on top (updated regularly):
April 3
Human rights
loving (-; #Bahrain has been approved by the State Department for a
possible #FMS of equipment and services to refurbish 24 AH-1W
multi-role #helicopters. The estimated total cost is $350 million.
As Egypt and
Turkey mend ties, could defense deals follow?
After an upgrade in diplomatic relations, some experts told Breaking Defense that defense cooperation may be in the interest of both countries, but there’s a long way to go.
Eindfase #F16
Nu is het de vraag naar wie de F-16's zullen
worden geëxporteerd als ze worden afgetoten.
Pilar II of the #Aukus pact is about: #AI-enabled & autonomous capabilities (in particular, #robotic and uuv's), quantum computing projects on precision, navigation, and timing, cyber, #hypersonic and counter-hypersonic technology, ET warfare etc.
European Defence Fund: €1.2 billion to boost EU defence capabilities and innovation. #EDF https://ec.e
Commission = investigating the takeover of #Estonia’s #Milrem, a
company deeply rooted in the #EU’s military #robotics efforts by a
#UAE state-owned conglomerate because of concerns that security
interests could be tapped by actors outside the EU.
On the
different perspectives for #German #Leopard and South #Korean #K2
tanks entering European inventories. In 2023 Oslo decided to order 54
Leopard 2 A7Vs for $1.9bn. Germany still has the upper hand,
according to the writer.
Which are
the wrong choices. Independent sources – in Poland and South Africa
– have confirmed that export permits for artillery ammunition sales
to Poland have not been granted while applications to supply
munitions to Turkey and the UAE have been accepted.
March 30
#investors invest less ? in #arms and #weapons ? despite high returns
in 2022. Read more in Dutch by Dutch National Bank.
government published ops of RNLAF F-16's as part of Operation
Inherent Resolve date/time, coordinates, weather, terrain, mission
type Close Air Support or Air Interdiction in Iraq and Syria
(2014-16, 2018).
Almost no comments. Just military facts.
Precies: Waarom zet
het ministerie anderen aan het werk, vraagt militair historicus Klep
zich af, en openbaart het niet zelf alle beschikbare informatie over
aanvallen waar iets misging?
reported by Dutch Ministry of FA, for Oct-Dec 2022 period. No
remarkable transit. Although Brazil and Czech republic are major
providers of small arms ammunition in this period for European
After a long
time of silence the Dutch Ministry of FA re-started reporting
military licenses by providing August-November 2022 period.
Most remarkable
export licenses:
- AI technology, value € 650,000 to EU/NATO,
- Submarine tech to India, value € 150,000, 02/10/22
- Unmanned surface vessels to India, value €7,784,565, 25/08/22
- Naval vessels Pakistan, value € 110,740,000 (largest license
outside NATO), 26/08/22
- 57 unspecified licenses for Ukraine.
Aircraft parts to Turkey, value € 0 (internal company shipment,
e.g. Fokker Elmo?) 21/11/22
ends off budget #wishlist. Those lists 've been used by hawks in
Congress as a major tool for adding tens of bn's of $$ to the
military budget.
However decreasing the power of the
arms industry will be an ongoing challenge @WilliamHartung wrote:
again: The ultimate driver of the US$ 950bn spending spree is a
seldom-commented-upon strategy of global military #overreach,
including 750 US military bases, 170,000 troops stationed overseas,
and counterterror operations in at least 85 countries.
March 30
March 29
International, 28 maart 2023, ‘De grootschalige invasie van
Oekraïne door Rusland op 24 februari 2022, leidde tot
oorlogsmisdrijven en zorgde voor een wereldwijde energie- en
voedselcrisis en verzwakte het internationale systeem nog verder. Het
legde ook de hypocrisie bloot van westerse staten die krachtig
reageerden op de agressie van het Kremlin, maar die ernstige
schendingen die elders werden gepleegd vergoelijkten of er zelfs
medeplichtig aan waren, zegt Amnesty International bij de publicatie
van haar jaarlijkse beoordeling van de mensenrechtensituatie
wereldwijd.’ Zie verder of
dollar arms project fails again. An #F35 engine failed during a
pre-delivery test due to a vibration problem in March 2020, nearly
three years before a similar issue caused an alarming fighter mishap
in Fort Worth, Texas, Defense News has learned.
Trillion dollar arms project fails again. An #F35 engine failed during a pre-delivery test due to a vibration problem in March 2020, nearly three years before a similar issue caused an alarming fighter mishap in Fort Worth, Texas, Defense News has learned.
#Turkish firm
#Robit_Technology unveiled the Azab #kamikaze_drone, a long-range
loitering munition. “We have done all the flight tests. We move on
to ammunition tests. We will carry out ammunition tests in the coming
months,” director Selcuk Firat said.
drones and multi-billion dollar deals: Turkey’s rapidly-growing
defense industry is boosting its global clout.
NewSpace is
changing the nature of the #Space industry, exacerbating missile
proliferation risks and posing challenges for the effective
implementation of export controls. One of the measures states can
take is to step up targeted outreach to NewSpace ...
March 28
Macron asks
arms producers to "be even more aggressive in winning new"
foreign customers, within the EU but also outside
@_ENAAT: Macron demande aux producteurs
d'armes d"être'"encore plus agressifs sur la conquête de
nouveaux clients" étrangers, au sein de l'EU mais aussi en
via @bfmbusiness
wants #EU nations to introduce end-user controls on #technological
and electronic goods that #Russia could be using for military
purposes in Ukraine, the country’s economy minister said.
A former
member of the #US military pleaded guilty today to conspiring to
#unlawfully export to #Russia military articles – including thermal
imaging #riflescopes and night vision #goggles – without a license
in violation of the Arms Export Control Act.
March 27
Petro dirhams
to grease military production? #Milrem Robotics, EU’s poster child
for military robot development, tests the bloc’s rules for keeping
defense-tech coop strictly a European affair. UAE’s state-owned
#EDGE Group acquired a majority stake in it.
According to
a video published by #Egyptian MoD on March 18, 2023, #MBDA delivered
MMP anti-tank guided missiles, which are now being used by the Navy
Special Forces #SOF. The MMP, now named Akeron MP, is a French-made
anti-tank guided missile.
The Egyptian Navy (Special Forces Brigade) is the first confirmed foreign customer of the French-made Akeron MP anti-tank guided missiles, according to a report by Janes.
US #nukes for
the UK. #Lockheed Martin Space won a $474.2 million modification for
#Trident II #D5 missile production and deployed systems support. This
contract award also benefits a foreign military sale to the #UK.
opschroeven van de Europese militaire productie tot oorlogsniveau
kent een groot gevaar: als de oorlog voorbij is en de vraag inzakt,
zullen investeerders toch hun geld willen terugverdienen.
bijverschijnsel van de oorlog in Oekraïne is de militarisering van
onze eigen samenleving. Alles wordt bekeken met een militaire blik,
en niet verrassend komen daar militaire oplossingen uit voort.”
In January 23
#Swiftships received notification for an additional seven 28m Coastal
Patrol Craft for the #Egyptian Navy (award to the existing 6 #FMS
contract that was awarded in 22. The order is 23 boats, including
those currently under construction.
War for
European private equity funds scout for defence deals.
Buyout groups and venture funds seek to
capitalise on rise in military spending following Ukraine invasion.
commando die door het Openbaar Ministerie wordt gelinkt aan het
netwerk van Ridouan Taghi en terechtstaat voor wapen- en drugshandel,
vervulde jarenlang een voortrekkersrol bij de oprichting van de
nieuwe verkenningseenheid 102 compagnie. #KCT
De Commando werd in 2019 juist zelf benaderd door collega's van het Special Operations Command over een plan hoe Ridouan T. in het geheim vanuit Dubai naar Nederland te halen of ter plekke te laten 'neutraliseren.' Dat stelt zijn advocaat Ruperti.
March 25
The chip war.
Economic historian Chris Miller, in his book Chip War predicts that,
due to US export controls, it has become difficult for #China to
catch up in 5-10 years. US action is causing great damage to
Beijing’s dream of becoming a superpower. #ASML
Almost 500
Russians have been charged under wartime censorship laws.
12 portrets by Al Jazeera of thos repressed by the Russian state for questioning the war.
Fighters: in
current numbers they "will likely neither make a decisive
battlefield impact nor fundamentally alter the strategic calculus or
the imbalance between the sizes of the Russian and Ukrainian air
forces..the biggest immediate
Again & again articles
tumble down which take note that a peace economy isn't a war economy
(implictly assuming we need the 2nd for a temprorarily war without
pointing at the dangers).
From rockets to ball bearings, Pentagon struggles to Ffeed war machine.
1/2 Congress on
Wednesday took the 1st step in what is expected to be a lengthy
effort to overhaul US export control laws in order to expedite tech
cooperation needed to implement a central pillar of the AUKUS
trilateral agreement with Australia and the UK
2/2 The House passed
a bill 393-4 directing the State Department and Pentagon to submit
information on defense export licenses necessary to collaborate with
the U.S. allies on hypersonic weapons, artificial intelligence and
quantum technologies.
The US your
partner for a secure world?
An appeal filed by #Mexico’s Foreign Ministry (SRE) challenging the dismissal of its #lawsuit against US #gun manufacturers has received numerous declarations of support.
Russia can’t
meet India arms deliveries due to Ukraine war, Indian Air Force says.
Bij Stop
Wapenhandel @CTWnl, een groep activistische onderzoekers die
kritisch kijkt naar het militair-industriële complex, zien ze dit
als bewijs dat er veel gelegenheidsargumenten worden gebruikt om de
defensiebegroting op te krikken.
@Ctwnl is one
of the many groups which undersigned the @ECCHRBerlin call to end
arms sales to Saudi's & UAE, investigate the role of EU
firms/govs & let arms licenses of the past not be used to defend
sales in the present to fuel the conflict in #Yemen.
transparency register of Baden-Württemberg reports on amounts spend
on #lobby work. #Airbus Defense and Space GmbH spend € 235,000 to
influence the state parliament, its committees, parliamentary groups,
or members of the state government.
The #Damen
patrol ships were sold to #Trininad and Tobago. Now Four of the six
lay iddle because of lack of maintenance in the island state with a
GDP of €22.5 bn.
So far for your € 210 m expensive ships irregulary sold.
Maritime Technology #NMT-voorman De Graaf: 'Elke band met China is
een potentieel lek van kennis'
Hieronder de vestigingen van Damen
wereldwijd. Of zie hier:
Ammo plant in
the #Slovak city of Dubnica nad Váhom is 'very impressive' & has
'ironclad' plan to increase ammunition production 2 or 3x, EC
Commissioner @ThierryBreton said as part of his 11-EU country
Militarisation Tour to boost #ammunition production.
epochal shift and the war in Europe has also ushered in a new era for
Rheinmetall,” Chief Executive Armin Papperger said Thursday as the
company reported upbeat annual earnings.
Not often a
major arms sale doesn't go directly to a State. Here it is the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United
States #TECRO (in fact #Taiwan without naming it) is the destination
of #howitzers and ammunition valued $750m.
With its huge
#ammo factories & endless rose fields central #Bulgaria has been
really living up to its "Guns & Roses" nickname since
Moscow invaded Ukraine. Bulgaria's arms industry booms, with #exports
at +/- €4bn last year -- 3x its previous record.
Dit schip is
wordt uitgerust met een zwaar 127mm kanon, torpedo's en raketten. Het
zit bovendien vol met Nederlandse Thales wapentechnologie.
@CTWnl, @PILPNJCM en @pax spanden een verloren rechtszaak aan tegen de levering (!/details?id=ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2022:834).
#India to
Manufacture #carbine for Its Forces. The main companies in contention
will be SSS Defence, PLR of the Adani Group, the Ordnance Factory
Board (OFB), Kalyani Group - which has a tie-up with French firm
Thales but is also in talks with the Defen...
#DSEI #Japan
2023, the only large-scale, fully integrated arms fair in Japan, from
March 14-17 brought together 292 companies from 24 countries, like
BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Thales and Rolls Royce.
The US has
offered #Slovakia 12 new military #helicopters as compensation for
the #MiG-29 fighter jets the European country is giving to #Ukraine,
Slovakia’s defense minister said Wednesday.
arms maker Rheinmetall wants to build a factory in Ukraine that could
produce up to 400 Panther KF51 main battle tanks annually. Some
experts argue those plans are iffy, at best, pointing to pitfalls
ranging from site security to supply-chain risks.
March 21
9 Chinese Caihong 4 #CH4 attack drones to help Kinshasa fight Rwanda-backed rebels on the territory of DRCongo.
Experts have concerns about the arms
transaction with the DRC, fearing that weapons could end up in the
wrong hands & exacerbate the conflict.
Addition: The #DRC could buy military equipment, but had to strictly report these purchases to the UN. A significant part of Congolese public opinion interpreted this measure very differently. They saw the #embargo as an obstacle to providing weapons to their army.
Malian Air
Force commissions Turkish #Bayraktar TB2 UAVs and other aircraft. The
latest aircraft handovers come months after Mali commissioned
aircraft acquired from #Russia (Su-25, 4 L-39's, Mi-24P, Mi-8) &
a #Airbus #C295 tactical transport aircraft.
hoofdkantoor van het NATO Innovation Fund #NIF wordt gevestigd in
Nederland. Het NIF is een initiatief van de NAVO om innovaties binnen
het bondgenootschap aan te jagen. Nederland heeft zich binnen de NAVO
hardgemaakt voor vestiging in Nederland.
The headquarters of
the NATO Innovation Fund #NIF will be located in the Netherlands. The
NIF is a NATO initiative to drive innovation within the alliance. The
Netherlands has campaigned within NATO for settlement in the
EU voor Oekraïne rond: ook Nederland akkoord. EU-landen leveren
Oekraïne dit jaar een miljoen granaten.
brings together 18 countries for Common Procurement of Ammunition.
The ‘Collaborative Procurement of Ammunition’ project provides a
seven-year framework to commonly procure ammunition (5.56 mm to 155
mm) to replenish national stocks.
Pakistan has
been supplying weapons, ammunition and artillery shells to Ukraine
since the early days of the invasion by Russia. However, this will be
the first time tanks will be supplied to Ukraine by a country other
than its western allies.
March 20
difference with the past. Now European buy arms openly in an
#Apartheid state.
#Elbit Systems has signed four
contracts with the #Romanian military.
20 jaar
gelden startte de #Irak oorlog i.v.m. de toen al opgeruimde en
opgebruikte wapens voor massavernietiging #WMD. Wie leverden ze
eigenlijk? Welke rol speelde Nederlandse ondernemers?
Zie hierover @CTWnl publicatie.
Bundesregierung hat im vergangenen Jahr trotz weitgehender
Exportbeschränkungen die Lieferung von Rüstungsgütern für 44,2
Millionen Euro nach Saudi-Arabien genehmigt - so viel wie seit 2018
nicht mehr.
#German government approved the delivery of armaments to #Saudi
Arabia vallued €44.2m last year – more than at any time since
2018. This emerges from questions by Die Linke MP Sevim Dagdelen. All
are for #joint projects with other EU/NATO countries.
"The White House has expressed opposition to any effort by
Beijing to broker a ceasefire in the conflict."
It is in the interest of the populaton
of the Ukraine and Russian minorities to let the fighting continue?
Will Xi-Putin summit deliver a breakthrough on Ukraine war?
Xi’s trip to Russia comes after China
called for a truce, dialogue in Ukraine and brokered a rapprochement
between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
FA minister
#Baerbock has called for a renewed rules for #arms exports within the
EU framework. "We are now working out a strategy with our
partners on how we can cooperate more closely in terms of industrial
policy in the arms sector as well," she said.
Defence Ministry wants to buy 82 Airbus H-145M civilian helicopters
and convert some of them into combat helicopters and arm 24 of them
with anti-tank missiles, Business Insider reported, citing military
internal documents.
Norway said
it was buying 6 US-made Seahawk helicopters for over $1bn to replace
the European #NH90s it gave up on after a series of delays and
setbacks. Fed up by delivery delays & performance issues, the
Norwegian government decided to cancel a contract.
More news on #NH90 (a #Fokker #Airbus_Heli's & #Leonardo product). An #Ausstralian Defence Force helicopter crew has narrowly avoided disaster after ditching into water on the south coast, raising more questions about the Army's multi-role #Taipan craft.
“The US and
its allies … are faced with a choice,” wrote Lt Col Brent
Stricker in a bleak assessment of the changing nuclear world order.
They could either “restart arms limitation discussions to include
both Russia and China, or restart the arms race”.
exportbeperking van chipmachines naar China schaadt betrekkingen met
Peking, stelt Chinese ambassadeur.
Ook zet Nederland zijn eigen
technologische voorsprong op het spel, aldus de diplomaat. #ASML
Dutch part of new Cold War.
Beijing envoy warns Dutch of
retaliation for chip curbs: ‘China won’t just swallow this’
Tan Jian, Chinese ambassador to the
Netherlands, says export restrictions on chip technology ‘will not
be without consequences’
director Military Expenditure & Arms Prod. Programme: "European
armed forces should not hold onto their arsenals for future potential
conflicts. Rather, they should deliver systems at scale to help
Ukraine fight the war now" (incl fighter aircraft).
March 18
De EU-landen
willen Oekraïne zo snel mogelijk meer munitie sturen.
Ze halen daarvoor - met geld uit een
EU-fonds - hun eigen wapenvoorraden leeg.
Daarom gaan ze gezamenlijk mega-orders
bij de defensie-industrie plaatsen.
Navo-lidstaten investeren €1 mrd in Europese techbedrijven via een
eigen investeringsfonds.
Amsterdam is kandidaat als locatie voor dit Nato Investment Fund.
March 16
Statista on #tank deliverances to #Ukraine.
Better have a
gross human rights violator, which illegally invaded a neighbouring
state, and fights a internal war as ally than stay with a
Scandinavian neighbour.
Yes friendly #Finland gears up for #Turkey’s #NATO blessing, as #Sweden gets left behind.
A bipartisan
pair of US senators tabled a resolution on Wednesday that would
require Pres. #Biden's administration to report on #Saudi Arabia's
human rights record & possibly cut off all US security assistance
to the KSA.
of Japanese gathered outside a military fair near Tokyo on Wednesday
to protest the government's move to increase arms trade.
They shouted "No war," "No war preparation" & "Say no to traders of death!" outside the 3-day #DSEI #Japan 2023 event.
March 15
Among the
casualties of Russia’s war in Ukraine: its own lucrative
#arms_export industry.
Russia has long been the world’s 2nd-largest arms exporter, after the US, but its sales have declined ever since Moscow-backed forces seized parts of Ukraine in 2014.
Two Dutch
mine hunters #MCM Alkmaar-class for Ukraine.
March 14
wekelijkse Van Leemput praatje begint met een (herhaalde) oproep tot
#onderhandelen. Hij constateert dat "dat het inzicht groeit dat
deze oorlog niet eindeloos kan doorgaan en dat de kans vermindert dat
hij met militaire middelen gewonnen kan worden."
#Qatar The #UK Royal
Air Force (RAF) and Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF)have signed an
agreement to extend their bilateral #Typhoon cooperation for two more
The nice, safe for all, rights respecting friends of the West.
repressive autocracy. #Lockheed Martin announced Friday that it has
completed developing the first export version of its F-16 Block 70
fighter aircraft for the Royal #Bahraini Air Force.,-South-Carolina
Bahrain’s Abuses
The 2024
budget called on Congress to provide US$842 billion in defence
spending, marking a 13.4% increase over 2022. The announcement came a
week after China presented a military budget of $230 billion, a 7.6%
jump from last year.
Chinese arms
sales fell by nearly a quarter in 2018-2022, according to new report
Geopolitical tensions, Covid-19
disruptions were main factors in the decline, analysts say.
The decline in arms exports from China could be a sign that Beijing was focusing more on domestic needs as geopolitical tensions rose, said Ni Lexiong, a professor at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law.
Meanwhile, China’s military imports increased by 4.1% in the 2018 to 2022 period compared with the previous five years.
China bought nearly half of Ukraine’s
military exports – 48 per cent – from 2018 to 2022, despite a 70
per cent decrease in Ukraine’s arms exports compared with the
previous period.
based #Van_Halteren Metaal BV has secured contract from MoD for AS90
Turret Trainer (AS90TT) Provision of Contractor Logistic Support
(CLS) and Post Design Services (PDS). The value of the contract is
worth £ 5415317.25.
Potential Chinese
agression answered by: #Nuclear reactors powering the next-generation
Australian #submarines being built under the #Aukus defence pact will
be made by #Rolls-Royce to a British design, officials have said.
growing interest in High Altitude Platform Systems which can take the
form of very high-flying aircraft or balloons & airships.
#Thales_Alenia Space has won a contract from the #European Commission
to develop the #EuroHAPS project valued at €43m.
On the
complicated relations between the Korean military and Lockheed Martin
(issues SM-2, F-35, payment for military satellites).
Damen frigate parthers in
Industrias Montes
Formas Modulares
Tecnología y reconversión
Ingeniería Geproy
Puerto Madero
Jm Redes
Creativa Ingeniería
La Enrolladora
cost of neutrality: #Swiss defense industry ‘just losing our
market’ amid Ukraine conflict
Under pressure from local industry and
international allies, the Swiss government is considering measures to
#relax its rules on the re-export of arms.
March 13
Fuelled by
Ukraine, European arms imports doubled in 2022 Unlike Europe, all
other continents have seen a decline in imports over the last 5
years. Africa (-40%) North and South America (-20%), Asia (-7%) and
even the Middle East (-9%).
arms exports skyrocket, while China's nosedive.
While the rest of the world is slowly
disarming, Europe is quickly doing the opposite.
Surge in arms
imports to Europe, while US dominance of the global arms trade
Press release:
(also in Catalan, French, Spanish, and Swedish).
challenging Russia as second biggest arms exporter behind US
Study shows French suppliers have more
major export orders than Russia, while UK’s share has dwindled.
March 10
strategy driven view on the problems a high end costly military will
cause: If the US hopes to persevere against Russia in the short term
and China in the long term, it must consider the economic impact of
tech even as it pursues a tech advantage.
March 9
#ASML Ondanks
het int. karakter van de kwestie, is dit exportverbod 'n nationale
maatregel. Voor een int. verbod binnen het zogeheten #Wassenaar
Arrangement is ook instemming van Rusland nodig. Die komt er vrijwel
zeker niet.
En #EU #dual_use items lijst?
As expected the The Haque has fallen in line with the US by adding deep ultra violet lithography equipment to export controls in a move designed to hobble China’s ability to make advanced integrated circuits. China calls it abuse of export control measures
Klare: Pentagon Seeks to Facilitate Autonomous Weapons Deployment.
New DoD policy has it both ways, includes more ethics and is "a road map for succeeding at this process and thus facilitates autonomous weapons systems development."
Summary: US
military will be stretched between the need to create new tech that
help it stay ahead of a rising China, maintain existing platforms,
cope with the demand for equipping Ukrainian forces and backfill
equipment already sent to the front lines.
The U.S. Army
is already executing on a plan to send M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine,
the Army’s acquisition chief said Wednesday. Sending tanks to
Ukraine is not a simple process, US Army’s acquisition chief Doug
Bush said.
![]() |
source |
War what is it good for. Thales 2022 results. All up ↑▲
March 8
China is the
latest country in the region to announce a boost in its defence
budget, with analysts expecting the trend to gather pace
Growing humanitarian crises adding to demand for military capacity in unstable security environment, observers say.
#Zetkin was known as a founder of international women's day. She also
militantly opposed militarism, imperialism and the first World War.
Now I see arms industries, @EDA (the military industrial org of the
EU), MoD's like #Ollongren making it a day for the powers that be.
Feminism is Revolutionary! See here for
books on a wide range of feminist issues.
wie liever iets korters, voor niets en in het Nederlands leest: Waar
is het vrouwengezicht van de oorlog? Dit van @WendelaVries
Swiss arms industry
benefited from the #soccer World Cup. A third of the Swiss arms
exports went to countries with «authoritarian» or «hybrid»
regimes mainly to two major customers: Qatar was the front-runner
among buyers with a volume of 213 million Swiss francs. It was
mostly about anti-aircraft systems from the Swiss subsidiary of the
German #Rheinmetall Group to protect the #football stadiums during
the 2022 World Cup. The other was Saudi Arabia (it involves spare
parts and ammo for anti-aircraft systems).
government uses copy & paste methods answering questions on arms
sales and transit to #Saudi Arabia for 20 sets of questions: a) there
is no arms embargo; b) no reported misuse of Spanish arms by the
Saudi's. (automatically translated from Spanish
the greatest security threat Australia faces is climate change - war
with China would devastate work on climate. What we need is more
diplomacy, instead of more weapons spending and illusory submarines,"
said Margaret Beavis, vice pres. #MAPW
transformation; Group CEO Papperger sees historic growth opportunity
from Ukraine war, by @GeHegmann
Ferdinand Marcos Jr. of gave full support to the military
modernization efforts, particularly in the upgrading &
acquisition of assets of the #Philippine Air Force #PAF. He blessed a
C-295 aircraft procured from Spain at the Clark Air Base. #Airbus
Dutch #Damen
signs MoD with #Manizales (inland #Colombian city) Chamber of
Commerce to cooperate and strengthen the local shipbuilding and naval
#Russia, too, is facing #ammunition shortages, and its munitions factories are working at speed. But it has also reduced the number of shells it is firing.
On March 5,
the Japanse army #JGSDF moved +/-150 vehicles, incl. missiles
luanchers, to a base on Ishigaki Island (#Okinawa). This was met with
protests by local citizens opposing the base. Riot police were
deployed to guard the area. #Japan
Biden’s new arms transfer policy apply to Israel?
The US heavily subsidizes the Israeli weapons industry, which in turn sells to governments using them to commit human rights abuses.
defence industry will shift gear from big hardware projects to
developing core technology, driven in part by lessons learned from
the war in Ukraine, according to analysts.
More extensive
information on the same issue.
Gaining Victory in Systems Warfare
China's Perspective on the U.S.-China
Military Balance.
A very
strong warning in Aviation Week & Space Technology: We Are
Tempting Armageddon In Ukraine.
"(...) even a very limited nuclear exchange “would be a disaster beyond history.”
An article on the
European defence industry in Foreign Affairs. Although based on the
realities of the Ukraine war it is full of the facts pumped around by
military industry lobby organisations for decades.
[US] weapons sale to Europe weakens the European defense industrial
base by depriving a European company of its core market."
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter bought by
many European states, at the cost of European fighter production,
isn't even mentioned in the article.
differ, but to call the noise of military planes to an extreme
nationalist lead country whereof the military leadership appeases the
military regime in Rangoon is at least excentric.
@AirbusDefence: Like music in our
ears - the sound of the very first engine run of an Indian #C295 .
It is one out of 56 aircraft that will be delivered to @IAF_MCC. Stay
tuned for the next milestone: the first test flight! About the C295
programme in #India:
UK will miss
out on EU’s ‘massive’ increase in arms spending for Ukraine
Only EU and Norwegian firms will be able to take advantage of joint procurement agreement, says leaked paper.
EU defense
ministers discuss 'WAR ECONOMY,' #ammo for #Ukraine.
And when will this be turned back to normal? Or is this for the coming decades, are we aware what we are creating?
Hungary is
also training Ukrainian soldiers, said Slovak Defence Minister
Jaroslav Nad’ on Monday, debunking the neutral approach to Russia’s
war Viktor Orban’s government has asserted so far.
remains opposed to exporting arms to war-torn Ukraine, the famously
neutral country's President Alain Berset said Tuesday on the
sidelines of meetings at the United Nations.
March 7
company #Elbit Systems announced it was awarded two contracts with an
aggregate value of $252 million to supply artillery rocket systems to
a European NATO member country.
Which #European NATO member buys rockets in a Apartheid State?
US Defense News publication suggests it is #Denmark.
arms worth billions of dollars entered Ukraine through other
countries in the past two years without #Ukraine and Bulgaria even
having to agree to a single direct deal, even before the war,
EURACTIV #Bulgaria has found.
surrounds intend by #UK & #KSA to cooperate on future air
capabilities. #MbS said it was on FCAS (a multinational air
capabilities program). The UK MoD made it vaguer. But the joint
declaration seems to leave the door open for a future agreement.
March 6
The Space
Development Agency has added another batch of missile-tracking
#satellites to its expansive constellation, awarding #Raytheon a $250
million contract March 2 to build seven spacecraft.
#India’s ongoing
export of weapons parts to Myanmar, as detailed by activist
organisation Justice for Myanmar
in a new story published on Wednesday, may provide ways for the
#Myanmar military to circumvent international sanctions.
S. #Korea
must not provide deadly weapons to #Ukraine. Even if it sells shells
to the US, conditions must be attached so that they do not get
exported to Ukraine. There is no justification or practical gain for
Korea by offering arms assistance to Ukraine.
#Italian PM
Meloni and FA Minister Tajani traveled to UAE to consolidate
bilateral relations. The trip followed a visit by MoD Crosetto on 7
February to relaunch ties on #arms exports to Saudi Arabia and #UAE
introduced by the government of Giuseppe Conte.
#Germany is a
major #arms seller
to Cairo, but Luise Amtsberg, the government human rights policy &
humanitarian aid commissioner cancelled a planned trip to #Egypt
after she was told she wouldn't be welcome, her office confirmed.
"The EU
is "an economic superpower. What we have to do now is create the
ability to translate our economic capacity into geopolitical
leverage," Dutch Minister Hoekstra said, "tighter sanctions
policy [with an instrument at EU level] is the way to do it."
The U.S.
Commerce Department and other government agencies approved about
69.9% of export license applications to Chinese entities in the 2022
budget year, according to written testimony made public ahead of a
U.S. House hearing Tuesday.
The US what is
it good for?
Scientific article examines why US weapons consistently appear in conflicts around the world, despite the United States having what is commonly lauded as the ‘gold standard’ of national arms export control systems.
Language on
new US arms export policy may impact non-traditional defence
equipment, "like surveillance, artificial intelligence, and
other technologies that can be manipulated for domestic repression."
strategy is fully aligned with Vision2030 in #Saudi Arabia &
Vision2040 in #UAE. Thales has already been operating in line with it
for many years and is a trusted technological partner to the
countries [repressive warring autocracies] in the
The US what
is it good for? 33 nations called for a global treaty restricting
“lethal autonomous weapons.” But US officials warn that such a
ban would be both premature & overly narrow, preferring broader
but non-binding “best practices” 4 the military.#AI
Deputy Defence Minister M. Herindra visited the #UK and #France this
week to follow up on Indonesia’s military procurement plans from
French arms producers #Thales and #Nexter, insisting it should
include transfer of technology.
Yemenis have
filed a #lawsuit in the US against military contractors Raytheon,
Lockheed and General Dynamics, accusing them of “aiding and
abetting war crimes and extrajudicial killings” by supplying arms
to the Saudi-led coalition’s war in #Yemen.
The rudders
and steering gears for two new 110-metre long amphibious transport
vessels being built for the #Chilean Navy are the result of
cooperation between #Wärtsilä and #Damen Marine Components.
Pressure on
#Swiss arms export policy to #Ukraine under pressure from all sides.
#Dutch Ambassador Hedda Samson e.g. said that she understands the
debate over neutrality BUT that Swiss authorities should explore all
possibilities to support Ukraine.
Exporting Billions in Arms. Just Not to Ukraine. Not much new, but
article is clear overview of South Korean arms exports and the global
and regional policies connected to them.
War what
is it good for? Haaretz reveals the past seven years, 92 cargo
flights flown by #Azerbaijani Silk Way Airlines have landed at the
Ovda airbase, the only airfield in #Israel through which explosives
may be flown into and out of the country.
March 4
@keesamok: Toespraak van Dirk (Laka) Kernenergie valt ook niet onder
het nieuwste EU-sanctiepakket. Zelfs geen sancties tegen Rosatom, het
Russische staatsbedrijf Dirk (Laka) hield deze toespraak op 27
februari 2023 tijdens de vredesactie op het Museumplein.
German Federal
prosecutor is examining whether Rheinmetall provided illegal aid to
the naval blockade of Yemen. In four missions in 2017, Rheinmetall
employees retrofitted MLG-27 naval guns of the UAE Navy in the Red
Sea @welt
Retweet @hmtillack:
Exklusiv: Bundesanwaltschaft prüft, ob
Rheinmetall eine verbotene Beihilfe zur Seeblockade des Jemen
geleistet hat. Bei vier Einsätzen 2017 hatten
Rheinmetall-Mitarbeiter MLG-27-Marinegeschütze der emiratischen
Marine im Roten Meer nachgerüstet @welt
Ukraine doesn't appear
to be diverting arms by allowing low-level officials to steal and
resell weapons, Pentagon says - However it is harder to conduct
end-use monitoring in Ukraine than in Afghanistan, where there were
far more US officials
March 1
When do we stop to use the
worn out prefix 'self defense' to the Japanese armed forces?
The Japanese government has revealed plans to purchase 400 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the US. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said.
#BAE Systems
#Australia used the first day of the biggest Avalon Air Show (= a
display of militarism
') in history to unveil its new Strix long-range strike and ISR #drone armed to the teeth.
There is a
complicated interdependence between the Thai state, the Tatmadaw and
ethnic minority armed groups. This spider web of political and
economic ties, is a key factor that has shaped Thailand's highly
unusual responses to the breach of its airspace.
questions on the non-sale of F-16's to Turkey, answered from a
Turkish perspective, although the influence to temper tensions
between Athens and Ankara - diminishing by not delivering the
fighters to Ankara while Greece got a modernised version - is
described here as a US interest.
Founded by the Spanish
State in 1972, before the end of the Franco dictatorship (1936-1975),
to promote the exports of the national military industry, Defex was
liquidated in 2017 due to paying commissions to #Cameroonian
officials and civil servants to land contracts.
#Defex is also accused of having paid kickbacks to obtain contracts in #Angola and #Saudi Arabia.
Old on same company in English
On February
16, 2023, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and Commerce Department
announced the creation of the Disruptive Technology Strike Force with
a mission to prevent nation-state “adversaries” from acquiring
“disruptive” technologies.