April 30
The peaceful situation inside
Greece has accused Turkey of undermining NATO unity by violating its airspace with fighter jets, prompting an angry Turkish response that blamed Athens for “provocative” violations of its own airspace. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/28/unacceptable-provocation-greece-turkey-spar-over-airspace
NH Industries is owned by Airbus
Helicopters, Leonardo Helicopters and Fokker (GKN).
@NHIndustriesSAS: NHI would like to thank Qatar
MoD for their trust. We are proud to have contributed to the
achievement of an ambitious goal, for a prestigious, professional and
demanding customer.
Russia used a diesel submarine
in the Black Sea to strike Ukrainian military targets with Kalibr
cruise missiles, the first time Moscow has announced the use of its
submarine fleet to hit its former Soviet neighbour.
April 29
The 4 methods Germany arms
1 Bundeswehr inventory deliveries
2 Weapons purchases from the German arms industry at the expense of the state
3 Arms paid for by the EU Peace Facility
4 Ring exchange: Compensation for NATO partners who supply Ukraine
A senior State Department
official said in congressional correspondence that the sale of F-16s
to Turkey would serve US interests and bolster NATO unity.
That is more important than human rights, peace and political freedoms.
An economic role of the military
industry is to compensate for downfalls in economic performance. La
Tribune evaluates the French industry played this role well to
compensate for the enormous air pocket encountered by the civil
sector during Covid.
Big are the commercial aviation problems, the core business
of Boeing, but it can count on the very good results of its defence
and space branch. An activity for which he enjoys very broad support
from the US authorities.
leave it to people involved in e.g. renewable energy to suggest that
Government sponsorhip can lead to economic gains in other parts of
the economy aswell. Often even more.
White House sends Congress $33B request for Ukraine
The package is by far the largest single funding proposal of the war.
Can someone find, press a brake on the road to escalating further & further, against enormous cost for all? https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/28/ukraine-funding-request-congress-biden-00028552
Preventing and mitigating the
risk of arms diversion in Africa, a Saferworld briefing under the
Africa-China-EU project. Download here in English (Chinese and French
also available):
The US Air Force’s Next
Generation Air Dominance fighter could be the most expensive aircraft
program in history, with each piloted, aircraft expected to cost
hundreds of millions. But also the drones which will accompany it
will cost more than a F-35.
Ukraine weapon
switcheroos are flushing Soviet arms out of Europe. But also this:
Poland, once interested in joining the German-French Eurotank
development effort, will now be flush with modern US and UK tanks for
decades to come.
April 28
More than half of the 90 US
howitzers bound for Ukraine now delivered.
Retweet @_ENAAT: Sous-marins
vendus à la Malaisie en 2002: Thales mis en examen, les
investigations terminées
via @RFI @ShadowWorldInv1 @ArmsTradeCT
Retweet @_ENAAT: 'Killed by
Thales military technology in Bucha' French/Dutch Thales optical
technology was found in a Russian armoured vehicle captured by
Ukrainian forces near Bucha. The technology was produced in 2016.
Read more on @CTWnl blog by @martinbroek
Or read this one in French: Guerre en
Ukraine : du matériel militaire français aurait servi dans le
massacre de Boutcha
CRS report on SLCM-N
Critics have argued that the capabilities highlighted by advocates of SLCM-N deployment—regional presence, lower yield, & discriminate attack options—would lower the threshold for nuclear use and increase the likelihood of nuclear war. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21748548/if12084.pdf
With the help of former Romanian
intelligence officials, Dutch shipbuilder Damen has resumed its
offensive to supply warships to Romania's Navy under a contract that
France's Naval Group has been trying to finalise for three years.
See also this on same issue [in Romanian] https://twitter.com/martinbroek/status/1516723240986722304
Qatar's military expenditure
increased by a whooping 434% since 2010.
US DOD is 4 years into #F35
modernisation developments, known as Block 4, this continues to
experience cost growth & schedule delays. Costs continued to rise
during 2021 due to higher costs associated with upgrading crucial
hardware, testing upgrades, etc.
troubled F-35 sustainment enterprise is getting better but is still
falling short of the services’ goals for the program, officials
told Congress on April 28. And lawmakers are running out of patience.
+/- $7bn of military
equipment the US shipped to Afghanistan over the course of 16 years
was left behind in Afghanistan after the US completed its withdrawal
from the country in August, according to a congressionally mandated
report from the US MoD.
April 27
Chinese drone giant DJI suspends
business in Russia, Ukraine Shenzhen-based firm says it is
“reassessing compliance requirements” following controversy over
role in Ukraine war.
Spiegel noted that an
announcement would have made yesterday at Ramstein Air Force Base
regarding the transfer and training of Ukrainians to operate the PzH
2000 155 mm self-propelled howitzer that the Netherlands is donating
to Ukraine.
Switerland's Ministry of
Economics #SECO confirmed that German authorities had asked for
passing on of Swiss ammo to Ukraine. In both cases this was refused.
It's believed the ammo in question was for a German-made infantry
Based on estimates for Russian
equipment lost so far, Ukrainian forces have destroyed the equivalent
of at least 2 years of Russian tank production and one year’s
supply of aircraft during 2 months of conflict, said Mark Cancian of
a Washinton think tank.
The US may not be able to
make more of the shoulder-fired Stinger anti-aircraft missiles it has
been sending to Ukraine until at least 2023 due to parts and
materials shortages, the head of manufacturer Raytheon Technologies
said Tuesday.
April 26
Of more than $700m newly
announced funds for Ukraine, $391m in FMF is for 15 allies in Central
and Eastern Europe and the Balkans, while another $322m is for
Ukraine forces to “transition to more advanced weapons and air
defense systems,” State Dep said.
Looks to Shift Ukraine from Soviet to NATO Weapons
“It would just be easier if we were using similar systems,” said one expert, as U.S. officials mull long–term efforts to resupply Ukraine’s arsenal.
"Many NATO countries have
answered the call to provide Ukraine with heavy weaponry. It could be
argued that the NLs went above and beyond the call"
Who looks from a diplomatic perspective & in the context of the goals of the war (those seem to be beyond support to the Ukraine)?
Retweet @FrankSlijper: Analysis of committed and potential transfers of Dutch MoD surplus weapons to Ukraine by @oryxspioenkop https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/04/beyond-call-dutch-arms-deliveries-to.html
William Arkin said Russia’s
military failures have exposed them as a paper tiger, invalidating
all the resources poured into NATO. The apparent US intentions to
turn this conflict into a prolonged proxy war pose the greatest
danger to Ukrainians.
Link tussen olie en wapens.
Sipri stelt dat Rusland zijn militaire uitgaven vorig jaar kon
verhogen doordat het meer geld verdiende met olie en gas verkopen.
Russische militaire bestedingen tussen 2016 en 2019 daalden, o.a.
vanwege lagere energieprijzen.
International armaments
companies are preparing large deliveries of ammunition for battle
tanks to Ukraine - and are thus increasing the pressure on Grman
Chancellor Scholz.
Russian bragging. Rostec is a
partner of the world's leading manufacturers, such as Boeing, Airbus,
Daimler, Pirelli, Renault. Its products are supplied to +100
countries. Almost a 3rd of the company revenue is provided by the
export of high-tech products.
Airbus is looking at Southeast
Asia for military exports. The Phillipines is an important market for
the civil military aerospace giant.
Heated debate. Bulgarian deputy
PM and Minister for Economy Ninova said Bulgaria exports arms to
about 60 countries but no exports (of arms or dual-use items) since
2015 for Ukraine and nor to Russia.
Mikhailov the dismissed director of Bulgarian Kintex (suppling
military equipment to all branches and services of the Armed Force)
suggest he was fired to enable a new leadership to deliver secretly
arms to Ukraine. https://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=214892
The SIPRI data also
shows that roughly 50 per cent of India’s defence exports from 2017
to 2021 were to its immediate neighbour Myanmar, followed by Sri
Lanka at 25 per cent and Armenia at 11 per cent.
April 25
A Russian affair; Rheinmetall
allegedly paid bribes until 2014 to win a 100-million-euro contract
from the Russian military for the "the world's most modern
training base with simulation-based training."
If Czechia delivered any arms to
Russia in 2015 or later, it was based on contracts that had been
concluded before August 2014, Industry and Trade Ministry spokesman
Vojtech Srnka told. CTK National News Wire, April 24, 2022.
R. Bitzinger
said that while Western commercial satellite operators & armed
forces had closely partnered, top tech firms in China such as Huawei
hadn't developed innovative hardware or software useful 4 military
systems or intell.
Retweet @SIPRIorg: Even amid the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, world military spending reached an all-time high of $2.1 trillion in 2021. New SIPRI data out now.Press Release https://sipri.org/media/press-release/2022/world-military-expenditure-passes-2-trillion-first-time
to bring it like this in the introduction. For who does not read the
rest: the 52% is 38% for the US plus 14% for China. Spending for the
European Union is not given.
@dwnews: The US and China spent the most on their
military in 2021, accounting for 52% of the total global defense
expenditure, according to a new @SIPRIorg report.
protests in Russia against the war continue. Site gives an overview
in short texts.
Retweet @OvdInfo:
В Москве на Красной площади
из-за одиночного пикета задержали
Дмитрия Данилова. Он держал в руках
плакат с надписью «Мариуполь, Буча,
translation: Dmitry Danilov was
arrested at the Red Square in Moscow because of a single picket. He
was holding a poster with the text "Mariupol, Bucha, Kharkiv")
April 24
Putin's regime has been accused
of 'covering-up' the no. of Killed at a Russian weapons research
facility - central to the design of Iskander missiles & S-400
system. A local journalist claimed that at least 25 were killed not
'up to seven' like claimed.
Retweet @dwnews: Switzerland
is reportedly holding up delivery of German heavy arms to Ukraine
after vetoing Berlin's requests to re-export Swiss-made ammunition
used in German Marder infantry fighting vehicles.
April 23
Retweet @dwnews: Switzerland
is reportedly holding up delivery of German heavy arms to Ukraine
after vetoing Berlin's requests to re-export Swiss-made ammunition
used in German Marder infantry fighting vehicles.
Below is a link to a video clip on the tank and the target it hit with an image of the thermal camera.
Retweet Михайло Подоляк, @Podolyak_M: A tiny car of the French brand. A family was trying to escape but was killed by murderers. Killed, as it is now proved, with French weapons sold in circumvention of sanctions in 2015. Anyone in who tries to make up to must see the result of their actions. https://twitter.com/i/status/1517460909379268608
Older article. The Algerian-Russian joint venture to assemble T-90s in Algeria. Thales, according to some reports, has agreed to supply components for these Russian made tanks only if they are assembled in Algeria.
French & Russian weapon industries made Russian weapons more competitive in the market, without which Russian arms industry would slowly starve. To get around #sanctions , Russia went through a no. of 3rd party countries via JVs to have France supply directly to these 3rd parties
According to
http://Army-guide.com the Sosna-U (Gunner's sight) is made at
Novosibirsk Instrument Making Plant FSUE PU and Peleng JSC.
Contacts between Thales and Russian military
optronics have a linger history.
and the Catherine FC thermal imaging cameraswas part of the T-90
Much information from an Ukrainian source: https://sundries.com.ua/en/the-french-company-thales-supplied-russia-with-its-catherine-fc-thermal-imagers-for-the-bmd-4m/
Bandung-based state-owned
defence electronics firm PT Len Industri has signed an agreement with
Thales to strengthen collaboration in defence technology developments
to support Indonesia's defence modernisation plans.
@jasperhamann living in Morocco
recently visited Europe & was shocked by the near-universal panic
& push for war related to the Ukraine. He said: "Ironically,
it was the Western intervention in Libya that made possible many of
the current coup attempts."
Cameroonian and Russian
Ministers of Defence established military cooperation for a period of
five years. We now know a little more about the details of the
defence agreement concluded between Cameroon and Russia.
ASEAN should show its support
for a UN Security Council resolution instituting a global arms
embargo, referring the situation in #Myanmar to the International
Criminal Court, and imposing targeted sanctions on junta leadership
and military-owned companies.
The fight for the civil drone
market, fought in Ukraine (where they have military use) against
Chinese drones - justified or not - and in favour of US products.
In its effort to quickly arm
Ukraine against Russia, the Pentagon has announced the equivalent of
an open casting call for companies to offer weapons and commercial
systems that can be rushed to the fight.
The Dutch Are Sending Huge
German Armored Howitzers To Ukraine
Britain has trained the
Ukrainian military since 2015, following Russia’s annexation of the
Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine.
April 22
1/2 China’s Growing Influence
in Africa Seen in Arms Trade and Infrastructure Investment. Data
compiled in a new report show Beijing gaining ground in areas like
weapons sales.
2/2 According to SIPRI Russia was the largest supplier to Africa in 2017–21, accounting for 44% cent of imports of major arms to the region, followed by the USA (17%), China (10%) and France (6.1%). https://www.sipri.org/sites/default/files/2022-03/fs_2203_at_2021.pdf
the Elbit ‘eco-drone’
project is a gimmick
Being oppressed or killed by green military equipment, let’s be honest, is hardly different from being oppressed or killed by the usual hardware.
Boris Johnson offers to boost
arms trade with India in talks with Hindu extremist Narendra Modi.
South Asian giant becomes first ally in Indo-Pacific region to enjoy a special licence for sales.
"Er is bij de bedrijven een
probleem met grondstoffen en personeel", zegt Nulkes van
wapenlobby organisatie NIDV. "Technici zijn moeilijk te krijgen.
Veel bedrijven hebben zich teruggetrokken uit de branche."
More cannon fodder? Queues
formed outside the Russian embassy in Ethiopia's capital. Men with
their military records in hand, arrived with hopes of fighting for
Russia in Ukraine. There is however no evidence that any Ethiopians
have been sent to Ukraine.
Retweet @wammezz: "We
zien dat drones een verleidelijk instrument blijken te zijn om
ingezet te worden in schimmige conflicten" We spraken met het
@Adnl over mogelijke bewapening van drones en waarom heldere
waarborgen geweldsinzet nodig zijn
Retweet @WorldBeyondWar: Today, while @LockheedMartin holds its AGM and brags about record-breaking profits from war, the Global Mobilization to #StopLockheedMartin kicks off! Learn more and find an action near you here: https://buff.ly/3L65GE6

Bezoekadres: Herikerbergweg 238, Luna ArenA, 1101CM Amsterdam
World Without War' held the 'Stop Lockheed Martin International Day of Action Performance' in front of Lockheed Martin's Korean branch in Seoul on the 21st. [Photo provided - World Without War] 출처 : 통일뉴스 http://www.tongilnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=204837
Canon fodder. Russia has
deployed up to 20,000 mercenaries from Syria, Libya and elsewhere in
its new offensive in Ukraine’s Donbas region, sent into battle with
no heavy equipment or armoured vehicles, according to a European
Amsterdam Trade Bank is door
Britten en VS gesanctioneerd, maar niet door de EU. Een bedrijf valt
onder de Europese sancties als een gesanctioneerde oligarch meer dan
50% van de aandelen bezit. Hier is dat niet zo. Michaïl Fridman en
Petr Aven hebben 42%.
April 21
First American howitzers bound
for Ukraine arrive in Europe as US troops begin training Ukrainians
on the cannons. Not all – of the 18 howitzers and 40,000 artillery
rounds part of the arms shipments authorized April 13 have arrived
Future Forces Exhibition will
take place in Prague on 19-21 October 2022
Buyers, users, military expert groups’ members, scientists, manufacturers, businesspeople and other stakeholders meet.
Walking a fine line, Israel has
rejected Ukrainian requests for arms sales and access to Israeli
surveillance technology. UAE and Saudi Arabia are closely monitoring
how Israel manages what amounts to a geopolitical minefield.
Israel reaps diplomatic benefits
through chequebook diplomacy and questionable support for dictators.
Israel uses spyware, weapons and agritech to buy influence in Africa.
Russia-Vietnam ties put US in a
sanctions dilemma. Communist Party authorities have since arrested
protestors demonstrating inside Vietnam against the Russian invasion.
CRS report
US Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Current and
Potential Programs
April 13, 2022
#Thales has launched a new Security Operations Center (SOC) in Morocco to tap North African low-cost tech hub appeal. Thales has already established five SOCs in Canada, France, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and the UK. https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/worldwide/security/press_release/thales-launches-its-sixth-cyber-security-operations-center-morocco
Eve UAM, LLC, an Embraer
company, and Thales have teamed up to support the development of
Eve’s electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (eVTOL) in
Australia sees opposition to
AUKUS-pact submarine building capacity based in the history of the
chosen location - Wharfies in Port Kembla, South of Sidney - against
War in Ukraine is a ‘gold
rush’ for Western arms makers, experts say
Ukraine invasion is not the first conflict Western governments have used to showcase weapons, writes @AndrewBuncombe
@CAAT: "we reject the calls for increased militarisation of Europe."
Late 2019 Columbian weekly
Semana reported that the Canada produced Bell 407 Halcón (Falcon)
helicopter would be used by the National Police to monitor National
Strike protests in Bogotá with high resolution cameras with facial
recognition technology.
Ko Colijn geeft een overzicht
van wapenzendingen en afgeschafte of niet afgesloten verdragen.
The US MoD has awarded the first
contract of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative’s for this
year, a $19.7 million deal with AeroVironment for a small,
hand-launched surveillance drone called the RQ-20 Puma AE.
See also: https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract/Article/3000253//
April 20
US a 'co-belligerent' in Ukraine
war, legal expert says. US involvement goes deeper than arms sales
and intelligence sharing. A Pentagon official anonymous pointed at US
intelligence operatives and paramilitaries - but not regular military
on the ground.
Lack of traceability of arms
supplied to Ukraine could be a concern for US. (...) in the long run,
the lack of traceability could mean that some of these weapons may
end up in the hands of other militaries & mercenaries that the US
did not intend to arm.
Sven Giegold, State Secretary in
the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate,
explains arms export procedures and shipments to Ukraine.
The other problems. Rising
inflation & pandemic supply chain disruptions could push the cost
of the F-35 stealth fighter higher than expected, delaying the
Pentagon and Lockheed Martin from reaching a deal for hundreds of new
jets, company executives said.
werken. Oligarch Tinkov haalt op Instagram hard uit naar de Russische
troepen, die volgens hem voor een ’slachting’ zorgen in Oekraïne.
„Negentig procent van de Russen is tegen deze oorlog”, stelt
Tinkov. „Maar tien procent van het land bestaat uit idioten.”
1/2 Damen and the revolving
doors in Romania: Florin Spătaru passed from the position of head of
the Damen Shipyards in Galați and Mangalia directly to that of
Minister of Economy!
A week before the National (part of German WAZ Media Group) published
an article on the role of the intelligence AIVD in Romanian naval and
maritime issues (Rotterdamse haven, Naval Group, Black Sea).
Damen CEO Van Ameijden on
involvement as main contractor in the largest German naval
acquisition program (F-126 frigates) after WWII.
He also promotes again his view on a private Northwest European naval shipbuilding consolidation with a stark German role. https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/plus238108029/Deutsche-Marine-F126-soll-eine-deutsche-Faehigkeitsluecke-schliessen.html
It is not me, but the Jeruzalem
Post: A video shows that Israeli/German/Singapore-developed MATADOR
(Man-portable disposable anti-armour weapon system) are now in the
hands of the Azov Battalion, which has been widely characterized as a
Neo-Nazi militia. https://www.jpost.com/international/article-704680
We need tanks and cybertech.
We need aircraft carriers and hyper sonic weapons.
We need new lighter weapons for manoeuvre and missile defence.
We need the weapons of the past and the weapons of the future.
We need more budget.
At the cost of what? https://www.defensenews.com/opinion/commentary/2022/04/13/cyberattacks-dont-win-wars/
This is the reasoning why
military budgets only go up: One of the key lessons is to not abandon
land-maneuvering capabilities in favor of investing too much in
technology. Both abilities are needed, but not at the expense of one
or the other. At the expense of?
Anxiety about provoking a wider
war persists among some NATO allies, most visibly Germany, which
worries that supplying Marder infantry-fighting vehicles, considered
among the world’s best armoured vehicles, could be perceived by
Russia as making Berlin & NATO parties to the war.
hier wordt gewaarschuwd voor nieuwe risico’s van zenden zwaardere
wapens. Kan een grote oorlog met Rusland ontketenen. Ben benieuwd hoe
dat wordt meegenomen in besluiten - The New York Times
In making the decision to send
billions of dollars of weapons and equipment into Ukraine, the Biden
administration factored in the risk that some of the shipments may
ultimately end up in unexpected places, a defense official said. And
so do the others.
Addition: Recently someone refreshed my memory on this German broadcast on a Ukraine harbour used to ship arms to other parts of the world.
Deutsche Reeder transportieren Waffen aus geheimem Hafen in der Ukraine zu ausländischen Warlords. Unbedingt ansehen! https://www.infosperber.ch/freiheit-recht/recht-auf-oeffentlichkeit/so-deckt-der-bnd-waffenlieferungen-in-kriegfuehrende-laender/
Written by peace activists? No.
West "may need to consider the least-worst option – a mediated solution (...) Only through astute leadership analysis and negotiation psychology can our leaders steer the ship of state to calmer waters." #diplomacy #Ukraine https://www.thecipherbrief.com/column/alternative-perspectives/is-negotiating-with-putin-even-possible-at-this-point
Dutch research on maritime
issues (MIIP003: NL MoD, TNO, Dutch (Hoofddorp)/Ukraine (Nikolayev)
C-Job naval architects, Maritiem Kennis Centrum) is investigating the
potential of nuclear energy for ship propulsion. @LakaNieuws
Het gecompliceerde van dual-use
samenwerking. #NASA- en #ESA-directeuren hebben aangekondigd dat de
samenwerking in #ISS, een project van #Rusland, de VS, Canada, Japan
en de Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA, als een van de weinige
voorlopig doorgaat.
Schotltz's Ukraine response on
arms deliveries to Ukraine is leading to discontent in Germany. He
slows down the process is said. Te article also point towards the
secrecy of what Germany has on offer and transited.
The UK Embassy in Belgrade
on Tuesday denied reports by several media outlets in Serbia about
alleged arms exports from the UK to Kosovo, labelling them as totally
Will be continued.
April 19
Retweet @PPUtoday: Ukrainians
suffer while arms dealers profit. Our allies in the Ukrainian
Pacifist Movement insist that sending weapons will not help to
achieve a just solution. We need to push for a ceasefire,
humanitarian aid and real peace talks. #MoreWeaponsWontHelp
Dutch Minister of Defence Kasja
Ollongren announces Netherlands will ship armoured vehicles to
Retweet @DefensieMin: De
oorlog in Oekraïne gaat een nieuwe fase in nu Poetin het offensief
is gestart in de Donbas. We blijven Oekraïne steunen. Daarom gaat
Nederland in samenwerking met andere landen zwaarder militair
materieel leveren, te beginnen met pantservoertuigen.
#Rheinmetall UK and Israeli
#UVision have disclosed to Janes details of the future of their
strategic co-operation agreement, which was signed in October 2021.
The partnership works on the integration of Hero LMs on board a
variety of Rheinmetall vehicles.
Simon Valencia of #Rheinmetall said:
“... in the aftermath of the conflict between Armenia and
Azerbaijan in Nagorno- Karabakh, UVision is experiencing a growing
interest in its LM portfolio. Due to the reported extensive and
successful utilisation of LMs in that conflict.” #War
Retweet MarshyNic: Yes,
arms supplies and protracted conflict tends to be associated with
wars where one or both sides get enough external support to stop them
losing but not enough to win. Difficult to think of arms supplies
that probably shortened a war. Maybe US to Israel in 1973.
If there had been calls for a
more independent European military policy after the US defeat in
Afghanistan, Russia’s war has brought EU countries back into
Washington’s orbit, and European militarisation will help the US by
allowing it to “pivot to Asia.”
the peace movement here is right not to line up behind the
Westminster Establishment’s “arm Ukraine” policy, besides its
other drawbacks, which include abandoning resistance to Britain’s
place at the heart of the global arms trade ...
No one spared. US military bases
in the Arctic and sub-Arctic are failing to prepare for long-term
#climate change as required, even though soaring temperatures and
melting ice already are cracking base runways and roads and worsening
flood risks up north.
Fog over Bulgarian ams transits
to Ukraine. Ukrainians say they received Bulgarian weapons, but
government in Sophia says otherwise. @JosepBorrellF shows Bulgaria is
fully aware and paid its share in the € 1.5 billion financing of
arms supplies
As Pentagon officials gauge the
defense industry’s ability to ramp up arms production in response
to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, firms are still grappling
with pandemic-related supply chain and workforce woes.
If true, good news. Source
@MargoGontar, a Ukrainian journalist/activist. Putin war plans in
tatters as arms production grinds to a halt in wake of sanctions.
Article refers to BUK and tank parts.
A short introduction on diplomacy in times of war (in Catalan,
but easy to translate).
Experts point to the possibility that a
conflict will have cycles of negotiations. Military victory and the
destruction or defeat of the adversary are imposed only in 1 out of
10 conflicts.
Retweet with comment @ICIPeace: Com
es negocia la pau mentre continua la guerra? Anàlisi de
@KristianHerbolz (@ICIPeace), @josepmroyo (@escolapau) i @ticafont
(@CentreDelas) a @Catinformacio #CatalunyaMigdia amb @nbonet_catradio
#Noalaguerra #StopPutin #Ucraïna
The US will will not conduct a
anti-satellite #ASAT missile test, after recently criticising a
similar test by Russia for the dangers of debris.
Strategic reason: concerns that
space-based intelligence satellites could be shot down by Russia amid
the war.
Addition: US to encourage other nations to join
ban on anti-satellite weapons testing.
Tientallen mensen hebben
zich maandagavond (zoals iedere week) verzameld op het Museumplein.
De demonstranten staan tegenover de Russische
handelsvertegenwoordiging en hebben een groot spandoek bij zich met
daarop “Russische troepen weg uit Oekraïne!”.
April 18
Retweet @jeffabramson: All
cluster munition use should be condemned. Really awful to see NYT
report that Ukrainian forces are using them. @banclusterbombs
@johnismay @nytimes @MarkHiznay @marywareham @hrw @noclusterbombs
Comment: One thing is
guaranteed: a new gold rush of “defense” spending is a disaster
in the making for all of us not in that complex. If you want to know
why, read the article by @WilliamHartug and @JuliaGledhill. Also on
how Pentagon contractors are cashing in on the crisis in Ukraine.
Retweet with comment @TomDispatch: From
TomDispatch last evening: What the "profits of war" really
mean in Washington in this Ukrainian moment -- William Hartung and
Julia Gledhill, "The New Gold Rush, How Pentagon Contractors Are
Cashing in on the Ukraine Crisis"
The arms race continues. DARPA
Launches Next Phase Of Glide Breaker Program.
Turkey launches offensive
against Kurdish rebels in Iraq. Special forces, backed by unmanned
aerial vehicles and attack helicopters involved in Operation
Claw-Lock, are targeting PKK hideouts in the Metina, Zap and
Avashin-Basyan MoD Akhar said.
Pentagon officials recently
announced that the Defense Department will build a #nuclear
microreactor that can be flown to an austere site by a C-17 cargo
plane and set up to power a military base.
Russia’s mounting losses of
wepons in the Ukraine war—& its likely inability to replace
that hardware anytime soon, due to economic sanctions—won’t
substantively change how the US views the threat from that country,
US General Brown said. Why? NBC-weapons.
The unfolding tragedy behind the
curtains. The war in Ukraine could plunge more than one fifth of
humanity, or up to 1.7 billion people, into poverty and hunger,
according to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
The war in Ukraine is
threatening world food security, amid high inflation. More hunger,
more poverty and more social unrest - especially for countries that
have struggled to escape fragility and conflict for many years,"
IMF Director Georgieva warned.
During the first quarter of 2022
16.7 million bullets were transited through the Netherlands by boat
and plane, most went to NATO countries, from Hungary to the US, from
the US to Norway, some to South Africa etc.
"Je kunt op tv zelfs een
deskundige in luchtmachtblauw tegenkomen. Dat zorgt wel voor een
professionele kijk, maar brengt ook zekere oncontroleerbare
vooroordelen met zich mee - bijvoorbeeld ten voordele van de
krijgskunst en investeringen in defensie."
Czechia got a message from
Russia it is “supposedly not allowed to provide weapons of Soviet
provenance to third countries without Russia’s permission. ... it
is factual nonsense and that there is no re-export clause for this
material,” FM Lipavský said.
April 17
HENSOLDT has signed a contract
worth over a € 100 million with mission combat system integrator
Thales, to deliver its TRS-4D naval radar to the future Damen built
multi-purpose frigates F126 of the German Navy.
The three issues making the US
profits from Russia's war in Ukraine, according the Le Figaro:
1) Sell more expensive gas to Europe
2) A boon for the arms industry
3) Jackpot for farmers in the Midwest
Long article on lessons
learned by US and EU from Russian sanctions for potential use on
China. And lessons for China which is and unforeseen confronted by
the quick changes in world politics and its own position vis-a-vis
similar measures. #NewColdWar?
April 16
Can Chinese defence firms profit
as Western sanctions hit Russian arms makers? China is already the
world’s fourth biggest arms supplier and has started to make
inroads into the market for high-end equipment.
Sweeping arrests stifled antiwar
protests, turning them from a daily event in large cities such as
Moscow and St. Petersburg into rare occurrences barely attracting any
Still, reports of police detaining single picketers come in almost daily. https://www.thejournal.ie/kremlin-crackdown-on-russia-protesters-5738823-Apr2022/
On the difficulty of protesting
in hybrid totalitarian Russia. Inside story: Struggle for truth about
Ukraine war in an Orwellian regime.
"financial impact of
sanctions on defense companies is likely to result in little harm,
especially when weighed against the increased spending and activity
for the sector’s products and services"
concludes Scott Sacknoff in a DefNews column on the effects 4 military industries.
***Military related R&D in NATO: Artificial Intelligence, big data, autonomy, space, novel materials, biotech, quantum, and hypersonic. See Defense News April 2022.
Analysts say the US military
industry has spent billions lobbying Congress while quietly making
much more in profit by manufacturing weapons that fuel deadly
conflicts in Ukraine, Yemen and elsewhere under little effective
congressional oversight.
Canada prohibits export of goods
and technologies listed on the restricted goods and technologies list
to Russia. Prohibitions and exceptions clearly listed.
The policy was followed by two amendments. https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/sanctions/russia-russie.aspx
Morocco had paid its two
tranches of a total payment of 22 million dollars intended for the
acquisition of Harop kamikaze drones, a self-flying device
incorporating precision strike technology, developed by the IAI.
An IMF chart shows a
quarterly index, but also plots a new monthly measure specifically
focused on the war in Ukraine. The monthly index tracks uncertainty
related to Ukraine in 42 countries that represent about 90 percent of
the global economy.
April 15
The fastest end to the human
suffering is to confront the Russian dictator with the gradual
destruction of his military if he continues this war of conquest.
Still want to ask the rather naive question: what kind of diplomacy efforts are ongoing?
US approved a possible FMSale to
Nigeria of AH-1Z Attack Helicopter and related equipment for an
estimated cost of $997m.
The military and law enforcement agencies often engage in extrajudicial killings, torture & other abuses. https://freedomhouse.org/country/nigeria/freedom-world/2022
The US Air Force (USAF) could
use an additional $921 million to buy seven more Lockheed Martin
F-35A conventional variant fighters to add to its official request
for 33 fighters.
Retweet @FrankSlijper: EU
finally closes loophole that allowed arms sales to Russia to continue
Ukraine: EU agrees fifth package of restrictive measures against
A debate in Italy over selling a
stake in cannon-maker Oto Melara is rumbling on with a junior defense
minister backing Germany’s Rheinmetall, and the CEO of Leonardo,
which owns Oto Melara, calling French-German joint venture KNDS the
“ideal choice.”
capturing Kabul, Taliban gained control of all the US-made weapons
and military equipment that were left behind by the fleeing Afghan
forces. The US-made arms and military accessories are openly
traded in shops by Afghan gun dealers. The traffickers are collecting
the weapons from the abandoned Afghan army bases, and procuring them
from the Afghan government soldiers and Taliban fighters. These
weapons are then mostly sold in weapons markets or arms bazaar in
tribal areas of the Afghan-Pakistan border, it added.
We don't want your president,
but want your weapons. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba
called on Germany to make a quick decision on weapons delivery to
Ukraine, saying Kyiv was counting on Berlin's leading role in Europe.
With Russia’s invasion of
neighboring Ukraine continuing to stir Poland’s defense posture,
Warsaw decided to accelerate the procurement by several years.
Tja. The Biden administration
has a better long-term bet: to scale up its already-rising arms
exports to India, encourage France and Israel—two other key Indian
arms suppliers—to do the same, and help India strengthen its
indigenous production capacity.
US must push for transparency in
UAE defence sector, experts urge
UAE's close collaboration with Russia, as well as its secret contracts tied to arms deals, have created concerns over corruption and money laundering.
Over the last 20 years, US
defence companies and their affiliates have spent more than $2.6
billion on lobbying politicians and $300 million making contributions
to support and influence their campaigns.
April 14
Not much reported, the Ukrainian
military industry; it should not be underestimated, article states.
Wendela de Vries van Stop Wapenhandel schreef in 2016 dit rapport: Wapenexportcontrole in de Oekraïne (https://stopwapenhandel.org/app/uploads/2016/03/oekraine.pdf)
Serbia reminded of EU rules
after Chinese airlifts air defence system to Belgrade. Warning will
be refering to a watered down arms embargo on China established in
1989, in response to a crackdown on protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen
Regulations on U.S.arms
exportsoften skirted, rarely enforced.
It took a while, but European
Space Agency says it will no longer work with Russia on future moon
missions following Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Airbus has a new boss. He
foresees more military orders. he hope: "as little as possible
outside Europe."
His Italian colleague of Leonardo, doesn't give a shit. He foresees orders for the F-35. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/04/13/leonardo-ceo-european-defense-programs-will-bloom/
The Dutch Air Force #RNLAF will
begin operating the MQ-9s Reapers later this month out of Curacao to
provide long-range, persistent surveillance to support missions
protecting the Netherland’s national interests General Atomics
US company General Atomics
Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) announced the selection by the
Japan Coast Guard for the purchase of the MQ-9B SeaGuardian UAV. As
planned, these UAVs will be used in operations from October 2022.
NATO to launch €1B fund for
high tech start-ups in dual use tech. NATO has fleshed out plans for
a network of tech accelerators and test labs, paired with a €1B
fund. The push to promote private sector innovation marks an almost
‘revolutionary’ shift.
Canada’s arms exports to Israel at a 30-year high
There is precedent in Canadian history
for restricting sales to Israel over concerns about human rights and
military aggression
Three tweets on a row this
morning on the front position of the US military industry (aiming at
India, Ukraine and NATO).
NATO planners put the F-35 front and center in European nuclear deterrence. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/04/13/nato-planners-put-the-f-35-front-and-center-in-european-nuclear-deterrence
President Biden announced
Wednesday that his administration would authorize $800 million in
additional security assistance to Ukraine, including artillery,
helicopters and armored personnel carriers.
Western weaponry pouring into Ukraine helped blunt Russia’s initial offensive and seems certain to play a central role in the approaching, potentially decisive, battle for Ukraine’s contested Donbas region. Yet the Russian military is making little headway halting what has become a historic arms express. https://www.navytimes.com/flashpoints/ukraine/2022/04/13/russia-has-yet-to-slow-a-western-arms-express-into-ukraine/
The #US should help #India
address its defence needs so as to reduce its dependence on #Russia,
an Indian-US community leader has quoted US Senator Roger Wicker
(Rep.) as saying. Since 2010 Russia has been the source of 62% of all
Indian arms imports.
April 13
@LeonVerdonschot worstelde
gisteren in dagblad De Limburger met de rol van de wapenindustrie,
Samenvattend: wel tegen wapenfabrikanten maar ook voor terugvechten
door Oekraïne. https://www.limburger.nl/cnt/dmf20220411_96113018
Herkenbaar. Maar alles op een hoop hoeft niet. 1/2
Ook hier bestaat zwartwit niet. Er zijn officiële criteria om
wapenleveranties aan te meten (national, EU, VN) en NGO maatstaven op
typen wapens (nucleair, controversieel (cluster, AP mijnen e.d)) en
eigen politieke en morele afwegingen. We hadden geen moeite met
uMkhonto we Sizwe en wel met Contra's. Maar niet vergeten dat wapens
geen oplossing brengen.
Igor Kesajev stalt €1 mrd in
Nederland. Kesajev is o.a. grootaandeelhouder van wapenfabriek
Degtiariov, die bijv. raketwerpers, zware machinegeweren levert aan
het Russische leger. Hij heeft daarnaast banden met een fonds voor
voormalige agenten v/d FSB.
Use of Turkish drones by Ukraine
but Ankara's policy didn't shift. No sanctions on Russia. Airspace
isn't closed to Ru planes. Instead the drone has become a tool to
boost military exports & Turkish influence, enriching those
around Erdogan in the
South Korea says it will send
its first locally-developed spy satellite into space orbit next year
using a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. There will be a total of four 800kg
satellites which will be equipped with infrared sensors or synthetic
aperture radars. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20220408005700325
Next article on military and
satellites following 37th Space symposium in Colorado Springs early
april. https://www.spacesymposium.org/agenda/
Space companies investing in small satellite production capacity as customers shift to hybrid architectures. https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2022/04/12/space-companies-investing-in-small-satellite-production-capacity-as-customers-shift-to-hybrid-architectures/
Next article on military and
satellites following 37th Space symposium in Colorado Springs early
april. https://www.spacesymposium.org/agenda/
Space companies investing in small satellite production capacity as customers shift to hybrid architectures. https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2022/04/12/space-companies-investing-in-small-satellite-production-capacity-as-customers-shift-to-hybrid-architectures/
Opjagen militaire uitgaven is de oplossing niet om oorlog te voorkomen. Dan zou Putin thuis zijn gebleven en Oekraïne gespaard. Militaire uitgaven helpen de wapenindustrie wel vooruit. Niet alleen in Oekraïne, ook in Jemen, Libië, Irak, etc. voelen ze de gevolgen aan de lijve.Reactie: Grafiek is misleidend.
China, India en Rusland geven samen meer uit dan de VS bijvoorbeeld.
gefragmenteerde uitgaven, NBC-wapens, soldij etc. & verschuiving van verhoudingen (kort geleden gaf de VS meer uit dan ALLE anderen samen.)
Hier heb je een grafiek uit rechts van het midden bron, IISS. Die gebruiken PPP cijfers, dat maakt het deel Rusland, en China in vergelijking groter.
Er is wel het een en ander aan te merken op de PPP-benadering die jij schijnt te omarmen. Een voormalige vier sterren generaal noemde het toepassen ervan het vergelijken van appels met wieldoppen. Anderen noemen dit juist ronduit misleiding. Zie: https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2018/11/coocking-budget-drive-for-higher.html
Step by Step. First acquire
unarmed drones. Now Dutch right (VVD, CDA), extreme right (PVV, JA21)
and Christian fundamentalists (CU, SGP) aim for arming the Dutch
Reaper drones. Next step targeted killings in the footsteps of
April 12
The West Papua National Liberation Army
-Free Papua Organization or TPNPB-OPM claimed that there was a mortar
bomb attack carried out by the TNI-Polri at their headquarters in the
Alguru area, Nduga, Papua from Thursday (31/3/22) to Saturday (2/02).
@PeterCronau: Rockets fired at civilians. Not in
Ukraine, but in West Papua. The invaders are not Russian, but
Indonesian. They are Australia’s allies. “Nduga, West Papua. War
emergency over two days. Rain of bullets accompanied by rocket bombs,
mortar fired by TNI at civilian houses.”
As Russian forces surged to the
border with Ukraine in a massive buildup of Russian military force
before the February invasion, the US intelligence community reached
out to several commercial space companies and asked for a favor. [Pay
Maxar Technologies’ satellites continue to collect images of
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the company is working with customers
so it can allocate more capacity to meet US government demands, said
Maxar’s CEO Daniel
Former SA president #Zuma is
facing 1 count of racketeering, 2 counts of corruption, 1 count of
money laundering & 12 counts of fraud.
#Thales is facing 1 count of racketeering, 2 counts of corruption & 1 count of money laundering. But process is endless. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2022-04-11-zuma-corruption-trial-postponed-after-judge-says-appeal-process-should-run-its-course/
Er zullen wel Kamerleden zijn
die vragen gaan stellen over de extra kosten van 't vooruitschuiven
van de aanschaf voor de toch al peperdure F-35.
Het is allang duidelijk waar de
prioriteit ligt voor Rutte IV in tijden dat MKB, burger en staatskas
in zwaar weer verkeren.
@Defensie Er komen
nieuwe vliegtuigafreminstallaties voor F-35-gevechtsvliegtuigen. De
huidige installaties voor F-16's zijn niet geschikt voor de nieuwe
gevechtsvliegtuigen. De afreminstallaties zijn nodig als er problemen
zijn bij de start of landing. #TechTuesday
At the time heavier weapons (Def
News -link below- reports on UK, Czech, US and problematic German
supplies) flow into Ukraine, Kremlin spokesperson Peskov said:
“Pumping weapons into Ukraine will not contribute to the success of
Russian-Ukrainian talks.”
Major arms transfers. Shortly
after Slovakia supplied an S-300 air defense system to Ukraine,
Slovak Defence Minister Naď has announced his country is in talks
with the Ukrainian government over a potential sale of Zuzana 155 mm
self-propelled howitzers.
Mr. Kushner helped broker $110bn
in arms sales to Saudi's and weapons deals from congressional outrage
over the murder of Mr. Khashoggi and the humanitarian catastrophe
created by the military intervention in Yemen. Now he's paid back by
MbS himself.
Defense exports in 2021 reach
20-year high with $11.2b in sales.
Europe, 41% (30%, 2020);
Asia Pacific, with 34% (10%, 2020);
North America, with 12% (20% in
Abraham Accord countries, 7%;
Africa, 4%; &
Latin America, with 3% (2%, 2020).
Sanctioned oligarch linked to
Irish company, #Holytown Ltd based in #Dublin, that owns luxury
Spanish villa; #Chemezov is chief executive of the Russian
State-owned military and industrial conglomerate, #Rostec.
The EU militarisation of
infrastructure. The EU is supporting with € 425 million a total of
37 projects (military: 22 projects; € 339m) that will help deliver
a transport network which is sustainable and fits for dual
civil/military use.
isn't only for military use. That's why I included the military
figure of €339 million: military projects include railway
infrastructure upgrades to allow for circulation of larger and
heavier trains, increase of the capacity of ports and airports,
strengthening road bridges.
Het tempo en de omvang van de
bewapening zouden heel wat vragen en bedenkingen moeten oproepen,
maar er is nauwelijks een debat, constateert @Ludodb in De Standaard
Eerder schreef hij dit.
@Ludodb: De jongste maanden kondigden de
Navo-lidstaten forse militaire budgetstijgingen aan. Ook
wapenleveringen aan Oekraïne gaan in crescendo. Tempo en omvang
van de bewapening zouden heel wat vragen en bedenkingen moeten
oproepen, maar er is nauwelijks een debat. Mijn opinie in DS
From events that led to the
war to the latest peace talks, the US may be hindering negotiations
rather than encouraging and facilitating them, seeming to hold out
for a preferred outcome while the violence rages on the ground and
more people suffer.
April 11
Israel Weapon Industry (IWI), a
worldwide producer of combat-proven small arms for governments,
armies, and law enforcement agencies around the world, announced the
launch of the Ace Sniper SA Rifle.
The European Commission said
Friday that it will prohibit companies from providing high-value
cryptocurrency services to Russia as part of the commission's
ramped-up response to that country's invasion of Ukraine.
EU https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_1649
Supply chain woes in the defense
industry are not only a European, but also a global problem. In the
United States, the Biden administration has made supply resiliency a
priority for the Pentagon to get scarce resources for the military.
Stand up and shout it (nothing)
Almost nothing
French LR senator Cédric
Perrin, “NATO is an excellent tool and it demonstrates it, but it
is also a fine tool for establishing the economic domination of the
United States over Europe”.
Russia's spies in space also see
secret arms shipments; Even commercial reconnaissance satellites can
provide razor-sharp images of objects 30 centimeters and larger.
So do European governments withold arms transit info from Russia or its own citizens? https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article238096171/Satellitenaufklaerung-Russland-sieht-geheime-Waffenlieferungen.html
Europe's share of the global
arms trade has already risen from 10 to 13% in the past 5 years, and
it will increase "substantially", Siemon Wezeman of SIPRI
He is cited in article under the heading: Ukraine crisis sparks new arms race.
Are we aware?http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202204/11/WS6253a371a310fd2b29e563ae.html
April 10
Sara Rahnenführer of Die
Tagezeitung explains the difference of € 100 million mentioned for
German arms transfers to Ukraine. Actually transfered is € 80
million. While licenses are given valued € 186.451.448 milllion.
The German manufacturer
Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) has offered Ukraine to buy 100
Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzers, the German edition Welt
reports, citing its own sources in the Ukrainian government. Such
decision must be officially approved.
liegt milliardenschweres Angebot für deutsche Panzerhaubitzen vor
China is a comparatively small
player in the African arms market. However, Beijing has already been
making inroads into the continent by supplying other major Russian
customers such as Nigeria & Ethiopia with resp. armoured vehicles
and rocket launchers.
Article looks into the
effects of international sanctions. The one I miss is on Apartheid
South Afrtica. These sanctions started with an arms embargo and was
in tandem with domistic resistance the reason the South African
rascist system fell.
April 9
Does Germany wants to become the
3rd military power (behind US _______________ and China). What does
that solve?
Chancellor Scholz has announced massive
rearmament. It is of no use to #Ukraine . Even the previous armament
has not ensured security: NATO's budget is already 16 times higher
than that of Russia.
#FridaysForFuture 100 billion special
Aanvulling: Met alleen meer, meer Krijgsmacht
(waarom blijven we dit toch Defensie noemen?) kan je geen vrede
#UK cancels export restrictions
on military products to #Turkey. Canada could follow suit. At stake
are the engines for a future Turkish-made 5th-generation TAI TF-X
#fighter jet.
What did Turkey do with fighters in the past decades? #FailingArmsControl https://news.am/eng/news/695757.html
Volgens het Pentagon wordt
de eerste lading 'Kamikaze-drones' een dezer dagen naar de Oekraïne
verscheept. De woordvoerder bevestigde ook dat Oekraïners die in de
VS waren voor een andere opleiding, inmiddels worden getraind met de
drones. Met clip.
April 8
India to boost arms output,
fearing shortfall from Russia.
But in the end, like many times before, it will turn out India shops
on the international market for arms (Israel, Europe (France), Korea
and the US) not at home.
Comment: New spy case
implicates Israeli surveillance company NSO in Jordan
Despite several legal complaints, the Pegasus spyware has again been used to target journalists and lawyers.
Retweet @lemondefr: Despite several legal complaints, #Pegasus spyware was again used to target journalists and lawyers | by @madjze https://lemonde.fr/international/article/2022/04/08/une-nouvelle-affaires-d-espionnage-implique-la-societe-de-surveillance-israelienne-nso-en-jordanie_6121185_3210.html
Somewhere else: The Battle for
#Water; #Ethiopia and #Egypt are fighting over the scarce but vital
commodity that also plays a central role in Africa's power supply.
The construction of another dam on the Blue Nile threatens to
escalate the conflict.
Some NATO countries make a
distinction what arms they provide: no offensive weapons e.g.
Stoltenberg rejects this: “Ukraine is fighting a defensive war, so this distinction between offensive and defensive weapons doesn’t actually have any real meaning.”
Bravo! A Gulfstream G550 held at
#Luton is linked to is thought to be used by Yevgeny Prigozhin, an
oligarch who runs the Kremlin-backed #WagnerGroup of mercenaries
fighting in Ukraine and elsewhere.
The European Investment Bank EIB
confirmed a € 16 million of new financing to support R&D
investment by Dutch Airborne International.
Airborne delivers composites for space activities, and other military
products. https://www.airborne.com/?s=Defence
Australia sends MORE weapons to
Ukraine: Scott Morrison dispatches another package of anti-tank
missiles and bullets to fight off Russian invaders.
But what is the end goal?
THE Armed Forces of the
Philippines on Wednesday acquired two new T-129 ATAK helicopters from
Turkey and a C-295 medium lift aircraft from Spain.
Revenues of MBDA, European
multinational prducing missiles, broke through the €4 billion mark
for the first time, reaching €4.2 billion, with a 5.1 billion order
intake in 2021. The company order book reached € 17.8 billion by
the end of last year.
The US Senate unanimously
passed a bill that alleviates bureaucratic hurdles associated with
loaning US military equipment to Ukraine. Act revives a World War
II-era program that allowed the government to lend or lease military
equipment to US allies.
April 7
A potential sale of F-16 fighter
jets to Turkey would be consistent with US policy objectives, the
State Department told Lawmakers in a letter.
Turkey never uses its fighters to bomb neighbouring countries and its own poulation. Isn't it.
Zal Rusland passief toe blijven
kijken als in de komende weken wordt geprobeerd zware wapens, zoals
T-72-tanks, Oekraïne binnen te brengen? De VS hebben Kiev hulp
beloofd bij het vervoeren van een partij tanks, mogelijk van
Tsjechië, naar Oekraïne.
Dr Ateku, a Conflict Analyst &
Lecturer at the University of Ghana, notes that the ongoing conflict
between Russia and Ukraine can trigger an increase in illegal small
arms in Africa through the black-market. He hopes AU and EU step up
diplomatic solution.
Lucky General Dynamics. Poland
signs $4.75 billion Abrams tank deal as Russia’s war speeds
Opinion in Singapore Strait
Times: THERE aren't that many brave voices in the West fighting for
justice for all, Irish MP Barrett is one. Barrett is right. What the
West should be doing is to condemn all wars, occupation, empire and
the global arms trade.
The arms industry spent millions
of euros lobbying German politicians ahead of the government’s
decision to drastically beef up military spending, openDemocracy can
Open Democracy also gives also € 100 billion better ideas.
The EU will soon have a more
uniform approach to the export of small arms and light weapons (SALW)
and their ammunition with a set of common features that end-user
certificates for the export of SALW and their ammunition will have to
Russian military shows the words
"battle proven", used in many adverts for weapon systems,
can turn against the military industry. Questions will be asked on
downing a Russian Sukhoi-35 fighter (probably by Ukrainian missiles),
its more a "battle failure".
Russia’s siege of Kyiv has
failed for now. Rail workers in Belarus are risking their lives by
sabotaging Russian supply lines. Their example shows a way forward to
building a working-class response to the war, one that is independent
of both Russia & NATO.
Same article in German: Eisenbahner:innen in Belarus sabotieren russischen Angriff: Wie eine dritte Position im Krieg entstehen kann https://www.klassegegenklasse.org/eisenbahnerinnen-in-belarus-sabotieren-russischen-angriff-wie-eine-dritte-position-im-krieg-entstehen-kann/
Retweet @marineschepen: Wat
er mis gaat met vervanging onderzeeboten (opinie). Lees hier:
Opmerking: Misschien blijft de olifant hier wel onzichtbaar midden in de kamer staan. Ctrl F: "Damen" resultaten 0.
Recente kennis bouwen van hele onderzeeërs, nope. Zo wordt een financieel avontuur wel een erg grote gok. Te hoog gemikt. Die 36 waren zo gek nog niet https://www.tweedekamer.nl/kamerstukken/moties/detail?id=2019Z03169&did=2019D06837.
G7 diplomat says on German arms
export & sanction policy concerning Ukraine “They start with
why something is not possible, but get to the right position in the
end, but it is always 2 weeks later than necessary.”
Nothing wrong with careful considerations?
The recent army atrocities in
Mali are not the first. By cross-checking public databases,
Investigate Europe identified at least three cases of battalions
previously trained by the EU that were later involved in abuses
against civilians.
Indonesia plans to reverse
engineer the Chinese C-705 anti-ship missile. A local consortium
(Dirgantara Indonesia, Len, Dahana, Pindad, Mulia Laksana Utama &
Aero Terra Indonesia) will be led by defence industrial Directorate
from the Ministry of Defense.
Israel Aerospace Industries
(IAI) supplied the Czech Republic with the first air defense
Multi-Mission Radar (MMR). This is part of a deal signed in December
2019 by the MoDs of both the Czech Republic and the Israeli Apartheid
Aanvulling: In justified harsh
words: In June 2021 #Sweden allowed #Elbit Systems to open a Swedish
branch. “Sweden is an important market for @ElbitSystemsLtd and a
cornerstone for further expansion in Europe,” Haim Delmar, the
chair of Elbit Systems Sweden, stated.
of an two part article goes into detail on the provisions of the Arms
Trade Treaty (accepted by China) prohibiting arms transfers to
Moscow. Actual shipments aren't given, besides the use of unspecified
Chinese drones.
April 6
It's cynical to make the choice
between two wrongs at the cost of dear life: "For some in NATO,
it’s better for the Ukrainians to keep fighting, and dying, than to
achieve a peace that comes too early or at too high a cost to Kyiv
and the rest of Europe."
A potentially $300 million batch
of aid eventually bound for Ukraine will include communications
systems and similar gear, according to the Department of Defense.
Russia “attacks against the telecom industry occur on a daily
basis,” Ukranian official said.
The Czech Republic has sent T-72
tanks and BVP-1 infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine, a Czech
defence source told Reuters on Tuesday, confirming a local media
EUROCAE holds its 2022 Symposium
in Warsaw. What does Eurocae stand for? European Organisation for
Civil Aviation Equipment
Present however #EDA, Honeywell, Indra, Leonardo, Thales and more.
The thin line between military & civil.
German arms exports almost
tripled at the beginning of the year, not only because of the Ukraine
war. The main reason for the increase is a large procurement project
from the Netherlands that is set to last several years. Austria
Presse Agentur, 6/4/22.
In the first quarter of this year,
the federal government approved arms exports to Ukraine worth a good
€186 million. The Federal Ministry of Economics announced this on
Tuesday, citing preliminary figures for individual export licenses.
AFP (in German) 5/4/22
It is impossible to disconnect
from the policy on Ankara. Yesterday the Cypriote government said it
will lobby EU nations to reduce arms sales to Turkey.
It is clear they are on the defence here. Turkse pestkop werd
Vredesduif. https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20220403_97643445
US arms export to Germany of 5
P-8A Patrol Aircraf, with military systems, software, engines,
spares, support, training and transport. The estimated total cost was
$1.77 billion. Major Defense Equipment (MDE) constituted $1.10
billion of this total.
Bruce Riedel, a former CIA
analyst now at the Brookings Institution, is just one of the experts
who declares that without US spare parts the Royal Saudi Air Force
would be “#grounded.” The #US has supported the #Yemen war and
still continues to do that.
The 1st sentence of the #Chinese
military article is completely wrong, but the observation the US
profits in 3 ways of the WAR following the Russian INVASION isn't
(arms and fosil fuel exports, gains on the financial markets). So how
to end this?
This month brings a
make-or-break meeting for the Thai Navy's deal to buy a Chinese-made
submarine, with delivery threatened by the fading chance of China
getting German top-end engines as stipulated in the contract.
Here some figures in an February
2022 article. New info surfaced during the past weeks. But it answers
your question with a yes that can be one of the reasons.
Cyprus rules out sending Russian
made weapons to Ukraine
the US asked to send them, like anti-aircraft systems (TOR/M1, S-300,
BUK M1-2), tanks (T 80U and BMP-3) and attack helicopters (Mi-24).
But here is another reason:
the US cannot offer US-made military equipment for replacement as
this is not covered by the partial lifting of the arms embargo.
is impossible to disconnect from the policy on Ankara. Yesterday the
Cypriote government said it will lobby EU nations to reduce arms
sales to Turkey.
It is clear they are on the defence here. Turkse pestkop werd
Vredesduif. https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20220403_97643445
Ingezonden brief: We
hebben niets aan vier veel te dure #onderzeeboten. Project kan beter
worden gestopt, dat schrijven Drs. Belinda Smeenk, stafadviseur
Strategie, Kennis en Innovatie en Marnix Felius, luitenant-kolonel
April 5
'Bij de terroristische aanslagen
in Europa de afgelopen jaren was er vaak een connectie met wapens uit
de Balkanoorlogen van de jaren 90', zegt Nils Duquet, van het Vlaams
Vredesinstituut. 'Onze grote vrees is dat dat scenario zich met
Oekraïne herhaalt.'
Deutche Welle (clip 18")
asks the question: How much of the global arms transfers is about
profit rather than security? https://youtu.be/UjiFzmYVG7w
It conludes with attention capping military industries profits it might alter the percenption on military industries.
US approves 8 #F-16 C/D
Block 70 fighter and related equipment sale to #Bulgaria for an
estimated cost of $1.673bn. DCSA delivered the required certification
notifying Congress of this possible sale April
The same deal or extra? https://www.rferl.org/a/bulgaria-buys-8-f-16-jets-from-u-s/30084680.html
April 4
Retweet @ForumArmsTrade: With
comments by @MarshyNic and @jeffabramson @ArmsControlNow, plus
reference to our resource page
https://forumarmstrade.org/ukrainearms.html… The risks of massive
arms shipments to Ukraine in the post-war period
via @NexoJornal
Arms shipments by at least 20 Western countries to Ukraine could be part of a strategy to face the Russian offensive, but it could also prove to be a factor of insecurity, instability & criminality if, with the end of war, these weapons spread unchecked.
Is #Damen Flushing still proud
to build superyachts, like this one for Russian Russian banking
billionaire Oleg Tinkov. Tinkov is now sanctioned.
Berlin continues to empty former
German military depots. After earlier sending to Ukraine thousands of
Soviet 9K32 Strela-2 MANPADS, it is now the turn of armored infantry
vehicles based on former East German and Soviet armored vehicles.
Retweet @ECCHRBerlin: PRESS
RELEASE Italy’s responsibility in deadly US #drone strike in Libya
Criminal complaint filed against Italian Commander of Naval Air
Station Sigonella together with @RetePaceDisarmo and @Reprieve.
more background on attack and political/security situation see:
Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Targeted_killing): Targeted killing is a form of murder or assassination carried out by governments outside a judicial procedure or a battlefield.
What Could European Militaries
Contribute to the Defense of #Taiwan?
It is clear that European militaries can contribute to the defense of Taiwan if required – and they can start taking the necessary steps now.
Based on #IISS-report https://www.iiss.org/blogs/research-paper/2022/03/taiwan-cross-strait-stability-and-european-security
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission
to Ukraine mandate expired on 310322. OSCE participating States have
not yet reached a consensus on its future; however, discussions on
the subject continue amongst the 57 participating States.
More: https://www.osce.org/chairmanship/514958
The Pentagon notified Congress
on Friday that it is sending Ukraine an additional $300 million of
warfighting equipment that includes laser-guided missiles and drones.
OVD-Info group, monitoring
political arrests, says 208 people were detained in demonstrations
held Saturday across Russia protesting the military invasion in
Ukraine. Demonstrations took place in 17 cities, from Siberia to the
India buys 50% of
Israel’s arms exports. Arms sales finance Israeli occupation &
apartheid, and India-Israel military collaboration fuels
militarization in Kashmir & elsewhere, creating a logic of
"perpetual insecurity." #MilitaryEmbargo on Israel
April 3
Russian ambassador to UK Andrey
Kelin called the shipments of British arms to Ukraine 'legitimate
His comment to a Kremlin News agency came after UK-made Starstreak missile shot down Russian helicopter,
The US dream: Turkey
transferring its S-400s to Ukraine. Conclusion: from both a political
and a legal perspective, the idea that Turkey would transfer its
Russian S-400 missiles to Ukraine is untenable. It is an American
dream but too good to be true.
Retweet @sarahleah1: Important
report on #France fictions on arms sales & danger of "growing
reverse influence of client states" undermining autonomy,
exporting authoritarianism:
F-35-ification of European
armies" is good business for US military contractors, and the US
military also likes it because it means common operating platforms,
said Eric Gomez, a defence policy expert at the Cato Institute.
Retweet @hmtillack: Some
believe the German software giant SAP now takes part in a “digital
blockade” of Russia. But SAP still gives support to some customers
in Russia. Investigation for @welt @WELTAMSONNTAG
How US arms dealers profit
from ‘China threat’
A huge chunk of American taxpayers’ money has gone into the pockets of arms dealers over the past two decades. Why? https://asiatimes.com/2022/04/how-us-arms-dealers-profit-from-china-threat/
April 2
Druk op besluitvorming.
Onderzeeboot uit de vaart. Dat is nodig omdat de nieuwe subs langer
op zich laten wachten. Dit liet defensiestaatssecretaris Christophe
van der Maat de Tweede Kamer vandaag weten.
The West has done a lot to stop
Turkey from manufacturing Bayraktar drones, specifically by banning
exports of the Wescam CMX-15D cameras made in Canada and the Rotax
912 engines made in Austria that Turkey preferred to use.
That was for good reaons. https://www.defensenews.com/opinion/commentary/2022/04/01/turkish-drones-wont-give-ukraine-the-edge-it-needs/
Military cooperation with Turkey
is strengthening as shown by return to SAMP/T air defense efforts
cooperation. SAMP/T is a product of Eurosam (MBDA: JV of Airbus,
Leonardo and BAE Systems) Thales (main shareholders: French
government & Dassault Aviation.
Wat drijft de wapenhandelaar, en
kan hij nog wel een normaal privéleven leiden? Criminoloog Yarin
Eski ging langdurig in gesprek met een internationale wapenhandelaar.
Dat leidde tot een boek: A Criminological Biography of an Arms
The NATO Communications and
Information #NCI Agency announced on 31 March that US based Leidos
(merged with Lockheed, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leidos) has been
awarded two contracts for work on NATO's Ballistic Missile Defence
#BMD programme.
Retweet @ForumArmsTrade: US
working to be an intermediary for transfer of tanks to Ukraine,
reports @helenecooper @nytimes and others. See our resource page on
arms transfers by more than two dozen countries at
Actor Sean Penn asks
billionaires to buy fighter jets for Ukraine. Luckely there isn't
such thing as actors - for good or bad reasons - circumventing arms
export controls. https://www.parisbeacon.com/72709/
Besides the many other issues, see comments
The Nigerian Navy #NN newly
constructed Landing Ship Tank #LST 100 the NNS KADA will make her
maiden voyage from Albwardy Damen Shipyard, UAE to Nigeria. The NN
had on May, 2018, contracted Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding to
deliver the ship.
Nigerian Navy’s newest Landing Ship Tank (NNS KADA), on Thursday,
arrived Port of Al Duqum, Oman, on the first leg of her homeward
voyage to Nigeria.
***Leuk hé
dat wapenproducent Thales (ze noemen het zelf liever militaire
technologie of nog liever defensie- en veiligheidstechnologie)
kinderen al zo vroeg in aanraking brengt met technologie. Scouting op
een krappe arbeidsmarkt kan niet vroeg genoeg beginnen.
@thalesnederland: Deze leerlingen van de Minister
Calsschool in Naarden hebben onze 'escape room- in-a-box' getest.
Ontwikkeld om kinderen spelenderwijs kennis te laten maken met
techniek. Het onderwerp van de boxen gaat ons allemaal aan: plastic
afval. DM bij interesse! #thales100jaar #techniek
April 1
Statement on Strategic Monitor
by @letysedou @ENAAT: Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministers of the EU
adopted the Strategic Compass ... most concrete proposals are a new
boon for the arms industry in the context of the Russian invasion of
Russia sanctions could spur
Chinese arms sales to Nigeria
Western sanctions on Russia and Belarus could push Nigeria to import more accessible and affordable Chinese armaments.
Australian PM Scott Morrison
said on Friday that his government had approved Mr Zekensky's request
of sending Thales Australia armoured Bushmaster vehicles that will be
flown on Boeing C-17 Globemaster transport planes.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
pushes the West to re-arm Confronting the bear
But isn't the bear stopped in its tracks, at dear cost, by relatively small armed forces? Isn't the West instead arming against the perceived threat of the dragon?
Italian shipbuilder #Fincantieri
has launched the 4th corvette for #Qatar, the final ship of a
contract awarded in 2016. The multiship order, worth $4.47 billion,
also includes the delivery of a landing platform dock #LPD and two
offshore patrol vessels.
If Scholz’s proposal is
realized, this would catapult Germany toward the top of the world’s
largest military spenders. Germany would rank 3rd—up from 7th in
2020—behind the US and China and ahead of India and Russia.
Alexandra Marksteiner, SIPRI said.
I am not the person to defend the military industry, but this is overstated: “until more than a year ago Vladimir Putin and his army were still good customers of the European arms industry” https://zephyrnet.com/the-export-of-arms-to-russia-despite-the-embargo-is-a-disgrace-to-the-whole-eu/
EU report shows something different (the writer mixed different categories). http://enaat.org/eu-export-browser/overview?metric=export&destination=russia&year_from=2015 Digging deeper (like organisations and journalists of several countries did during the past month) surfaces exports not reported here. But Europe pressured France to back down
On an other part of exports of
strategic goods (not the military products
but dual use products
there is a number of exports violating a restrictive policy on
Russia. This is the latest, a Swedish
Swedish Expressen continues reporting on exports for Russian military
use. The Russian security service FSB and President Putin's own
security force have for several years bought more than 1,000
Swedish-made red dot sights for their spetsnaz forces.
Twelve of the Russian state’s nuclear weapons
manufacturers use technology from Swedish companies: Swedish
newspaper Expressen.
the link to the very informative page Euroative article is based