donderdag 6 juni 2024

My tweets (or X's) for May

 Latest on top (updated regularly):

May 23

Protest tegen het voortduren van de bloedige oorlogen in Oekraïne en Gaza en pleidooi voor wapenstilstand, diplomatie en onderhandelingen.

Vrijdag 24 mei, 18.00 uur, Spui, Amsterdam!

Sprekers Benjamin Baars, Hannah van Binsbergen en Justus van Oel dragen hun eigen gedichten voor en er is muziek. Twee minuten stilte om slachtoffers aan beide kanten te herdenken. Geef Ons Vrede.

​Zie verder voor actualisering van programma;

#ASML en de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven #TUe breiden hun samenwerking fors uit. Ze gaan meer gezamenlijk onderzoek doen op het gebied van onder andere plasmafysica, mechatronica, optica en kunstmatige intelligentie #AI.

May 22

#Swedish MoD Johnson says #arms output ramp-up to take time.

Pal Johnson may be right. But it will need more than a Eisenhower, and even more time, to take a future U-turn and downgrade private military industries back to normality.

Next: #Poland’s Left MP Maciej Konieczny has raised concerns about Poland’s past arms exports to #Israel, urging for #transparency on the issue.,polish-mp-questions-arms-exports-to-israel

But will it stop?

“US Commerce Department issues #antiboycott compliance advisory on #Turkey”

Such a reaction on US boycot policies is almost impossible by all nations, without exception, on pain of severe sanctions by Washington.

Greenpeace UK’s Areeba Hamid on successful High Court challenge against Sunak’s anti-protest law:

There’s nothing ‘extreme’ about stopping fossil fuel companies from causing climate mayhem or blocking arms exports that could be used to commit war crimes.

"The ethics of arms exports: the UK’s role in the Gaza conflict. Despite evidence of serious violations, the UK Government has failed to act" (as has many others).

#Zweedse satellietbouwer #AAC_Clyde_Space verwerft rechten voor lasertechnologie van #TNO.

#Swedish satellite builder AAC Clyde Space acquires rights for laser technology from TNO.

Not only continuing arming #Israel, but an extra investment.

Amid influence of #Starlink, #Thales buys Israeli company #Get SAT, Aaron Brosnan, president of Thales subsidiary #Tampa_Microwave, said in an interview. Thales in #France based.

Russia starts ‘tactical #nuclear #drills’ near #Ukraine border.

‘First stage’ of exercises involves Iskander and Kinzhal #hypersonic missiles and is seen as a #warning to Ukraine’s Western allies.

May 21

The way forward:

Beijing and Washington should set aside political differences and work together to reduce risks of nuclear proliferation in northeast Asia, Chinese and American scholars said this week.

Chinese weapons are known to be cheaper than US weapons and suit the needs of budget-conscious Bangkok. But the functioning of the fitted CHD620 engine is unproven and would pose a safety hazard for the crew, and reliability is, therefore, a key concern.

The deal has to involve the CHD engine because #German #MTU did not get an arms export permit. This pointed to the fact German-made 396 SE84 diesel seems to power all the Song-class ( and Yuan-class ( subs China operates.

Tjonge oog voor #mensenrechten werd bestraft door de #Nederlandse krijgsmacht. #Indonesië

Joop de Hoog weigerde als achttienjarige militair om een kampong in brand te steken – de #krijgsraad gaf hem twee jaar #cel.

#China’s military showed its machine gun-equipped #robot battle “dogs” at the start of its biggest-ever drills with #Cambodian forces. Handlers kept the dogs of war on the leash, demonstrating only their walking capabilities, not their shooting skills.

The other side.

An orange-&-white F-16 #US fighter jet was launched. The aerial combat that followed was unlike any other: This #F16 was controlled by artificial intelligence #AI, not a human pilot. Riding in the front seat was Air Force Secretary Kendall.

Not the nicest record to break: #Australia revealed its federal budget for fiscal year 2024-25. Canberra allocated a record $36.8bn to the military, up 6.3% compared to last year, with #nuclear-powered #subs taking a much enlarged portion of the budget.

MbS prepares state visit to #Madrid with defence contracts in sights. #Saudi crown prince is expected in Spain before the end of the month for an official state visit that's intended to consolidate the good relations between Spain and Saudi Arabia. Paywall,110227561-art

Europe Wants to Build a Stronger Defense Industry, but Can’t Decide How.

Conflicting political visions, competitive jockeying and American dominance stand in the way of a more coordinated and efficient military machine.

@DefensieMin: The Netherlands will presently provide the Ukranian armed forces with YPR armoured infantry fighting vehicles with remote control weapon stations, following @zelenskyyua's request. It is vital that all countries continue to contribute to Ukraine. #UDCG.


#China has managed to dodge #Nvidia chip sanctions by purchasing server products from Super Micro Computer, Dell & Taiwan's Gigabyte through resellers. Claims were reported they then made their way to Chinese uni's & scientific research centers.

EDGE Group and Fincantieri team up for $434m patrol vessel contract.

The JV, dubbed Maestral, "will be awarded prime rights to non-NATO orders and a number of strategic orders placed by selected NATO member countries..."

See also:

Retweet @FrankSlijper: Dutch MoD has leased the MV Southern Rock from Hartman Seatrade for strategic transport on a more permanent basis. The ship arrived in Dakar, Senegal on 15 May with its first load of equipment for US AFRICOM's multinational Exercise African Lion 2024.

Italian-UAE #arms #exports. When the joint venture by #UAE #Edge & #Italian #Ficantieri was announced in Feb, the firms said it would aim to trade vessels to countries by using the UAE’s knowhow in government-to-government deals as well as its export credit financing packages.

Retweet with comment @FrankSlijper: UAE buys patrol vessels from Edge Group - Fincantieri joint venture.

May 19

To be proud of?

Dutch military expenses grew from 1,16% of GDP (€9bn) in 2017, to almost €23bn (2% of GDP in '24), aiming for €31bn (almost 2,5% of GDP in '30), far ahead of other Western European countries.

At the cost of what?

May 18

The European Union preaches peace and sells war : how Europe is arming murderous and oppressive regimes in the Middle East.

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers introduced a bill on May 5, 2024 imposing #export_control on AI systems to prevent exploitation of US #AI models and other enabling tech by foreign adversaries, a press release by the FA Committee stated.

#Lockheed Martin could potentially park 84 #F35s in temporary storage before receiving approval to resume deliveries with a software update, #GAO stated.

GAO Program Continues to Encounter Production Issues and Modernization Delays

Lockheed running out of parking space amid F-35 delays, says GAO.

Backlog of upgraded F-35s could take a year to clear: GAO

#Spain blocks #arms #ship from Chennai to #Israel The #Denmark-flagged cargo ship Marianne Danica sailed from Chennai on April 8 and was headed to the port of Haifa in Israel, according to maritime tracking portals. (180524, 14.03)

Wat gaat het extreem rechtse kabinet doen met de excuses voor het extreme geweld in de Indonesische. #onafhankelijkheidsoorlog? De #PVV wil dat die excuses worden ingetrokken. Doe dat niet, zegt historicus en voormalig #Niod-directeur Frank van Vree.

New report details exposes extensive links between the arms trade and the University of Sheffield.

Arming for Cold War 2.0?

To counter #China, the #US must strengthen #ammunition production. In this op-ed, retired Maj. Gen. James Marks discusses the importance of domestic #nitrocellulose production to keep up with America’s needs.

Kamikaze drones for US Special Forces

Teledyne FLIR’s ‘new’ Rogue 1 loitering munition has been under SOCOM contract for two years.

May 16

Blog: #AI and #autonomous weapons systems: the time for action is now.

Now? In a world in disaray? How to get all parties developing such systems aboard while the world is heading towards a Cold War 2.0?

  • #Cease_Fires_Now!
  • #Diplomacy_over_Militarism!

@_ENAAT May 16: A useful overview by @Saferworld for those not so familiar with the issue #autonomousweapons

Trade war effects:
#Robocar supplier sues US, disputes alleged #Chinese #military ties.
#Hesai Group says it only serves civilian, commerical market.
Company says its plans to build US facility are now disrupted.


Air power adepts will gather in #Berlin (5-7/11/24), once again for the International Fighter conference- regarded as the most influential conference in the world on #combat_air.

Presence of Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, SAAB & Top Aces.

Japanese students demand 'end to military research with Israel'.

Demonstrations in favour of Palestine have been held in Japan, South Korea as well as in Australia.

Belgische NGO’s dagen #Israëlisch scheepvaartbedrijf #ZIM voor de rechter: ‘illegale wapenhandel via #Antwerpse haven’.

Nederlandse PZC: NGO’s dagen Israëlisch scheepvaartbedrijf voor de rechter: "Illegale wapenhandel via Antwerpse haven"

Over 700 Australian lawyers call to (...)

8. cancel all defence contracts with any Israeli defence contractors involved in Gaza such as Elbit Systems and cancellation of any arms purchases/imports from Israel while the risk of genocide in Gaza continues;

“The choice to open an ammunition facility in Indonesia reflects the [United Arab Emirate’s] steady progress in climbing the so-called ‘ladder of production’ in the defense industry,” analyst Leonardo Jacopo Maria Mazzucco told Breaking Defense.

May 15

The UK MoD picked 90 companies and organizations from industry and academia to compete for a £1 billion (US $1.26 billion) program to develop hypersonic missile capabilities.

This and a general overview of global hypersonic weapons development.

Germany & France want to show leadership in order to keep geopolitical influence in Europe. While their ideas were controversial, they were certainly beneficial to their arms industries (proven influential in national decisions for EUmilitary integration).

@POTUS moves forward with $1bn in new #arms for #Israel, The Wall Street Journal reported. The deal is set to include a potential transfer of $700m in tank ammo, $500m in tactical vehicles and $60m in mortar rounds, the report said.

Activists have blocked the entrance to a Glasgow factory which produces parts for Israeli drones, as they protest against the ongoing war in the Gaza strip.

#Thales plant in #Glasgow shut down in Palestine protest.

POLICE have arrested four protesters after dramatic clashes outside an arms factory in Scotland.

May 14

#ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on Transnational Crime #SOMTC is calling on all its members across the region to share information in a timely way, to crack down effectively on illegal transnational #arms #smuggling.

#Indian companies under scrutiny for #arms export to Israel amidst conflict with #Palestine

Reports reveal Indian defence entities' involvement in arms trade with #Israel, sparking debates on India's stance.

The #Dutch government, one of the architects of the European #Leopard 2 supply to #Ukraine, has placed no caveats on the weapons’ frontline use, as confusion swirls over a report that #US military leaders wanted American #Abrams sidelined from combat.

#China's domestic arms exports have recently suffered #setbacks, triggering a lot of speculation from the outside world. Some people question whether the continuous setbacks in China's domestic arms exports are due to quality issues? #Thailand #submarines

US in Africa: The secret wars. Article in context of Al Shabaab attack on Kenian military base, in which 2 US pilots and US soldier died, 2 other US military were wounded, 6 surveillance planes & helicopters were destroyed, and the airfield in flames.

University of #Sydney students show solidarity with Gaza. Greens NSW Senator Shoebridge called on the university management to end its co-operation with #military #research “as weapons that kill civilians are being developed here” and “this must stop”.

In the #Netherlands, #Naval_Group's #submarine offer was €1,5 billion cheaper than #Saab-#Damen's.

The chief of the South #Korean arms procurement agency has held talks with #Malaysia's defense minister on ways to expand arms industry cooperation, his office said Monday, amid #Seoul's drive to clinch more arms sales to #Southeast_Asian countries.

De Joods-Israëlische antropologe Maya Wind boekstaafde de verwevenheid van Israëlische universiteiten met staat & leger. Ze pleit voor 'n academische #boycot. ‘Het zijn grondig gemilitariseerde instituten die in dienst staan van bezetting en apartheid.’

‘Geen enkele universiteit in Israël gaat vrijuit’, zegt onderzoeker over hun rol bij de onderdrukking van Palestijnen.

#General_Dynamics has teamed with Israeli company #Elbit Systems to supply #unmanned turreted mortar systems to a unnamed European military customer.

Earlier Elbit sold the same system to #Romania.

@FrankSlijper: "Het is absurd om nu met Israël samen te werken, gezien het grote risico op #Israëlische schendingen van het #oorlogsrecht. Het risico op #genocide is levensgroot, en je moet blind zijn om dat niet te zien."

Putin’s nomination of top economic official Andrei Belousov as defence minister is a sign of the importance the #Russian leader places on the #war_economy in gaining the upper hand in what he expects will be a #long conflict against #Ukraine, analysts say.

Manchester University targeted in protest over complicity in Gaza war: "They also partner with BAE Systems," the statement said.

May 9

Students at #University of Sapienza in #Rome begin encampment for Palestine. Law student Federico underlined that their actions aim to press the university to stop cooperation with Israel and the government to halt #arms #exports to the country.

Josh Paul, a former US state department official who resigned over the “expanded and expedited” provision of lethal arms to Israel, has told that the Biden administration’s decision to #suspend a #bomb shipment to Israel was “not a moment to celebrate”.

@CTWnl bracht in november op basis van openbare onderzoekssubsidiegegevens van de EU in kaart welke samenwerkingsverbanden er bestaan tussen #Nederlandse #universiteiten en #Israëlische universiteiten, instellingen en bedrijven op veiligheidsvlak. Meer:

Universiteiten geven meer openheid over banden met Israël, maar boycot gaat ze te ver.

Special Operation Forces #SOF are testing ways to add loitering munitions or #kamikaze drones and other payloads to the medium-size, 60-foot #watercraft used to insert and extract #SEAL teams on special missions.

Another approach is possible

After 2 days of UB protest camp University of Barcelona faculty passes motion calling to break academic relations with Israel.

Pro-Palestine #protesters disrupt US tech billionaire talk at #university.

Republican Party donor and founder of #Palantir, Peter Thiel accused of profiting from genocide during appearance at #Cambridge.

Defence contractor pleads guilty to #fraud, money laundering and unlawful #export of military data. It was falsely claimed that military components were produced in the US, "when in fact, the parts were being manufactured by Ozcan and Simsek in #Turkey."

#Airbus US finalizes acquisition of Aerovel as it eyes low-cost #drone market. Airbus would also likely respond to a recent request for information on drone capabilities that could replace the Navy’s MQ-8C Fire Scout uncrewed helicopters, said CEO of ...

#Airbus acquires small #drone maker #Aerovel, eyes #Replicator business.

#Japan sells lethal weapons responding to US demand, using Ukraine as excuse.

It is reported Japan’s recent policy change to sell s to the US arms a break from its pacifist principle. However, Washington & Tokyo have been watering it down for a long time.

May 8

Why #Ukraine Should Keep Striking Russian Oil Refineries. US Fears About Energy Markets Are Misplaced, is stated in Foreign Affairs.

Fears about CO2 emissions are a luxury, forget about the #ClimateCrisis. #War is a dirty business, live or die with it.

Students set up a camp at the Free University, Berlin. They demand that the university should call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and stop German arms exports. University management and the police are taking tough action.!6006162/

#Slovak #Azerbaijan militarry relations re-established.

Historically, the upgraded Dana howitzers and RM-70 Vampire grenade launchers manufactured by the #Czech arms company #Strnad were crucial in Azerbaijan's arsenal. These weapons, transported via #Bratislava to #Israel

under a Slovak license and subsequently acquired by Azerbaijan, played a vital role in the second #Karabakh War.

Groene: Luis of schoothond

#Macron en #Thales worden vanwege de Franse wapenleveranties medeplichtig verklaard aan de genocide.

Hoewel de activisten zich richten op Frankrijk en elke aanval veroordelen, krijgt dit protest?van Angela Dekker, DGA 9/5/24.

Overigens is dat zo neutraal neergezette tech-bedrijf uit het artikel, Thales in Nederland (samen met Damen) de grootste militaire producent. Het bedrijf is ook sterk betrokken in technologie om de grenzen te verdedigen tegen vluchtelingen.

Wat is er met De Groene A. gebeurd?


Defense News, May 2024. What else can be done with this amount of money?

Earning money, creating dead and destruction:

War on #Gaza: #Barclays has 'increased' Israel arms trade investments. Palestine Solidarity Campaign, #CAAT and others have found that UK bank has upped Israel-linked weapons investments.

US #Defence contracts to support policy & regulation have helped Alexandr #Wang, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology dropout and #AI tycoon (#Scale_AI), to achieve his riches (billionaire at 24). His customers also include OpenAI, Microsoft and Meta.

May 7

16 Dead & 30 injured, victims of #bombing (May 3) of 2 #refugee camps at Lac Vert and Mugunga, east of the DRC. Most of the victims are women and children. Kinshasa accuses the #M23 guerrillas and the #Rwandan armed forces of the bombing. #Armsembargo?

Attention on Boeing's longstanding connection with Israel and the Israeli military use of Boeing weapons intensifies. On US campuses and outside Boeing's Virginia HQs, protesters have assailed #Boeing for its involvement in the #Israel war against #Gaza.

Clear letter to the editor of The Irish Times:

Arms sales to Israel

The US must feel the pressure, show humanity, and halt arms sales to Israel.

Wie rijk wil worden, belegt in de wapenindustrie. Fonds dat speciaal in militaire investeert, is in 1 jaar 50% meer waard geworden. 'Alle ethische bezwaren daargelaten, het is gewoon hartstikke lucratief.' Noemen we daarom militaire/wapenbedrijven defensief?

Eigen militaire en wapenproductie noem je vanzelfsprekend defensief. Die van de tegenstander is offensief. Dit terwijl je zelf het gros van alle wapens in de wereld produceert van kernwapens t/m geweren. Zouden de Gazanen de JDAM bommen van #Boeing die vallen defensief noemen?
Offensive or defensive systems?

Death of 23 civilians in military strikes with Turkish MAM-L glide bombs, which are dropped from TB-2 drones may amount to war crimes.

#Airbus plans to invest in a 3rd #helicopter flight #simulator in #Malaysia, with operations expected to commence in 2026. The  Airbus Helicopters Malaysia Simulation Centre, a JV with #Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation, is located in Subang.

#Dutch appeals court finds no direct evidence #Damen shipwharf profited from human trafficking of #DPRK workers at Polish shipyards.

Press release La Strada International

Military Spending & Climate Emergency: Squaring the Circle. A video recording of a meeting on YouTube. #ENAAT

The #EU will open an innovation office in #Kyiv at the end of the year to promote the growth of #Ukrainian start-ups and military #companies.

EU High Representative @JosepBorrellF stated today at the EU-Ukraine Defense Industries Forum.

Macron welcomes #China's commitment not to sell arms to #Russia. "We welcome the commitment of the Chinese authorities to refrain from selling any #arms or providing any aid to Moscow and to strictly control the export of #dual_use products," Macron said.

May 6

At the next European #elections there will be a guest: the arms industry. The #arms industry has managed, through intense lobbying, to obtain flows of money from the European Union to arm wars. In Italy this isuue is ignored, wrote Enza Plotino.

#Israeli airstrike that killed seven health workers in #Lebanon used US munition (#JDAM made by #Boeing so if you fly in e.g. a 747 ...), analysis reveals.

Biden administration delayed arms shipments to Israel ... neither the White House nor the US DoD and State have offered an official explanation for the delay.

Bedrijfsverandering van civiel militaire vliegtuigbouwer #GKN #Fokker veroorzaakt #overlast. Gemeente #Papendrecht stopt vier ton in de oplossing ervan.

The #Indian Air Force #IAF has taken the delivery of its second C-295 aircraft from #Airbus in #Spain, and the ₹21,935-crore (€ 2.5bn) project to modernise the IAF’s transport fleet.

Lockheed, Howmet settle lawsuit over F-35 #titanium.

