zondag 28 januari 2018

Week 4 in #wapenhandel25tweets

(Gaarne 'liken' of delen als je het nuttig of interessant vindt.)

Onder de volgende tekst 
– waarin één of meer tweets zijn verwerkt – 
staan de 25 tweets van deze week.

EU geld voor militair onderzoek?

Iemand wijst me er op dat er nog geen enkele Nederlandse ondertekenaar onder een petitie van wetenschappers en onderzoekers aan de Europese Unie om het financieren van militair onderzoek en ontwikkeling stop te zetten.

De organisatoren van de petitie uit België, Italië VK en een drietal internationale organisaties stellen dat Europese fondsen civiel moeten worden aangewend, bijvoorbeeld op gebieden als milieu, gezondheid. Europa zou zo moeten bijdragen aan stabiliteit en gelijkwaardigheid in de samenleving.

Weet je nog een onderzoeker of wetenschapper die kan ondertekenen? Wijs hem dan op dit initiatief of schrijf een stukje voor Universiteits-, Hoge Schoolperiodiek of studentenblad. Ben je zelf wetenschapper, onderzoeker onderschrijf dan dit startende initiatief.

Maar misschien was het nog wel meer de week van de Turkse militaire inval in Noord-Syrië en de Duitse discussie over wapenleveranties aan Ankara. Een klein deel van de artikelen daarover is hier opgenomen.

Nederland (zie ook 1, 16, 18)

EUROPA (zie ook 19, 26)

1 – 260118: EU takes action against 5 states over defence contracts: Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal. http://www.metronews.ca/news/world/2018/01/25/eu-takes-action-against-5-states-over-defence-contracts.html via @metrotoronto

2 – 240118: COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2018/101 of 22 January 2018: on the promotion of effective arms export controls http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=OJ:L:2018:017:FULL&from=EN

3 – 240118: Voor een vreedzaam Europa - Meer dan 142.000 Europese burgers roepen de EU op: Investeer niet in wapens. http://vreedzaameu.blogspot.com/2018/01/meer-dan-142000-europese-burgers-roepen.html

4 – 270118: Capricorn sailing explosives from Turkey to Libya on EU list of ships on which specific restrictive measures are exercised according to UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2146 (2014). http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52017XC1031(03)&qid=1517051279294&from=EN

België (zie ook 21)

5 – 220118: Vlaamse wapenonderdelen belanden via een omweg toch in Saoedi Arabië. Eindgebruik moet dringend strenger gecontroleerd worden. #StopArmingSaudi https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2018/01/19/wapenexport-vlaanderen-piekt--vlaamse-onderdelen-in-saudische-ta/

6 – 220118: Foreign Military Sale to #Belgium of thirty-four (34) #F35 Joint Strike Fighter Conventional Take Off and Landing aircraft for an estimated cost of $6.53 billion. http://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/belgium-f-35-joint-strike-fighter-aircraft

7 – 230118: Country hosting #EU goes to buy American and weaken Europe?: 
"The #F35 is overwhelmingly considered the favorite for the #Belgian fighter competition, which will replace the country’s 54 F-16s with 34 new jets." https://www.defensenews.com/air/2018/01/19/us-state-department-clears-potential-and-likely-sale-of-f-35s-to-belgium/

Duitsland (zie ook 25)

8 – 230118: Arms for Hostage? #Berlin weighs #tank deal with #Turkey to free journalist http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/arms-for-hostage-germany-explores-yuecel-deal-with-turkey-a-1189197.html via @SPIEGELONLINE

9 – 250118: Damage control? How German weapons can find their way into conflict in Syria, Turkey against the kurds of the YPG. http://www.europeonline-magazine.eu/q--adamage-control-how-german-weapons-can-find-their-way-into-conflictsby-michael-fischer-and-can-merey-dpa_617372.html

10 – 240118: German arms exports rose sharply over the past four years under Chancellor Angela Merkel's outgoing coalition government, with deliveries to countries outside NATO and the European Union up by almost a half compared with the previous administration. http://www.dw.com/en/germanys-cabinet-approved-record-breaking-arms-exports/a-42282068


11 – 280118: Finland looks set to stop arms sales to #UAE over #Yemen war: All 8 candidates looking to become Finland's next president vow to halt arms sales to Gulf country. http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/finland-set-join-norway-and-halt-arms-sales-uae-over-yemen-war-708047407


12 – 240118: Italy Introduces New Measures to Simplify Dual-Use Export Transactions and Sets the Sanctions Related to Trade Embargoes and Proliferating Materials https://www.paulhastings.com/publications-items/details/?id=9febed69-2334-6428-811c-ff00004cbded#.WmhQ3O-BCh8.twitter


13 – 240118: Norway exported weapons worth NOK 3.4 billion in 2017, almost 1.5 billion more than the year before. Oman alone was responsible for 1 billion worth of exports. http://norwaytoday.info/news/oman-bought-norwegian-weapons-nok-1-billion/

Turkije (zie ook 8-9, 27)

14 – 240118: Which three words your are missing in this article?
For me it is: Syria, bombardments and Kurds.


Libië (zie ook 4)

15 – 240118: #Libya's eastern-based House of Representatives to send special committee to #Greece for seized ship loaden with explosives from #Turkey http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-01/24/c_136919214.htm#0-twi-1-72176-7250227817ecdff034dc9540e6c76667


16 – 210118: Mexico Is Buying Some of America's Most Powerful Weapons (But Why?) https://www.yahoo.com/news/mexico-buying-america-apos-most-023300354.html

Oman (zie 13)
Rusland (zie 18 – 10, 24)
Saoedi-Arabië (zie 5, )

VAE (zie 11)



17 – 270118: German tank deal problematic, but air and space connections between #Turkey and (French/German/Spanish and officially Dutch headquartered) #Airbus strengthened. As if air and space has nothing to do with war on the ground. https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2018/01/26/turkey-strengthens-airbus-relations-as-alliances-are-tested/

Damen (zie ook 16)

18 – 250118: Delen 10 en 11 over scheepsbouwer #Damen



19 – 250118: Renewed effort to accelerate armed #drones debate in European Union is blocked. Amendment on draft legislation that would tie #EU wide promotion of research & development on armed drones to human rights implications was rejected in European Parliament. https://www.efadrones.org/renewed-efforts-to-accelerate-armed-drones-debate-in-eu-is-blocked/

F-35 (zie ook 6-7)

20 – 230118: Will Roper, Strategic Capabilities Office: “I am deeply concerned about the sustainment issues of the F-35. (...) I want to look at the sustainment plan to make sure that there are not optimistic assumptions (...) to get the price down.” https://www.defensenews.com/air/2018/01/18/air-force-acquisition-nominee-takes-aim-at-f-35-sustainment-costs/

marine geschut

22 – 260118: You see: naval guns still matter: "only naval guns can provide the volume of fire necessary at a manageable price point." https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2018-01/naval-guns-still-matter


23 – 220118: #Brazil advances #submarine construction | Jane's 360 http://www.janes.com/article/77185/brazil-advances-submarine-construction#.WmXOTjNbB9A.twitter

24 – 250118: Russian #Rosoboronexport to promote small #submarines with Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) to guard the literals; destroy surface ships and submarines; to deploy SOF; mining; etc. http://www.defenseworld.net/news/21835/Rosoboronexport_to_Promote_Small_Submarines_With_Air_Independent_Propulsion


25 – 210118: Pressemitteilung: „Simulierst du noch oder mordest du schon?“: Kundgebung vor dem Rathaus gegen Militärmesse ITEC am 25. Januar 2018 ab 15:30 Uhr http://www.aufschrei-waffenhandel.de/21-01-2018_ORL_ITEC_Kundgebung.969.0.html


Onderzoek en activisme (zie ook 3)

26 – 260118: A website for researchers to speak out against the EU military plans: https://researchersforpeace.eu/form/researchers-pledge-form 
Around 70 scientists and academics have signed the pledge.
Please, share the website within your own network of scientists.
The more signatories the better!

27 – 260118: Nice pic! German arms sales hit roadblock as Turkey continues Syria campaign https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2018/01/25/german-arms-sales-hit-roadblock-as-turkey-continues-syria-campaign/

This is a selection from a larger amount of tweets. Tweets with a relation the Netherlands, arms trade and defence-industry weight heavier in the selection. If you want to have them daily see http://twitter.com/martinbroek