zondag 17 september 2017

Week 37 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

De week vier hoofdthema's:
  1. acties tegen DSEI
  2. Turkije en de wapenexportpolitiek van Duitsland. (De Russische leveringen van S400 raketten heb ik niet opgenomen)
  3. de geheime wapenleveranties van de VS aan Syrië, Irak en Afghanistan (Het speelt al wat langer. Eerder opgenomen onder het kopje Bulgarije.)
  4. de resolutie van het Europese Parlement (zie voor de uiteindelijke tekst: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P8-TA-2017-0344+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=EN)

Het zijn wel wat meer tweets geworden in dit overzicht.

Nederland (zie ook 13)

1 – 120017: #wapenexportbeleid - Als Jeministische havens worden geblokkeerd is t dan goed dat NL marines van betrokken landen v wapenonderdelen voorziet?

2 – 160017: retweet @max_valstar  (Sep 15)
Today, NL and Sweden agreed on 2018-2019 #SplitTerm of #ArmsTreaty 's Management Committee. Great cooperation between EU members! #CSP3

3 – 160017: MIVD-chef: bedrijven moeten alert zijn in zaken met dubieuze landen /via @NOS https://nos.nl/artikel/2193227-mivd-chef-bedrijven-moeten-alert-zijn-in-zaken-met-dubieuze-landen.html

EUROPA (zie ook 14, 23, 29)

4 – 110017: Motion for EP resolution on arms exports. Votes next Wednesday. See also Politico http://www.politico.eu/blogs/playbook-plus/2017/09/parliament-to-discuss-saudi-arms-exports-secretive-meps-and-junckers-speech/ @EP_ForeignAff

5 – 130017: Yeps, again! European Parliament votes for arms embargo against #Saudi Arabia https://www.timesheadline.com/world/european-parliament-votes-arms-embargo-saudi-arabia-7895.html via @The Times Headline

6 – 140017: EU arms export control needs a “face lift” http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20170911IPR83507  #armscontrol

7 – 150017: European Commission proposal: screening process to ensure foreign investments into the EU don’t undermine security http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-17-3183_en.htm

Duitsland (zie 9-12, 21)

Frankrijk (zie 26)

8 – 160017: How France participates in Yemen Conflict, including through Lebanon-meant contract and speeding delivery #Yemen http://orientxxi.info/magazine/how-france-participates-in-the-yemen-conflict,1997

Italië (zie 26)
Tsjechië (zie 20)

Turkije (zie 27)

10 – 120017: Germany exports arms valued €25m to #Turkey: @OezcanMutlu "Ankara is no longer taking threats from Berlin seriously" http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/news/AN_1505121573283073500/germany-exports-eur25-million-worth-of-weapons-to-turkey-in-2017.aspx

11 – 130017: For those who misread Gabriel wrong again: Germany's Merkel rejects total ban on arms exports to #Turkey - NDR https://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFKCN1BN1VA

12 – 140017: #Greece, #Russia arms, #Germany, #Elections and concerns in Athens over NATO-#Turkey rift http://www.ekathimerini.com/221598/article/ekathimerini/news/concerns-in-athens-over-nato-turkey-rift

13 – 120017: Dutch arms exports to Turkey in the past year (310816-310817): € 18.8m, includes M60 tank parts and naval equipment. 

14 – 160017: Omer #Celik "UK [opposed to the EU] is acting as a real ally (...) helping to strengthen #Turkey's defense capacity" https://sputniknews.com/europe/201709161057442257-turkey-minister-slams-eu-germany/

VK (zie 14)


China (zie 15)

India (zie ook 25)

15 – 120017: Indian army wants light tanks for defence along Chinese border. Will it downplay tensions between the 2 giants? https://www.defensenews.com/land/2017/09/05/indian-army-shows-interest-in-light-tanks-for-defense-along-chinese-border/

Israël (zie 17)
Jemen (zie 8)


16 – 140017: #Libya counts on #Russia's help in lifting UN weapons #embargo (http://www.interfax.com/newsinf.asp?id=777464) Russian arms already packed to be transported.

MIDDEN-OOSTEN (zie 19-23)


17 – 120017: Knesset Member Masoud Gnaim led a protest against weapon sales to #Myanmar government massacring #Rohingya #Israel http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/MK-protests-weapon-sales-to-Myanmar-government-massacring-Rohingya-504824

Nieuw-Zeeland (zie 28)

Rusland (zie 16)

Saoedi-Arabië (zie ook 5)

18 – 140017: In the meantime on the other side of the Atlantic: Senators try to rein in #Saudi's brutal US-backed #Yemen campaign http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/senate-us-saudi-yemen-war_us_59b9b4eae4b0edff971920fb

VS (covert arms transits)

19 – 130017: How to cover arms transits to groups in Syria. Iraq and Afghanistan. https://www.occrp.org/en/makingakilling/the-pentagon-is-spending-2-billion-on-soviet-style-arms-for-syrian-rebels

20 – 140017: Legal illegality, for covered operations in war zones US breached arms trade agreement with #Czechia: report: http://www.radio.cz/en/section/news/us-breached-arms-trade-agreement-with-czechia-report

21 – 140017: Hazardous freight from Ramstein [in German] Heikle Fracht aus Ramstein http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/us-waffenlieferungen-heikle-fracht-aus-ramstein-1.3663289

22 – 150017: NATO in Europe needs '#military #Schengen' for US to be flexible. How does this relate to the #Laundromat http://p.dw.com/p/2joAo 

23 – 150017: EU Parliament Demands Investigation into “Azerbaijani #Laundromat” revelations https://www.occrp.org/en/daily/6981-eu-parliament-demands-investigation-into-azerbaijani-laundromat-revelations #EP


Thales (zie 26)
MBDA (zie 29)


ATT (zie ook 2, 6)

24 – 110017: And now? Change of tactics? Ask those at #stopdsei UN's Arms Trade Treaty #ATT 'too weak to make a difference' http://www.dw.com/en/uns-arms-trade-treaty-too-weak-to-make-a-difference/a-40452550


25 – 140017: Who will sell #India dangerous #submarines and adds to their proliferation? Japan is hesitant. How about Europeans? http://www.livemint.com/Politics/aDCnAg8L3TBdyWJDDBjbdK/AbeModi-bromance-may-not-overcome-hurdles-to-submarine-sale.html

Raketschild (zie )

26 – 150017: Quarrell on French Italian missile defence radar. Rome and Paris might design their own anti-missile frigate https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2017/09/13/secretive-study-on-french-italian-naval-cooperation-kicks-off-as-stx-dispute-lingers-source/

Speciale Troepen (zie 19-23)

Wapenbeurzen (zie )

27 – 110017: Hundreds of British #Kurds protest at #arms fair over sales to #Turkey #stopdsei https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/10/hundreds-of-british-kurds-protest-at-arms-fair-over-sales-to-turkey

28 – 120017: What New Zealand can teach: Weapons Expo won’t be held in council venues. But Excel_London owned by Abu Dhabi NE Co http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1709/S00166/nzdia-weapons-expo-wont-be-held-in-council-venues.htm

29 – 130017: #EDA chief Domecq spoke to MBDA at #DSEI, while arms sales to Saudi Arabia were protested outside a #MBDA factory. http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/bolton/15531580.Campaigners_hold_protest_against_arms_sales_to_Saudi_Arabia/

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek