maandag 29 juli 2024

My tweets (or X's) for july

Latest on top (updated regularly):

July 29

Amendments to #Canada’s export control list: addition of #quantum computing & advanced #semiconductors (chips).

The avalance of bans:

Japan protests Russia ban on 13 business executives, including Toyota head.
Russia did not give any reason for the selection of the people it had banned.

Oekraïne & Rusland hebben 'n nieuwe standaard gezet op 't vlak van moderne oorlogsvoering. Vooral Oekraïne onderscheidt zich hierin en heeft wereldwijd 'n nieuw tijdperk ingeluid; ook voor #België, dat wil ‘heel graag #drone-bataljons' in haar krijgsmacht.

Is $Saudi Arabia, like the Netherlands going for #French Naval Group #submarines? Saudi Arabia to further expand naval cooperation with France? [pay wall].

European #Peace Facility #EPF receives €1.5bn for #Ukraine from frozen Russian asset revenues

The #EU has transferred the money from immobilized Russian asset proceeds to support Ukraine’s #military & reconstruction efforts under sanctions against Russia.


Thnx to #Damen sold #naval vessel #Pakistan’s Chief of Naval Staff Adm Naveed Ashraf said: “The induction of the ship will further enhance Pakistan Navy’s maritime security capabilities, presence in distant international waters and operational readiness.”

Weapon supplies from our great enemies China and Russia, but also from our NATO ally Turkey and good friend and petrol station the UAE are fuelling Sudanese war -By Kestér Kenn Klomegâh.

Arms control needs a feather duster and commitment.

Emiraten stuurden in alle geheim militairen naar burgeroorlog in Soedan


The #EU’s Common Position on arms exports has generated a “race away from Brussels” whereby members resist efforts to consolidate policy with Brussels and move closer to national policies and interests, states new book: International Sanctions in Practice.

Fresh evidence that #Australian-made weapons used by the Israeli military, with exports taking place within the last 1½ year a picture of an Israeli soldier shows DroneGun Mk4 of Australian based company #Droneshield.

The #UN s' special rapporteur on human rights in #Myanmar, Tom Andrews, has told VOA he welcomes #Thailand's plans for a task force to help Thai #banks vet business with Myanmar's military regime for possible arms deals.

#Greece also hooked. Athens has officially signed off on the procurement of 20 #F35 A #JSF, becoming the 19th country to operate the #Lockheed Martin-made fifth-generation jet, according to defense minister Nikos Dendias.

When #AI makes a fatal #mistake, who’s to blame? Air Force Secretary weighs morality and reality.

It is not reasuring, the US #never has #apologized to Somali drone strike victims — even when it admitted to killing civilians. See:

July 24

#Indian ammo in #Ukraine will have large consequences for Delhi's FA policy, economy & regional status. Although the Indian government claims that the weapons were not directly supplied to Ukraine, the consequences are likely to be felt in various sectors.

Turkiye and Niger agreed to boost cooperation on energy, mining, intelligence and defense, after the West African nation asked Western military personnel to leave and terminated the mining contracts of many Western countries, Reuters reports.

#Turkey is boxing above its weight, isn't it, with its Kaan fighter aircraft.

#Ukraine aircraft engine knowledge, of Ivchenko Progress, is needed for further development of the plane which will be used against Kurds and neighbours.

TODAY (24 July) delegates attending the Farnborough Airshow will be met with protesters from Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), Greater Rushmoor Action for Peace and East Berkshire Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

July 23

Forces allied with the #Sudanese Armed forces are using a #Chinese anti-#drone jammer to fight off drones operated by the Rapid Support Force #RSF. This is the 2nd Chinese anti-drone system the Sudanese forces use in its conflict with the RSF rebels.

Emirati President Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed (MBZ) has expressed dissatisfaction with the slow progress of the acquisition of US-made #hypersonic missiles.

Is the #UAE also that counrty which transfers arms to countries under a UN-boycot and to Islamists?

The elasticity of arguments. While Germany supports Israel because of its historical responsibility towards the Jewish state that does “not mean it is supporting Israel’s occupation policy,” deputy Foreign Ministry spokesman, Christian Wagner, told.

