November 30
Retweet @_ENAAT: ENAAT
latest Newsletter is now available online. For updates on
#EuropeanDefenceFund, other related issues and the role and benefits
for the #arms industry. All from a peace perspective #noEUmoney4arms
#EuropeanDefence https://bit.ly/NBB21-4
Lobby in the US for Turkish
military firms. Report by The Center for International Policy shows
who is acting on behalf of Ankara's arms manufacturers.
“The killing of humans
should never be automated based on algorithmic formulas ... Such
dehumanisation of life and death decision-making by autonomous
weapons systems must be outlawed worldwide.”
November 29
Retweet @ForumArmsTrade:
@WilliamHartung argues The Biden Administration’s
Missile Sale to Saudi Arabia Is Offensive, and Must Be Stopped via
Many of the biggest purchasers
of U.S. weapons (e.g., Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Turkey, and the
Philippines) also tend to be willing to violate human rights and
disperse weapons to groups not friendly to the United States. As a
result, Biden’s attempt to revise his conventional arms transfer
policy will face the same type of opposition as those of his
predecessors (…) Changing this policy to avoid US’s current
contributions to human rights abuses and hostile actors will make the
US more secure and the world safer.
Repressive regiems among each
other. Turkish Aerospace Industries will hand over the first batch of
T-129 Tactical Reconnaissance and Attack Helicopter (ATAK) to the
Philippines next month. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1160717
If French president Macron
really wants the voice of the Africans to be expressed freely he
should stop all financing of African governments trampling on
"democracy" & stop all sales of weapons to Paris'
African partners in open war against their peoples.
![]() |
Cartoon bij tweet marineschepen |
De afgelopen dertig jaar zette
vooral het Westen stappen in die ruimtevaarttech ontwikkelingen.
Nederland zou een forse bijdrage kunnen leveren in een
EU-ruimtedefensiebeleid: 1) Thales radar, 2) juridisch in Leiden &
3) vergeten worden 3) Airbus, 4) ESA.
French-German axe in the
military industry hurries towards close cooperation.
Again: "None of the cooperation projects...will be able to compete with the United States and China without a financial system as deep and integrated as that of these 2 powers" https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/air-defense/les-industries-francaises-et-allemandes-pressees-de-batir-de-nouveaux-partenariats-1367700
#Saudi Space Commission has
launched its first specialised training programme in the field of
space and space technology in cooperation with #Airbus Defense and
#DeutscheBank no longer wants to
finance the military sector. #BayerischeLandesbank, based in Bavaria
with a large part of German arms industries, has decided not to
finance companies that generate more than 20% of their turnover from
military production.
De uitspraak van de rechter
inzake het proces dat @PILPNJCM @CTWnl en @PAXvoorvrede aanspanden
tegen wapenleveranties aan Egypte is vandaag het onderwerp van de
column van Midden-Oosten luis in de pels @roelants_c. Waarom geen
wapens leveren?
Retweet @roelants_c: Ha! Nederland mag
wapens blijven leveren aan Egypte! @PAXvoorvrede @amnestynl @hrw Wat
kan het schelen, die 60.000 politieke gevangenen.
November 28
Australia’s Future Fund (FF)
reveals over $155m of Future Fund investments linked to Myanmar
How to promote a major arms
sales to the #UAE? Say: if we don't, Putin's friend Chemezov, of
Rostec, will offer fighter aircraft.
Or in other words if they don't use Western #F35's to bomb Yemen, they will do it with Russian Checkmate's. Difficult choice? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/putins-friend-leads-russian-effort-sell-weapons-us-allies-rcna6599
"Defence companies are different
from companies in other industries, being in a unique position to
sustain corrupt practices, making a case for studying corruption risk
in this industry …
Companies in other industries do not enjoy
government support for their corrupt practices. … Despite the
massive adverse publicity associated with corporate corruption,
several firms in the defence industry continue to engage in unethical
practices around the globe.” [pay wall]
spy agency calls off search for media outlet's source. The
Aftenposten revealed in May 2021 that Norway's Foreign Ministry
allowed arms exports to the #UAE, although it suspected that the
weapons were being used illegally in the civil war in Yemen.
November 27
Report on European military industrial
base states that the European fighter program #FCAS program "is
the key to further consolidation," but also "the US remains
a very important supplier ... in particular of fighter aircraft (such
as the F-35)” #fairytale
November 26
De Nederlandse marine
werd tijdens de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog ngezet om
smokkel tegen te gaan. Kleine schepen met speciale troepen speelden
hierin een rol. “Het beproefde operatieconcept van de marine bleek
een effectief ‘wurgmiddel’. (…) Ook
de inwoners van de Republiek ondervonden de gevolgen van de
succesvolle aanpak van de Nederlandse zeemacht. Het is waarschijnlijk
dat door de grote schaarste die ontstond van voedsel, kleding en
medicijnen, slachtoffers zijn gevallen onder de burgerbevolking.”
Iets heel anders uit de koloniale
geschiedenis, dit vreselijke verhaal over een moordpartij op Bali in
november 1946. Als je het leest doet het Nederlandse optreden denken
aan de methoden van de Midden-Amerikaanse dictators.
De redactie van de
Militaire Spectator klaagt dat de krijgsmacht niet in beeld was
tijdens de verkiezingen. Ze werd ondergesneeuwd door
"toeslagenaffaire, klimaatproblematiek en huizenmarkt." Aan
het Plein 4 in Den Haag wil men €5 miljard extra per jaar.
verder in hetzelfde tijdschrift stellen twee wetenschappers dat
"Nederland niet per se een numeriek grote troepenmacht hoeft te
leveren om zijn steentje bij te dragen."
French military industry and the
evil competitor in Washington. The whole range of arguments are dealt
with to show how the US is using veil methods to suffocate its
competitors like France, even while Paris and Washington came closer
French continue with opposition
to Swiss F-35 acquisition. The Swiss authorities do not have an
alternative plan if the Swiss people were to reject the choice of the
American F-35 fighter plane by the Federal Council, a defense
ministry official admitted.
A tweet out of scope and in the
category of peculiar sales, Airbus meets Dr Urs Brunner of fashin
house Giulia & Romeo request for vegan helicopter interior. It
fits in a category like environmental friendly ammo.
Airbus Helicopters has delivered
a H225M in naval combat configuration to the Brazilian Navy. The
aircraft will boost the Brazilian Navy's mission capabilities
including anti-surface warfare and maritime surveillance.
In advance to meeting Journalist
Benoit Collombat states: The problem is not that this secret defense
exists... But in many cases, it is used to cover individual
deviations, in other words the collective interest is invoked to
protect particular interests.
Article on arms export to
Eritrea mentions, with help of @Alex_Kuimova, exports this century by
Belarus, Bulgaria, Russia & Ukraine.
https://allafrica.com/stories/202111260059.html It brings back old
memories to the sale of tank engines from Dutch province of Drenthe
via Antwerp. https://stopwapenhandel.org/eritrea-en-de-containers/
The spending on new military
aircraft in the coming decade is valued at $135 billion by Aviation
Week. It makes the world a healthier, safer, just and more climate
friendly place, isn't it.
The Greens criticize
Turkey’s military operations without naming them explicitly and add
that German arms exports to war zones and “dictatorships” should
be stopped.
November 25
Illegal occupation meets illegal
Israel-Morocco defense deal opens door to intel sharing, joint drills. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-morocco-defense-deal-opens-door-to-intel-sharing-joint-drills/
Three French companies have sold
massive digital surveillance tools to Egypt with the consent of the
French State.
Aftersales, the gain continues:
The #Qatar-badged joint squadron will enable UK & Qatari
personnel to train together using the most advanced version of the
Hawk trainer aircraft in service today. The 9 #Hawks along with 24
#Typhoons were ordered in 2017.
With help from #Spain #Turkey
could become the first country to develop an aircraft carrier
specifically designed for #drones The concept of an aircraft carrier
is starting to change as Turkey also brought about a new concept of a
'drone aircraft carrier'.
Nuclear muscles. Australia
signed the agreement to share nuclear propulsion information with the
United States and the UK on Monday, marking the initial steps towards
the construction of a nuclear-powered submarine fleet with the
assistance of the UK & US.
US Hypersonic Weapons on Track
to Deploy on Attack Submarines in 2028
The operator of one of the
world's largest private fleets of fighter jets, Draken, is expanding
its presence in Saudi Arabia, a promising market given the air
force's need for help in Yemen. 1 / 2
2 / 2 The people skills
of the UK's former chief of defence staff, Nicholas Houghton, went a
long way to securing this success with Riyadh. {pay wall]
In addition to growing
restrictions and embargoes on military and defense components
imported by #Turkey, the regime of President Erdoğan also faces
undeclared sanctions on the transfer of dual use items that have both
civilian and military applications.
A report published yesterday by
the #UNDP estimated that 377,000 people will have died in the war in
Yemen by the end of 2021. #CAAT spokesperson notices a fesw small
steps forward, but in general arms trade to Saudi's continue with
this horrifying result. https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/43531
Housing and arms trade? The
vote this week by Dublin city councillors to halt an agreement to
lease homes for social housing from the pension fund of BAE Systems,
a British arms company, is the only acceptable outcome.
November 24
French-German #KNDS is
interested in 2 Italian Leonardo subsidiaries which would allow it to
develop its European battle tank project.
A story of distrust, strategic interests, internal EU power diplomacy, inclusion and market positions unfolds. https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/air-defense/char-du-futur-litalie-sceptique-sur-le-projet-franco-allemand-1366429
German arms exports for almost €
4 billion in Jan-Nov 2021. These facts come from answers on
Parliamentary questions by Die Linke.
1 US, 2 Netherlands, 3 UK, 4 Egypt and 5 Brazil most important receivers of German arms (big to smaller). https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/waffen-bundesregierung-genehmigt-fast-vier-milliarden-euro-an-ruestungsexporten/27819516.html
Call for binding German law to
halt arms sales to 'despots'.
Keine Waffen für Despoten
Wapenexportbeleid m.b.t. Egypte: overheid houdt informatie achter. https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2021/11/wapenexportbeleid-mbt-egypte-overheid.html
"alleen ontbrak: “ondersteuning aan special forces eenheden,” dat wel in de vergunning stond, maar toevallig net niet in de informatie aan de Tweede Kamer. Ik zou me als Kamerlid belazerd voelen. Het gaat hier juist om de meest gevaarlijke troepen"
Retweet @JaspervanDijkSP:
Absolute must-read Kijk ook om 11u debat over wapenexport met onze
voorstellen om de regels aan te scherpen
@evanscheltinga De atlas over
Wapenhandel en Permanente Oorlog is gepresenteerd! Nederland:
Faciliteert wapenhandel met slappe exportregels.
verdienen aan wapens met een belastingparadijs.
wapenhandel aan met steun aan de permanente oorlog.
Israeli Defense Minister Benny
Gantz takes off for Morocco to ink a number of agreements on arms
sales from Israel to Morocco and other defense-related issues.
Article mentions earlier NSO's Pegasus spyware sales, the flared
conflict with Polisario.
Addition: In an column on the Israeli and Moroccan deal in the Algerian L'Expression it is stated: "Israel will not hesitate to set the region ablaze through weapon sales and the weakening of states." (Algiers and Rabat are in conflict.) https://www.lexpressiondz.com/nationale/le-mossad-a-nos-frontieres-350907
After the AUKUS setback, France
is aggressively eyeing the Indo-Pacific region for its arms exports.
New reports suggest that France might be pitching its Rafale fighter
jets to Indonesia to replace its aging F-5 fighters.
Ukraine has been
outspoken in condemning the violence in Myamnar. However, Ukrainian
BTR-3 armored vehicles were spotted in Yangon amid the violence after
the coup, drawing attention to the well-established ties between both
countries’s defence industries.
November 23
Dutch judge acknowledges severe
human rights violations in Egypt but does not calls on the Dutch
State to halt arms sales to the al-Sisi regime, because it is of the
opinion NGOs did not gave prove of misuse of Dutch military
technology. [in Dutch]
(In English:
Addition: Judge referred to criteria for risk
assesements 2 and 6 from the EU Common Position. See the ruling here
(in Dutch)
Addition: Rechter wijst eis tot stopzetten wapenexport naar Egypte af https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/nederland/artikel/5269065/nederland-egypte-wapens-levering-pax-kort-geding-rechter
EU nations add air, space and
drone tech to their defence cooperation roster. The fourth wave of 14
initiatives boosts the slate of Permanent Structured Cooperation
projects to 60 since late 2017.
During an exercise in #Qatar,
Qatari #French Rafale jets have conducted air-to-air refuelling
sorties with a #British Voyager tanker. It is the first time for the
British Air Force to conduct AAR with the Qatar Emiri Air Force.
Vragen van #BIj1 over
scheepswerf #Damen - belangrijke militaire producent - waren
kritischer dan de antwoorden. Eind goed al goed, de Gemeente
#Amsterdam besliste: “Er is geen grondslag om Damen op dit moment
te compenseren voor een bedrijfsverplaatsing.”
State-owned Bharat Electronics
on Monday announced that it has a signed a contract with Airbus
Defence and Space for the manufacture and supply of Radar Warning
Receiver (RWR) and Missile Approach Warning System.
Dutch arms industry
complains banks have 2nd thoughts financing them. Military industry
lobby #ASD will go to European Commission.
In France banks complained a while ago on compliance rules.https://business.lesechos.fr/entrepreneurs/gestion-finance/0604132275846-defense-l-industrie-francaise-confrontee-aux-craintes-des-banquiers-340415.php
Financing is key, also for arms trade.
November 22
When you'll look what Dutch
companies will be at the #EDEX Arms Fair in #Egypt next week, there
are two results: 1) KNDS, the association of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann
and Nexter, two of the leading European manufacturers of military
land systems based in Germany and France. 1/4
But for tax
reasons officially in the Netherlands. (See e.g. in Dutch)
like so many internal arms manufacturers. 2/4
And 2) Riscure,
a company working on cryptography 'driving your securit foward' and
thus part of a large Dutch industry in this field.
See for more info on EDEX and 'your'country on the site
of the arms fair: fully supported by Egyptian Armed Forces and
presents a brand new opportunity for exhibitors to showcase the
latest technology, equipment and systems across land, sea, and air.
The US military and Jordan have
started work on unmanned systems and artificial intelligence
integration as part of their efforts to establish a new unmanned task
Oped in Haaretz: Israel needs to
pass a law prohibiting the export of weapons to regimes engaged in
gross violations of human rights, and to empower a mechanism that
will make that evaluation in an effective and transparent manner.
More than 50 UK MPs are backing
legislation to prohibit arms sales to Israel, Labour MP Richard
Burgon told guests at a fundraising dinner for Palestine in Halifax
in West Yorkshire on Friday.
Western ally Egypt has used
intelligence supplied by the French military to target and "kill
civilians" suspected of smuggling, according to a report Sunday
by investigative website Disclose, based on leaked documents.
opération Sirli : révélations sur la complicité de la France dans
de potentiels crimes contre l’humanité en Egypte.
#Egyptpapers https://twitter.com/Disclose_ngo/status/1462697399533592580
November 21
Part of the 4th wave of #PESCO
projects is an semi-autonomous surface vehicle #M_SASV.
It will be equipped with multiple mission modules for a range of military tasks such as intelligence, and #warfare capabilities against ships and and submarines. https://www.naval-technology.com/news/european-defence-agency-launches-m-sasv/
Beleggingsadvies in de Telegraaf
door @sandramolenaar van de @Consumentenbond: "(...) gaat uw
geld naar bedrijven in wapenhandel, kinderarbeid of milieuvervuiling,
of dient het een duurzaam of ander goed doel? Wat mij betreft is dat
waar het echt om gaat."
According to a survey, a
majority of Germans are in favour of stricter rules for arms exports
: 63% want arms and other armaments to be sold only to states that
are not involved in human rights violations.
(76% is against buying new atomic bombs) [German] https://taz.de/Umfrage-zu-Ruestung-und-Waffenexporten/!5814233/
The US and its NATO allies are
busily arming Ukraine and engaging in other actions that encourage
the leaders in Kiev to believe that they have strong Western backing
in their confrontation with Russia and Russian‐backed separatists.
According to reports from foreign media such as The Times,
Britain is negotiating with Ukraine on arms deals and plans to sell
missiles to Ukraine. Ukrainian sources said that the arms sales will
represent the UK's first arms sales to Ukraine.
Into the unknown: Earlier this week, the British government also
announced arms sales to Ukraine, as part of a joint project with Kyiv
for Ukraine to acquire new ships and weaponry for its navy.
Israel will beef up the Armed
Forces of the Philippines by providing military technology and other
@v23id: "In 2019, human rights attorneys
filed a lawsuit with the High Court demanding that Israel refrain
from selling armsto the Philippines, saying it is a country that
violates human rights. The lawsuit said that Philippine President
Rodrigo Duterte is “a mass murderer".
COVID: France sends security
forces to Guadeloupe amid riots
The French territory in the Caribbean
has witnessed several nights of violent protest against COVID rules.
Elite police officers have been sent to help quell the
It isn't always cosy in the #EU.
The #Greek government reacted strongly after #Spanish Prime Minister
Pedro Sánchez agreed with #Turkish President Erdogan to enhance
their countries' collaboration in the defence industry.
Op-ed: Sanchez's unethical arms deal, #Turkey, and the EU
Spain is arming Turkey. It is all the more curious when one considers that #Spain is a member of the MED-9 group of Mediterranean countries that is working more closely with #Greece. #unacceptable
located in the south-east of France, has just concluded the purchase
in Qatar of 12 2nd-hand Mirage 2000-5's to develop the “Red Air”
market in Europe; that is the training of the armed forces by private
With the ability to operate from
rough and short runways, the A400M is also believed to strengthen the
Indonesian Air Force's airlift capability in responding to any
crisis. [Prabowo Pesan 2 Pesawat Jumbo A400M yang...] What kind of
crises is the question.
By the end of this decade, the
Spanish Air Force will replace its fighter trainers with data-centric
aircraft to train its pilots to fly 5th- and 6th-generation jets. And
even though a contract isn’t yet on the horizon, #Airbus is ready
to start building.
The inevitability of dangerous a
development? Article by CNN on arms build up in Asia. Australian
Strategic Policy Inst #ASPI Davis said while expecting the arms race
in Asia to make the region more dangerous, he doesn't think nations
've "much of a choice."
The "naval battle"
for Greek corvettes is developing into a fierce struggle between the
two leading shipbuilding groups. The Naval Group seems to be
determined not to allow the Dutch Damen wharf to dominate. "The
Naval Group wants to 'exhaust' the Dutch."
Damen advanced its SIGMA 10514 (already sold to Indonesia &
Mexico) as counterproposal to the French offer. These 107-mtr
corvettes are offered with armament equivalent to the French Gowinds,
including a surface-to-air system and Exocet anti-ship missiles.
November 20
US military industry fears Buy
American policy of Biden will've trade consequences for US itself,
because "it could give ammunition to,"those "who want
to lock down their own markets."
Sounds logical, but European governments will continue to buy US arms. https://www.defensenews.com/global/the-americas/2021/11/01/buy-american-biden-sees-industry-pushback-as-allies-warn-of-trade-consequences/
South Korea is emerging as a
major defense production hub, developing new technologies, be it
combat aircraft, missiles, artillery, tanks, or small arms. The UAE
announced a $3.5bn deal with SK for its “Cheongung-II” mid-range
surface-to-air missiles.
Work on ‘Chinese military
base’ in UAE abandoned after US intervenes. The UAE embassy in
Washington told the Wall Street Journal: “The UAE has never had an
agreement plan, talks or intention to host a Chinese military base or
outpost of any kind.”
The UAE’s Ministry of Defence
signed Dh22.5 billion (€5.4bn) worth of contracts with European,
American and Asian contractors and suppliers at the Dubai Air Show
The Mexican government argues
the companies knew their practices had encouraged illegal arms
trafficking into Mexico, helping to cause thousands of gangland
The arms industry has rejected Mexico’s allegations. https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/mexico-expects-arms-suit-bring-change-industry-officials-2021-11-19/
#Niger becomes 1st foreign
customer of #Turkey’s Hurkus aircraft, a tandem 2-seat, low-wing,
single-engine turboprop aircraft designed as a new-generation trainer
as well as a platform for performing light-attack and armed
reconnaissance #combat missions.
Despite pledge, Biden leaves tap
open, billions in arms deals to Saudi Arabia
Study reveals that US weapons manufacturers have sold well in excess of $28.3bn worth of arms to KSA since start of the Yemen War, incl. 20 deals inked during Biden’s presidency. https://www.mintpressnews.com/despite-pledge-biden-leaves-tap-open-approving-billions-arms-deals-saudi-arabia/279001/
Algeria’s dependence on Russia
unraveled: “Algeria, a global energy exporter with the largest
defense budget in Africa, is one of the main destinations for Russian
weapons, behind India and China”
November 19
Jobs are no excuse — Canada
must stop arming Saudi Arabia
Turkey made its bed,
flirting with both Russia and the West. Instead of rewarding Ankara’s
estrangement from NATO, the United States should allow Erdoğan to
lie in it and end arms sales to Turkey.
November 18
Sen. Rand Paul calls for
Democrats to force vote on Saudi arms sales. He will most likely
force a ground vote on the Biden White House’s first major arms
sale to Saudi Arabia and is seeking Democrats to help support a
Americans propose EU to borrow €
100bn to spend on Defence. They will know overspending let the USSR
collaps and US military expenditures resulted in enormous debt, paid
by foreign nations and
institutions (https://ticdata.treasury.gov/Publish/mfh.txt);
curiously China as 2nd.
Number 2 US military officer
Hyten said China’s hypersonic test should spark urgency in DoD.
But it seems the tests are used for internal use. Military industry
has no better lobbyist than the military.
US Navy looks to get back on schedule for fielding hypersonic
missiles on submarines
Addition 2: Wright added that there is some reason to be concerned that part of the issue also is that those worried about the lack of progress and investment by DoD in hypersonic weapons are hyping both Russian and Chinese progress as a way to spur more funding. https://breakingdefense.com/2021/11/chinas-mysterious-hypersonic-test-may-take-a-page-from-darpas-past/
UAE’s indigenous weapon
developments accelerate with foreign help. Edge is still largely
reliant on foreign expertise in the development of its products,
benefiting particularly from South Africa’s knowledge in the
defense industry.
De Nederlandse maritieme
industrie moet zoveel mogelijk worden betrokken bij de vervanging van
de onderzeeërs van de marine. Een motie ingediend door SGP-Kamerlid
Chris Stoffer daarover werd 17 november aangenomen.
Een recent blog:
Wat een heldere brochure:
wapenhandel en permanente oorlog. Als inleiding op wapenproductie en
-handel, maar zeker ook voor hen die al ingevoerd zijn in het
onderwerp interessant.
Prof. Dr. Hans Joas from Berlin
set a big question mark behind the title of a lecture: Peace Project
Europe. He pointed out that increased Europeanization could also
bring dangers, eg. the watering down of the relatively strict German
rules on arms export.
Until recently Israel has been
spared due criticism, not only for its unlawful spying methods on the
Palestinians but also for being the originator of many of the
technologies which are now being heavily criticized by human rights
groups worldwide.
On the 3rd day of the Dubai 2021
Air Show, the #UAE MoD announced the conclusion of 6 agreements worth
AED 4bn (€ 1bn)
were involved in the largest contracts. https://www.wam.ae/en/details/1395302993364
CEA's Military Applications
Division launches EXA1 supercomputer for French nuclear weapons
simulations. It involves an Atos system (https://atos.net/en/),
the fourth used by CEA/DAM.
Retweet @_ENAAT: Quite
a shortcut: because #EU citizens want to be protected they would want
"improved capacities" (i.e. more weapons and military
spending), more military interventions abroad and more arms exports
?! ("projection" in understated language) #noEUmoney4arms
@FrankSlijper: Why do companies offer to
weaponise commercial helicopters post-sale? Simple: cheaper and much
easier in terms of export controls.
Thales negotiates to acquire
RUAG International's Simulation & Training business. This to
reinforce Thales' relationship with the Swiss Army, to complement
Thales's industrial presence in the simulation business &
strengthen its footprint in Europe & #UAE.
China is responding to the much
larger nuclear arsenals of Russia and US and the increasing numbers
of US missile interceptors that undermine China’s confidence in its
ability to retaliate. Such tensions call for more diplomacy and arms
control, not less.
The notorious red beret Subianto
speaks about fire fighting for new Airbus transport planes for
Indonesia. But they are also suited for troop transports, which comes
in handy in a archipelago from Sabang to Merauke and TNI focused on
internal security.
Retweet @AirbusDefence: "The
A400M greatly enhances the Indonesian Air Force’s tactical
air-to-air capabilities. We are also looking at additional A400M in
the near term, with future developments such as firefighting
capability we are jointly exploring with Airbus." ~Prabowo
Subianto, MoD of Indonesia.
The US Navy looks into
methods to improve safety to manoeuvre "nuclear-powered steel
tubes ... far below the surface" secretive operations after a
major accident in October in the South China Sea. Not the first and
not the last.
November 17
With militaries’ locked-in
fossil fuel systems and looming climate chaos, the arms industry
continues to take advantage of nefarious profit opportunities.
@FrankSlijper Nigerian
Army killed unarmed protesters in October 2020 which could be
“equated with a massacre,” a government panel said, refuting the
army’s claim that soldiers only fired blanks.
Addition: Nigeria risks US arms
embargo over alleged protesters' killings by soldiers. Nigerian The
Punch reports.
Addition: While the Netherlands enables Nigeria to transport its troops & vehicles, the US Secretary of State warned that if rights violations persisted, the US might evoke the Leahy Law to deny Nigeria access to military assistance included weaponry. https://punchng.com/endsars-us-may-stop-military-aid-to-nigeria-over-rights-abuse-blinken-warns/
Damen launches Landing Ship
Transport #LST100 for Nigerian navy. Over the last 2 years several
tests with regards to various components and weapons of the LST 100
have been jointly and successfully completed by the Nigerian Navy and
Damen Shipyards.
Addition: Mensenrechtenorganisaties waarschuwen voor een escalerend conflict in het zuidoosten van Nigeria. Groepen die pleiten voor regionale onafhankelijkheid krijgen wind in de zeilen. ‘Repressie is het enige middel dat de Nigeriaanse overheid kent.’ https://www.mo.be/analyse/de-crisis-te-veel-voor-nigeria
Officier b.d. brandt Jasper van
Dijk af.
De SP parlementariër wees er fijntjes op dat 6 van de 10 grootste wapenproducenten een vestiging ons land hebben. https://joop.bnnvara.nl/opinies/nederland-is-ook-een-paradijs-voor-de-wapenindustrie
Ook GroenLinks moet 't overigens
ontgelden bij de gepensioneerde militair.
Aanvulling: Vandaag reageert @JaspervanDijkSP in de Telegraaf: "Wat ons [SP] betreft moeten we zeker een krijgsmacht hebben, maar laten we in vredesnaam stoppen met de steun aan dubieuze Amerikaanse interventies die tot onnoemelijk veel leed hebben geleid." De hele brief die verrassend afsluit. https://www.telegraaf.nl/watuzegt/1565967588/niet-meer-geld-naar-defensie
62% of countries face a high to
critical risk of corruption in their defence and security sectors,
reveals the 2020 Government Defence Integrity Index (GDI), released
yesterday by Transparency International Defence and Security
Deception in high places
"The latest facts prove it beyond doubt that the corruption in multi-crore Rafale deal goes right upto the doorstep of Prime Minister Narendra Modi", spokesperson for the All #India Congress Committee #AICC Pawan Khera alleged. https://newsmeter.in/politics/bjp-government-sacrificed-national-security-cong-on-rafale-deal-controversy-686275
A Hong Kong-registered company had in
2018 acquired Italian military drone manufacturer Alpi Aviation Srl.
It is reported that the acquisition, which may be in violation of
Italian laws, evaded the attention of the EU and Italian government’s
Addition: In 2018, a Chinese
state-controlled company bought an #Italian manufacturer of military
#drones. Soon after, it began transferring the company’s know-how
and technology—which had been used by the Italian military in
Afghanistan—to #China.
defence systems company Havelsan is working with Thales Nederland to
equip Indonesia's new class of two 90 m offshore patrol vessels
(OPVs) with its combat sensors.
Is that part of the new - still tight - Dutch arms export policy on
November 16
@PAXvoorvrede, @CTWnl and
@PILPNJCM submitted to the Dutch courts a summons for a
representative of the government to explain the arms deals that the
Netherlands has concluded with the Sisi regime during the past year.
The Biden admin is "fully committed" to a proposed sale of F-35 fighter jets to the UAE, despite the White House slowing down the deal, a senior US official overseeing arms exports said. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/uae-arms-sale-biden-administration-fully-committed-official-says
Enough space to hide components from
partners, like Netherlands, etc.
Addition: Are #F35 program partners
consulted on potential fighter sales with components produced by
their military industries to #UAE & #Qatar?
If not, will they demand to be asked. Or will they wash their hand in innocence with the words: it is a US decision.
Retweet TI Defence&Security
@TI_Defence: Nearly two thirds of countries score
49 out of 100 or lower in the #GDI2020. This indicates a high to
critical risk of defence sector. Full results ->
Welcome contribution to debate
on arms control by @WolfgangKaleck #ECCHR & @hipp_roland
#Greenpeace: The EU isn't the solution, a national arms export
control law is required. A contribution to the debate on the design
of future German arms export control.
Selling arms to human rights
violators a reason to cheer? French fighter deliverances exuberant
After the last year
normalisation of diplomatic ties with the UAE, Israeli military
companies displayed their hardware for the first time at the Dubai
Air Show. A paradox: the so-called peace agreement is good for
Israeli arms sales.
40 German organisations sent an
open letter to German politicians and political parties to demand a
end on arms sales to the countries participating in the Saudi led
coalition against Yemen.
Retweet @AktionAufschrei: Offener
Brief – 40 Organisationen fordern #rüstungsexporte stoppen für
#Jemen-Militärkoalition. #EntrüstungJetzt @CDU @spdde @fdp
@Die_Gruenen @ABaerbock @OlafScholz @c_lindner Brief hier:
PM hier:
Emma Soubrier, a fellow with the
Arab Gulf States Institute, & an expert on the political economy
of the arms trade in the Middle East expects the Biden
administration’s new policy will have a modest effect on arms
exports] overall.
Nov 3, 21, the US Dep. of
Commerce’s #BIS added the Israeli NSO Group & Candiru to the
Entity List due to malicious cyber activities, based on evidence that
both developed & supplied spyware to foreign governments. In
total 12 Israeli entities are listed.
November 15
The Hindu: Explainer | S-400
Triumf long-range air defence system
India has a series of big-ticket high-tech deals lined up with both Russia and the U.S. and it will be a tightrope walk for New Delhi in balancing the two.
