maandag 15 juli 2024

My tweets (or X's) for june

Latest on top (updated regularly):

June 30

Police in France, Spain and the Netherlands searched the offices of French military equipment provider Thales between Wednesday and Friday as part of a corruption probe, a judicial source told Reuters on Saturday.

#Netherlands orders DITA self-propelled #howitzers for #Ukraine from #Czech

To underlign the argument: we've to defend our democracy, Riyadh is a major destination? Really?

#German weapons exports may hit record

#Russia's war in #Ukraine & grown sales to #Saudi's let German arms exports reach €7.48 bn in the 1st half of 2024.

June 29

In a report on tax evasion: for a discussion of non-reporting of the foreign subsidiaries of major U.S. defense contractors, see Martin Broek, “Tax Evasion and Weapon Production: Mailbox Arms Companies in the Netherlands,” Transnational Institute, 05/2016,

Hypersonics become the new normal?

#Germany’s parliament has authorized money for the purchase of thousands of missiles and the development of a #supersonic naval cruise missile, according to a Defence Ministry news release.

Reality, allies & fog

Dutch F-35 deliveries will not have US as final stop, but “In these deliveries the US (is) the end destination” as understood by EU regulation, lawyer Veldhuis said, adding that #Netherlands was complying with the earlier court order.

England and Welsh Green Party co-leader makes powerful case for ending arms sales to Israel on Question Time. Adrian Ramsay said arms sales to Israel were 'unacceptable'.

Last week in Paris, #Chinese weapons manufacturer, North Industries Group Corporation #Norinco, showcased miniature versions of its land-based weapons & unmanned aerial vehicles #UAVs or #drones at the #Eurosatory expo, one of Europe’s biggest arms shows.

June 28

Four protesters broke into the GRiD Defence Systems building in Hugh Wycombe (east of London) and barricaded themselves inside, destroying military computers and processors. The lesser-know military electronics firm’s supplying of technology to Elbit Sys.

#Lockheed Martin is running out of space to park undelivered #F35 jets amid hardware and software #delays linked to a tech update whose full delivery will be delayed into 2025. That’s disrupting fleet-replacement plans of #Denmark, #Belgium and #Norway.

De VS gaan Israël toch een deel van de bommen leveren die eerder werden tegengehouden. Volgens de Amerikaanse nieuwssite Axios gaat de regering van president Joe Biden dat binnenkort bekendmaken.

De Nederlandse overheid erkent dat in Nederland geproduceerde straaljageronderdelen via de VS in Israël terecht kunnen komen. (...) volgens Nederland vallen met de VS geen afspraken te maken om te voorkomen dat de onderdelen via een omweg in Israël komen.

The Dutch government recognizes that fighter jet parts produced in the Netherlands can end up in Israel via the US. (...) according to the Netherlands, no agreements can be made with the US to prevent the parts from reaching Israel via a detour.

Reality, allies & fog

Dutch F-35 deliveries will not have US as final stop, but “In these deliveries the US (is) the end destination” as understood by EU regulation, lawyer Veldhuis said, adding that #Netherlands was complying with the earlier court order.

June 27

An AI Hell on Earth?

US Deputy Secretary of Defense Hicks was anything but shy about pointing to the primary rationale for such a rush toward robotic warfare: outpacing and intimidating China.

Israel has received $6.5bn in security aid from the US since Oct 7. “This is a massive, massive undertaking,” a senior official told the Washington Post. He added that the totals indicate how deep and complex Israel's relationship with the US is.

"Landmacht Lt-kol Hädicke "bevestigde onlangs dat Defensie wel degelijk werkt aan een autonoom systeem dat onder voorwaarden zelfstandig kan beslissen een tegenstander uit te schakelen. Hoe zit dan dat," vraagt Follow the Money in art. over militaire #AI.

Vast majority of Ukrainians share the view country must keep fighting—no matter the costs—until '91 borders are restored?

New polling showing significant #Ukrainian support 4 #diplomacy to end war. Ukrainians are rejecting risking everything 4 victory.

This isn't about footbal, but about building ships included naval vessels.

Long-running battle between #Damen & the #Romanian government over the operations of the Mangalia shipyard took a new step as a court in Constanta initiated an insolvency procedure.

Retweet @warresistersint: Artificial Intelligence is "this generation's Oppenheimer moment". Check out this new article on #TheBrokenRifle about the relationship between military tech and AI, kindly shared with us via @CTWnl.

US and Western partners have begun a new phase of financial warfare against Russia & China—a powerful but also potentially risky escalation that, if people aren’t careful, could eventually give Moscow & Beijing what they are believed to be looking for.

Charged for what?

Three #Singaporeans are facing charges of disturbing public order for being part of a group that delivered letters to then prime minister Lee Hsien Loong urging him to end #military ties with #Israel.

Transfer of #arms & related materials from companies registered in #Thailand to #Myanmar doubled, from more than $60m in 2022 to more than $120m in '23.

The Thai government doesn't have an explicit public policy position opposing arms transfers to Myanmar.

The #Saudi Arabian Military Industries #SAMI and #German #Hensoldt are said to have initiated talks regarding the supply of several electro-optical systems. [behind paywall]

June 26

War of words: On #China and #AI, #US sends mixed message about talks to ban the technology from #nuclear use.

While Sec. of State Kurt Campbell touts dialogue, a #NSC official points to Beijing’s disagreement with long-stated policy. #diplomacy

The Special Advisory Council-#Myanmar will publish a report on the #Tatmadaw’s military production capabilities, finds that #China has also dispatched technicians to assist in production & provided tech o produce fuel air explosive aerial bombs. More see->

EU FA ministers have approved €1.4bn in military aid to #Ukraine, financed for the 1st time from frozen assets of the #Russian Central Bank, @JosepBorrellF announced.

90% Of the money will finance military aid, while 10% will go to Kyiv as financial aid.

Continued Arms Exports to Israel in the Face of Constructive.

Ongoing International Court of Justice proceedings focused on Gaza mean officials authorizing weapons transfers “should have known” about risk, @AkshayaSays.

Questions in European Parliament on : figures by the Secretary of State for Trade’s statistics portal, #Comex, and analysed by Alejandro Pozo, a researcher at the Centre Delàs for Peace Studies, #Spain exported ammo to Israel worth € 987,000.

Keep on asking, but the answer will always be a variation on the phrase: “competent authorities of Member States take the final decision whether to authorise or deny an individual export or transit license of military equipment, in accordance with the said legal frameworks.”

Legal frameworks may not stand to much in the way of EU foreign and defence industrial policy.

Legal frameworks (like ATT and EU CP 2008/944/CFSP) may not stand to much in the way of EU and member states foreign and defence industrial policy considerations and debate on it is under the cloak of secrecy.

June 25

Met als argument internationale dreigingen claimt Defensie veel meer grond om te oefenen. Dat schuurt, in een land waar natuur, landbouw, energie en woningbouw al vechten om de schaarse ruimte. Zie ->

Inleiding @guidovanleemput 24/6.

De oorlog in Oekraïne duurt 850 dagen of 28 maanden. Er is nog geen einde in zicht. Het nieuws van de laatste maand is dat diplomatie een geaccepteerd middel is om ten minste over een einde aan de oorlog te praten. Meer ->

Almost half — 42.1 percent — of #Israel’s arms exports went to #India since 2014.

Why is India’s Hindu Right Pro-Israel?

Hindu nationalists would like to emulate Israel. They would like to create a Hindu Israel in India.

A new domestically-based plant supplying arms to the US & Ukraine is filled almost entirely with foreign tech, The WSJ reported on Monday. Mentioned are Germany (by Chinese owned Kuka), Japan and Turkey. (S. Korea's Hanwa was involved in the past.)

Defense Journal by Atlantic Council IN TURKEY

Drones and more: Turkish defense cooperation trends in the air.

June 24

Defense News: The inanely named European Peace Facility. Formed in 2021, it’s effectively an account outside the regular books, which means it faces fewer restrictions on what it can be used for.

Retweet @@MarshyNic: In this new brief @juliapalik1 and I look at whether it would be easy for Saudi Arabia to find alternative arms supplies if exports were stopped by the US and European states. We look its own industry and the practical problems of alternative exporters.

Chinese #Norinco recalibrates in hunt for new sales. It has displayed Nato-standard artillery at #Eurosatory in France in an attempt to boost its land-based weapons exports after Russian weapons industry tied up by Ukraine war and Western sanctions.

June 23

“Het #MIC is de innige samenwerking tussen politiek, krijgsmacht & wapenindustrie. Deze term moet nodig uit de mottenballen, waar hij ooit is opgeborgen samen met een term als 'kapitalisme'. We hebben onze verklarende concepten nodig,” Wendela van @CTWnl. aldus @WendelaVries van @CTWnl

New blog for @CTWnl: We need two tier approach to control military AI. This important field of autonomous warfighting, is not a technical issue alone, but also connected to the power politics of this world.

World's leading #nuclear powers spent a record $91.4bn on their nuclear weapons in 2023--good for a 13.4% increase over 2022 spending-ICAN has reported. the US increased its nuclear spending by almost 18% to a record 51.5bn.



Dozens of protesters blocked access to the Port of #Vancouver for hours Thursday morning, calling for an #arms #embargo on #Israel.

Organizers of the protest said more than 100 people were gathered, blocking access points.

The partnership agreement between #Russia and North #Korea has unexpectedly positively affected Ukraine. It breaks South Korea's reluctance to supply weapons to Ukraine. Seoul may transfer 105 and 155 mm shells to Ukraine first.

Serbian ammunition exports worth €800 million ($855 million) have arrived in Ukraine via third parties, the FT said, citing estimates it obtained.

June 22

#Barclays: "We don't invest in defence companies. We occasionally hold shares but they are on behalf of our clients."

Tone differs compared to earlier remarks. B: "provides 'vital financial services' to ... companies," like #Elbit.

Moscow's stuttering war machine. Russia's arms industry is overwhelmed, the weapons do not function well, & the sanctions are scaring off many buyers.

The West has to step up its efforts to take the market share, is the conclusion of this article full of valuable info.

Retweet @PWezeman:

June 21

Autocratic & gross human rights vbiolater, the #UAE announces $2bn in military contracts. The order at Swedish #SAAB for the GlobalEye (airborne early warning & control plane) makes ½ of this amount. (While 1/3 goes to US based #Raytheon for Patriots).

The international community has before it 2 official proposals for a peace settlement to end the war in Ukraine. Diplomats & analysts should give thought to whether they could provide the starting point for negotiations towards an eventual compromise.

#Duitse strijdkrachten bestellen nog 2 F126 multifunctionele #fregatten bij Damen Naval. Dit is "geweldig nieuws" volgens #Damen een vd grootste Nederlandse militaire bedrijven en monopolist op het gebied van oppervlakte schepen voor de Nederlandse marine.

Ammo firms tell EU to ‘hurry up’ with 155mm shell aid top-up. European policymakers should urgently provide more funding to increase production of the propellant and explosives.

Because the call comes from the military industry selfinterest is part of it.

GAO Annual Assessment of Weapon Systems

DoD plans to invest more than $2tr to develop/acquire its costliest weapons, but continues to struggle with delivering innovative tech quickly. Weapon systems are more complex and driven by software than ever before. Recent reforms ....were intended for faster results, but slow, linear development approaches persist.

Action guide: The complicity of Europe in Israel’s genocide against Palestinians is both criminal, immoral & unwise. Various military embargo campaigns in Europe have been successful. The campaigns can learn from each other and build stronger coordination.

#France plans to build #Europe’s most powerful classified #supercomputer to take the lead in #AI for military purposes, Armed Forces Minister Sébastien Lecornu announced at the Eurosatory defense show.

Limits are there to impose on those outside the West.

AI for war preparations in #space.

Large fleets of civil; and military #satellites enter space. Could they provide cover for space weapons or spy satellites?

#DARPA aims to use #AI to uncover & flag those potentially nefarious capabilities (of the other).

#Russia is buying 2nd-hand Japanese Tsugami computer numeric control #CNC machines from #China for the production of weapons.

The analysis of these purchases was released ( by the US-based Center for Advanced Defense Studies #C4ADS.

Counter trade: fighters in exchange for shells.

Reviving #Russia’s weapons exports to #Vietnam in focus as Putin visits Hanoi

Russia requires mainly artillery #shells for its war in Ukraine and could sell other weapons to its clients, analysts say.

Jan Hoekema: ‘In de huidige sombere geopolitieke werkelijkheid is het zaak om in te zetten op transparantie en communicatie tussen de kernwapenstaten. Anders loopt Europa het risico te veranderen in een nucleair strijdtoneel.’

Conflict and tension in the world. What is it good for?

The #US State Department has approved the request of the #Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office in the US to procure Altius 600M-V #drones and related equipment for approximately $300m.

retweet @FrankSlijper: Denmark transferred F-35 spare parts to Israel in March, just after Dutch court order that ordered the government to stop supplying F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel, which uses them in deadly airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. via @middleeastmnt

June 19

Defensie-expert Ko Colijn over mogelijke uitweg voor Rusland en Oekraïne, waar 'Vrede' en 'onderhandelingen' taboe schijnen te zijn. Colijn komt met een 'oneerlijke oplossing'.

Israel is not only importing weapons it is also a major exporter.

The Israeli MoD said that Israeli arms exports valued about $12.9bn in 2023 - the 3rd year in a row that arms exports had broken records. Israeli arms exports have doubled the past 5 years.

The missile manufacturer #MBDA has unveiled an artificial intelligence-based #AI capability to allow military forces to see hidden targets in challenging combat environments.

Turkish #Aselsan CEO Akyol talks export strategy, embargoes, air defence.

Part 4 of a series on #China’s military development, from weapons to its role in the global supply chain.

Here the central role of Chinese #components in trade and more especially in arms producction. (+ The US reaction including eg the pressure on #ASML).

#Lockheed Martin F-35s will become more expensive over the next four years, with flyaway prices rising 16-18% depending on the variant. #F35

Israeli drones use French components to bomb civilians in Gaza: Report

Classified files and arms sale receipts show Israel bombed a hospital in Khan Younis after acquiring the French drone components.

Remember Hollanditis?

"On June 1, 2024, the Netherlands made history, becoming the first country to officially assign its F-35A stealth fighters to the nuclear strike role, a significant milestone for NATO’s military prowess."

Het hoofd exportbeleid van de #VS, Alan Estevez, zal naar verwachting een al langer lopend Amerikaans verzoek aan Den Haag herhalen om de export van de chipmachinefabrikant #ASML aan #China verder te beperken.

Pressure, what pressure?

In reversal, Paris court says #Israeli firms should be allowed at #Eurosatory.

However, with further legal wrangling to come and with only a few days left in the exhibition, it's unclear what the ruling actually will change.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday said that US Secretary of State Antony #Blinken had assured him that the Biden administration was working to #cancel #restrictions on arms deliveries to #Israel.

June 17

To improve the moode on a Monday morning: Role of nuclear weapons grows as geopolitical relations deteriorate—new SIPRI Yearbook out now.

Should be an motivation to let words 'ceasefire', 'arms control' & 'diplomacy' sound louder than 'war' & 'weaponry'.

The problem for #Ukraine? #Arms dealers know they have hit the jackpot and exploit the war to drive the price of weapons sky-high. The Sunday Times obtained a list, revealing that the cost of many weapons has risen as much as 5x over the course of the war.

#French court bans Israeli delegations and companies from #Eurosatory arms fair. Association France Palestine Solidarité #AFPS announced a mass demonstration outside the arms fair to call for an end to all arms trade with #Israel.

June 15

Deputy Minister for Strategic Industries and the MoD of #Ukraine and #Dutch MoD Ollongren signed a paper formulating the intentions of Ukraine and the #Netherlands to create an effective mechanism for #financial support for Ukrainian #arms manufacturers.

Edinburgh University’s Old College was blocked by protesters on Friday.
They want the University to divest from Amazon and Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. Both are partners in Project Nimbus ...

Oxfam: 3% van G7-militaire budget is genoeg om honger uit de wereld te helpen.

Honger de wereld uit, dat is niet hoe we veiligheid creëren. Veiligheid draait om ons, onze invloed, onze industrie, onze voetafdruk, niet om de ander.

#Turkey’s defence-#industrial partnerships shifted over time as the country’s position in int politics has changed. In a joint project between @IISS_org & the @CFPPR explore how this process has developed & the tensions in the country’s current position.

The spectacular collapse of a #KNDS-#Leonardo agreement this week was a sharp reminder that business is business to make money.

The team-up in Dec. 2023 to build tanks & fighting vehicles was touted as a key step towards EU military industry integration.

#India produces its first domestic #kamikaze #drones (one type manufactured by Economic Explosives Ltd. -- part of Solar Group -- and the other by Kadet Defence Systems) for use against infilatrators and for export.

#Israel’s Aeronautics will pair kamikaze #drones with nearby surveillance drones that can do battlefield surveillance before a strike and damage assessment afterwards. Cynical?

June 14

Over wapenindustrie als rupsje nooit genoeg en over zijn vrienden.

Pensioenfonds "ABP ziet ruimte voor meer beleggingen in defensiebedrijven. Maar dan moeten de hogere defensie-uitgaven wel voor langere tijd vastliggen."

#Nederlands Min, v. Defensie wil een contract afsluiten met de Israëlische wapenfabrikant #Elbit Systems.

De fabrikant wordt er door critici van beticht bij te dragen aan #mensenrechtenschendingen door het #Israëlische leger in Palestijns gebied.

Emirati defense giant Edge joins forces with #Indian firm #Adani with an eye towards a host of military systems. The #UAE firm has been eyeing expansion in multiple global markets, including Latin America & East Asia, #EDGE Group's CEO Hamad Al Marar told.

Na 25 jaar aanwezigheid vertrekken VN-troepen uit het oosten van #Congo. Juist nu de belangrijkste stad omsingeld is door de rebellengroep #M23. Ondanks voldoende bewijs dat Rwanda het offensief op Goma orkestreert, blijven internationale reacties #lauw.

#Spyware is a serious business, and the primary regulatory approach the #US has taken—export controls—has fallen short. The US should turn to a broader range of sanctions to combat spyware, Mailyn Fidler of the University of New Hampshire wrote.

Nothing wrong with sales, because nothing wrong with delivering weapon parts, Canberra states. Not on ML lists?

Oct 2023, the RAAF boasted that more than 70 Australian companies had already directly shared more than $4.13 billion in global F-35 contracts.

June 12

Sensibel, but against the tide

Oxfam urged wealthy nations to boost spending on ending hunger ahead of a G7 annual summit set to kick off in Italy on Thursday, saying that just 3% of G7 military spending could help solve the global food and debt crisis.

June 11

South China Morning Post on:

#China warns against #Dutch naval ‘#intrusion’, disputes East China Sea encounter

Defence ministry disputes Netherlands’ account of last week’s ‘unsafe’ #incident between #PLA aircraft and Dutch #frigate.

Strict implementation of arms control rules?

UK approved 108 arms export licences to Israel since Gaza war. Of the 108, 37 were categorised as military and 63 as non-military, which may include telecommunications equipment for use by Israeli military.

Small tents against major arms:

#Danish activists set up encampments, demand govt stop selling weapons to #Israel.

Activists say Danish company #Terma Group, along with others, contributed #F35 fighter jet programs, anti-drone equipment to Israeli forces.

Anti-Erdogan-site: government unconcerned about where arms exported by #Turkey are used.

Attention to drone sales to #Ethiopia #Ukraine & #Russian restraint due to Turkey’s decision not to join Western sanctions & its role in evading the embargo on Moscow.

June 10

Lengthy article on #Aussie arms exports to Israel. But the well known elephant is missing. Components delivered to others - predominantly US - are assembled into major weapons (like F-35s) which may be exported to Israel. Transparency on this scheme is weak.

Greens leader Adam Bandt has doubled down on anti-Israeli rhetoric, calling for sanctions on the nation's "extreme war cabinet" and defending confrontational pro-Palestine protests that have taken place across Australia.

Australian Greens: Statement on the two-way arms trade with the state of Israel.

Belgrade to Beersheba: Serbian Arms Flown to Israel During Assault on Gaza. Investigation by Balkan Insight.

June 9

“#Israel” Faces Academic #Boycott in Italy. At #Rome's University of La Sapienza students underline that their actions aim to press the university to stop cooperation with Israel and the Italian government to halt #arms exports to Tel Aviv.

Turkish companies are emerging as significant suppliers of arms to Ukraine & are supporting the US efforts to resolve Kyiv's ammo shortages. However, this support is challenging Ankara's efforts to balance its relationship with Moscow & its Western allies.

June 8


Conflict with China is inevitable—but controllable.

"The Cold War was a frightening time. But it was better managed than we may think. War [directly between the super powers, MB] was avoided."

Sssst.... sometimes we were close to disaster.

#Danish firm #Terma has signed a contract to supply new radars for the #Belgian and #Dutch Navy’s anti-submarine warfare #ASW frigates.

The US delivers Israel fighter aircraft ( Israel’s UVision delivers modified Hero-120 kamikaze drones (vallued $74-million) to the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).

Linsey Cottrell, "National #climate action plans must include military emissions," Conflict and Environment Observatory #CEOBS, June 4, '24.

Why is the part of States said to aim for security intransparent on its emissions harming the security of us all?

Nederland participeert voor € 400m met Denemarken in een Zweeds fonds om CV90-gevechtsvoertuigen te bouwen voor Oekraïne.

?￰゚ヌᄃThe #Netherlands participates with #Denmark for €400m in a #Swedish fund to build #CV90 IFV vehicles 4 Ukraine.

NL DoD letter:

De website wil de ‘medeplichtigheid’ van universiteiten aan de oorlog tegen de Palestijnen in kaart brengen. @TheRightsForum, Stop Wapenhandel @CTWnl en het rechtsbureau ELSC doen eraan mee.

European arms company #KNDS announced on June 7 the establishment of a branch in Ukraine.

KNDS produces Leopard tanks and Caesar self-propelled howitzers, both of which Kyiv has in service. It is headquartered in Amsterdam and owned by German and French arms producers.

Headquartered is an exaggeration. There's a financial holding at the G. Mahlerlaan 1017 in Amsterdam. Its aim: tax evasion for the company and the use the Netherlands for this aim.

Security is just a product to make profit on for entities such as KNDS.

KNDS will set up shop in Ukraine to repair heavy weapons, make ammo

Germany and its support for war in Gaza

Protesters in Tel Aviv urge Germany to stop sending arms to Israel. Israeli police remove protesters sitting in front of German Embassy in Tel Aviv, detain 5 individuals.

Protestors at German embassy in Tel Aviv call for a stop in arms to Israel

June 7

"At [a] time when some of our adversaries aim to undermine our ties with our greatest ally, we only further strengthen our alliance,” #Israel’s Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant said of signing the $3bn #F35 deal with the #US @POTUS Biden administration.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign director Ben Jamal said that the school attack is “another horrifying chapter in Israel’s genocide,” and asked: “Will the arms trade with Israel be ended? Will Israel be cut off financially and diplomatically?”

June 6


Challenges of export controls. How Russia continues to import components for its military production.

"In the first ten months of 2023, imports of what the U.S., EU, UK, and other partners of Ukraine have identified as priority battlefield goods reached $8.77 billion—only a 10% decline compared to the pre-sanctions period."

"Appendix 4 lists the more than 250 companies included in the analysis."

Since 7 October, arms exports have increased almost tenfold. Germany is thus contributing actively to Israel’s security — yet possibly also to war crimes committed in Gaza, IPS reported.

1/2 After facing months of criticism from the Greens, the #Australian government has given its most detailed account yet of Israel-bound equipment. It also hit back at what it labelled as “misinformation” about the alleged supply of arms & ammo to #Israel.

2/2 The Greens yesterday sated: Just today, Israel has ordered another 25 F-35s that use components only made in Australia to drop bombs in Gaza. The issue of components towards the US for unreported re-export is not only and issue for Canbera, but all NATO countries involved in the F-35 program.

1/2 With the European ‘Future Combat Air System’
#FCAS led by France, Germany, and Spain progressively taking shape, MBDA Germany has unveiled a conceptual standoff-range cruise missile (range 500km) that it believes could become part of the FCAS.

2/2 The Franco-German-Spanish Future Combat Air System #FCAS & the UK-Italian-Japanese Global Combat Air Programme #GCAP both have #European roots (what a deliberate road to waste), and should consider common subsystems, according to a top #MBDA executive.

Towards a split world.

#Intel CEO Gelsinger said that the #US authorities will boost the progress of #Huawei chip products in China due to extreme export controls & restrictions. He also mentioned how the #chipmaker will deal with business in #China.

June 5

Canadian actions to call for an end to the #arms trade between #Canada and #Israel and against arms productions in and sales to Canada.

Grassroots Palestine solidarity movements, unions, student groups and others were incvolved.

Luchtvaartmaatschappij #Challenge_Airlines wordt in #België aangeklaagd vanwege het vervoer van munitie en explosieven via de luchthaven van #Luik. In #Nederland werken overheid en bedrijfsleven nog steeds samen met de #Israëlische #oorlogsindustrie.

Defending the nation or ...

Retired US Navy Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Robert Burke, and the co-CEOs of a Navy contractor have been indicted over an alleged #bribery scheme to steer contracts to the executives' company, the US DoJ announced.

Defending the nation or ...

A US Army lieutenant colonel was arrested Thursday on charges that he #illegally #imported #firearms parts from foreign countries including Russia and dealt weapons without a license, federal prosecutors said.

More than 2000 public servants have signed an open letter since 30 May, condemning the Australian Government for its complicity in the alestinian genocide. The letter ends with a call that the Australian Government immediately....:

The letter ends with a call that the Australian Government immediately: (…)

cancel all contracts and cooperation with Israeli weapons suppliers, including its $917 million contract with Elbit Systems to supply components for the Redback Infantry Fighting Vehicles
- disclose all information relating to the sale of military export licences to Australian companies supplying weapons and weapons components to Israel directly and/or indirectly.

The Commission president's announcement of a defense commissioner “is pure PR and [is] an ill-funded approach” an EU official complained.

EU should 1st gain centralised military power (now parts are spread over several commissionairs), Politico argued.

Retweet with omment: "Ik denk dat we op deze manier een oorlog ingezogen worden", zegt Rob de Wijk. "We begonnen met scherfvesten en met helmen. En we zitten nu in discussie over het centrum van trainers, F16's en het bestoken van doelen in Rusland. Iedere keer gaat dat natuurlijk een stuk verder."

Russisch grondgebied mag aangevallen worden met westerse wapens: dit is wat dat betekent - EenVandaag

June 4

With the Biden administration finalising a security and civil nuclear assistance pact with #Riyadh, and a possible side-deal to lift its ban on offensive weapons, the #US arms industry is readying itself for a new wave of weapons contracts ... [paywall],110244037-art

#Airbus Defence and Space werkt samen met #AI start-up #NeuralAgent aan het AI deel voor het Future Combat Air System, #FCAS.

#Airbus teams with German startup Helsing for #AI tech. #Helsing will “contribute its AI stack of relevant software-defined #mission capabilities, including the fusion of various sensors and algorithms for electronic #warfare,” a joint statement said.

Arms race in Europe, Francesco Vignarca

(@kkvignarca): “Peace is always a possible and viable option, but it takes courage”

“If all the stakes are on the escalation and intensification of the conflict, there is clearly less room for alternative routes”

@SeeNewsCompany: Dutch shipbuilding group Damen has filed a bankruptcy request against Damen Shipyards Mangalia, its joint venture with the Romanian government in which Damen holds a 49% stake, court documents show.

PT #Len Industri (#Persero) and #Thales signed an agreement on May 30, 2024 to create a joint venture #JV aimed at enhancing #Indonesia's military capabilities by strengthening local industrial activities in manufacturing, engineering and services.


The CiC of the #UAE Armed Forces Lt-General Al-Mazrouei is said to have received a briefing from #Lockheed Martin officials about the Mako multi-mission #hypersonic missile. Why is the UAE interested in the Mako? [paywall]

Arms control? Or export?

Dismissing concerns on #missile integration on the new Dutch #subs, DoD-sec Vd Maat stated the #Netherlands “has no info that would indicate that the risk that the new #submarines cannot be equipped with a cruise missile is greater at any of the yards.”

Race toward #AI is governed by what she called the “#terminator #problem” —if one state has it, all believe they need it to feel secure— an environment that makes regulating AI so difficult.

This asks for more diplomacy, arms control, not a Cold War 2.0.

#France bans #Israeli firms from Europe’s biggest defense show. #Eurosatory

It's possitive, but also just a start. When do EU nations stop buying Israeli weapons? (Acquisitions which support the military industry of Israel).

Angry over #Gaza, France bars Israeli firms from major defense show #Eurosatory. An exhibitor list shows dozens of Israeli firms are already signed up to show off their wares at the upcoming defense exhibition in #Paris.

Unpleasant? France’s last-minute decision to bar Israeli firms from an upcoming #Eurosatory arms fair was a “surprise” and “unpleasant,” according to a CEO at #IAI, among the first to publicly address the French government’s controversial move.

Coalition of NGOs: The French government, which has banned the arrival of Israeli companies at Eurosatory under pressure from a coalition of organizations, must stop all transfers of arms to Israel in compliance with France's international commitments.

June 3

#Militarisation of #Europe at the cost of arms export control.