July 24
delegation of Belgium’s #Wallonia region has visited #Serbia to
verify arms exports based on permits issued by regional authorities
to arms maker Lachaussee, the Serbian Ministry of Defence said on
Thursday. https://www.britic.co.uk/?p=1362816
July 23
the arms industry wins whether Ukraine wins or loses. In reality, the
EU's Act in Support of Ammunition Production has little, if anything,
to do with supporting Ukraine, and everything to do with guaranteeing
the profit-driven interests of Europe's highly-lucrative arms
industry. https://euobserver.com/opinion/157279
July 16
thought reaches a new height. German arms export controles limit the
prospects for a German armaments sector. Wow! That is serious for
Paris because Germany and France are cooperating on several arms
So why not end all arms control?
The UK is a
weaponry ‘Amazon’ for Ukraine and a Supermarket Sweep for
MEPs (the
pariliamentarians in Brussels) approve plans to provide more
ammunition for Ukraine.
A policy which is considered left and
green; the Times They Are A-Changin'
Waar een klein
land zich groots in kan voelen:
Denmark and the Netherlands heading coalition of 11 nations responsible for training pilots and ground personnel
July 15
Things may
look rosy for NATO today, but climate breakdown, not wars, are the
biggest threat to global security.
Sttttt those with euro's or dollar in their
pockets don't want to know. They want to continue or at best kick a
can down a the road.
Two Q&As are missing in: Scientists
are freaking out about surging #temperatures. Why aren’t
1) Why are sitting politicans refusing
to take facts seriously?
2) What's the strategy to replace them
asap with responsible ones? #ClimateCrisis
suspended all arms exports for 30 days, the defense minister said
Friday, just days after the US imposed sanctions on the Balkan
country’s intelligence chief, Aleksandar Vulin, over alleged
illegal arms deals and other criminal activities.
July 12
Minister of Defense and Military Production Mohammad Zaki held on
19/6/2023 a meeting with the Chairman of the European Union Military
Committee #EUMC General Robert Brieger.
The meeting focused on naval cooperation between #Egypt and the #EU. https://www.tacticalreport.com/daily/62017
Human Rights Conditions on U.S. Military Aid to #Egypt Under the
Biden Administration.
A crystal
clear worded opinion on why delivering #F16's to #Ukraine is not
advisable from a tactical viewpoint.
By US Air Force Col. Maximilian Bremer
and Kelly Grieco (a senior fellow with the Reimagining US Grand
Strategy Program at the Stimson Center).
loosens arms exports to #Saudi Arabia, but continues #blocking
#Eurofighter jets.
Berlin will allow weapon sales to Saudi Arabia in 'specific individual cases' but they cannot be used in Yemen.
July 11
defense firms are buying each other up as they vie for a greater
share of potential contracts that could come with increased
#cybersecurity funding among the region’s armed forces.
How many
failures of US arms export policies combined with military
interventions are needed before controls are taken seriously?
How Taliban Turned Arms Dealers For Terrorists; Fancy NATO Weapons Replace Kalashnikovs.
US export
#controls problematised in case of strategic tech cooperation with
“Modi’s US Technology Transfer Deals May Stumble On US Export Controls”. Can India succeed in getting the critical techn from the US when Australia and the UK have failed?
To date,
replenishing of stocks of weapons dispatched to the Ukraine has
largely centered on missiles including the Anti Tank NLAW.
BAE said 11/7 it was already expanding munition capabilities in the UK to increase domestic capabilities in the sector.
Are Dutch
PzH2000s delivered to Ukraine used to fire US
& Turkish deliverd
cluster #DPICM ammo? They are fitted to do.
(The M483A1 was once produced in the Netherlands, deliverd to Turkey and used against Kurds in Turkey.)
Andrew it
does not even need expertise to come to this conclusion. The main
reports are easy to find on the internet and the broad campaign
against these fragmentation ammunitions became well informed during
the many years the campaign ran.
For those not aware: read and absorb.
- but verify
is on the power of #AI to generate #desinformation. The article
states this word comes from the Russian #Dezinformatsiya. But the
word was already part of American English in the 19th century as wiki
The price of
confrontation policies instead of aiming for control.
