maandag 16 september 2024

My tweets (or X's) for September

Latest on top (updated regularly):


September 16


Retweet @ThierryBreton wrote letter to @vonderleyen in reaction to her request to Paris to withdraw ("for personal reasons that in no instance, you have discussed directly with me") his name as #EU Commisioner: Breton concludes that he has to stop, because of "questionable #governance".

Article just before by Straits Times: EU to name new defence tsar – but is the job a dud? "Now the defence brief is expected to be spun off to a dedicated new commissioner – with Mr Breton promoted to a more senior role overseeing industrial growth across the bloc."

Nederlands: Airbus investeert in een bedrijf dat betrokken is bij mensenrechtenschendingen in het door militairen bestuurde Myanmar. Daarmee schendt het bedrijf volgens deskundigen de internationale richtlijnen omtrent mensenrechten.

Engels: Airbus is investing in a company involved in human rights violations in military-ruled Myanmar. According to experts, the company is violating international guidelines on human rights. [in Dutch]

September 15

The federal government has once again assured Parliament that Canada has not exported lethal military equipment to Israel, following renewed accusations linking Canadian-made arms to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

September 14

Regering kiest voor wapens.

Tja hoe duidelijk kan het zijn?!

De gewapende tak van de buitenlandse politiek krijgt er in 2022-2025 €14,8mrd bij. Aan diplomatieke kant gaat er af. De bezuinigingen op ambassades e.d, bedragen 10%.

37 UK MPs demand explanation on failure to prevent #F35 fighter jet #parts reaching #Israel. They said the government's position risks 'continued UK complicity in Israel's grave violations of international law in the illegally occupied West Bank and Gaza'.

The thing about arms production is that it all rusts unproductively or goes up in smoke. Nothing of value (...) comes out of it. Contrast this to the economic benefits of building, houses, hospitals, schools or a railway or a merchant ship.
There is a sort of benefit for the people directly involved in arms production but, as well as the death and destruction, the profits arising from arms production come as a burden on everyone else and on society in general.

#Sudan’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Al-Harith Idriss reiterated Sudan’s accusations against the United Arab Emirates for #arming the RSF. “The #UAE is heavily involved with the RSF and bears significant responsibility.”

Next step in #EU policy to strengthen its independent military industry away from Uncle Sam (and its very old mad leaders)?

#US announced the sale of 32 #F35A JSFs to #Romania. (Vallued +/- $7.2 bn.)

Oh its just empty words.

Ruim 100 semiautomatische wapens in beslag genomen bij onderzoek naar wapenhandel in Brussel.

The prioritiet van het Kabinet Wilders/Schoof is duidelijk (The priority is clear):

To pay for the new equipment, defense spending will continue to rise, even as the new Dutch government looks to cut spending elsewhere in the government budget.

Ottawa-based company is key to keeping Israeli warplanes bombing Gaza.

Around the world, peace organizations are targetting ‘sole-source suppliers’ of F-35 jet parts like Canadian Gastops to stop Israel’s assault on Gaza.

Workers on strike, at #Boeing, for highter wages in the civil/military aeronautic firm is the sixth largest #military company (42% of the revenue comes from military sales, 32 billion in 2022 of the world.

#Ukrain weapons

Putin said that if the US lets Kyiv fire Western weapons deeper into #Russia, it would mean #NATO is waging war on #Russia.

But Biden don't thinks often about Putin. We'll see what form of cloud the result of this apathic policy will be.

September 13

De symbolische waarde van #wapens in tijden van (binnenlandse) #oorlog? Gelukkig is de tekst preciezer en ernstiger dan deze ankeiler.

#Rusland als #Myanmar verhandelen niet veel meer dan wapentuig, waardoor hun paringsdans voornamelijk symbolisch is.


Wat mij 't meest opviel is in dit VK bericht niet verwerkt. De wapenproducenten in Kroatië zijn mogelijk minder loyaal dan gewenst en zo komen nieuwe wapens op de markt, aldus OO illegale wapenhandel Zlatko Trokic 50:50


On September 9, 2024 a #Corruption trial started in a #Paris court #France. The allegations against everal high-ranking French military officers and senior executives of the logistics company International Chartering Systems #ICS raise questions.

Paula Riseborough says the hypocrisy of allied countries supplying weapons while calling for a ceasefire is plain as day. Michael McLoughlin says the remaining 320 UK arms licences will still result in death.

#US continues to impose sanctions on #Chinese suppliers to #Pakistan’s Ballistic Missile Program. These sanctions are being imposed because these entities & individual knowingly transferred equipment and tech controlled under #MTCR to a non-MTCR country.

China-Pakistan defence ties threatened by new US sanctions

The fresh measures by the Washington entangle Islamabad in the superpowers' tense rivalry, analysts said. Companies

Oorlog, militarisering en de klimaatcrisis

Reserveer hier ( je plek voor dinsdag 24 september voor het programma Militarisme, imperialisme en de klimaatboomerang in Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam.

#Saudi Arabia is optimistic about gaining access to #US chipmaker #Nvidia’s high-performance chips, which would enable it to develop and operate the most advanced artificial intelligence models.

Really? #Riyadh may pass the ballotage for #AI-chips?

September 12

Takeaways from AP’s report on #Russian and #US influence in Central African Republic. The struggle for influence. #Wagner or #Bancroft Global Development as private military company #PMC for the Central African Republic #CAR.

Verschillende #Australische soldaten zijn hun militaire onderscheidingen kwijtgeraakt om #wandaden tijdens missies in #Afghanistan. "Dit zal altijd een nationale #schande blijven", oordeelt de Australische Defensieminister.

Amnesty Int reported on “large quantities” of “recently manufactured weapons & military equipment from countries such as Russia, China, #NATO member #Turkey, and ally of the West the #UAE (..) being imported (..) into #Sudan and then diverted into #Darfur.

#Lockheed will team with #Tata on the development of the C-130J Super #Hercules tactical airlifter in #India. The agreement supports New Delhi’s Medium Transport Aircraft program “while also deepening India-US strategic ties,” the US military giant said.

Dutch minister warns of ‘domino effect’ if ROK goes #nuclear to deter North #Korea.

@DefensieMin says Seoul and partners should pursue nonproliferation, but says decision on nukes is up to South Korea. #NPV

Israeli Gal Haimovich pleaded guilty in a US court for illegally shipping US aircraft parts and avionics to Russia, in violation of export controls imposed following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It includes parts that had missile tech applications.

September 12


#Protesters in Melbourne disrupt the Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition, where military business is showcasing new weaponry and technology.

How much is known about where #Australia is sending its arms, and how many arms it is importing?

Naval sleepte de onderzeebootorder order van €5,6 mrd in de wacht, naar verluidt 1½ mrd minder dan de concurrerende biedingen van Damen en HDW.

Dat is €1,4 mrd per boot. Meer dan Ko Colijn ( in 2018 voorspelde (zelfs als je inflatie verrekent) voorspelde en die werd van overdrijven beticht door onze nationale opperveiligheidsdeskundige.

#Norway “decided to normalize its practice for exporting defense material and multi-purpose goods for military use to #Turkey.” This changes comes 5 years after imposing the ban because of Ankara’s military operation in northern #Syria.

September 11

Very slowly it seems to trickle down; Israel is doing something you can not support with arms. Canada's FA Minister Joly announced the suspension of 30 arms licenses for Israel & will block a US contract for Quebec-made ammo intended the Israeli military.


What Mélanie Joly Said And Didn’t Say About Israel Arms Exports

‘Is the government of Canada moving forward with suspending or dissolving actual permits, or is this some sort of ad hoc arrangement?’

Terwijl op hoger onderwijs een miljard wordt bezuinigd en cultuur en jeugdzorg worden uitgekleed investeert het rechtse kabinet 2,4 miljard euro in de krijgsmacht. Volgens de regering “na decennia van bezuinigingen” maar dat is apert onjuist, stelt @CTWnl

Tariq Ali on US & UK arming Israel’s war on Gaza, Pakistan protests & macron’s embrace of the right.

