dinsdag 11 maart 2025

My tweets for March 2025

 Latest on top (updated regularly):

March 11

Scholz wants to involve the UK, Norway, Switzerland, or Turkey in EU expansion of military production. Macron pushed back, emphasizing that Europe’s focus should be on developing its own capabilities rather than relying on outside suppliers. https://english.nv.ua/nation/france-and-germany-split-over-eu-defense-funding-as-brussels-fears-150-billion-delay-50496277.html

appointed & corrupt

EU leaders last week pledged to dramatically increase military spending after Von der Leyen presented a €800bn plan to allow member states to take out loans & increase national debts. Many member states would like to go further, how... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/mar/09/eu-defence-funding-ursula-von-der-leyen-trump

The CAAT UK arms exports browser has been updated to include data up to September 2024:

The raw data is also available for analysis in CSV spreadsheet format:

A kill switch embedded within the F-35s could allow the US to effectively ground these fighter aircraft at any time, raising significant questions about military autonomy. (The article is on Germany but the argument is valuable for large parts of the EU). https://evrimagaci.org/tpg/concerns-rise-over-trumps-influence-on-germanys-f35-acquisition-257711

The reality is that a dedicated kill switch is not needed to keep foreign F-35s from being able to perform what they were designed to do. Just cutting off support to the jets would accomplish the same result, albeit maybe not instantly, but soon enough. https://www.twz.com/air/you-dont-need-a-kill-switch-to-hobble-exported-f-35s

Onbemande straaljagers?

Het #Zwitserse bedrijf #Destinus is naar eigen zeggen in onderhandeling met het #Nederlandse ministerie van Defensie, over de levering van drones die worden aangedreven door straalmotoren. #drones https://fd.nl/economie/1548206/vdl-zou-straaljagerdrones-gaan-maken-voor-het-nederlandse-leger

Shipments of US weapons to Europe rose 233% in 2020-24 from the previous 5-year period, a March 10 report (https://doi.org/10.55163/PBRP4239) by #SIPRI stated.

For the 1st time in 2 decades, Europe accounted for the largest share of US arms exports, SIPRI said. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2025/03/10/us-arms-exports-to-europe-triple-boosted-by-ukraine-aid-sipri

Internationale wapenhandel Europese landen zijn de afgelopen vijf jaar voor de uitbreiding van hun wapenarsenaal alleen maar afhankelijker geworden van de VS, blijkt uit onderzoek van het Zweedse instituut SIPRI. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/03/09/de-verwevenheid-tussen-defensiebedrijven-in-europa-en-de-vs-zal-trump-overleven-en-vier-andere-trends-in-de-wapenhandel-a4885600

#Militarisation. #Germany’s #economy should embrace the pivot from cars to defence equipment as a major growth driver, according to a proposal by the Federal Association of the German Security and Defence Industry #BDSV, which pitched the idea last week. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2025/03/10/defense-companies-jack-up-germanys-auto-industry-to-make-weapons-fast/

War economy. Who will pay the price?
While French social partners have been engaged since February in discussions on the 2023 pension reform, the question of a further postponement of the retirement age has resurfaced as part of the war economy. https://entrevue.fr/en/lage-de-la-retraite-sous-tension-leconomie-de-guerre-sinvite-dans-les-negociations/

Same disease is also in the UK drinking water. "Labour must rely on military Keynesianism," columist states. https://thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-14476239/British-defence-giants-ready-war-footing.html
Producing renewable energy systems, a better idea?

Italy’s #Leonardo and Turkey’s notorious #Baykar ink agreement for UAV joint venture, which may tap into growing demand from the European #drone market valued in excess of $100bn over the next decade and will include production out of #Italy & #Turkey. https://breakingdefense.com/2025/03/italys-leonardo-and-turkeys-baykar-ink-agreement-for-uav-joint-venture/

#Baykar one of #Turkey’s largest military companies has been linked to #Sudan's nearly 2-year-old war after a report showed a series of arms shipments to the Horn of Africa nation in what could be a clear violation of EU & US-led #sanctions on #Khartoum. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/turkish-defence-firm-linked-sudan-182237104.html

Europe, what Europe?

As #Europe rushes to reasses its reliance on US security guarantees and to dramatically boost military spending, #Lithuania’s defence minister personally worked to cement ties with US policymakers & also with the US military industry. https://breakingdefense.com/2025/03/amid-us-european-strain-lithuanian-defense-minister-cements-ties-with-us-industry-giants/

March 8

Ralph Nader in an outburst on Trump (a deranged, unstable pathological liar): "He has launched an arms race with China & Russia. He has perpetuated and even worsened the genocidal support against the Palestinians. He never mentioned the Palestinians once."

Keynes trekt steeds vaker zijn militaire uniform aan:

Defensie is niet alleen een kostenpost, maar ook een businesscase.


Ze doen er alles aan om Europa uit te wringen, ze sluiten eigen personeel uit (https://rhodeislandcurrent.com/2025/02/21/reed-blasts-trumps-firings-of-top-military-brass/), maar: ‘Werkwijze en vriendschap met Amerikanen blijft onveranderd,’ aldus commandeur George Pastoor a/b Johan de Witt In de laatste Defensiekrant. https://magazines.defensie.nl/defensiekrant/2025/09/01_joint-viking_09

Rob de Wijk: ‘Tegen mensen die hopen dat het nog goed komt met de VS zeg ik: dat is een totale illusie’ https://fd.nl/politiek/1547574/tegen-mensen-die-hopen-dat-het-nog-goed-komt-met-de-vs-zeg-ik-dat-is-een-totale-illusie

March 7

Stories on resales of Ukrainian arms keep surfacing as are the reports to counter or downplay them. An example of the 2nd. It concludes "arms trafficking happening in Ukraine appears, as of this writing, to be contained to isolated incidents by criminals."

Military industry spends big on #lobbying Brussels

With Brussels increasingly taking charge of Europe’s defence agenda, arms-makers are beefing up their #influence in #EU institutions.


https://caat.org.uk/news/latest-repression-in-turkey-must-be-nail-in-the-coffin-for-eurofighter-deal/) has called on the UK government to block the proposed sale of 40 EFA Typhoon jets to #Turkey, citing the country’s ongoing military campaign in Kurdish-controlled areas of northern Syria & alleged human rights violations.


Just part of the Great re-Militarisation game?

March 6, 2025, #Lithuania formally withdrew from the Convention on #Cluster #Munitions, an unprecedented move with potentially profound consequences. It creates dangers for its population and global norms.


Turkey the new regional power in Africa is part of a serie of three articles. This 3rd is about unofficial troop deployments. https://www.lesclesdumoyenorient.com/Turkiye-the-new-regional-power-in-Africa-3-3-A-military-presence-that-is-now.html

prt1: military industries https://www.lesclesdumoyenorient.com/Turkiye-the-new-regional-power-in-Africa-1-3-African-solutions-for-African.html

prt2: troop deployments https://www.lesclesdumoyenorient.com/Turkiye-the-new-regional-power-in-Africa-2-3-A-Turkish-economic-presence.html

March 6

Von der Leyen’s ‘Rearm Europe’ plan and the holes in it.

The US withdrawing from Europe and reviewing its military position has shaken Brussels, which now searches for a place at the ball of the global powers instead of developing Nie Wieder tools. https://www.euractiv.com/section/defence/news/von-der-leyens-rearm-europe-plan-and-the-holes-in-it/

New #ENAAT #website #counters clarion calls for European rearmament with valuable information.

Le nouveau site web de l'ENAAT propose des informations et une perspective #critique face au appels incessants au réarmement européen.https://enaat.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/PR_ENAAT-new-website_05.03.2025_FR.pdf

What is it good for?

European military stocks have rallied in the wake of talks from EC President Von der Leyen, Starmer and other leaders on ramping up military budgets. Thales has gained 60% in 2025, while Hensoldt gained 85.5% and Saab 52% in 2025. https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/04/thales-ceo-presses-for-europe-defense-spending-to-stay-in-the-region.html

Erosion of existing disarmament regimes has exacerbated global insecurity.

“I urge leaders to strengthen the systems and tools that prevent the proliferation, testing and use of deadly weapons and live up to their disarmament obligations,” Guterres said.


#Saudi Arabia has long been among the world’s top #arms importers, particularly relying on western suppliers. But the Kingdom is no longer just purchasing military equipment—it is building a domestic industry. Turkey plans to be a key driver of this shift.

Chinese Buyers Are Ordering #Nvidia’s Newest #AI #Chips, Defying US Curbs. Traders offer servers containing the company’s Blackwell chips by routing them through 3rd parties in nearby regions.

After the initial Biden controls took effect in late 2022, a cottage industry

of #middlemen sprang up, sometimes bringing small quantities of chips into China through couriers. That business has matured into a more sophisticated network that can handle the paperwork, foreign payments & logistics of moving chips across borders. https://www.wsj.com/tech/china-nvidia-blackwell-chips-ai-531fed0c

March 5

Most expensive weapon ever. #F35 a cash succes, but the Office of the Director Operational Test & Evaluation: “no improvement in meeting schedule and performance timelines for developing and testing software designed to address deficiencies..” https://www.defensenews.com/air/2025/02/05/key-tests-for-latest-f-35s-will-begin-in-2026-two-years-after-rollout/


F-35 to get new software this summer—but there’s no date yet for planned full upgrade.
Lockheed is hoping to wring out problems this year as the new administration revisits purchase plan.

Kan iemand ze even waarschuwen in #Brussel dat 't uitgeven van €800miljard voor militaire zaken misschien wat voorbarig is als bijvoorbeeld Nederland zijn #toeslagenschandaal nog niet eens elegant financieel kan afronden.

#Veiligheid voor wie eigenlijk?


March 3

“Producing ammo is a dangerous business,” a US spokesperson said after blast, Feb 25

In Spain an explosion at a Rheinmetall ammo plant injured 6, Jan 25 https://www.aol.com/multiple-injuries-explosion-rheinmetall-munitions-115758075.html

A blast at a Turkish ammo factory killed 11, Dec 24 https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/a-blast-at-a-turkish-ammunition-factory-kills-11-people/

The #US approved potential FMSales to #Israel worth $3 bn, according to the State Department. The sales include #munitions, guidance kits, and Caterpillar D9 #bulldozers, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency #DSCA stated.



The world’s five largest listed oil companies – BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil and TotalEnergies – have made profits of more than $380 billion dollars since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the ensuing rise in energy bills.

Is that really what Europeans want?

Ukranian protester: “Europe must organise its own defence to be at least as strong as that of the US. European member states need to increase their arms production and take the lead.”


2024 ME
US $ 840 bn
EU $ 340 bn

Peace campaigners slam continued rise in British military spending. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament general secretary Sophie Bolt e.g. slammed Sir Keir’s plans to hike military spending while portraying himself as a peacemaker. https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/peace-campaigners-slam-continued-rise-in-british-military-spending

March 1

India overlegt met #Airbus om 10 extra C-295 militaire #transportvliegtuigen te kopen boven de 71 die het gepland had.

India in talks for 10 more Airbus C-295 aircraft in ageing fleet revamp, sources say.

We'll see.

#Germany’s conservative CDU/CSU-led government in waiting, and Europe’s urgent plan to rebuild its military capabilities through self-reliance, puts US #industry and future orders from Berlin on shaky ground long term, a trio of analysts tell. https://breakingdefense.com/2025/02/us-defense-industry-could-struggle-to-sell-to-new-german-government-analysts/

Getting rid of US military products? This was how SIPRI pictured the relationship in 2019-2023: https://www.sipri.org/sites/default/files/2024-03/fs_2403_at_2023.pdf

#US-made #AI empowers #Israel’s #warfare.

US tech giants have empowered Israel to track and kill in Gaza, raising fears that AI is contributing to the deaths of innocent people.