Concerns about China are driving a projected surge in US military spending over the next 4 years, both conventional and nuclear, according to a recent report by investment bank TD Cowen.
met comment @arjenvanderziel: Frankrijk
gaat #Scalp-raketten leveren aan #Oekraïne. De Oekraïners kunnen
daarmee Russische doelen diep in bezet gebied raken. Parijs volgt
hiermee Londen dat dezelfde raketten al levert onder de Britse naam
#StormShadow. De raketten worden gemaakt door 't Europese bedrijf
#MBDA https://twitter.com/arjenvanderziel/status/1678724284871573505
Coolsingel 61 7th floor (r
KVK 33285376
Nederland gering belastingland.
Germany is
threatened with a shortage of hardened steel used to make parts of
tanks. That's why #KDNS bought a 200-year-old steel foundry to ensure
supply to make parts Leopard 2 tanks and other armored vehicles
currently deployed on Ukrainian
expands relations in murderous dictatorship. Representatives of the
#Saudi Arabian Defence Electronic Company #SADEC are said to be
currently in talks with Lockheed Martin for the acquisition of a
sonar system & the transfer of technology (ToT).
Uhm, beause
it runs smoothly? #WhiteHouse said it opposes a provision in the
House’s annual defence policy bill that would create a special
#inspector general for #Ukraine aid, modelled after the Special
Inspector General for #Afghanistan Reconstruction.
battle lost, the House’s $874bn National Defense Authorization Act
for fiscal 2024, would establish a special inspector general for
Ukraine aid.
What a
Negotiated Settlement to the Ukraine War Could Look Like? Author
gives 3 main parts. Guarantees:
- Ukraine on souvereignity and
- Russia's security concerns should be
- Russians of the Donbas must be
guaranteed protection.
#Morocco is set to receive an unspecified number of Merkava tanks from #Israel as part of the African nation’s efforts to bolster its military firepower.
Come in handy in the #Western_Sahara? https://www.elespanol.com/omicrono/defensa-y-espacio/20230705/merkava-nuevos-tanques-marruecos-pueden-destruir-blindados-km-distancia/774922547_0.html
Nordic tech
companies could enlarge their share of the world’s quantum
computing pie. Sweden & Finland each aim to advance their
capabilities using the disruptive technology. Saab is an “industrial
partner” to the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology
actions in #Ukraine have the potential to spread beyond Ukrainian
territory and the option of using weapons of mass destruction cannot
be completely ruled out". This is according to a report of the
Bulgarian "National Security" agency #SANS.
Sweden no
accepted by Erdogan as NATO member. The costs: "Sweden has
amended its constitution, changed its laws ... and resumed arms
exports to Turkey."
Amnesty International on Turkey:
the question in the title (What are the terms under which Turkey’s
Erdogan agreed...?) it seems a one way deal. It provides Turkey
presents in exchange for NATO-membership.
Stockholm as strong backer of an autocratic and violent regime. https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2023/07/11/What-are-the-terms-under-which-Turkey-s-Erdogan-agreed-to-back-Sweden-s-NATO-bid-
July 9
Not rocket
science, but this story and these facts must be told to the public:
UK ‘wastes billions’ on defence
firms that give investors rich returns
Study claims taxpayer is subsidising up to 90% of weapons companies’ research and development budgets.
So, the
cluster munitions are not being sent because they are perceived as
effective but because they're all that's left of the shelf? Is the
entire West's arms production capacity that limited?
to CNN on cluster munitions: "It was a very difficult decision
on my part. And by the way, I discussed this with our allies, I
discussed this with our friends up on the Hill...The Ukrainians are
running out of ammunition."
+ This tweet by Ali
Ahmadi on the issue of cluster ammo on the annoucement of what was
already delivered.
Half of
#Germany’s whopping $109 billion military modernization fund could
be heading straight into the pockets of #American military
contractors. The CEO of German tank-parts manufacturer Renk Group
paints a rather grim picture of the home-grown industry.
#Germany-based F-35 fuselage factory will allow #Lockheed to boost
#production. The #Weeze-based factory will replace a factory
previously operated by Turkey.
Want to read more on the peculiar relationship of the US to #chemical weponstocks, read Six stops on the national security tour by Miriam Pemberton with a chapter dedicated to the Pine Bluff Arsenal https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2022/11/boekbespreking-de-economie-van-de.html
military conglomerate EDGE Group has taken over Abu Dhabi-based
#Oryxlabs, in its 1st-ever acquisition in the #cybersecurity realm.
The move is to focus on unconventional tech & boost the UAE’s
capabilities for regional and international exports.
NATO sec.
gen. refuses to oppose #cluster munitions to #Ukraine. The errosion
of norms and standards is part of the military support. This is just
one of them.
Russia is using them as part of
Ukraine as part of defence the argument
transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine undermines international
efforts to safeguard civilians from indiscriminate weapons.
has signed an agreement with Dutch #RH_Marine to deliver management
capabilities for the Netherlands and Belgium’s upcoming
Anti-Submarine Warfare frigates each will receive RH Marine’s
Mission Management, Navigation & Platform Management system.
July 6
cancels planned trip by EU's foreign policy chief @JosepBorrellF;
gives no reason. Guess what.
Is not that difficult, isn 't it? Seen what happened in past few months on the policies concerning "economic competitor and a systemic rival".
West Again Learns That #War Needs Industry
Biden and NATO leaders, fearing a war of attrition with Russia or China, will focus on rebuilding militaries and their supplies at coming summit.
If you want war prepare for war.
If you want peace ...
Arme boeren,
natuur & burgers.
Defensie heeft meer fysieke & #milieuruimte nodig voor gezamenlijke internationale oefeningen en militaire vervoer. Zij wel. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/actueel/nieuws/2023/07/05/defensie-heeft-meer-fysieke-en-milieuruimte-nodig
En dan hebben ze het niet eens over brullende voertuigen en grommende F-35s.
Argument: #Oekraïne.
proliferation in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea.
Who are planning to deteriorate security in the MENA region? Offers
are presented by France, Italy, Spain, and Turkey.
provides now and in the future: “an approach for developing the
warfighting capability to sense, make sense, and act at all levels
and phases of war, across all domains, and with partners, to deliver
information advantage at the speed of relevance.”
he #UAE is in
talks with the US and #European military companies concerning Joint
All Domain Command and Control #JADC2 and #C4ISR systems. (Paywall:
Report includes European companies involved.)
military holds strategy talks with UK, France in first since Ukraine
war to boost ‘understanding and trust’. #China and the two
militaries must restore people-to-people exchanges after the
pandemic, says Chinese security analyst.
letter to @MEPs by @ENAAT on on EU funding for ammunition and
ENAAT alerts MEPs: The #ASAP regulation is turning into a subsidy for the proliferation of #munitions and #missiles around the world.
English: https://enaat.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/230103_ASAP_ENAAT_OL-to-MEPs_03.07.2023_EN.pdf
French: https://enaat.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/230103_ASAP_ENAAT_OL-to-MEPs_03.07.2023_FR.pdf
*** US President
Biden has so often reiterated a narrative that positions ‘democracy
vs autocracy’ as the defining struggle of our time that this is
framed as core to the #Biden_doctrine. However, a string of observers
have voiced #concern.
But Italy = worst.
Pentagon finds itself with a sort of headache: how to stop weapons
and systems that are dirt cheap.
The growing problem of inexpensive unmanned systems employing autonomy and #AI has been a longtime subject of military study and discussion.
https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2023/07/05/us-military-calls-for-better-weapons-to-fight-artificial-intelligence/July 5
government has requested a nearly 16% increase to its military
#budget, despite a standoff with the #IMF over economic stagflation.
The government unveiled a request for $6.267bn for fiscal 2023-24.
#Rafale and
#France advance In India while US and Russia lag behind Rafale and
France advance in #India while US and Russia lag behind.
Koude Oorlog tussen NAVO+ en China verergert ook de grootste globale
crisis: #klimaatverandering.
Blijkbaar wordt het concept veiligheid wat beperkt opgevat door Jens 'Wacht-op-Rutte' Stoltenberg en zijn vrienden. https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20230704_95476188
An inquiry
has been told that 80 Afghan civilians may 've been victims of
summary executions by 3 separate SAS units operating in Afghanistan
between 2010 - 13, & that evidence of these murders was allegedly
destroyed in a war crimes coverup by SAS chiefs.
In #Amsterdam
kwam de Joint Expeditionary Force #JEF samen, een militair
samenwerkingsverband van 10 N-Europese landen o.l.v. het VK. Het
richt zich primair op hybride oorlogsvoering, zoals het verspreiden
van #desinformatie of de inzet van cyberaanvallen.
domestic weapons industry produces five types of #antipersonnel land
mines and has benefited from USD 1 billion worth of arms trade with
foreign suppliers under the military regime. They are used to protect
#Chinese assetys in the country.
July 4
acknowledges 138 Singapore-based entities involved in Myanmar’s
military junta supply chain amid international probe. They are
engaged in the transfer spare parts for fighter aircraft, Naval
equipment, and equipment for electronic warfare.
