(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)
Als je een hoorzitting organiseert over een wapensysteem, waar de producent van dat wapensysteem een presentatie geeft, hoe noem je dat dan? Is dat lobby? Of maak je dan van de Tweede Kamer een marktkraam voor wapentechnologie? Thales komt op 5 oktober voor een presentatie over technieken en tactieken van 'Ballistic missile defence.
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Testopstelling bij Thales in Hengelo. |
2 – 240917: Avinco, Airbus en mistanden in de Bijlmer (SGG Management zetel) http://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2017/09/avinco-airbus-en-mistanden-in-de.html
3 – 250917: French #Gowind frigate fitted with #Thales Netherlands equipment, delivered to #Egypt. Despite #Yemen naval blackade https://www.naval-group.com/en/news/naval-group-delivers-the-first-gowind2500-corvette-ens-elfateh-to-the-egyptian-navy/
4 – 270917: #Dutch government will participate in technical briefing on arms export licenses for #Parliamentarians. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/kamerstukken/2017/09/27/kamerbrief-met-reactie-op-verzoek-om-technische-briefing-over-wapenexportvergunningen
Duitsland (zie ook 8)
5 – 240917: Heckler & Koch: Prozess wegen illegaler Waffenlieferungen nach Mexiko erst 2018 http://www.aufschrei-waffenhandel.de/Heckler-Koch.127.0.html#c9246
Frankrijk (zie ook 3)
6 – 300917: Restructuring European naval shipbuilding? #Fincantieri/#NavalGroup (Thales/French government) in German tender https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2017/09/28/joint-move-by-fincantieri-naval-group-in-german-tender-signals-longer-term-cooperation/
Italië (zie 6)
7 – 270917: #Czech authorities and secret service investigate how Czech arms have reached #Azerbaijan, despite an arms embargo http://praguemonitor.com/2017/09/27/hn-czech-military-hardware-seen-azerbaijan-despite-ban
7b – 280917: Route may have crossed Slovakia, #Czechoslovak Group received permit 4 export disassem. howitzers & MLRS to #Israel. http://www.visegradgroup.eu/news/azerbaijan-may-have
Turkije (zie 17)
8 – 260917: #Turkey accuses #US, #Germany of arms embargo. But there isn't. Some arms sales are blocked. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2017/09/25/turkey-accuses-us-germany-of-arms-embargo/
VK (zie )
9 – 270917: After Canada now the #UK warns #Boeing it will loose UK defence contracts if continuing dispute with #Bombardier. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-41397181
10 – 270917: The ultimate revolving doors movement: #UK defense procurement chief to resign for job in #Abu #Dhabi https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2017/09/28/uk-defense-procurement-chief-to-resign-for-job-in-abu-dhabi/
Azerbeidzjan (zie 7)
11 – 260917: #China's foreign arms export policy: How Beijing uses military ties to expand reach in Southeast Asia http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2112724/how-china-using-military-ties-expand-its-reach?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral via @SCMP_News
Egypte (zie 3)
12 – 240917: Making the world #Asia more safe? #Fighters, #drones on table as James Mattis visits key ally #India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/fighter-jets-drones-on-table-as-mattis-visits-key-ally-india/articleshow/60814417.cms
13 – 280917: #Indonesian State Intelligence Agency #BIN ordered 591 (elsewhere 521) firearms at weapons manufacturer PT #Pindad http://www.antaranews.com/en/news/112813/bin-orders-591-firearms-to-pt-pindad
Israël (zie 15, 22)
Jemen (zie 3)
Mexico (zie 5)
14 – 250917: Arms embargo on Myanmar wouldn't save #Rohingya OpEd @AJEnglish states. But it may be a start 4 more, history shows. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/arms-embargo-myanmar-save-rohingya-170924081030160.html
15 – 280917: #Israel refused to stop selling arms to #Burma despite 'ethnic cleansing' against #Rohingya Muslims http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-burma-stop-selling-arms-burma-rohingya-muslims-ethnic-cleansing-weapons-myanmar-army-military-a7969291.html
16 – 280917: Mishandling Rohingya may lead to new geopolitical balance in the region. Analysis http://www.eurasiareview.com/27092017-mishandling-rohingya-crisis-may-open-new-frontier-for-terrorism-analysis/
17 – 270917: Nigerian customs official Hameed Ali suggests complicity on the part of the Turkish government in transport of guns. http://punchng.com/turkish-envoy-meets-customs-boss-promises-to-expose-illegal-arms-importers/
18 – 260917: Multi-million dollar arms deal involving entities in the #UK, #Ukraine and the #UAE to South #Sudan https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/act30/7115/2017/en/
19 – 260917: Ukraine denials can fill a book. #Ukrinmash denies #Amnesty’s report on arms to South #Sudan https://www.unian.info/economics/2154184-ukrinmash-denies-amnesty-internationals-allegations-of-illegal-arms-supplies-to-south-sudan.html
UAE (zie 9, 18)
Oekraïne (zie 18-19)
Zuid-Korea (zie 24-25)
Airbus (zie 2)
Thales (VS)
20 – 250917: Thales Visionix in US (http://www.thalesvisionix.com/) in court because of espionage case (https://dockets.justia.com/docket/illinois/ilndce/1:2017cv06836/344365)
Drones (zie 12)
21 – 250917: #Lockheed/#DoD combi shows its poor record again. 108 #F35s could remain with significant limitations. https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/air-force-association/2017/09/22/some-f-35s-could-remain-without-fully-combat-capable-software/
22 – 260917: #Israel reviews alternatives (#drones / “other sources of precision fire”) before deciding to purchase 25-50 #F35's https://www.defensenews.com/global/mideast-africa/2017/09/25/israeli-lawmakers-validate-acquisition-of-50-f-35s-but-pledge-stringent-review-before-follow-on-buys/
23 – 280617: Pentagon asks Congress to move $416 million for missile defence https://www.defensenews.com/space/2017/09/28/pentagon-asks-congress-to-move-416-million-for-missile-defense/
24 – 250917: Former air force general and #KAI vice president found dead amid #Korean #corruption scandal. http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20170921000259
25 – 280917: Former US contracting officer and #Korean officer indicted. 1st took $2.8m #bribe for arranging a $ 400m order at ? https://www.pressreader.com/usa/honolulu-star-advertiser/20170927/281767039416537
25 – 250917: Almost formed new Dutch government wants to add 15% extra to defence budget, sources say. (Forse plus defensie) http://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/372945/forse-plus-defensie
Onderzoek en activisme
This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek