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See tweet 29 |
1 – 011018: Dutch dual-use exports in
08/2018. Remarkable:
- Unclear is the export of an unmanned helicopter to Thailand (€ 176,900).
- Exchange of nuclear knowledge with Argentine (production of isotope separation-installations).
- Triethanolamine for Russia
2 – 011018: Questions in Parliament
by MP Karabulut (SP) on transit of arms through Schiphol airport and
other air and sea ports. Doorvoer van militaire goederen via Schiphol
en anderen Nederlandse havens.
3 – 021018: Considerations on Dutch
non-lethal assistance to Syrian groups looked at from internal
juridical by Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Iron bars used to connect
camera's (but also arms) highest risk to be contra juridical
also 27)
4 – 051018: MEPs condemn attacks on
civilians, including children, in Yemen. One solution they recommend
is: Stop selling arms to parties at war.
Those MEP's may visit their national
capitals and own party offices to urge them to follow this advise.
5 – 061018: New paper on the further
development of the EU common position on arms exports, prepared by
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) experts for
the European Parliament Sub-Committee on Security & Defence
(SEDE), has been published online.
6 – 061018: UK&US
will be allowed to join some EU military projects. In May, a group
led by Benelux countries pushed for #Pesco to be opened up. France is
concerned this would deny EU27 industries defence work.
Austria&Greece that EU would've to offer Turkey the same.
7 – 061018: Blog on
Europe and Killer Robots [in Dutch] Killer robots met Europese
(EP Defence and
Security (SEDE) is organising public hearing on 'Artificial
intelligence and its future impact on security' on 10/10/18, from
09.00 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/sede/home.html)
Belgium / België (see
16, 21, 22)
France (see
also 19, 26)
8 – 031018: Mattis offers easing of
US export limits on French Scalp cruise missile. Pending French arms
deals with #Qatar and #Egypt include technology still requiring
Washington's approval.
9 – 031018: Naval Group, a French
shipbuilder, sought to play down media reports of a potential
collapse of talks for a major contract with Australia for 12
ocean-going submarines, with elections looming next year in the
Commonwealth nation.
10 – 031018: Sale of 2.35% of Safran
will provide €1.24bn to the French State Afterwards it will still
remain the largest shareholder of Safran, with 10.81%.
Germany / Deutchland
11 – 071018: SPD vice fraction chair
Rolf Mützenich on German arms exports to Saudi Arabia told Der
Spiegel: "We doubt if the transfers are according the
coalition agreement." [in German]
"Wir bezweifeln, dass die
Lieferungen vom Koalitionsvertrag gedeckt sind"
Italy / Italia
12 – 061018: The good news: Italy’s
new government has halted plans for a new missile defense system amid
reports it will reduce defense procurements in 2019 to help fund
welfare spending and tax cuts.
/ Türkiye
13 – 051018: Turkey to get two more
F-35 fighter jets in March 2019 - Turkey News
via @HDNER
14 – 051018: Although the Dutch
government played the conflict down in answering Parliamentary
questions (in Dutch
Lockheed's F-35 has a Turkey problem
via @BW
REST of the world
Algerije / Al-Jazā'ir
15 – 061018: Algiers recently began
buying from EU & US arms makers but keeps Russia as its key
weapons provider, partly due to a geopolitical calculation that its
main regional rival, Morocco, will remain a closer military ally to
Europe and the United States.
Argentine (see
(see also 9)
16 – 021018: Australian Lithgow is
expected to continue to play a vital role in the collaboration
between Thales Australia and Belgium-based FN Herstal.
via @lithgowmercury
Central African Republic /
Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka (see
China / Zhōngguó
17 – 011018: China researches new
laser satellite to search for submerged submarines as deep as 500
meters. It also invests in a more feasible project on microwave
radar, also mounted on the satellite, to search for disturbances at
the surface.
via @SCMPNews
18 – 051018: More on Patrick Ho. He
sold arms to Libya and Qatar.
via @SCMPNews
Egypt / Mişr (see
Georgia / Sak'art'velo
19 – 041018: France delivers
ground-based surveillance radars and short range anti-aircraft
missile systems to Georgia. Georgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze
said https://civil.ge/archives/256027
20 – 031018: Indonesia ratified
defence agreements with the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia on
facilitation of defence trade and related industrial collaboration;
to engage with both in military R&D projects; and military
exchanges, training and education programmes.
21 – 041018: MD Helicopters has
confirmed orders from Kenya for 6 MD530Fs. The MD530Fs include 62mm
ballistic protection, FN Herstal .50 caliber HMP 400 machine gun
pods, and M260 seven-round rocket pods.
22 – 041018: The Lebanese Armed
Forces will receive 6 light attack helicopters from MD Helicopters.
This is the 3rd delivery of a 5-year $1.4bn light scout attack
helicopter IDIQ contract. The Lebanese MD-530Gs will be equipped with
FN Herstal Weapons Management Sys.
Libya / Lībīyah (see
Morocco / Al-Maghrib
(see 15)
New Zealand
(see 29)
Pakistan / Pākistān
23 – 031018: No doubt the Pakistan
India conflict has been kept alive by weapons' sellers too...
Or rather, given the lucrativeness of the weapons' business plus
excess capacity & production, there's no incentive to seek
solutions to the conflict
Qatar (see
8, 18)
Russia / Rossija (see
also 1)
24 – 021018: Russian journalist
Orkhan Dzhemal (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4160144),
who was shot dead in the Central African Republic (CAR) in July,
conducted his own journalistic investigation into possible
"unaccounted" arms supplies from Russia, Russian
independent TV channel Dozhd said on 28/09/18.
Saudi Arabia / Al-Arabiyah as
Sa'udiyah (see also 2, 4, 11,
25 – 041018: US global exports in
2017 accounted for $1550bn. Arms sales to Riyadh were < US$20bn.
Economic value is thus relatively small, but the destructive value
enormous. Not a key factor in US economic growth.
via @alRiyadhDaily
Syria / Suriyah
(see 3)
Thailand / Prathēt Thai (see
UAE / Al-Imarat Al-Arabiyah
26 – 041018: Those same Leclerc tanks
that Al Yousef’s dealings allowed the UAE to purchase are now
rolling down highways in Yemen, in a war where human rights
atrocities are uncountable. Secret Wikileaks Document on France UAE
Arms Deal Raises Questions | Al Bawaba.
Ukraine / Ukrajina
27 – 061018: Ukraine will switch to
an EU-compliant unified list of dual-use goods subject to export
control later this month, according to the State Service of Export
Control of Ukraine.
(More info can be found Only in Ukrainian):
United States
28 – 061018: Make America great again
by selling weapons.
Europe 1st (US$ 37,34bn),
Gulf/Middle East 2nd (US$ 22.12bn)
Asia-pacific 3rd (US$ 8.85bn)
Mexico 4th (US$ 1.39bn)
Yemen / Al-Yaman (see
4, 26)
Arms fairs
29 – 021018: New Zealand: Amid
protests over a 'defence industry forum/weapons expo' mayor of
Palmerston North City prommises tighter rules so venues meet ethical
standards. Opponents say the city should be clear about rejecting
"truly vile weapons" and "blood money".
F-35 (see
also 13-14)
30 – 031018: On the cost of the F-35,
operating (the different types A, B, C) and Turkey will still receive
100 of the fighters, despite the noise made giving potentially a
different impression?
31 – 011018: Military spending on
nuclear weapons is hard to estimate. A new SIPRI piece on the Russian
case gives an idea of the problems and opacity surrounding the topic.
New commentary from SIPRI's Associate Senior Fellow, Professor Julian
Robot weapons / AI (see
Satellites (see
also 17)
32 – 041018: Militarization of space:
Trump’s new Space Force may target a rising China, Beijing’s
confidence about its technological development make it unlikely to be
destabilised in the way the Soviet Union was by Star Wars, say
military analysts.
via @SCMPNews
Small Arms
(see 16, 21, 22)
(see 9, 16, 17)
Corruption and fraud (see
Defence budget (see
Research and activism (see
29, 31)
This is a selection from a larger
amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade
and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to
have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek