vrijdag 27 december 2024

My tweets (or X's) for December


Latest on top (updated regularly):


#Biden kondigt €5,6 miljard aan militaire en financiële hulp voor #Oekraïne aan. Dat kondigt Joe Biden aan. De president van de VS maakt van zijn laatste weken van zijn ambtstermijn gebruik om de militaire hulp aan Kyiv op te schroeven. https://www.hln.be/buitenland/oekraine-voor-het-eerst-russische-helikopter-vernietigd-met-zeedrone~a2c6d779/

US Army to sole-source deal for #hypervelocity projectiles, drone-killing artillery cannon.

The Army plans to spend about $646 million total on the MDAC system project in fiscal 2025-2027, according to budget documents. #BAE


#Indian MoD inks ₹2867 crore (€ 234m) contracts with MDL, Naval Group #France for submarine upgrade.

The 2 contracts are for the part of the Air Independent Propulsion #AIP, and the integration of #EHWT torpedo's onboard the Kalvari Class #submarines. https://government.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/mod-inks-2867-crore-contracts-with-mdl-naval-group-france-for-submarine-upgradation/116801526

Notorious #Turkish drone manufacturer #Baykar has purchased #Italy’s #Piaggio Aerospace, reflecting Baykar’s growing global ambitions while marking a timely rescue for the troubled Italian aircraft producer. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/12/30/italy-sells-piaggio-aerospace-to-turkish-drone-maker-baykar/

22 PALESTINE #ACTION activists begin 2025 in a jail cell after protest at an Israeli weapons site.

Bryn Higgs, 60, was arrested after sledgehammers were used to smash into the walls of #Elbit UAV Engines’ #drone factory at Shenstone in Staffordshire.


December 28

A NATO-supplied #F16 fighter, recently delivered to #Ukraine as part, has reportedly been shot down by Russian forces while attempting to hit targets in the Zaporizhzhia region, Obektivno.bg reports, citing a Russian source in Telegram.

Canadian MEP urged Ottawa to ensure that arms sold to the #UAE aren't used to harm Sudanese civilians. Canada's FA Minister stated the RSF would likely falter without UAE support, linking UAE involvement in African conflicts to ongoing regional instability


Wat te denken van 't toppunt van hypocrisie: 'n regering die krokodillentranen huilt over Gaza, maar ondertussen onderdelen voor wapentuig levert aan #Israël (45.000+ doden en 't gebied in puin).

Vrede begint blijkbaar met #wapenhandel. https://www.metronieuws.nl/lezerscolumn/2024/12/lezerscolumn-om-hoorndol-van-te-worden/

#EU–#Japan security partnership shows promise but lacks action. Overview of small steps taken and hurdles on the road towards cooperatation.

Is China-Russia entente inevitable, as written here? Or is it a self forfilling prophecy part of Cold War 2.0?

December 27

@sarahdobbe: Vandaag in @trouw over het gevaar van oorlogsretoriek en de wapenwedloop. Wie vrede wil moet zich voorbereiden op vrede. Laat dat geen taboe meer zijn. https://www.trouw.nl/opinie/opinie-verwijt-nederlanders-geen-gebrek-aan-oorlogsbereidheid~bc1a354fb/

Ga niet mee in de oorlogsretoriek van NAVO-secretaris-generaal @SecMarkrutte, zegt Réginald Moreels voor de Vrede, humanitair arts en voormalig minister. https://www.mo.be/opinie/Reginald-Moreels_Tegen-de-oorlogsretoriek-van-Mark-Rutte-zeg-ik-zonder-mij

#Israël schendt op uitzonderlijk destructieve manier het internationaal recht. Het wordt geholpen door 't Westen, met de VS op kop. De VN veroordelen wel, maar kijken verder machteloos toe, terwijl vanuit het Zuiden de roep om gerechtigheid luider klinkt. https://www.mo.be/analyse/het-westen-ondermijnt-zijn-geloofwaardigheid-ten-opzichte-van-globale-zuiden


Samenvatting en opmerkingen: 'De wapens zijn monsterlijk gewelddadig. De wapenindustrie vernield de wereld. Wat we er tegen kunnen doen.'

Korte bespreking hier: https://broekfoto.blogspot.com/2024/12/monsterlijke-kwaadaardigheid.html
Zie ook deze activiteit: https://dezwijger.nl/programma/vrijmarkt-voor-oorlogswapens

December 26

Hindu extremist Dehli increases reliance on #Russian #arms and strengthens long-standing defence ties. In recent months #India’s share of Russian arms exports increased by 15%, a stark reminder of the deepening defence relationship between the 2 countries.

Member of Berlin State parliament said the #Turkish military actions in #Syria are part of a long-standing policy and he underlined that Turkey’s military operations in South #Kurdistan constitute human rights violations and breaches of international law.
https://anfenglish.com/freedom-of-the-press/ferhat-kocak-turkish-state-commits-crimes-in-rojava-77075 Not able to post this on X.

December 25

#Germany has escalated its support for #Israel in 2024, approving arms exports exceeding €160m, with an additional €30m worth of military equipment authorized in recent weeks to underscor Germany’s alliance with Israel.



While combat has seen a drone revolution, the US has made subtle but real advances in applying #AI to military planning, intelligence, and “all domain” command and control.

Killer Apps: 5 stories highlight quiet progress on military AI and CJADC2. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/12/killer-apps-5-stories-highlight-quiet-progress-on-military-ai-and-cjadc2/

December 24

#Bespreking: The #Palestine #Laboratory, er wordt geëxperimenteerd met controle op en scheiding van bevolkingsgroepen. Niet alleen met militaire macht, maar ook met bewakingssoftware, 'sociale' media, en door de ontwikkeling van een repressieve ideologie.

Overigens moet opgemerkt worden dat het boek is geschreven voor de huidige etnische zuivering die mogelijk zelfs een genocide is. Kortom het beschrijft de voorgeschiedenis. Door @antloewenstein

#Damen Naval signed a contract with #Nevesbu (* see .../2)  for the platform engineering scope of the Plataforma Estratégica de Superficie (PES) #frigate for #Colombia. https://www.marinelink.com/news/colombian-pes-frigate-deal-announced-520549

2/ German submarine construction and arming them was in the interbellum closely connected with the Netherlands.

#Nevesbu started in '35 in the building where also the German U-boot companies AFAT & IvS (in NL to escape '18 treaty clauses) were located. https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2018/09/onderzeeboten-in-troebel-vaarwater-een.html

Retweet @De Nieuwe Vredesbeweging: Aanrader: Vanochtend waren @JongeJakob en Eline vdKaaden, medeoprichters vd @vredesbeweging_ op @NPORadio1, o.a. over hun motieven om het platform op te richten. Wie vlak voor #Kerst een bijzonder mooi gesprek wil horen over hun perspectief op #vrede:
23-12 Praten over vrede in tijden van oorlog

European arms export policy down the drain?

EU foreign ministers rebuffed a call to end arms sales to Israel last month, despite mounting evidence of war crimes—& potentially, genocide—presented to them in an internal assessment obtained by The Intercept. https://theintercept.com/2024/12/23/eu-report-israel-war-crimes-complicity/

Turkey is gaining ground in Africa in sectors such as infrastructure, natural resource extraction, military equipment supply & security agreements, according to a report (19/12) by the French Institute #IRIS: Sino-Turkish Presence and Rivalries in Africa.


#Germany rethinks sale of attack #submarines to #Egypt following #Israeli pressure. Israeli navy officer noted the weapons on board Egypt’s submarines could pose a significant threat to the Israeli Navy offshore, deep under the surface, and even on #land. https://www.military.africa/2024/12/germany-rethinks-sale-of-attack-submarines-to-egypt-following-israeli-pressure/

A Comprehensive Overview of #Israeli Arms Exports to #Azerbaijan. https://greydynamics.com/a-comprehensive-overview-of-israeli-arms-exports-to-azerbaijan/

Not a surprising cooperation. Both countries have something in comon: an ethnic cleansing policy.

Next step in loosening Japan's arms export rules? #Japan & #Germany listed as finalists to build frigates for the #Australian navy. The choice between price (German ships cheaper) or links to US (Japanese ships more easily US armed, seems questionable). https://japan-forward.com/japan-germany-listed-as-finalists-to-build-new-frigates-for-the-royal-australian-navy/

#Italy inks deal to buy up to 24 more Typhoons, Leonardo says. The contract with Rome follows hard on the heels of a deal with #Spain for 25 #Eurofighter Typhoon 4th-generation #fighter jets. #EFA



Head of #EFA consortium, Mezzanatto predicted last year that 100-200 new fighters would be ordered in the medium term. He spoke of a "rebirth of the program" with the aim of Europe modernizing its air forces. But #Qatar, #Turkey & #KSA are also mentioned. http://a2news.com/english/rajoni-bota/bota/rilindja-per-eurofighter-evropa-po-blen-avione-luftarake-me-vle-i1136318

December 23


Retweet with comment @shaabiranks: Indefensible, to be condemmed and to stopped now! Brussels, Den Haag, Berlin, London, Paris, Madrid ....

Whole gruesome article https://archive.ph/O8rGB

'Wetteloosheid in Gaza'

Israëlische soldaten doen boekje open: 'We schieten ongewapende burgers dood'


The #US State Department approved sale of more than $5 billion in arms for #Egypt $4.69bn worth of equipment for 555 M1A1 #Abrams tanks operated by Egypt, $630m in #Hellfire air-to-surface missiles and $30m in precision-guided #munitions.

Another North African country also buys US weaponry.

The #US State Department approved the sale of more than $174 million in arms for #Morocco: $86m worth of GBU-39B Small Diameter #Bombs (SDB-I) and $88.37m in Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air #Missiles. https://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/archive-date/202412

December 22

In 2025, Russia plans to spend 6.3% of GDP, or $145bn, on the military, according to the Federal Budget Law for 2025-27. In addition $37bn will be spent on internal security. Total spending in these 2 categories will amount to $183bn, or about 41% of the public budget. https://defence-industry.eu/russia-seeks-victory-in-growing-military-spending-brief/

The #EU in 2023 already sharply increased its total #military #expenditure, with a total amount to €279bn by EU Member States. An increase which continued the following year, according to the European Defence Agency #EDA estimates to €326bn .

How wide ranging has the opposition against Israeli #genocide has to become before it is stopped?

An #MIT lab is collaborating with the #Israeli military to develop #AI surveillance algorithms. MIT #censored a campus publication that tried to expose it.


Gregor Gysi of Die Linke has called on the #German government to demand an end to #Turkey’s #military actions against the #Kurds in #Iraq and #Syria. He also called for an immediate halt to arms exports to Turkey, citing violations of international law. https://medyanews.net/german-left-party-urges-turkey-to-stop-attacks-on-kurds/

December 21

Lithuania to Invest in Ukraine’s Palianytsia Missile Drone.

Investment in the missile drone will be part of a €10 million investment in Ukraine’s arms industry.

#Bahrain the human rights champion..NOT..has purchased 9 H145 #Airbus heli's to support law #enforcement missions. The heli's will be operated by the #Police Aviation Command. Airbus predicts they will quickly become a valuable new asset for the service.

War what is it good for? And for whom it is a disaster?

"Military spending in DRC and South Sudan rose fastest in the world: society ends up paying the price."

While brass and military industries pocket the gains.


26th Annual Report on Arms Exports (for 2023) launched:

The report is available on the Council of the EU website:

The EEAS included the 2023 data in its searchable online database: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eeasqap/sense/app/75fd8e6e-68ac-42dd-a078-f616633118bb/sheet/74299ecd-7a90-4b89-a509-92c9b96b86ba/state/analysis
The #CAAT UK arms exports browser has been updated to include data up to June 2024:

The raw data is also available for analysis in CSV spreadsheet format:

UN meeting to discuss; Western arms supplies to Ukraine; the continues killing and injuring by a panoply of deadly munitions; and members urged a diplomatic end to the violence and condemned Moscow’s aggression; & the advise to read Tolstoy's 'How Muc...'

#Ukraine targets key #Russian rocket fuel plant Kamensky Combine with #ATACMS and #stormshadow Missiles.

#French #NavalGroup adversises its clear viewpoint with the weapon systems it delivered to gross human rights violators #Saudi Arabia (with butcher MbS), and #Egypt with murderer el-Sisi.

December 20

Spain’s state-owned shipbuilder #Navantia, which just closed a deal with #Saudi's, now agreed to buy Irish Harland & Wolff.
UK Secretary Reynolds said the deal guarantees jobs in #Belfast for 3 years after completion of 7 year contract for Royal #Navy.

S. #Korean Hanwha closes $100M deal to take over Philly #Shipyard to produce auxiliaries for the #USN.

Navy Secretary Del Toro has made encouraging foreign investment into US shipyards a key element of his “Maritime Statecraft” initiative. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/12/hanwha-closes-100m-deal-to-take-over-philly-shipyard/

December 19

German arms exports have risen sharply, including to the Middle East. Both major churches are calling for stricter licensing rules.

Updates on the talks between the UAE and France about a joint financing partnership for the development of the future Dassault Rafale F5 fighter jet and the  Emirati senior officials managing this file. https://www.tacticalreport.com/daily/63198

#Singapore-based companies sold or facilitated reselling of arms worth US$254m to #Myanmar’s junta, when protested Singapore was be more restrictive and significantly curtailed its arms trade with Myanmar, but it was still to the tune of $100m by June '24. https://www.asiasentinel.com/p/singapore-scores-kazakh-arms-deal

Some 250 exhibitors from 30 countries at the arms fair in Hannoi: military companies from Europe, Russia, US, Israel, Ukraine, 1st time China & Iran. Russia has brought a Rubezh-ME coastal missile system & several varieties of armored vehicles to display. https://www.rfa.org/english/vietnam/2024/12/19/arms-fair-defense/

New Internationalist tackles arms trade.

Guns and power: The arms trade's threat to democracy

War means devastation for most, for the arms industry it means big profits. The trade can seem like a vast, faceless, secretive foe. And in many ways it is.


Gaza war: #French #arms sales to #Israel marked by lack of transparency and control.

France's exports of military equipment to Israel have been shrouded in #opacity, raising questions about its complicity in war #crimes against Palestinians.


What will win? Ethnic cleansing or ethic policy?

A senior Israeli envoy is visits Canada this week, to improve ties and to restart arms exports to Israel, a halt to funding for the UNRAW, and increased trade and cooperation. https://caliber.az/en/post/israel-requests-canada-lift-arms-export-suspension-end-funding-to-unrwa

For four years, the Biden administration has missed an opportunity to reestablish its leadership and credibility over the international arms trade by rejoining the Arms Trade Treaty. #ATT https://www.stimson.org/2024/bidens-missed-opportunity-on-the-arms-trade-treaty/

#Russian Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov said on Wednesday that #arms #control was now a thing of the past due to the lack of trust between Russia and the West. https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2024/12/18/arms-control-is-thing-of-the-past-russia-s-top-general-

De Duitse werf #Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems gaat vier extra #onderzeeërs bouwen voor #Duitsland en #Noorwegen. De Bondsdag is woensdag akkoord gegaan met de order, waarmee €4,7 mrd is gemoeid, meldt persbureau Bloomberg.


In 2024 (1 January to 17 December), #Ukraine became the largest recipient of #German #arms, receiving 62% of total exports, amounting to €8.13 billion of total exports worth around €13.2 billion. https://gagadget.com/en/552247-the-game-awards-2024-gathered-more-viewers-than-the-superbowl-150-million-people-watched-the-game-show/

#China’s crackdown on #corruption that has ensnared top military officials and several key Chinese army units has affected the country’s military buildup, but it continues at a rapid pace, said the Pentagon Wednesday.

#Report https://media.defense.gov/2024/Dec/18/2003615520/-1/-1/0/MILITARY-AND-SECURITY-DEVELOPMENTS-INVOLVING-THE-PEOPLES-REPUBLIC-OF-CHINA-2024.PDF

December 18

Retweet with comment
@sarahdobbe: Dit is hoe oorlogspropaganda werkt. We komen erdoor in een wapenwedloop die de wereld onveiliger maakt. Vrede en diplomatie wordt tot taboe gemaakt en afgedaan als naïef. En de wapenindustrie profiteert. We zien en merken het elke dag. https://x.com/sarahdobbe/status/1869325571441963323

De vier redenen in 't kort:

1 Jonkvrouw in nood
2 De onmenselijke vijand
3 De domino-theorie
4 De strijd tussen goed en kwaad

En de winsten? Inderdaad: https://www.bnr.nl/nieuws/economie/10563306/een-abctje-meer-geld-naar-defensie-dus-gaan-aandelen-omhoog

En dan laat je journalisten er nog wat bij fantaseren, zoals Romana Abels in Trouw en het Parool die stelde dat Rusland al heel lang 14 maal zoveel uitgeeft aan wapens als Europa op grond van de woorden van eurocommisaris Kubilius die in werkelijkheid het volgende zei: “It looks like Russia in 2025, in purchasing power parity terms, for military needs will spend more than all EU 27 are spending for defence”. Dat is heel wat minder dan 14 maal. De redacties zitten te slapen, interesseren de werkelijke cijfers niet of willen reden 5 vormen: Je liegt en bedriegt de angst voor de tegenstander bij elkaar.

At last: The #US has begun relocating thousands of #Marines from the Japanese island of #Okinawa.

But: A small detachment of +/- 100 logistics support Marines from III Marine Expeditionary Force has started to relocate from Okinawa to #Guam.


#Bias (on eg race, gender & class) in #military #AI can have various humanitarian consequences depending on context and use. These range from misidentifying people and objects in targeting decisions to generating flawed assessments of humanitarian needs. https://www.sipri.org/publications/2024/sipri-background-papers/bias-military-artificial-intelligence

#Drones have been a mainstay tech among the military, navies in particular. However, because drone developments follow each other rapidly, research intitutes #MARIN & #NLR have joined to develop an simulation environment on behalf of the #Dutch #navy. https://magazine.marin.nl/marin-report-142/uva-operations

3 MPs from the #Slovenian Freedom Movement have submitted a bill to ensure free access to #documents on the illicit trade in military #arms & equipment in the years 1991–94. "citizens have the right to know what happened"


Arms exports to #NATO member #Turkey? Why not!

Turkey will not allow the creation of a #Kurdish stronghold in northern #Syria - said President #Erdogan and Turkish military forces will not stop #bombing Syrian Kurdish militia positions.

French-German (officially #Amsterdam headquartered) #KNDS and #Danish state negotiate confidential agreement to avoid trial over acquisition of #Israeli ATMOS 2000s. https://meta-defense.fr/en/2024/12/17/knds-atmos-2000-caesar-accord-proces/

A new part of the arms race between sword & shield. Although he doubts the hypersonic quality of Russian glide weapons, the retired Major General Thompson argues for sufficient funding to field a fully operationally capable Glide Phase Interceptor by 2032. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/12/hypersonic-missile-defense-deserves-predictable-and-sustainable-funding/

December 17

In a wave of collaboration, leading #AI firms team up—even with rivals—to serve a Pentagon & Congress determined to put AI to #military use. Their alignment may herald an era in which software firms seize the influence now held by old-line defence firms.

De #EU zet €10,6 miljard opzij voor #IRIS². Dat acroniem staat voor Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by #Satellite.

The system will support surveillance (eg #borders), as well as security and #defence. https://defence-industry-space.ec.europa.eu/eu-space/iris2-secure-connectivity_en

How about the US #competitor?

#SpaceX’s satellite internet service #Starlink is projected to reach $11.8 billion in revenue next year, driven by strong consumer demand and growing #US military contracts, according to a new market analysis. https://spacenews.com/starlink-set-to-hit-11-8-billion-revenue-in-2025-boosted-by-military-contracts/

The Hidden Costs: Transparency and the #US #Arms #Trade
Exploring the urgent need for #transparency in the US arms trade and identifying pathways for reform.


Download full paper: https://www.stimson.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/The-Hidden-Costs-Transparency-Paper-FINAL.pdf

Alle medewerkers van de wapenkamer van het Korps Politie #Suriname (KPS) zijn op non-actief gesteld. Het gaat om vier #politieagenten, waaronder enkele met hogere rangen, die worden verdacht van illegale #wapenleveranties aan criminele organisaties.

The #Swiss government has tightened #regulations on #arms exports to prevent the diversion of weapons to conflict zones, following a #scandal involving a #Polish company that sent over half a million rounds of Swiss-made ammunition to #Ukraine.

December 16

‘Als dit doorgaat, blijft er weinig #natuur over’

#Krijgsmacht wil meer #oefenruimte en bestaande terreinen intensiever gebruiken.

Natuur kan je dat dan eten?
Stomme vraag, en bovendien: zonder natuur geen eten.

The UK, Italy, & Japan decided to pull more financial, human, & tech resources down the drain.

They launched a Joint Venture to develop a supersonic next-generation fighter by 2035, replacing the #EFA/#Typhoon. Not the only European fighter project. #FCAS


#Saudi Arabia has expressed strong interest in joining the collaborative #fighter jet program. #Riyadh’s participation, however, would introduce new issues and complexities to the project. #Tempest https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/15553157

December 14

Human rights? Regional conflict?

Germany has approved arms exports to Turkey vallued €230.8m in 2024, the highest level in nearly 2 decades.

This includes: €79.7m weapons & €151.1m in other military equipment. https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/german-arm-exports-to-turkiye-hits-highest-level-in-2-decades-203554

Australian giants accused of trying to fix prices in multibillion-dollar Defence contracts

Two major services companies have been accused of causing “direct harm” to the Australian government and taxpayers. https://www.watoday.com.au/business/companies/australian-giants-accused-of-trying-to-fix-prices-in-multibillion-dollar-defence-contracts-20241212-p5kxxd.html

Ik zou #Schiphol, #Zestienhoven, of liefst #Valkenburg willen suggereren. Eens kijken hoeveel protest er dan komt tegen het "ongezonde harde geluid".


#Woensdrecht, De #Peel, #Eelde, #Lelystad en #Twente Airport.

No problem Emirates regulary & decades reroute weaponry to gross human rights violators, countries under embargo?

#UAE, incoming #US admin, and #Mako hypersonic dealnote. UAE is still interested in procuring #Lockheed Martin hypersonic missiles. https://www.tacticalreport.com/daily/63187

An overview of the talks between the UAE and Palantir to advance artificial intelligence (AI)-driven defense collaboration.

How to regard buying arms from the military industry which is supplying an Apartheid state involved in ehtich cleansing and probably even genocide?

#Greek government is a step away from purchasing 36 PULS) #rocket launchers from #Israel.


South Africa's arms trade dilemma under the spotlight. #Rheinmetall in S. #Africa has been a quiet fixture for years, producing artillery shells at a factory tucked away from public scrutiny. But now it is in the spotlight, and not for the right reasons.

The race between the boycott policy by the police man of the world and the unlimited financial resources pumped into advanced chip production by #China to counter is creating a more insecure world and worse than expected results. #US #TSMC #semiconductors

Any idea what this means in absolute figures?

European members of NATO began discussing a plan to gradually increase defense spending to 3% of GDP by 2030 the FT was quoted. https://www.dailyfinland.fi/europe/40930/NATO-European-members-mull-raising-defense-spending-to-3-of-GDP

GDP EU ('23) = €17 trn x 3/100 = € 510 bn.

Russia €119 bn in 2025.

Arms export control = Arming the violent autocrats

#Saudi Arabia inks deal for 3 Avante 2200 Corvettes from #Spain’s #Navantia. The vessels will join the Kingdom's current fleet of five corvettes, also made by the Spanish firm. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/12/saudi-arabia-inks-deal-for-3-avante-2200-corvettes-from-spains-navantia/

December 12

#India’s defence minister watched the commissioning of his country’s multi-role stealth guided missile #frigate, INS Tushil, at a Kaliningrad shipyard, hailing it as a “significant milestone” in ties with the longstanding defence #ally #Russia.

An #Australian #warship has test-fired a US #Tomahawk cruise missile, officials said Tuesday, hailing a “major milestone” in the country’s decade-long plan to beef up its fleet in the face of an Asia-Pacific #arms #race.

Op de valreep. Activiste tegen #kernwapens in #Volkel voor de #rechter.

What is #Palantir?

Palantir meanwhile, while never overly forthcoming as to what it actually does, has been involved in large-scale defence contracts — mostly involving the various US #intelligence agencies, especially the #CIA — since its inception.https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/politics/arid-41534549.html

#NAVO-leger bombardeert in Syrië

Het #Turkse bezettingsleger en zijn huurlingen bombarderen het dorp Zormogar, de Ahmed Mounir boerderij op het westelijke platteland van Kobani met zware wapens. https://www.koerdischnieuws.nl/turkije-en-door-turkije-gesteunde-huurlingen-bombarderen-het-westelijke-platteland-van-kobani/

Dutch insurers like NN Group, Achmea & ASR are seriously looking into opportunities to invest in the national military industry. They’re giving heed to increasing pressure from the government on institutional investors to do so.


EU and US companies continue to supply weapons to Russia through intermediary countries. Arms exports to Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and other countries have increased 2.5 times in three years, from where they end up in Russia.

"Since its inception in 2019, EDGE has expanded its product portfolio from 30 to 201 cutting-edge solutions across air, land, sea, and cyber domains." the company said, adding that it has a $12.8 billion backlog.

De mogelijke terugkeer van #Defensie op Twente Airport maakt de tongen los. #Vrijheid is niet hetzelfde als jezelf bewapenen, schrijft Marcel Geerdinck uit Enschede. Wim Gaalman uit Oldenzaal schrijft dat niet alleen vrijheid, maar ook #leefbaarheid telt.

#Spherical Systems, #Rotterdam; #QurieGen, #Nijmegen; & #CUbIQ Technologies, #Eindhoven krijgen v/d #NAVO elk een subsidie van €100.000 om hun producten verder te ontwikkelen vanuit #Diana (Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic).

Dit jaar waren er meer dan 2.600 bedrijven die hun dual-use-oplossingen hebben ingestuurd naar Diana. Hieruit zijn 74 startups overgebleven die de technologie nu echt samen met de NAVO verder mogen ontwikkelen.
Uit Nederland kwamen 88 aanmeldingen.

December 11

Since the #arms embargoes following the Tianamen square massacre began, #China’s arms industry has grown. With plenty of products manufacturers are increasingly turning to foreign #markets, said Katja Drinhausen of the Mercator Institute for China Studies. https://www.icij.org/investigations/china-cables/chinese-arms-flow-into-the-us-and-other-countries-despite-manufacturers-alleged-role-in-xinjiang-repression/

December 10

Major arms sale:

#Damen has formalized a contract with Lloyd’s Register to oversee the design approval for the Plataforma Estratégica de Superficie #frigate project in #Colombia.

The frigate will be constructed locally by Colombian shipbuilder #COTECMAR


The delivery of K2 tanks from South Korea to Poland, valued at 9 trillion won ($6.27 billion), may be delayed due to the declaration and subsequent cancellation of martial law.

Militarisation of EU speeds up. Kubilius called for the bloc’s next 7-year budget to include close to €100bn allocated solely to defense. The current €1 trn EU budget has €10bn for the military. Kubilius is calling for a 10-fold increase after 2027.

EU’s new defense czar looks to kick rearmament into high gear.

The evolution of exports from the Spanish Defence Industry

Japan's efforts to expand its defense industry both domestically and internationally could heighten tensions in the region and spark an arms race, experts warned.

“Updated #AUKUS Export Control Regimes Ease Trade But Worsen Tensions”

Australia, US & UK removed limitations on the export of weapons and allows for easier sharing of information, tech &b most prominently, military products/services.


Moscow is actively using #US #electronics to manufacture weapons and devices for waging war against #Ukraine.

As Ukrinform reports, that’s according to a journalistic investigation by Bloomberg. #Russia https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-12-09/russia-s-military-buying-us-chips-from-texas-instruments-despite-sanctions

Moscow is actively using American electronics to manufacture weapons and devices for waging war against Ukraine.

As Ukrinform reports, that’s according to a journalistic investigation by Bloomberg. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-12-09/russia-s-military-buying-us-chips-from-texas-instruments-despite-sanctions

The dangerous link between illegal #mining, called 'galamsey' and #firearms in #Ghana.

December 8

#Vrijmarkt voor #oorlogswapens

Hoe de wapenindustrie de exportcontrole ondermijnt en wat we er tegen kunnen doen. Met onder meer Andrew Feinstein, directeur van Shadow World Investigations.

di 28 jan 2025, 20.00 Pakhuis de Zwijger,

Piet Heinkade 179, Amsterdam

Hindu nationalist extremist state #India defends #arms exports to #Israel amid allegations of fueling genocide in #Gaza, prioritizing national interests over international condemnation.

On the International Criminal Court’s #ICC warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu, former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and a Hamas leader for alleged war crimes, Jaishankar pointed out that #India is not a member of the ICC.


Thursday, Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) called on the #Biden Administration to stop sending #weapons to the United Arab Emirates #UAE amid reports that their weapons are being transferred to Rapid Support Forces in the #Sudanese Civil War. #US

December 7

#Russian shipyards obtained hundreds of European components for a fishing vessel designed by Dutch company #Damen, despite strict EU export bans following the invasion of Ukraine, was revealed on national TV.

The UN discussion on technology transfers and ‘peaceful uses’: Balancing non-proliferation and economic development. #SIPRI #development

Something which was to be expected: the genocide must continue unhampered.

US investigates #Spain for denying #port access to arms #ships. Federal Maritime Commission probes Spain over reports of blocking vessels carrying US weapons to #Israel. https://evrimagaci.org/tpg/us-investigates-spain-for-denying-port-access-to-arms-ships-79931

El Pais - https://archive.is/RPV6V
AP - https://apnews.com/article/us-spain-israel-weapons-shipping-7cb890af47716111445f7726ce19ddb4
Wall Street Journal - https://www.wsj.com/business/logistics/u-s-ship-regulator-probes-spains-alleged-blocking-of-vessels-77d5b2e9
And the US Federal Register notice - https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/12/06/2024-28709/investigation-into-conditions-affecting-shipping-in-the-foreign-trade-and-denial-of-entry-of-vessels

December 6

Soms is teleurstelling juist goed.

Minister Brekelmans (Defensie) noemt het ‘zeer teleurstellend’ dat een NIDV-bijeenkomst (#wapenindustrie) in de #Kromhout Kazerne in Utrecht eerder dit jaar niet door kon gaan vanwege een blokkade van het gebouw. https://www.ad.nl/utrecht/minister-annuleren-evenement-in-kromhout-kazerne-door-pro-palestinabetogers-zeer-teleurstellend~a5c1ea60/

#Cyprus buys Israeli-made Advanced Barak-MX Air Defence, made by Israel's #IAI. It can intercept aircraft, drones, cruise missiles& ballistic missiles, has also been sold to #India #Azerbaijan & #Morocco. Reuters reports that it has already been delivered.

Western sanctions are working. They are gradually undermining Russia's ability to produce weapons, reports The Washington Post.

US officials expressed this opinion, some speaking on the condition of anonymity when discussing confidential intelligence. https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/western-sanctions-undermining-russia-s-arms-1733441426.html

Korea Herald tells story of David Packouz. a former arms trader in clip and text. He tells how arms trafficking actually works.

#Argentinian MoD traveled more than 20,000 km this week to ink an accord with his #Israeli counterpart pledging the countries to a “multi-year” effort to strengthen #military ties.

The country is led by a right wing government and protests are widespread.

December 5

UK’s #military-industrial strategy -& that of others- makes the world more dangerous. Instead governments should be working with trade unions to invest in green jobs & develop sustainable energy & energy-saving initiatives needed to tackle #climate crisis.

More, more & more on weapons:

#EU countries increased military spending by 10% to €279bn in 2023. The part of budgets spent on new equipment the highest since the start of data collection almost 2 decades ago #EDA reported.


report: https://eda.europa.eu/docs/default-source/brochures/1eda---defence-data-23-24---web---v3.pdf

European Union countries are expected to increase their combined defense spending to 326 billion euros ($342.6 billion) this year, a development likely to boost sales among arms contractors. https://www.wsj.com/business/eu-defense-spending-expected-to-hit-342-6-billion-in-boon-to-arms-makers-77dd4c4a

Pressure rising

The #UK government has said it is reviewing its decision to allow the continued export of #F35 fighter jet components in light of concerns that they could end up in #Israel, according to campaigners who are seeking to block the exports. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/uk-reviewing-f-35-fighter-jet-and-israel-arms-licences-say-campaigners

Declassified UK published on Wednesday a detailed investigation revealing that F-35 fighter jet components were secretly transported from RAF Marham in Norfolk, UK, to the US, with some potentially rerouted to "Israel" for the genocidal campaign in Gaza. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/declassified-uk-reveals-secret-f-35-component-shipments-from

December 4

Is Erdogan stupid? Does he think his population is? Or does he just don't care as long as who critizises him ends up in jail.

Protestors against trade with Israel -included shipments of arms passing Turkey- called mouth pieces of the Zionist by Erdogan.


President Biden has asked Congress for an additional $24 billion! to support #Ukraine and replenish US weapons stockpiles, 2 US officials told VOA, as the administration continued to push out new aid packages for Kyiv before Biden leaves office on Jan. 20.

Officially #Amsterdam based military firm #KNDS has appointed new CEO. He said: "As a leading company in European land defence, KNDS plays a central role in security policy considerations and efforts.” Franco German KNDS works on armoured vehicles & tanks.

Over 100 Jewish Canadians from the 'Jews Say No to Genocide Coalition' brought parts of Canadian Parliament Hill in Ottawa to a standstill today, occupying the Confederation Building to demand an immediate and full two way #arms #embargo on #Israel.

#Dutch #SOF train in West Africa. Did someone already question the wisdom of this? A country like Ivory Coast would be considered a #controversial destination for arms exports, so why isn't restrictive #control an issue when military knowledge is exported?

December 3

#Russian economy in crisis as #arms exports collapse by over 90% and mass bankruptcies loom.
The country has "failed" as an arms exporter, with a leading Putin ally warning the defence sector faces mass bankruptcies over high interest rates. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1983671/russian-economy-arms-exports-collapse

Is South #Korea’s rejection of Ukraine’s #weapons request due to Trump or public objection?
S Korea is wary of doing so due to its laws. Additionally the opposition parties have threatened to impeach the defence minister if weapons were sent to #Ukraine. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3288984/south-koreas-rejection-ukraines-weapons-request-due-trump-public-objection

Why South Korea Is Still Afraid To Provide Weapons To Ukraine. Article clearly lists arguments for Government and Opposition. https://zn.ua/eng/why-south-korea-is-still-afraid-to-provide-weapons-to-ukraine.html

Glimpse of the weapons and sensors to be fitted on the new #Pakistani naval vessels built by Dutch company #Damen Shipyards show the navy has signed contracts with #Thales, #MBDA and #Rheinmetall, Intelligence Online reports. [paywall] https://www.intelligenceonline.com/international-dealmaking/2024/12/03/pakistan-navy-s-discreet-contracts-with-mbda-and-thales-revealed,110347032-art

#Chip war ramps up with new #US restrictions on China.
Biden administration broadens limits on #Chinese access to advanced microchip technology, with Donald Trump expected to go even further.
#Dutch government follows US policy in respect to #ASML. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/dec/03/joe-biden-china-microchip-export-restrictions-law-changes

#China has announced it will block exports to the #US of critical raw materials, including gallium and germanium, in response to the Biden administration's increased export controls targeting the Chinese chip industry.


The last 2 #Typhoons on order at the Warton facility are set to be delivered in 2025, meaning #BAE looks for export customers to keep a workforce it is counting on to make the 6th-gen fighter in the future. Potential for sales to #KSA & #Turkey mentioned. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/12/how-bae-plans-to-keep-its-eurofighter-typhoon-uk-final-assembly-line-alive-for-gcap/

Turkey? Bombed Kurds more than 4.000 times since the beginning of 2024. https://x.com/Osint613/status/1861016513123148169
Saudi Arabia? Photo internal bombing Awamiya (https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/not-aleppo-shock-extent-destruction-saudi-shia-town) as example:

#Japan’s shift from a very restrictive policy to active promotion of #arms production & sales reflects its broader strategy. Japan’s industry still faces hurdles. Companies remain reluctant to invest in export-oriented production for several reasons. https://www.rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/japans-defence-budget-surge-new-security-paradigm

December 2

The Dutch group #Damen and the #Romanian state-owned company 2MMS agreed to terminate the association contract signed in 2018 for the shared operation of #Mangalia Shipyard (Santierul Naval 2 Mai).

ARI Arms wins historic $26 million contract to supply OR-4 assault rifles to IDF, replacing Tavor rifles and standardizing infantry weaponry as Israel pushes to bolster domestic arms production and reduce reliance on imports.

Edinburgh-based investment firm, Baillie Gifford, a #Scottish firm has given financial backing to an #AI weapons start-up founded by a US tech billionaire who has links to Donald Trump.

Madrid boosts funding for #ICC and #UNRWA. The #Spanish government has also taken steps to limit arms exports to Israel and recognized “Palestine” as a state in May, in a coordinated move with #Ireland and #Norway.

We don't know about transports to #Israel of our F-35 components. "The global distribution of #F35 components is controlled by the US Government-led F-35 programme," Maria Eagle "Pilatus", #UK Minister of State for Defence said.

Russian President Putin signed off the country’s new budget.

Around 32.5% of the 2025 budget — €119 bn —  has been allocated for national defense, up from a reported 28.3% in 2024, according to a document posted on a government website, AP reported.

Retweet @SIPRIorg: World’s top arms producers see revenues rise on the back of wars and regional tensions. The arms revenues of the SIPRI #Top100 companies totalled $632 billion in 2023, +4.2% from 2022. New #SIPRI data on the #ArmsIndustry is available now: https://www.sipri.org/media/press-release/2024/worlds-top-arms-producers-see-revenues-rise-back-wars-and-regional-tensions