The business plan was risky, but
forecast a mammoth profit. The company fronted by a handsome and
charismatic former #Australian AF elite pilot.
"markets included places better known for bullets, beheadings and bombs: Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq."
The #UAE air force bought 2 A330
Multirole Tanker Transport #MRTT from #Airbus, bringing the MRTT
fleet to 5. Deliveries start in 2024. The deal includes also upgrades
of the whole A330 MRTT fleet.
Tankers give fighter aircraft a wider range. https://www.boursier.com/actions/actualites/news/airbus-les-emirats-arabes-unis-commandent-2-appareils-pour-leur-defense-aerienne-862641.html
In June Swiss Parliament voted
in favor of the US F-35. Now Airbus casts doubt on the selection
process. Politicians and the MoD looses patience. Opposition prepares
a referendum to include a prohibition on the acquisition of the F-35
in the Constitution.
"Naval Defence"
website published on November 9 that the Dutch shipyard Damen has
submitted a proposal to respond to the corvette program of the Greek
Navy with its SIGMA 10514 frigate.
It is worth to read the original from Greek: https://navaldefence.gr/damen-strikes-back-10514-for-hellenic-navy/
Emirati conglomerate Edge Group
has unveiled a series of vertical-takeoff-and-landing drones (QX-5
and QX-6) as well as a precision-guided munition system.
India has formally lifted
its 7-year-long ban on Italy’s Leonardo, thus allowing it to take
part in the bidding for defence contracts in the future. The company
was blacklisted after it was accused of paying bribes to get a $48m
Indian government contract.
Addition: India removes Leonardo from list
of banned companies
An MoD official said the suspension was
lifted on the grounds of operational urgency and because of a lack of
available alternatives for procuring 127mm naval guns and
heavy-weight torpedoes.https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2021/11/16/india-removes-leonardo-from-list-of-banned-companies/
November 14
European missile producer #MBDA
opens permanent office in #Brussels to accelerate EU, NATO defence
French journal Mediapart has
made fresh claims that alleged bogus invoices were used that enabled
French aircraft maker Dassault Aviation to pay at least 7.5 million
euros in secret commissions to a middleman to help it secure the
Rafale deal with India.
Je zou het boek van commando Gijs Tuinman https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/142076747/ridder-gijs-tuinman-vertelt-voor-het-eerst-over-geheime-commando-acties-in-afghanistan eens naast de feitelijke rapporten uit de Afghanistan wikileaks over TF55 en TF Uruzgan moeten leggen. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8nHmbT0qNjWbF96THAzRFdOaHc/ Mij viel juist op dat TB-aanvallen tot de einddatum v/d lek doorgaan tot voor de poort.
Reactie @Gleemput: P 227 en verder
Israel, India agree to develop
bilateral defence tech. Just weeks after Israel & India agreed to
identify new areas in defense cooperation, the two countries signed
an agreement to develop bilateral tech such as drones, artificial
intelligence and more.
The Committees on Arms Export
Controls holds a further oral evidence session for its inquiry into
UK arms exports in 2019.
US Senate Foreign Relations
Committee Chair Bob Menendez strongly opposes the sale of F-16
fighter jets and modernisation kits to #Turkey, insisting human
rights conditions in the NATO member state needed to be improved
Addition: Dutch export of military aircraft parts to the US are exported, but what happens with the components, in respect to re-exports, is let to Washington. This is the result for 2021 until September.
Turkish TAI installs missile
destroyer on A400M aircraft. TAI holds a 7% share in A400M
consortium, which involves Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg,
Spain, Turkey, Britain & Malaysia. (Other companies with shares
BAE Systems, EADS & Belgium’s Flabel.)
Brussels police constable
sentenced for rol in illegal arms trade.
Een Brusselse politiecommissaris is veroordeeld tot 15 maanden cel voor zijn aandeel in een grootschalige wapentrafiek. Hij kreeg ook 'n boete van € 16.000. https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20211112_96461342
November 12
arms fair and exhibition #NEDS2021 postponed because of Covid-19
restrictions to 24 februari 2022 also in Rotterdam.
November 11
Oranje blanje bleu lobby blijft
maar klagen over de afwezigheid van garanties dat Nederlandse
industrie wordt ingezet bij bouw Nederlandse onderzeeërs. Dit
terwijl nog niet duidelijk is wie ze gaat bouwen; een Duits-NLse,
Frans-Nlse of Zweeds-NLse combi.
Retweet @Drone_Wars_UK: World’s
militaries avoiding scrutiny over emissions - @guardian. Important
work by @ResponsibleSci.
A loosely written overview of Dutch
activities & business opportunities concerning cyber security. It
includes this: NATO’s Communications and Information #NCI Agency
acquires, deploys & defends communications systems for NATO’s
political decision-makers.https://investinholland.com/news/decrypting-cybersecurity-in-the-netherlands/
Explaining Indonesia’s
Under-balancing: The Case of the Modernisation of the Air Force and
the Navy. Writers conclude that combating internal security threats
in Papua, reiterated by MoD Prabowo, may result in the perpetuation
of army dominance within TNI.
Role of European Defence
Agency in European military tech innovations. EU leaders weigh new
innovation hub role for #EDA. EU defence ministers on Nov. 16 will
consider beefing up EDA’s role in breeding technology that can be
used by the EU's armed forces.
November 10
The Biden administration likely
understands that it cannot limit itself to working only with
democracies. This is surely one of the reasons that the United States
continues to approve arms sales to partners that respect neither
democracy nor human rights.
after Biden’s inauguration, the State Department approved the sale
of missiles to Egypt. after that the US approved lucrative defense
contracts to other countries with problematic records on democracy
and human rights, like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Philippines, &
Addition: Letter to President Biden on US
Policy toward the Middle East.
Military support to Egypt, arms sales
to Israel, UAE and Saudi-Arabia, not surprising Human Rights Watch
asks the president to return to his campaign promises (which seem
quickly forgotten).
Negotiations between Turkish and
South Korean companies to power Turkey’s first indigenous tank are
shifting from plans for co-production in the European country to an
off-the-shelf contract, Turkish procurement and industry sources told
Defense News.
The Pakistan Navy has held a
keel laying ceremony for its 4th Milgem-class corvette at the Karachi
shipyard KS&EW.
With Dutch radar: https://broekstukken.blogspot.com/2020/11/dutch-military-naval-technology-to.html
A role for refugees
Ironically, the situations from which these people [on the Polish/Belarus border] have fled were often caused by the greed and aggression of us in the west, as well as others, the profitable arms trade playing no small role. https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-independent-1029/20211110/282282438537306
Arianespace will launch three
CERES Earth observation satellites for French defence and security
applications on board Vega rocket
(with Dutch high tech components,
Sous-marins australiens: chez
Naval Group, après le choc. Detailed ins & outs of the ended
Australian submarine program and the future export potential of the
Naval Group (owned 35% by Thales, also mother company of most
important Dutch military producer).
Rechts in Kamer wil dat nw
onderzeeboot in Nederland kan worden onderhouden en impliceren dat
dit alleen bij gunning aan Damen/Saab kan.
Het klinkt als lobby-positie van de wapenindustrie die vorige week naar buiten werd gebracht.
Europe’s deadly trade: arms exports By- Collectif, sous la direction deBenjamin Vokar Comic Book Launch & Panel Discussion – December 1st at Brussels https://www.rosalux.eu/en/article/2042.europe-s-deadly-trade-arms-exports.html
The US science association #AAAS
spending on military R&D reached $73bn in 2020 — 20x the
government’s spending on energy research. Even if Biden's Build
Back Better plan passes, military R&D will still be 10x larger
than spending on energy research.
A US metallurgist in pleaded
guilty to fraud Monday after she spent decades - 1985-2017 - faking
the results of strength tests on steel that was being used to make US
nuclear submarines. The government didn't disclose which subs were
While the contract
attack submarine with the French Naval Group may not have been
perfect, the Government’s plan for nuclear submarines is beyond the
existing skillsets of Australia’s local industry, wrote the CEO of
Weld Australia.