Activists Block Dutch Military Base to Protest Arms Trade with Israel. The group, comprising members from the Palestinian solidarity, climate, and anti-militarist movements, aims to sever Dutch-Israeli ties. via @YouTube

Wallonië is weer 't wapenwalhalla: ‘Nu er veel geld te verdienen valt, verdwijnen ethische bezwaren als sneeuw voor de zon’

Controle op (controversiële) wapens verdwijnt ook elders door 't huidige spierballen gerol. R zijn teveel mensen die daarin meegaan.

July 22

Kom wo. 24/7, 18u, naar 't Spui, A'dam. Protest met sprekers, dichters & muziek tegen de oorlog in Oekraïne - en Gaza - & pleidooi voor wapenstilstand, diplomatie & onderhandelingen. Met 2 minuten stilte om de slachtoffers aan beide kanten te herdenken: ​

Aliyev, strikes back, he accused #France of meddling in #Azerbaijan’s internal affairs on dealings with #Armenia and promisses the independence movenment in New #Caledonia and other French territories to support them untill they are independent.

The country closely connected to the EU ( - apart from France it seems - came itself not so favourable in the news early this month: Leaked Documents Reveal Secret Belarus Military Shipments to Azerbaijan

Hoofdlijnenakkoord stuurt aan op het wettelijk vastleggen van de defensieuitgaven op de Navo-norm van 2%.

Maar met verankering van uitgaven regeert kabinet over eigen graf.

Het gaat niet over kruimels: 1% BBP is ruim € 10 miljard. Ten koste van wat?

Annual global military space spending jumps 18% to $57B in 2023: Space Foundation

“80% of defence spending comes from the US, but other nations, including Japan and Poland, increased space defense spending sharply last year,” the Space Foundation noted.

July 21

Nigeria Seizes Massive Cache of Weapons Smuggled in Container from Turkey. Nigerian customs reported seizing 844 guns including both rifles and shotguns as well as 112,500 rounds of ammunition.

French #Naval_Group has handed over the 2nd #Gowind-class corvette to the navy of the human rights violating, arms control circumventing and autocratic regime of the #UAE.

To promote a more just and secure world?

Q: What would a sensible security policy look like for the UK?

A: good starting place would obviously be closing down the immensely costly Trident replacement programme, currently reckoned to exceed £200bn over its lifetime.

The Institut Saint-Louis, which is under the authority of the French and German defence ministries, is using feedback from the conflict in Ukraine to develop disruptive drone, interception and AI systems. [pay wall],110253922-art

See also:

"Monstrous Anger of the Guns - How the Global Arms Trade is Ruining the World and What We Can Do About It," edited by Rhona Michie, Andrew Feinstein and Paul Rogers, including a chapter by expert Anna Stavrianakis, Pluto Press, upcoming.

US #DoD has successfully swiped $3.5bn from the Commerce Dep. CHIPS Act #funding to subsidize Intel’s creation of a classified advanced #semiconductor production facility 'Secure Enclave', built 4 military & intelligence state-of-the-art computer #chips.

These Corporations Are the True “Winners” of the War on #Gaza.

From Colt to Caterpillar, US companies are earning big profits off of #Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza, turning the horrors of war into boardroom victories.

#Thales announced the inauguration of an assembly line to quintuple the production of 70mm laser-guided #rockets at its #Herstal site in Belgium [not to raise profits but out of altruism] in order to strengthen the ammo capacities of Europe's armed forces.

"(...) war treasure chests go disproportionately into arms production rather than troops and (more importantly) their wider communities at home."

"Armed conflict disrupts food supplies as warring factions divert resources to arms production and their militaries while ..."

destroying the kinds of infrastructure that enable societies to feed themselves."

Two citations from text making the connection between war, famine and starvation mainly of civilians.

De aankondiging van de Amerikaanse regering om de export van vuurwapens naar 36 landen, waaronder #Suriname, te beperken, heeft veel stof doen opwaaien.

Hier een opinie die dit beleid onderschrijft & roept om beleidsmaatregelen die meer veiligheid creëren.

Although countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, & the UK have announced a halt to arms sales to #Israel, international media reports suggest otherwise; sales continue through 3rd countries & secret deals, according to media reports. #components

July 20

1st global Week of Action for Peace & #Climate Justice will address the links between war, militarism & climate injustice, promoting grassroots action & policy making for peace and climate justice.

2024 theme: divest from war – invest in climate justice!

Closer to the edge? #China has announced a halt of #arms_control talks with the US, arms sales to Taiwan main reason. This marks a significant escalation in tensions, complicating efforts to ease bilateral relations amid longstanding geopolitical disputes.

An overview: Like many #submarine sales, the planned sale of three Dolphin-2 submarines by #German shipbuilders ThyssenKrupp to Israel, potentially intended to carry #nuclear weapons, appears to have involved significant #bribes.

#France continues supplying #weapon parts to #Israel amid growing criticism.

France sells average of $21.9M worth of military equipment to Israel each year.

US government investment in #hightech.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency #DARPA and the #University of Texas (#Austin) announced a $1.4 billion, five-year partnership to establish the first US hub for advanced #microelectronics manufacturing.

Arms control outdated in a world focussed on Power. “The Lithuanian parliament’s decision to leave the Convention on Cluster Munitions is a disastrous and troubling shift. This move abandons the global consensus aimed at minimizing civilian harm during armed conflict and undermines decades of progress on eliminating the production, transfer and use of inherently indiscriminate weapons.

Is there a EU viewpoint on this rot creeping into arms control?

Getting rich on the backs of imigrants a #US officer did know how? A federal jury convicted an officer in the Navy Reserves last week for his involvement in a #bribery scheme to provide unknown #Afghan nationals visas to the US.

Germany supplies 30% of Israel’s arms imports. Also info on the US, an other country placing high vallues on human rights, peace & security.

But also those are mentioned who take to the streets & block supply lines to halt military shipments.

South Africa has been ordered to suspend arms exports to countries engaged in coups, war crimes and genocide. The court also sought a review and setting aside of permits that facilitated the transfer of arms to war-torn #Myanmar in Asia.

Myanmar arms deal halted by court order in South Africa.

July 19

Japanese authorities last week arrested the representative of a trading company 4 allegedly illegally exporting controlled items subject to sanctions on Russia. The Russian citizen's arrest is the 1st of its kind in Japan following the invasion of Ukraine.

#Amnesty International is calling on the #Canadian government to suspend #arms exports to #Peru in light of the Peruvian state’s lethal crackdown on peaceful protesters that started in December 2022.

A German court convicted a businessman between January 2020 and May 2023, he delivered a total of more than 120,000 #components to companies in Russia associated with the production of military equipment. He was sentenced to 6 years and 9 months in prison.

The Saudi Arabian Military Industries #SAMI and German #Hensoldt have been in talks regarding the supply of several electro-optical (EO) systems.

Hensoldt reportedly introduced an EO system to SAMI.

#Nvidia, #ASML, and #TSMC stocks got hammered — an explanation.

Not security, but insecurity provided by NATO on the most alraming topic for our global wellbeing: Climate Change.

NATO’s 2023 military spending produces emissions rivaling entire countries: See Report

Democratic lawmakers are pushing Biden to strengthen oversight of gun exports, raising alarm about US-made firearms used in El Salvador gang violence, a mass shooting in a nursery school in Thailand, and in Israel against Palestinian civilians.

#Romania plans to purchase 2 patrol vessels for its own needs. The procurement budget is estimated at €300m. (Costs 4 Pakistani patrol vessels were in the range 55-60m) #Damen is mentioned as potential builder for several reasons.

Colt CZ Group expands small arms production capacity via Colt CZ.

July 17

40 #EFA Typhoon fighters may be bought by the #Turkish Air Forces. Bloomberg reported an agreement with the EFA consortium & the involved countries is nearing.

In the past weeks #Turkey launched several air strikes. Like this one:

Brainport Eindhoven krijgt €275 mln uit opleidingsbudget van operatie Beethoven voor microchipindustrie. Groningen, Delft en Enschede samen krijgen samen €144 mln extra tot 2030.

July 16

Is #Saudi Arabia replacing the #US with #China in its security partner mix?

Riyadh is building rapport with Beijing and increasing its imports of Chinese weapons amid pressure from Washington over human rights.

Isn't Riyadh betting on both?

Support the villians: #Egypt’s #Benha Electronics teams with #France’s #Thales to coproduce military comms devices. It rewards #authoritarianism and betrays what were so-called “EU Values”.

EU force 4 peace?

MBDA eyes a long-range strike missile boom in Europe.

How Europe’s next-generation combat jet aims to catch the AI wave.

US to send Tomahawks, hypersonics, other long-range fires to Germany.

July 15

China Filling Huge Arms Order Placed by Myanmar Junta.

'#Climate Caught in Crossfire' as #NATO Emissions Surged Last Year

"By 2030, we have to make a radical cut in emissions," an author said. "Military spending... isn't just not addressing the problem, but actually worsening the problem."

Putin’s New War Economy

Why Soviet-Style Military Spending—and State Intervention—Won’t Save Russia

Russia’s military spending is according to some estimates, nearly one-third of the 2024 budget.

There is a danger that financial interests will overwhelm the public interest on the development & use of emerging tech for military purposes. If that happens, it will deal a blow to democracy, but also to security 4 decades to come, wrote @WilliamHartung

#Turkey critical site on: One of the most intriguing aspects of Turkey’s export #control: use of GPS tracking & #spyware to monitor their location and to ensures that they remain with the intended recipient and are not resold to unauthorized third parties.

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Kostin: "foreign components manufactured in at least 19 countries. These include China, South Korea, Germany, the UK, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Taiwan, the US, and others,"are part of drones used by Russia.

A Brooklyn man & Montreal resident have pleaded guilty for their roles in working with sanctioned Russian entities to ship large quantities of equipment to Russia that was later found in seized Russian equipment & signals intelligence equipment in Ukraine.

Easy way of countering accusations

Major #Thai banks defended themselves against criticism that they facilitated #weapons purchases by the #Myanmar junta, saying they lacked the capacity to investigate all #transactions that may be used for such purchases.

#Legislation approved by the US House of Representatives would block President Donald #Trump's plan to overhaul #small #arms export policy to make it easier for gun makers to sell weapons like flamethrowers and grenades to foreign buyers.

Het Marokkaans Front tegen Normalisatie heeft scherpe kritiek geuit op een miljardendeal tussen #Marokko en het #Israëlische bedrijf Israel Aerospace Industries #IAI voor de aankoop van een #spionagesatelliet. Het Front eist opheldering van de regering.,56401.html

Hundreds in an emergency protest outside the office of the new British PM Starmer, condemning the Israeli massacre in Mawasi, Khan Yunis and the successive massacres in Gaza, and to further pressure the Labour government to stop arms exports to Israel.

Nederland mag van de rechter doorgaan met de levering van Nederlandse onderdelen die via de VS terechtkomen in Israëlische vliegtuigen die Gaza bombarderen. Zo wordt een eerder verbod van het Gerechtshof Den Haag ontdoken.

An alliance of #Myanmar ethnic minority armed groups said Sunday (14/07) it had agreed a 4-day #ceasefire with the junta in northern #Shan state following clashes in which its fighters seized territory from the military along a strategic highway to #China.

While they are often portrayed as hero's, Ukainian man aren't the fools some cynics like them to be. They want to go out of the war: Ukrainian men desperate to escape war are drowning as they flee as the Wall Street Journal reports.

#ceasefire #diplomacy

Those fighters will cost trillions (1000x billions) but #F35 deliveries to resume next week, despite #incomplete #upgrade.

When is was my grocery I would look for another one. even if it was the biggest in the world and operated by a political friend.

Brutes with oil and money are our 'friends/clientes'.

#Saudi Arabia has signed a deal with Airbus for four additional A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport #MRTT planes to support air and transport operations. #Airbus didn't disclose the value of the order.

Human rights are 4sale:

#France and #Saudi Arabia have agreed a new intergovernmental accord to conclude weapons deals, a French MoD official said on Sunday.

The agreement replaces a process that had been criticised by Saudi Crown Prince #MBS.

#Costs rose once again for the US Air Force’s new #Sentinel missile #ICBM, with the program now expected to cost taxpayers $141bn, or +81% than forecast 4 years ago.

Costs may #increase to $214million per missile in 2020 dollars, up from $118m each.

News from the #Brussels' Bubble

5 pages of info on #EU military plans, strategy & budgets.

And info on arms funding, trade & programs.

Provided by #ENAAT.

Full of url's and a valuable source for each one who follows EU military related issues.