With clip and transcript.

Elite policies

EU countries are buying too much of their military equipment abroad, almost 2/3 of it in the US.

The next sale of F-35s to a EU member is named in the article.

The US is painted as an example. But the US (and its States & population) have numerous budget related problems & is awash in debt ( Still it spends more on the military as the next 9 countries combined (

However this sponsorship of the military industry is mentioned as an example to the EU members by Draghi. Higher military budgets is a major aim, while acquisitions in the US will continue. And who will pay the price? The ordinary citizens & the climate.

The #Canada Border Services Agency #CBSA has historically requested #password information from #travelers to search their #GSMs, personal #computers and #tablets, on the basis that these devices are #searchable like all other “goods” coming into Canada.

September 9

True or just a bit?

How the US used arms sales to shift #Saudi behavior
Weapons exports are a fickle tool. Why did they work this time?

Saudi border guards have carried out mass killings of Ethiopian migrants at the Yemeni border in the described period.

It is reported China, Russia pitch defence hardware to MENA at the first Egypt airshow.

When looking at exhibitors however:

China (10 exh)
Russia (15 exh)
US (21 exh) (Besides Egypt itself (50 exh), the most numerous)

There is a broad trend where #US-made and #NATO-grade arms into the illegal circuits in #India. Stocks from #Afghanistan form a major part.

De Franse en Duitse politie hebben aan #Oekraïne geleverde Navo-#wapens in beslag genomen, nadat ze waren opgedoken in het #criminele circuit. De vrees bestaat dat wapens uit de oorlog binnenkort ook terecht zullen komen bij criminelen in #Nederland.

Some villains are fitted to cooperate with even when military business is the issue at stake.

Updates on the JV between #Saudi Arabian Military Industries #SAMI and #Hanwha Group to localize air defense systems in the #Kingdom.

#French #Rafale fighter jets deals to #Croatia and #Serbia part of an unfolding #Balkan arms race. The Rafale deals are an example of security competition in this part of south-east Europe. #Bosnia wants to become NATO member asap because of this #strife.

Sell those thugs some more weapons or better don't.

A #US woman was #shot and #killed by #Israeli #troops in the West Bank on Friday, AP was told.

Dr Ward Basalat said the 26-year-old woman was shot in the head and died after arriving at a hospital.

The leaders of the #EU have, on the face of it, delivered on a promise made following #Putin’s invasion of #Ukraine to end the #export of EU goods, machinery & parts critical to Russia’s war effort.

Yet things are not quite as straightforward as they seem.

Thousands Rally Against #Weapons #Expo in #Melbourne.. Anti-War Activists Clash with Police Amid Rising Tensions.. Arrests Made as Protests Intensify and Disrupt Major Traffic Routes

Human Rights policy?

#Egypt getting first 2 Super Hercules cargo aircraft, #Lockheed Martin says.

The new tankers are expected to replace the older fleet of 24 C-130H aircraft that Cairo operates.

State Department HR-report:

#Iraq has finalized a contract for the purchase of 14 Caracal #H225M multi-role #Eurocopter/#Airbus Helicopters troop transport helicopters ( The deal includes 12 new aircraft and two pre-owned units slated for modernization.

Controle export strategische goederen gebruikt als wapen i.p.v. wapenbeheersing.

Henk Overbeek, hoogleraar aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: “(De Verenigde Staten) probeert de voortgang van de Chinese economie en Chinese bedrijven te belemmeren in de ontwikkeling van geavanceerde technologieën. De nieuwe CEO van ASML dit ook duidelijk heeft gemaakt. Hij zei dat de Amerikaanse beperkingen eerder waren ingegeven door economische overwegingen dan door nationale veiligheidsoverwegingen, en door een poging om de vooruitgang van China op het gebied van geavanceerde technologie te vertragen.”

Nederland breidt exportcontrolemaatregel uit voor geavanceerde productieapparatuur halfgeleiders

Whats worse working with Maduro or MbS?

