maandag 2 december 2024

My tweets (or X's) for November

Latest on top (updated regularly):


November 30

Top #Dutch court advised to uphold export ban of F-35 components to Israel

This case is among ongoing legal challenges over #arms exports to #Israel in several countries, including the UK, Canada and Denmark, over the past year.

Demonstrators staged a blockade at a munitions manufacturing site in Gwent in protest over "ties to Israel".

The blockade at the entrances to the BAE systems site in Glascoed, Usk, was staged by Cymru Peace Coalition with over 60 activists taking part.

In early 2025, #Finland will start mass production of #drones for Ukraine and the EU.

#Franse interesse in #ASML. #CréditAgricole heeft een belang opgebouwd van 7,89% en #SociétéGénérale van 1,38%. Samen hebben de banken daarmee ruim 9% in handen van het bedrijf uit #Veldhoven, dat op dit moment een beurswaarde heeft van ruim €260.

#Dutch small or medium enterprise #Optics11 has signed an agreement with #Thales covering the exploitation of the company's OptiArray technology for the Royal Netherlands Navy's (RNLN's) next generation of conventional #submarines.

#Italian Forum on Export Control was divided into 4 parts: control of arms exports in the evolving geopolitical context; the Italian military industry as an engine of economic growth; opportunities from the #EDF; & tech-regulatory aspects of #arms exports.

Retweet @TheRightsForum: In februari oordeelde het gerechtshof Den Haag dat de Staat de uitvoer van F-35-onderdelen naar Israël moet stoppen. Die uitspraak was terecht en kan in stand. blijven, adviseert de advocaat-generaal aan de Hoge Raad.

November 29

Retweet @MiddleEastEye: "Instead of further fuelling the escalating conflicts through new arms exports, the German government should focus on de-escalation. This includes immediately enforcing an arms embargo" Opinon by Dorthe Engelcke, Hanna Pfeifer.

Lezing (in het Engels) @andrewfeinstein: #Israël en de #wapenhandel

Wanneer? 9 december, 19u open, start 19u30

Waar? Auditorium B - Walter Soete, Technicum, Campus UFO. Sint Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 #Gent.

Inschrijven voor het evenement kan →

Nederland weigerde zes wapenvergunningen voor Israël uit angst voor het schenden van mensenrechten.

Challenge Airlines has lodged appeals with the Belgian authorities against measures prohibiting it from transporting weapons and other military-related materials to Israel via Belgium.

The carrier operates between Liège Airport and the US.

Hyper expensive weapon (total cost of #F35 estimated to exceed $2 trillion ) targetted Houthi positions in #Yemen. US military annouced its first official combat use of its F-35C fighter aircraft, targeting Houthi positions in Yemen.

Dit kabinet verhoogt de militaire uitgaven structureel met 41%, wat de samenleving de komende 4 jaar €37 miljard extra kost. 't grootste deel hiervan vloeit naar de wapenindustrie; de uitholling van vitale sectoren is de prijs die wij hier voor betalen.

Security or profits and military influence?

BRITAIN has sent the “completely wrong message” by selling more than £200 million of arms licences to Egypt while British-Egyptian political prisoner Alaa Abd El Fattah remains jailed, campaigners said earlier.

Hypocritical UK just signed the biggest ever arms deal with human rights-abusing Egypt.

Korean Peninsula Facing New Cold War, Says Security Panel.

Seoel wil wapens leveren aan #Oekraïne, maar veel Zuid-#Koreanen voelen daar niets voor. Ze willen niet dat hun land betrokken raakt bij de oorlog in het verre Europa. Z-Koreanen zijn bang dat de beroerde relaties met de noorderburen verder verslechteren.

US lawmakers have tabled resolutions to block the sale of arms to the #UAE because of concerns that it may be supplying arms to #paramilitaries in #Sudan. These forces are accused of fueling a devastating conflict that has caused a humanitarian crisis.

Norms based arms export control?

Washington pushes ahead with $680 million arms sale to Israel despite ongoing genocidal aggression against Gaza.

No. Geopolitics considerations define US arms shipments.

Back to #Cocom? Efforts to calibrate the #Wassenaar Arrangement into selective and cohesive ‘Wassenaar minus 1’ coalition—potentially excluding #Russia—reflect the growing need for the US, its allies & tech firms to find common ground on export control.

As territorial disputes and other geopolitical challenges rise in the region, #Indonesia’s military sector is expanding, with its #arms trade estimated at US$9.25bn in 2024, and reaching $10.66bn by 2029, according to the Indian firm Mordor Intelligence.

Efforts by #UAE’s #EDGE to secure naval contracts with the Greek MoD. Reports analyses #US Freedom-class littoral combat ships #LCS (& the #Greek concerns about it). Athens views on EDGE-#Fincantieri FCx30 multirole frigate and an umentioned offer by EDGE.

#War, arms industry & corruption cluster together.

Ukrainian 120mm #rounds produced by #Ukroboronprom doesn't function. Controllers concealed the manufacturer's problems. A textbook example of how #corruption & negligence turn a great idea into a betrayal.

Ukraine’s Parliament has already registered a resolution to dismiss Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, whose ministry was supposed to check the batch of shells before sending them to the front.

State Bureau of Investigation opened a criminal investigation.

Demonstratie 21/12 Stop de oorlog in #Soedan:

  • Leg sancties op aan wapenhandel die met de oorlog te maken heeft.
  • Verhoog de hulp voor de wederopbouw en toekomst van Soedan.
  • Versnel het asielproces van Soedanese vluchtelingen.

November 26

Some EU states such as France, Spain, Italy, Belgium have reduced arms sales to Israel (a bit). But despite these policies, there is no EU arms ban on Israel. In fact, Germany provides 1/3 of Israel's arms, and has even increased these exports in '24.

The porous #India-#Myanmar border has facilitated the flow of #arms and fighters. This connection to Myanmar’s civil war has made the violence in #Manipur more intense and complex, with local grievances becoming entangled with international dynamics.

US #BIS Strengthens Restrictions on Exports to #Pakistan to Address Diversion Concerns.
Remarkable Pakistan is one of the biggest customers for #Dutch military products.

#Saudi Arabia’s General Authority for #Military Industries “worked to sign more than 53 industrial cooperation programs worth approximately $9.32bn with local & international companies, including approximately $3.46bn purchase orders for local companies.”

Dutch paper headed today: To study is a right. War is a choice.

At the same moment the next step is set in the ballroom of European militarisation. The focus is on armed politics instead of having diplomacy in the driving seat.

November 25


Dutch exports (uitvoer) en transit (doorvoer) to Israel.

Retweet with comment @leoncastjan: An investigation published today reveals that the Netherlands continues to export weapons to Israel in record volumes. I spoke to @FTM_eu about the international legal implications:

November 24

Wapenwedloop: olie op het vuur van de klimaatcrisis? Met @CTWnl, @TNInstitute , @Fossielvrij en Geef Tegengas – Workshop 15.00 -16.00 uur klimaatconferentie 24 november

Tokyo on the brink to relax its #arms #export rules?

#Japan’s support for #Ukraine is being tested as North #Korea deepens its military alliance with Russia – raising questions about whether Tokyo will start supplying arms to the embattled nation.

The Japanese government has begun developing a new strategy for the advancement of its military-industrial complex and the expansion of arms exports.

November 23

Before the ICC warrant, countries had already imposed or called for restrictions on #arms exports to #Israel, reflecting a broader trend of distancing themselves from its policies. The ICC decision is likely to embolden W-European countries to expand this.

Er is ook 'n oorlog gaande tussen Israël en Hamas; Israël bevecht sinds enkele maanden ook Hezbollah op Libanees grondgebied; bovendien maakt 't van die goede wapens; en dus is er een dilemma rond Israëlische wapens op NEDS, aldus NOS. Welk dilema precies?

Gemist? Er waren acties tegen #wapenbeurs in Rotterdam:

Politie hield donderdag zeker drie demonstranten aan in #Rotterdam voor schilderwerk rondom Ahoy, waar de jaarlijkse wapenbeurs #NEDS plaatsvindt. Aldus een politiewoordvoerder.

The #university of #Glasgow is facing fury from staff and students after its ruling body opted to continue investing in #arms producers supplying arms to Israel and refuses to divest from those firms.

#Tekever, a #Portuguese firm, raised $74 million from a group of investors, including NATO's Innovation Fund — a venture capital fund backed by 24 NATO allies. Tekever is a startup making military spy #drones being used in #Ukraine.

“The people of #Morocco have begun to push back against the government because of the ways that they’re aiding and abetting the genocide.” In addition to mass protests in #Tangier, some #dockworkers have refused to handle these cargoes shipped by #Maersk.

“Canada, Australia jointly pledge $474m to research #hypersonic missile defence tech”

#Australia's DoD has selected #Damen Landing Ship Transport 100 #LST100 for the Australian Army. They will be constructed by Australian shipbuilder Austal at its facility in Henderson in Western Australia. “ expected to start in 2026.”

The acquisition is widely reported,like here:

It is intended to carry six Abrams tanks or 11 Redback Infantry Fighting Vehicles or 26 HIMARS – and will be fitted with self-defence weapon systems and Australian military communications.

For example, Exxon, Chevron and other firms including Transneft, a Russian state-owned company, are partners in the Caspian Pipeline Consortium. CPC pays hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes and fines to Russian governmental authorities. These taxes help sustain the Russian economy, boost arms production and pay state officials’ salaries and pensions — thereby aiding the Russian war effort in Ukraine.

Page on COP29 and the importance of peace and conflict sensitivity in climate change negotiations.

A wide range of more critical voices was also noticeable, like these:


November 22

Not the first time:

#UK and #France open #bribery and #corruption probe into French defense firm #Thales.

Het bedrijf is een van de belangrijkste militaire producenten in #Nederland. Dat zijn de bedrijven die zeggen dat ze voor #veiligheid zorgen.

Wat doe je in oorlogstijd?

Botsing van werelden bij de wapenbeurs in Ahoy: buiten ging het over oorlog, binnen hoe vrede afgedwongen kan worden.

Juist: je demonstreert tegen de handel in wapens.

#Elbit Systems reported its financial results for the 3rd quarter of 2024, accumulating a 5.2% increase in its order backlog, to $2.2bn, a trend in line with other local military companies supplying weapons for Israel’s war crimes.

NGOs seek court order to stop #Dutch #arms exports to #Israel


* Rights groups seek court ban on Netherlands arms exports
* Cite high number of casualties in Gaza
* Government says court should not dictate foreign policy
* Ruling expected on Dec 13

#Embraer has signed agreements with Dutch companies to support the country’s acquisition of C-390 airlifters.

The Brazilian company says it is enhancing its presence in the #Netherlands through arrangements with #Fokker SG, #NLR, #Multisim & #heinmetall.

#Russia’s economy is showing cracks as the country struggles to sustain its #military operations in #Ukraine.

Some figures on how the war in Ukraine is also devastating the Russian economy in a wide sense and is not able to replenish war losses.

Not enough seeing what is unfolding, but it is a start.

Despite White House Pressure, 19 U.S. Senators Back Bernie Sanders’s Bills to Block Arms Sales to Israel.

A Moscow court has jailed the directors of 3 companies ("Vyacheslav Shustov" "Konstantin Savostyanov" "Sergei Belov") for embezzling over €2.8m from military contracts, investigators said. Russia cracks down on #corruption hampering its Ukraine offensive.

UK Labour Government is facing pressure to end all arms exports to Israel or see “another day of UK complicity in some of the worst war crimes of this century”. It comes after the ICC issued arrest warrants for PM Netanyahu and his former MoD Gallant.


#Arms dealers in the UK: mapped

The #map, based on Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and #CAAT’s arms companies browser, gives campaigners all the information they need to find and take action against the arms dealers on their doorsteps:

War in #Ukraine boosts #arms spending across Europe, & the continent’s military industry grew by 16.9% last year, reaching revenue of nearly €160bn, or almost $170 bn, the military lobby association @ASDEurope has reported.

November 21

#Germany & #India are intensifying their cooperation, also on arms exports.

Germany's Thyssenkrupp #tkMS is aims to participate in the building 6 submarines for India. European aerospace giant #Airbus is also seeking to sell its A400M transports to India.

Amendment #proposal to give #Taiwan the same arms sales status as #NATO+ countries.

The US-China Econ. & Secur. Review Commission #USCC includes 2 Taiwan-related recommendations. A key suggestion was to amend the #AECA.

- (p 613)

Activists push for arms embargo against Israel, targeting Moncton firm.

Apex Industries makes parts for F-35 fighter jets, which Lockheed Martin sells to the Israeli Air Force.

Retweet with comment @LeonSimons8: #WorseThanExpected AMOC news keeps getting worse.

Climate disasters coming.

At the same time the priority seems elsewhere; in the hands of people who think they have a monopoly on security threats & the resources to countrer them (while they worsen the climate situation & the potential for copperation):

Islamist aurocrat becomes a normalised destination for arms by EU countries.

#Poland offers artillery, air defence & drones to Saudi's. During a 20/11 meeting, Poland offered to transfer tech and share expertise to aid #Saudi Arabia's #military production.

In 2019 kocht Defensie voor ongeveer €2 miljard aan materieel. In 't afgelopen jaar is dat bedrag gegroeid tot ongeveer 5 miljard. Wapens uit Israël nemen daarbij een opvallend grote plaats in: sinds 7 oktober '23 kocht Nederland voor 0,95 miljard aan Israëlische wapensystemen.

Retweet met commentaar @nrc:
Nederland koopt steeds meer Israëlische wapens, inventariseerde NRC. Sinds het uitbreken van de Gaza-oorlog is bijna 1 miljard uitgegeven.

November 21

Liever kogels dan vogels? Tja.

Het populaire natuurgebied het Rozendaalse Veld bij Arnhem is in beeld als oefenterrein voor zware explosieven: ‘Onbegrijpelijk’.

Elbit CEO attacked France.

Bezhalel Machlis considers it hypocrite for not wanting to be complicit in ethnic cleansing.

Elbit has a horrible view on what security means and provides many NATO nations with its military tech.

More than 40 foreign defence companies operate in Ukraine, article states and it names two: Rheinmetall and Baykar.

The Danish Arms Industry: Profit over People. Article is an overview of the entire saga of Danish arms exports to Israel, which has led to extensive and brutal killings of civilians in Gaza and Lebanon.

#China issued the Regulations on the Export Control of Dual-use Items, which will take effect on 01/12/24. This marks the 1st time the Chinese government has introduced a comprehensive administrative #regulation on the export control of #dualuse items.

The US, UK & Australia signed a new agreement under the #AUKUS trilateral pact that will allow the 3 countries to use one another’s #hypersonic weapons testing facilities as well as share technical info needed to develop and manufacture the technology.


Exports of military equipment from the UK to Israel are much greater than official figures show, according to documents seen by i.

November 19

10/12/24 an economic seminar A Blue Connection – #Portugal & the #Netherlands in Amsterdam will be by #AICEP and #NML as part of the Official Visit of the Portugese President to the Netherlands, invited by king and queen. Future of naval shipping a topic.

European missile maker #MBDA is pursuing an “aggressive” development schedule for its cruise & anti-ship #missile program, with the assessment phase being finalized and plans to move the #longrange strike weapon project FC/ASW into development next year.

Amnesty criticises UK for funding arms firms. The past 18 months Scottish Enterprise has provided large sums to military companies including Leonardo, Raytheon and BAES, who all have or have had UK export licences to sell to Israel in the same time period.

November 18

Retweet @Defensie: Tot en met vandaag vond een grote verplaatsing plaats van Amerikaanse containers en voertuigen. Het was voor het eerst dat het materieel via twee havens werd aangevoerd: Vlissingen en Eemshaven.

The #EU approved €300 million in funding for five joint defence-procurement projects by member states, the first time the bloc uses its budget to finance common military acquisitions.

It concerns: 155mm artillery ammo, APCs, Diehl and MBDA Air missiles.

#India tested a long-range, #hypersonic #missile late Nov. 16 off the country’s eastern coast. The statement revealed the previously unannounced program, which seeks to add a new capability to the Indian military’s arsenal.

French Pres Macron called for an end to #arms shipments to Israel, calling on the int. community to take action at a time when #Israel's bloody attacks on Lebanon, following Gaza, are increasing. Stating that #France is no longer delivering arms to Israel.

November 17

Protests march to #Lockheed Martin offices in Esquimalt over Canadian arms exports to #Israel.

Weekly protests calling for #Canada to end its arms sales to Israel.

The protests are everywhere, except for some Western governments and arms companies which seem to accept their roles in an ethich cleansing program when its done by #Israel.

Hundreds protest in #Chicago and #Dallas calling for arms #embargo on Israel.

South #Korea on Friday denied a WSJ-report that it would sell artillery #shells for use by #Ukrainian forces, claiming the munitions -- if the ongoing deal negotiation is finalised -- will be for #US forces only. US nearing a purchase 100,000 155mm rounds.

#Canada #Complicit?

F-35 fighters that have been dropping bombs on civilians for more than a year could not be made without certain components that Canadian companies supply. In #Montreal, one such company is Héroux-Devtek, which makes #F35 landing gear.’

BBC pointed at #India’s expanding footprint in the #Indian #Ocean, focusing on the small island of Agalega, part of the #Mauritius archipelago. The island is rapidly transforming into a #strategic hub, raising questions about India’s military ambitions.

Half november vindt in het Telesur Trainings- en Onderzoekscentrum in #Suriname een 3-daagse workshop plaats, gericht op de regionale aanpak van vuurwapengeweld. De training wordt ondersteund door de #CARICOM Crime Gun Intelligence Unit en de #VS-ambassade.

Security for all or profits for some?
Defence contractor lobbying on #arms #export #rules

#Rheinmetall #Canada Inc. was registered this past week by Elizabeth Seip, a consultant with Hill & Knowlton.

The #Hungarian government confirmed that non-state actors have hacked the country’s defence #procurement agency contracts in a briefing to local media on 14 November 2024. the #cyber attack was undertaken by foreign non-state actors, namely INC Ransomware.

#Croatia to procure 6 notorious #Bayraktar TB2 #drones from #Turkey.

"The configuration is based on 6 aircraft equipped with electro-optical cameras for reconnaissance, including the initial set of weapons (...)"

Andargachew Tsege asks what role does UK intelligence #MI6 play in #Ethiopia in connection to Ethiopia’s systemic #corruption, its role as a hub for drug and human trafficking, and illegal #arms trade and its compromised intelligence services.

November 14

Afghan AVA press (active in Afghanistan itself, counld't quickly find a appreciatie) is not impressed by Turkish solidarity with #Palestine. On the contrary it lists a number of connections between #Ankara and #Jeruzalem. #Turkey buys a range of #military equipment and cyber tech in Israel.

Palestine Action says its activists today #blockaded the entrances of two sites in #Bristol operated by #Elbit Systems, #Israel’s largest weapons company. The activists used lock on devices inside vans to block the gates at both sites.

#Thales Alenia Space, a JV between Thales (67%) & #Leonardo (33%) has launched the #Koreasat 6A telecom satellite aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral. It will provide services to government, broadcasting stations and the #military.


Nearly 35% of EU's Arms and ammunition exports went to Ukraine in Q2 2024, alongside 16% of EU's explosives exports. via

#US F-35Cs conducted precision air strikes targeting #Houthi weapons facilities in #Yemen Nov. 9-10, in what appears to be the combat debut for the carrier-based variant of the Joint Strike Fighter. #F35 #JSF

Around a hundred students occupied #Leonardos #Turin headquarters to denounce what they say is the #Italian defense group’s complicity in Israel’s bombardment of the #Gaza Strip.

Italian Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said: "These people must be treated for what they are: dangerous subversives. Criminals have no political color. They are just criminals."

#Italy continues to export weapons & ammo to #Israel, including components for military aircraft, through companies such as #Leonardo & #RWM, which constitutes a violation of international law, Italian media reports revealed Yemen Press Agency reported.

#French-made arms found in Sudan violating UN arms embargo, says Amnesty. Armoured personnel carriers #APCs supplied by the #UAE and used by #Sudan’s paramilitary forces, the Rapid Support Forces #RSF, were fitted with the French-made Galix defence system.

Sudan: French-manufactured weapons system identified in conflict.
- Galix System visible on armoured personnel carriers used by RSF
- System manufactured by Lacroix Defense and KNDS France
- Existing EU embargo prohibits transfer of arms to Sudan

By the way #KNDS has a holding (officially the headquarters) in #Amsterdam (G. Mahlerlaan 1017).
Chamber of Commerce:

So a company using the Dutch possibilities to operate is violating an international arms embargo. What will be done against this?

November 13

From fighter jets to attack drones, China’s biggest air show is about to open in Zhuhai.
The J-35A stealth fighter will make its debut at the biennial event, along with the HQ-19 anti-ballistic missile.

Also in #Australia the military #budget seems to grow without limits. Second tranche of #frigates full of expensive US systems wil cost $19,87 bn, after a first of $18,35 bn, already invested, for a total budget of $38,3 bn, for only 6 ships.

De Europese Unie #EU heeft geld over en gaat bijna €400 miljard uit begroting omleiden naar militaire zaken. Dat is nogal wat.

Begrotingsregels worden zo te versoepeld dat € 392 miljard kan vrijkomen.

Zullen de burgers daarop zitten te wachten?

Remarkable. Or not?

#Bharat Dynamics Limited #BDL on Friday announced that it has signed a MoU with #Russia's #Rosoboronexport to collaborate on the Pantsir air defence missile-gun systems. #India

#Bharat Dynamics Limited #BDL on Friday announced that it has signed a MoU with #Russia's #Rosoboronexport to collaborate on the Pantsir air defence missile-gun systems.

A weldocumented question by Sam Perlo-Freeman #CAAT:
Can the UK kick its addiction to Middle East arms sales?



‘Woke weapons:’ Culture war’s newest ammo.

'Including #investments in #arms companies in environmental, social and governance funds would make a #mockery of the entire concept.'

Vredesbewegingen slaan de handen ineen tegen de oorlogsretoriek in het Westen. ‘Rusland verslaan betekent dat jonge jongens worden gedood door andere jonge jongens. Dát is wat oorlog betekent.’

"Oorlog en militarisering zijn het gevolg van menselijke..."

#Ukrainian arms manufacturers are increasing production, but face state sales challenges.

Regarding arms exports, about a month ago, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the relevant ministries to develop proposals for #arms #exports.

The US ordered Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co #TSMC to halt shipments of advanced chips to #Chinese customers that are often used in artificial intelligence #AI applications starting Monday, according to a person familiar with the matter.

"I don't think the EU needs separate military powers," Kaja Kallas (#Estonian candidate for EU High Representative for FA) said. She sees 'synergy' between NATO & EU. #NATO prepares military plans (...) with #EU support increasing #arms production."

November 10

Te wapen tegen de Russen? Het militair-industrieel complex floreert op angst
Door Wendela de Vries (@CTWnl)

Investigation on #corruption in the #Nigerian #arms sector.

Unreliable equipment was involved such as e.g. the BTR-4E Armoured Personnel Carrier #APC purchased from #Ukraine was among 42 units rejected by Iraq due to poor performance.

Retweet with comment @PremiumTimesng: This investigation reveals how Nigeria's dubious defence contracts gave Hima Aboubakar, a Nigerien arms broker instant riches.

North #Korea’s Wacky Type 73 Machine #Guns May Be Entering The Fight In #Ukraine.

North Korea's Type 73s are a unique mashup of Soviet and Czech machine gun designs that are rare to see outside of the Hermit Kingdom.

#Pinaka has been India’s first major export. #Armenia chose the Pinaka Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System #MBRLS, considered at par with US HIMARS, to bulwark its defense against #Azerbaijan. Now, #France is evaluating the system for its land forces.

November 9

"The pace and level of partnerships between [#UAE's] #EDGE and #European original equipment manufacturers have significantly #accelerated during the past four years," analyst Leonardo Jacopo Maria Mazzucco told Breaking Defense.

#Saudi Arabia is placing growing emphasis on #AI as a cornerstone of its military strategy. Central to this ambitious vision is the Saudi Arabian Military Industries #SAMI which will play a pivotal role in advancing AI-driven defense programs. [paywall]

What a US military industry overhaul under Trump means for the world. In an all-of-economy bid to upgrade the US military ecosystem, all goods & services could be subject to security scrutiny.

SCMP words why or why not to invest in US strategic industry.

November 8

Hoewel #Israël beschuldigd wordt van genocide en er vanuit de VN geregeld wordt opgeroepen om geen #wapens te leveren aan het land, lijkt dat weinig indruk te maken op #EU- en #NAVO-lidstaten.

artikel is eerste van twee delen

Ethnic cleansing flies #Boeing.

#Israel will acquire 25 F-15IA #combat jets from US manufacturer Boeing for $5.2 billion, with an option to get 25 more, the Ministry of Defence announced Nov. 7.

You too?

We should prevent that #Ukraine becomes an arms hub. @CTWnl

Op de kade bij #Verbrugge Terminals staan honderden VS-tanks en pantservoertuigen. Met 3 #transportschepen naar #Vlissingen gebracht. De #VS is zo’n belangrijke klant dat Verbrugge een miljoen euro investeerde in een uitbreiding van de #spoorlijn.

November 7

A second Donald Trump administration will likely bring unpredictability in defense spending, but the final makeup of Congress will help drive the ultimate final number for the defense budget, analysts tell Breaking Defense.

#Lockheed Martin Chief Operating Officer Frank St. John & a accompanying delegation visited #Saudi Arabian Military Industries #SAMI subsidiary Advanced Electronics Company #AEC on 031124. During the visit, St. John met with SAMI-AEC CEO Ziad Al-Musallam.

November 6

BESA-paper: Israel, while maintaining its sovereignty in defense production since the 1967 French arms embargo, has utilized its sophisticated weapons exports to cultivate mutually beneficial relationships and strategic alliances globally.

India is increasingly confident in its defense exports, with Armenia emerging as its largest buyer of sophisticated weapon systems, including the Akash air defense missile systems, Pinaka multi-launch rocket systems, and 155mm artillery guns. Recent data reveals that India... achieved military sales totaling $2.6bn to various countries in the 2023-24 period, with the US, France, and Armenia being the top three destinations for these exports (...) the government aims ... [for]... arms exports of $6.1bn," by 2028-29.

Missile producer #MBDA has developed a new #submarine-launched missile to strike heavily protected vessels/stealthy targets. wrote the missiles are offered for the new #Dutch subs but installation isn't sure.

European Peace Facility: Council adopts an assistance measure in support of the Egyptian Armed Forces.

Gross human rights violations?

Don't mind!

It is about power and euro's.

'Monstrous Anger of the Guns' Book Tour In London (8/11), Oxford (16/11) Edinborough (23/11).

The #Biden administration announced last week trade #sanctions on nearly 400 entities and individuals for enabling #Russia’s prosecution of its war against #Ukraine.

#Bpifrance, #French public investment bank, plans to raise the export #financing limit for small/medium-sized #military companies. Now it can finance export deals up to €25m when acting as the sole lender. It aims to increase this to +/- €40 m by 2025.

Bpifrance helps defense exporters win contracts, including through financing deals on the African continent, and the bank is involved in export negotiations in Europe, Latourrette said.

#France has started transporting #loitering #munitions to #Ukraine for the first time — just a little over 6 months since the suicide drones were rapidly developed from demonstration standard to war ready, according to an industry executive. #kamikazedrone

#Netherlands orders 12 #H225M #heli's for special operations.

The Netherlands also announced that a new unit, 300 Special Operations Squadron, based at #Gilze-Rijen Air Base, had been formally stood up to support the future rotary fleet. #SOF

Ksenia Svetlova, a former member of Knesset and Executive Director of the NGO Ropes, in commection to firing the Israeli Defence Minister said Netanyahu seemed more concerned with his own political survival and appeasing far-right members of his coalition.

Several major financial institutions in Europe have withdrawn from doing business with Israeli firms or companies linked to Israel, according to an analysis by a British news agency.

November 5

#Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd., an #Israeli company specializing in #satellite networking technology, solutions, and services, recently announced the award of multiple contracts from #US DoD and other international agencies valued at over $9 million.

Over 1,000 #military equipment #shipments from US to Israel 'made via #Spain #port': report.

An investigation has shown that Spain has allowed shipments of #US arms to #Israel via one of its ports, potentially contradicting Madrid's pro-Gaza stance.

#Spain has denied docking permission to 2 US cargo vessels: #Maersk Denver & Maersk Seletar, may carry #weapons to #Israel.

They initially set to dock in Algeciras, but will instead make a stop at Gibraltar.

Global attention shifted to Egypt in late October when the MV Kathrin, a vessel reportedly carrying explosives bound for Israeli defence contractor Elbit Systems, docked in #Alexandria #Egypt after being denied entry by other Mediterranean ports.

Australian ‘#Boeing Four’ trial triggers new #protest

A group of activists has marched in protest against global giant Boeing as a trial begins for four people charged after protesting the shipment of US arms to #Israel.

#UK Defence and Security Exports Director Oliver Harry visited #Riyadh, on 29/10/2024 and met with #SAMI-AEC CEO Ziad Al-Musallam on cooperation with the main military company of the Islamist and autocratic Kingdom on the Arabian Peninsula.


Saudi's and Egypt collaborate on military politics in Red Sea region. Saudi crown prince MbS and Egyptian President El-Sisi discussed in Cairo (15/10/24) the strengthening of maritime military & security cooperation and agreed on forming joint naval units.

Kom op dinsdag 19 nov naar Gent voor een panel- en rondetafelgesprek over de links tussen #klimaatverandering en #militarisering.

Reeds bevestigde sprekers:
Wendela de Vries @CTWnl en
Babs Verhoeve @StopEcocideNL.

Meer info op:

Op dinsdagavond 19 november 2024 kwam een dertigtal mensen luisteren naar Wendela De Vries (Stop Wapenhandel), Babs Verhoeve (Stop Ecocide NL) en Deniz Agbaba (Headquarters Of The Movement). Ludo De Brabander (Vrede vzw) leidde de spreeksters in.

Stocks of Lokesh Machines are down 7% after #US enforced #sanctions for having #Russian links.

#Lokesh is an #Indian defence equipment manufacturer, specialising in advanced machine tools and indigenous submachine guns for the military; Company responds.

November 4

Part of a German proposal on a anti-semitism policy by CDU/CSU, SPD, Greens and FDP : "(...) extremist organisations are to be examined and banned. "This includes examining a ban on the activities of or prohibiting BDS in Germany."

#Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands gaat in #Oegstgeest de motorframes bouwen van de #Ariane 6, de nieuwste #draagraket van #ESA. Met deze opdracht aan Airbus is 46 miljoen euro gemoeid. I.v.h. krijgt #MPM een opdracht van Airbus Defence & Space.

November 2

#Raytheon’s #RTX False Claims Act Settlement (Part IV of IV)





The new Cold War gets organised:

#Japan and the European Union #EU have unveiled a new security and defence partnership aimed at strengthening military cooperation, as tensions intensify with China, North Korea, and Russia.

#ATT, EU rules on control of arms exports CP 2008/944/CFSP, but French court intervened against excluding Israeli firms at Franch arms fair. Now they are rushing to get to Euronaval. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz congratulated the them.

November 1

After a #campaign of disruptive direct action against their London premises by Palestine Action, lobby firm ‘APCO Worldwide’, have ceased their business relationship with Israel’s largest arms firm, #Elbit Systems.

No time to delve into Indian Hindu extremist politics?

In a significant shift, Olaf Scholz, during his recent visit to #India, assured that #Germany will no long impose #restrictions on the export of #SAWL and military equipment to India. The move signals a strengthening of military ties between the 2 nations.

Early 2025, all 4 of the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability #JWCC providers will have reached Impact Level 6 security authorization, which deals with information classified Secret.

#Google is added last, after #Oracle, #Microsoft and #Amazon Web Services.

#Rohde & Schwarz has been awarded a contract by the #Dutch Materiel and IT Command #COMMIT of the Dutch MoD to supply its turnkey integrated communications system for the anti-submarine warfare #frigates of the Dutch and #Belgian navies.

BAE Systems has signed a contract with the Dutch Materiel and IT Command (COMMIT) for eight Bofors 40Mk4 naval gun systems for the Royal Netherlands Navy and Belgian Naval Component.


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