November 9
Turkish Dearsan Shipyard will
build 2 Offshore Patrol Vessels for the #Nigerian navy. The OPV’s
will be armed with:
76 mm and 40mm #Leonardo Gun
2 x 12.7 mm automatic and
2 x 12.7 manuel machine guns
2 x 2 surface to air missiles by #MBDA.
The discussion & negotiation
on military emission are almost missing at the Glasgow UN #COP26
Conference. Though militaries are major emitters, the 2015 Paris
Agreement has left the greenhouse gas emission target to the
discretion of individual countries.
CAMPAIGNERS condemned military “greenwashing” at the Cop26
climate summit today, and demanded an end to the silence surrounding
the defence industry’s role in climate chaos.
Joe #Biden has recently violated
his campaign-time promises of ceasing arms sales to #Saudi's, which
came in response to rights groups’ criticism. He approved weapons
exports to the Arab kingdom in the first publicized deal since he
assumed the power.
Kernenergie? #Fukushima
With the Ground Master 400, the
Moroccan Air Forces have a decisive military advantage. This new
contract testifies to the renewed confidence of the Moroccan
authorities in Thales, a long-time partner of Rabat.
Retweet @Cocoamok: Algeria and Morocco on collision course https://bukraa.com/2021/11/07/algeria-and-morocco-on-collision-course/ … via @jan_keulen
F-35 fighter sale to UAE a
difficult negotiation. That's not because the Emirates have a bad
human rights track record. No because it has first to remove Chinese
firm Huawei from its telecommunications network, some consider the
ultimatum. #PowerOverRights
also others are involved.
Tier 1: United Kingdom
Tier 2: Italy, Netherlands
Tier 3: Australia, Canada, Denmark,
Security Cooperative Participants:
Israel, Singapore
FMS Participants: Belgium, Japan, South
They, beside Israel, keep quiet. https://www.f35.com/f35/global-enterprise.html
“A grim outlook”: How cyber surveillance is booming on a global scale
New data paints a detailed picture of
the ways Western companies are selling cyber weapons and surveillance
technology to NATO’s enemies. https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/11/08/1039395/grim-outlook-cyber-boom-atlantic-council-report/
https://en.milipol.com/ and UK
are the two most widely attended arms fairs for the
high/medium-confidence firms selling interception/intrusion
Sécurité Ethique Républicaines visited Milipol and published its
findings. #ASER stated there is an urgent need for NGOs to take an
interest in companies which, like ATOS, are working on the prevention
of risks, observation and monitoring.
November 8
Retweet @PAXvoorvrede: Morgen, 9
november, staat de Nederlandse staat voor de rechter voor een kort
geding over wapenexport naar Egypte. De zaak is aangespannen door
PAX, @stopwapenhandel en @PILPNJCMom de export van wapens naar Egypte
te stoppen en de ernst van de situatie kenbaar te maken. ¼
Betekent dit dat er een einde
komt aan de enorme hoeveelheid #Atradius DSB exportkredieten voor
Damen schepen voor de Nigeriaanse offshore industrie?
Zie m'n blog Dutch naval and maritime protection of Shell in #Nigeria
(met tabel).
major daily Telegraaf on 'the end of Dutch glory' and 1,000 jobs
because of stopping State Export Credits for fossil fuel related
projects. Damen states it does no know yet what it will mean for
Is China a US enemy? Many in the
US government think so. But CODEPINK, an anti-war NGO in the US,
launched a campaign called "China is Not Our Enemy" to
advocate peace with China. Reporters of the notorious Global Times
interviewed the coordinator.
“Turkey’s drone sales are
dangerous, destabilizing and a threat to peace and human rights,”
added Menendez. “The US should have no part of it, and this
amendment is a recognition that we must prevent US parts from being
included in these Turkish weapons.”
Indian press coverage: German
engines powering China's warships: EU arms ban torpedoed by dual-use
Brave Turkey withstand the outer
world and builds its domestic arms industry against the tight, that's
the tone from the Turkish establishment.
But in fact it is done at high cost for society and with massive help
from abroad.
Nederlandse Staat voor de
rechter vanwege wapenexport naar Egypt
Dutch State before Court over arms export to Egypt
Internal EU draft document,
Strategic Compass, seen by Bloomberg says EU members should be
prepared to boost #EDF European Defense Fund after 2027. Text aims to
establish an EU Intervention Force by 2025 which can be deployed
without unanimous decision.
Retweet @IISS_org: Unlike the
Cold War, where crisis management and avoidance mechanisms were
established between the US and the USSR, such arrangements are either
unravelling, outdated or completely absent in #Asia, argue
@BrendanKTaylor and @DrTimHuxley.
Myanmar citizens victims of
regime and Cold War position of China in UN SC.
Rights groups called on the UN to impose a global arms embargo to stop the flow of weapons and dual-use goods to the Myanmar military government.
A group of Republican senators
introduced a bill that would set aside $2 billion! a year in military
aid, including hypersonics, to Taiwan to ensure the autonomous island
is able to stand up to the People's Republic of China.
‘Ik stem er niet mee in’
Niet iedereen was enthousiast over de deal. Bert Grimmius #GroenLinks) vond het niet zo’n sterk plan dat de gemeente optreedt als ‘bankier’. Peter Stremler #PAB is ‘tegen staatssteun’ aan bedrijven en stemde o.a. daarom tegen.
stem er niet mee in’
omdat Fokker/GKN een van de
belangrijkste wapenproducenten in Nederland is en F-16 onderdelen
worden geëxporteerd naar tal van landen. Ook waar men het minder
nauw neemt met rechten van burgers en buurlanden, voeg ik zelf
mogelijk ten overvloede toe.
#a4ESSOR (Alliance for ESSOR), a
multinational joint venture developing secure European Software
Defined Radio technology, has signed a procurement contract with
#OCCAR and received funding from the European Defence Industrial
Development Programme #EDIDP.
Bestaat de kans dat Nederland
nog meer oorlogsschepen aan Marokko gaat verkopen?
Almost 3 years ago Naval Group
won the Romanian corvette order. But only now, the contract for 4
naval vessels is in the final phase. The navy announced that permits
for signing the contract between the Constanța Shipyard & Naval
Group 've been met. Why?
de mega-rijken is Kommer Damen de grootste verliezer. Toch hoeft
niemand medelijden te hebben met de commissaris van Damen
Scheepswerven, o.a. bouwer van oorlogsschepen.
Quote schat Kommer Damens vermogen nog
altijd op € 425 miljoen.
"De NAVO heeft aan haar leden opgelegd de militaire uitgaven op te voeren tot 2 procent van het Bruto Binnenlands Product. Letterlijk een aanzet tot een nieuwe wapenwedloop, vooral goed voor de wapenindustrie."
Het artikel sluit af met de constatering dat veiligheidsbeleid moet worden geherdefinieerd vanwege de ervaringen met Covid en de steeds groter wordende natuurkrachten (het woord klimaatverandering wordt vermeden). Veiligheid is geen militaire kwestie, maar allereerst een sociale.
Retweet @JaspervanDijkSP: De NAVO heeft niet alleen enorm gefaald in Afghanistan, het heeft dood en verderf gezaaid in een straatarm land. Tijd voor een andere defensiepolitiek. Mijn opinie in het @brabantsdagblad
November 6
Turkey replaces #Thales
Netherlands SMART-S Mk2 radar with the #Aselsan MAR-D on tank landing
ship TCG Bayraktar.
Het blad van de Nederlandse
wapenlobby is weer uit. De nieuwe voorzitster, voormalig
PvdA-Kamerlid, wil banen in de wapenindustrie aan jongeren slijten.
Ze noemt dit opkomen voor veiligheid.
In 2020 Finland exported arms
worth €160.9m. The lowest since 2011. But Finland granted two
export licenses to the UAE for a total value of 139.3 million euros.
Both licenses were for components of military vehicles.
Active sales campaigns for
Lockheed Martin’s F-35 are underway in the Czechia, Greece &
Spain, officials say.
And at the same time they will lobby for more financial and organisational structures for European defence industry consolidation.
Addition: French press on
Spanish F-35 move: Spanish government must be clear on what it wants.
The country has just presented a 2022 draft budget very focused on
social spending and is already struggling to honor the commitments
made in certain European programs.
Addition: Spain has no interest in the American
F-35 fighter jet and is solely committed to the Future Combat Air
System that it is pursuing with France and Germany, a defense
spokeswoman told Reuters.
Addition: Who's right, who's wrong? A Lockheed Martin executive says discussions continue with the Spanish government about a potential future order of F-35Bs and F-35As despite a firm denial by Madrid. https://aviationweek.com/shownews/dubai-airshow/lockheed-re-affirms-spanish-f-35-talks-despite-madrid-denial
Glasgow demonstration travelled
from the Home Office to BAE Systems to highlight the links between
the climate crisis, Britain’s racist immigration policies and the
arms trade — and in solidarity with climate and war refugees.
US sanctions NSO Group, Israeli
maker of Pegasus spyware
US authorities said the NSO Group's spyware helped authoritarian governments "silence dissent." The new measures will limit NSO Group's access to US components and technology.
Nog deze week in de Tweede
Kamer, tijdens het wapenexportdebat, argumenteerde de Minister van
Buitenlandse Zaken waarom je Turkije best wel militire marine
technologie kan leveren. Hier wordt uit een ander vaatje getapt.
(Kwam waarschijnlijk goed uit voor Thales aangezien op 4
februari 2021 een levering geweigerd werd van onderdelen voor radar-
en C3-systemen te leveren aan het Turkse Aselsan en bestemd voor de
Turkse marine. https://t.co/FMz1tFghY5?amp=1)
The United
States should support stability in the Eastern Mediterranean by
strengthening its role in NATO, increasing cooperation with Greece
and other partners, and putting pressure on Turkey when necessary.
Washington OKs missiles worth
$650M for #Saudis The weapons would support Saudi Arabia’s
#European Eurofighter Typhoon, and US F-15C/D, F-15S and F-I5SA.
One of the many articles on the
rising Turkish drone exports, without care for peace and human
rights: Kyrgyzstan signed a deal to purchase Turkish armed drones
last week, two Turkish sources familiar with the issue told Middle
East Eye.
US Senator Bob Menendez
introduced a piece of legislation on Thursday that seeks to track and
restrict the sale of American parts to Turkey's drone programme and
investiate if any program since 2018 of their drones contain US-made
Norway’s largest pension fund
divests from 14 arms firms: Rolls Royce, Raytheon, Thales, Babcock
International, China Shipbuilding Industry, Dassault Aviation, Elbit
Systems, General Dynamics, KBR, L3Harris Technologies, Larsen &
Toubro, Leidos & Leonardo.
@hmtillack: PS für Peking: Kriegsschiffe mit in
Deutschland entwickelten Motoren werden von China offenkundig auch
bei der Sicherung von umstrittenen Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer
eingesetzt. Recherche für @reportmuenchen und @WELTAMSONNTAG, mit
November 4
A $3bn submarine with a nuclear
reactor run aground because it had no sufficient maps & still
wanted to operated without active sonar to keep silent.
New Cold War starts bring back memories to the Neptune Papers of @Greenpeace produced by @warkin. https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2021/11/03/how-could-the-uss-connecticut-sub-crash-into-an-undersea-mountain/
This trend of military build-up
fits neatly with the use of proxies by the UAE & Saudi Arabia...
Needless to say, the billions spent on weapons purchases and on the
production of this local arms industry could be put to better use in
a region that is marked by widespread poverty.
Retweet @TNInstitute: Saudi
Arabia and the UAE have pursued an aggressive foreign policy to
further their interests in North Africa, West Asia and the Horn of
Africa. What are their aims and methods? Read @RafeefZiadah’s essay
to learn more:
European corvette #EPC
program comes of steam. Meanwhile, a list of about 40 firms, all from
around Europe, have been assembled as potential sub-contractors:
Greek, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese, and German
businesses are on the list.
The vessel is also expected to provide a push also for the European’s combat and platform systems suppliers as it is being envisaged to include a variant to be offered on the export market. https://www.edrmagazine.eu/the-pescos-european-patrol-corvette-epc-programme-gains-momentum-2
November 3
Wapenexport debat tweets
→ In
de pers is wapenhandel de handel van criminelen in handvuurwapens. In
het Kamerdebat gaat het over wapens die soms p.s. honderden miljoenen
kosten en geleverd worden aan Marokko, Pakistan, Indonesië, Nigeria,
UAE etc. Het daar zelden over. Hier wel een begin van een draadje.
→ Voorzitter Van der Lee constateert, dat maar een
klein aantal van de 19 partijen vertegenwoordigd is. Van Haga begint
gelijk met een stevig pleidooi voor soepeler wapenexportbeleid.
#Wapenhandel2021 Nederland slaap en is het braafste jongetje van de
→ Van Dijk van de SP vraagt of het Kamerlid
Klink weet dat wapens geen bloemen zijn en dat leveranties gevolgen
kunnen hebben voor de mensenrechten in derde landen. Toch blijft hij
bij het punt dat Nederland te restrictief is en er is geen gelijk
speelveld. #RaceToTheBottom
→ Je kan ook allen streven naar
strenger toetsen, zegt Van Dijk. Klink blijft bij zijn punt. Zweden
en Duitsland zijn minder streng en oordelen ook naar eer en geweten.
Duitse onderzeeboten naar Turkije, Israël en Egypte normaal?
Van Haga pleit voor het Europees harmoniseren op het gemiddelde. De
initiatief VVD nota van Helvert en Bosman. Ik schreef er al eens een
stukje over. https://stopwapenhandel.org/afbraak-wapenexportcontrole/
→ Klink zegt dat Nederland geen wapens maakt maar
hoogwaardige technologie produceert. Daar gaan we weer: wapens
knallen en zeggen boem. Dat was zo. De militaire technologie wordt
juist met het jaar belangrijker. We moeten ook overal in de wereld de
veiligheid kunnen bevorderen.
→ Belhaj (D66)
bestrijdt de relativering dat Nederland alleen onbelangrijke
onderdelen levert. Ook kleine delen spelen een rol in
wapenleveranties. Klink vindt dat Nederland onbetrouwbaar wordt door
geen vergunningen te verstrekken.
→ Klink probeert de banden tussen
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en individuele Nederlandse
producenten van militaire technologie structureel te versterken.
Welke afwijkende controle is er op exporten naar Turkije?
→ Klink gooit dual-use en militaire
goederen van hoogtechnologische waarde op een hoop, terwijl ze beiden
strategische goederen zijn. Dual-use en militaire goederen zijn de
twee componenten ervan. Maar ja als je een trapje een wapen noemt in
een Tweede Kamerdbat, tja...
→ Dual use gaat voor
Nederland over kernenergie, informatie beveiliging, chemicaliën,
Recent schreef ik een artikel over een deel daarvan.
Van Dijk gaat in op Nederlandse leveranties aan het Egypte van Morsi
en vraagt om een strenger beleid op dit land, evenals op Turkije en
VAE, de zogenaamde presumption of denial.
→ Stop
Wapenhandel constateerde dat er vergunningen groter dan € 2 miljoen
niet gemeld zijn. Van Dijk vraagt waarom niet. Hier wordt uitgelegd
waarom niet:
Maar waarom is dit niet wenselijk?
→ Zijn banen voor
de SP niet belangrijk vraagt Klink VVD aan Van Dijk. Dit artikel uit
onverdachte bron is nog steeds waardevol:
→ Eppink (JA21) vraagt zich af wat Turkije heeft verbeterd zodat het wapenexportbeleid weer verspeld kan worden. Diplomatie rel, troepen naar de grens, wapens verdwijnen in Noord-Syrië. Hoe gaat de Minister vaststellen dat de wapens niet in Noord-Syrië worden gebruikt.
→ Belhaj welke volgende stappen worden gezet in harmonisatie op Europees niveau? Zouden lidstaten geen vraagtekens kunnen zetten bij leverantie van een ander land en dit laten onderzoeken door een onafhankelijke organisatie.
→ Belhaj: Het onderscheid tussen krijgsmacht onderdelen in Egypte is vreemd. Ze begrijpt de leveranties niet, ze vindt het merkwaardig en ingewikkeld. Ze deelt de zorgen. Wapens kunnen veranderen van inzet. Het begrip tijd zou deel van de afweging moeten worden.
→ Deze Parlementsleden doen aan het
@JaspervanDijkSP (@SP)
@SalimaBelhaj (@D66)
@djeppink (@JA21)
(Groep Van Haga/@BelangVanNL)
Zes partijen van de 19 in de
Tweede Kamer, zelfs geen PvdA, geen CDA.
→ Ben Knapen (@KnapenBen) verdedigt de wisseling der meningen. We kunnen niet zeggen wat er is gebeurt met surveillance apparatuur die 10-15 jaar gelden is geleverd aan China.
→ @SalimaBelhajgaat in op de factor
tijd. Je zou kunnen kijken naar de betrouwbaarheid in het verleden,
stelt ze Toch mis ik hier de blik naar de toekomst, dreigingsanalyses
zijn een belangrijk onderdeel van militaire en veiligheidspolitiek,
waarom dan niet bij wapenexporten?
→ Van der Lee
@TomvanderLee vraagt of het niet verstandig is om geen wapens te
leveren aan autoritaire regimes. Knapen legt uit dat
wapenexportbeleid geen sanctiebeleid is, we wegen af. Egypte heeft
een functie in de regionale veiligheid, je kan dus wel leveren en
kritiek hebben.
→ Minister van Buitenlandse
Zaken @KnapenBen legt uit dat het ingewikkeld is om vast beleid te
hebben voor 10 jaar. De zaak is altijd in beweging. Zo is Turkije
zich op maritiem gebied beter gaan gedragen, stelt hij. We handelen
op grond van de feiten die zich hebben voorgedaan.
→ Turkije krijgt wel maritieme systemen, maar geen wielen voor tanks, zegt Knapen. @JaspervanDijkSP zegt dat Turkije en Egypte niet voldoen aan de criteria. Knapen reageert met betrekking tot Turkije en het mensenrechtencriterium. Criteria kunnen met elkaar op gespannen voet staan. Je moet afwegen. De strenge positie m.b.t. Turkije kon niet blijven duren. Turkije is NAVO-bondgenoot. @djeppink komt met het Nagorna-Karabach conflict waar Turkije drones aan leverde. Azerbeidzjan zou onderdeel van de afweging moeten zijn. Volgens Knapen gebeurt dat.
→ Eppink vervolgt dat je al hebt gezien waartoe Turkije in staat is. Knapen vindt dat je niet bij voorbaat uit gaan van kwader trouw. Even over die marine en tank weigeringen. In 2021 was er een weigering en die betrof Onderdelen voor radar- en C3-systemen te leveren aan Aselsan.
→ In 2020 was er een weigering m.b.t.
Turkije rond voertuigen. Weigeringen zijn hier te vinden:
→ De industrie heeft de taak om te mopperen, zegt
Knapen. Wij luisteren en kijken of we er wat mee doen. Daar waar het
wringt overleggen we. De Regering zoekt een balans. Van Dijk komt
terug op Egypte en zal een motie indienen.
→ Knapen belooft dat een wetenschappelijk onderzoek rond surveillance apparatuur gebruikt zal worden om deze technologie te definiëren die verschilt in toepassingen en techniek. Een technische briefing wordt aabngeboden.
→ Voor wie nog niet genoeg heeft.
@CTWnl twitterde ook met het debat op 3 november mee.
Unfrozen relations on Arabian
peninsular with Israel opens the route for Israeli arms industry to
the countries awash in petrodollars. #IAI and #Rafael will for the
first time exhibit at the Dubai Airshow taking place from 14-16/11.
German arms exports were down 17
per cent in the first half of 2021 compared to the same time frame
last year, according to a report prepared by the Economics Ministry
in Berlin ahead of a cabinet meeting Wednesday.
“It’s not too late for
the UN SC to do what it should have done long ago: impose a legally
binding global arms embargo on Myanmar to send a clear message to the
junta that business as usual is out of the question,” Louis
Charbonneau of HRW said.
Turkey unleashes hard power wave
in Africa with drone sales
Requests flow in for game-changing devices after Azerbaijan victory
Israeli military technology
(Elbit Systems, Electronic Warfare) on future Dutch Belgian frigates.
Retweet @marineschepen: Stoorzender voor de nieuwe
Nederlandse en Belgische fregatten? Een van de opties voor het pakket
voor Elektronische Oorlogvoering is afkomstig van Elbit Systems. In
dit [door Elbit] gesponsorde artikel meer over dit nieuwe
Retweet with coment
We're hiring!
Looking for
your next #EUcareer?
Head of Unit Cooperation Planning
Systems Technology
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Nov & 31 Dec
Want to work on European arms production? Or
on a cleaner, more secure, and just world for all?
Israel Aerospace Industries #IAI
has signed an agreement with Romanian defence company IAR-Brasov. It
enables the two to offer Romania drone technology based on IAI’s
Tactical Heron. The drones will be manufactured in Brasov, Romania.
De NIDV Exhibition Defence and
Security #NEDS2021, staat in het teken van Klimaat & Krijgsmacht.
Op de door SAAB en Damen gesponsorde beurs wordt de krijgsmacht
aanbevolen te stoppen met gebruik fossiele brandstoffen, niet meer
varen, vliegen en rijden.
Zou een dergelijke berekening al
voor Nederland bestaan? The UK's military-industrial sector alone
annually emits more greenhouse gases than 60 individual countries,
such as Uganda, which has a population of 45 million people.
Turkey's president said on
Monday that US President Biden promised to do "his best" to
ensure Ankara's request to purchase American F-16 fighter jets went
through, but noted there's only a 1 in 2 chance that the US Congress
and Senate would approve it.
because Turkey has ramped up military activity on the ground in Syria
following a parliamentary extension of the government's mandate to
carry out cross-border
But because Ankara is buying Russian air defence systems S400.
Wendela de
Vries explains why of Stop Wapenhandel participated in the tribunal
against Airbus accused in the Court for Intergenerational Climate
Russia is
warning Turkey over arms sales to Ukraine after a Turkish-made drone
attacked Russian-backed rebels in Ukraine.
A Kremlin spokesman has warned that Turkey's ongoing arms sales to Ukraine threaten to destabilize the region.
President Joe
Biden has rolled back tariffs on EU steel and aluminum, while the
European Union has lifted its retaliatory levies, ending a bitter
dispute being litigated before the World Trade Organization.
Aerospace Industries Ltd. and Airbus are jointly entering the
satellite business to capture the burgeoning private-sector aerospace
market. But both are also involved in the military satellite
business. https://www.kedglobal.com/newsView/ked202110310001
public prosecutor imposes fine of of €10m on Airbus Defense and
Space in Bundeswehr case. It is not the first fine imposed on
#Airbus. In 2018, a fine of over € 81m was imposed in connection to
Eurofighter sales to Austria. #Corruption
MoD Henk Kamp today in Telegraaf: 1) "There must be 4 billion
more". It doesn't seem to stop. 2) 4 Submarines cost about €3½-4
billion + to maintain the entire submarine service. End of story for
resting places for stray marine mammals?