zondag 15 januari 2023

Ontwapening was gisteren

Ontwapening was gisteren’. Dat is hoe de Duitse pers de carrièrewending omschreef van Rolf Mützenich, de parlementaire leider van de ‘Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands’ (SPD) in de Bundestag. Sinds de Russische invasie in Oekraïne heeft de politicus, bekend van zijn inzet voor wapenbeheersing, helaas heel wat gevechten verloren. En het gaat verder dan de Duitse doorvoer van wapens naar Oekraïne. Zo zijn er ook de wapenexporten naar Riyad, ondanks het feit dat de Saoedi’s betrokken zijn bij een oorlog waarin al 377.000 Jemenieten stierven. Zelfs de Duitse Groenen zijn van standpunt veranderd wat de verkoop van wapens aan Mohammed bin Salman betreft.

Op binnenlands vlak moest Mützenich de aanschaf accepteren van gewapende drones door de Bundeswehr. Mützenich werkte twee decennia onvermoeibaar voor vrede en ontwapening, maar nu moet hij voor zijn partij de parlementaire goedkeuring bewerkstelligen voor de aanschaf van zware wapens en de grootste Duitse herbewapingsronde sinds de Koude Oorlog. 

Het Duitse Persagentschap ‘Deutche Welle’ publiceerde een overzicht van de waarde van de militaire leveringen door Europese landen aan Oekraïne in 2022 (tot november). Het totaalbedrag kwam op 27,5 miljard euro. Sinds november zijn er een aantal nieuwe beslissingen bij gekomen. In december 2022 berekende Al Jazeera het bedrag van 93,6 miljard euro (100 miljard dollar) voor militaire transfers vanuit de EU naar Oekraïne. Dat is minder dan het totaal van 110 miljard dollar dat de vier militaire steunpaketten van Washington omvatten, maar ook Europa voert zijn bijdragen op.

Nederland besloot in december bijvoorbeeld tot een steunpakket van 2,5 miljard euro voor Oekraïne (voor militaire steun, kritieke herstelwerkzaamheden en de strijd tegen straffeloosheid). De lijst van (geplande) zendingen is lang. Frankrijk wordt het eerste Westerse land dat tanks levert aan Oekraïne en Italië stuurt meer luchtafweerraketten. Maar de belangrijkste ontwikkeling in de duizelingwekkende hoeveelheid militaire steun voor Oekraïne is het recente voorstel van de VS-afgevaardigden om 45 miljard dollar aan hulp te doneren – bijna 20% meer dan waar de Biden-regering om had gevraagd. Beleggers voorspellen voor de komende jaren sterke prestaties van de militaire industrie. Het Duits militair bedrijf Rheinmetall maakt al gigantische winsten op de beurs en sommigen schatten dat de waarde van de tien grootste militaire bedrijven ter wereld maar liefst met 98 miljard dollar gestegen is als gevolg van de oorlog in Oekraïne. 

Een ander effect van de Russische militaire agressie zijn de groeiende militaire budgetten van de lidstaten van de Europese Unie sinds 2014. Het Europees Defensieagentschap, het EU-orgaan dat de Europese wapenprojecten moet stroomlijnen, publiceerde onlangs zijn jaarverslag. De defensie-uitgaven van de EU overschrijden voor het eerste de 200 miljard euro, aangedreven door recordinvesteringen in defensie. In 2021 bedroegen de EU defensie-uitgaven 214 miljard euro – een stijging van 6% ten opzichte van 2020 en het zevende jaar op rij van groei.

Van deze uitgaven zal het enorme bedrag van 43 miljard euro worden besteed aan de aanschaf van materieel. Nooit eerder was het aandeel van materieel in de totale militaire uitgaven (waaronder ook salarissen, onderhoud, revisie, gebouwen en operationele kosten bijv. voor brandstof vallen) zo hoog. Het is zelfs iets hoger dan de NAVO-doelstelling om 20% van het totaal defensiebudget te spenderen aan materieel.

De online publicatie ‘Breaking Defense’ concludeerde in haar vooruitblik op 2023 dat de Europese defensie-uitgaven “geen lachertje meer zijn”. Terwijl Rusland -niet zonder reden- geportretteerd wordt als militair zwak, wordt het aan de andere kant gebruikt als een belangrijk argument om de militaire investeringen en productie in Europa op te drijven. De secretaris-generaal van de NAVO, Stoltenberg, roept op tot een verhoging van de munitieproductieniveaus om de voorraden van de NAVO-landen op peil te houden en Oekraïne te steunen. 

Het vredesdivident – de verlaging van militaire investeringen vanwege het einde van de Koude Oorlog in de late jaren 1980 en het begin van de jaren 1990- verdween al gauw en veranderde in een forse stijging van de defensie-uitgaven na de hoogtechnologische Golfoorlog van 1990-91. Daarna werden hoge defensie-uitgaven gelegitimeerd door de oorlog tegen terrorisme, met zijn grootschalige militaire operaties in Irak en Afghanistan. Deze consistent toenemende militaire uitgaven werden een halt toegeroepen door de economische crisis van 2007-2008, waarna ze nagenoeg op hetzelfde peil bleven tot 2014, toen Rusland de Krim annexeerde en de NAVO zijn doelstellingen van hogere militaire uitgaven vastlegde op een top in Wales.

Terwijl men het publiek de perceptie geeft van een ondergefinancierde krijgsmacht waren de militaire investeringen na 2014 al snel even hoog als op het hoogste punt tijdens de Koude Oorlog (gecorrigeerd voor inflatie). Na februari 2022 kreeg het beleid van groeiende militaire investeringen helemaal de wind in de zeilen. De NAVO vatte het als volgt samen: “Sinds de grootschalige aanval van Rusland tegen Oekraïne in februari 2022 heeft een meerderheid van de bondgenoten toegezegd meer en sneller te investeren in defensie”. Dit ondanks het feit dat de NAVO al vele malen meer spendeert dan Rusland (zie grafiek). De huidige situatie wordt gebruikt om de militaire uitgaven nog verder op te drijven, ten koste van de samenleving.

Terwijl de militaire uitgaven van de NAVO opnieuw het recordniveau van de Koude Oorlog hebben bereikt, ontbreekt het volledig aan wapenbeheersing. In de patstelling tussen Oost en West van de vorige eeuw besloten de strijdende partijen uiteindelijk een beleid van wapenbeheersing en ontwapening te beginnen. Momenteel lijkt Europa zich vrijwel uitsluitend te richten op een militair antwoord op de inval in Oekraïne, de massale wapenleveringen zijn daar de meest zichtbare uiting van. 

De Duitse academicus Herbert Wolf stelde onlangs dat het ontbreken van een wapenbeheersingsbeleid in combinatie met de huidige militaire escalatie een zeer gevaarlijke situatie creëert. Volgens Wolf moet het beheersingsbeleid opnieuw op gang gebracht worden, ondanks de moeilijke internationale situatie. Dus haal de diplomaten van onder het stof. De wereld heeft dringend behoefte aan samenwerking om de grootste dreiging van allemaal aan te pakken – niet Moskou of Beijing, maar de klimaatverandering die onze gemeenschappelijke toekomst de keel toe nijpt. 

De oproepen om de EU-wapenproductie structureel te verhogen gaan voorbij aan het feit dat de aanvoer van Westerse wapens naar Oekraïne een uitzonderlijke situatie is. We bevinden ons midden in een grote oorlog en de steun voor Kiev is enorm. Als we de 43 miljard euro die de EU-lidstaten samen jaarlijks spenderen aan binnenlandse militaire aankopen, vergelijken met de (tot nu toe) 110 miljard VS-steun, plus de meer dan 10 miljard EU-steun voor de Oekraïense militaire strijdkrachten, dan blijkt hoe enorm deze steun is. Eens te meer omdat de duurste wapensystemen, zoals gevechtsvliegtuigen en grote marineschepen, geen deel uitmaken van het steunpakket. Er zit een grens aan de munitievoorraden. Maar het zou vreemd zijn als de huidige buitengewone vraag naar wapens niet zou leiden tot tekorten.

De extreme focus op een militaire benadering van veiligheid is op lange termijn zeer gevaarlijk. Nieuwe militaire capaciteiten zijn misschien moeilijk te creëren, maar het is nog moeilijker om ze af te bouwen. Door een structureel verhoging van de militaire productiecapaciteit – bovenop de stijging van de voorafgaande jaren- omwille van de – tijdelijke – ramp die de oorlog in Oekraïne is, zullen wapens en krijgsmacht een centralere plaats krijgen in onze eigen samenlevingen. Dat is misschien goed voor de krijgsmacht en de militaire industrie, maar het is niet goed voor onze gemeenschappelijke mondiale veiligheid. Die is meer gebaat bij diplomatie, wapenbeheersing en wereldwijde stappen in de richting van ontwapening.

Een Engesltalige versie van dit artikel verscheen eerder op de site van Stop Wapenhandel en is vertaald door het Belgische Vrede.

woensdag 11 januari 2023

Up in arms; disarmament was yesterday?

Disarmament was yesterday. That is how the German press describes the career shift of Rolf Mützenich, the SPD parliamentary leader in the Bundestag. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine the politician, known for his commitment to arms control, sadly has lost many battles. This goes further than German transits of arms to Ukraine. It also includes arms exports to Riyadh, despite the dead of 377,000 Yemenis in a war in which the Saudi’s are a part. Even the German Greens have changed positions on arms sales to Mohammed bin Salman. Domestically Mützenich had to accept acquisition of armed drones by the Bundeswehr. Mützenich worked against the odds for peace and disarmament for two decades, now he has to create parliamentary consent for heavy weapons acquisition and the largest German rearmament since the Cold War.

The German press agency Deutche Welle published an overview of the value of military supplies by European countries to Ukraine in 2022 (until November). The total amount was €27,5 billion. Since then, a number of further decisions is made. In December 2022, Al Jazeera came with an figure of €93,6 billion ($100 bn.) for EU military transfers to Ukraine. Which is less than the total of US$ 110 in the four packets from Washington, but Europe is stepping up its donations too. The Netherlands for example decided to establish a packet of €2.5 billion to support Ukraine in December (for military aid, critical repairs and targeting impunity). The list of (planned) shipments is long. France is set to become the first Western country to deliver tanks to Ukraine. Italy came with more air defence missiles. But the most important change towards the staggering amount of military support to Ukraine came by the last proposal of US lawmakers to donate $45 billion in aid, nearly 20 percent more than the Biden administration had requested.* Investors predict strong performance by the military industry in the coming years. German military company Rheinmetall is already a champion on the stock market and some estimate that the value of the ten largest military companies increased by a staggering $98 billion as a result of the war in Ukraine.

The other effect of the Russian military aggression is the growing military budget of the member states of the European Union since 2014. The European Defence Agency, the EU body to streamline European arms projects, recently published its annual report. EU defence spending surpasses €200 billion for the first time, driven by record defence investments. In 2021 EU defence spending was €214 billion; a 6% increase on 2020 and 7th year in a row of growth. Of these expenditures, the enormous amount of €43 billion will be spend on equipment procurement. Never before was the share of materiel costs so high in the military expenditures (which also covers salaries, maintenace, overhaul, buildings and operational costs like for fuel). It was even slightly higher than the NATOtarget of twenty percent. The online publication Breaking Defense concluded in its forsight on 2023 that European defense spending is no longer a ‘laughing matter‘. While Russia is – not without reason – depicted as military weak, it is on the other hand used as major argument to step up military investments and production. NATO’s seceretary general Stoltenberg is calling for a rise in ammo production levels for the stocks of NATO countries themselves and to support Ukraine.

The Peace Dividend, the possibility to reduce military investments because of the end of the Cold War in the late eighties and early nineties, quickly evaporated and turned into a spending hike following the high-tech Gulf War of 1990-91. After that, high defense spending was legitimized by the war on terrorism, with its major military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. These growing military expenditures came to a halt in the economic crisis of 2007-2008 and kept level until 2014, when Russia annexed the Crimea and NATO re-endorsed its aims of higher military spending at a summit in Wales. While public perception is led to believe in underfunded armed forces, after 2014 military investments where soon at a level as high as the top investments during the Cold War (corrected for inflation). After February 2022, this policy of military investment sailed very strong fair-winds. NATO summarised it like this: “Since Russia’s full-scale attack against Ukraine in February 2022, a majority of Allies have committed to investing more, and more quickly, in defence.” This despite the fact NATO already outspends Russia a number of times (see line diagram). Currently the situation is used to raise the spending even further at the cost of society.**

While the NATO’s military expenditures are back at the level of Cold War investments, what is missing is arms control. In the stalemate between East and West of the past century the warring parties decided to embark on policies of arms control and disarmament. Momentarily it seems Europe focuses almost exclusively on a military answer to the invasion of the Ukraine and the massive supplies of arms are the most visible of this. German scholar Herbert Wolf recently stated the omission of arms control policies and the current military escalation creates a dangerous situation. Control policies should restart, despite the complicated international situation, according to Wolf. So get the diplomats out of the closets. The world needs cooperation to battle the biggest threat of all – not Moscow, not Beijing, but climate change, killing our common future.

Calls for a structural EU arms production increase ignore that the infusion of western arms in Ukraine is an exceptional situation. We are in the middle of a major war and the support to Kyiv is enormous. Comparing the €43 bn. of EU member states annual financial resources spend on domestic procurement to the 110 US + 10 billion plus EU support for the Ukraine military forces (until now) shows how massive this support is. Even more so considering that the most expensive weapon systems, such as fighter aircraft and major naval vessels, are not part of the package.There are limits in ammunition stocks. But if this current extraordinary demand for weaponry did not show shortages that would be peculiar.

The extreme focus on a military approach to security is dangerous in the long term. New capabilities may be hard to create, but it is even harder to reduce them. To develop a structural higher military production capacity – on top of the increases of previous years – for what will be a temporarily disaster, will give arms and the military a more central position in our own societies. That might be good for the armed forces and the military industry, but it is not good for our common global security, which is more helped by diplomacy, arms control and global steps to disarmament.

* The Forum on Arms Trade keeps track of the most of the global transits to Ukraine.
** Read the Stop Wapenhandel/TNI report Smoke Screen of November 2022 for background information.

Written for Stop Wapenhandel

zondag 1 januari 2023

Tweets for December 2022

Latest on top (updated regularly):

“... to forget that we are all citizens of the world, not just citizens of a place, would be a reckless mistake.” Kwame Anthony Appiah. Foreign Affairs march/April 2019.

December 31

By @EmilyKilcrease1 & @sarahbauerle: "US officials must have difficult conversations with allies about how wide the yard and how tall the fence should be with respect to so-called dual-use technologies, those that have both military and commercial uses." https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/illusion-controls

Russia launches fewer missiles at Ukraine with every new massive missile attack, while the intervals between such attacks grow, according to Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense official Andrii Yusov. https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/12/30/russian-capacity-to-launch-massive-missile-attacks-on-ukraine-dwindles-ukraines-intelligence/

December 30

To improve the global human rights situation ;-) Sweden’s Defence Ministry is examining what changes in policy are required, including legislative action, to allow Sweden’s defence groups to obtain export licenses to deliver weapons to Turkey. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/12/29/sweden-finland-try-future-ally-path-with-turkey-in-bid-to-join-nato/


Why is Karachi still a customer for European arms?

Myanmar Junta leaders on Dec. 15 proudly unveiled new fighter jets and attack helicopters purchased from Russia, China and Pakistan at a 75th anniversary celebration of the country’s air force. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/airpower-12292022172130.html

You want something else as beefed up Cold War 2.0 language dressed in the robe of empathy?

Read this piece for ideas by a range of experts aiming for less war, arms control and shrinking military budgets. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/12/30/what-biden-should-do-immediately-to-start-2023-out-right/

Modifications to turn Japanese naval vessel JS Kaga into an F-35B aircraft carrier are nearing completion at a dock in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. But the Japanese armed forces are still called a self defence force. https://news.usni.org/2022/12/29/f-35b-upgrades-near-completion-aboard-japanese-warship-kaga

December 27

#Israel has grounded eleven of its F-35A stealth fighters following the advice of the #F35 Lightning II Joint Program Office #JPO following the crash of a US F-35 Type B fighter jet in Texas. This to determine if they are at risk of a similar malfunction. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bjapl18to

The German government has approved arms exports worth at least €8.35 billion this year, the 2nd-highest annual figure in the country's history.

More than a 1/ of the military equipment delivered in 2022 to December 22 went to Ukraine. https://www.anews.com.tr/economy/2022/12/27/ukraine-war-drives-german-arms-exports-to-exceed-8-billion-in-2022

Wapenfabrikant Rheinmetall is met een koerswinst van 120% de absolute uitblinker in de Europese beursindex in de Stoxx 600, waarin de 600 grootste Europese beursfondsen. https://fd.nl/financiele-markten/1459220/wapenfabrikant-rheinmetall-blinkt-uit-in-europese-beursindex

De wapengrutteer heeft ook in Nederland vestigingen. https://stopwapenhandel.org/app/uploads/2021/09/Rheinmetall_Nederland.pdf

December 26

Nederland stelt in 2023 2,5 miljard euro beschikbaar voor steun aan Oekraïne. Het kabinet verwacht dat dit bedrag nodig is voor militaire steun, ondersteuning bij kritieke herstelwerkzaamheden en bijdragen aan de strijd tegen straffeloosheid. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/actueel/nieuws/2022/12/23/nederland-steun-aan-oekraine-2023-nieuws

Latvian drone company Atlas Dynamics plans to open in early 2023 a research and development factory in Ukraine and later on a production plant in collaboration with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence. https://www.defensenews.com/unmanned/2022/12/23/latvias-atlas-dynamics-to-open-drone-production-plant-in-ukraine/

#Colombia is negotiating the purchase of 16 Dassault's Rafale multirole fighter jets for its Air Force, a deal potentially worth $3.15 billion, according to a news release from the country’s president. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2022/12/23/colombia-begins-negotiations-to-buy-16-rafale-fighter-jets/

Even though the relations between Pakistan and Russia are said to be on an upswing, Islamabad is reported to be supplying weapons and ammunition to Kyiv, according to Geo-Politik citing the report published in the Russian web portal, Riafan. https://www.dtnext.in/world/2022/12/23/pakistan-backstabs-russia-supplies-arms-to-ukraine

The Ministries of Defence of Japan and India have already started a joint arms development project for unmanned vehicles. This is very important because recently, India and Japan have had many differences.
Read more at:

Key Japanese defense contractors, citing low profitability margins and export curbs, are pulling out of the industry even as the government forges ahead with a historic increase in spending to bolster national security. https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14792673

December 25

#Morocco is the country which invaded a neighbouring country itself and keeps it occupied ever since, isn't it?

According to a report by Le Journal de l'Afrique, the Moroccan government has agreed to transfer spare parts for T-72 tanks to #Ukrainia. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221222-morocco-becomes-first-african-country-to-provide-military-aid-to-ukraine/

Colt announces that on December 22 it signed a Joint Venture Agreement with N7 Holding Ltd., Hungarian state-owned. Under the JVA it is planned to establish #Colt CZ #Hungary. Colt CZ Group will own a 51% in the JV and the Hungarian government a 49%. https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/COLT-CZ-GROUP-SE-119082312/news/Colt-CZ-signed-a-joint-venture-agreement-in-Hungary-42604694/

While the US exports its deadly business to the European champion of human rights with a clear view on Russia, Viktor Orbán's Hungary ;-), in the US itself Buffalo (New York) sues gun makers - Colt included -, accusing industry of fueling violence. https://www.reuters.com/legal/buffalo-new-york-sues-gun-makers-accusing-industry-fueling-violence-2022-12-20/

The supply chain that keeps tech flowing to Russia

In March this year, a new firm appeared in Turkey’s corporate registry. Azu International described itself as a wholesale trader of IT products, and a week later began shipping US computer parts to Russia. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/12/24/world/russia-supply-chain-tech/

A top Ukrainian official and presidential aide has called for the "liquidation" of Iranian factories producing missiles and drones, along with other measures to be taken against them and their suppliers. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221225-ukraine-official-calls-for-liquidation-of-iran-arms-trade/

Iranian weapon drones used in the war in Ukraine contained chips supplied from Dutch companies. The British research organization CAR, which is responsible for researching Western technology in Iranian drones, confirmed this to the Dutch newspaper AD. https://nltimes.nl/2022/12/10/dutch-computer-chips-found-iranian-killer-drones-used-war-ukraine

December 22

Romania’s state-owned defense company Romtehnica, acting as a representative of the country’s Ministry of National Defence, has signed a framework agreement with Israel’s Elbit Systems to buy up to seven Watchkeeper X drones. The dealis valued at up $410m. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/12/21/romania-spends-410-million-on-israeli-british-watchkeeper-drones/

Among the recipient countries of Bulgarian arms exports are Austria, Uganda, India, Germany, Poland, Croatia and #Azerbaijan, writes Romanian Agerpres. https://www.tylaz.net/2022/12/21/bulgaria-exported-arms-worth-2-3-billion-euros-to-50-countries-from-january-to-august/

The rationale behind French military sales policy to Middle East is considered weak. 4 of #France's biggest customers in terms of arms sales are Middle Eastern countries: KSA, Egypt, Qatar & UAE. However, France is not such an important supplier for them. https://www.ifri.org/en/espace-media/lifri-medias/frances-strategic-thinking-middle-east-standstill

The UN Security Council adopted a resolution Tuesday relaxing the embargo on arms exports to the Democratic Republic of Congo, a decision hailed by Kinshasa as an “injustice repaired”. https://von.gov.ng/un-security-council-relaxes-arms-embargo-on-d-r-congo/

Morocco to sell US 100+ tanks for Ukraine after Secret Negotiations. Under the deal the US & the Netherlands will buy 90 T-72B MBTs for $95m with an option of 30 more next year. Rabat will provide spare parts. The tanks will be upgraded by Czech Excalibur. https://libertarianinstitute.org/news/morocco-to-sell-us-over-100-tanks-for-ukraine-after-secret-negotiations/

December 21

Scheepswerf De Haas past landingsvaartuigen van de marine aan. https://issuu.com/nmt2020/docs/12901lr_nmt2022_4-5

December 20

24th Annual Report on Arms Exports (for 2021) launched: #EU is a transparent and responsible trader in arms https://eeas.europa.eu/eeas/24th-annual-report-arms-exports-2021-launched-eu-transparent-and-responsible-trader-arms_en
All 8 parts: https://consilium.europa.eu/en/documents-publications/public-register/public-register-search/results/?WordsInSubject=&WordsInText=&DocumentNumber=16164&InterinstitutionalFiles=&DocumentDateFrom=&DocumentDateTo=&MeetingDateFrom=&MeetingDateTo=&DocumentLanguage=EN&OrderBy=DOCUMENT_DATE+DESC&ctl00%24ctl00%24cpMain%24cpMain%24btnSubmit
Database: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eeasqap/sense/app/75fd8e6e-68ac-42dd-a078-f616633118bb/sheet/74299ecd-7a90-4b89-a509-92c9b96b86ba/state/analysis

Complete 24th EU annual report https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p9hd-lCA-2De-3fWZpNwwOh5YwFL0ILT/view?usp=share_link

For a change it isn't France but Sweden which is - in the case of UAE - the biggest 2021 EU arms trader.

What's the share of the #Saudi market in FN #Herstal's arms sales? Wallonian PM Elio Di Rupo didn't like to answer questions by Belgian broadcaster RTBF. https://www.rtbf.be/article/quelle-est-la-part-du-marche-saoudien-dans-les-ventes-d-armes-de-la-fn-herstal-11125809 Recently EDR noted FN's turnover for the Saudi market is estimated at 20%-50% of the company's total.

Dark clouds over Moscow

‘Everybody has weapons’: Russia’s balkanized military sparks civil unrest concerns
The Wagner Group is one of several armed factions that rarely coordinate with Russia's mainline military forces - and more may be forming.

US Representatives introduced the Americas Regional Monitoring of Arms Sales #ARMAS Act, which seeks to disrupt firearm trafficking from the US to Latin America & the Caribbean with stronger transparency, accountability, & oversight mechanisms for exports. https://sires.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/sires-castro-torres-lead-introduction-of-armas-act-to-stem-gun

Defending democracy?
Ethiopia Obtains Phone-hacking Tech From Israeli Firm Cellebrite. The Ethiopian federal police have been using Cellebrite's systems since 2021.

Since the beginning of the civil war (Nov. 2020), 63 journalists have been arrested, most of them Tigrayan. In August, the federal police indicted 111 "unauthorized" digital media outlets claiming incitement to violence, hate-mongering and harming the government. #PressFreedom

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: "...challenges make some want to throw up their hands and give up on international problem-solving and diplomacy. But I end this year with one overriding conviction: this is not a time to sit on the sidelines, it is a time for resolve, determination, and -- yes -- even hope, because despite the limitations and long odds, we are working to push back against despair, to fight back against disillusion and to find real solutions."

#FCAS Phase 1B kicked off after signing contracts for €3.2 billion. The first flight demonstrations are planned for around 2028, with the ultimate goal of bringing the system into service in ... 2040.

Iranian-built drones over Kyiv. Elsewhere in Ukraine, Turkish & US #drones help Ukrainian forces. This demonstrate the growing role of remote-controlled weapons in battle. It also shows how drone exports have increasingly become an instrument of diplomacy. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/dawn-drone-diplomacy

December 19

Wrestling with the war in Ukraine.

The priority is to stop the killing and this can be done at once. Let the Western Left, in solidarity with progressive forces in Ukraine and Russia themselves, take up the burden of campaigning for an armistice, peace. https://znetwork.org/znetarticle/the-left-and-ukraine/

What is the evidence of North Korean arms supplies?

Aside from the claims by US officials, much is guesswork.

IISS @walberque: "if there’s one place I have a little bit less faith in quality control than Russia, it would be North Korea.”

December 18

“We need to be careful about these scarce precious assets,” said Tom Karako, a missile defense expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “While we're only sending one battery, once it's there, it's probably not going to come back." https://breakingdefense.com/2022/12/patriot-missile-system-not-a-panacea-for-ukraine-experts-warn/

December 17

#Pakistan could upgrade Ukraine’s T-80UD tanks despite wanting to stay away from ‘Disputes & Clashes’. Pakistan has been supplying arms and ammunition to #Ukraine since its war with Russia started. https://eurasiantimes.com/pakistan-could-upgrade-ukraines-t-80ud-main-battle-tanks/

December 16

Defense Secretary Austin said the US makes sure it has the inventory it needs. “That hasn’t changed and it won’t change ... We've drawn down capability out of our excess stocks — what we have that was above and beyond what’s necessary to defend ourselves.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-16/pentagon-revs-up-ukraine-weapons-as-it-works-to-replenish-its-stockpiles

December 15

Pratt says F135 upgrade for F-35 would save $40bn over new #engines. https://www.airandspaceforces.com/pratt-f135-upgrade-f-35-save-40-billion-over-new-adaptive-engines/

More on the engines by the CRS: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23395781/f-35-joint-strike-fighter-jsf-engine-options-dec-2-2022.pdf

But the #noise levels are they go up or down? People living near #Dutch AF-bases complain already. https://www.invior.nl/uploads/files/d/5/d537d9c6b3e60d38e95bace1192c5c050c03cd8c.pdf

Hoe de EU wapenhandelaren en
corrupte bedrijven financiert
Wat is het Europees Defensiefonds?

Japanese ruling coalition party Komeito objected to proposed language calling for reworking "as soon as possible" the three principles governing Japan's arms exports, which now essentially ban transfers of lethal weapons to third countries. https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Japan-ruling-bloc-split-over-China-threat-in-defense-policy-review

December 14

Motion passed: the Dutch government must ensure more openness about the "European Peace Fund" where member states are now declaring almost € 8 billion in military aid #blackbox (MB: We will see how this will be exercised.)

Retweet @JaspervanDijkSP: Motie aangenomen: de regering moet zorgen voor meer openheid over het “Europees Vredesfonds” waar lidstaten inmiddels voor bijna 8 miljard aan militaire steun declareren #blackbox

Romanians suspect Damen of channeling profits made in Mangalia to the mother company in the Netherlands. Suspecion is raised because contracts between government in Bucharest and Damen are kept secret. https://www.national.ro/0pp/scandal-cu-olandezii-de-la-damen-mangalia-pierderi-dubioase-raportate-de-4-ani-783153.html

"Greece's Watergate" erupted.

Police Raid #Israeli Spyware Company's Offices in #Greece

Raids on #Intellexa after revelations that dozens of political, military, and media figures were under surveillance. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2022-12-14/ty-article/report-police-raid-israeli-spyware-companys-offices-in-greece/00000185-0f4b-d26d-a1b7-dfdfb9710000

Amphibious America-class ship (which may also be regarded a small aircraft carrier with e.g. 20 to 25 F-35s stationed aboard) cynically and despicable named after 2nd battle (see picture) for #Fallujah part of the US military operations in Iraq. https://news.usni.org/2022/12/13/secnav-names-next-big-deck-amphib-uss-fallujah

Although the US wasn't part of the shooting war in #Yemen, its level of involvement—which in the views of many int lawyers made it a party to the conflict—is part of the trend to increasingly become involved in conflicts without congressional authorization https://www.foreignaffairs.com/yemen/how-end-yemens-forever-war

221222: I was not the only one with second thoughts it seems on the name. Now there is an opinion poll on it in the US military press. A small majority is against. https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2022/12/21/tell-us-what-do-you-think-of-the-navy-ship-name-the-uss-fallujah/

It is rumoured Italian PM #Meloni raised the possibility of purchasing Turkish #Bayraktar drones. “She was mainly interested in them for surveillance purposes against illegal #immigrants,” a Turkish source said. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkey-italy-drones-interest-what-behind

Scholz at submarine baptism in #Kiel With the delivery of two more #submarines, #Germany is strengthening its strategic partnership with the Southeast Asian city-state of #Singapore.

December 13

Airbus Defense and Space has selected the Andalusian plants of Tablada, in Seville, and Cádiz to participate in the industrialization and production of the Eurodrone, the future medium-altitude remotely piloted aerial system (#drone) https://www.diariodecadiz.es/noticias-provincia-cadiz/Airbus-selecciona-Cadiz-Sevilla-proyecto-Eurodrone_0_1747025809.html

Timely seen #Turksih action in Norhtern Syria. #Finland could reconsider its decision taken in 2019 not to sell arms to Turkey to speed up its procedure for joining NATO. https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/finland-may-end-arms-embargo-on-turkey-for-natos-sake/

Critical Infrastructure Targeted; Basic #Rights Endangered. https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/12/07/northeast-syria-turkish-strikes-exacerbate-humanitarian-crisis

EU Council agrees €2bn increase of the #financial ceiling in 2023 for the European Peace Facility (a misnomer for a military fund). More can be added. The total increase of the #EPF overall financial ceiling until 2027 would be up to €5.5bn ('18 prices). https://nsl.consilium.europa.eu/104100/Newsletter/nps4r3rqhjtptutakhqvws2bdxtc75ubwysjyynv7r4gdc2r4ftnfy24s43pqmv7wwgbiebwytzkk

Emirates calls for greater European engagement in the Gulf: 'We need to see action'.

As this is in part a response on the initial block - but later unblocked - US arms transfers. Will growing arms exports to the #UAE be part of the wishlist?

#Yemen https://atalayar.com/en/content/emirates-calls-greater-european-engagement-gulf-we-need-see-action

Pentagon steered $369m in military contracts to Azerbaijan's Silk Way Airlines in exchange for US and NATO access to critical supply routes during the height of America's war in Afghanistan, according to The Washington Post.



Silk Way was in 2004-05 al een goede bekende van de Nederlandse krijgsmacht. (zie tabel 5.2: Onvolledig overzicht (Oosteuropese) vliegtuigen op vliegveld Eindhoven). https://stopwapenhandel.org/app/uploads/2011/02/onzichtbarehandel_mei2006_final.pdf

December 12

De regering moet steun uitspreken voor een kerstbestand in Oekraïne, vinden @WendelaVries en Harrie Lindelauff. ‘Ooit zal er onderhandeld moeten worden. Waarom dan niet nu?’ https://www.parool.nl/columns-opinie/opinie-laat-de-wapens-zwijgen-in-oekraine-en-steun-het-kerstbestand~b614ec54/

Retweet @AirbusDefence: Live at #AirbusTMB . Update on the #A400M for Indonesia: the contract has formally entered into force. We welcome Indonesia to the #A400M family as the 10th operator. https://airbus.com/en/Trade-Media-Briefing

India is planning to acquire 15 more C-295 military transport aircraft for the Navy and CG part of the Tata-Airbus project in addition to 56 ordered C-295's.

The first "Made in India" C-295, which will be able to carry 71 soldiers, is expected in 2026. https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/centre-to-order-15-more-c-295s-from-vadodara-tata-airbus-facility-report-122121200245_1.html

Trade unionists from the #Mangalia Naval Shipyard are protesting at the Ministry of Economy, being dissatisfied with annoucned restructuring. They said the wharf still has 1,500 employees fewer than when Dutch #Damen took over. [in Romanian] https://www.realitatea.net/stiri/actual/val-de-proteste-inainte-de-sarbatori-saracia-ii-scoate-pe-romani-in-strada_63957d461ebe0c66aa25f882

Executive Director of #Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, Arnout Damen said the firm plans to invest 100 million more USD in ship building in #Vietnam. Netherlands is now the biggest EU investor in Vietnam, ranking 8th globally. https://foreignaffairs.co.nz/2022/12/12/mil-osi-asia-pac-pm-commits-all-possible-support-to-dutch-firms/

Damen Shipyards gaat in de komende tien jaar tot $100 mln (€95 mln) investeren in zijn werf in Vietnam. https://fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1460969/scheepsbouwer-damen-shipyards-investeert-tot-100-mln-in-vietnam

Vietnamese innovations include a truck-mounted howitzer, MALE (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and radars. With support from the likes of Dutch shipbuilder Damen, it is also expanding its naval shipbuilding capacity. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/vietnam/vietnam-defense-expo-12082022030531.html/ampRFA

US and Russian defense firms on Thursday displayed weapons and promoted models of aircraft at Vietnam's first large-scale arms fair, as the two powers vie for influence and arms sales in the Southeast Asian country. https://e.vnexpress.net/news/news/us-russia-vie-to-sell-arms-to-vietnam-at-first-hanoi-fair-4545888.html

Something is missing in this sentence: "The arms deal was the ANC’s original sin and set the scene for subsequent corruption and failures of infrastructure projects and service delivery."

It were Western European arms companies involved in the bribes. https://mg.co.za/opinion/2022-12-11-the-arms-deal-was-the-ancs-original-sin-that-set-the-stage-for-corruption-in-south-africa-today/

December 11

The Finlandization of Ukraine – an option that should have been pursued before the war – is probably the most promising for an end on the war. While Ukraine will have to give up NATO membership, its accession to the EU should be accepted by Russia. https://www.brusselstimes.com/opinion/335434/it-is-in-wests-interest-to-end-the-war-in-ukraine

December 10

Chips van Nederlandse bedrijven zijn aangetroffen in dodelijke drones die op Oekraïne zijn afgevuurd. Hoe technologie uit een gehoorapparaat of broodrooster terechtkomt in 'n 'killerdrone'. Als je hoort dat jouw spullen in raketten zitten die mensen vermoorden, komt dat hard aan.

Retweet @m_nieuwenhuis: Nederlandse huis-tuin-en- keukenchips in killerdrones: bedrijven geschokt. https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/nederlandse-huis-tuin-en-keukenchips-in-killerdrones-bedrijven-geschokt~af6b3105/

Saudi's said it would stop doing business with foreign firms that don’t have their regional HQ's in the Kingdom early 2024. Analysts note that threat hasn't carried much weight. https://breakingdefense.com/2022/12/saudi-arabia-demanded-defense-firms-set-up-in-country-by-2024-so-far-most-seem-unmoved/

Companies like Thales already have a footprint in Ryad https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/countries/middle-east-africa/saudi-arabia

December 9

Dutch report on F-35 noise: Horrible compared with F-16. (Verschrikkelijk veel lawaai! Bijna asociaal tov dat van de F-16’). Citizens surrouding air base are very negative (especially those under the routes the planes take). https://www.invior.nl/uploads/files/d/5/d537d9c6b3e60d38e95bace1192c5c050c03cd8c.pdf

Retweet @_ENAAT: Latest issue of our Newsletter"News from the Brussels' Bubble" is online, providing main news of the month on #EU militarisation https://enaat.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/ENAAT-NBB-2022-5_02.12.22.pdf #noEUmoney4arms #Europeandefence #EuropeanDefenceFund

Retweet @EUDefenceAgency: #EUdefence spending surpasses €200 billion for first time, driven by record defence investments. Spending by 26 states in 2021 €214 bn 6% increase on 2020 7th year of growth €43 bn equipment procurement 1.5% GDP 18 states increased spending #EDAconf22. https://eda.europa.eu/news-and-events/news/2022/12/08/european-defence-spending-surpasses-200-billion-for-first-time-driven-by-record-defence-investments-in-2021

Pentagon awards Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle $9bn cloud contract. JWCC is a multi-vendor, multi-#cloud follow up to the infamous single-source Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure #JEDI contract, which was worth up to $10bn and canceled in 2021. https://breakingdefense.com/2022/12/pentagon-awards-google-amazon-microsoft-oracle-9b-cloud-contract/

The biggest lesson the West needs to learn is to have massive stockpiles of artillery shells and missiles. https://www.politico.eu/article/europes-war-lessons/

With an $858 billion!!! plan Congress on Tuesday night unveiled plans for a compromise defense authorization bill that would boost the military budget by 8% over fiscal 2022 levels, setting up a vote in the House as soon as Wednesday. https://www.defensenews.com/congress/budget/2022/12/07/congress-reveals-plan-to-increase-defense-budget-by-8/

The preliminary estimate – carried out by the Mil€x Observatory based on the tables presented by the Italian government with the new Budget Law – shows an MoD budget increase of over € 800 million. https://www.milex.org/2022/12/02/italian-military-expenditure-to-rise-in-2023/

Berlin optimistically forecasts that military procurement spending will dramatically increase to reach a target of €15 billion by 2024, jumping from €9.9 billion set to be spent on equipment in 2022. https://breakingdefense.com/2022/12/germany-looks-to-close-peacetime-capability-gaps-targets-e15b-procurement-budget-by-2024/

‘Ukrainian officials and lawmakers have in recent months urged the Biden administration and members of Congress to provide the Ukrainian military with cluster munition warheads, weapons that are banned by more than 100 countries.’ https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/07/politics/ukraine-cluster-munitions-us-war-russia

Retweet @bitsoffreedom: Belangrijke stap in deze zaak over anti-spieksoftware: het College vindt dat het vermoeden van discriminatie overtuigend is aangetoond, en geeft de universiteit nog een kans te bewijzen dat daar geen sprake van is geweest. To be continued dus! https://www.mensenrechten.nl/actueel/nieuws/2022/12/09/eerste-keer-vermoeden-van-algoritmische-discriminatie-succesvol-onderbouwd

Retweet @ForumArmsTrade: Preventing US weapons from escaping Ukraine is a challenge @jbcohen92 https://thehill.com/opinion/congress-blog/3766309-preventing-us-weapons-from-escaping-ukraine-is-a-challenge/

December 7

US Hawk or Dove a $ 500 billion+ difference for the American taxpayer. But also the average propsals by Democrats and Republican combined will run into a hundreds of billions increase of military expenditures.

After months of drama, France, Germany resolve industrial fight over next-gen fighter

One analyst described the final agreement between #Dassault and #Airbus as clearly a “French victory, a German capitulation.” #FCAS

[Opinion] There has been little public scrutiny of those who are profiting from the misery in Ukraine — the arms industry. By @DondeNiamh of the @TNInstitute #arms #weapons #Nato #Ukraine https://euobserver.com/opinion/156518

Israel’s #NSO bets its future on Netanyahu’s comeback. https://www.ft.com/content/88379bcd-2d99-427f-86e1-bcc841cb609f

Other states pass Swiss companies. The Netherlands and Denmark wanted to order ammunition from Switzerland, but cecause of the War Material Act, the order went abroad. The act forbids to export weapons to countries involved in an armed conflict. https://www.bazonline.ch/zwei-weitere-natostaaten-trauen-schweizer-ruestungsfirmen-nicht-mehr-507242406461

“The Pentagon routinely understates the costs of major systems, and I expect the B-21 to be no different,” — @WilliamHartung @wjhenn @TIME https://time.com/6238168/b-21-raider-bomber-us-military-exclusive/

Taiwan thanks US over latest F-16, C-130 support package. https://focustaiwan.tw/politics/202212070007

Retweet @PAXforpeace: The new @conflictarm report investigates the origin of components of drones used in attacks in northeast Syria. They include electromagnetic brakes made by the Dutch company Kendrion. https://www.conflictarm.com/perspectives/missile-components-used-in-drone-attacks-in-northeast-syria/

Turkish missiles used in Syria include Europe-produced parts. https://apnews.com/article/europe-middle-east-business-syria-turkey-2bef8427d80830305a2c614cd9163dae

Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism granted two loans to #Airbus for a total of € 2,137 million to finance the #Spanish participation between 2022 and 2028 in the Tigre MK III #helicopters (€707m) and Euromale RPAS #drones (€1,429m). https://www.lavanguardia.com/economia/20221205/8634955/gobierno-reparte-2-100-millones-airbus-helicopteros-drones.html

#Indonesia's Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto has recently met his counterparts from various countries in a bid to finalise several military equipment acquisition deals with #France (Airbus, Dassault and Naval Group), #US (Boeing), and #Turkey (Roketsan). https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/indonesia-ageing-military-equipment-turkey-missiles-us-f15-3122611

After months of drama, France, Germany resolve industrial fight over next-gen fighter. One analyst described the final agreement between #Dassault and #Airbus as clearly a “French victory, a German capitulation.” #FCAS https://breakingdefense.com/2022/12/after-months-of-drama-france-germany-resolve-industrial-fight-over-next-gen-fighter/

Retweet @PAXforpeace: The new @conflictarm report investigates the origin of components of drones used in attacks in northeast Syria. They include electromagnetic brakes made by the Dutch company Kendrion. https://www.conflictarm.com/perspectives/missile-components-used-in-drone-attacks-in-northeast-syria/

Turkish missiles used in Syria include Europe-produced parts. https://apnews.com/article/europe-middle-east-business-syria-turkey-2bef8427d80830305a2c614cd9163dae

Retweet @ElluinA:
How EU-made shotgun cartridges ended up being used to repress protests in Iran https://observers.france24.com/en/middle-east/20221125-iran-protests-eu-shotgun-cartridges-cheddite-sanctions via @Observers

Head of the South African National Conventional Arms Control Committee didn't explain why arms exports were on hold while there are no sanctions against Turkey, Poland etc. He hinted at the risk of diversion of destructive weapons, presumably to Ukraine. https://www.defenceweb.co.za/featured/billions-of-rands-worth-of-sa-defence-exports-on-hold/

Pressure on neutrality. German politicians are fed up. They came to the conclusion that #Switzerland cannot be relied on as an armaments partner in times of war. https://switzerlandtimes.ch/politics/commoners-want-to-facilitate-arms-exports/

Russia is burning through its munitions stockpiles at an “extraordinary” rate as its invasion of Ukraine grinds on into its 10th month, the US’s top intelligence official said Saturday. It doesn't have enough ability to replace those weapons on its own. https://www.defensenews.com/smr/reagan-defense-forum/2022/12/04/russia-burning-through-ammunition-in-ukraine-at-extraordinary-rate/

1/2 #Pentagon announced an effort to help smaller companies bridge “valley of death” between tech development & revenue-generating contracts with the creation of a new office connecting companies with private #capital, the Office of Strategic Capital #OSC. https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/budget-policy-operations/pentagon-creates-office-connect-contractors-private-capital

2/2 REAGAN NATIONAL DEFENSE FORUM — The Pentagon’s top civilian Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said today. “We’re not setting aside a billion dollars of our own pot of money to fund this. That’s not the intent of this,” she told. https://breakingdefense.com/2022/12/pentagon-officials-tout-new-office-aimed-at-linking-defense-startups-with-private-funds/

De politieke onenigheid over een geblokkeerde exportvergunning i.v.m. onderhoud van ‘Brits nucleair militair materiaal’ doet de vraag rijzen België medeplichtig wil zijn aan 'n nucleaire wapenwedloop, schrijft Stefan Nieuwinckel van Pax Christi Vlaanderen. https://www.mo.be/opinie/willen-we-medeplichtig-zijn-aan-een-nucleaire-wapenwedloop

France and Italy recorded a 15% increase in arms sales among the 100 biggest arms companies, the biggest overall rise.

As for Russia, six companies were included with total sales of 17.8 billion dollars – a 0.4% increase from 2020.


While communicate the Western arms industry is at the borders of its capabilities is cascading on the news consumer daily, very large military acquisition come in also regulary, like this one: US Army makes largest helicopter award in 40 years. https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2022/12/05/us-army-makes-largest-helicopter-award-in-40-years/

#Estonia has signed a contract with the United States to purchase six M142 #HIMARS launchers, joining a rapidly expanding group of Eastern European allies who eye the weapons in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/12/05/estonia-buys-himars-as-eastern-allies-boost-artillery-arsenals/

#Brunei is adding to its transport aircraft fleet, ordering an unspecified number of #Airbus #C295MW military transport aircraft. The contract was signed on Dec. 2 in Brunei between the Southeast Asian nation and Airbus. https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/aircraft-propulsion/brunei-orders-multiple-airbus-c295-transports

December 5

Since President Biden took over the office, Washington has identified Beijing as the most consequential challenge to the US. This rhetoric is working; many important Indo-Pacific countries have already doubled their arms buys & the biggest seller: the US.

Arms sales have grown for #China & South #Korea because of the war in #Ukraine & regional tensions. But there is a trend in Chinese military exports of "providing systematic solutions rather than individual weapons, which would be a comparative advantage". https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3201841/are-chinas-integrated-arms-systems-match-south-korean-rivals

A train with military equipment for US troops went off the rails near a port in the city of Alexandroupolis in northern Greece, the Greek Communist Party's (KKE) news portal 902.gr reported. https://hellas.postsen.com/local/188259/Alexandroupoli-A-train-carrying-US-war-material-derailed.html

In collaboration with South Korea, the Netherlands is organising a summit on Responsible Artificial Intelligence #AI in the #Military Domain: the REAIM Summit 2023.

Participating: UN, EU, NATO, Airbus, Thales, IBM, BAE Systems, PAX, TNO, SIPRI and more. https://www.government.nl/latest/news/2022/12/01/registration-open-for-reaim-summit-2023

Activists staged a sit-in at the offices of #Thales in Sydney on Thursday, claiming the company's Bushmaster armoured vehicles were linked to war crimes in West #Papua. https://www.bendigoadvertiser.com.au/story/8003979/thales-in-protester-crosshairs-over-weapons-use/

Accord sur l’avion de chasse européen du futur. https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2022/12/02/armement-dassault-et-airbus-confirment-leur-accord-sur-le-scaf-la-cooperation-franco-allemande-relancee_6152634_3234.html

Dassault und Airbus einigen sich über Bau eines neuen Kampfjets https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/unternehmen/airbus-und-dassault-einigen-sich-ueber-kampfjet-18506461.html

Dassault and Airbus reach agreement on FCAS

The Indian Air Force is considering replacing its Antonov-32 planes with the #Airbus C-295s to modernise its transport fleet when the Soviet-origin workhorse comes up for retirement sometime after 2030, senior officials said on Friday. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/iaf-considers-replacing-an-32-with-c-295-to-modernise-fleet-101670008161968.html

Japan plans to put off for now a tax hike intended to finance a plan to double the country’s military spending from 1% now to 2% of GDP in 2027, a government source said Sunday. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/3202031/japan-postpones-tax-hike-meant-cover-higher-defence-spending


Sluitpost geworden? Ja begin jaren negentig en na de economische crisis van 2008. Maar verder is er gestage groei van de militaire uitgaven in Nederland? We zitten al weer op Koude Oorlogs niveau. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2022/12/05/defensie-moet-mensen-werven-en-zich-niet-verschuilen-achter-bewapende-robots-a4150404

De 100 grootste wapenbedrijven leverden in 2021 wapens en andere militaire diensten voor in totaal €561 miljard. Dat bedrag is 1,9% hoger dan in het jaar ervoor. Dat blijkt uit een nieuw rapport van het SIPRI. https://www.nu.nl/buitenland/6240224/internationale-wapenhandel-minder-hard-gegroeid-vanwege-coronapandemie.html

The arms sales of the SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies totalled $592 billion in 2021—an increase of 1.9 per cent in real terms compared with 2020. #ArmsIndustry

New SIPRI data on the Top 100 arms companies out now 

December 4

Pentagon unveils first strategic bomber in over 30 years. The #nuclear-capable B-21 Raider by #Northrop Grumman is a component in US’s effort to counter #China.
The previous one is notorious for its costs and failures.
Arms race instead of arms control.

Protest at ‘direct links’ between #Wales Anglesey airbase and #Yemen bombing campaign. https://nation.cymru/news/protest-at-direct-links-between-anglesey-airbase-and-yemen-bombing-campaign/

Agathe Demarais, wrote last week in Foreign Policy: “Sanctions are almost never watertight — but any leakage will probably not be enough for Russia to replenish its missile stocks, especially if the war continues unabated in the coming months.”

Gen. Onno #Eichelsheim, the Commander of Dutch military forces on the sidelines of the Halifax Security Forum last month about the challenge of reconciling his military’s plans to ramp up its own capabilities and readiness against the drive to arm Ukraine. https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2022/12/03/dutch-defense-chief-talks-ukraine-help-and-stocking-ammo-for-nato/

December 3

For the text in English just put 'https' in front of this url anfenglish.com/news/sweden-extradites-kurdish-asylum-seeker-to-turkey-64080 (twitter has problems with this website.)

The Missile Technology Control Regime #MTCR is a cornerstone of the non-proliferation architecture. However, geopolitical & technical developments and operational challenges threaten the regime’s effectiveness and create a need for reform in several areas. https://www.sipri.org/publications/2022/other-publications/missile-technology-control-regime-crossroads-adapting-regime-current-and-future-challenges

Krauss-Maffei Wegmann #KMW kondigt strategische intensivering met het in #Ulm gevestigde #Elbit Deutschland en Elbit Systems Land aan. Achtergrond is de modernisering en capaciteitsuitbreiding van het European Multiple Launch Rocket System #MLRS/#MARS II. https://www.dutchdefencepress.com/kmw-en-elbit

For those who still hold the opinion #Qatar2022 is about football (soccer). It is just a little bit besies business, politics, sportwash and a gigantic military opportunity.
US forces monitor Mideast skies at Qatar base amid World Cup.

How one NATO member frustrates the operations of an other; Turkey versus the US, in favour of ISIS and against the Kurds. US military halts patrols against Islamic State in Syria. https://www.armytimes.com/flashpoints/2022/12/02/us-military-halts-patrols-against-islamic-state-in-syria/

Royal Navy Awards Contract for Europe’s Largest Drone Submarine
The 12-meter (39-foot), 17-ton vessel will enhance the service’s capacity to protect critical infrastructure and monitor sub-sea activity, the navy stated. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2022/12/02/royal-navy-drone-submarine/

Does this somewhat erode the argumentation in the advertisement disguised as article by Naval Forces.
Eagerly underlined by #Saab_Damen Lees hier welke en waarom seabed warfare juist nu zo belangrijk is. https://twitter.com/SAAB_DAMEN/status/1598210288888778753 #wereldtijdschrift

December 2

Navantia and Saudi Arabia sign an agreement for another 5 warships @CentreDelas reminded the Spanish Government that the sale of weapons to countries in armed conflict is illegal. Saudi Arabia leads the coalition in the war against Yemen (377,000 dead 2014-2021) https://www.navantia.es/es/actualidad/notas-prensa/arabia-saudi-firma-con-navantia-un-acuerdo-para-otros-cinco-buques-para-su-armada/

And the winner is:
Raytheon wins $1.2 billion surface-to-air missile order for Ukraine. It takes 24 months lead time to produce and deliver NASAMS, though the Army and industry are looking for ways to shorten that timeline.

And the other winner:
#Lockheed Martin has won a $431 million contract from the US Army to produce M142 #HIMARS launchers at full rate with the aim of rapidly replenishing the stocks of the U.S. and its allies and partners who sent arms to #Ukraine. https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2022/12/02/lockheed-gets-himars-contract-to-replenish-stock-sent-to-ukraine/

For drones to operate in contested airspace, autonomy is key. UAVs capable of operating independently from human control will still, however, require the ability to talk to each other within a swarm while being jammed. https://breakingdefense.com/2022/12/for-uas-to-operate-autonomously-in-contested-airspace-remove-the-human-in-the-loop/

Thales Alenia Space, a joint venture between Thales and Leonardo, will partner with the European Space Agency to develop new artificial intelligence-powered space-based systems for Earth Observation. A a joint team will be established to oversee research. https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/THALES-4715/news/Thales-Leonardo-JV-To-Co-develop-AI-based-Space-Technologies-For-Earth-Observation-42447617/

Missile defenc: Every next-gen US Navy ship will defend against ballistic missiles and other threats with the same radar — the SPY-6. https://breakingdefense.com/2022/11/every-next-gen-navy-ship-will-defend-against-ballistic-missiles-and-other-threats-with-the-same-radar-the-spy-6/

Raanan Horowitz, the president and CEO of Elbit Systems of America gives advise how to speed up military production in and for the United States. https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/budget-policy-operations/opinion-how-expand-capacity-us-defense-industrial-base

December 1

Biden should stop providing weapons to new Israeli gov't -ex-US ambassador
Ex-diplomat Daniel Kurtzer and negotiator Aaron David Miller call on the US to limit interaction with Ben-Gvir and Smotrich. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-723701

The armies of the NATO countries are supposed to keep ammunition for 30 days of fighting. Germany probably has a maximum of two days. Exact numbers on the ammunition stocks of the Bundeswehr are secret. https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/bundeswehr-munitionsmangel-103.html


A substantial number of arms from Libya still finds its way to the Lake Chad Region & other parts of the #Sahel. "Weapons being used for the war in #Ukraine and Russia are equally beginning to filter to the region," said #Nigerian president #Buhari. https://saharareporters.com/2022/11/30/weapons-russia-ukraine-war-now-slipping-africa-used-terrorists-buhari

#Colombian Navy buys #Damen frigate, ocean patrol ship and a logistics support ship. Cost $ 440 million. Vice Admiral Francisco Hernando Cubides Granados said the new ships will protect Colombia's interests on both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts. https://www.onalert.gr/eksoplismoi/sigma-10514-proso-olotachos-gia-tin-kataskeyi-tis-protis-neas-fegatas-gia-tin-kolomvia/491656/