March 31
*** Shifts in international and
military relations. Indonesia Looks to the UAE for Military
UAE is/was major customer of EU arms:
*** Dual use draadje
Ik zat klaar
voor de journalist die contact op zou nemen, maar zoals zo vaak, was
de voorbereiding te vergeefs. Het moest gaan over goederen voor
tweeërlei gebruik (dual-use = militair en civiel) naar Rusland. Die
leveringen liggen onder een vergrootglas. Welke het zijn kan je hier
Het staat al de hele dag open waarbij het keurig is gesorteerd
Tijdelijk of Definitief, Land, financiële omvang.
Ik las nog
even mijn stukje van een paar maanden geleden om het geheugen op te
Te weinig informatie om de leveringen te beoordelen zou de korte
samenvatting kunnen zijn. Maar er is wel informatie o.a. de uitleg
van de SG-post:
En keek nog even na
hoe het nu precies zat met de status van dual-use leveringen aan
Rusland. Hoewel precies dat is vrij ingewikkeld. De basis is dit stuk
van de Europese Commissie:
Dat stelt dat het verboden is dual te leveren “indien bedoel voor
militair gebruik.” Dit wordt verder uitgewerkt.
formulering past ook bij de adviezen die de rijksoverheid geeft aan
exporteurs: Er is een exportverbod voor bepaalde producten en
technologieën voor tweeërlei gebruik naar Rusland
Om het vervolgens
weer wat onduidelijker te maken, stellen de Ministers van BuZa en
Defensie dat ook, maar voegen toe dat aanvragen voor
exportvergunningen van dual-use goederen tijdelijk niet in
behandeling worden genomen.
Hoe tijdelijk staat daar niet bij.
Het gaat om leveringen van
grote waarde, maar niet om een verbod als het om civiele toepassingen
*** "#EPF, created in 2021, has
made a striking debut: under its provisions, the EU can now deliver
military equipment to a theatre of operations. Previously, its
international interventions were strictly limited to development aid
and peacekeeping. #LeMondeDiplomatique 1/4/22 notes.
*** Germany won't train
Libyan coast guard due to alleged abuse, like repeated unacceptable
behavior by individual units of the Libyan CG toward refugees,
migrants and also toward non-governmental organizations,” Foreign
Ministry spokeswoman Andrea Sasse said.
*** Revolving doors. #Palantir
Technologies, a software and data integration firm that specializes
in defense, intelligence and homeland security matters, has named
several prominent former defense officials to its first federal
advisory board.
*** Part 2 of a serie complaining
about Berlin. With the exception of the Eurodrone, the programs
announced at the Franco-German council meeting July 2017 have been
very slow #FCAS #MGCS or almost abandoned by Germany #MAWS, Tiger
Mk3, missile of the Tiger.
3rd part is to applaud the French arms exports. E.g. those to Egypt,
Qatar, UAE and Indonesia. Yemen wasn't a hurdle.
*** Wapenindustrie kampt met
dezelfde problemen als 'gewone' bedrijven, zoals personeelsgebrek.
Toch hebben ze eindeloos het
werkgelegenheidsargument gebruik. Voor deskundigen was duidelijk dat
ze bij krap aanbod juist technisch geschoold personeel wegkaapten.
*** Uruguayan Navy reported it
received 3 bids for the delivery of two ocean patrol vessels. Bids
are significantly lower than those submitted in the original tender 8
years ago. They came from Chinese CSTC, Dutch Damen and Kership
*** Leonardo 127mm Vulcano gun for
German navy's F126 Damen build frigates.
The gun is intended for surface fire and naval gunfire support as
main role and anti-aircraft fire as secondary role.
Costs unkown.
*** Globes reports that Bahrain and
UAE want to acquire the IAI Arrow 3 ballistic missile defence system.
The potential purchase was discussed in Israel. Besides the Arrow 3,
both countries and Morocco are keen on purchasing the Iron Dome.
*** Retweet Emad Hajjaj Cartoons,
@EmadHajjaj: ملي
الكاريكاتيري الاخير حول عبثية الحرب
ينشر على الصفحة الاولى لصحيفة لوموند
الفرنسية ، نقلا عن صحيفة العربي الجدي
*** The Saudi arms emperium continues to
grow. the regime, known for serious human rights violations both
inside and outside its borders, develops a plan to increase military
skills. A plan to which Spain is about to contribute a few tons:
Navantia will deliver the 1rst of 5 warships
@Soligato: The Government clings to the Official
Secrets Law to protect the delivery of warships to Saudi Arabia
An essential reading article by @Danialri #SecretosOficiales
#SecretosQueMatan #NoMasArmasParaAtrocidades #ArabiaSaudi #Yemen
*** Parliamentary questions on Dutch
arms sales to Egypt by #SP.
@JaspervanDijkSP SP stelt vragen over
'Mogelijk gebruik van Nederlands defensiematerieel door Egyptische
speciale eenheden tegen Palestijnse burgers'
*** Russia’s arms sales
have slumped in recent years, and the Western sanctions and Russia’s
poor performance in Ukraine won’t help. The US can use this
opportunity to lure partners away from Russian arms. But it must
sanction harder and more consequent.
March 30
*** Why defence stocks have no place
in responsible portfolios. Diverting capital to, and taking profit
from defence investment simply constitutes a degree of moral
equivocation too far.
*** Call by the European Left for
peace and end of the war in Ukraine in 8 points.
*** Swap Korea for Germany? Turkey
is negotiating the purchase of up to 100 South Korean-made engines
and transmissions to power its first indigenous tank, the Altay.
Turkish armored vehicles manufacturer BMC has been negotiating with
Doosan and S&T Dynamics.
*** Somewhat speculative.
Subhead: Beijing becomes partner and POTENTIAL supplier to former
source of military equipment. But this informative story on change in
Chinese-Russian arms relation is written like China currently
continues arms sales to Russia.
March 29
*** US Cape Washington (T-AKR-9961)
in Dutch harbour of Flushing (came from Beamont US) bringing heavy
armour for exercise Defender 22. #HNS
Retweet @Defensie:
Amerikaanse tanks gaan momenteel van boord in de
haven van #Vlissingen. De Amerikaanse strijdkrachten zijn hier op
doorreis in verband met de grootschalige oefening Defender 22. Tot
medio april gaat alles vanuit #Zeeland richting Oost-Europa.
wielvoertuigen, containers, uitrusting en onderhoudsmateriaal gaan
mee. Nederland levert Host Nation Support tot al het materieel bij
#Venlo de grens over is. Zover is het nog niet. Daarom verzorgen
voorlopig zo’n 75 defensiemedewerkers o.a. de bewaking van het
*** New face of war; drones from
planes. #Airbus #A400M, the multi-role airlifter utilised by military
forces around the globe, has demonstrated an airborne launch of a
#drone fulfilling a vital function for the Future Combat Air System
*** "A lot has already been delivered,
more than is publicly known," says a person familiar with the
events. Armored vehicles could also be delivered in the direction of
Kyiv. "Later maybe corvettes too," says an industry
representative who wishes to remain anonymous. There is also
field catering for the Ukrainian army.
Remarkable: According
to industry and parliamentary circles, this could also affect air
defense systems from the German manufacturer Diehl. Shortly before
the end of their term in office, the grand coalition had approved the
controversial export of 16 systems to Egypt. Well, according to
parliamentary circles, the delivery could be diverted to Ukraine.
*** Wil de #SP echt alle productie
bij #Fokker Helmond openhouden?
Ook de productie voor drones die bij allerlei oorlogen zijn en worden
Dat moet een vergissing zijn!
*** Military industry was excluded from
trade missions. That policy has been changed. Companies producing
+10% for defence may participate in trade missions & Dutch Trade
and Investment Fund will be opened so was revealed in answers to
questions by VVD MP.
*** Een brisant zinnetje in 'n
column in NRC:
"De „op regels gebaseerde orde”?
Van Chili tot Indonesië wordt daar doorheen geprikt: met westerse
wapens zijn tal van democratische leiders omvergeworpen."
Even tot je door laten dringen als je
denkt dat 'zij' overal de schuld van zijn.
@JafariPeyman: De rest van de wereld begint terug
te praten - NRC
*** Israeli Elbit Systems was
awarded contracts with a value of +/- $130m to deliver an artillery
munitions production line to an undisclosed country in Asia-Pacific.