South Africa
has not approved any arms sales to Russia since 2020, minister says.
Reassuring in the Lady R case (late 2022), but
when was the Crim annexed?
Defense and Space is to test intelligent swarms of drones on
behalf of the German Armed Forces . Two start-ups (Quantum Systems &
Spleenlab) are to help. The Bundeswehr needs artificial intelligence
(AI) for this.
#Damen will
design and partly build the four wew anti-submarine #frigates for the
Netherlands and Belgium in ... #Romania.
Wonder how the
#Buy_Dutch_parliamentarians will react.
English: Damen's Romanian subsidiary to partly build hulls for four
Japan is one
of the most significant countries in East Asia and a ally of the US
in the Indo-Pacific region. With the changing global scenario and new
realities of the Russia-Ukraine war, there has been a greater
strategic alignment between #NATO & #Japan.
Cold War?
#China curbs critical metal #gallium #germanium exports in
retaliation for Western restrictions on chip industry.
The rules come just after the #Netherlands announces new measures to limit China’s access to advanced chip manufacturing equipment.
companies that produce machines that make advanced #semiconductor
processor chips will be required to have export licenses before they
can sell them overseas starting in September, the government
announced Friday.
When you
think you've seen the most polluting, the weirdest ... The Defense
Innovation Unit #DIU is seeking pitches from commercial #space
companies to provide “novel” launch capabilities for delivering
#cargo around the globe, into space and within space.
#F35 fighter jet #noise #Opposition to the reopening of
the dormant De Peel airbase is increasing. Entrepreneurs
in the horse world in East Brabant and Limburg fear that their
companies and their horses will suffer seriously from the noise of
the F-35 fighter jets.
2/2 Several entrepreneurs in the
Limburg horse world have now joined forces. They have their
first meeting tomorrow in the village of Kronenberg. Nearly 200
people have already registered for the meeting.
against the #Swiss. The Hague wants to put pressure on Switzerland.
Not only the Netherlands that should stop buying Swiss weapons and
ammunition. They also call on other European countries to increase
their pressure on Bern, guilty of #neutrality.
Republicans loose achorage to even a tiny bit of civilisation and
embark on extreme policies.
Republican politicians are expressing their bloodlust in public. As "Build the #Wall" loses its edge, "Bomb the #Mexicans" is becoming mainstream in the GOP. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-06-30/gop-conservatives-republicans-desantis-trump-mexico-fentanyl
A UN human
rights expert said Wednesday (June 28) that a specialized
international force is needed to help fight gang violence in #Haiti
and that a weapons embargo should be implemented immediately.
France offers
to co-develop engine for combat jets. Ahead of #Indian PM Modi's
visit to Paris, #France made an offer many steps ahead of the
path-breaking GE-414 #engine deal with the US, people familiar with
the matter said on Saturday.
#Israel is
already #weaponizing #AI — but not in the ways it claims to be.
Israel claims to be a leader in AI
tech, but its main innovations are lax industry ethics and widespread
surveillance. https://truthout.org/articles/israel-is-already-weaponizing-ai-but-not-in-the-ways-it-claims-to-be/
hopes of reviving a lucrative but long-stalled agreement to export
dozens of fighter jets to Saudi Arabia have been stirred by signals
that Germany could drop its veto against the sale.
droht Streit über neue Kampfjets für Saudi-Arabien
Dispute in German coalition on sale of fighters to Saudi's. Critisism from Geens, but also in SPD. https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article246144724/Ruestungsexporte-Ampel-Koalition-droht-Streit-ueber-Eurofighter-fuer-Saudi-Arabien.html
July 2
National Security Strategy previews change in arms-export policy.
Will it be as tight as prommised? The fact that India was seen as
'third country' but became one of Pistorius's first visits shows how
quickly politics can change.
a key instrument of #India’s foreign policy in relation to
#China and Pakistan?
Second of a two Part article on India’s media relations with China.
lacks ‘comprehensive’ strategy for buying AI tech, #GAO warns.
GAO advices AI acquisition strategy and that the military services should also develop their own guidance to help navigate the #AI acquisition process. https://breakingdefense.com/2023/06/pentagon-lacks-comprehensive-strategy-for-buying-ai-tech-gao-warns/
Norms to the
White House weighing controversial #cluster munitions deliveries to #Ukraine
“We will [...] continue to work with allies and partners to identify and provide Ukraine with additional capabilities,” said a US State Department spokesperson.