august/12107-tunisian-navy-s-opv-conducts-joint-exercise-with-greek-navy.html

Drie Nederlandse Commando's zijn vannacht (lokale tijd) gewond geraakt bij een schietpartij in Indianapolis (VS).


Lokale media melden dat de drie militairen mogelijk eerder op de avond betrokken waren bij een vechtpartij.


300822: Relaas tragisch uit de hand gelopen caféruzie is gisterenavond ook door NOS-bevestigd. https://nos.nl/artikel/2442526-burgemeester-indianapolis-commando-s-geraakt-bij-drive-by-shooting

In een failed state waar meer handvuurwapens dan mensen zijn kan het zomaar gebeuren.

Russia’s neighbor and ally Kazakhstan has suspended all arms exports for a year, its government said on Saturday, amid conflict in Ukraine and Western sanctions against Moscow. It did not explain. https://pledgetimes.com/russias-neighbor-kazakhstan-stops-arms-exports-amid-ukraine-war/

The skies are literally the limit when it comes to defence cooperation on both the governmental and commercial level between Israel and the GCC +3’: the six nations that constitute the Gulf Cooperation Council, along with Egypt, Jordan and Iraq. https://gulfbusiness.com/calevs-newsroom-how-israel-and-the-gulf-are-cooperating-on-defence/

August 26

Poland’s long-planned purchase of tanks. The country buys 250 General Dynamics Land Systems Abrams in the newest configuration. Value €1.148 bn contract will get Poland new features in communications, firepower and armor for its future Abrams fleet. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/08/25/abrams-maker-gdls-announces-11-billion-tank-deal-for-poland/

The Taiwanese government has proposed a record military budget, but security experts warned the 14 per cent increase was not enough to meet its defensive needs in the face of a growing threat from mainland China. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3190135/taiwan-proposes-14-cent-rise-record-military-budget-boost

Because this isn't where the solution lies.

War in Ukraine has countries lining up to buy US-built F-35 fighter jets. https://www.stripes.com/branches/air_force/2022-08-24/countries-lining-up-f35-fighter-jets-ukraine-war-7091858.html

All are dragged into buying. But in one tiny country a group of peoples stood up against what seems to be an unstoppable battle against money and influence. https://www.denmarknews.net/news/272665287/swiss-military-frets-over-us-jet-order

This article provides an overview of encryption controls under the EAR, outlines license exceptions for certain encrypted technologies, and provides best practices for export compliance. https://customsandinternationaltradelaw.com/2022/08/24/encryption-controls-under-the-export-administration-regulations/

Boeing has outlined the industrial benefits for India should New Delhi obtain the F/A-18E/F Block III Super Hornet for a 57-aircraft naval fighter requirement. https://www.flightglobal.com/defence/boeing-talks-up-economic-impact-of-possible-indian-navy-f/a-18e/f-buy/149971.article

#Turkey violates the international arms embargo on Libya, operates in Syria, delivers arms to countries at war (Ethiopia, Azerbaijan e.g.) but forces Finland and Sweden to confirm that now there are no national arms embargoes in place between them. #NATO https://m.bianet.org/english/world/266324-finland-to-host-nato-meeting-with-turkiye-sweden-as-ankara-presses-for-extraditions

Turkey is violating the international arms embargo on Libya, operates in Syria, delivers arms to countries at war (Ethiopia, Azerbaijan e.g.) but forces Finland and Sweden to confirm that now there are no national arms embargoes in place between them. https://m.bianet.org/english/world/266324-finland-to-host-nato-meeting-with-turkiye-sweden-as-ankara-presses-for-extraditions

According to a top US Defense Department official, the Indian defence attaché now has unrestricted access to the #Pentagon.

Such a move is consistent with the trust and cooperation that we have with #India, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said.


August 25

Again the list is provided of undesired destinations (Ethiopia, Azerbaijan, against US Kurdish allies).

The final message of the article is the question if the US should relax its export rules on drones to counter Turkish undesired exports.

From bad to worse or not better?

Retweet @AbbieFS: Interesting piece by @laurapitel and @rayajalabi on the “Toyota Corolla of drones”, Turkey’s Bayraktar TB2. The Ukrainians write songs about it, but Kurdish civilians fear it https://ft.com/content/948605a1-cf6c-40ea-b403-9a97d72be2cf

Dutch Minister of Defence Kasja Olongren stated there is no limit on the cost of weapon shipments to Ukraine.

Retweet @SciteCito: Ollongren: geen bovengrens aan kosten van wapenleveranties door Nederland aan Oekraïne https://telegraaf.nl/t/1406512628/

The extremely long coast of the USA.

The #USCG has received its last two of six Sentinel-class fast response cutters (FRC), rounding out the 5th Fleet stationed in #Bahrain. https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Article/3136397/new-coast-guard-cutters-arrive-in-bahrain/

The class is based on Dutch #Damen Stan Patrol 4708. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damen_Stan_Patrol_4708

Who is Anne-Marie Descôtes, the former ambassador to Berlin who has just been named number 2 at the Quai d'Orsay?

One of her scalps was critising Germany for its unpredictable arms export policy (means too strict in French newspeak).


Iran has offered its assistance to Europe in the form of oil and gas deliveries for the winter, per a statement by Iranian Oil Minister Javad Oji. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Iran-Offers-To-Help-Europe-With-Oil-And-Gas-Deliveries-This-Winter.html

France 'preparing to secure Yemeni gas facility' for exports https://english.alaraby.co.uk/news/france-preparing-secure-yemeni-gas-facility-exports via @the_newarab

#Bosna Herzegowina lost weapons & money over irregular arms sale contracts between Selmo Cikotic (currently BH Minister of Security at the time of the #fraude MoDefence) - taking advantage of his official position - and Zagreb-based SCOUT company. https://www.nezavisne.com/novosti/bih/BiH-izgubila-i-oruzje-i-pare-zbog-nezakonitih-ugovora/730803

Testing of #Airbus’ #Zephyr drone unexpectedly concluded after completing a record 64 days aloft following an incident at Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, according to US Army Futures Command. Further flight demonstrations have been postponed until 2023. https://www.c4isrnet.com/newsletters/2022/08/23/airbus-zephyr-drone-test-unexpectedly-halted-after-two-months-aloft/

Arms exports are a tool for projecting a country's influence around the world. China has marketed and exported weapons to 38 countries from 2018-21. China has also exported private security contractors #PSCs to protect and secure its interests. 4 page RAND https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/tools/TLA2000/TLA2045-1/RAND_TLA2045-1.pdf

August 24

One of the richest government programs on earth seems not to care for effiency. Pentagon expects major acquisition programs will cost more than $1.79 trillion, but many of these "continue to fall short of cost, schedule, and performance goals." https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/22186779/gao-22-105664.pdf

#Germany clears sale of 155m #Vulcano precision-guided artillery shells, COBRA radars and IRIS-T missiles to Ukraine. VULCANO is a family of unguided and guided ammunition for the 76mm, 127mm naval guns and 155mm land artillery (#PzH2000) systems. https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_august_2022_global_security_army_industry/germany_clears_sale_of_155m_vulcano_precision-guided_artillery_shells_cobra_radars_and_iris-t_air_defense_systems_to_ukraine.html

#Swiss activists have triggered a national #referendum to stop the country’s purchase of 36 #F35 A fighter jets from the US, a challenge that complicates plans for the modernisation of #Switzerland’s military and risks a spat with Washington. https://www.ft.com/content/3a7fc993-c729-4ee8-9ca6-fa23e5e307c2

It is not everywhere that easy for Lockheed.

Popular initiative against F35 fighter jets formally established. The federal people's initiative "Against the F-35 (Stop F-35)" has collected the required signatures.


August 23

1) US to send Ukraine $3 billion in aid as war hits 6 months, the new funding is largely aimed at helping Ukraine secure its medium- to long-term defense posture. https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/ukraine/2022/08/23/us-to-send-ukraine-3-billion-in-aid-as-war-hits-6-months/
2) Germany, Slovakia sign tank Leopards for swap deal to arm Ukraine. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/08/23/germany-slovakia-sign-tank-swap-deal-to-arm-ukraine/

Super-Kampfjet im Sturm

#Airbus & #Dassault argue about the construction of the #FCAS fighter so much that the European prestige project can fail. Then the British sense the chance with the Tempest & also the US prepares the next CO2 vomiting fighter. https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/unternehmen/europas-neuer-kampfjet-airbus-und-dassault-streiten-um-fcas-flieger-18261494.html

#Ukraine ‘#testing #ground’ shaping US network, electronic warfare effort.

Oleksii Reznikov described Ukraine as “a testing ground,” where “many weapons are now getting tested in the field, in the #real #conditions of battle.”


Sinds het begin van de oorlog heeft Nederland voor ruim 210 miljoen euro (boekwaarde) materieel, wapens, munitie en uitrusting geleverd. Minister Ollongren heeft tijdens de gesprekken toegezegd de Oekraïne op dit gebied te blijven steunen. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/actueel/nieuws/2022/08/22/extra-nederlandse-steun-voor-strijd-en-wederopbouw-oekraine

The Turkish government has delivered 50 used mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles to the Ukrainian military, government and industry sources told Defense News. https://www.defensenews.com/land/2022/08/22/turkey-sends-50-mine-resistant-vehicles-to-ukraine-with-more-expected/

#Romanian border police receives 1st #Damen FCS 4008 Patrol vessel. 2nd is on its way. In the context of #migration control at the external borders of the EU the funding is provided under a project accessing non-reimbursable #EU funds. https://www.navyrecognition.com/index.php/naval-news/naval-news-archive/2022/august/12091-romanian-border-police-receives-its-first-damen-fcs-4008-patrol-vessel.html

An essay on PEACE: “Peace is not an absence of war”, said the philosopher Spinoza. The US alone accounts for 68% of all arms exports in the world and most of these end up in the most volatile regions like the Middle East. https://mg.co.za/top-six/2022-08-22-peace-making-is-the-responsibility-of-us-all-not-just-politicians/ via @mailandguardian

Retweet @PurePapua: War Profiteer Profile: Krušik Valjevo #Ukrain #UkrainianArmy #Yemen #WestPapua https://wri-irg.org/en/story/2022/war-profiteer-profile-krusik-valjevo via @etan009

August 22


Accuklemmen, onderdelen voor Apache-helikopters, de F16-straaljagers en de Airbus. #Galvano is specialist in het verzilveren, vernikkelen, verzinknikkelen of vertinnen van metalen onderdelen. "Wij maken niks zelf. Wij brengen alleen een deklaagje aan."

Battery clamps, parts for Apache helicopters, F-16 fighters and Airbusses. #Galvano is a specialist in plating (silver, nickel zinc or tin plating) of metal parts in any form. "We don't make anything ourselves. We only apply a coating."


Kosovo plans to restart inactive ars factories, because of the demand for weaponry, the Minister of Defence said. https://albaniandailynews.com/news/we-will-restore-weapons-factories-back-to-work-minister

August 21

Five Valleys Aerospace a Gloucestershire group (holding Nu-Pro and Stanmar) that supplies components to aerospace and defence giants as Airbus & BAE Systems has been acquired by Italian Magnaghi Aeronautica Group (MA Group) for an undisclosed sum. https://www.business-live.co.uk/manufacturing/airbus-bae-systems-supplier-bought-24799139

Short-staffed junta moves personnel. #Myanmar’s military council is sending weapons factory workers to the frontlines and army doctors to public hospitals.

Troops working in the junta’s arms production units have been imprisoned or killed in recent months.


August 20

Israeli Firm Cellebrite Sold Phone-hacking Tools to Uganda's Brutal Dictatorship

Ruling Uganda since 1986, Museveni's regime is responsible for kidnapping, torturing and murdering rights activists, opposition figures and LGBTQ people.


The US government CAN use existing US laws, including foreign assistance and arms exports legislation to address Abu Akleh’s killing by Israeli forces. https://theintercept.com/2022/08/19/shireen-abu-akleh-killing-accountability/

Finnish startup #ICEYE announced today that it will provide imagery from one of its synthetic aperture radar satellites to #Ukraine’s embattled government, via a contract with a Ukrainian foundation supporting the country’s military in the war with Russia.

In general (so apart from this case involving Finland and Ukraine) who knows how the sale on satellite information is controlled by the European Union? https://breakingdefense.com/2022/08/iceye-to-supply-ukraine-with-sar-satellite-imagery-via-ukrainian-foundation/

Palestine Action forces Elbit landlord to abandon Birmingham offices. https://freedomnews.org.uk/2022/08/18/palestine-action-forces-elbit-landlord-to-abandon-birmingham-offices/

August 19

Interesting article. Moscow will go to great lengths to protect its military exports, even while under pressure to replace equipment destroyed in Ukraine. https://www.newsweek.com/himars-sanctions-how-russia-putin-weapons-economy-choking-1734076

Erdogan asks Ukraine to return 2 Turkish military Airbus A400M transport planes. There was no explanation on the reason for the two Turkish planes in Kyiv. However they came to Ukraine in mid-February 2022, moments before the Russian invasion was launched. https://www.viva.co.id/militer/militer-dunia/1511033-erdogan-minta-ukraina-kembalikan-2-unit-pesawat-militer-turki

Tender notice for shipping a Pakistan Navy wooden box with dangerous goods from the Naval Store Sub Depot in Karachi to Amsterdam Schiphol. http://www.ppra.org.pk/doc/16-8/41navy168-19.pdf

Herkenbare ideeën over wapenindustrie. Investeringen afkeuren, maar juichen als 'n Russisch munitiedepot explodeert (zonder slachtoffers).

"Hoe meer geweld, des te hoger het rendement," deze industrie hoort niet op de markt. Dat geeft giftige impulsen.


Terwijl het kabinet grote hoeveelheden wapens naar Oekraïne stuurt, is de Nederlandse export van militaire goederen naar andere landen veel groter. Het meeste gaat naar Duitsland en de VS, maar Nederland exporteert ook naar Marokko, Taiwan, Egypte en China. Gooi&eemlander 190822

August 18

Being a neighbour of the United States of America is not always a blessing, to say it nicely.

US Reports Spike In Weapons Smuggling To Haiti And The Caribbean. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/us-reports-spike-weapons-smuggling-haiti-caribbean-2022-08-17/

Addition: Weapons smuggling to Haiti is on ‘alarming trend.’ Feds crack down, ask for public’s help. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article264561751.html

The President of #Russia's United Aircraft Corporation #UAC said that the main challenge is to continue production of aircraft for the `special military operation.’

Besides Russia tries to sell its MiG-29 and Su-30MKI combat aircraft to #India.

The Dutch armed forces (DMO, Defence Material Organisation) are pro-actively reacting on the situation that global demand for small caliber ammunition is larger than the supply and production capability. https://magazines.defensie.nl/materieelgezien/2022/06/munitiebedrijf-koploper-inkoop-klein-kalibermunitie

August 17

The first of 24 EFA Typhoon combat aircraft has been handed over to Qatar as the Gulf state continues the rapid expansion of its air force. The aircraft, built by BAE Systems as part of a £6/$7.24 billion contract between London and Doha. https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/budget-policy-operations/qatar-receives-first-eurofighter

Slovakia’s Minister of Defence has refuted media reports that the country’s MiG-29 fighters have been transferred to Ukraine. “Our MiG-29 fighters are not in Ukraine. This is false information. https://kyivindependent.com/uncategorized/slovakia-denies-transferring-mi-g-29-fighter-jets-to-ukraine

Post-shipment on-site inspections allow exporting states to check exported military materiel to ensure that the importer is complying with its commitments.

Int. assistance in physical security and stockpile management aims to improve the involved systems. https://www.sipri.org/publications/2022/sipri-policy-briefs/post-shipment-site-inspections-and-stockpile-management-assistance-bridging-gaps

Bomb Kurds in Syria - allies? - we will provide the F-16's.

A Turkish military delegation is due to visit the US for talks on the sale of F-16 jets to Turkey; a follow up on US President Joe Biden's pledge to deliver F-16 fighters to #Turkey. https://www.dailysabah.com/business/defense/turkish-defense-delegation-due-in-us-for-talks-on-f-16-jets-sale

The Israeli arms companies that will profit from the latest assault on Gaza

Weapons and surveillance manufacturers have an interest in maintaining Gaza as a playground for any technology Israel wishes to test on Palestinians.


The tech embargo works. The influential British edition of The Times, citing its sources, lists which major arms contracts with which countries were thwarted: Algeria, Vietnam, Phillipines, India, Myanmar and Serbia. https://en.newizv.ru/news/economy/16-08-2022/useful-for-yourself-how-russian-arms-exports-have-changed-this-year

#Philippines are considering a US offer to provide heavy-lift helicopters like #Boeing #Chinooks after Manila scrapped a deal to buy military choppers from #Russia due to fears of Western sanctions, the Philippine ambassador to Washington said. https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2022/08/15/philippines-eyes-us-helicopters-after-scrapping-russian-deal/

August 16

Economist expect Saudi-US ties to gradually improve over the forecast period (2022-26), facilitated by the kingdom's more conciliatory foreign policy and the US's recognition of its potential to be a source of regional stability. Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) 15/08/22

Due to the Russian invasion into Ukraine the issue of control on strategic products, especially on advanced technology, is drippling down to the public debate, like here: How to prepare for fast-changing export rules.


Civil military (https://youtu.be/WTPsWVHhxzs) software-defined satellite enters commercial service. https://www.esa.int/Applications/Telecommunications_Integrated_Applications/Software-defined_satellite_enters_commercial_service

Recent Wassenaar decisions includes
Gallium Oxide #Ga2O3 & diamond;
Electronic Computer-Aided Design #ECAD software for development of integrated circuits with Gate-All-Around Field-Effect Transistor #GAAFET structure;
Pressure Gain Combustion #PGC tech. https://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/documents/about-bis/newsroom/press-releases/3116-2022-08-12-bis-press-release-wa-2021-1758-technologies-controls-rule/

Putin is now boasting about Russian weapons that “no other country in the world” has, even saying he’s ready to export them to allies. But there’s some problems with his story. https://www.thedailybeast.com/vladimir-putins-bragging-show-about-russian-weapons-reeks-of-desperation

A re-issued update of the article the #Sarawak Report ran in January following the arrests of the front person for the #Boustead procurement programme carried out in conjunction with #German #Rheinmetall, in conjunction with a senior navy figure. #Malaysia https://www.sarawakreport.org/2022/08/umnos-navy-ship-scandal-has-all-the-hallmarks-of-a-classic-procurement-scam/

August 15

Retweet @SIPRIorg: Active armed conflicts occurred in at least 46 states in 2021: Americas: 8 Asia and Oceania: 9 Europe: 3 Middle East and North Africa (#MENA): 8 sub–Saharan Africa: 18 Read more about the developments in armed conflicts in 2021 https://sipri.org/sites/default/files/2022-06/yb22_summary_en_v2.pdf

UK Government and arms firms in Scotland condemned after child deaths in Gaza. https://theferret.scot/uk-government-arms-firms-scotland-condemned-deaths/

News on a Bulgarian website: Ukraine sells US weapons again: Switchblade 300 drone per $4K. If fake news, advanced desinformation. If true a dangerous effect of arms shipments to Ukraine.

Bulgarianmilitary is often cited by regular press, doubted by some. https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2022/08/15/ukraine-sells-us-weapons-again-switchblade-300-drone-per-4k/

Export of image intensifier tubes for military purposes to South Korea remarkable license in may 2022, value € 113,854. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/exportcontrole-strategische-goederen/documenten/rapporten/2016/10/01/overzicht-dual-use-vergunningen

Largest Dutch export license in May 2022 is for naval technology to #Indonesia € 34 million.

Also remarkable May 2022 license is for C-30 Hercules parts to #Nigeria, amount not large, impact on security sistuation (for good and for worse) big € 66,000.


Dutch transparency on military export licenses to Ukraine. Only date and origin (if Dutch) are mentioned. Not even if the sale is temporarily or definitive (D/T). This also limits Parliamentary controls.


Ohhh irony. Supported by the Presidency of Defense Agencies #SSB and the Defense and Aerospace Industry Exporters' Association #SSI, the #SEDEC2022 Homeland #Border Security Event was successfully held for the third time in #Turkey late June. https://www.defenceturkey.com/en/content/sedec-homeland-border-security-event-held-for-the-third-time-in-ankara-5202

China tries to become a major arms exporter to the neighbours of India. So it tries to bind those countries. However, the very low quality of the equipment produced, below Western standards, would seem to undermine this project, Bangladesh report said. https://theprint.in/world/bangladesh-dissatisfied-with-chinas-military-supplies-quality-reports/1081037/

Dockworkers have the capability to block arms exports to Turkey. In Hamburg, for instance, they have already launched an initiative to stop arms shipments and thus aid the Kurdish movement. https://www.leftvoice.org/turkeys-dirty-war-rages-in-kurdistan/

August 13

Is what’s good for militart industries good for the US? Excess military spending often comes at the expense of urgent challenges like pandemics, climate change & fighting global poverty. This question should be asked before throwing 100s of bns at the MIC. https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamhartung/2022/08/09/weapons-contractors-thrive-despite-pandemic-supply-chain-issues/?sh=4620e517116d

Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit Launched a New Era of Military Competition With China The House speaker created a new chasm in the US-China relationship. Now Biden must make sure it doesn’t lead to war. By Michael T. Klare https://www.thenation.com/article/world/pelosi-taiwan-china/

Drugsjager Zr.Ms. Groningen drijft prijs van cocaïne verder op. Maakt criminelen rijker en handelt als een vergiet dat water wil stoppen als het naar beneden loopt. De war on drugs is een zeer kostbare mislukking. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/actueel/nieuws/2022/08/12/drugsjager-zr-ms-groningen-niet-te-stoppen-in-caribisch-gebied

#Mali on Tuesday received military jets and a combat helicopter from #Russia. During a ceremony, L-39 and Sukhoi-25 jets as well as Mi-24P helicopter gunships were displayed. No information was disclosed about the conditions for acquiring the gunships. https://www.voanews.com/a/mali-receives-military-aircraft-from-russia/6695975.html

Weapons and war go together, so it is not surprising that Russia is scouring the world for its own re-supply effort as the war in Ukraine drags on. But surprising is how many arms are being traded, sold, smuggled and supplied in every corner of the globe. https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/3598200-a-world-awash-in-weapons/

In Oekraïne vecht Rusland met chips van Nederlandse bedrijven. Het Russische leger maakt in de oorlog met Oekraïne gebruik van westerse technologie, waaronder halfgeleiders van de in Nederland gevestigde chipbedrijven NXP en de voormalige dochter Nexperia. https://fd.nl/politiek/1448552/in-oekraine-vecht-rusland-met-chips-van-nederlandse-bedrijven

August 12

The increasing effect of Western sanctions. Russian military on its knees as war in Ukraine drains income: 'Can't fill orders'. One of the most worrying problems for the regime of Putin is the impact on cash flow due to the slow down in arms sales. https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1653692/russia-military-collapse-ukraine-war-latest-vladimir-putin-defence-news

#Ukrainian media confirmed that #Azerbaijan will deliver QFAB-250 LG guided air bombs to Kyiv for Su-25 aircraft developed by the Azerbaijani and Turkish #ASELSAN. This bomb can be used by Ukrainian Su-25 bombers. #Armenian source. https://armenianweekly.com/2022/08/11/azerbaijans-arms-sale-to-ukraine-and-the-recent-escalation-in-nagorno-karabakh/

August 11

Russia-Ukraine war catapults Israeli arms industry to global stage. Israel's MoD has launched a PR campaign, with a senior official visiting 14 countries the last 3 months. The Chinese and Iranian threats are also increasing the demand for Israeli weapons. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2022-08-05/ty-article/.highlight/russia-ukraine-war-catapults-israeli-arms-industry-to-global-stage/00000182-69d0-d9e1-a1ae-f9f3637e0000

In NSO news – this week Haaretz revealed that Pegasus spyware maker has 22 clients in 12 EU member states, a number which caught even European lawmakers by surprise. We also break down the Israeli firm’s European competitors. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2022-08-09/ty-article/.premium/israeli-spyware-maker-nso-has-22-customers-in-12-eu-countries-and-its-not-alone/00000182-8403-df1d-a3a7-ae9bce800000

Imagine $2.1T spend on renewable energy, tackling #climate change disasters, a fund for countries in the Global South, a campaign to minimise the footprint of the industrialised world, clean polluting industries etc. In reality; it is spend on the global militaries. #Security?


EUROPEAN DEFENCE FUND #EDF unveils 1st round of awardees.

Embargo now!

Report (https://www.justiceformyanmar.org/stories/exposed-companies-brokering-arms-equipment-to-myanmar-military) names dozens of #Singapore firms involved in arms supply to #Myanmar military.

Justice for Myanmar says 38 companies in Singapore are linked to 78 Myanmar-based companies brokering for the military.

Since the start of Russia’s aggression of #Ukraine, the #EU has adopted assistance measures of EUR 2.5 billion under the European Peace Facility (#EPF) to reimburse Member States for lethal and non-lethal equipment provided to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to a video published on the Telegram account of "Реальная Война | Украина" 090822, Turkey may have delivered Kirpi 4x4 armored vehicles to Ukraine. If the information is true, this delivery could compromise the relations between Turkey & Russia. https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_august_2022_global_security_army_industry/turkey_would_have_delivered_kirpi_mrap_4x4_armored_vehicles_to_ukraine.html

Although Chinese latest white paper keeps 'one country, two systems' model on table, many conciliatory measures in 2000 document are also missing. Beijing e.g. has removed an offer not to deploy military personnel to #Taiwan in the event of ­reunification. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3188454/beijing-removes-pledge-not-station-military-personnel-taiwan

An electric-powered version of the Australian Army's Bushmaster armoured vehicle has been unveiled and is designed and built in by defence contractor Thales in Victoria. The all-electric is for test applications, a hybride version for limited use. https://www.9news.com.au/national/australian-army-electric-bushmaster-armoured-vehicle/db3aba09-9e6b-4f27-85c7-ac519a987546

Nigerian NNS KADA, is a 100-metre long military roro vessel from #Damen. With a capacity to carry over 250 passengers including 32 crew members and 16 embarked Special Forces, the KADA is currently the largest LST in the whole of Africa. 1/2 https://thisdaylive.com/index.php/2022/08/09/reinforcing-nigerian-navys-role-as-regional-war-power/

A sale hardly reported in Europe let alone in the Netherlands. This despite the role it can play in the Niger delta.

Now the product of Dutch origin is proudly taking part in the ECOWAS mission in Guinea Bissau. https://www.sunnewsonline.com/navy-deploys-nns-kada-to-guinea-bissau-on-ecowas-mission/

Majority of victims of #Turkish #drone strikes appear to be #Syrian citizens. Strikes often take place well behind active front lines, in violation of US/Russian brokered ceasefire agreements.

Bayraktar TB-2 drones contain at least 6 US-origin #components. https://www.kurdishpeace.org/policy/turkeys-targeted-killings-threaten-stability-security-in-syria/

Timely announcement. The Czech Republic starts negotiations with Israel to purchase three Heron drones including ground control stations, data terminals, and shipping containers. https://mocr.army.cz/informacni-servis/zpravodajstvi/ministerstvo-obrany-zahaji-jednani-s-izraelskou-vladou-o-porizeni-tri-bezpilotnich-letounu-237834/

#Lockheed Martin is awarded a $224 million contract in connection to the production of 12 #F35 aircraft for the #Netherlands. Work will be performed in Texas 57%; California 16%; UK 9%; Italy 4%; Florida 4%; New Hampshire 3%; Maryland 3%; and Japan 2%. https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract/Article/3096893/

Overview on “Export Controls in the European Union” aimed at the exporter. https://globalinvestigationsreview.com/guide/the-guide-sanctions/third-edition/article/export-controls-in-the-european-union

August 10

Retweet with comment: @GKNAero #Romania welcomed back students to the Fokker Academy classes at the site. Through partnership with the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the @upb1818, the @GKNAero Romania team have been actively involved in student education for over 5 years. #GreatPlacetoWork

Press at time it opened:

The Dutch company Stork Aerospace, active in the field of design and production of aerostructures and electrical systems for military and commercial aircraft, announced on Thursday the opening of a subsidiary in Bucharest. https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-arhiva-1200136-stork-aerospace-deschis-subsidiara-bucuresti.htm

“Despite Rhetoric, Biden is Continuing Trump’s Weapons Sales.”

07/2020, Biden “No more blank checks for Trump’s favorite dictator,” referring to Egyptian President al-Sissi.

02/2021, Biden stop on US military support for Saudi-led offensive in Yemen. https://warontherocks.com/2022/08/despite-rhetoric-biden-is-continuing-trumps-weapons-sales/

CAAT calls UK to end arms sales and military support for Israeli forces following Gaza killings https://indcatholicnews.com/news/45253 How about arms imports from Israel?

Addition 12/08/22: The killing in Gaza, but in the meantime... Royal Navy to receive new 'cutting edge' drone to beef up Britain's military. This drone was built jointly by #Thales UK and the #Israeli company #Elbit Systems. https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1653896/royal-navy-heavy-lift-drone-uashlc-logistics-military-defence-news-latest

Addition 13/08/22: When countries buy arms from Israel, they help sustain Israel’s military repression of the Palestinian people, just as when they sell them. This is why the #CAAT calls for a two-way arms embargo against Israel, by Sam Perlo-Freeman @smhwpf https://www.redpepper.org.uk/arming-the-occupation/

Going Dutch; stengtnening Russian armed forces

Based on the technical inspection of Russian military equipment captured in or fired at Ukraine, this report outlines the extent to which Russia’s multi-billion-dollar, decades-long military modernisation programme has depended on the extensive use of microelectronics manufactured in the US, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the UK, France and Germany. https://static.rusi.org/RUSI-Silicon-Lifeline-final-web.pdf

At least 56 unique components were found to have originated from European companies. Notably, the largest volume of products came from Netherlandsbased NXP Semiconductors NV and Switzerlandbased STMicroelectronics.

A total of 14 components originated from Netherlands-based manufacturers, of which 10 came from NXP Semiconductors as well as two from its former subsidiary Nexperia

For instance, the BT33-202 processor module contains at least a dozen microelectronic components – including CMOS SRAM modules, FPGAs, RS-232 and bus transceivers – produced by a range of companies based in the US and the Netherlands.

By examining a given company’s import history in more detail, one can begin to understand how a given entity is likely to have acted as a conduit for these goods to enter into Russian military systems. For instance, the Altana Atlas reveals more than 2,500 individual trade transactions between PAO Mikron and 148 distinct senders from 33 countries and jurisdictions, including the US, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Taiwan.

Source: Byrne, Somerville, Byrne, Watling, Reynolds and Baker, Silicone lifeline; western electronics at the heart of Russia's war machine, RUSI August 2022. https://static.rusi.org/RUSI-Silicon-Lifeline-final-web.pdf

Press report: Russian Weapon Systems Rely Heavily on Foreign Tech. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-08/russian-weapon-systems-rely-heavily-on-foreign-tech-report-says

To boykot or not to boykot.

Merchant ship under US sanctions passed the Turkish Bosphorus from Syria to Russia late July. European intelligence officials who tracked the Sparta II say it carried military vehicles to bolster President Putin’s war in Ukraine.

The ship’s journey to the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk underlines the Kremlin’s efforts to tap resources for the invasion that’s now in its sixth month, as supply lines strain under the pressure of Europe’s largest military campaign since World War II. 2/2 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/russia-is-shopping-around-the-world-for-military-weapons-for-its-war-in-ukraine

August 9

Educated guess. Amid Russia-Ukraine war, China COULD dominate the value arms market, this is the dynamic arms market consisting of smaller transaction values of new and refurbished equipment. It will find Turkey and India aiming for the same market. https://thediplomat.com/2022/08/amid-russia-ukraine-war-china-could-dominate-the-value-arms-market/

Palestine Action today #occupied Israeli weapons manufacturer #Elbit System’s client the Good Packing Company, who package, transport and export Israeli weapons battle tested on the #Palestinian people.

Israel has killed 44 Palestinians in the three days.


The results of the total boykot on Russia are debatable, but what isn't is that Russian weapons depend on Western hightech (broader than what is defined dual use, incl. microcontrollers, programmable chips and signal processors, transistors) and control on its exports are flawed.

Retweet @keesamok: As Russian missiles struck Ukraine, Western tech still flowed - The programmable chips give electronic-equipment manufacturers enormous flexibility because they quickly can be reprogrammed to perform whatever new task is necessary https://reuters.com/investigates/special-report/ukraine-crisis-russia-missiles-chips/ @SpecialReports

August 8

Jonas Ohman, CEO of Blue-Yellow, a Lithuania-based organization said the West has to win the war to prevent delivered weapons may fall in the wrong hands (in respons to previous examples, like what happend in Iraq and Afghanistan). https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-military-aid-weapons-front-lines/

Total FY21 defense revenue of the Top 100 is $595 billion, up 9% from the total FY20 defense revenue. A +/- $53 billion increase. https://www.defensenews.com/opinion/commentary/2022/08/08/why-most-of-the-top-100-saw-defense-revenue-grow/

Top 100 military companies: First 5 from the United States.

US federal lawmakers are pressing the Biden administration to investigate how US parts and technology ended up in what has fast become one of the most notorious drones on the world market: Turkey's - thus not fully - the TB2 Bayraktar drone. https://asiatimes.com/2022/08/us-calls-for-tougher-scrutiny-of-turkeys-tb2-drones/

Kigali rejects a UN expert report with solid evidence that members of #Rwanda's military conduct operations in eastern #Congo in support of the M23 rebels whose deadly resurgence has led to talk of war as well as protests against the UN peacekeeping force. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/rwanda-rejects-un-report-on-support-for-rebels-in-congo/2022/08/05/a1dd08b2-14d6-11ed-8482-06c1c84ce8f2_story.html

For report see https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/338/70/PDF/N2233870.pdf For report see page 16-17/297

#Kraken (https://krakentechnology.com/security/kraken-k50/) and Thales will work together on boat for inland security operations. #Thales will deliver integration capabilities for sensor and weapons equipment, with adaptable command-and-control, communication & networking systems. https://www.naval-technology.com/news/kraken-thales-mou-k50-development/

August 7

Report published in #Malaysia this week on irregularities concerning the buy of Littoral Combat Ship. Did Najib, Zahid conspire to give advantage to troubled companies (in case French #DCN over Dutch #Damen).

Report https://www.parlimen.gov.my/pac/review/docs-257-312.pdf
Press: https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/bahasa/s/394933

The debate in #Malysia goes on.

2 Weeks ago the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) reported a multi-billion ringgit scandal around naval ships. A report by revealed the procurement, worth RM9 billion for six LCS ships, is beset with problems.

And in #France? https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/631941

Malaysian government one billion ringgit (of the total RM6 billion) for French naval vessels that had already been spent (without the production of one single boat) had completely disappeared. It could not be accounted for. There was no record. https://www.sarawakreport.org/2022/08/umnos-navy-ship-scandal-has-all-the-hallmarks-of-a-classic-procurement-scam/


Ongoing The quotation for the littoral combat ship (LCS) project’s combat management system (CMS) was based on “inaccurate information” but the government still went ahead with the procurement. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/08/19/false-claim-in-lcs-purchase


@marineschepen had het ook een paar dagen geleden. Nederlandstalig.
Chaos rond bouw nieuwe fregatten Maleisië nog groter dan gedacht. ... Meer: https://marineschepen.nl/nieuws/Bouw-nieuwe-fregatten-Maleisie-ontaardt-in-chaos-160822.html

Policing, border control and surveillance have become increasingly militarised in the UK and infiltrated by a “war mentality”, according to a reportfrom Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) and the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol). https://caat.org.uk/publications/a-very-british-problem-the-evolution-of-britains-militarised-policing-industrial-complex/

#UK #arms sales to #Saudi Arabia back on trial next year

A legal challenge over the supply of UK-made weapons for the war in Yemen will proceed to the High Court in January 2023.


August 6

In a paper from Bangladesh: Western countries have been ramping up weapons and ammunition shipments to Ukraine as Kyiv fights off a Russian invasion, but arms trade experts warn some of the lethal assistance could end up falling into the wrong hands. https://www.thedailystar.net/news/world/2022-russian-invasion-ukraine/news/arms-ukraine-could-end-wrong-hands-3025851

Indian paper: Foreign supply of missiles, rockets, & artillery to Ukraine has raised fears of the weapons entering Ukraine's illicit arms market and their subsequent smuggling and that some of them could also re-emerge in conflicts for the coming decades.


Dutch Defense has officially put the Roll-on Roll-off ship into service. The New Amsterdam is now being loaded and departed from Eemshaven to the port of Klaipeda in Lithuania. There are Dutch soldiers of the enhanced Forward Presence. https://www.janes.com/defence-news/naval-weapons/latest/dutch-mod-deploys-newly-leased-roro-ship-for-first-time

Share prices for the world’s largest arms traders are soaring and supply can hardly keep up with demand. Belgium, known for the companies FN Herstal and armoured vehicle manufacturer John Cockerill, is also seeing these pressures and financial gains. https://www.brusselstimes.com/belgium/267083/belgian-and-global-defence-industry-booms-from-war-in-ukraine

Is there an anti-arms trade/human rights peace movement in Korea?

Following a massive arms deal with Poland, Korea has now set its eyes on Egypt, a new potential suitor seen as the next biggest market for defense products after the United States.


A group active today, something like World Without War:

August 5

Helder stukje van Ko Colijn: Na de mislukte inname van hoofdstad Kyiv is ook Poetins plan B een lachertje. ... Van de verovering van heel Oekraïne ten oosten van de rivier de Dnipro (royaal voorspeld door Nederlandse experts) is niets terechtgekomen. https://www.nu.nl/spanningen-oekraine/6215880/defensie-expert-colijn-poetin-verliest-zijn-greep-in-het-donetsbekken.html

The war in Ukraine is having an impact on a long-running territorial dispute. Turkey is adopting a more aggressive stance towards Greece and has lashed out at pious diplomatic interventions from Germany. https://www.dw.com/en/why-the-turkish-greek-island-spat-flares-up-again-and-again/a-62713489

Seven US-sanctioned Russian ships have docked in India over the past month the are connected to sanctioned Russian shipping companies that have a history of transporting arms on behalf of the Russian government. https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1650720/putin-news-india-hands-russia-lifeline-arms-ships-sidestep-biden-sanctions-oil

August 4

Everyone knows the US makes the right "choice between democracy and autocracy," as Nansi Pelosi labled the challenge. That's why Washington decided to greenlight a $ 5 billion military deal with Riyad, a country led by the notorious autocrat & killer MbS. https://www.defenseone.com/business/2022/08/just-weeks-after-saudi-trip-biden-administration-greenlights-5b-arms-gulf-nations/375298/

Civil military equiped satellite ended mission (https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/worldwide/space/event/thales-alenia-space-flies-high-space-symposium) due to power problems (https://scihub.copernicus.eu/news/News00980) with an unknown cause. Russia related sources say it is becaue of jamming. (https://avia-pro.net/news/sputnik-shpion-nato-vyshel-iz-stroya-posle-neskolkih-popytok-otsledit-rossiyskie-voyska).

August 3

#Canada ended an attempt to send materials to Russia in violation of sanctions because of the invasion of #Ukraine.

Border officers in Montreal seized the shipment, described as “dual-use goods” banned from export to Russia under Canada’s sanctions regime. https://globalnews.ca/news/9032327/canada-disrupts-attempt-export-banned-materials-russia/

#Satellite Prometheus-2 is co-funded & designed with #Airbus and assembled by In-Space Missions as part of a collaboration between the UK's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and partners, including the US National Reconnaissance Office. Cornish Guardian 3/8/22

Dutch #Damen in #Kenya, working on a military civil harbour and military ships. https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/news/2022/08/kisumu-shipyard-will-create-job-opportunities-for-kenyans-president-kenyatta-says/

The AT-802U Sky Warden, of #L3Harris Technologies/Air Tractor is #SOCOM’s pick for a rugged plane that can carry out #intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, close air support, and #strike missions ... in austere locations such as parts of #Africa. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2022/08/02/how-l3harris-created-us-special-operators-new-plane-to-hunt-and-strike-terrorists/

If you want oil, we want...

US government approved 2 massive arms sales to #Saudi's and #UAE.

The more than $ 5 billion in missile defense and related sales follow President Joe Biden’s visit to the Middle East last month.

Promisses, promisses, promisses


August 2

Under the carpet: #US #government contractors paid #Bout's air cargo companies $60m in taxpayer money to fly military supplies to Iraq and gave his pilots 1.9 million liters of free fuel. The partnership occurred 2003-05 over the course of 1,000 trips.

August 1

Huh?: Japanese military budget increase “bearing #NATO’s 2% target in mind.”

The Ministry of Finance and key figures within the Kishida administration are cautious of dramatic increases in spending given #Japan’s difficult fiscal situation.


Quick gain. Endless justice.

Zuma is facing:
1 count of racketeering
2 of corruption
1 of money laundering
12 of fraud.

1 count of racketeering
2 of corruption
1 of money laundering.
Both pleaded not guilty to all of them.


The UAE sent one of its Boeing C-17 cargo plane, to Amarillo, Texas on July 26 to help #Bahrain bring two of its new #Bell Helicopter AH-1Z attack heli's home.
Bahrain will receive 12 of the helicopters.
Total contract is worth an estimated $912 million
