vrijdag 28 maart 2025

My tweets for March 2025

 Latest on top (updated regularly):

March 27


Brochure ‘Geen NAVO oorlogstop!’ Over de NAVO-top in Den Haag, juni 2025. Een gezamenlijke uitgave van Stop Wapenhandel, VD AMOK en De Nieuwe Vredesbeweging. Een brochure over onder meer ‘Wat is en doet de NAVO?’, ‘Vredesbeweging versus NAVO’, ‘NAVO-gerelateerde loc.aties in Nederland’, ‘NAVO en kernwapens’ en ‘NAVO en wapenindustrie’

De brochure is bij boekhandel Fort van Sjakoo in Amsterdam te verkrijgen of tegen verzendkosten te bestellen.

Download de brochure Geen NAVO Oorlogstop als PDF https://stopwapenhandel.org/app/uploads/2025/03/STOP-WAPENHANDEL_NAVO-Brochure_v5.pdf

Marianne Thieme: De Partij voor de Dieren keert zich met defensie-uitbreiding tegen de eigen idealen. ‘Een Europees leger verenigt zich niet met de principes van haar partij,' schrijft Thieme. https://www.trouw.nl/opinie/marianne-thieme-de-partij-voor-de-dieren-keert-zich-met-defensie-uitbreiding-tegen-de-eigen-idealen~ba7e9c5c/

Representatives from the Egyptian MoD and Alexandria Shipyard #ASY are in talks with #NavalGroup to upgrade the anti-submarine warfare #ASW capabilities of the #Egyptian Navy’s #Gowind-class corvettes. https://www.tacticalreport.com/daily/63414

#Airbus heeft LOAD geïntroduceerd, een #drone ontworpen om dreigingen in de lucht te onderscheppen. Dit vernieuwde en geavanceerde platform, gebaseerd op de Do-DT25-doeldrone, zal maximaal drie geleide #raketten vervoeren met een bereik van 100 km. https://www.gamereactor.nl/airbus-onthult-met-raketten-bewapende-drone-voor-kosteneffectieve-luchtverdediging-1541743/

Airbus announces missile-slinging drone for air defence. The European aerospace giant hopes to get new mileage out of a training dummy drone design from the early 2000s. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2025/03/26/airbus-announces-missile-slinging-drone-for-air-defense/

#UK business and trade minister Jonathan Reynolds was interrupted talking at a stage by 2 protesters opposing arms sales to #Israel. The #protest was intended to pressure the government to halt all arms exports to Israel - especially of parts for #F35. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/arms-sales-protest-interrupt-uk-business-minister-during-trade-event-2025-03-27/

Defense officials from South Korea and Indonesia have recently convened in Jakarta in a bid to breathe new life into the troubled KF-21 joint fighter jet development program.

Will it happen?


Calls are mounting in Canada/Europe to shun the Lockheed F35 fighter & other US defence exports following the controversial foreign policy changes in Washington.


Most probably not. Elites favour working with the US. Whatever the costs? https://aviationweek.com/defense/budget-policy-operations/trump-moves-prompt-some-international-f-35-buyers-reconsider

At the cost of what?

Britain's finance minister Rachel Reeves said she wanted the country to become a "defence industrial superpower" as she pumped an extra £ 2.2 billion pounds ($2.8 billion) into the sector in her budget update on Wednesday.


An answer:
Rachel Reeves offered billions to help arms industry profiteers with one hand, while taking billions away from chronically ill and disabled people with the other.


From #Obama to #Trump to #Biden & back to Trump, #Yemen has been devastated by US air strikes. "The main issue is you're killing other people. You're killing innocent people. You have no legal or moral right to do so," Shireen al-Adeimi (@shireen818) said.

#China protested Wednesday after the US added dozens of companies to its export control list, including more than 50 based in China that it says sought advanced knowhow in supercomputing, artificial intelligence & quantum technology for military purposes.

March 26

Insurance firms complicit in climate disaster, human rights abuses and Israel’s genocide in Gaza were stormed by protesters as marches were held across the UK yesterday.


Turkey expects to strike a $6 billion agreement with Saudi Arabia for the sale of warships, tanks and missiles.

The deal may include Saudi Arabia joining Turkey’s fighter jet development project.

#Belgian Finance Minister Jambon (N-VA) referred to European plans favouring domestic arms production and purchases, stating, “We must ensure that ‘Buy European’ also means ‘Buy in this country’.”

In defiance of international rulings to boycott Israel for its ongoing violence and brutal occupation of Palestinian lands, Australia’s exports to Israel have increased by 20% in 12 months. Kellie Tranter of Declassified Australia reports. https://michaelwest.com.au/trade-in-a-time-of-genocide-our-exports-to-israel-growing-fast/

March 25

Hoe moeten we dit noemen? Militair Industrieel Complex #MIC is niet meer afdoende. #MIFK-complex voor Militair, Industrieel, Financieel en Kennis-complex. Alles voor meer wapens.

Hoe zit het eigenlijk met de toeslagenouders, ook daar die daadkracht?


Not all are brainwashed

"The future of the automobile is not the defense industry." Stellantis Group refuses to engage in arms production

Stellantis Chairman John Elkann said this in a debate in the Italian parliament in recent days.

The major #investments that the #EU needs are in its energy & digital autonomy, in food & medicines. Retreating in the digital transition and disinvesting in innovation and cohesion is a risk to Europe’s security, the left block in the EuParliament stated. https://www.esquerda.net/en/artigo/europe-trump-putin-axis-trap/94290

Another country puting aside doubt on #US fighters in its inventory.

The UK MoD has confirmed that the #UK will continue providing equipment support for the global fleet of #F35's until at least 2069, when the aircraft is set to retire from UK service.

Golden Dome

The US shouldn't only assess the technical feasibility & simple costs and benefits of missile defence proposals, but also the long-term opportunity costs & the appropriateness of alternatives such as negotiated reductions in strategic arsenals. https://www.armscontrol.org/2025-03/golden-dome-gambit

#Chinese buyers are circumventing #US export controls to order Nvidia’s latest artificial-intelligence #AI chips, illustrating the challenges the Trump administration will face in choking off cutting-edge US technology.

#Rafale, #Gripen and #EFA Typhoon position themselves against the #F35 conquering the #European air forces with international sales, from 2015 to 2025, of more than 450 European combat aircraft, in the world, 10 x more than Russia, over the same period.

March 24

To support human rights the #US State Department has approved what would be the first sale of advanced precision #kill weapon systems to #Saudi Arabia for an estimated cost of $100m, according to the Pentagon.

Supporting genocide

#Sweden has expanded its arms imports from #Israel
According to the newspaper Dagens ETC, Sweden has no legal restrictions on #arms #imports, allowing it to procure weapons strengthening the military industries of countries like Israel.

#UAE's #EDGE Group has been in talks with #Thales #Alenia Space concerning memoranda of understanding (MoUs).

The MoUs would include transfer of technology and cooperation agreements for artificial intelligence #AI-powered space solutions.

#UAE defense giant #EDGE Group joins forces with #French firm #CMN NAVAL (Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie). Paris knows how to find partners in democratic human rights respecting countries. https://breakingdefense.com/2025/03/uae-defense-giant-edge-group-joins-forces-with-french-firm-cmn-naval/

The right priority or is it the result of fear mongering.

Graph from: https://www.cadtm.org/From-welfare-to-warfare-military-Keynesianism

Next blow to NATO 'alliance'

President Donald Trump has announced that any new US F-47 fighter jets sold to allied nations will be deliberately downgraded by 10%, citing potential future changes in alliances.


But for now it is business as usual.

"Eight nations participated in the development, including five Europeans – Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and the United Kingdom. Fourteen NATO nations and a total of 20 nations currently use or will use the F-35 in the future."

A compact, deep-sea, #cable-cutting device, capable of severing the world’s underwater communication or power lines, has been unveiled by #China.

The revelation marks the first time any country has officially disclosed that it has such an asset.

#Volkswagen wants to produce for the German army. This signifies a return to the company’s rooted connections with military production—a part of its past that it has long distanced itself from.

It signals a broader shift in Europe’s industrial landscape. https://engineerine.com/volkswagen-manufacturing-military-gear/

The question is raised in Watan (US based) why the West is silent on the actions by the #UAE. One of 3 main reasons is: #Arms Trade – Western governments prioritize arms deals over human rights, ensuring the UAE faces no real consequences. https://www.watanserb.com/en/2025/03/23/targeting-muslims-uaes-covert-influence-in-europe/

March 23

Orry Van de Wauwer (Pax Christi Vlaanderen) argued at a conference held in the Flemish Parliament that relaxing the arms trade decree could lead to a loss of control of strategic goods, jeopardising national safety if these weapons fall into wrong hands.

David Van Reybrouck:

‘Het lijkt wel juli 1914. Het gemak waarmee nu met een soort enthousiasme de oorlogstrom wordt geroerd, vind ik verbijsterend’; en

‘Ineens is er €800 mrd voor defensie, maar voor klimaat is er geen cent te makken.’ https://fd.nl/samenleving/1548577/david-van-reybrouck-ineens-is-er-800-mrd-voor-defensie-maar-voor-het-klimaat-is-er-geen-cent

Report 'Death on Delivery; #Drone Proliferation and Civilian Harm in Africa, 44 pages.
Table 2 is a 3 page Dataset of incidents of civilian harm arising from #MALE drone use.

Defensie vraagt volgend jaar aan 2.000.000+ jongeren (18-27 jaar) of ze de krijgsmacht in willen. #werving

Hierover wordt maandag na de ministerraad meer bekendgemaakt.


Fijn, voor je 't weet wordt je uitgezonden en sta je ergens kogels te happen.

#BAE Systems has signed a contract with #Damen Naval to provide a #Bofors 40 Mk4 naval gun system for the #Colombian Navy’s PES frigate. The 40 Mk4 system, is designed for anti-aircraft and anti-surface warfare and usable against shore targets.

Saferworld News & events

Israel’s renewed assault on the population of Gaza reinforces the urgent need to impose a comprehensive arms embargo https://www.saferworld-global.org/resources/news-and-analysis/post/1073-israelas-renewed-assault-on-the-population-of-gaza-reinforces-the-urgent-need-to-impose-a-comprehensive-arms-embargo

Will #Russian arms exports reemerge after the war will be ended. The Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Global Arms Trade #TsAMTO expects this will happen. Article below ends with a sparse argumented: "the question remains whether the buyers will return."

Profit over people!

President #Trump is working on a big gain for US arms industries. It was reported that the White House is “drafting an executive order aimed at streamlining the federal government’s process of #selling #weapons overseas.” https://responsiblestatecraft.org/arms-sales/

't Optreden van #NAVO-lidstaat Turkije in #Afrika gaat meer opvallen.

#Turkije breidt zijn economische en militaire invloed op het Afrikaanse continent in hoog tempo uit en maakt daarbij gebruik van zijn eigen #huurlingenleger #SADAT. #Uranium

Has the downfall of the most expensive weapon programme ever started?

#Portugal has decided not to acquire #US-made #F35's due to concerns over US restrictions on access to critical components and software. https://www.aviation24.be/manufacturers/lockheed-martin/portugal-cancels-f-35-purchase-over-concerns-about-u-s-reliability/

March 22

De vrienden van het o zo hoogstaande Westen zijn niet zachtzinnig. (Eigenlijk zijn het oorlogsmisdadigers, maar er zijn er die dat mogen en - beter - die dat niet mogen.)

#Sweden’s AP Pension fund exits #Bharat Electronics Ltd #BEL. The Ethics Council of AP says BEL’s arms exports to the #Myanmar military are “believed to contribute to the latter’s ability to commit violence against the country’s civilian population.”


Hard power or ethics

#Dutch branch of #Thales has close relations with #BEL https://bel-india.in/bel-thales-systems-limited/Defence However unnoticed by political parties and civil society for it. On the contrary, relations with India were recently strengthened by the #Netherlands MoD. https://x.com/martinbroek/status/1902264214988656936

Het laatste wat we vandaag nodig hebben is dat het Oude Continent verandert van een baken van stabiliteit en vrede in een nieuwe krijgsheer.

Si vis pacem para pacem – als je vrede wilt, bouw dan aan vrede, niet aan oorlog.


On the peculiar position of @elonmusk

President #Trump said March 21 that Musk shouldn't be allowed to see top-secret #US plans for any #war with #China, in a rare admission that his billionaire ally’s business links raised potential conflicts of interest. https://www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/trump-admits-elon-musk-susceptible-on-china


#VDL wordt ‘vlaggenschip’ voor samenwerking tussen Ministerie van Defensie en de #Nederlandse industrie. #MIC https://fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1549619/vdl-wordt-vlaggenschip-voor-samenwerking-tussen-defensie-en-nederlandse-industrie

Boeing krijgt het contract voor de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe generatie jachtvliegtuigen voor het Pentagon, de F-47. Daarmee heeft #Boeing #Lockheed verslagen. Ze zullen de F-22 Raptors vervangen en op zijn vroegst in 2030 in dienst worden genomen. https://fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1549505/boeing-verslaat-lockheed-met-miljardenorder-voor-jachtvliegtuigen

#Boeing wins Air Force contract for NGAD next-gen fighter, dubbed F-47. Boeing's selection to produce the Next Generation Air Dominance #NGAD fighter is a game-changer for the company's challenged military arm. https://breakingdefense.com/2025/03/boeing-wins-sixth-gen-fighter-ngad-air-force-lockheed-loss-trump-hegseth/

When will the first be bought in #Europe?

March 20

For weeks now, against the backdrop of the geostrategic repositioning of the #US, several #European and allied countries have been shaken by the question of the relevance of choosing the #F35, as part of modernising their air forces.

Overview ➡️https://www.meta-defense.fr/en/2025/03/19/no-kill-switch-f-35-pentagon-but/comment-page-1/

Ordinary people shouldn't have to pick up the tab for the EUs Defence bonanza.
EU Defence white paper proposed cutting funding for communities to help pay for €800bn of bumper defence contracts.
Protect our neutrality and oppose cuts to community funding.


Organising arms trade into the future

#Thales sonar contract with #Dutch navy creates significant opportunities for Thales in future export contracts. While Thales continues to be a world leader in #sonar, it will further strengthen its strong position


Protests held in Madrid against Israel's attacks on Gaza.

Solidarity Network Against the Occupation of Palestine says Spain continues arms trade with Israel, urging immediate halt.


France’s defence industry moves toward war footing

Increased defence spending having an effect on companies converting from declining sectors like automobiles.


"Fight the power
We've got to fight the powers that be"

March 19

Onderwijs demonstratie

Op borden staan leuzen als ‘Books Not Bombs’, ‘Fund Education Not Occupation’ & ‘Investeer in kennis, niet in kanonnen’.

Flyers worden uitgedeeld waarbezuinigingen op 't onderwijs worden gekoppeld aan de verhoogde militaire uitgaven. https://www.parool.nl/amsterdam/we-pikken-die-middelvinger-van-de-overheid-niet-langer-duizenden-betogers-bij-onderwijsprotest-in-amsterdam~b455ea06/

Min Brekelmans & staats Tuinman roepen op de militaire-industrie sneller & efficiënter op te schalen. Dit deden zij tijdens een zogeheten pre-event vd #NAVO-top in #DenHaag. De overheid heeft €1,1 mjd extra vrijgemaakt om dit opschalen te steunen. #MIC

Australian Defence Forces on Tuesday described #Nigeria’s custom-made logistics vessel, NNS KADA, a Landing Ship Tank #LST, as the best in the world in landing craft. Build by #Damen.

#Australia itself is buying a similar ship. https://x.com/martinbroek/status/1878744390174396911

#India and the #Netherlands will increase military cooperation. Dehli urged The Hague to avoid supplying arms, platforms and military techn to #Pakistan. However Karachi is an important client for #Dutch military equipment (especially for #Damen).

Terror claims India’s push to block Dutch arms to Pakistan. https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2025/03/19/terror-claims-indias-push-to-block-dutch-arms-to-pakistan/

March 18

Reactie op denigrerend/paternalistisch artikel.

Het pacifisme van linkse jongeren is een verkapte vorm van naïviteit en privilege, werd gesteld in een opiniestuk in Het Parool. Willem de Haan vindt dat die blik geen recht doet aan wat pacifisme echt is.


Did US military contractor Mach Industries use a Swiwin SW800 Pro, a Chinese-made jet engine in its latest product, a vertical take-off cruise missile, ‘Strategic Strike’. The debate continues also on how tight Chinese & US controls of dual-use items are.

Is this Contra-conversion? From cusumer products (cars) to products for destruction (armoured vehicles)?

On March 14, it was reported that Rheinmetall's CEO is considering Volkswagen's Osnabrück factory as a potential site for military production. https://www.marklines.com/en/news/323510

The #UAE MoD has been in talks with #Palantir Technologies to enhance the integration of #AI-driven defense analytics within the UAE Armed Forces. https://www.tacticalreport.com/daily/63384

Good idea at the time the UAE is illegally arming South #Sudan forces? https://apnews.com/article/sudan-war-icj-uae-8b27cb3b8e4fef5b05a6b45084c967c7

Hier valt weer een schroefje uit het #NAVO-apparaat.

De Duitse ondernemingsraad van de #defensiedivisie van #Airbus wil dat de #Duitse regering geen wapens meer koopt in de Verenigde Staten. https://www.gva.be/economie/bedrijven/ondernemingsraad-airbus-wil-dat-duitsland-geen-amerikaanse-wapens-meer-koopt/49838408.html

Reports from Indian media suggest that #Saudi Arabia has declined an offer to purchase #China’s #J35 stealth fighter jet, a development that could impact Beijing’s ambitions to expand its influence in the Middle East arms market.

#Elbit & #Rafael didn't name the buyers in a recent deal. Defense News analysed it can be the #Dutch/#Belgium combo. Which will acquire 2 anti-submarine frigates each, built by #Damen with #Thales electronics.


Defensie is vooral een spaarvarken voor de (Amerikaanse) wapenindustrie en hoge militairen. Wat kort door de bocht?

Dan hier wat doorwrochter in Follow the Money. https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/het-nederlandse-leger-heeft-meer-officieren-dan-soldaten

March 17

Initial sea trials of the 2nd OPV-76 offshore patrol vessel for the #Nigerian Navy #Turkey’s Dearsan Shipyard. The 1st ship was launched in October 2023 & the 2nd in April 2024. They both feature advanced tech & weaponry. The project is valued at $160m.

March 15

Despite all the European talk ...

A Royal #Netherlands Navy frigate test fired a #Tomahawk guided-cruise missile off the coast of Norfolk, Va., on Tuesday ahead of introducing the missile system into Dutch service.

... still hooked to #USA.


Controversial arms firm Leonardo was given a licence to test communications equipment in the Braid Hills last year. But now Green councillor Ben Parker is calling for such testing to be stopped – & calling for the council to ‘stand against the arms trade.’

March 14

Recent deals have included Patriot missiles and Chinook heavy lift helicopters for Germany, F-35s for Greece, Romania and the Czech Republic, and tactical missiles and missile defense systems for the Netherlands. If these deals are sustained, European defense forces would be dependent on U.S. military technology for combat aircraft, missile defense systems, and tactical missiles for years, perhaps even decades to come. So one question is whether any major European nation will pull back from one or more of these multi-billion dollar deals in order to “buy European.”

“TRUMP SAYS defence spending has to go up, and the #EU jumps through the hoop. €800bn, whoopee!” Wendela deVries, of @CTWnl , is #denouncing the EU’s new defence-financing initiative before a few hundred activists at a community centre in #Amsterdam.

The #EU plans to develop the defence industry by reducing US support. The priority is to provide #Ukraine with weapons, ammo and strengthen collaboration in the military sector.

And when the war in Ukraine is over, will it be scaled back?


The partner countries involved in the #Lockheed Martin F-35 remain fully committed to the fighter jet, and there’s no sign the US is changing course on the Joint Strike Fighter program, #Dutch @DefensieMin Brekelmans said.


#African imports of major #arms by African states #fell by 44% between 2015–19 and 2020–24, which was mainly due to decreases in the arms imports of Algeria and Morocco, research (SIPRI) has shown.

March 13

A #US Army AH-64 #Apache heli recently flew with the Spike NLOS missile in Erbil Air Base, #Iraq.

The flight was part of the #Israeli military manufacturer #Rafael missile’s operational tests with the attack rotorcraft.
➡️ https://thedefensepost.com/2025/03/10/us-army-spike-missile/

➡️ https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/story/828625/us-deploys-apache-helicopters-armed-with-spike-nlos-missiles-in-iraq-twz

An overview of Czech views on expanding the European Union budget for military items in the Brno Daily.

"... some Czech MEPs reject the new defence spending." https://brnodaily.com/2025/03/12/news/politics/czech-meps-question-european-commissions-plans-to-borrow-to-increase-defence-funding/

#Israël bombardeerde in Gaza en Zuid-Libanon met #F15 gevechtsvliegtuigen die Waalse onderdelen bevatten, aldus de Franstalige omroep RTBF. Het gaat om #motoronderdelen van het Waalse bedrijf Safran Aero Boosters https://www.safran-group.com/companies/safran-aero-boosters).

"#TNI-Polri members who are found to be involved in the purchasing and selling of firearms with armed criminal groups must be #shot dead,” Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Patrige said in a voice message received by Tempo March 11, 2025.

The past returns?

Deputy Director of Imparsial, Hussein Ahmad, underscored the excessive participation of active soldiers in Prabowo’s administration. He likened the situation to that of the New Order regime. https://en.tempo.co/read/1985823/indonesias-army-chief-dismisses-fear-of-new-order-resurgence-says-its-naive-thinking

See also [in Malay]: https://www.tempo.co/politik/imparsial-sebut-revisi-uu-tni-hanya-dalih-agar-elite-tentara-bisa-berbisnis-1216434

UK 'confident' in #F35 exports to #Israel even as aid into Gaza halted. Middle East minister says halting export of parts would harm international peace and security.

(Article also explains #Dutch position clearly.)


The sentencing of #Israeli Gal Haimovich to 2 yrs in prison for violations of #US export controls on erospace components listed at the Commerce Control List #CCL shows the policy adopted by US to counter the #circumvention of trade restrictions on #Russia.

March 12

Accident involving US chemical/oil tanker. The MV Stena Immaculate was at anchor near #Grimsby and on route to #Rotterdam. There is concern about the “potential ecological impact” of the #spill. Cause investigated by Marine Accident Investigation Branch.

#SouthAfrica’s arms exports to #UAE, a state accused of violating Genocide Convention. (Unfortunately it is not only Pretoria considering the Emirates a welcome client for its arms.)

‘Gunning for the trouble’: Investigating the #Bofors scandal, its impact – and inconclusive outcome (#Book Review)

The scandal tarnished the image of two PMs , threw light on the unscrupulous world of the global arms trade and its nexus with politics. By @chitraSD


NL MoD schaft 13 snelle vaartuigen aan. Ze vervangen de huidige Frisc’s. #DeHaasShipyards in #Rotterdam bouwt de zogeheten Future Fast Interceptors (FFI). De contracten werden 10 maart 2025 ondertekend.

March 11

Scholz wants to involve the UK, Norway, Switzerland, or Turkey in EU expansion of military production. Macron pushed back, emphasizing that Europe’s focus should be on developing its own capabilities rather than relying on outside suppliers. https://english.nv.ua/nation/france-and-germany-split-over-eu-defense-funding-as-brussels-fears-150-billion-delay-50496277.html

appointed & corrupt

EU leaders last week pledged to dramatically increase military spending after Von der Leyen presented a €800bn plan to allow member states to take out loans & increase national debts. Many member states would like to go further, how... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/mar/09/eu-defence-funding-ursula-von-der-leyen-trump

The CAAT UK arms exports browser has been updated to include data up to September 2024:

The raw data is also available for analysis in CSV spreadsheet format:

A kill switch embedded within the F-35s could allow the US to effectively ground these fighter aircraft at any time, raising significant questions about military autonomy. (The article is on Germany but the argument is valuable for large parts of the EU). https://evrimagaci.org/tpg/concerns-rise-over-trumps-influence-on-germanys-f35-acquisition-257711

The reality is that a dedicated kill switch is not needed to keep foreign F-35s from being able to perform what they were designed to do. Just cutting off support to the jets would accomplish the same result, albeit maybe not instantly, but soon enough. https://www.twz.com/air/you-dont-need-a-kill-switch-to-hobble-exported-f-35s

Onbemande straaljagers?

Het #Zwitserse bedrijf #Destinus is naar eigen zeggen in onderhandeling met het #Nederlandse ministerie van Defensie, over de levering van drones die worden aangedreven door straalmotoren. #drones https://fd.nl/economie/1548206/vdl-zou-straaljagerdrones-gaan-maken-voor-het-nederlandse-leger

Shipments of US weapons to Europe rose 233% in 2020-24 from the previous 5-year period, a March 10 report (https://doi.org/10.55163/PBRP4239) by #SIPRI stated.

For the 1st time in 2 decades, Europe accounted for the largest share of US arms exports, SIPRI said. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2025/03/10/us-arms-exports-to-europe-triple-boosted-by-ukraine-aid-sipri

Internationale wapenhandel Europese landen zijn de afgelopen vijf jaar voor de uitbreiding van hun wapenarsenaal alleen maar afhankelijker geworden van de VS, blijkt uit onderzoek van het Zweedse instituut SIPRI. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/03/09/de-verwevenheid-tussen-defensiebedrijven-in-europa-en-de-vs-zal-trump-overleven-en-vier-andere-trends-in-de-wapenhandel-a4885600

#Militarisation. #Germany’s #economy should embrace the pivot from cars to defence equipment as a major growth driver, according to a proposal by the Federal Association of the German Security and Defence Industry #BDSV, which pitched the idea last week. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2025/03/10/defense-companies-jack-up-germanys-auto-industry-to-make-weapons-fast/

War economy. Who will pay the price?
While French social partners have been engaged since February in discussions on the 2023 pension reform, the question of a further postponement of the retirement age has resurfaced as part of the war economy. https://entrevue.fr/en/lage-de-la-retraite-sous-tension-leconomie-de-guerre-sinvite-dans-les-negociations/

Same disease is also in the UK drinking water. "Labour must rely on military Keynesianism," columist states. https://thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-14476239/British-defence-giants-ready-war-footing.html
Producing renewable energy systems, a better idea?

Italy’s #Leonardo and Turkey’s notorious #Baykar ink agreement for UAV joint venture, which may tap into growing demand from the European #drone market valued in excess of $100bn over the next decade and will include production out of #Italy & #Turkey. https://breakingdefense.com/2025/03/italys-leonardo-and-turkeys-baykar-ink-agreement-for-uav-joint-venture/

#Baykar one of #Turkey’s largest military companies has been linked to #Sudan's nearly 2-year-old war after a report showed a series of arms shipments to the Horn of Africa nation in what could be a clear violation of EU & US-led #sanctions on #Khartoum. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/turkish-defence-firm-linked-sudan-182237104.html

Europe, what Europe?

As #Europe rushes to reasses its reliance on US security guarantees and to dramatically boost military spending, #Lithuania’s defence minister personally worked to cement ties with US policymakers & also with the US military industry. https://breakingdefense.com/2025/03/amid-us-european-strain-lithuanian-defense-minister-cements-ties-with-us-industry-giants/

March 8

Ralph Nader in an outburst on Trump (a deranged, unstable pathological liar): "He has launched an arms race with China & Russia. He has perpetuated and even worsened the genocidal support against the Palestinians. He never mentioned the Palestinians once."

Keynes trekt steeds vaker zijn militaire uniform aan:

Defensie is niet alleen een kostenpost, maar ook een businesscase.


Ze doen er alles aan om Europa uit te wringen, ze sluiten eigen personeel uit (https://rhodeislandcurrent.com/2025/02/21/reed-blasts-trumps-firings-of-top-military-brass/), maar: ‘Werkwijze en vriendschap met Amerikanen blijft onveranderd,’ aldus commandeur George Pastoor a/b Johan de Witt In de laatste Defensiekrant. https://magazines.defensie.nl/defensiekrant/2025/09/01_joint-viking_09

Rob de Wijk: ‘Tegen mensen die hopen dat het nog goed komt met de VS zeg ik: dat is een totale illusie’ https://fd.nl/politiek/1547574/tegen-mensen-die-hopen-dat-het-nog-goed-komt-met-de-vs-zeg-ik-dat-is-een-totale-illusie

March 7

Stories on resales of Ukrainian arms keep surfacing as are the reports to counter or downplay them. An example of the 2nd. It concludes "arms trafficking happening in Ukraine appears, as of this writing, to be contained to isolated incidents by criminals."

Military industry spends big on #lobbying Brussels

With Brussels increasingly taking charge of Europe’s defence agenda, arms-makers are beefing up their #influence in #EU institutions.


https://caat.org.uk/news/latest-repression-in-turkey-must-be-nail-in-the-coffin-for-eurofighter-deal/) has called on the UK government to block the proposed sale of 40 EFA Typhoon jets to #Turkey, citing the country’s ongoing military campaign in Kurdish-controlled areas of northern Syria & alleged human rights violations.


Just part of the Great re-Militarisation game?

March 6, 2025, #Lithuania formally withdrew from the Convention on #Cluster #Munitions, an unprecedented move with potentially profound consequences. It creates dangers for its population and global norms.


Turkey the new regional power in Africa is part of a serie of three articles. This 3rd is about unofficial troop deployments. https://www.lesclesdumoyenorient.com/Turkiye-the-new-regional-power-in-Africa-3-3-A-military-presence-that-is-now.html

prt1: military industries https://www.lesclesdumoyenorient.com/Turkiye-the-new-regional-power-in-Africa-1-3-African-solutions-for-African.html

prt2: troop deployments https://www.lesclesdumoyenorient.com/Turkiye-the-new-regional-power-in-Africa-2-3-A-Turkish-economic-presence.html

March 6

Von der Leyen’s ‘Rearm Europe’ plan and the holes in it.

The US withdrawing from Europe and reviewing its military position has shaken Brussels, which now searches for a place at the ball of the global powers instead of developing Nie Wieder tools. https://www.euractiv.com/section/defence/news/von-der-leyens-rearm-europe-plan-and-the-holes-in-it/

New #ENAAT #website #counters clarion calls for European rearmament with valuable information.

Le nouveau site web de l'ENAAT propose des informations et une perspective #critique face au appels incessants au réarmement européen.https://enaat.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/PR_ENAAT-new-website_05.03.2025_FR.pdf

What is it good for?

European military stocks have rallied in the wake of talks from EC President Von der Leyen, Starmer and other leaders on ramping up military budgets. Thales has gained 60% in 2025, while Hensoldt gained 85.5% and Saab 52% in 2025. https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/04/thales-ceo-presses-for-europe-defense-spending-to-stay-in-the-region.html

Erosion of existing disarmament regimes has exacerbated global insecurity.

“I urge leaders to strengthen the systems and tools that prevent the proliferation, testing and use of deadly weapons and live up to their disarmament obligations,” Guterres said.


#Saudi Arabia has long been among the world’s top #arms importers, particularly relying on western suppliers. But the Kingdom is no longer just purchasing military equipment—it is building a domestic industry. Turkey plans to be a key driver of this shift.

Chinese Buyers Are Ordering #Nvidia’s Newest #AI #Chips, Defying US Curbs. Traders offer servers containing the company’s Blackwell chips by routing them through 3rd parties in nearby regions.

After the initial Biden controls took effect in late 2022, a cottage industry

of #middlemen sprang up, sometimes bringing small quantities of chips into China through couriers. That business has matured into a more sophisticated network that can handle the paperwork, foreign payments & logistics of moving chips across borders. https://www.wsj.com/tech/china-nvidia-blackwell-chips-ai-531fed0c

March 5

Most expensive weapon ever. #F35 a cash succes, but the Office of the Director Operational Test & Evaluation: “no improvement in meeting schedule and performance timelines for developing and testing software designed to address deficiencies..” https://www.defensenews.com/air/2025/02/05/key-tests-for-latest-f-35s-will-begin-in-2026-two-years-after-rollout/


F-35 to get new software this summer—but there’s no date yet for planned full upgrade.
Lockheed is hoping to wring out problems this year as the new administration revisits purchase plan.

Kan iemand ze even waarschuwen in #Brussel dat 't uitgeven van €800miljard voor militaire zaken misschien wat voorbarig is als bijvoorbeeld Nederland zijn #toeslagenschandaal nog niet eens elegant financieel kan afronden.

#Veiligheid voor wie eigenlijk?


March 3

“Producing ammo is a dangerous business,” a US spokesperson said after blast, Feb 25

In Spain an explosion at a Rheinmetall ammo plant injured 6, Jan 25 https://www.aol.com/multiple-injuries-explosion-rheinmetall-munitions-115758075.html

A blast at a Turkish ammo factory killed 11, Dec 24 https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/a-blast-at-a-turkish-ammunition-factory-kills-11-people/

The #US approved potential FMSales to #Israel worth $3 bn, according to the State Department. The sales include #munitions, guidance kits, and Caterpillar D9 #bulldozers, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency #DSCA stated.



The world’s five largest listed oil companies – BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil and TotalEnergies – have made profits of more than $380 billion dollars since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the ensuing rise in energy bills.

Is that really what Europeans want?

Ukranian protester: “Europe must organise its own defence to be at least as strong as that of the US. European member states need to increase their arms production and take the lead.”


2024 ME
US $ 840 bn
EU $ 340 bn

Peace campaigners slam continued rise in British military spending. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament general secretary Sophie Bolt e.g. slammed Sir Keir’s plans to hike military spending while portraying himself as a peacemaker. https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/peace-campaigners-slam-continued-rise-in-british-military-spending

March 1

India overlegt met #Airbus om 10 extra C-295 militaire #transportvliegtuigen te kopen boven de 71 die het gepland had.

India in talks for 10 more Airbus C-295 aircraft in ageing fleet revamp, sources say.

We'll see.

#Germany’s conservative CDU/CSU-led government in waiting, and Europe’s urgent plan to rebuild its military capabilities through self-reliance, puts US #industry and future orders from Berlin on shaky ground long term, a trio of analysts tell. https://breakingdefense.com/2025/02/us-defense-industry-could-struggle-to-sell-to-new-german-government-analysts/

Getting rid of US military products? This was how SIPRI pictured the relationship in 2019-2023: https://www.sipri.org/sites/default/files/2024-03/fs_2403_at_2023.pdf

#US-made #AI empowers #Israel’s #warfare.

US tech giants have empowered Israel to track and kill in Gaza, raising fears that AI is contributing to the deaths of innocent people.
