woensdag 8 december 2021

My tweets for December 2021

Latest on top (updated regularly):

December 31


The real winner of higher military expenditure is not security, but are the military industries. -> See chart. Security of citizens would be better off with investment in health, education, social expenditure, environment and infrastructure.

Retweet @stephensemler: Because ~55% of military spending goes to contractors, arms companies will likely get more money from Biden’s Pentagon budget than the public got through his $1,400 stimulus checks: https://stephensemler.substack.com/p/biden-sends-stimulus-checks-to-military

December 30

1/2 The US Dep of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security #BIS recently published a Request for Public Comments regarding the newly formed Export Control Working Group of the US-European Union Trade and Technology Council #TTC.



2/2 For this public comment request, BIS is specifically seeking input regarding the following issues.

  • Ways in which dual-use export control policies and practices can be made more transparent, efficient, effective, convergent and fit for today's challenges, especially as they relate to emerging technologies

  • Specific examples of ways in which convergence of U.S. and EU export control practices could enhance international security, protect human rights, support a global level playing field and increase joint technology development The deadline to submit public comments on these issues is Jan. 14, 2022.

November jl. is 'n deel van VS-helikopterbrigade in het kader van Operatie Atlantic Resolve via Nederland afgelost. De Combat Aviation Brigade van de 1ste Infanteriedivisie uit Texas kwam en de Air Cavalry Brigade van de 1ste Cavaleriedivisie vertrok. #HNS http://troepenbewegingen.blogspot.com/2021/12/atlantic-resolve-2021-via-nederland.html

China hits back in White Paper at ‘double standards’ amid US tech war. https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3161447/china-hits-back-double-standards-amid-us-tech-war-washingtons

But Beijings export control paper lacks much substance on arms control and eg a policy on Myanmar. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202112/1243652.shtml

The paper foremost shows control is part of the new Cold War.

December 29

Stop Starving Afghanistan

Why the West Should Release Its Economic Chokehold

"After generations of suffering, the Afghan people deserve better."

International deals, including a $72 million contract with the Indian military in 2019 for some 72,400 rifles, along with dozens of other police and military contracts, have allowed #SigSauer to grow and become the largest US exporter of #firearms. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/how-sig-sauer-became-largest-us-firearms-exporter-198670

The US military budget infuriated progressive Democrats. Congress approved the all time largest US defence budget, at a time when expectations were that it would be reduced after the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the reduction of forces in Iraq. https://thetimeshub.in/8-priorities-for-the-highest-military-budget-in-the-history-of-battalions

The US military wants to directly plug commercial imagery satellites into its forthcoming orbital networks, enabling soldiers in the field to access that data faster. https://www.c4isrnet.com/intel-geoint/2021/12/23/the-us-military-wants-to-plug-commercial-satellites-into-its-orbital-networks/

December 27

Promises are easy to make, but more easily forgotten by those in power. When sellers of white goods should operate like that, they would be quick out of business.

Biden Went Soft on Saudi Arabia. Now Democrats in Congress Are, Too. https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-biden-went-soft-on-saudi-arabia-now-democrats-in-congress-are-too

The UNSC adopted resolution S/RES/2616(2021) to consider during mandate renewals the role peace operations could play in helping States to stem the flow of illicit arms in line with related arms embargoes. 12 votes in favor. China, India & Russia abstained https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sc14751.doc.htm

1/2 #Thales will work with Du (Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company – EITC) to enhance the #UAE's telco provider’s Digital Trust portfolio and Cybersecurity #Defense Centre. What military activities will be protected? https://www.arabianbusiness.com/gcc/uae/du-partners-with-thales-to-enhance-data-security-processes-and-meet-evolving-regulatory-compliance-in-the-uae …/2

2/2 Recently it gained considerable experience through its military operations in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria and Yemen. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348993255_The_Evolution_of_the_Armed_Forces_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates

Spending spree and Greece naval buildup seems to continue. Italians, French and Dutch are vying for the Navy's four-corvette program worth 3 billion euros. [in Greek] https://www.sofokleousin.gr/italoi-galloi-kai-ollandoi-ypopsifioi-gia-tis-tesseris-korvetes-t #Sigma10514, #Damen #DOHAcorvette, #Ficantieri #GOWIND #NavalGroup

December 26

1/4 German arms exports hit new record during Merkel's last days. The former government approved almost €5 billion in warships and missile defense deals as it prepared to leave office. .../2 https://www.dw.com/en/german-arms-exports-hit-new-record-during-merkels-last-days/a-60256034

2/4 Baerbock pointed out that arms exports cannot be viewed in purely economic terms. "It is also a question of foreign policy, of human rights, of int. relations." She also advocates for a joint arms export control at EU level: "a thick board." .../3 https://www.n-tv.de/politik/CDU-verteidigt-spaete-Ruestungsexporte-article23021711.html

3/4 First arms trade is a balancing act between economics, foreign relations, military strength and moral policies as laid down in the EU arms control policy. Arms sales to Egypt have been a policy tool for decades. It is thus more a policy issue: what is sound economic policy, what kind of foreign policy (included military) and how strict to interpret existing rules. .../4

4/4 ... what kind of foreign/military policy & how strict to interpret rules? But when even Berlin cannot get its act together it is no improvement to transfer the issue to Brussels to let it be watered down even more. An EU policy exist. Time to pressure for its implementation.

December 25

Ultimately, the story of the Kyaw Thaungs - an Burmese-Irish clan - parallels that of Myanmar: a country of vast potential foiled by a ruthless military and the families willing to compromise themselves in pursuit of its riches. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/24/world/asia/myanmar-coup-military-tatmadaw-kyaw-thaung.html

“It’s civilian planes delivered to civilian companies, but they are used by a military force with a very bad reputation,” said @MartinBroek, an arms trade expert who tracked the delivery of Fokkers to the Tatmadaw. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/24/world/asia/myanmar-coup-military-tatmadaw-kyaw-thaung.html Hope it leads to more future carefulness.

For those who want to have more information on the Dutch decision making on this subject see this reply to a Freedom of Information Act request of July 2021 (not mine): https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/wob-verzoeken/2021/12/15/besluit-op-wob-verzoek-over-registratie-eigendom-en-export-luchtvaartuigen/bijlage-wobbesluit-luchtvaartuigen.pdf

December 22

Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn moet stoppen met het beleggen van ons geld in fossiele brandstof, wapenhandel en bedrijven die ongezonde voeding produceren. Die oproep doet De Jonge Arts M+G, dat 500 artsen in opleiding vertegenwoordigt aan #PFZW. https://www.medischcontact.nl/nieuws/laatste-nieuws/nieuwsartikel/artsen-mg-in-opleiding-investeer-ons-pensioengeld-niet-in-onverantwoorde-bedrijven.htm

Retweet @defense_news: Britain and Japan join forces on next-generation fighter engine

“The Flemish government is acting in violation of the Flemish arms trade decree by allowing transfers of military technology to #Turkey, despite evidence that this violates international arms embargoes,” a coalition of Belgian NGO's said in a statement. https://www.brusselstimes.com/eu-affairs/198784/belgian-court-hears-arguments-to-end-arms-export-to-turkey

The Problem with Drones that Everyone Saw Coming
Just because drone warfare is less dangerous for American soldiers does not mean it is more effective.

It seems the 23rd annual report on arms exports is published by the EU, see for text in several languages: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%3AOJ.C_.2021.515.01.0001.01.ENG

Tweeted almost three months ago for the first time on the publication. https://twitter.com/martinbroek/status/1443468253184016386

In Glasgow werd geëist dat de krijgsmacht zijn klimaatvervuiling vermindert. Intussen past deze vooral de strategie aan klimaatverandering aan, zegt Wendela de Vries van vredesorganisatie @Ctwnl. Het resultaat is ongeveer het tegenovergestelde van de eis. https://downtoearthmagazine.nl/het-leger-moet-vergroenen/

#Switzerland’s arms industry is booming as globally countries increase their military firepower. But can a neutral country that prides itself on humanitarianism justify exporting arms at all? Pressure from civil society has forced policymakers into action. https://www.swisscommunity.org/en/news-media/swiss-review/article/swiss-arms-industry-on-the-defensive

Retweet @Vredesactie: Wij daagden de Vlaamse overheid voor de rechtbank voor de export van militaire onderdelen naar Turkije. Vandaag vindt de zitting in de rechtbank van eerste aanleg plaats. Volg hier alle updates. https://twitter.com/Vredesactie/status/1473599996679311365

December 21

In a huray mood, because the new Dutch government will spend billions more on the military, the Dutch defence lobby NIVD goes to arms fairs in


Rotterdam and
Paris. https://www.nidv.eu/agenda/

Kenyan Mombasa mixed military and civil Shipyard is just opened and was developed in partnership with Dutch #Damen. Kenyatta thanked the #Kenya Defence Force and its partner Damen for delivering the shipyard on budget and ahead of schedule. https://www.defenceweb.co.za/featured/mombasa-shipyard-commissioned-in-kenya/

Finnish Company Patria, as the industrial coordinator of consortium FAMOUS (European Future Highly Mobile Augmented Armoured Systems), has signed an agreement with the EU Commission to start the development of the next generation armoured vehicles. https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_december_2021_global_security_army_industry/

Leonardo owned Vitrociset (http://www.vitrociset.it/) contracting agency for study into space based situational awareness and space traffic management and coordination tendered by the European Defence Agency #EDA.

The Indian government imposed a fine on French company Dassault Aviation last month over delays in offset obligations that were part of a 2016 deal for 36 Rafale fighters, Defense News has learned. https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2021/12/20/india-fines-french-firm-dassault-aviation-over-offset-delays/

December 20

They've mastered?

No it is mastered with and without consent by us all. "European aviation supported "decisions of many EU countries to increase their defence spending, Covid-19 notwithstanding, as well as the more ambitious EU initiatives, starting with EDF, albeit curtailed..."

Retweet @ASDEurope: The Covid pandemic entailed the worst crisis in the history of #aviation. Find out how the European aeronautics industry has mastered this unprecedented challenge and how it is at the same time moving forward on the route towards net zero aviation. https://www.asd-europe.org/news-publications/facts-figures

At last in the mainstream press. Dutch major daily: UK activists who defaced an #Elbit Systems factory with red paint were recently acquitted. Despite its bloody image, the #Netherlands still does business with #Israel's largest private arms manufacturer. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2021/12/20/omstreden-elbit-blijft-leveren-aan-defensie-a4069553

SpaceX launches civil/military #Turksat 5A (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BCrksat_5A) communications satellite for #Turkey. European firm #Airbus Defense and Space built the satellite in #England and #France, with significant Turkish contributions. https://spacenews.com/spacex-launches-turkeys-turksat-5b-communications-satellite/

As the leading provider of military satellite communication services in Europe, #Airbus will offer new communication services utilising the OneWeb constellation to selected EU & UK armed forces, & civil protection and security forces, from the end of 2021. https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2021-12-airbus-and-oneweb-expand-their-partnership-to-connect-european

The long life of military exports. In an #Iranian ceremony, a number of overhauled military aircraft, swimmer delivery vehicles (SDVs) and a destroyer have joined the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy one of those was a #Fokker F27 Friendship aircraft. https://en.mehrnews.com/news/181937/Overhauled-military-aircraft-SDVs-destroyer-join-Iran-Navy

The #Korea Herald gives just the facts. S. Korea ranks 9th in world arms exports. No moral view, no hurays, just "Saudi Arabia was the largest importer, followed by India, Egypt, Australia, China and Algeria." Sales to the UAE & Egypt are in the pipeline. http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20211220000634

December 19

French DoD is renewing its relations with the Ariane Group to provide optical space surveillance services based on the GEOTracker system. In June 2021 the EU Commission selected Ariane Group to set up 2 space surveillance projects "Sauron" & "Integral". https://www.bfmtv.com/economie/entreprises/industries/l-armee-francaise-signe-un-contrat-de-surveillance-spatial-avec-ariane-group_AD-202112160202.html

One of the policies to prevent refugees dying in Europe: Get arms sales out of the reign of opacity and secrecy; establish real parliamentary oversight and rigorously apply the ban on arms sale to regimes that would use them against the population. https://www.nouvelobs.com/tribunes/20211217.OBS52295/najat-vallaud-belkacem-les-morts-des-migrants-sur-nos-cotes-ne-sont-pas-une-fatalite.html

Theatrics will only be credible if the US government is self-reflective about its own policies that enable human rights abuses around the world. Consider,

e.g that US arms sales continue to benefit rights-abusing Philippines, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. https://www.dailyadvent.com/news/5209b4b6aa3b19086d410e9a214054a8-Column-Biden-should-live-up-to-rhetoric

Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. Under #CAATSA the US has the authority to sanction countries that engage in “significant transactions” with North Korea, Iran, or Russia through the purchase of military equipment. How about #India? https://thediplomat.com/2021/12/the-problem-with-caatsa/

Viewpoints can differ. Airbus Defence chief Schöllhorn: "Germany already has a very restrictive view of arms exports and very intensive review processes by state authorities." https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article235730170/Airbus-Defence-Neuer-CEO-Michael-Schoellhorn-fuer-europaeisches-Kampfflugzeugbuendnis.html

But Berlin is selling its arms to a range of clients https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutscher_R%C3%BCstungsexport.

A decade of extreme violence in Libya. Weapons shipments from foreign backers have been flooding the country, despite a UN arms embargo, and violations of a tentative truce between warring factions have escalated. https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/world/libya-presidential-election-delay-violence-b1978212.html

Drone tech becoming the way of the future for militaries. "The tide of the fighting turned only after Turkey ignored the UN arms embargo placed on Libya and implemented the use of the Bayraktar TB2 drones to combat Haftar's use of the Chinese Wing Loong." https://news.kuwaittimes.net/website/drone-technology-becoming-the-way-of-the-future-for-militaries/

Egypt and Kenya agreed to localize Egyptian arms industry in Kenya and provide defence and civilian support to local Kenyan industry. https://tittlepress.com/recep-tayyip-erdogan/1380690/

December 18

Asia continues to witness a boom in the manufacture of arms and ammunition led by regional superpowers keen on bolstering the growth of local firms while ignoring increasing disquiet across the continent. https://www.ucanews.com/news/asian-arms-industry-thrives-amid-regional-disquiet/

"Germany’s national laws are confusing because they oscillate between a default permission — or a default ban — to export defense technology, depending on the recipient and the types of wares involved. " Why is it more so than the EU arms export policy? https://defensenews.com/global/europe/

December 16

1/4: Militaire zaken in Coalitieakkoord:
Wie zijn die partners wat houdt het in?
"We versterken onze specialismen in ‘cyber’ en inlichtingen. Dit gebeurt in nauw overleg met onze belangrijkste partners."

2/4: Militaire zaken in Coalitieakkoord:
Binnen de NAVO concentreert Nederland zich meer op de bescherming van de eigen regio.
Betekent dit geen wereldwijd inzetbare onderzeeboten, maar boten geschikt voor zeeën/oceaan hier? Flinke besparing #balasttanks.

3/4 Militaire zaken in Coalitieakkoord:
We versterken onze krijgsmacht en verhogen de uitgaven fors richting de drie grondwettelijke taken en internationale verplichtingen. Veiligheid is gediend met voldoende gezondheidszorg, niet met militaire ambities.

4/4 Militaire zaken in Coalitieakkoord:
Dit kabinet zet de benodigde stappen voor de bouw van 2 nieuwe kerncentrales.
Kernenergie heeft ernstige nadelen, zoals proliferatiegevaar. Nederland heeft 'n grote rol gespeeld bij de verspreiding van kernwapens. https://www.groene.nl/artikel/de-beer-of-de-hond

According to SPIEGEL information, the old federal government approved the export of frigates and state-of-the-art air defense systems to #Egypt shortly before the end. The Greens feel taken by surprise. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/ruestungslieferung-an-aegypten-groko-genehmigte-noch-kurz-vor-regierungswechsel-heiklen-waffenexport-a-77fe32e9-6199-419f-b33f-64e3cb2e4291

#Danish IT giant #Systematic exports to Bahrain. Sitaware is #software that provides a unique overview in war. According to several international experts, it is an "extremely effective tool for the regime in #Bahrain" because it can be used for repression. https://nyheder.tv2.dk/samfund/2021-12-15-dansk-it-gigant-eksporterer-militaer-software-til-berygtet-diktatur

If ASEAN does not change its sail to US winds (and limit influence of 3 of 10 members) it will loose relevance, the analytical article "ASEAN Is In Danger Of Becoming Irrelevant In Regional Security' can be summarised. https://www.eurasiareview.com/15122021-asean-is-in-danger-of-becoming-irrelevant-in-regional-security-analysis/ Or aiming 4 #armscontrol #nuclearfree


If Diplomats even deny the fact provided by their own governments. Canadian diplomat gets caught lying about Israel arms sales. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/canadian-diplomat-gets-caught-lying-about-israel-arms-sales

What European countries did export to #Israel in 2016-2020 according to the ENAAT EU arms browser? http://enaat.org/eu-export-browser/overview?destination=israel&year_from=2016

But what European company bribed the former South African president Zuma to to help "secure lucrative defence contracts"? https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/500933-south-african-court-orders-jacob-zuma-be-returned-to-prison-says-medical-parole-unlawful.html

(See for a summary of the case e.g.: https://www.smithbrandon.com/blog/160-jacob-zuma-and-thales-an-arms-deal-with-repercussions-decades-later).

French MoD Florence Parly will be arriving in Delhi on Thursday. The focus of the visit will be on ongoing defence contracts and possible future defence contracts which could mean offering for Rafale fighter jets, it is learnt. https://www.wionews.com/india-news/french-defence-minister-florence-parly-to-reach-delhi-on-thursday-437229

“The US wants to extend its alliance in space to create overwhelming superiority in the #space domain, which might result in the escalation of the space arms race, or even space militarisation,” Song Zhongping, a Hong Kong-based military commentator said. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3159702/us-space-war-games-allies-raise-risk-star-wars-style-arms-race

December 15

Lekker. "Nederland speelt een actieve rol in de Europese ontwikkeling van defensiecapaciteiten, en sluit daarvoor aan bij de groeiende consensus over wederzijdse erkenning van vergunningen." Als Frankrijk wapens levert aan 'n dictatuur dan volgt Nederland? https://www.kabinetsformatie2021.nl/binaries/kabinetsformatie/documenten/publicaties/2021/12/15/coalitieakkoord-omzien-naar-elkaar-vooruitkijken-naar-de-toekomst/coalitieakkoord-2021-2025.pdf

The Royal Moroccan Air Force is reportedly planning to buy 8 H225M Caracal helicopter from Airbus France. https://www.airbus.com/en/products-services/helicopters/military-helicopters/h225m Morocco is currently negotiating with Airbus for eight H225Ms. https://moroccolatestnews.com/uae-fighter-jets-caracal-helicopters-from-france-to-morocco/

#WesternSahara #Polisario

Middenveldorganisaties roepen Jambon op om eindgebruik Vlaamse wapenhandel te controleren https://www.dewereldmorgen.be/artikel/2021/12/14/middenveldorganisaties-roepen-jambon-op-om-eindgebruik-vlaamse-wapenhandel-te-controleren

Orban and Macron, the best enemies, meet in Budapest. On arms sales to Hungary Macron said that it had not been on the menu of discussions but that it could be the case "in the future". https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2021/12/14/orban-et-macron-les-meilleurs-ennemis-se-rencontrent-a-budapest_6105982_3210.html

Ankara has a military base in Somalia. Morocco & Tunisia reportedly took their 1st delivery of Turkish combat drones in September. Angola became the latest to express an interest in Turkish drones. Ankara signed a military cooperation pledge with Ethiopia. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20211215-armed-with-drones-turkey-explores-african-arms-sales

Not all - if true - is bad. Early 2021 Ukraine paid 4 arms supplies via the NATO procurement agency #NSPA, Bild reported. However Germany & the Netherlands opposed the deal and prevented sales. The Dutch allegedly sided with Germany at Merkel's request. https://english.pravda.ru/world/149879-germany_scholz/

Addition: Link to Bild article [pay wall] "Doch im Mai stellten sich ein deutscher und ein niederländischer Vertreter im Rat der NSPA gegen die Verkäufe und blockierten sie damit." https://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/politik-ausland/bild-recherche-merkel-blockierte-waffenlieferungen-an-die-ukraine-78529256.bild.html

1/2 Political rights victim of strife for power in Asia. “The Vietnamese leadership knows that it can get away with jailing activists like Trang because #Vietnam has become an important component of outside powers’ strategies in East and Southeast Asia.” https://thediplomat.com/2021/12/why-the-west-has-gone-soft-on-human-rights-in-vietnam/

2/2 But what Vietnam tells us is that the U.S. takes a two-pronged approach. Countries that wholly or somewhat align with Washington’s rivalry with China, such as Vietnam, get off scot-free when it comes to their authoritarianism and human rights abuses.

EU sponsored shipbuilding. Italian #Fincantieri, French Naval Group, their joint venture company #Naviris, & Spanish #Navantia have strengthened their cooperation to tender for European Corvettes #MMPC, a program launched by the European Defence Fund #EDF https://www.fincantieri.com/en/media/press-releases/2021/industrial-offer-for-the-modular-and-multirole-patrol-corvette-submitted/

Military business' cash cow: the Middle East. 1st 2 of 28 #Eurofighters ordered by #Kuwait flew to the Gulf state, Italy’s #Leonardo announced. The EFA's took off in #Italy, where they were assembled. Saudi's bought 72, 15, Oman 12, Kuwait 28 and Qatar 24. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2021/12/14/kuwait-gets-its-first-two-eurofighters/

Only the US Hits 800,000 Covid deaths 22 months after the first. And still no one takes the patents for big farma away to vaccinate the world, also those without the resources or spend the amount for one aircraft carrier ($13.3 billion) to this end. https://www.statista.com/chart/26397/cumulative-covid-19-deaths-in-the-us/

Turkish TRT on how profits of the military-industrial complex are growing by the global refugee crisis. The industry that has fueled and prolonged war & conflict around the world through weapons sales is earning on border security against asylum-seekers. https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/militarised-borders-are-a-bonanza-for-the-arms-industry-52630

Arms sales: France and the United Arab Emirates, partners in the crimes committed in Yemen? https://www.fidh.org/en/region/europe-central-asia/france/arms-sales-france-and-the-united-arab-emirates-partners-in-the-crimes

Addition: Not just France. The Biden administration said on Tuesday it wants a "clear, mutual understanding" of the UAE's obligations before it finalises a $23bn sale of US-made F-35 fighter jets, Reaper drones and other advanced munitions. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-uae-f-35-sale-seeks-mutual-understanding-obligations

Additon2: And for those who think the Dutch government is transparent on its exports. It isn't! Dutch companies will produce for the F-35's and Reaper drones. The exports will be reported as aircraft components to the United States. No questions asked.

December 14

AI Control or Competition? Organisational change at the Pentagon gets to the heart of the US Joint All-Domain Command and Control approach, which seeks to more seamlessly connect sensor information to shooters to allow for faster decision-making. https://www.c4isrnet.com/artificial-intelligence/2021/12/08/pentagon-creates-new-digital-and-artificial-intelligence-office/

UK overhauls export control licensing regime and tightens controls on exports to China. @ButcherMartin https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:bk8II8A0yJ8J:https://www.worldecr.com/news/uk-overhauls-export-control-licensing-regime-and-tightens-controls-on-exports-to-china/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=nl

Het streven naar verhoging van de defensiebegrotingen van NAVO-landen tot 2% van het BNP met daarin minimaal 20% voor de aanschaf van nieuwe wapens zal onvermijdelijk leiden tot meer broeikasgas-uitstoot.


#Egypt buys from Bulgaria mainly ammunition, small arms and light weapons, artillery ammunition, spare parts, batteries for combat vehicles, bulletproof vests, and more. https://www.24chasa.bg/novini/article/10461835 (via BBC Monitoring Europe).

Shit happens? No military personnel will be punished for mistakes made in a drone strike that killed 10 civilians in Afghanistan in August, defense officials confirmed on Monday. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/12/13/no-military-personnel-will-be-punished-for-afghanistan-air-strike-that-killed-10-civilians/

Not Just NSO: Israel fears US targeting all Israeli offensive cyber firms

The days in which NSO worked in secret with the active encouragement of PM Netanyahu and the intelligence community are over, never to return


Norwegian environmentalists are complaining that the country’s new F35s, to replace F-16 fighters, will generate too many greenhouse gases: “fuel consumption for the new fighter jets is estimated to be as much as 60% higher,” according to daily Dagsavisen. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/next-threat-stealth-f-35-global-warming-92931

Extra: The F-16's are cascading to Romania. The Romanian MoD has asked the country’s lawmakers to approve the purchase of 32 second-hand F-16 fighter jets from Norway under a contract estimated to be worth about €454 million. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2021/12/13/romania-eyes-norwegian-f-16s-under-513-million-deal/

Dutch naval vessel combat system exported globally. U.S. Navy as well as navies in Asia, Europe, the Gulf region, Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa. https://www.thalesgroup.com/sites/default/files/database/document/2019-04/Tacticos-v02.pdf

Retweet @thalesnederland: 38 Tacticos operational users, people we rely on to make the world go round, are participating in the Tacticos User Days in the Netherlands. They rely on 200 Tacticos engineers. Thanks to the system’s open architecture, new functionalities are added every six months.

December 13

October the Dutch government gave an export license for ML communication systems destined for #Italy but #Egypt was the end user. Valued € 2,362,000 (over the 2m threshold to report to Parliament which didn't happen). Is this about systems or components? https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/rapporten/2016/10/01/overzicht-uitvoer-militaire-goederen/Cumulatief-ML-uitvoer-rev09122021.csv

Commercial market survey expects autonomous weapons sales to reach US$ 30 billion in 2030. https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/press-release/autonomous-weapons-market.html

The US has rejected an Israeli request to fast-track the delivery of two Boeing KC-46 tanker aircraft which had been ordered by Israel, as plans for a possible military option against Iran's nuclear plan move forward. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/us-rejects-israeli-request-for-tanker-aircraft-as-iran-plans-advance-688600

Israel rejected a proposed arms deal from the United Arab Emirates due to recent rapprochement with Iran, an Israeli newspaper revealed on Sunday. https://english.alaraby.co.uk/news/israel-refuses-sell-iron-dome-uae

The government has brought in new rules for the arms trade that experts fear will make it easier to ignore human rights concerns when deciding whether to allow international sales of UK-made weapons. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/12/new-rules-on-uk-arms-trade-make-it-easier-to-sideline-human-rights

December 12

Question by Die Linke on the size of arms transit (and stopped transports) in the Harbour of Hamburg (https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/20/002/2000214.pdf).

A Greenpeace study into the policies of Germany, Italy and Spain shows (based on publicly available documents) that Europe is not afraid to send its soldiers for to protect its fosil fuel interests in North Africa, the Gulf of Guinea and the Middle East. https://www.fr.de/meinung/gastbeitraege/militaerischer-schutz-fuer-oel-und-gas-91169336.html

Greece-Turkey maritime delimitation dispute continues; a new period of escalation might be on the horizon. France also views the dispute in the region as a golden opportunity for arms sales & gather more profit for its arms companies, states Turkish TRT. https://www.trtworld.com/opinion/how-the-eu-can-help-de-escalate-greece-turkey-tensions-52510

Overview of thought on China - Taiwan (and US) relations. 'The largest, most impactful war the world's ever seen': Can the US, China avoid Taiwan face-off?

Channel NewsAsia, December 11, 2021 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/cna-insider/largest-most-impactful-war-worlds-ever-seen-can-us-china-avoid-taiwan-face-2369936

De F-35 wordt gebouwd door een consortium, waar ook in Nederland gevestigde bedrijven aan meewerken. Zo worden verschillende onderdelen die GKN Aerospace (waar het vroegere Fokker deel van uitmaakt) aan Lockheed Martin levert, in Nederland gefabriceerd. https://fd.nl/politiek/1422826/gkn-fokker-profiteert-van-finse-keuze-voor-f-35

Nigerian Navy commissions large number of new vessels included two Damen FCS 4008 patrol vessels (NNS Kano and NNS Ikenne) built by Damen Song Cam shipyard in Vietnam and delivered around June/July this year. https://www.defenceweb.co.za/featured/nigerian-navy-commissions-large-number-of-new-vessels/

Inter-NATO arms sales rivalry. French authorities have fired a shot across the bow of another US attempt to sink one of its foreign defence contracts, after the loss of the submarines sale to Australia. But this time the US gave France advanced notice. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/world/not-this-time-says-france-to-us-over-rival-frigate-offers-to-greece/news-story/45be2f8348115c20141b7aebbf2d96ee

December 11

The U.S. Air Force has donated C-130 Hercules airlifters to Jordan and Niger to help boost their airlift capabilities. Niger received the second of a planned transfer of three C-130Hs on Dec. 7. https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/budget-policy-operations/former-usaf-c-130s-transferred-jordan-niger

In addition to Afghanistan, US commandos deployed — and in some cases are still deploying — to Iraq and Syria and parts of Africa and Southeast Asia. #SOF https://www.businessinsider.com/what-socom-learned-in-afghanistan-means-for-future-fights-2021-12

Why is there so much pressure for higher EU defence industrial funds, when major arms are bought in the US?

Finland picks the F-35 as its next fighter, continuing the US warplane’s inroads in Europe


Which allies don't want to see the US adopt a "no first use declaration"? Can they be named so they subsequently can be shamed. https://www.defensenews.com/congress/2021/12/10/defense-bill-orders-biden-nuclear-briefing-for-congress-on-probing-allies/

Australia plans to ditch European Airbus Taipan helicopters for US Black Hawks, months after Aukus pact. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/australasia/article/3159177/australia-plans-ditch-european-taipan-helicopters-us-black

Addition: #Dutch industry affected by Australian heli decision. The MRH90 Taipan, named after a deadly venomous snake, is an Australian-specific derivative of the NH90, developed in Europe by NHIndustries, which comprises Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo, & GKN #Fokker. https://theaviationist.com/2021/12/14/australia-retires-mrh90-taipan/

December 10

US support for authoritarian governments. The US continues to support a number of non-democratic states in the region, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE, providing them with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons deals. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/arab-activists-us-biden-democracy-summit

Malawi corruption: Eyebrowse raised over how SF International continue to win multi-million euro's contracts with the Malawi Defence Force and Malawi Police to supply military equipment. https://www.nyasatimes.com/sf-international-goes-to-bed-with-security-top-brass-amid-eye-brows/

December 9

Post-shipment on-site inspections enable a state to perform checks on exported military materiel after they've been delivered. SIPRI Policy Brief is intended to inform on various national processes currently underway that are connected to such inspections. https://www.sipri.org/publications/2021/sipri-policy-briefs/post-shipment-site-inspections-military-materiel-challenges-and-responses

Afghanistan: Kassa voor de wapenindustrie. De politiek wil de slachtoffers van twintig jaar falend beleid vooral buiten de deur houden, voor de wapenindustrie betekent dat nogmaals aan hun ellende verdienen. https://stopwapenhandel.org/afghanistan-kassa-voor-de-wapenindustrie/

Dassault owned Le Figaro on resolution against EU eco-label which aims to exclude firms with a military production share of +5%. Industries find it hypocritical to spend money on arms & regard weapons as not ecological. But are they environmental friendly? https://www.lefigaro.fr/international/taxonomie-ou-ecolabel-ces-projets-europeens-qui-inquietent-les-industriels-francais-de-la-defense-20211208

"We have to export peace, not arms."

German trade unionist on the arms industry: It isn't a determining factor, unlike the automotive industry or the health sector, for example. A "few thousand depend on the arms industry." https://www.badische-zeitung.de/gewerkschafter-wir-muessen-frieden-exportieren-nicht-waffen

US implemented restrictions on military sales on Cambodja because of China. Aim of the 'embargo' is to ensure that defense-related items aren't available to Cambodia's military and military intelligence services without advance review by the US government. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/09/us-orders-arms-embargo-on-cambodia-cites-chinese-influence.html

Addition: And an outburst of anger in Pnom Penh. Leader Hun Sen ordered the country’s military to destroy any US weaponry or dump it in warehouses, after Washington imposed an arms embargo over human rights concerns. https://www.thestar.com.my/aseanplus/aseanplus-news/2021/12/12/destroy-all-us-weapons

Addition: Long reaction to Biden's policy on Cambodia. Potus has a long history with the country. Advice do not let ghost from the teapot dictate US policy in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. https://menafn.com/1103349076/Bidens-failed-Cambodia-policy-a-ghost-from-the-past

#US partner in the Middle East armed even more. The US Senate rejected a resolution on Tuesday that would have prohibited the proposed sale of advanced medium range air-to-air missiles, missile launchers and other weapons and support to #Saudi Arabia. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-senate-back-sale-missiles-saudi-arabia-2021-12-07

The submission of paperwork for certain dual-use goods items subject to the Wassenaar Arrangement will be waived in South-Korea. https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/biz/2021/12/488_320173.html

The US DoD acquires and licenses intellectual property #IP—such as computer software and technical data—for its weapon systems. Yet, DOD often does not acquire the IP it needs to operate and maintain those systems, which can lead to surging costs later. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-22-104752

#Turkey has chosen an US-made engine for its future fighter TF-X, but the country will also work with Russia to locally produce aircraft parts, Turkey’s top procurement official said.

Analysts say Congress most likely won’t endorse engine sales to Turkey. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2021/12/08/could-turkeys-future-tf-x-jet-include-a-mix-of-american-and-russian-tech/

Egypt’s Defense Ministry is launching the country’s first naval defense exhibition in September 2022, dubbed “Naval Power,” according to the commander of the Navy. https://www.defensenews.com/global/mideast-africa/2021/12/08/egypt-to-host-its-first-naval-defense-expo-in-2022/

December 8

Norman Friedman noted the French loss of the Australian submarine order "may be a hint that it should offer its own nuclear submarine technology to prospective buyers." And thus expand the submerged arms race even stronger to nuclear powered #submarines. https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2021/november/australia-and-nuclear-powered-submarines

When in military doctrine offensive & defence "exist simultaneously as "necessary components of each other and the transition from one to the other is fluid and continuous", (https://www.marines.mil/portals/1/Publications/MCDP%201%20Warfighting%20GN.pdf?ver=2019-01-31-110543-300) why are we calling Ministries of Military Affairs, still Ministries of Defence?

Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies & Technologies Ruslan Pukhov said #SIPRI misses - not intentionally - information. #Russian arms exports are not dindling, but "the entire global arms market, including the Russian segment, is on the rise." https://tass.com/defense/1371973

Airbus US Space & Defense entered in a settlement agreement to pay to the United States $1,043,475 to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by billing impermissible fees in contracts involving a number of federal agencies.https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/government-contractor-agrees-pay-more-1-million-resolve-false-claims-act-lawsuit-overbilling

Turkey hints at potential Hurkus aircraft sale to Azerbaijan Hurkus-C, the armed variant of the base version Hurkus, features locally developed ammunition . It can also use INS/GPS-guided bombs, conventional bombs, non-guided rockets and machine guns. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2021/12/07/turkey-hints-at-potential-hurkus-aircraft-sale-to-azerbaijan/

A NEW peace declaration demanding that the executive and Irish and British governments reject any plans to allow arms manufacturers to establish in Ireland is to be launched today. https://www.irishnews.com/news/northernirelandnews/2021/12/07/news/-downpatrick-declaration-to-demand-rejection-of-arms-trade-2528287/

1/3 Israel Exports Arms That Endanger Human Rights Because It Serves Us, Top Defense Official Admits.

2/3 "Thales is the number 1 exporter of cyber technology in Europe. Who don't they sell to? Just name it, they're already there. Places we wouldn't dare touch. So they have an ethical code, or so they say. Very nice," Pinko (1st director Defense Export Control Agency) said.

3/3 "The only state that upholds the human rights issue is Germany. Germany will not sell to Saudi Arabia or other such countries, out of considerations of human rights (...) that didn't prevent [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel from offering the Saudis a fleet of submarines."

Addition: 'Trust the Dictator': Israel's New Method of 'Supervising' Cyber Arms Exports. Israel's Foreign and Defense Ministries have introduced a defense export policy that made Israel into one of the world's main supporters of state-sponsored terror. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-trust-the-dictator-israel-s-new-method-of-supervising-cyber-arms-exports-1.10449545

December 7

Recent news of potential civilian casualties during drone attack comes just days after the Pentagon appointed a general to investigate a deadly March 18, 2019, attack that killed 70 civilians. https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/2021/12/04/civilians-may-have-been-killed-in-latest-us-drone-strike-on-al-qaida-in-syria-centcom/

MEPs of The Left in the European Parliament’s Security and Defence Committee #SEDE have commissioned a study on EU Border Regime: Profiteering from Dehumanisation & Mythologised Technologies. https://left.eu/profiteering-from-dehumanisation-on-eu-borders/

India and Russia agreed on a € 610 million Kalashnikov transaction. Approximately 600,000 AK 203 rifles would be manufactured in India as part of the agreement. https://english.newstracklive.com/news/defense-deal-of-5200-crores-signed-between-india-and-russia-ak-203-rifle-will-be-made-in-india-mc23-nu764-ta325-1196885-1.html

December 6

Egypt unveils domestic naval combatants projects https://egyptiandefenseblog.wordpress.com/2021/12/04/egypt-unveils-ambitious-domestic-naval-projects-at-edex2021/

Thales Netherlands seems to make long nose towards peace organisations after judge gave green light for military export to Al-Sisi regime with next export, 3D Smart Mk2 target radar https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/worldwide/defence/smart-s-mk2-3d-medium-long-range-surveillance-radar

Retweet @ForumArmsTrade: Finland is reportedly set to pick F-35 fighter jets in its $11 billion tender to replace soon-outdated war planes that form a key defense pillar of Russia’s neighbor https://bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-05/finland-is-said-to-pick-lockheed-martin-f-35-jets-iltalehti via @business

Army Op goes Awry; 14 Civilians Killed in Nagaland. https://www.mangalorean.com/14-killed-in-nagaland-violence-after-army-operation-goes-awry/

Not an accident, but part of a militarised repressive & "senseless" policy, see Dragon On Our Doorstep: Managing China Through Military Power door Pravin Sawhney en Ghazala Wahab. https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2019/12/drakendoder-in-india.html

5 % more on military! European Union states spent nearly €200 billion ($225 billion) on militaries in 2020, the most since records began in 2006, but joint investment by governments fell, the European Defence Agency #EDA said in a report on Monday. https://gazette.com/news/us-world/record-eu-defence-spending-masks-failure-to-collaborate-report-says/article_f33a762b-b105-56d7-9de7-b681b5fb2dd7.html

Addition: EDA Defence Data 2019-2020 https://eda.europa.eu/publications-and-data/latest-publications/eda-defence-data-2019-2020

Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to India to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 6 for a summit expected to be dominated by energy and weapons sales. https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-india-weapons-s400-/31595401.html

Never enough. The #UAE purchase of French #Rafale fighter jets will complement its planned deal to buy the US #F35 warplanes, which has slowed due to Washington's concerns over Abu Dhabi's relationship with China, the country’s defense ministry said. https://www.dailysabah.com/business/defense/french-fighter-jets-not-a-substitute-for-american-f-35s-uae

#Saudi Arabian Military Industries #SAMI and #Airbus will form a joint venture on military aviation services and maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) capabilities.