#Lockheed Martin alleged in court filings that its supplier #US #Howmet cut off the supply of titanium after the aerospace giant refused to agree to higher prices, threatening production of the #F35.

May 4

Palestine Action use van to block entrance to Elbit factory, This is far from the first time that Palestine Action has blockaded Elbit’s Bristol HQ in the months since Israel’s genocide in Gaza commenced.

Campus protests over the war in Gaza have gone international.

Student concerns in the U.K. — for instance — seemed to echo the focus of an increasingly high-profile nationwide campaign to end British arms exports to Israel.

Military Industrial Family Complex

UK PM Rishi Sunak’s family firm Infosys has ties to major arms firms including a firm that provides parts for Israeli military helicopters, The National reveals.

Activist raise up

#Japan abstained voring on the UN resolution calling for a halt to arms exports to Israel. In addition, Japan’s MoD is trying to import state-of-the-art military #drones. Some of these are manufactured by #Israeli military companies.

Federal agents investigating the illegal flow of #weapons & contraband between the US and #Haiti are turning to South Florida’s Haitian community for help in cracking down on the gang violence that is fueling instability in the volatile Caribbean country:

May 3

Retweet with comment @obsarm: Exports of critical components to #Russia in 2023. $20.3 million for #Thales; $8.4 million for #Safran; $4.8 million for #Nicomatic; $3.8 million for #Michelin; $200,000 for #STMicroelectronics.

And by the way also the defending party is armed. Its business as no other.

Exportations de composants critiques vers la Russie en 2023. 20,3 millions $ pour Thales ; 8,4 millions $ pour Safran ; 4,8 millions $ pour Nicomatic ; 3,8 millions $ pour Michelin ; 200.000 $ pour STMicroelectronics.

How about the role of Israeli arms in the Rwandan genocide? Information is secret.

But 20 years before Tutsi's murdered Hutu's in Burundi. In that case "declassified Foreign Ministry correspondence about Burundi hints at indifference to ethnic massacres."

How about the role of Israeli arms in the Rwandan genocide? Information is secret.

But 20 years before Tutsi's murdered Hutu's in Burundi. In that case "declassified Foreign Ministry correspondence about Burundi hints at indifference to ethnic massacres."

May 2

Embarking on the Cold War 2.0 track includes devides and a struggle for allies.

As the #UAE seeks closer defense ties with the #US and #China alike, the prospects of exporting the #F35 fighter to Abu Dhabi anytime soon may be getting slimmer.

The #Lithuanian government has approved new procedures designed to lower administrative hurdles for foreign defense looking to start production.The move is connected with the European hunger for weaponry from artillery shells to drones.

A wave of #orders from Europe

#Climatecrisis destruction, cost and expansion of air fleets.

Arrival of the DHC-515 in Europe will supplement CL-215T and CL-415 aircraft in service with Europe’s air forces and civil protection agencies.

Students at the #University of #Sheffield walked out of lectures yesterday to demonstrate against the genocide in #Palestine and the university’s links to the arms trade.

The Uni was instrumental in developing tech to scale up #F35 production rates.

It is possible!

The University of York Cuts Ties with Arms Investors

The University of York has become the first UK university to cut investment ties with the arms industry, fossil fuel banking and international law violators.

#Ukraine ramps up production of Bohdana Howitzers

#Russia to increase arms production, speed up arms deliveries, Moscow says.

Russian & Ukrainian casualties rise in a 'meat grinder' of a war


May 1

On May Day, which is traditionally a holiday for workers and trade unionists, groups across the UK are blockading arms factories, including the BAE plant in Govan. Ali, 25, a junior doctor, said: "Targeting the arms trade in the UK has already been effective - protests & direct action against Israeli weapons company Elbit Systems in England has forced it to close and sell its factory in Staffordshire. We’re here to make sure that there’s no business as usual for those who sell arms to genocidal regimes."

#Colombian President Petro reported the discovery of an #arms #trafficking network within the National Army. Those involved extracted ammunition, weapons, military equipment and explosives from the army to sell them in different countries, such as Haiti.