maandag 28 juli 2014

Het is zoet te sterven

Foto gemaakt bij Westminster, Londen, september 2011.

Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares(2) we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest(3) began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots(4)
Of tired, outstripped(5) Five-Nines(6) that dropped behind.

Gas!(7) Gas! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets(8) just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling,
And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime(9) . . .
Dim, through the misty panes(10) and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering,(11) choking, drowning.

If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud(12)
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest(13)
To children ardent(14) for some desperate glory,
The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est
Pro patria mori.

Wilfred Owen
8 October 1917 - March, 1918

Notes on Dulce et Decorum Est
1.  DULCE ET DECORUM EST - the first words of a Latin saying (taken from an ode by Horace). The words were widely understood and often quoted at the start of the First World War. They mean "It is sweet and right." The full saying ends the poem: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori - it is sweet and right to die for your country. In other words, it is a wonderful and great honour to fight and die for your country.
2.  Flares - rockets which were sent up to burn with a brilliant glare to light up men and other targets in the area between the front lines (See illustration, page 118 of Out in the Dark.)
3.  Distant rest - a camp away from the front line where exhausted soldiers might rest for a few days, or longer.
4.  Hoots - the noise made by the shells rushing through the air.
5.  Outstripped - outpaced, the soldiers have struggled beyond the reach of these shells which are now falling behind them as they struggle away from the scene of battle.
6.  Five-Nines - 5.9 calibre explosive shells.
7.  Gas! -  poison gas. From the symptoms it would appear to be chlorine or phosgene gas. The filling of the lungs with fluid had the same effects as when a person drowned.
8.  Helmets -  the early name for gas masks.
9.  Lime - a white chalky substance which can burn live tissue.
10.  Panes - the glass in the eyepieces of the gas masks.
11.  Guttering - Owen probably meant flickering out like a candle or gurgling like water draining down a gutter, referring to the sounds in the throat of the choking man, or it might be a sound partly like stuttering and partly like gurgling.
12.  Cud - normally the regurgitated grass that cows chew usually green and bubbling. Here a similar looking material was issuing from the soldier's mouth.
13.  High zest - idealistic enthusiasm, keenly believing in the rightness of the idea.
14.  ardent - keen.

To see the source of Wilfred Owen's ideas about muddy conditions see his letter in Wilfred Owen's First Encounter with the Reality of War.

Zwaarbeproefd, kromgebogen als oude kerels,
Vloekten we ons hijgend hoestend door het slijk.
Achter ons verdween de gruwel van het front.
Voort ploeterden we, naar verder weg gelegen onderkomens.
Er waren er die lopend sliepen. Anderen, hun laarzen kwijtgeraakt,
Strompelden op bebloede voeten. Uitgeput was iedereen, verstomd, niets ziend,
Doof zelfs voor de vlakbij neervallende gasgranaten.

Gas! GAS! werd er gebruld. Als de donder rukten we
Die rotmaskers net op tijd over ons hoofd.
Een kreeg het niet voor elkaar En krijste vertwijfeld als een dier in nood.
Vaag zag ik door mijn beslagen glazen, in een dichte waas
Als onder water in een snotgroene zee, hoe hij verzoop.

In al mijn dromen, voor mijn machteloze ogen
Stort hij zich op me. Snakt naar adem en verzuipt opnieuw. 

Jij zou ook eens in zo'n afgrijselijke droom,
 Mee moeten lopen met de kar waarop hij toen werd afgevoerd.
Zien hoe hij aldoor zijn ogen opensperde,
Zijn mond open en dicht ging als bij een stomme vis,
En bij iedere gierende ademstoot moeten horen
Hoe het bloed omhoog borrelde uit zijn verrotte longen,
Als gore etter uit een verkankerde wond in een onschuldig lijf.
Mijn vriend, je zou het voorgoed uit je kop laten
Jonge jongens, hunkerend naar heldenroem,
Zo stomweg die godvergeten leugen wijs te maken:
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.

(Maar lees toch liever de engelse versie, eventueel met deze poging tot een vertaling erbij. Ik heb zelf een paar aanpassingen gedaan in een versie die ik vond op wiki.)

Mijn leraar engels Ben Bal op de Amsterdamse avondschool liet ons dit gedicht lezen. Sindsdien ben ik het niet meer vergeten. Bovendien heb ik menig actie gevoerd tegen gifgasexporten, waar Nederland in de jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw nog zo groot in was. (zie bijvoorbeeld: Nederland en de chemische wapens van Irak)

donderdag 17 juli 2014

Risicostrategie in de Zuid-Chinese Zee

De Zuid-Chinese Zee is volgens Robert Kaplan de spil in een sluimerend conflict tussen China, Japan, Vietnam, de Filipijnen en Indonesië. Met grote belangen, want de voornaamste vaarroutes tussen het Midden-Oosten en Zuidoost-Azië lopen door dit gebied.

door Martin Broek

Bron: *MO
Het Aziatische kruitvat is een zeer leesbaar boek over de spanningen in de Zuid-Chinese Zee. Die zee zou 'de militaire frontlinie van de komende decennia kunnen zijn', aldus auteur Robert Kaplan. Kaplan is een bekend neoconservatief die momenteel werkzaam is voor de denktank Stratfor. In 2011 vermeldde het tijdschrift Foreign Policy hem in de top-100 van denkers over wereldwijde ontwikkelingen.

Kaplan beschrijft de wijze waarop China een steeds sterkere claim wil leggen op de Zuid-Chinese Zee (ZCZ) en vergelijkt dit met wat de VS in de 19e eeuw deed met de Caraïbische zee. Daarmee plaatst hij zich in de traditie van de grootste militaire denker van de VS, publicist en admiraal Alfred Tayler Mahan. Het is volgens Kaplan volkomen begrijpelijk dat een groeiende economische macht deze macht ook om zal gaan zetten in territoriale aanspraken. De groeiende invloed van China in de regio leidt wel tot een verschuiving in de machtsbalans en de relatieve verzwakking van de VS, zo stelt hij.


China heeft in 1947 een kaart gepubliceerd met daarop negen streepjes die een gebied in de vorm van een koeientong in de ZCZ omspannen, en waarop Beijing aanspraak maakt. Die kaart leidde de afgelopen decennia tot veel commotie. China is niet het enige land met aanspraken in de regio. Ook Brunei, de Filipijnen, Maleisië, Singapore, Taiwan en Vietnam maken aanspraak op delen van de ZCZ.

De Zuid-Chinese Zee is rijk aan vis (men vermoedt dat 10 procent van de vis in de wereld hier gevangen wordt) en grondstoffen. Bovendien is de zee doorvoergebied voor een groot deel van de wereldhandel (de helft van alle wereldwijde olievervoer bijvoorbeeld). Scheepvaartroutes van alle Aziatische landen ten oosten van Thailand en rond de Stille Oceaan lopen via de ZCZ. Meer dan de helft van de tien grootste havens in de wereld liggen aan haar kusten.

De zee vormt de aanvoerlijn voor de olie die Japan invoert vanuit het Midden-Oosten, of aluminium uit Zuid-Afrika bestemd voor China. Alle landen in de regio zijn er bij gebaat om die scheepvaartroutes buiten de conflicten te houden en vrijheid op zee te waarborgen. Die wordt ook door China gegarandeerd.


Het boek van Kaplan is geschreven als een rondreis langs de kustlanden van de Zuid-Chinese Zee. Het leidt hem naar Vietnam, de Filipijnen (waarvoor hij weinig goede woorden over heeft, alleen de natuur bevalt hem uitstekend), Maleisië, Singapore, het eiland Borneo en Taiwan (het Berlijn van Azië).

Hij gaat op zoek naar reacties en antwoorden op de regionale ontwikkelingen. Hij geeft argumenten voor China's aanspraken, maar zoekt ook hoe dat ingetoomd kan worden. Hij ziet het internationaal recht als een bod van zwakte, maar haalt evenzo goed het zeerecht van stal om de aanspraken van China op de koeientong onderuit te halen. Dat de VS het Zeerechtverdrag (UNCLOS) niet ondertekend heeft, is volgens Kaplan nauwelijks een punt van betekenis. Washington mag blijkbaar als supermacht boven de wet staan.

Godfried Wessels beschreef onlangs in het Nederlandse Marineblad (orgaan van de Vereniging van Marineofficieren, KVMO) een vergelijkbare rondreis door de regio. Wessels tekent in het juli-nummer van het tijdschrift op: 'Opmerkelijk is dat, in tegenstelling tot velen in de VS zelf, geen van mijn gesprekspartners [in de ZCZ-regio] zich zorgen maakt over de geloofwaardigheid van de Amerikaanse militaire capaciteit in de regio.'

Wessels vermoedt dat de zorgen in de VS eerder een binnenlands doel dienen, namelijk het tegengaan van de bezuinigingen op defensie. Dat is een stevige nuancering van het probleem dat Kaplan juist als leidraad voor zijn boek neemt. Kaplan's grote voorkeur voor het binden van China gaat uit naar Vietnam: 'In de officiële geschiedenis van Vietnam ligt de nadruk op verzet – bijna altijd tegen China.' Maar ook omdat het onderdak wil bieden aan de Amerikaanse marine – net als Singapore – door moderne havenfaciliteiten voor de Amerikaanse marine te bieden, omdat het zo de VS in de regio probeert te houden.

Dreigende oorlog

De dreiging van oorlog is in het boek nooit ver weg. In 1898 leidde de Amerikaanse opmars in de Caraïbische Zee inderdaad tot oorlog met Mexico, maar het gaat te ver om de internationale situatie van destijds met de huidige te vergelijken. Bewapening is natuurlijk, stelt Kaplan: 'Het is een harde maar onontkoombare waarheid: kapitalistische voorspoed leidt tot de aanschaf van militair materieel. Landen die een snelle ontwikkeling doormaken, drijven meer handel met de buitenwereld en krijgen daardoor wereldwijde belangen die met hand en tand moeten worden verdedigd.'

Even later schrijft hij: 'Aziaten vechten niet voor bepaalde ideeën, maar voor een groter stuk van de landkaart.' Toch plaatst hij ook opmerkingen in het boek die gematigder van toon zijn: 'Ieder land in de regio wilde wel nieuwe oorlogsschepen, maar niemand wilde dat het conflict zou escaleerde tot heuse gevechten en verder ging dan her en der een schermutseling.' Zo is er voor ieder wat wils, maar de algemene teneur is toch die van gevaar en dreiging.

Uitgebreid wordt aandacht besteed aan Taiwan, 'de kurk op de toegang tot de Zuid-Chinese Zee.' Opvallend daarbij is dat het niet alleen over de actuele situatie gaat, maar dat ook de zonden van de Taiwanese leider van het eerste uur, Chiang Kai-shek, worden weggepoetst en die van Mao juist opgepoetst. Hij heeft er een aardje van om min of meer gelijkgestemden uit het verdomhoekje van de geschiedenis te halen en doet dit met verve.

Wat overigens niet betekent dat ik bijvoorbeeld de buitengewoon uitgebreide waardering deel voor de autoritaire geestelijk vader van Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew. Lee baseerde zijn aanpak op het voorbeeld van de Japanners in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De dictator van Zuid-Korea, Park Chung-hee, is in het boek een natiebouwer. Dat hij ook een bruut onderdrukker van de oppositie was, lijkt niet van belang.

Voor humanistische waarden en mensenrechten ben je bij Kaplan niet aan het juiste adres. Behalve als er sprake is van grove en voortdurende schendingen, dan mogen landen hard worden aangepakt. Zo heb je een stok om je vijanden te slaan en kan je bij vrienden de kritiek dood discussiëren over de vraag of er wel sprake is van grof en langdurig.

Ook democratie is voor Kaplan niet heilig. Hij stelt dat met name Lee de mogelijkheid open laat 'dat democratie wel eens niet alleenzaligmakend zou kunnen zijn als het om een menswaardige politieke ontwikkeling gaat – wat een progressieve westerling ketters de oren zal klinken.' Alleenzaligmakend is nogal sterk uitgedrukt, maar democratie is van wezenlijk belang voor de menselijke ontwikkeling, vrijheid en invloed op de leefomgeving. Kaplan etaleert in de delen over Chiang, Park en Lee zijn voorkeur voor sterke leiders en zijn reactionaire visie.


Terug naar de huidige conflicten en het vermijden van oorlog. Kaplan zelf benoemt ook een heel aantal voorbeelden van geslaagd overleg, zoals het zeegrenzen-overleg tussen China en Vietnam in 2004 waarbij deze landen de Golf van Tonkin onderling verdeelden, alsmede de 200 geschilpunten met China die in de jaren '90 werden opgelost.

Diplomatie kan werken. 'Dat China uit is op dominantie betekent nog niet dat het onredelijk is', tekent hij op. In verband met de koeientong-aanspraken vertelt een Chinese ambtenaar hem dat het Chinese politieke establishment ervan doordrongen is dat compromissen rond de ZCZ-conflicten onvermijdelijk zijn, maar dat die aan de Chinese bevolking wel verkocht moeten worden. Het belangrijkste conflict in de regio, dat tussen China en Taiwan, zou wel eens kunnen verwateren als China 'doorgaat in deze meer liberale [sic!] richting en daarbij nauwere economische en culturele banden aanknoopt met Taiwan.'

Het is ook niet zo dat er een eenduidig antagonisme tegen China bestaat. Indonesië probeert een actieve en bemiddelende rol te spelen in de regio. Maleisië heeft bijvoorbeeld een welwillende opstelling tegenover China. Dat heeft volgens Kaplan vooral te maken met binnenlandse problemen, 'ze hebben zich onttrokken aan het probleem China.' De Maleisische wapenaankopen hebben meer te maken met de zwaarbewapende buren in het kleine Singapore dan met die verre grote buur in Beijing.

Daarnaast is het conflict in Korea een handenbindertje voor de regionale grootmachten (vooral China), waardoor ze zich niet snel in een ander avontuur zullen storten. Een van de grote problemen van Oost-Azië is juist dit conflict. Het oplossen ervan is alleen in het belang van China en de Noord-Koreaanse bevolking, dus blijft het doormodderen. Het komt alleen in de marge aan de orde.


Kaplan geeft een enorme hoeveelheid – elkaar regelmatig tegensprekende – gedachten en feiten weer. Toch laat hij ook veel liggen. Zo komt het intomen van de militaire ambities van Japan niet aan de orde. Japan is momenteel bezig met een militair nationalistische opmars. In april werd het militaire verdrag met de VS verlengd. Sindsdien gaat er geen week voorbij of er worden nieuwe stappen op het militaire pad gezet. De grondwet wordt aangepast om Japen een meer assertieve rol op het internationale toneel te geven, met mogelijke interventies en wapenleveranties aan bondgenoten.

Rondom Japan hangt nog steeds het zweem van pacifisme, maar het land heeft na de VS reeds de sterkste marine ter wereld, aldus Jaap Anten in het Marineblad. Japan wil een regionale militaire samenwerking opzetten om China te beugelen. Dat leidt tot protesten in de regio, met name van Zuid-Korea en China. Half juli kondigde Tokio aan dat de marinesamenwerking met de VS verdiept wordt en de samenwerking met India versterkt. Het komt het vertrouwen in de regio niet ten goede.

Japan onderschreef onlangs het Wapenhandelsverdrag (ATT), maar versoepelde tegelijkertijd de eigen restricties op wapenexporten waardoor de situatie in wezen verslechterde. Wat, niet onverwacht, achterwege blijft in het boek is een reactie op de wapenverkopen aan de regio. De aankopen worden wel behandeld. De VS en de EU-landen steunen de bondgenoten van het Westen, sinds kort dus versterkt door Japan. Grotere terughoudendheid lijkt echter geboden als het gaat om wapenverkopen.

Oorlog is nooit onvermijdelijk. Regelmatig is er sprake van sabelgekletter rondom overlappende aanspraken op eilanden. Maar er is ook sprake van gezamenlijke conflictbemiddelingsverklaringen en regionale organisaties. En hoewel geen garantie voor het uitblijven van gewapende conflicten, is er tevens sprake van grote regionale economische interdependentie waardoor landen niet langer genegen zijn de conflicten op de spits te drijven. Dat regionale economische verwevenheid ook kan botsen met wereldwijde belangen en daardoor geen garantie zijn voor het uitblijven van conflicten, deel ik met Kaplan.


Auteur Jaap Anten haalt in het Marineblad de Amerikaanse officier Mahan van stal als hij beschrijft hoe de VS in de negentiende eeuw baat had bij de strijd tussen Frankrijk en Engeland. Zolang beide landen met elkaar in conflict waren, was de Amerikaanse marine sterk genoeg indien ze in staat was een van de partijen zodanig te havenen dat ze niet meer tegen de ander op kon, de zogenaamde risicostrategie. 'In een periode dat de Amerikaanse en Chinese vloot gericht blijven tegen elkaar, hoeft Europa niet even sterk te zijn neutraliteit ter zee te waarborgen, zolang zijn slagkracht voldoende is om een sterkere beslissend te verzwakken.'

Om het plaatje nog mooier te maken. De Chinese vloot heeft niet alleen te kampen met de VS, maar ook met India en Japan en het niet te onderschatten Zuid-Korea. Voorlopig loopt het dus nog wel los met de dreiging (als die neutraliteit ter zee al in het geding is) en kan Europa de lachende derde zijn en mogelijk ook een diplomatieke rol spelen. Voorlopig lijken Europese landen de spanningen in de regio vooral aan te grijpen om het verlies van binnenlandse wapenverkopen te compenseren.

titel Het Aziatische kruitvat
auteur Robert Kaplan
uitgeverij Spectrum, 2014
uitgave paperback, 219 pagina's
isbn 9789000334919
prijs € 24,99

Geschreven voor Ravage webzine

woensdag 9 juli 2014

US Defense Contracts with Dutch participation (01/01/14-08/07/14)


Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $6,785,176 modification to a previously awarded cost-plus-incentive-fee contract (N00019-12-C-0004) to provide maintenance for Lot VII F-35 air systems in support of the U.S. Marine Corps and the government of the Netherlands. Work will be performed in Beaufort, South Carolina (55 percent) and Yuma, Arizona (45 percent), and is expected to be completed in March 2015. Fiscal 2014 aircraft procurement (Marine Corps), and international partner funds in the amount of $6,785,176 are being obligated on this award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract combines purchases for the U.S. Marine Corps ($6,143,467; 90.5 percent) and the government of the Netherlands ($641,709; 9.5 percent). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.


Raytheon Integrated Air Defense Center, Andover, Massachusetts, was awarded a $235,485,020 foreign military sales, firm-fixed-price contract for Phased Array Tracking Radar to Intercept on Target weapon system, procuring 72 radar digital processor upgrade kits: 62 for the United States and 10 for foreign military sales to Kuwait and the Netherlands; it also includes procuring spares for the United States, Kuwait and the Netherlands. Work will be performed in Simsbury, Connecticut (6.30 percent); Andover, Massachusetts (78.90 percent); and Chelmsford, Massachusetts (14.80 percent), with an estimated completion date of March 31, 2017. Bids were solicited via the Internet with one received. Fiscal 2014 other procurement funds in the amount of $115,387,660 are being obligated at the time of the award. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal –Missile, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity (W31P4Q-14-C-0002).


Raytheon Co., Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, is being awarded a $223,081,894 fixed-price-incentive-firm contract for the procurement of 485 AIM-9X Block II All Up Round Tactical Low Rate Initial Production Lot 14 Missiles for the U.S. Navy (161), U.S. Air Force (158), and the governments of Singapore (20), the Netherlands (28), Kuwait (1), and Turkey (117). In addition, this contract provides for the procurement of 132 Block II Captive Air Training Missiles for the U.S. Navy (47), U.S. Air Force (55), and the governments of the Netherlands (20), Singapore (8), and Morocco (2); 27 Special Air Training Missiles for the U.S. Navy (13), U.S. Air Force (12), and the government of the Netherlands (2); 180 All Up Round Containers for the U.S. Navy (59), U.S. Air Force (60), and the governments of the Netherlands (18), Morocco (1), Singapore (8), and Turkey (34); two Spare Advanced Optical Target Detectors for the governments of Singapore (1), and Morocco (1); 10 Spare Tactical Guidance Units for the governments of the Netherlands (2), Singapore (2), and Turkey (6); and seven Spare Captive Air Training Missile Guidance Units for the governments of the Netherlands (2), and Singapore (5). Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona (43.74 percent); Andover, Massachusetts (10.08 percent); Valencia, California (6.10 percent); Midland, Ontario, Canada (5.54 percent); Rocket Center, West Virginia (5.49 percent); Vancouver, Washington (5.07 percent); Goleta, California (2.86 percent); Cheshire, Connecticut (2.05 percent); Heilbronn, DE, Germany (1.88 percent); Simsbury, Connecticut (1.61 percent); Cincinnati, Ohio (1.22 percent); San Jose, California (1.48 percent); Anniston, Alabama (1.31 percent); Maniago, Italy (1.21 percent); Chatsworth, California (1.11 percent); San Diego, California (1.04 percent); Montgomery, Alabama (.60 percent); Orlando, Florida (.55 percent); Valencia, California (.53 percent); Newbury Park, California (.50 percent); El Segundo, California (.50 percent); Claremont, California (.43 percent); Joplin, Missouri (.39 percent); Lombard, Illinois (.28 percent); El Cajon, California (.15 percent); and various locations inside and outside the continental United States (3.98 and .30 percent, respectively). Work is expected to be completed in December 2016. Fiscal 2014 weapons procurement (Navy) and missile procurement (Air Force), as well as foreign military funds in the amount of $223,081,894 are being obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract combines purchases for the U.S. Navy ($74,071,450; 33.20 percent); U.S. Air Force ($74,148,758; 33.24 percent); and the governments of Turkey ($46,902,085; 21.03 percent); the Netherlands ($16,471,972: 7.38 percent); Singapore ($10,574,904: 4.74 percent); Morocco ($522,442; .23 percent); and Kuwait ($390,283; .18 percent) under the Foreign Military Sales Program. This contract was not competitively procured pursuant to FAR 6.302-1. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity (N00019-14-C-0053).


L-3 Communications Display Systems, Alpharetta, Georgia, has been awarded an $8,137,400 firm-fixed-price contract for ALR-69 Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) legacy system improvement program (LSIP) kits. The contractor will provide 110 LSIP kits for the Royal Netherlands Air Force and 90 LSIP kits for the Royal Norwegian Air Force. This contract involves 100 percent foreign military sales. Work will be performed at Alpharetta, Georgia, with an expected completion date of Nov. 30, 2016. This contract was a sole-source acquisition. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, is the contracting activity (FA8540-14-C-0010).


Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, Grand Prairie, Texas, was awarded a $212,326,161 modification (P00006) to an indefinite-delivery/indefinite quantity foreign military sales contract W31P4Q-13-D-0030 for services to the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile Support Center. Funding and work location will be determined with each order. This contract involves foreign military sales to Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Netherlands, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. Estimated completion date is Dec. 31, 2017. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal (Missile), Alabama is the contracting activity.


Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, is being awarded a $38,401,383 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024 13 C-5403) for Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) and Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) engineering and technical services to ensure continuity in production, design integrity, and total systems integration of the missile round and its components. This contract provides support to both the U.S. Navy (92.3 percent) and the following SM-2 foreign military sales (FMS) customers: the governments of The Netherlands (1.7 percent), Taiwan (1.7 percent), Japan (1.4 percent), Germany (1 percent), Korea (1 percent), Australia (.7 percent), and Spain (.2 percent) under the FMS program. Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona (99 percent), and Portsmouth, Rhode Island (1 percent), and is expected to be completed by December 2015. Fiscal 2013 and 2014 research, development, test and evaluation; FMS and fiscal 2014 operations and maintenance, Navy funding in the amount of $25,495,322 will be obligated at time of award. Contract funds in the amount of $30,000 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity.


Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, is being awarded a $30,891,282 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024 13 C-5409) for MK 698 test sets with Evolved Seasparrow Missile and Standard Missile test capability, upgrade kits, installation kits, repair tool kits, associated spares and technical support. This contract includes Foreign Military Sales to Australia and the Netherlands (100 percent). Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona (86 percent), Australia (10 percent), and the Netherlands (4 percent), and is expected to be completed by December 2016. Fiscal 2013 other procurement, Navy, FMS and Evolved Seasparrow Missile Consortium funding in the amount of $22,515,282 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C. is the contracting activity.


Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded an $118,875,655 modification to a previously awarded cost-plus-incentive-fee contract (N00019-12-C-0004) for the repair and replenishment of government-owned Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft assets. These JSF aircraft assets include spare parts on JSF jets, training devices, support equipment and Autonomic Logistics Information System equipment. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (35 percent); El Segundo, Calif. (25 percent); Warton, United Kingdom (20 percent); Orlando, Fla. (10 percent); Nashua, N.H. (5 percent); and Baltimore, Md. (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in October 2014. Fiscal 2014 operations and maintenance funds from the Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, and international partner funds in the amount of $76,399,406 are being obligated on this award, of which $71,494,560 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract combines purchases for the U.S. Air Force ($51,980,743; 43.7 percent), U.S. Marine Corps ($43,784,064; 36.8 percent), the U.S. Navy ($15,822,614; 13.3 percent); and the governments of the United Kingdom ($5,741,235; 4.9 percent); the Netherlands ($1,546,999; 1.3 percent). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity.

Air Force

Alliant TechSystems Operations, LLC Defense Electronic Systems Division, Clearwater, Fla., has been awarded an $8,021,810 modification (P00062) on an existing firm-fixed-price contract (FA8626-06-C-2060) for the procurement of various Common Munition Built-in-Test (BIT) Reprogramming Equipment (CMBRE) system components. The contract modification provides for the exercise of an option for the purchase of additional W-17 cables (200 each), ADU 891 V/1E's (34 each), CMBRE Plus' (24 each), and initial spares kits (ten each) under the basic contract in support of U.S. Air Force, Navy and foreign military sales users.  Work will be performed at Clearwater, Fla., and is expected to be completed by Feb. 23, 2015.  This action relates to unclassified U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy (20 percent) support as well as unclassified FMS (80 percent) in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, India, Israel, Korea, Netherlands, Oman, Poland, Singapore, and Turkey.  Air Force Life Cycle Management Center/WNKBBA, Robins Air Force Base, Ga., is the contracting activity.


Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $9,515,086 cost-plus-incentive-fee modification to the previously awarded F-35 Lightning II Low Rate Initial Production Lot VI contract (N00019-11-C-0083).  This modification provides for Netherlands-specific, non-recurring sustainment activities to include procurement of Autonomic Logistics Information Systems equipment and logistics support for non-recurring engineering activities.  Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (35 percent); El Segundo, Calif. (25 percent); Warton, United Kingdom (20 percent); Orlando, Fla. (10 percent); Nashua, N.H. (5 percent); and Baltimore, Md. (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in April 2015.   International Partner funds in the amount of $4,757,543 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity.


COLSA Corp., Huntsville, Ala., has been awarded a $55,705,947 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity modification (19) on an existing firm-fixed-price contract (FA9200-10-D-0166) for technical and acquisition management support services.  This modification is for the exercise of an option for additional diverse non-engineering, technical and acquisition management support services being provided under the basic contract.  Work will be performed at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., and is expected to be completed by Feb. 28, 2015.  The current action relates to unclassified foreign military sales only and countries include Australia, Belgium, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, Israel, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates.  Air Force Test Center/PZZ, Eglin AFB, Fla., is the contracting activity. 

Oasis Systems, LLC, Lexington, Mass., has been awarded a $55,705,947 modification (22) for an existing firm-fixed-price contract (FA9200-10-D-0173) for technical and acquisition management support services. This modification is for the exercise of an option for additional diverse non-engineering, technical and acquisition management support services being provided under the basic contract.  Work will be performed at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., and is expected to be completed by Feb. 28, 2015.  The current action relates to 100 percent unclassified foreign military sales only and countries include Australia, Belgium, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, Israel, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates.  Air Force Test Center/PZZ is the contracting activity.

donderdag 3 juli 2014

Damen profiteert van wapenwedloop rond Zuidchinese Zee

Mark Rutte spreekt tijdens ter waterlating van schip 
op de Song Cam  Scheepswerf, Reuters 17 juni 2014.
Nederlandse civiel-militaire scheepsbouwer de Song Cam Scheepswerf in Vietnam. Het is een joint venture met een Vietnamese partner, niet ver van de Chinese grens en in de directe nabijheid van de hoofdkwartieren van de Vietnamese marine in Hai Pòng. De werf is een van de grootste binnen de Damen Group. Pim Schuurman, managing director van de Damen Holding Vietnam zei: “We hebben samen met onze scheepsbouw partners met succes 226 schepen gebouwd in Vietnam. Vietnam beschikt over veel scheepsbouw kennis, en de mensen werken hard.”

Damen heeft al vier Sigma grote oppervlakte schepen verkocht aan de Vietnamese marine. De eerste twee schepen worden gebouwd in Vlissingen, de volgende twee in Vietnam. Ze zullen worden uitgerust met raketten (8x Exocet en 12 x Mica SAM) van de Europese raketbouwer MBDA (eigendom van de Airbus Group, BAE Systems en Finmeccanica), drie stuks Italiaans Oto Melara geschut (1 x 76mm en 2 x 30mm) en Thales Netherland sensoren, vuurleiding en gevechtssysteem. De schepen kunnen een Russische Ka-28 helicopter voor onderzeebootbestrijding aan boord hebben.

“Bijna elke Aziatische natie bouwt zijn zee- en luchtmacht op. De bewoners van de regio moeten hopen dat het een totale verspilling van geld is,
schreef David Pilling in de Financial Times. Zijn bijdrage – met de titel 'Asia follows China into an old-fashioned arms race' - beweert, zoals vele andere analisten dat ook doen, dat deze wapenwedloop zich de komende jaren zal verhevigen. Een dergelijk wedloop creëert vanzelfsprekend mogelijkheden voor wapenfabrikanten. De Nederlandse scheepbouwer Damen zag die mogelijkheid en zette een werf in de regio op. Vietnam is niet de enige locatie in Zuidoost Azië waar Damen actief is. Vlak bij Soerabaja, op Oost-Java, werkt Damen nauw samen met PT Pal bij de bouw van steeds groter wordende marineschepen.  

“Vergis u niet: 'marine' is het sleutelbegrip,” schreef neocon Robert Kaplan in zijn recente boek over veiligheid rond en in de Zuidchinese Zee: Het Aziatische Kruitvat. Een blik op de kaart maakt duidelijk waarom hij de 21ste eeuw “de eeuw van de marine” noemt: er zijn lange kustlijnen, veel eilanden, belangrijke scheepvaartroutes, conflicten om riffen en eilandjes (om de natuurlijke hulpbronnen zoals olie en vis) en Chinese aanspraken op een groter deel van de Zuidchinese Zeekoek. Bij elkaar genomen de ingrediënten voor militaire ambities op de volle zee (blue water) in de regio.

In the rechtlijnige wereldvisie van Kaplan betekent een verschuiving in economische macht vanzelfsprekend ook meer conflicten, meer wapenaankopen en mogelijk oorlog. Het is alsof het gaat om een ontwikkeling die wordt geleid door de onzichtbare hand van oorlogsgod Ares. Volgens Kaplan heeft China het recht op claims en de opbouw van een sterkere krijgsmacht. Maar dit zal wel de machtsbalans in de regio veranderen en een zwakkere positie van de Verenigde Staten veroorzaken. Andere landen moeten daarom hun verantwoordelijkheid nemen en Vietnam speelt een belangrijke rol bij het intomen van China, zo schrijft Kaplan. Je kan concluderen dat de Nederlanders de juiste plek voor hun werf hebben gekozen.

Maar andere visies zijn ook mogelijk. Je kan stellen dat het in spanningsgebieden beter is om te werken aan dialoog en het creëren van vertrouwen, onderling begrip en sterkere regionale organisaties, waarbij alle landen uit de regio worden betrokken. Oorlog is niet onvermijdelijk bij de verschuiving van de machtsbalans als deze verandering maar voorzichtig wordt begeleid en aangepakt. Maar zeker is dat een wapenwedloop in een regio met zoveel conflicten sneller leidt tot ernstige vormen van militair geweld.

De Japanse premier, Shinzo Abe, schreef onlangs: “Zonneschijn is het beste ontsmettingsmiddel
.” Hij vervolgde, “dat is zeker waar als het gaat om veiligheid in Azië. (…) De vruchten van de voorspoed zouden moeten worden geïnvesteerd in het verbeteren van de levens van mensen en niet in wapens die levens nemen.” Dat zijn wijze woorden, en Abe zegt dat hij wil samenwerken met regionale bondgenoten en partners, “inclusief de VS en ASEAN.” Helaas vergeet hij de grootste regionale macht van allen te noemen, China, bij het streven naar een “keiharde zone van stabiliteit.” De Japanse premier verlaagde onlangs ook al de restricties op wapenexporten en militair optreden. Dat draagt ook al niet bij aan meer vertrouwen.

De spanning groeit in Zuidoost Azië. De stroom aan Europese wapens maakt de situatie niet beter.

Engelstalige versie geschreven voor Stop Wapenhandel

woensdag 2 juli 2014

Damen contributes to arms race in Chinese Sea region

Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte speaks at a ship
launching ceremony at Damen Song Cam Shipyard, Reuters June 17, 2014.
Recently, the Dutch (military) shipbuilder Damen opened the Song Cam Shipyard, a joint venture with a Vietnamese partner, not far from the Chinese border and in the direct vicinity of the headquarters of the Vietnamese Navy in Hai Pòng. The wharf is one of the largest in the Damen Group. Pim Schuurman, Managing Director of Damen Holding Vietnam stated: “We have successfully built 226 vessels in Vietnam with our partner yards. Vietnam has a lot of shipbuilding knowledge, the people are very hard working.”

Damen has already sold four Sigma major surface vessels to the Vietnamese navy. The first two ships will be built in the Netherlands (Flushing), the next two in Vietnam. The ships will be fitted with missiles (8x Exocet and 12 x Mica SAM) of European missile company MBDA (owned by the Airbus Group, BAE Systems and Finmeccanica), three Italian Oto Melara guns (1 x 76mm and 2 x 30mm) and will be equipped with Thales Netherlands sensors, fire control and combat management system. The ships can harbour one Russian Ka-28 anti-submarine helicopter.

“Almost every Asian nation is building up its capacity in the air and on the sea. The people of the region must hope that it is a complete waste of money,” wrote David Pilling in the Financial Times. His contribution - 'Asia follows China into an old-fashioned arms race' - argues, like many observers do, that the trend will gather pace in the coming years. This arms race obviously opens export possibilities for arms companies. Dutch shipbuilder Damen took the opportunity by establishing a wharf where the action is. Vietnam is not the only location in Southeast Asia where Damen is active. Near the Indonesian city of Surabaya, East Java, Damen closely cooperates with PT Pal in building naval vessels of steadily bigger size.

“Be not mistaken; the navy is the key issue,” wrote neocon writer Robert Kaplan in his recent book on security in the Chinese Sea region*. One look at the map shows clearly why the 21st century will be “the century of the navy:” Asia is full of long coastlines, many islands, important shipping routes, conflicts for reefs and barriers (because of natural resources like oil and fish) and Chinese claims for a bigger share of the region's wealth. They provide the ingredients for blue water maritime military ambitions in the region.

In the linear world view of Kaplan, a shift in economic power will - as if guided by the invisible hand of Ares, the God of War - automatically lead to more conflict, more arms procurement armaments and possibly war. According to Kaplan, China has the right to have bigger claims and stronger armed forces. But this will change the balance of power and cause a weaker position of the United States in the region. Other countries must take responsibility and Vietnam can and will play a key role in this power struggle by balancing China, writes Kaplan. One can conclude that the Dutch shipbuilder has chosen the right spot for expansion.

However, other world views are possible. One can also argue that in regions of tension it is better to build on dialogue and create confidence, mutual understanding and stronger regional organisations including all countries. War is not the inevitable outcome when a changing balance of power is managed with care. But for certain, an arms race in a region with many disputes brings this region closer to serious armed conflict.

The Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe recently wrote: “Sunshine is the best disinfectant.” He continued, “that is particulary true where Asian security is concerned. (…) The fruits of prosperity should be reinvested in improving peoples lives, not in weapons that can take them.” These are wise words, and Abe says he wants to cooperate with regional allies and partners, “including the US and ASEAN.” Unfortunately he forgets to include the biggest regional player of all, China, in the “rock-solid zone of stability” he is aiming at. The Japanese Prime Minister also relaxed Japanese arms export and military deployment policies, which is helpful neither to create more trust.

Tension is growing in Southeast Asia. The influx of more European arms will not make it any better.

Written for Stop Wapenhandel

* Asia's Cauldron. Author used the Dutch version: Het Aziatische Kruitvat; Het einde van de stabiliteit in de Grote Oceaan, Spectrum, 2014.

dinsdag 1 juli 2014

Mali in the press (July)

On this page citations from press reports (almost daily and mostly in English) on developments in Mali in April 2014.

General and broadly reported questions are not included. Where possible a link is added.

The focus this month: US military, peace negotiations, situation in the Northern part, dialoque, Mauritania, French, now-and-then something on resourches and mining,
Earlier Mali in the press blogs on: January, February, March, April,
May, June

July 16

(Reuters) - A French soldier was killed in the first suicide bombing targeting France's forces in northern Mali, where local and foreign troops are struggling to restore order after putting down an Islamist insurgency last year, officials said. (...)

July 15

Mali armed groups in'strong position' ahead of talks, Agence France Presse – English, July 15, 2014
Armed groups from northern Mali will be in a "position of strength" when they begin peace talks with the Bamako government in Algiers on Wednesday, an Algerian diplomat said.
"After the major defeat of the Malian army," which lost around 50 soldiers in the Tuareg region of Kidal in May, "the armed movements now occupy nearly two-thirds of the country... and come to Algiers in a position of strength," the diplomat told journalists.
He was speaking on the eve of the talks between Malian government negotiators and rebel groups aimed at striking an elusive peace deal, with the country mired in conflict a year after returning to democracy.
The Algiers meeting brings together the various warring factions for the first time since an interim agreement in June 2013 paved the way for nationwide elections.
The diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, described the room for manoeuvre in the negotiations as "tight".
He said the parties needed to reach a power-sharing consensus between, "on the one hand, armed groups who want autonomy for northern Mali ... (and on the other) a government open to any idea except independence." (...)


French military killed, 6 wounded at suicide attack @keesamok
Franse militair gedood, 6 gew. bij zelfmoordaanval op Fr. pantservtg N.van Gao tijdens verkenning - … via @Lopinion_fr


BAMAKO, Mali, July 15, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- Today, 14 July 2014, Mr. Pierre Buyoya, Head of the African Union Mission in Mali and the Sahel (MISAHEL), handed over to Mr. Sada Samake, Minister of Interior and Security, a first batch of thirteen vehicles out of twenty donated by the AU to Mali. This donation, valued at one million U.S. dollars, equivalent to 481,642,430 CFA francs, includes thirteen pick-up vans, four ambulances and three trucks.
The donation will contribute to strengthening the capacity of the Malian defense and security forces. In his statement at the occasion, the AU High Representative for Mali and the Sahel, Mr. Buyoya, reiterated AU's commitment to support the Malian authorities in their efforts towards the restoration of peace and stability in their country. Security in the Sahel region constitutes one of the three main pillars of the AU Strategy for the Sahel. This includes the promotion of collective security in the region, through the Nouakchott Process, which is an initiative that brings together eleven countries of the Sahel region, including Mali. (...)


Mali government, rebelsmeet for peace talks, Agence France Presse – English, July 15, 2014
Malian government negotiators come to the table with rebel groups on Wednesday hoping to strike an elusive peace deal with the country mired in conflict a year after returning to democracy.(...)
Some of those groups, including the MNLA, the HCUA, and two branches of the Arab Movement of Azawad (MAA) will be represented in Algiers, where a government delegation will be led by Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop.
But Mali has excluded several Islamist groups linked to Al-Qaeda which occupied northern Mali for close to 10 months in 2012 before being ousted by the French-led Serval military offensive. (...)
Malian Premier Moussa Mara has warned that the process will "require effort" and "compromises on both sides".
While he has suggested that the government is willing to make concessions, he says there is a "red line" it is not willing to cross -- any talk of compromising Mali's territorial integrity or secular status.
A source from the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali, MINUSMA, stressed the need for urgent action, with the security situation deteriorating and inter-communal violence in the north presenting a threat "more dangerous than anything else". (...)
Djiguiba Keita, from the opposition Party for National Rebirth, invoked the terminology of medieval feudal Europe in a withering description of Mali as Algeria's "vassal", or subordinate.
The talks begin with French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian arriving in Bamako to sign a defence agreement with Mali, after Paris said on Sunday that it was winding up the Serval offensive after 18 months.
It will be replaced by a wider counter-terrorism operation, codenamed Barkhan, to be implemented in partnership with Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.
Le Drian said around 3,000 French soldiers would be part of the operation, 1,000 of whom would stay in northern Mali.
Drones, helicopters, fighter jets, armoured vehicles and transport planes will also take part in Operation Barkhan -- the name of a crescent-shaped sand dune in the desert -- which will have its headquarters in the Chadian capital N'Djamena.

July 14

Megan O'Toole, USramps up 'terrorism' fight in Mauritania, Al Jazeera – English, July 14, 2014 
Citing shared goals of peace and security, the United States last month gave Mauritania a $21m pair of military aircraft outfitted with advanced surveillance equipment.
The gift came as senior staff from US Africa Command, which advances US security interests on the continent, met with Mauritania's defence minister and army chief of staff to discuss methods of strengthening counter-terrorism.
The US has provided some form of security assistance to Mauritania for decades, having established its embassy in the capital Nouakchott in 1962.
But cooperation between the two countries deepened in recent years, amid a growing threat from al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). The benefits are mutual: In exchange for access to US resources, Mauritania presents the US with a strategic asset in its ongoing "war on terror", experts say.
"Mauritania is a base for upsetting regional stability in West Africa, and that could have repercussions on the United States," Jacob Zenn, an African affairs analyst with the Jamestown Foundation, told Al Jazeera. "Historically a lot of the key militants in the Sahel … have come from Mauritania, [so] a strong Mauritania that has security over its borders and stability within the country is a plus for the entire region."


Mali clashes leavesmore than 30 dead, Al Jazeera – English, July 14, 2014
More than 30 people have been killed in clashes in the desert of northern Mali, the army and Tuareg rebels said, just days before the start of internationally-brokered peace talks.
An army source told the Reuters news agency on Sunday that 37 people had been killed in clashes which began on Friday in the northern desert area between Gao and Kidal. The army blamed the violence on infighting between rebels.
Peace talks between Mali government officials and Tuareg rebels are due to start in Algeria on Wednesday, the first meeting since clashes took place in the Tuareg stronghold of Kidal in May in which some 50 Malian soldiers were killed.
The army source said those killed in the most recent clashes were from the main Tuareg separatist group National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) and a group of northern Malian Arabs called Arab Movement of Azawad (MAA).
MNLA spokesman Mohamed Ag Attaye, however, said in a statement that 35 were killed from the Malian army and other "militias" and blamed government forces for starting the attack. (...)


BAMAKO, Mali -- France said Sunday that it was reorganizing its forces in Mali and surrounding countries into a single regional body focused on battling terrorists in northwestern Africa.
The announcement came just days before the start of peace talks to end Mali's separatist rebellions.
''It's a regional operation to ensure the security of the area and prevent jihadist groups from emerging again,'' the French defense minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said on Europe 1 radio. France has 1,700 troops in Mali, but under the new plan about 3,000 French soldiers, based in Mali, Chad and Niger, will become part of a regional counterterrorism operation.
France sent troops last year to Mali, a former colony, to halt advances by Islamist militants. The militants had hijacked an uprising by Tuareg separatists and occupied much of northern Mali in 2012 before being driven back by French troops.
The fighters scattered across the Sahara's mountains and sand dunes but have carried out a string of attacks on both United Nations and Malian forces.(...)


EU launches new security mission in Mali, PANAPRESS - Pan African News Agency, July 14, 2014
Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The European Union (EU) has launched a new security mission in Mali, called EUCAP SAHEL, Mali, to assist the Malian authorities in the training of their police officers, gendarmerie and the national guard, sources from the EU office in Mali told PANA on Monday.
According to the sources, the EUCAP SAHEL, Mali will promote the sector of public safety in Mali with support to the efforts already made by other international partners, like "EUTM-Mali", MINUSMA and other partners.
The sources said that the planned training programmes will globally enable the African country to exercise its sovereignty.
They will also contribute to establishing a modernized interior security sector which is expected to stabilize the country.
EUCAP SAHEL will also reinforce and advise the security forces with a view to improving their operational efficiency, strengthen the role played by administrative and judicial authorities in the management and control of their missions and facilitate their deployment in Northern Mali.
The mission will operate in addition to the European EUTM which has the mission to reorganize the Malian armed forces.

July 13

France said Sunday its military offensive that freed northern Mali from the grip of Islamists would be replaced by an operation spanning the wider, largely lawless Sahel region to combat extremist violence.
The so-called Serval offensive kicked off in January last year when French troops came to the help of Malian soldiers to rid the country's vast desert north from Islamists and Tuareg rebels who seized control after a coup.
France had initially planned to put an end to Serval and redeploy troops to the Sahel region in May but a fresh bout of clashes between rebels and the army in the flashpoint northern town of Kidal forced Paris to delay the pull-out.
"The president wanted a reorganisation of our troops in the (Sahel) zone," Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Sunday in a television interview.
He said French-led Serval had been successful. "Now there is a concern for us and for the countries in the area to make sure there is no upsurge (in terrorism) as there are still major risks that jihadists will develop in the zone that goes from the Horn of Africa to Guinea-Bissau."
The new operation, codenamed Barkhan, will kick off in the coming days and is being implemented in partnership with five countries in the Sahel-Sahara region, Le Drian said, without detailing which nations these were.
He added the operation would consist of around 3,000 soldiers supported by drones, helicopters and fighter jets.
Le Drian did not mention what nationality the troops would be, but he had said in May that this "counter-terrorism" operation would consist of 3,000 French soldiers who would be present in northern Mali, the north of Niger and in Chad.
"The aim is to prevent what I call the highway of all forms of traffics to become a place of permanent passage, where jihadist groups between Libya and the Atlantic Ocean can rebuild themselves, which would lead to serious consequences for our security," Le Drian said.
"It's our security which is at stake."

July 11

Seven fighters loyal to Malian army killed by Azawads, Sahara Media news agency website, July 11, 2014 (via BBC Monitoring Middle East - Political)
Secretary-general and the official responsible for foreign relations at the supreme council of the unity of Azawad Abbas Ag Intalla has said that seven fighters at least who were loyal to the Malian army had been killed in the battles which raged today, Friday [11 July].
In an exclusive statement to Sahara Media, Ag Intalla pointed out that they had identified seven bodies belonging to militia members who participated in the attack on Kidal last May alongside the Malian army.
He added that the `militias which belonged to Mali' had launched this morning an attack on the positions of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad and the Azawad Arab Movement (the northern wing) but that "the movements had repulsed their attack and inflicted heavy losses in terms of lives and equipment on them", as he said.
Ag Intalla, who is the son the leader of the Ivogas tribes Intalla Ag Taher, added: "For our part, we tried several times to maintain the ceasefire and to negotiate with these militias by all means, but we did not succeed".
The Azawad leader considered what had taken place to be a flagrant violation of the truce which was signed in Kidal last May under the auspices of Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz.
He added: "We reserve our full rights to defend ourselves and to protect our land and people alongside the national and Arab movements and we announce our total support for and participation in any decision or position to be taken in this respect". 


The Economic Partnership Agreement involves the EU and its member states, 16 West African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo), the Economic Community of West African states (ECOWAS) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).
The EPA establishes a partnership based on common objectives, asymmetrical obligations – in West Africa's favour – and joint institutions including a Council, an EPA implementation committee, a Parliamentary Committee and a civil society forum.
West Africa accounts for 40% of total trade between the EU and all the ACP regions. The EU supplies a large part of the equipment that contributes to the economic growth and development in the region. European annual exports are worth approximately €30 billion. West African exports towards the EU account for €42 billion. The agreement should increase this figure even more in favour of our African partners.
The EU Economic Partnership Agreements, which aim to help creating a "virtuous circle" of growth, stem from the Cotonou Agreement signed in 2000 between the EU and countries of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP). The regional negotiations with West Africa started in October 2003 and were concluded in February 2014.

July 7

Esteban Villarejo, Spain strenghtens military presence in Africa, Spanish newspaper ABC website, on 7 July (via BBC Monitoring Europe - Political)
A police helicopter in a hangar at Dakar International Airport, ready for patrol, military missions in the Central African Republic, Somalia or Mali; two air transport operations in support of France in 15 African countries; Navy's participation in the fight against piracy in the Indian Ocean, or the presence of a prime minister at an African union summit - whose host was Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang - are some proofs of how Africa has become especially relevant for Spain's geostrategic interests in recent years.
Before a military audience at the Higher Centre for National Defence Studies (CESEDEN), Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy referred to the importance of the African continent in the following terms: "Political instability and the poor economic prospects for a large part of the population in these countries are factors that have a direct impact on the Sahel region's security and can affect Spain and Europe."
Al-Qa'idah-linked jihadist groups in the vast Sahel region, Boko Haram's terrorism in Nigeria, increasing piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, and destabilizing factors in countries like Libya and Syria - they also use the North African illegal immigration route - are pushing the migratory pressure towards the Mediterranean, turning these facts into the main security concerns for Italy or Spain, whose National Security Strategy (2013) identified these areas as a priority.
That is why the Spanish Government, headed by Prime Minister Rajoy, will propose opening a "southern" front at the next NATO summit in Cardiff (which will be held on 4 and 5 September), so that NATO will not focus its entire attention on the Ukraine crisis and the resulting panic that it has unleashed in NATO member states, such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland or Romania.
"Endemic Threats"
"Spain will contribute and has already offered a package of capabilities to strengthen NATO's presence in these eastern European countries: air patrols, a frigate, or the High Readiness Headquarters in Betera, which is ready to lead join NATO operations; however, we also want that NATO's southern flank be considered a priority for NATO's interests," Defence Ministry sources pointed out.
At the next NATO summit in Cardiff, which should also illuminate a future for the new "Resolute Support" mission in Afghanistan, a new NATO that stands up to the threat posed by Russia and other unstable areas will be defined for the umpteenth time and all this with a reduced defence budget that is being kept low because of the financial crisis: for example, Spain has cut its defence budget by 32 per cent since 2008.
Defence Minister Pedro Morenes highlighted this concern at a joint news conference with NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe US General Philip Breedlove, who attended a preparatory meeting, on Wednesday [2 July]: "It is very important that NATO keep an eye on the endemic threats in the southern flank and all the Mediterranean coast towards the east, the Sahel region, and the Gulf of Guinea. A weak flank is a threat to the entire organization," the Spanish defence minister stressed.
Earlier, he had pointed out that the next NATO summit in Cardiff would be "the most important summit since 1991, with NATO at the crossroads . . . with Eastern Europe, Syria or Iraq. We have to define what NATO is, its mission, and its capabilities."
More than 400 troops
Coinciding with the withdrawal of the Spanish troops from Afghanistan - Spain has gone from deploying 1,300 troops in Afghanistan to having 300 troops, which are now deployed in Herat and Kabul, Spain's military geostrategic interest has shifted towards Africa, where 400 troops are deployed in seven countries, apart from the patrols in the Indian Ocean and the cooperation with western African navies.
This Spanish initiative, following in the footsteps of France and the EU-led missions in Mali and the Central African Republic, seeks to bring stability to a key region in order to also put an end to the illegal immigration routes, because the illegal immigration mafias are taking advantage of the porous borders - practically nonexistent - of Mauritania, Algeria or Libya to send thousands of people to the EU.
"Flows of refugees or immigrants" is the term that NATO uses to refer to the great security and human challenge that the southern countries are facing. "The best possible response" will also be discussed at the NATO summit in Cardiff, General Breedlove pointed out, but any NATO mission in the southern flank has been ruled out for the time being.


(...) Resolute will benefit from increased production at the Syama [gold] mine in Mali, namely from the new parallel oxide processing plant which is expected to be commissioned in January 2015, partially offsetting the above falls.
The increase in waste removal volumes at Syama in FY2015 is the main driver for the increase in expected All-In-Sustaining costs for that year. However, the current Life of Mine plan at Syama forecasts this to reduce in subsequent years.(...)


Kamerbrief verlenging en wijziging mandaat Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)
Brief van minister Timmermans (BZ), minister Ploumen (Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking), minister Hennis-Plasschaert (Def) en minister Opstelten (VenJ) aan de Tweede Kamer over verlenging en wijziging mandaat MINUSMA.

July 6

Malian opposition said concerned over handling of crisis in north, Radio France Internationale 06 Jul 14 (via BBC Monitoring Africa – Political)
The beginning of the talks between the government and the armed groups in northern Mali, which has been announced, is being waited for still. The democratic and republican opposition parties have expressed great concern over the management of the crisis in the north by the president of the republic and the government.
The Malian opposition is asking President IBK [Ibrahim Boubacar Keita] to consult the local political class, the stakeholders, with the aim of coming out with a platform and a national vision before beginning the discussions with the armed groups of northern Mali. The talks are in principle expected to take place in Algeria before the end of this month.
The opponents of the Malian government have a message on the choice of this neighbouring country and the choice of other countries to play the role of facilitator for the resolution of the crisis. The message is quote and unquote, we are urging the brotherly and friendly countries to avoid any haste that is likely to compromise the future. Plainly, it is a Malian crisis and inter-Malian dialogue must be the absolute key for resolving the issue.
On its part, the ruling majority explains that, on the issue of negotiations, the opposition will, in one way or another, be involved in the formulation of the national strategy. It also asserted that unlike what the Malian opposition is saying on the issue of the north, the state has a vision. The aim is to make peace with the armed groups in the north, move quickly towards negotiations and to concessions. As a Malian minister summarised it, quote and unquote, you will see that the negotiation process will be speeded up very soon.

July 3

Evert Brouwer, Veilig onderkomen, Materieel Geien, 3 julio 2014

Over onderkomens Nederlandse militairen in Mali.

July 1

Christopher F Foss, Roll out: mapping the appetite for wheeled artillery, July 2014 Jane’s International Defence Review
The CAESAR 155 m m /52 calibre SP artillery system was originally developed by Nexter Systems as a private venture but has since been adopted by four countries. The French Army has taken delivery o f 5 + 72 CAESARs, all based on a Renault Trucks Defense Sherpa 6x6 cross-country truck chassis, which can be fitted w ith a modular armour package. Those CAESARs have seen operational deployment by the French Army in Afghanistan, Lebanon and most recently Mali.


In 2014, Mali has fallen off most news agendas, replaced by more urgent and potentially more devastating conflicts in South Sudan and Central African Republic. (...)


Mali: Mali will not yield any military base to France, says Malian PM, PANAPRESS- Pan African News Agency, July 1, 2014
Bamako, Mali (PANA) - "Mali will not yield any military bases to France," the Malian local media quoted Moussa Mara, the Malian Prime Minister, as saying while referring to the Franco-Malian military cooperation agreement.
They said Mara made the statement during a tour of the Sikasso region.
According to Mara, the military cooperation agreement is not a defence pact and so the question of a military base is ruled out.
He said, "this document is not intended to yield any Malian military base to the French army. It aims to provide a legal framework for the presence of the French military in Mali since the launch of the Serval operation in January 2012," noting that it is also a recognition of the efforts that France has made to save Mali, when rebels and drug traffickers occupied the northern part of the country in 2012.
Mara said there is nothing new in this agreement which had existed since 1985 under former Malian president, Gen. Moussa Traoré.
"It had to be renewed through the inclusion of new provisions to enable the French army to continue its operations against terrorism which is a threat to all the countries of the Sahel," he said


Baku-APA. At least one United Nations peacekeeper was killed and six others injured in Mali on Monday when their vehicle struck a land mine in the north of the country, a U.N. spokesman said, APA reports quoting Reuters.

Previous Flintlock blogs on Broekstukken:
Military exercises and arms  (21 maart 2014)
Flintlock 2014 (21 Jan 2014)
The Dutch and the War on Terror … in Africa  (11 Feb 2011)
Nederlanders in War on Terror….in Afrika (03 Feb 2011)

Previous Mali blogs on Broekstukken:
Wapenleveranties aan Libië en de buurlanden (07 Sep 2012)