By the way Airbus is a French-German-Spanish company with its official HQ in Leiden, NL. https://saudigazette.com.sa/article/614337/SAUDI-ARABIA/SAMI-Airbus-to-form-joint-venture-for-military-aviation-MRO-and-services

Despite a stream of complaints arms sales of SIPRI Top 100 arms companies continue to grow amid pandemic. https://sipri.org/media/press-release/2021/business-usual-arms-sales-sipri-top-100-arms-companies-continue-grow-amid-pandemic

Aanvulling: De internationale wapenhandel heeft vorig jaar geen last gehad van corona. Uit berekeningen van het Zweedse vredesinstituut SIPRI blijkt dat de sector voor het zesde jaar op rij groeide. https://nos.nl/artikel/2408388-geen-coronadip-voor-internationale-wapenhandel

December 5

France, chaired at the time by François Hollande, delivered tens of thousands of bombs to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in 2016, knowing that they would be used in the war in Yemen, according to the Disclose site. https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1283630/des-bombes-livrees-en-2016-a-larabie-et-aux-emirats-par-la-france-affirme-disclose.html

Vulture policies: Macron has suggested that the blurs between Washington and its Saudi ally could create favorable opportunities for Paris in the reconstruction of the regional balance of power. https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2021/12/03/a-dubai-emmanuel-macron-defend-son-choix-de-traiter-avec-les-regimes-autoritaires-du-golfe_6104649_3210.html

The brain teaser for a Sunday afternoon: Ethical investors threaten national security.

A least this is what #Serco (public services provider) chief claims in a European wide campaign by military industries to confront ethical financial policies. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/ethical-investors-put-national-security-at-risk-warns-serco-chief/

A dubious honour: Macron becomes first major Western leader to go to Saudi Arabia since Khashoggi killing. But is it is profitable and offers a smelly grandeur to French power politics. https://thehill.com/policy/international/584360-macron-becomes-first-major-western-leader-to-go-to-saudi-arabia-since

The Moroccan Khouribga base, where a French naval aeronautics school base was established in 1945, and handed over to Rabat in the early 1960s, will be rehabilitated to receive Boeing AH-64E #Apache attack #helicopters acquired by #Morocco. #WesternShara https://ledesk.ma/enoff/la-base-de-khouribga-sera-rehabilitee-pour-recevoir-les-ah-64e-apache/

Jeune Afrique on the battle for Africa. China wins on the economic level and despite illusions disappeared remains a strategic partner. On the military level, on the other hand, the Americans remain much more established than the Chinese. https://www.jeuneafrique.com/1275672/politique/comment-la-chine-et-les-etats-unis-se-disputent-lafrique/

French presidential candidate for Green party Yannick Jadot deplored the sale of 80 Rafale fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates on Friday, saying "France shames us when it arms authoritarian regimes". https://www.europe1.fr/politique/la-france-nous-fait-honte-jadot-deplore-la-vente-de-80-rafale-aux-emirats-4080500

December 4

Artists #boycott #Spotify as CEO invests €100m in #AI military tech: “It’s a complete contradiction of our music philosophy” https://musictech.com/news/industry/artists-boycott-spotify-as-ceo-invests-e100m-in-ai-defense-tech-its-a-complete-contradiction-of-our-music-philosophy/

The Virtualized Aegis Weapon System #VAWS provided targeting data for Army and Air Force operation centers in Hawaii and Guam during Valiant Shield (Sept 2020). The system links together offensive and defensive fires capability. https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2021/october/aegis-baseline-10-joint-battle-management

Nederlands wereldwijde machtsvertoon komt na zeven maanden weer thuis. https://magazines.defensie.nl/defensiekrant/2021/47/02_zr.ms.evertsen-terug_47

Despite this country's proclaimed values and its international commitments, French-made weapons are being used to carry out repression and kill civilians in some of the world's worst conflicts. Mediapart lists some. @RachidaElAzzz reports. https://www.mediapart.fr/en/journal/international/021221/repression-and-death-how-french-made-weapons-are-being-used-global-conflicts

#France and the #UAE United Arab Emirates sign 4 agreements, the largest of which is the supply of 80 Rafale fighters. Who speaks of diversion of arms, #Yemen, #Libya, and something soft like aiming for #peace? https://asumetech.com/france-and-the-united-arab-emirates-sign-4-agreements-the-largest-of-which-is-the-supply-of-80-rafale-fighters/

Jemen: hoe de wapenhandel wint en de humanitaire hulp verliest (de helft minder alweer dan vorig jaar). Twintig miljoen mensen in nood en op de vlucht. Jemenieten houden van poëzie, zegt Laila, en ze citeert de dichter Sana Uqba: ‘peace will surely come’. https://www.volkskrant.nl/columns-opinie/waarom-het-hier-en-nu-over-jemen-moet-gaan~bb1e9c5c/

Addition: This week 64 international organisations, including Britain-based group Campaign Against the Arms Trade, have signed a statement calling on the UN General Assembly to urgently set up a new international accountability mechanism for Yemen. https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/b/civil-society-groups-call-for-new-independent-investigation-into-war-crimes-in-yemen


De nalatenschap van Desmond Ball heeft een overzichtelijke boek opgeleverd; een schematische introductie in de veiligheidssituatie in Azië, waarin ontwikkelingen zijn geordend, gevaren benoemd en een aanzet tot oplossingen gegeven. Mijn bespreking ervan. https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2021/12/de-geopolitiek-in-azie.html

December 3

Also the Chinese arms industry on Thursday wrapped up its exhibition of advanced weapons and equipment, including tanks, artillery, warplanes, air defense missiles, drones and electronic warfare systems, at the largest international defense expo in Egypt. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202112/1240546.shtml

Abundance of extremism in the US armed forces. It is not centrally registered, but the facts reported this week are illuminating. Army reported eg. 33 allegations of “racially motivated violent extremism,” Navy had 30, the Marines 7 and the Air Force ... https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/12/02/army-reports-the-most-racist-extremism-cases-usmc-the-most-anti-government-watchdog/

Hundreds —possibly thousands— of armor-piercing grenades, plastic explosives, as well as land mines and rockets have been stolen from or lost by the US armed forces over the past decade, according to an ongoing AP investigation into the military’s failure.https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/12/02/us-military-explosives-vanish-emerge-in-civilian-world/

How to Jumpstart a Dialogue With China on Arms Control

Engaging China in talks for its accession to the Missile Technology Control Regime could open the way for broader arms control talks.


America’s defense chief rebuked China on Thursday, vowing to confront its potential military threats in Asia and warning that its pursuit of hypersonic weapons intended to evade U.S. missile defenses “increases tensions in the region.” https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/12/02/us-defense-chief-slams-chinas-drive-for-hypersonic-weapons/

US unlikely to impose CAATSA sanctions (like Turkey) on India for S-400, but other Russian deals won’t be easy

The $5.43-bn S-400 ‘Triumf’ missile systems deal is going to be at the centre of the upcoming India visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin.


December 2

The protests by the arms industry on ethical restrictions imposed on them by banks arn't surprising, but rightly so activities to target involvement of institutions in financing arms industries and thus wars around te world continue. Like here: https://www.varsity.co.uk/news/22601

Dutch export of supply system for #Indonesian naval replenishment ship, valued € 2.423.000 https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/kamerstukken/2021/11/29/kamerbrief-inzake-afgifte-vergunning-voor-export-militair-materieel-naar-indonesie/kamerbrief-inzake-afgifte-vergunning-voor-export-militair-materieel-naar-indonesie.pdf

More on Dutch ‘Underway replenishment’ #UNREP systems (in Dutch, illustrated): https://www.maritiemland.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/NML-Serie-35-De-marine-en-marinebouwcluster.pdf

German sensor systems in combat drones in use in crisis areas. “The federal government must ensure that arms companies no longer use loopholes and can indirectly export arms technology to authoritarian regimes,” Greenpeace demands. https://detv.us/2021/12/01/no-loopholes-more-greenpeace-wants-tougher-arms-control/

#Italian student Giulio Regeni was abducted, tortured and killed by Egypt's security apparatus, a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the early 2016 incident said in its final report yesterday.
The Regenis have appealed to the EU for help in finding the truth about their son's slaying and have condemned continued Italian arms sales to #Egypt including two frigates. https://www.ansa.it/english/news/2021/12/01/regeni-killed-by-egypt-security-apparatus-says-panel_87947253-f1bf-4b1c-a963-898e53c9dd79.html

Another arms traders on the road to the Gulf. A bipartisan group of senators wants to stop the #US Biden administration from selling arms to #Saudi Arabia, but they are running out of time. https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/715793/the-clock-is-ticking-for-lawmakers-to-stop-bidens-first-major-saudi-arms-deal/

EDA will keep ammunition and missiles 'healthier'. project is implemented by a consortium composed by 13 European organisations, namely: MBDA Italy, Dutch #TNO, BAE Systems Bofors AB, Polish Military University of Technology (MUT), and more https://eda.europa.eu/news-and-events/news/2021/11/25/eda-s-munition-health-management-project-expands

#Embraer and the Dutch Aerospace Center #NLR have signed a MoU for a potential strategic collaboration relating to aerospace research. The research areas include technology development and innovation in defence and space systems, and more. https://www.traveldailynews.com/post/embraer-and-the-netherlands-aerospace-centre-sign-a-mou-for-strategic-collaboration-relating-to-aerospace-research

Arms trafficker on the road to the desert. French President Emmanuel Macron returns to the Gulf on Friday, to obtain new contracts, such as the one expected on the Rafales in the Emirates. https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2021/12/02/macron-en-tournee-dans-le-golfe-entre-diplomatie-et-contrats

Addition: France Should Stop Selling Arms to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia

Macron Should Address Rights Abuses in Gulf Region


Civil society calls on French company Thales to put an end to suspected indirect support to the Myanmar Junta. https://rsf.org/en/news/civil-society-calls-french-company-thales-put-end-suspected-indirect-support-myanmar-junta

Wrote on the issue six years ago: https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2015/07/despite-military-embargo-india-sells.html But was answered tech was absolete. Glad it surfaces again.

Satellite imagery obtained by Al Jazeera reveals that the UAE is providing extensive military support to the Ethiopian government in the civil war against Tigrayan forces which has killed tens of thousands of civilians and displaced millions. https://english.alaraby.co.uk/news/satellite-images-reveal-uae-military-support-ethiopia

In het Nederlands: Satellietbeelden, waarover Al Jazeera beschikt, laten zien hoe de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten uitgebreide steun verlenen aan het Ethiopische leger bij de strijd tegen de rebellen in de regio Tigray. Er is een luchtbrug geopend voor militaire bevoorrading. http://troepenbewegingen.blogspot.com/2021/11/luchtbrug-van-emiraten-naar-ethiopie.html

December 1

More reassuring would be a heading like:

US in hypersonic weapon 'arms control efforts' with China

Hardening of relations seems to be the choice of the day, at the cost of future relations & tax payer. Nice for the Military Scientific Industrial Complex. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/us-hypersonic-weapon-arms-race-with-china-air-force-secretary-2021-11-30/

During Hollande’s presidency, Egypt became the world’s largest buyer of French armaments. It has remained so under Emmanuel Macron, who preserved continuity by making Le Drian minister for foreign affairs — and external trade. https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2021/12/FONTENELLE/64116

The majority of #Libya is still controlled by armed groups.

"Based on the 2020 transfers, arms stockpiles remain high and sufficient to sustain any future conflict," the UN experts said in a confidential report.


Airbus Takes Part in EDEX 2021 in Egypt With Defence and Military Operations Solutions. https://www.albawaba.com/business/pr/airbus-takes-part-edex-2021-egypt-defence-and-military-operations-solutions-1457085

Among allies. Airbus Helicopters CEO Bruno Even said: "The aggressiveness of the Americans is very strong on the military helicopter market." https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/l-agressivite-des-americains-est-tres-forte-sur-le-marche-des-helicopteres-militaires-bruno-even-897438.html

Why is Turkey selling drones to Ukraine? Turkey did “even though it was going to be something that would certainly ruffle Russian feathers...it really shows that as far as the Turks are concerned, there aren’t friends, there are interests,” said @jteurope https://thedispatch.com/p/why-is-turkey-selling-drones-to-ukraine

Two locally produced drones have made their debut at the Egypt Defence Expo. One of them, the EJune-30 looks exactly like the Emirati Yabhon United 40 unmanned aerial vehicle. It is highly probable that technology was transfered from the UAE to Egypt. https://www.defensenews.com/industry/techwatch/2021/11/30/egypt-unveils-locally-made-drones-at-edex-2021/