The contracts will be performed over a period of 2.5 years, the
company said.
*** Japan and Australia Should
Sanction the Myanmar Military
Betting on ASEAN’S Fruitless
Diplomacy Undermines International Action
*** Vrij Nederland doet onderzoek
naar handel en wandel van Jack de Vries, lobbyist bij Hill+Knowlton
en voormalig Staatssecretaris van Defensie. De Vries was een krachtig
pleitbezorger voor de aanschaf van de JSF/F-35 en het joint logistiek
ondersteuningsschip (JSS).
Retweet @vrij_nederland: Het
is opmerkelijk dat een (deeltijd)lobbyist vrije toegang krijgt tot
een departement, aangezien de Kamer eind november nog instemde met
een voorstel voor een verplicht register waarin bewindspersonen
ontmoetingen met lobbyisten moeten bijhouden.
Het stuk is er over lobbyïst,
spinndoctor, prominent CDA'er, die zo'n prominante rol speelde bij
het masseren van belanghebbenden om de weg vrij te maken voor de
aanschaf van de F-35 en ook de man die nu een pas heeft tot het
Ministerie van Defensie:
*** Informative line of thought on
the importance of Peace and Conflict masters programs for
universities, from Down Under:
Peace in our time? Nah, better teach
them war
Our universities have scrapped degrees
on peace making, preferring we learn to make war.
*** Nigerian business man Ogundeyin
to have sold locally produced armoured vehicles to Belarus.
*** US Air Force would cut 150
aircraft, including A-10s, buy fewer #F35 s in 2023 budget.
The Canadian government has
selected Lockheed Martin’s F-35 as the preferred offering in its
competition to buy a new fighter jet, government officials said
A budgetary analysis by #Finland’s
Ministry of Finance has determined that the government’s $10
billion buy of 64 Lockheed F-35 fighter jets can be funded from
within the Finnish Defense Force’s #FDF established annual income
and expenditure framework.
*** It was big. It will be even
more. Biden requests $773bn for Pentagon, a 4% boost. That's 7.5% of
the whole requested US 2023 budget. Congress may even ask for more.
How about global vaccination &
health, CLIMATE action, infrastructure, poverty eradication.
is the crow bar to open the treasury. But China is still the dominant
focus of the Defense Department despite the ongoing ground war in
Eastern Europe following Russia’s February invasion of Ukraine.
total it is even more, when the remainder - mostly for #nuclear
weapons programs managed by the National Nuclear Security
Administration - is included the amount reaches $813bn. (Can be
compared with whole GNP of major, top-20, economy Switzerland.)
*** Many African states are in an
advantageous position as China, Russia, the US and European states
compete for influence in Africa by offering arms ... They may find it
difficult if they are expected to align themselves with one bloc or
another. Whole blog
*** Will #Ukraine crisis
help #Turkey dodge Western arms embargoes? Drawing on the role of
Turkish #drones in bolstering Ukraine’s defense, Erdogan has urged
NATO partners to lift restrictions on military sales.
But sanctions were not because of Ukraine.
March 28
*** "Aramco attack condemned,"
But who condemned Saudi-led coalition
hits Houthi targets in Sanaa, Hodeidah
Or all other previous attacks? (souce
*** Ankara looks for excuses.
#Turkey has always preferred to purchase defense systems from its
allies, including the United States, but the inability to do so has
forced it to look elsewhere, its top diplomat said Saturday. #S400
*** 2021 made Thales Alenia Space
world leader in geostationary telecoms satellites with 5 contracts
won out of 10 available. In 2022 TAS continues its momentum with 2
for US Intelsat & a 3rd for Luxembourg operator SES with
"services to military parties."
*** Definitive Dutch dual use
exports only in February 2022:
€ 17.613.428.065 (included 4 licenses
for nuclear tech valued €0).
Destinations range from Bangladesh to
Belarus and from Israel to Russia.
*** No body armor for Ukraine, but
heavy weapons for the Saudis. The practice of Swiss arms exports
remains contradictory. #Switzerland without Army #GSoA criticizes the
continuation of deliveries to #Saudi Arabia: These deliveries should
“finally be stopped”.;art149188,1387952
*** Elsewhere: #Bahrain M270
Multiple Launch Rocket Systems #MLRS will be upgraded, estimated
value of contract $175.98m. It improves the security of a major ally
that is an important force for political stability and economic
progress in the #MiddleEast.
*** Airstrike on Camp for Displaced
Likely War Crime. An apparent armed drone dropped 3 bombs on the
compound in the town of Dedebit, killing at least 57 civilians and
wounding more than 42 others.
So think twice when you start to applaud the Bayraktar drones.
*** Yesterday in the Dutch news.
Saudi revenge attack on Sana'a, #Jemen. Western supplied fighters,
probably with western bombs caused plums of fire and smoke of
enormous sizes. Reported as if the worst human disaster started just
a day before and not 7 years.
*** Thales onboard Greek navy's
French FDI HN Frigates. Work will be done at Thales’s facilities,
particularly in France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Greece.
*** Hidden arms trade by #Damen. In
all, Metal Shark is producing 13 NCPVs under a $54m FMS contract from
the USN for sales to allies such as the Costa Rica, Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala & Honduras. NCPV is based on the
Damen Stan Patrol 2606.
*** While Russian and Chinese
arms exports have shown no signs of slowing [arms sales to Myanmar],
Serbia, which delivered rockets and ammunition shortly after the
military seized power, has since said that it will halt all future
March 26
*** Een unanieme veroordeling en een
oproep tot militaire de-escalatie in Knack.
"We wijzen erop dat het leveren van wapens ook risico's inhoudt
voor een wereldwijde en ongecontroleerde verspreiding van wapens in
de rest van de wereld."
 *** De Egyptische marine is
betrokken bij mensenrechtenschendingen en schendingen van het
internationaal humanitair recht. Dat blijkt opnieuw uit een onderzoek
van Lighthouse Reports waarover de Volkskrant vandaag een artikel
2020, the Dutch cabinet issued a license to the Dutch arms producer
Thales to equip the Egyptian navy with high-quality defense
Now it appears there are indications of human rights violations, also
by the navy.
*** Retweet @argosonderzoekt: Achter
de muren van de CIA vindt een interne strijd plaats tussen de
'haviken' en 'duiven'. Lees nu alvast het hele interview met Richard
Barlow over de ‘historische vergissing’ die van Pakistan een
nucleaire macht maakte.
*** Stinger & Javelin production
can be boosted, says Army acquisitions chief. He added: “Congress
provided a large amount of money in the omnibus to help us replenish
our stocks, which we greatly appreciate.” Producers: Raytheon (S+J)
& Lockheed Martin (J).
*** US-owned Avio Aero wins race to
make ‘#Eurodrone’ [‘’not mine] engines for France, Italy,
Germany & Spain. Engine for EU’s new flagship drone will be
produced by a @generalelectric-owned company despite criticism it is
not a sufficiently European solution.
Addition: This is bad news from Airbus
for its French counterpart Safran. "It remains to be seen what
the consequences of Airbus' choice will be: a simple setback or real
blow to Safran's ambition in the very buoyant sector of military
Letňany propellers, the Czech division
of the US aircraft engine manufacturer GE Aviation will be
mass-producing turboprop engines in the north of Prague for the very
first EU drone. [in Czech]
*** Swiss companies exported $801
million worth of war materiel to 67 countries in 2021, down 18% on
the previous year, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs said on
Friday. High ranking customers are Botswana and Saudi Arabia, also
the UAE is listed.
*** “Stopping Burmese military
airstrikes is the most urgent priority, and it is very good to see
the UK government begin the process of targeting suppliers to the air
force,” Mark Farmaner of Burma Campaign UK, said. Air attacks take
place almost every day.
March 25
*** Vragen van Van Wijngaarden &
Heinen #VVD over financiering wapenindustrie vandaag beantwoord. Ze
zijn deel van een Europese lobby om ethisch beleid voor
wapenindustrie te ondergraven. Minister Kaag zal het uitsluiten van
wapenindustrie in EU aankaarten.
*** The war in #Yemen enters its 7th
year. The German humanitarian & development organization Action
Against Hunger handed over 52,000 signatures of the petition "Stop
arms exports, end hunger" to State Secretary for Economics &
Climate Sven Giegold yesterday.
*** Panzerfaust, rockets, night
vision devices, a confidential government list shows, according to
SPIEGEL information, that Germany has already given Ukraine more
armaments than is publicly known. Further deliveries are being
*** France overtakes China as third
biggest arms exporter, report shows.
It increased its sales by 59% in the
past 10 years, more than any other country.
Egypt, Qatar and India made up 56% of
France’s total arms exports between 2017 and 2021.
*** Turkish business body, military
attaches in Ankara hold cooperation meeting to applaud the growth of
military industrial capabilities.
*** At the Doha International
Maritime Defense Exhibition and Conference #DIMDEX hosted by Qatar
this week, Iran revealed new weapons to sell on the international
This isn't only a show of arms but also
of the complexities of international relations.
*** In South China Morning Post:
UNSC member states should also support a Security Council resolution
to impose a global #arms #embargo on #Myanmar's military, while
governments should impose targeted sanctions against military-owned
*** French l'Humanité has article
on enduring actions for better social positions of workers at French
Thales facilities.
Thales: à salaires bloqués, sites
*** Pakistan Agosta 90B Class
Submarine HAMZA (S-139), modernized by Turkish firm STM managed to
hit and sink a decommissioned frigate with a single torpedo shot.
Thales tech
has been replaced by Turkish tech (with Thales support?)
*** The UK government has given
Ukraine over $132 million, worth of weapons and other equipment to
help Ukrainian forces fend off Russia’s increasingly bloody
invasion, according to documents published by Chancellor Rishi Sunak
on March 23. [And more figures.]
*** An Australian coalition of civil
society organisations supporting the rights of Palestinians are
calling on the Morrison government and the Andrews government to
boycott their involvement with Israeli intelligence and weapons
company Elbit Systems.
*** Bidders coming from countries
hostile towards #Slovakia and its inhabitants will be excluded from
trade with the state or will be prevented from entering business
fields considered to be critical, such as the energy sector and
military contracts.
*** The #Greek government has signed
the paperwork for three new French #frigates, plus a fourth if things
go well, in a deal that could be worth around $3.5 billion.
Thales on deal:
*** Indian press: China has decided
to increase its arms exports to Pakistan, initiating sale of arms
ranging from stealth fighters to submarines, a move viewed as
Beijings attempt to inflict more pressure on its border dispute rival
*** Regulating new tools of warfare:
Insights from humanitarian disarmament and arms control efforts, a
report by Jessica West, Branka Marijan, and Emily Standfield for
Project Ploughshares, March 2022.
*** Italian cargo workers at the
#Pisa airport refused to load ammunition disguised as humanitarian
aid to #Ukraine. Dock workers in #Genoa also pointed out the
disembarkation of tanks at the seaport, allegedly destined for
*** Nederland
exporteerde vorig jaar voor meer dan 400 miljoen euro aan goederen
naar Rusland die zouden kunnen worden ingezet bij oorlogsvoering, zo
blijkt uit onderzoek van BNR. Door de sancties die Rusland nu treffen
komen deze inkomsten nu stil te vallen.
Aanvulling: Mijn tabel 7
maart (zie hier onder). Er zijn nog 3 leveringen in februari
Ik ben het met Ronald Prims eens dat
het bij deze zogenaamde dual use exporten vaak om civiele leveringen
Deze viel me de afgelopen jaren het
meest op:
March 24
*** Overwegingen in een notendop:
Zolang Oekraïne wapens krijgt en voldoende mannen heeft, houden zij
het nog even vol; tenzij 't humanitaire leed te groot wordt. Maar
Poetin zal niet stoppen tot hij er iets uitsleept dat hij kan
verkopen als een overwinning.
*** Biden administration unveils new
security assistance policy towards Taiwan. But is focussing on the
speed of arms deliveries to Tapei the method of getting China aboard
in pressuring Russia on its war against Ukraine or just counter
*** Suddenly Germany has weapons for
Ukraine after all; Delivery of new Strela missiles and bazookas.
Sources told Die Welt: the German government is also preparing
another delivery with brand-new armaments.
Defence Ministry aiming to send Kiev 2,000 anti-tank weapons
*** The mix of European Fighter
Aircraft and Lockheed Martin F-35's acquisition by Germany is
explained by Die Welt bluntly as a choice for Airbus. I am sure in
France it is overall considered in a different light.
*** Lockheed Martin and
Israeli IAI partnered up to jointly promote a Ground Based Air
Defense (GBAD) system, which is centered around the Lockheed Martin
UK SkyKeeper and the BARAK MX system.
Retweet @YemenData: The
murder of Jamal Khashoggi put pressure on Saudi Arabia and focused
international attention on the Saudi-led war in Yemen, correlating
with a notable decline in bombings. In the 7th year of the air war
civilian casualties in bombings increased more than fourfold
*** Examples of China selling bad
military equipment to good friends or does not provide overhaul when
needed. (Indian sources.)
*** Turkey on the rise.
Turkish official urges US to supply
F-35 jets, Patriot systems 'without preconditions'
Fahrettin Altun, President Erdogan's
senior adviser, responds to remarks that Turkey could send S-400s to
Ukraine to repair US-Turkish relations.
*** Timely, CRS report to US
Congress: Russia’s Nuclear Weapons: Doctrine, Forces, and
Modernization Updated March 21, 2022
CRS report: Hypersonic Weapons:
Background and Issues for Congress
Updated March 17, 2022
*** India's Russian arms explain
"shaky" Ukraine stance
Facing an increasingly assertive China
closer to home, these ties help explain Prime Minister Narendra
Modi's reluctance to criticise Vladimir Putin -- a regular visitor --
over the Ukraine invasion.
*** What we need, before a new arms
race gets out of control, is a sober strategic debate (...) As long
as this war lasts, it's too early to propose détente, but in the
long run such a policy is needed. In the meantime, de-escalation is
required, Herbert Wulf
*** Position of Chinese rightwing
military in Global Times: Analysts point out that the US (...)
actually does not care about restoring peace in the country, and some
US arms firms and politicians would even be happy to take advantage
of wars to become rich.
*** Germany will fast track its
decision making on arms exports to Ukraine - Die Welt. Applications
for Ukraine would be processed with the "highest priority",
with the economy ministry agreeing to applications immediately, Die
Welt reported.
*** Dutch Socialists (SP) aren't
against arms supplies to Ukraine.
Shipments must be judged case-by-case
said @JaspervanDijkSP. How does he quickly get his information on the
Stop Wapenhandel (Stop Arms trade)
*** Ko
Colijn legt uit waarom de Oekraïense situatie hopeloos lijkt en
meest opvallende: zijn oproep aan Zelensky het vechten te stoppen.
Een vraag aan het Westen: meer en
zwaardere sancties tegen Rusland. Waarbij meer int. bedrijven Rusland
March 23
*** Article on US #Saudi relations.
But it also explains why the #Ukrainian war & the rising oil
prices are bad for the #Yemen population. Pressure is on the US
president to comfort - arms sales, military support - the Saudi
regime to enlarge its oil exports.
*** Dutch #GKN #Fokker
facilities in Helmond and Hoogerheide are in the news because they
will be closed by GKN. But #Dutch production for the #Predator
drones, used in numerous wars and conflicts
*** European military budgets
will sharply rise. A shopping list:
- the industrial & tech base
will've to be strengthened to answer demand - more stocks - higher numbers of armour, ships and
planes - faster development - less ethical red tape for financing
*** During Greek HEMEXPO’s visit
to Damen they paved the way for their participation in the corvettes
program where Damen is in competition for the Hellenic Navy’s
*** EU nations circle the wagons in
new ‘Strategic Compass’
I wonder what is alarming to me in this
(Photo subscript misses one of the
wagons: Russians are also protesting.)
We need a European settler mentality -
with an unbroken history of violence?
*** Outgoing President Moon Jae-in
changed South Korea’s into a major arms exporter to South Asia
(India), the Middle East (Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Egypt) and the
Baltics/Scandinavia (Estonia, Finland, Norway).
*** "Calls for better treatment
of the EU military industry by banks are coming from lobbyists and
other stakeholders," Euroactiv noted. Besides the lethal effects
of weapons, "the environmental impact of the production and
operation of weapons is extensive."
*** Clear: "There is no doubt
that arms production is terribly profitable. It is the most lucrative
branch of heavy industry – and in itself it acts as an incentive to
war. It is also the greatest danger to our environment. The vicious
circle of military s..."
*** “... it is also important to
remember to think about the longer term. The US supplied Stinger
anti-aircraft missiles to the mujahideen in Afghanistan and was
subsequently unable to account for many of them”, warned professor
Dr Goldring.
a press briefing March 22, UN Sec-General António Guterres was
explicit when he said the war in Ukraine “is unwinnable”.
“Sooner or later, it will have to
move from the battlefield to the peace table. This is inevitable. The
only question is: How many more lives must be lost?”
*** Another arms to Ukraine
information survey activity. Politico table will be updated with
future arms transfers and as more information becomes available.
*** Battle proven or battle
failure? Offensive by Moscow is being keenly watched by both India
and China, the biggest customers of Russian military hardware. India
purchases a 1/4 of its arms from Russia, followed by China.
March 22
*** De logistiek van het bewapenen.
Nu het luchtruim boven Oekraïne een no-go is, gaan de Stingers en
Panzerfausten over de Poolse weg
via @FTM_nl
*** On the previous battlefield.
Grave times ahead for millions of Afghans and farming communities as
fields remain bare of the annual spring corps, noted the Red Cross
and Red Crescent #IFRC in a worrying statement on Tuesday.
*** At the moment the potential for
use of nuclear arms is more and more debated in the press, others are
arguing to escalate even further.
Russia has no right to dictate - who
ever said it is about rights? - who may fly into and out of Ukrainian
*** ‘They own the long clock’ —
How the Russian military is starting to adapt in Ukraine. And the
longer it takes the more lives are lost (on both sides).
*** Despite all military support by
Washington in bombing Yemen Russia-Ukraine war shows cracks in US
ties to Middle East allies.
The UAE and Saudi Arabia are pursuing
their own interests, analysts say, as the US urges a united front
against Russia’s Putin.
*** Quad participant India has,
indeed, taken advantage of the fact that Russia is selling its oil 20
per cent cheaper in order to fund its disastrous war in Ukraine.
*** Emirates look to the east for
military planes. UAE Minister of State for Defence, Ahmed Al Bowardi,
visited South Korea. The UAE has expressed interest in KAI’s T-50.
The UAE had recently announced its decision to buy the Chinese L-15
advanced jet trainer.
*** It doesn't take a genius to
understand that the more weapons there are, the more likely someone
is to get hurt. And it is in the spirit of this certainty that the
report of @ENAAT and @TNI warn against, what it calls, the European
Union's arms race.
*** Investeerder #Melrose doet zijn
reputatie van schaamteloze roofridder eer aan met de sluiting van
#Fokker Landing Gear in #Helmond, stelt hoofd opinie Chrs Paulussen
in een Commentaar, ED 22/03/22. #Papendrecht gaf een een lening
(€12m) & subsidie (€4m) die dit in gang zette.
*** Je kan stellen dat er weinig mis
is met bedrijven die wapens aan westerse landen verkopen. "Het
probleem is echter dat zij vaak ook wapens verkopen en dat je nooit
kunt uitsluiten dat de producten in verkeerde handen terecht komen,"
aldus Mercurius Vermoge
*** The EAQG (European Aerospace
Quality Group) met in Istanbul and brought together (under the
sponsorship of TAI) Airbus, Leonardo, BAES, Thales, Dassault
Aviation, HENSOLDT, AIAD, Meggitt, FACC, Fokker Aerostructures,
Ariane Group, Aselsan, TEI – TUSAŞ.
#EAQG is the European sector of IAQG
(International Aerospace Quality Group) providing Aerospace and
Defense products and services is a joint European global organization
of companies.
*** Dutch government loosens control
on exports of military tech developed in the framework of the EU
Defence Fund #EDF. Those will be covered by a general license. The
policy is aiming at a strong and resilient European Defence &
Tech Industrial Base #EDTIB.
*** New form of civil solidarity?
American gunmakers ramp up efforts to help Ukrainians fight back
against Putin. No not new, but the unveiled and authorised way it
unfolds is.
Here some thoughts into an other
*** Wapenleveranties worden betaald
uit Europese #Vredesfaciliteit. EU-ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken
hebben maandag in Brussel een akkoord bereikt over een tweede
militair steunpakket voor Oekraïne. Het gaat om een steunpakket ter
waarde van €500 miljoen.
*** Columnist: "Goede,
leerzame stukken over de oorlog, geschreven door @CTWnl. Lees dit en
zeg het door. Ik kan me daar in hoge mate in vinden en ga het niet
nog een keer zeggen, althans nu niet."
daar is veel goeds te vinden.
March 21
And who is surprised: “The
European defence industry stands ready to support national
governments and European institutions, as a competent partner for the
successful implementation of the actions outlined in the
Today, the @EUCouncil adopted the EU's
#StrategicCompass which sets out the path towards strengthening the
#EU's security and #defence by 2030. Find the ASD Press release,
including a statement from ASD President & @LDO_CEO Alessandro
Profumo, here:
*** A Concept Note produced by the
European Council, (publicly available on State Watch site,
outlines the 'potential risks and benefits' of support to Ukraine by
sending weaponry.
*** Nicely worded thought on: What
Germany’s turning point means for its feminist foreign policy.
But it misses the structural change in
German military policy by injecting € 100 bn for weaponry - that's
not for once - and acquiring nuke delivery systems.
*** Meer werk bij Fokker Elmo in
Hoogerheide (Vooral sinds de VS in Turkije geen F-35 werk meer laten
verrichten en die klussen voor de JSF tijdelijk in West-Brabant zijn
ondergebracht), maar toch gaat de fabriek sluiten en het personeel
moet naar Papendrecht.
#GKN Landing Gear in Helmond produceert onder meer vanghaken voor de
landing van F-35 straaljagers op een vliegdekschip of het
landingsgestel van 'n Reaper drone. Helmond gaat ook dicht en dit
gaat gepaard met ruzie over het lot van de medewerkers.
*** Ukraine becomes a
showcase for arms dealers
L'Ukraine se transforme en vitrine pour
les marchands d'armes
"This conflict is an opportunity
for manufacturers to publicize their products, but also to promote a
"culture of war" favorable to arms sales."
*** The riddle of weapons
from Germany's factories
But after four weeks of Russian war of
aggression in Ukraine, not a single new weapon from these
manufacturers [Rheinmetall, Thyssenkrupp, Airbus, H&K] has been
purchased and delivered to Ukraine.
*** Another issue which shows
recent lack of arms control has very negative consequences.
Russia says it used hypersonic weapons
in Ukraine for the first time.
This is what I wrote less than two
years ago on the hyper weapons.
*** The Ukraine war indicates that
any of the Western combat aircraft (F-15/16/18, Rafale, Grippen) in
skilled hands are more than adequate against Russia. How many of
these planes can be had for the price of 35 F-35As? One may presume
the answer is “more.”
*** @UAWeapons#Ukraine:
As it turns out, not all Western aid is helpful. Sometimes it even
becomes dangerous. According to Ukrainian fighters, two Czech STV
Group LGL-7 grenade launchers burst after a few shots. As a result,
two soldiers were injured - severed ear and broken collarbone.
Retweet @tomas_polivka: The
head of ministry of defence @jana_cernochova tweeted that this
weapon was NOT part of the official weapon supply…
*** Srinjoy Chowdhury of Times Now says the
#Indian government will soon place an #order with #Russia for 12 new
Su-30 #fighters. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh is expected to
approve the purchase during a meeting of the Defense Acquisition
Council next week.
*** Indonesia’s military took
delivery of the first batch of Kaplan medium-weight tanks jointly
produced by Turkish FNSS and Indonesian PT Pindad. It is the 1st
export of Turkish-developed tank.
A John Cockerill, Belgian, 3105 tower
equipped to fire high-pressured 105mm shells provides the tank’s
primary firepower.
*** When we watch the east, do not
forget the Middle East.
Italian company #Beretta has won,
through #Saudi General Authority for Military Industries #GAMI, a
contract to supply 3,500 PMX #submachineguns in 9×19 mm caliber to
the Saudi Royal Guard.
*** Putin's regime is making its
Global presence felt with the range of weaponry it exports, proving
Russia’s status as the world’s 2nd biggest arms exporter. Article
shines also some light on the political positions of Russia's
Pak-Russia ties: prospects and challenges
History casts a long shadow.
For Karachi, Moscow is needed against
New Delhi.
*** Europese bedrijven die
oorlogsapparatuur zoals tanks, kanonnen maken, doen het goed dit
jaar. Dat is duidelijk bij de bedrijven met een beursnotering: de
aandelenkoersen daarvan stegen met tientallen procenten sinds de
uitbraak van de oorlog in Oekraïne.
opmerking (op vraag: En de Amerikannen?) want daar zitten de 5
grootste wapenfabrikanten (
en Lockheed kreeg al direct na de $ 100 miljard extra aankondiging
een order voor F-35's uit Duitsland. Maar het zijn dus ook de
Europese bedrijven die er garen bij spinnen.
*** Thuisopvang van
vluchtelingen door militairen en hun gezin kan invloed hebben op de
verklaring van geen bezwaar. Het hoe en wat in de Defensiekrant. Aan
zogenoemde A-functies hangt het hoogste veiligheidsniveau.
Bijvoorbeeld iedereen die met de F-35 werkt.
March 18
*** Money, money, money, its so
funny in an arming world. Haa-Haah (sorry)
Russian invasion spurs European demand
for US drones, missiles
Poland urgently wants to purchase
sophisticated Reaper drones from the US, a Polish government official
said this week.
*** Prio-blog argues arms supplies
involve complex tradeoffs between perceived risks and benefits. There
are several interlinked reasons why supporters of Ukraine may decide
to restrict supplies of arms that Ukraine wants to use in its fight
against Russia.
*** Protest at #Belfast factory over
‘ludicrous nature of arms trade’ with #Thales-built equipment
aiding both #Russia and #Ukraine
Activists mounted a protest at Thales’
facility in east Belfast, over what it called the “ludicrous nature
of the arms trade”.
*** Revealed: Ukraine war makes
Lords members richer through arms investments
Tory peers are among five House of
Lords members with investments of at least £50,000 in BAE Systems
*** Ukraine war brings promise of
profit for German arms firms
Shares in Düsseldorf-based Rheinmetall
up 51% on pre-war levels to ‘all time high’
#Rheinmetall and #MBDA are winners, but
first multi billion slice went to US #Lockheed Martin.
*** The Nordic Monitor (opposing
Ankara) reported Turkey has speeded up the approval of bilateral
defence cooperation agreements with African countries in order to
increase arms sales to the continent.
*** Just over a year ago,
Vladimir Putin and his army were still good customers of the European
arms industry Investigate Europe stated. 1/3 of the EU’s member
states exported arms to Russia, according to official data (see eg
March 17
*** @FrankSlijpervan PAX waarschuwt
dat het zicht op het materieel dreigt te vertroebelen. Al jaren pleit
de vredesbeweging voor meer controle op de wapenhandel. Die controle
is nu belangrijker dan ooit. NRC (economie) 16/03/22.
*** Chinese
Peoples Daily in #SIPRI arms export report
Global transfers of major arms saw a slight drop of 4.6% between
2012-16 and 2017-21, but the #US #increased its exports 14%, moving
its global share from 32 percent to 39%.
*** Dutch Army confirms Thales
Bushmaster armored vehicle Mid-Life Update. Thales Netherlands will
lead the MLU, the project expected to run through to 2027. The first
upgraded Bushmasters are scheduled to re-enter Dutch service in early
*** Around 40 companies
across Europe are already involved in the European Patrol Corvette
According to a release from the Italian
Navy, a contract for constructing the future European Patrol Corvette
(EPC) could be signed as soon as 2025. *** Questions on secret status to
citizens of EU Strategic Compass by @schirdewan
and answers by @JosepBorrellF
"Once agreed by the EU Member States, the Strategic Compass will
be a public document."
*** Retweet @_ENAAT:
The #EuropeanUnion is taking a deeply worrying path
away from its founding principles of peace and dialogue and towards
war mongering and militarism Want to know more? Read our new report
with @TNInstitute here:
#EuropeanDefence #EDF
*** Ukraine’s military claimed
that a #Russian #drone crossed into Polish airspace before reentering
the Ukraine, where it was shot down. it is believed to be Forpost
UAV, a license-produced version of the Searcher II reconnaissance
drone, built by Israel
*** Military planners assert they
have more relevant and dangerous threats to consider 1st. This
argument may hold water in the extremely short term, but it loses all
credibility beyond even the most immediate concerns.
But must it be the Pentagon at the helm?
*** Escalation. Debate on
NATO-Ukraine fighter deal continues. While the politics surrounding
the transfer of Polish MiG-29s to Ukraine are complicated, experts
say the technical and logistical difficulties involved should not
stand in the way of a deal.
*** Most expensive weapon
program ever, but: "F-35 did not suddenly become a more reliable
aircraft in 2021” Dan Grazier of the Project on Government
Oversight wrote. “It takes extraordinary effort to keep the fleet
operating even close to the required
*** Retweet @fionadove: Russia’s
Feminists Are in the Streets Protesting Putin’s War.
*** US
provide Ukraine with #killerdrones called Switchblades. There are two
variants of the weapon, the Switchblade 300 (against persons) and the
600 (against tanks & armoured vehciles), that have been sold to
US Special Forces by manufacturer AeroVironment.
March 16
*** Retweet
@ForumArmsTrade: List of weapons @POTUS pledged
for #Ukraine today.
See this an other arms for Ukraine in our resource page at
*** Experts warn that Canadian
weapons shipped to Ukraine could end up in the wrong hands
*** According to Justice for
#Myanmar a private Myanmar military arms broker, Miya Win
International, has procured #Austrian Schiebel Corporation parts for
the Myanmar military's Camcopter S-100 #drones via Russia after last
year's coup.
*** Latvian Deputy Prime Minister
and Defense Minister Artis Pabriks has confirmed the country’s
interest in buying #Bayraktar TB2 combat drones from Turkey, which
have been used on battlefields in Syria, Libya, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia,
Iraq; and now in Ukraine.
*** If Russian tanks are currently
firing at Ukrainian residential buildings or civilians, then this is
apparently also happening with the help of French armaments
technology. More than 1000 Russian tanks are equipped with French
thermal cameras.
“France has complied in accordance with its commitments to
international law,” Macron said answering questions on supplies to
Russian army by French military giants #Safran and #Thales (mother
company of Dutch largest military company Thales #Nederland).
#Thales in top 1% performers of CAC40 Index in March 2022. Thales has
climbed €27.21 in March to close at €111.45 on Tuesday.
When cynical one would state: hardly
surprising when you've such a business model. Arming adversaries &
defending against them with your products.
*** Power of the Russian armed
forces was overestimated, this article points out. Putin was kept in
the dark & so were we. What does this mean for Western military
budgets answering the 'enormous' Russian military power (something
else than aggressive policy)?
*** After the Russian aviation
sector was hit Western sanctions because of Ukraine, China refused to
supply Russia with aircraft parts. Moscow now plans to seek
assistance from India, Turkey and others, reported Global Defense
*** Comment: HMC Sentinel will used
for anti-smuggling interceptor duties, maritime law enforcement and
surveillance of British Gibraltar Territorial Waters #BGTW, maritime
law enforcement, rapid response actions and supporting and assisting
other law enforcement agencies in their operations.
@FabianPicardo: Today we commissioned HMC Sentinel from @Damen for
@HMCustomsGib with @Convent_Gib. This investment comes from work
started in 2019 by John Rodriguez & has been delayed by C19 &
Brexit. Investing public money in our law enforcement capability &
the protection of our officers.
*** US plans to sell F-15
fighter jets to Egypt, top general says
General Frank McKenzie told senators
the deal, which hasn't been finalised, 'was a long, hard slog' amid
concerns in Washington about human rights
March 15
*** Om over na te denken opinie van
journalist De Haan die ooit zelf weigerde militair te zijn en
daarvoor het gevang indraaide.
Zelenski: stop deze oorlog. Nu de
wapens neerleggen is niet stoer, maar betekent wel het einde van de
vernietiging van Oekraïne.
*** Switzerland is traditionally
neutral and peaceful. In fact, Swiss companies exported to Russia
camouflaged civilian technology, which is of great military use
*** Engines are among the most
difficult parts of a fighter jets & main battle tanks. Turkey is
helped on both (jets
It is S Korea offering help to power Turkey’s #MBT Altay. 'Needed'
because of German arms control measures on Ankara.
*** Despite a 2014 European embargo
on new orders, France, through Safran & Thales, continued export
to in support of previously concluded contracts, Disclose stated
Deliveries mainly concern sighting equipment and thermal cameras.
*** As long as German - the biggest
economy of Europe - fighter capability for US nuclear bombs weights
more than European military aerospace industry partnerships, an
independent European foreign policy is behind the horizon and merely
a budgetary argument.
*** UK engine maker Rolls-Royce and
its local partner Kale will launch a joint effort to produce an
engine to power Turkey’s first indigenous fighter jet, the TF-X.
The effort will be undertaken by TAEC,
a joint venture between Rolls-Royce and Kale.
*** France is several years into a
multibillion-euro investment in military space capabilities, and the
country is using its temporary role leading the European Council
presidency to emphasize the operational domain’s importance across
the continent.
*** Germany will buy up
to 35 F-35 fighter jets, reversing years-long plans that saw the
warplane eliminated from consideration. The planes will take over by
2030 the niche, but crucial, nuclear-weapons mission from the aging
fleet of Tornado aircraft.
March 14
*** That is how it's called a
defence supercycle. Aviation week can not forecast if it will be a
short term or longterm phenomenon, but military expenditures will go
up at the cost of ...
*** Nederland is op twee na grootste
wapenimporteur van Europa
*** Jeune Afrique reports on the
craftsmen of the Kremlin's African diplomacy. Sergei Chemezov and
Anatoly Isaikin are both influential in arms export policies because
of their respective positions as head of Rostec and Rosoboronexport.
*** Ukraine is one of the largest
arms trafficking markets in Europe, with war profiteering and
associated criminal elements having grown over the last 8 years.
*** Despite suggestions human rights
should become a more prominent part of US arms export policy to the
Middle East, president Biden follows largely the policy of his
predecessors. The Congressional Research Service report on Bahrain,
*** Think also about Russians
against the war.
Hundreds of anti-war protesters
arrested across Russia
Independent monitoring group OVD-Info
says 756 people have been arrested across 37 cities, with about half
of arrests in Moscow.
*** Here Russia is used to defend
higher military expenditures #ME and arms buys (while much higher
NATO ME didn't prevent Russia invading Ukraine).
In Asia it is China having that role.
It isn't true nobody wins with tension
and war: the arms industry does.
*** Retweet @CTWnl: Will
sending arms to Ukraine help to end the suffering and offer a way out
of violent conflict? New blog at:
Comment: Welcome blog by
@Ctwnl. Supplying arms might not be the best way to support the
people of Ukraine, and it is not the only way either.
Sahra Wagenknecht (Die Linke) was in Die Welt confronted with the
question why the left sticks to its demand of 'No Arms Exports'. She
answered: The weapons currently being supplied are prolonging the
war, but they will not lead to Ukraine winning it.
*** Retweet @AFP: #UPDATE
Germany plans to buy up to 35 F-35 fighter jets made by US firm
Lockheed Martin and 15 Eurofighter jets, a parliamentary source said
Monday, as part of a major push to modernise the armed forces in
response to Russia's invasion of #Ukraine.
Comment: Germany chooses US
fighter aircraft over European variants. The F-35 is chosen because
completed its final test with the US B61-12 guided #nuclear bomb last
October; and Eurofighter certification for US nuclear bombs was
considered by Germany to be too complicated and expensive.
*** Retweet
@SIPRIorg: 4 of the top 10 arms-importing states
in 2017–21 are in the #MiddleEast: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar and
the UAE. The region accounted for 32% of global arms imports between
2017 and 2021. New SIPRI data out now
Comment: Europe is shifting
its supplies of gas from Russia to the authoritarian regimes in the
Middle East. One of the advantages is that payments will return in
the form of arms acquisitions. (Although the US grasps a large
proportion and they are building domestic military industries).
Retweet @SIPRIorg: Who were the five largest
arms exporters in 2017–21? 1) USA 2) Russia 3) France 4) China 5)
Germany Together, they accounted for 77% of all arms exports in
2017–21. New SIPRI data on global #ArmsTransfers out now
*** Retweet @roelants_c:
Overal oorlog: gouden tijden voor de
wapenproducenten! Mijn column over de Saoedische wapenbeurs waar ook
de Russische wapenfabrieken ruim vertegenwoordigd waren.
March 13
*** China
uses Pakistan to clandestinely supply defence hardware in Myanmar,
according to Asian News International. The Myanmar military is
planning to purchase 60 and 81 mm mortars, M-79 grenade launchers and
heavy machine guns from Pakistan.
March 12
*** Thales French - nation wide -
employees demand "a fair sharing of wealth"
*** +/- 50% of the money for arms
goes to air forces. In that context it isn't difficult to see
Macron's words in Versailles fall on infertile soil. He said "it
will not make much sense” to import military equipment from
*** From behind the stategist table:
Arming Ukraine Is Worth the Risk; West Can Raise the Cost of Russian
But it also raises the cost for
Ukrainians. Fight will not won on the battle field, but putting the
lid on the Kremlin.
*** Magazine states the best option
for Ukrainians is to do what most overmatched adversaries of
superpowers have been doing for more than a century: create a violent
insurgency that will bleed Russian resources and drain their will to
fight and occupy
*** As long as Sisi only quells his
own population. US Senate backs $2.2bn arms sale to #Egypt, but
discontent within Washington grows. The Senate easily threw out a bid
by Senator Rand Paul to block the sale, but experts say the vote
itself was unprecedented.
*** US Senate backs $2.2bn arms sale
to Egypt, but discontent within Washington grows
The US
Senate easily threw out a bid by Senator Rand Paul to block the sale,
but experts say the vote itself was 'unprecedented'
*** People show posters that read,
'Stop the war, No more Hiroshima, No more Nagasaki, No nukes, No
war,' during a protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine at
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima.
#Japan has for the 1st time provided non-lethal equipment such as
helmets & bulletproof vests to another country, sending a
shipment to front-line fighters in Ukraine. The delivery is
significant even if there are no plans for Japan to send lethal
*** EU wil nog eens €500
mln voor wapens aan Oekraïne vrijmaken, Rutte weet van niets
March 11
*** While the MIC is aiming for
larger budgets, critical voices, leaning to the military, state:
"Bigger budgets won't solve the Pentagon's problems — and
could make them worse."
In the Netherlands Ko Colijn follows a similar line:
Dutch police (civil and military
Kmar) yesterday stopped transport of armoured vehicles, weapons and
ammunition en route to the UK. The weaponry is privately owned.
*** US Senator and Senate
Foreign Relations Committee Member Rand Paul (R-KY) urged the Senate
to support his bipartisan joint resolution of disapproval to block a
proposed $2.2 billion US arms sale to #Egypt.
US "arms a regime at war with its
own people."
*** A somewhat overstated intro, but
the warnings against arms companies lobbies in this 2nd oldest Indian
Newspaper (2.3m circulation) must be taken seriously. If #India gets
drawn into an arms race its resources can get diverted from more
pressing needs.
*** Why are some wars condemned more
than other wars? People in Myanmar want to have the same backing as
those in Ukraine.
And I am sure the same counts e.g. for those in Yemen.
*** UK defence secretary Wallace
acknowledged Ukrainian soldiers would need to be trained in how to
use donated Starstreak high-velocity man-portable anti-air missiles.
“How we are doing it [training] is sensitive,” he added.
Why German rearmament will benefit the
United States and not a European military industry. The French fear
they are left with studies to build a Future Air Combat System but
without fighters actually build and acquired.
fear is understandable. Many EU countries are buying F-35s instead of
EFA's, Gripens or Rafales. These are Denmark, Italy, Norway, Belgium,
the Netherlands, Finland and the UK. And it isn't over yet: Greece,
Spain and the Czechia are in talks to acquire the US fighter.
*** The European civil and military
space industry's dependencies on Russian and Ukrainian suppliers are
highlighted with the war in Ukraine. It reveals holes in the European
space sector, like on transport planes, launching locations and
engine production.
*** Secrets of ransomware gang
spilled after it announced support for Russia. “it seems like they
had a relationship to a Russian government group,” said John
Fokker, head of cyber investigations at Trellix & a former member
of a Dutch police anti-hacker unit.
*** Yelena Osipova,
overlevende van het beleg van Leningrad, vorige week nog afgevoerd
door veiligheidstroepen, gaat door met haar protest in St.
"Soldaat leg je wapens neer en wees een echte
*** More of this please!
Even Russian State TV Is Pleading With
Putin to Stop the War
State propagandists called for Putin to
end the “special military operation” before “frightening”
sanctions destabilize his regime and risk civil war in Russia.
*** 3 new #UK Fleet Solid Support
vessels must be designed and built in Britain, union bosses insist.
4 consortia - one of them with Dutch
#Damen - are bidding for the £1.5billion contract.
Trade unionists fear the bumper deal
could go to a foreign-led bid.
*** Nederlandse bedrijven kunnen
mogelijk ook profiteren van de oorlog in Oekraïne. Onderzoekster
@WendelaVries over wapenleveranties: “De belangrijkste vraag lijkt
mij: hoe kunnen we de situatie de-escaleren? Meer wapens ertegenaan
gooien, is onverstandig.”
*** US lawmakers on Wednesday
unveiled a $13.6 billion Ukraine aid package that took President Joe
Biden’s request for weapons and training for Ukrainian forces. The
package will contain $3 billion in new weapons for Ukraine.
*** Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle
grilled Biden administration officials Thursday over the Pentagon’s
rejection of #Poland’s plan to give the #Ukraine its MiG-29 fighter
jets to repel #Russia’s mightier forces. While it was clear why
not. #Escalation
*** There seems to be
surprise over India's - inaccurately coined the biggest democracy -
position on the Russian invasion in the Ukraine. But since 1991
alone, India has spent $70billion US on Russian arms, and it plans to
spend much more, according to SIPRI.
March 10
*** Op donderdag 17 maart 11 uur
online presentatie van het rapport 'Fanning the Flames'. Q & A
met schrijvers van het European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) en
het Transnational Institute (TNI). Aanmelden hier:
*** Four reasons why the West should
think twice about arming a Ukrainian insurgency.
Tweets on EDF
Session on the European
Defence Fund in English in the Dutch Parliament. (First part in
English, Second in Dutch with TNO, Damen and NIDV
Daniel Fiott: it is not about acquisition, but Research and
Capability. So that may the next the step.
Laetitia Sedou: The
EDF beneficiaries, the happy few, the big military 4: Germany,
French, Italy and Spain get almost 70% of the allocated budget. More
than half of the EU countries get less than 1% of the funding. It
goes also in an extreme way to the largest companies. David Fiott
foresees EDF opens up supply chains.
She also points at the
corruption in the international arms trade. It does not get enough
attention in the EDF. Another issue brought forward by her is de
facto deregulation of ethical checks on new and disruptive weapon
There is not over regulation, because there is no
history of regulation on military issues. It's new, as some say he
EDF is a game changer, it need a specific regulations. The legal and
political frame for the new kind of weapons developing, like AI,
killer robots. The EU should take the lead on this, also to reign in
China on this.
Rob Nulkes NIDV wil Defensie Materieel Proces
afslanken. Past niet in Europa. #Walrus-verhaal vergeten?
Het Europees Defensie Fonds lijkt te nopen tot minder regels
om de Nederlandse rol te consolideren en uit te breiden. VVD wil meer
'harde' wapens.
TNO stelt voor te investeren in bedrijven die
niet van oudsher in een militaire industrie actief zijn. Zoals
quantum, laser, AI technologie, zo kan een nieuwe bedrijfssector
worden gebouwd voor militaire componenten.
(Clingedael) en Nulkes pleiten voor aansluiting bij Future Air
Capability System #FACS & Main Ground Combat System #MGCS.
Kleyheeg (TNO) pleit ook voor aansluiten bij FCAS. F-35 kennis
inzetten. Zoals NLR-windtunnel, TNO-simulator. Zo kunnen NL bedrijven
The information meeting is a quick update on the
European Defence Fund.
*** Indonesia's Navy has announced
plans to acquire France's Scorpene-class submarines.
Scorpene-class subs are jointly built
by French shipbuilder Naval Group and Spain's Navantia.
*** A next step. UK to deliver
world-leading Thales Belfast made Dart missiles; Anti-aircraft weapon
will be deployed to help thwart Russia and regain control of the
skies, says UK Defence Secretary Wallace.
*** Opportunities for Belgium
military companies to profit of German military budget hike
inventoried. But in the defense market it is every country for
*** The Romanian Ministry of
Defense has dismissed statements of the spokesperson of the Russian
Ministry of Defense, on Wednesday, which accredits the idea that
Ukrainian fighter jets were relocated on the Romanian territory,
saying it is not true.
*** When
German companies pay bribes in other countries, it rarely has serious
consequences, internal files show. Defense companies are particularly
frequently targeted by investigators on suspicion of foreign
corruption. @hmtillack writes.
The files also show that
prosecutors often put a lot of effort into such suspicious cases -
with searches at the company's headquarters and requests for legal
assistance to foreign states. But in the end, almost no one ever ends
up behind bars.
*** #Airbus signed a MoU at the
Defence Show in Riyadh. The MoU covers Airbus' portable LTE tactical
bubble Everus Manpack
cybersecurity managed services, satellite communications, and the
secure collaboration platform TactilonAgnet.
Saudi Arabia signed 23 contracts worth $3.5bn at Defence Show.
Companies involved: Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Chinese Poly
Technologies, Thales, Swiss Rheinmetall, Aerovision International,
and some Saudi companies like SAMI (5 deals), AAC, NCMS, and AEC.
*** Chinese and Saudi firms create
joint venture to make military drones in the kingdom. Advanced
Communications and Electronics Systems Co. signed an agreement with
China Electronics Technology Group Corp.
*** Turkey gambled and lost. But who
will help the country to new fighters (besides the UK, without a
moral compass on Ankara)? The foreign & arms export policy of
Ankara is a nuisance for years now. Defence News sees only financial
and problems of choice.
*** De Rus Vagit Alekperov -
eigenaar van #Lukoil - doet een stap terug bij Heesen Yachts uit Oss.
Hij blijft wel eigenaar van de Osse werf. #Alekperov heeft zijn
belang ondergebracht in zijn Cypriotische vennootschap Morcell.
Addition: Dutch but Russian
owned - fact not mentioned here - Heesen presenteert 55 meter staal
Project Serena op Dubai International Boat Show.
*** The United States remains the
world’s largest purveyor of arms, representing nearly 37% of
global arms exports between 2015 and
2020. End-use monitoring #EUM fails to adequately address concerns
about the human impact of US arms transfers. Brief on EUM.
*** De Speciale Eenheden van de
Belgische federale politie hebben dertig krachtige machinepistolen
(het zou gaan om 30 #Scar-geweren) moeten afstaan aan het Oekraïense
leger. “Het gaat om onze enige reserve. We gaan in problemen
komen”, zegt een anonieme bron.
The Special Units of the Belgium
Federal Police have had to hand over 30 high-powered submachine guns
(presumably 30 Scar-rifles) to the Ukrainian army. “It is our only
reserve. We're going to get in trouble," said an anonymous
*** The vultures of international
politics. How the world’s defence giants are quietly making
billions from the war. Ahead of the conflict, top western arms
companies were briefing investors about a likely boost to their
Russia exports nearly 90 percent
of its arms to 10 countries. Its biggest customer, India, bought 23
percent of Russia’s weapons for some $6.5bn over the past five
years. Half of India’s total arms imports, 49.3 percent, come from
*** Australia’s Future
Fund bans investment in Israeli defence contractor over cluster
munitions allegations.
Norway’s largest pension fund KLP
also excludes Israeli defence contractor, Elbit, from its portfolio.
March 9
*** If you lecture us on human
rights than ... In a surprise move, the #UAE defense ministry
announced Feb. 23 it was planning to contract with China’s National
Aero-Technology Import & Export Corp. #CATIC to purchase 12 L-15
advanced jet trainers.
*** Russia Doesn't Train Troops for
Urban Warfare. It's About to Learn the Consequences in Ukraine.
Russian combined-arms doctrine on this is based on the belief has
been that if the enemy's main force in the field is destroyed, then
his cities will surrender.
*** Stinger systems from the US's
stocks didn’t arrive in Ukraine until late February shortly after
the Russian invasion. By than the military was able to withdraw a
sensitive item from the missile’s hand-held launcher, opening the
way to sending the weapons.
*** NATO Members Mount Huge
Operation to Resupply Ukrainian Fighters
Although the transport planes and
trucks are highly visible, the operation to supply Ukraine in many
countries has been shrouded in secrecy.
*** How #Israel Is Helping
#Putin Crush Anti-war Protests in Russia. Unfortunately, it is likely
that some of the courageous anti-war #protesters in #Russia, once
arrested, have their mobile phones confiscated and hacked using the
#Cellebrite system.
*** How to make a safer world?
Central and Eastern European arms industries seek to profit from new
Cold War, wrote Intellinews - Slovakia Today. It uses also ENAAT
information to underline its statement.
*** A voice from Pakistan: Only
putting pressure, pressure, and pressure on Myanmar's military can
compel the junta to abide by the international customary law and
restore democracy. The world community, [China are you listening],
must pressurise.
*** Retweet @_ENAAT: We
invite you to the launch of our report with @TNInstitute. We examine
how #EU public money is used to fund controversial military wares
through the #EuropeanDefenceFund precursor programmes, without
appropriate ethical and legal
checks. Registration➡️
*** There are other brutal regimes.
#Saudi Arabia’s authority for military industries gave the OK for 2
projects to locally manufacture parts for the advanced #US Terminal
High Altitude Area Defense #THAAD missile system. That is even more
than selling arms.
*** The war strengthens the position
of the arms industry, like in the sentiment we lack national
production. Its worded by Mr. Brugière, CEO of Cybergun, just bought
Etienne Verney-Carron with the aim to relaunch French small arms
production (5,000 annually)
is another example: After #arms wrestling with the arms industry,
#banks are changing position and supporting the military sector since
the outbreak of war in Ukraine. In #Sweden, SEB bank will again
authorize some of its funds to invest in armaments.
*** "The PAF welcomes the
arrival of two units of T129 'ATAK' helicopters onboard the Airbus
A-400M from Turkey at 30 minutes past midnight 09 March 2022 at Clark
Air Base," a Philippine Air Force spokesperson said in a message
to reporters.
*** In the meantime equipping a
gross human rights violating regime seems to continue. Cairo has
expressed to Paris and the Naval Group to acquire conventional
powered Barracuda submarines as well as an aircraft carrier equipped
*** Will tech export controls
against Russia further strengthen Sino-Russian high-tech cooperation?
At this point, it seems unlikely that Beijing will put its future on
the line to back Putin.
*** '#Sweden’s Military Transfers
to Ukraine for Beginners' is a wide ranging article on (the history)
of Swedish arms exports (recently to Ukraine), the human rights and
security arguments used and the move towards "militarist
expansion". Useful observations. *** Some of the most
remarkable #Dutch licenses for #dualuse technology in January, 2022
#India: two deliverances of measurement
tech to test satellites. Values: € 24,209 and € 41,806.
#Turkey: measurement tech to develop
helicopter parts. Value € 18,310.
March 8 1915. Vrouwen tegen de oorlog.
Aanvulling: Ruim 100 jaar later in NRC-Handelsblad:
Wie zijn die mensen naar wie straten, pleinen en bruggen zijn
vernoemd? Aflevering 50: de Wilhelmina Druckerstraat in Nieuw Sloten.
*** At last, some
movement here. Members of the US Congress have called on President
Joe Biden not to enter into any arms deal with Morocco amid fears
over the use of these weapons against the Sahrawi people.
Hoe actueel. Morgen
in Kamer gesprek over het Europese Defensie Fonds #EDF. @letysedou
van het Europees Netwerk tegen Wapenhandel @ENAAT niet alleen enige
vrouw, maar ook enige deskundige vanuit de vredesbeweging. 9 maart
2022, 13-15uur, Suze Groenewegzaal
*** The broad German
alliance Stop the War wants to call for mass protests throughout
Germany again next Sunday. On March 13, demonstrations are planned in
Berlin and in another 5-7 major cities against Russia and the
announced German arms budget rise.!5834074/
*** #Japan will review
its guidelines on the transfer of defense equipment overseas,
government officials said Tuesday as the country prepares to send
supplies from its Self-Defense Forces to the #Ukraine.
*** How many Europeans
wants this:
The US Can Turn Europe Into
Putin's Nightmare.
Fortress America: NATO
expansion, permanent U.S. deployments in Eastern Europe and a
fearsome Navy presence in the Black Sea.
*** Since 2018, US &
European officials have quietly helped Ukraine implement key portions
of a total defense framework that military officials call the
Resistance Operating Concept #ROC. A US SOF official discussed the
project with the Military Times.
*** Argentina is
considering Chinese-Pakistani JF-17 for its light fighter jet
procurement among a host of Russian, Chinese and European contenders.
The country is facing anarms embargofrom the U.K., over unsettled
issues concerning the Falklands Islands.
Kazakhstan Paramount
Engineering (KPE) delivers new batch of locally manufactured armoured
Paramount is a South African
group of companies operating for militaries world wide.
Kazachstan is a country
violently repressing its population.
*** Becoming a NATO
member and supporting the Israeli military industry, it is #Finland.
The Finnish MoD has selected Israel's #Rafael and #IAI to go to the
final round of negotiations for Finland's new, ground-based
air-defense system #GBADS requirement.
*** Thales (Pay Bas,
Tacticos) va équiper les frégates MIECZNIK de la Marine nationale
Thales (Netherlands,
Tacticos) will arm the new Polish frigates.
*** Many countries have
announced sending weapons to Kiev to counter the Russian invasion,
but not all of them communicate with the same level of transparency
on it. Le Monde gives overview on transparency policy & arms
[French], but check the details.
*** A Green and Social
Responsible preparation for war? Bombs, guns and fighter jets aren’t
typical E.S.G. investments, but two Citi analysts say they should be.
Advocates for “socially responsible” investing call the idea
*** In de Roemeense
Galati heeft Damen een werf. De stad ligt dicht bij de Oekraine.
Afgelopen week werd Galati getroffen door nepnieuws dat paniek
veroorzaakte. Het licht bij strategische infrastructuur zou uitgaan.
Het bericht werd ontkent ook door Damen.
*** In the Chinese Global
Times doubts if the sanctions against the Russian arms industry will
have the desired effect. The publication point at disadvantages for
Russia, but also to advantages, like the best advertisement for arms:
used in war.
Times reports point out the slow gains of the Russian armed forces in
Ukraine is far from an advertisement for Russian arms. How can it be
that a large Russian army a is being checkmated and systematically
devastated by Ukraine’s military?
something to read for those in the MIC who see the Russian tanks
rolling into the Ukraine as a show the West is incapable of, because
it phased out the MBT's. They are not as powerful as you want to
picture them to underline demands for more budget and weaponry.
*** European Union
countries have increased their arms sales to #Egypt significantly
since general-turned-president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi seized power
following a military coup in 2013. That is because he is such a
staunch defender of human rights, isn't he.
*** Russia on Sunday
warned countries neighboring Ukraine against providing military
airfields for Ukrainian combat aircraft. MoD spokesman Konashenkov
said Russia is aware of Ukrainian combat aviation trips to Romania
and some other neighboring countries. March 7
*** Same
information also in the well informed The Hill. Blinken says Poland
sending fighter jets to Ukraine gets a 'green light' from US.
*** Sinds Poetins troepen Oekraïne
zijn binnengetrokken, loopt de belangstelling voor een baan als
militair op. Gemiddeld ligt het aantal sollicitaties bij Defensie
rond de 350 per week, nu waren het er 736.
De marine fansite tekenaar denkt het
zijne van de heldhaftigheid:
1 / 2 Though Russia has now
committed about 95% of the combat power it amassed along Ukraine’s
borders, the Pentagon has seen “limited changes on the ground”
while the airspace remains contested, a senior U.S. defense official
said Sunday evening. US gives ‘green light’ for NATO
allies to send military planes to Ukraine, Blinken says. “In fact, we’re talking with our
Polish friends right now about what we might be able to do to
backfill their needs if in fact they choose to provide these fighter
jets to the Ukrainians.”
Although Putin is the agressor, this US
policy of calling for fighter aircraft transits to Ukraine is an
ernormous step on the escalation ladder.
someone explain what is happening here? What game the US are playing
when the Polish government clearly states it is not planning to
follow Blinken's dangerous suggestion/advise? Raising the pressure by
words alone or was it a serious offer?