Updates concerning the joint venture between #Saudi Arabian Military Industries #SAMI and #L3Harris, including systems eyed for development and future collaboration opportunities between the two companies. [behind paywall]

When you've a dangerous northern neighbour exporting its arms to cause death and havoc.

#Texas firearms are increasingly finding their way into the hands of #Mexican #drugcartels & organized crime syndicates, exacerbating violence & instability in #Mexico.

An overview of the JV between #Saudi military firm #SAMI & (juridically #Rotterdam based) #MBDA to produce common anti-air modular missiles. Report includes info on production plans and #endusers & talks on localizing other MBDA missiles [Behind [Paywall]

Ukraine’s #F16s doing a ‘good job,’ #Dutch Gen. #Eichelsheim said. He also pleaded for more air defence weapons (PAC missiles included) & connected missile transits to Ukraine during talks with military officials and #RTX (formerly Raytheon) in Washington.

The UK has pulled around 30 arms export licenses for #Israel that could also impact the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program in certain circumstances. Export licenses for #F35-related items going directly to Israel could be affected, the AW&ST reported.

Continuing export of F-35 combat aircraft parts to Israel ‘unjustifiable’. “These are by far the UK’s most significant arms supplies to the Israeli military,” said Sam Perlo-Freeman of #CAAT.

UK continues to provision Israel’s F-35 fighter aircraft despite finding Israel at clear risk of breaking international law.

The Ukrainian minister in charge of weapons production, Oleksandr Kamyshin, resigned on Sept 3 in and 4 other ministers stood down in a major government shake-up. The resignations leaves over a third of the Cabinet vacant after sackings earlier this year.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy appointed on Sunday former arms production minister Oleksandr Kamyshin as an external adviser for strategic issues, a decree published on the presidential website said.

Which countries have banned or restricted arms sales to Israel? And which didn't?

Supporting the ethnic cleansing industrial base: "The #Netherlands in May 2023 picked #Elbit for its PULS rocket artillery platform."

Reported earlier this week:

The #Netherlands picked #Israeli firm #Rafael to supply an upgrade for the country’s more than 200 medium-range anti-tank missile launchers that will boost combat range, for an investment of as much as €250 million.

September 2

Report by Danish Informatìon has confirmed that #Israeli F-35 fighters attacked #Gaza, 130724. The strike on the Al-Mawasi humanitarian zone, resulted in significant civilian #casualties, and caused international condemnation.

Who delivers #F35 components?

Piece on #Turkish #submarine infrastructure/building & nowhere is #Germany or #HDW mentioned.

#Erdogan like to brag and keep away from the population it is imported military technology.

But why follows #Breakingdefense this policy.

Serbian Arms Sales to Israel Top 23 Million Euros in 2024 by Saša Dragojlo (@RobinIzHuda) and @avischarf.

Is this what the world needs?

National Association of Defence Industries of Ukraine #NAUDI has stated that the export of arms from the excess capacity of the defence industry will bring billions of dollars to #Ukraine.

Does Ukraine need finance or #arms?

The Hunain is a Pakistani naval vessel, equipped with state-of-the-art electronic warfare, anti-ship and anti-air warfare weapons, sensors, and self-protection and terminal defense system, according to the DGPR and delivered by Damen.

September 1

A flexibility exercise to put Wagenknect on the wrong side of history, as she participated in a "peace demonstration" (quotation marks by JP Oped writer) which defended Israel, but also stated this doesn't mean support of the war by Netanyahu as if it were self-defence.

Wagenknects'party #BSW even began to demand the imposition of a German arms embargo on Israel. "The death in Gaza and Israel's attacks on its neighbors must stop."  As did do some other mentioned left parties in Europe.

To increase security or profits?

The #US officially announced the imposition of a $200m fine on the military company #Raytheon #RTX. The missile producer violated rules for arms exports and the international arms trade with #Russia, China, Iran & Lebanon.

To increase security or profits?

More and more countries have progressively set their dmilitary industries toward exports. A number of economic, strategic, and operational factors give rise to this trend.